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Website: www.outsourcing4work.

Address: O�o-Hesse-Str. 19 (T1) 64293 Darmstadt Germany
Phone: +49 6151 906 99 00
About Us
outsourcing4work was already founded in 1993 and
our journey took us from a so�ware developer to a con-
sultant in HR ma�ers to an expert in interna�onal IT-
co-opera�ons. Early on we realized the chances and
challenges that come with working in interna�onal
teams and working remotely. For the last 10 years we
have been working 100% remote. Our team currently
consists of 150+ people living and working remotely in
20+ countries around the world – and we con�nue to
grow steadily.
Our Corporate Values

Agility We have been working for many years as experienced

consultants in human resources and intermediaries for IT
professionals from India. We know from our own experience
that India is a leader in IT and that professionals from this
Future Oriented country can be a great help for other companies in this
country. Our more than 5000 full-�me IT specialists from
India have a high level of educa�on and master various
Integrity programming languages. We are in a position
to provide each client with a precisely fi�ng qualified
candidate within two to four weeks – both remotely and
on-site at the company. Thus, Specific IT problems can be
Diversity solved efficiently and cost-effec�vely by our customers, or
we can also find permanent employees and fill vacancies
within a short �me. Our IT coordinators ensure smooth
and barrier-free co-opera�on.
What You Can Expect
Important to us are our daily rituals that make us
strong and weld us together. These include short
stand-up mee�ngs in the teams, a daily paid coffee
break as well as ac�ve breaks, individual e-learning
plans and our a�er-work events. We want to give
our employees the opportunity to flourish in a place
that enhances their produc�vity and well-being the
most. With flexible working hours and remote work
we create our individual best fi�ng work-life
balance and therefore can highly mo�vated achieve
our goals together.
Recruitment Process

Recieve Applica�on Phone Interview Screening

Qualified Feedback Screening Video Interview

Your Benefits
E-Learning Ninja of the Month
Flexible Working Hours &
We reward professional and personal development. Every
Time Accounts month we elect the e-learning ninja of the month and we
reward this with a bonus.
Every employee has a �me account with us and benefits from
flexible working hours. This way we ensure an ideal work-life
balance that has a significant impact on the sa�sfac�on and Work Equipment
also the produc�vity of all employees.
Our employees have the choice of “bring your own device”
and of provided work equipment, like a laptop, headset or a
standing desk.

Daily Mee�ngs &

Paid Training in the form
of e-Learning
Our teams exchange informa�on daily in a short
We know that our company is only as strong as our employees. stand-up mee�ng and in regular retrospec�ves. Thus, op�mal
For this reason, we offer our team the opportunity to use paid co-opera�on is promoted, process can be improved and goals
e-learning services on LinkedIn. These are available to our can be set together.
employees, both during working hours and in their free �me.
Your Benefits
Reach the Goal Together: Virtual Ac�ve Break &
Our Solu�ons for Func�oning Remote All-Company Events
As a 100% remote company, we have established various We enable all employees to take a daily paid virtual coffee
solu�ons. There is a life at work and there is a life outside work. break or virtual ac�ve break at a set �me. Here we get to know
We want everyone to be healthy, have the opportunity to each other, discuss current topics, prac�se yoga or chair work-
travel lots, get involved and have the financial means and outs and can thus interact with each other personally and at
support that they need. eye level. Addi�onally, we regularly hold remote-all-company
mee�ngs. With humorous ques�ons and employee quizzes
we make sure that the ice breaks quickly and all employees get
Fun Channel
Our Fun Channel gives our employees the opportunity to meet
virtually outside working hours and, for example, to review the
Travelling Time and
day together at an a�er-work event. With the Fun channel we Travelling Cost
offer an in-house solu�on to meet without extended rules and
constraints to network and exchange ideas. The crea�on of You can save �me and travel costs by working remotely from
content lies naturally in the hands of the par�cipants. the ease of your home.
Your Start with Us
At oursourcing4work, we have an in-depth onboarding process. Your first day is
spent with one of outsourcing4work's onboarding managers, where you are
presented with informa�on on how to work effec�vely remotely, and how to
succeed at the company. You will then meet with one of your fellow team mem-
bers where your on-the-job training starts!

Words from Our Employees

"outsourcing4work provides "This is the best

all necessary training and
guidance to its employees,
process I have been
we can get help from through so far."
everyone whenever we
need it."

"Management, my supervisor
and the team members are all "In my previous job, I was
very welcoming and encourag- also working remotely, but
ing. It makes you feel at home when I joined this company
and allows you to give your my learning process
best from Day 1." increased due to e-learning
and I have also learnt a lot
frommy seniors."
From Our Employees

Ingo Pfeiffer Kris�na Rybel

First Impression Manager Backoffice Assistant
Indonesia Germany

A company with people from different

I am Ingo, and am originally from Germany. I
countries who make a great team. We work
emigrated to Jakarta (Indonesia). Due to
100% remotely and create a perfect
corona pandemic and languages barriers, it
work-life-balance.With many opportuni�es
was difficult to find a job. I am thankful that
to develop professionally through training
outsourcing4work gives me the opportunity
and e-learning. It's a great atmosphere in
to work 100% remotely.
which I like to work.
From Our Employees

Cara Vlotman Vesna Tomic

Recruitment & Onboarding Assistant COO & Sales
Manager Croa�a

The advantages to work for

outsourcing4work has given me a lot of
outsourcing4work are enormous. Whether
freedom. Its loca�on-independent work-
you want to enjoy some stunning scenery
ing model suits me and my family's require-
daily, need to be closer to your family or
ments. It also allows me to be more flexible
have always dreamed of a nomadic lifestyle,
with my �me and gives me a great
remote work makes it possible.
work-life balance.
In our industry, rapid change is a daily
companion. The overall goal of our work
has always been to support companies in K. NADEEM ARIF NAVEED AHMAD
the IT sector. Founded 27 years ago, we FOUNDER & CEO
have developed over the years into a
recruitment agency that places highly
qualified IT professionals from India
remotely and locally to clients. We rely on
a digital infrastructure and communica�on
that op�mises all processes in a future -
oriented remote working structure.


Germany Spain
Part of Our
Team Now...
O�o-Hesse-Str. 19 (T1) 64293 Darmstadt Germany
+49 6151 906 99 00

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