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Shardamandirr Modernn School,, Ahmedabad.

Computer Studiess - Standard-11

Chapter-1 Computer – A unique invention

Natural Things:
9 World is made of natural and man-made things.
9 The nature has created many things. These are known as natural things.
9 The Sun, trees, mountains, animals etc. are the natural things.

Natural things
Activity-1: Write names of five natural things.

Man-made things:
9 Human is the most intelligent spices among all other.
9 Human has created many things. These things are known as man-made things.
9 Buildings, furniture, vehicle etc. are the examples of man-made things.

Man-made things
Activity-2: Write names of five man-made things.

9 Human made many things. Machine is a thing made by human.
9 Machine makes our life easy. It does various kinds of works and saves our lot of time and
9 We use many machines in our daily life like Bicycle, Television, Refrigerator, Mobile phones,
Fans, Washing machines etc.

Man-made machines
Activity-3: Write names of five machines.

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