Brooke DeVries Complaint

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Violations of and including but not limited to:

24.210.641(1c, j, l.o.p,)(1au, as,av)(2)(3)
37-1-316(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(7)(8)9 (15)(17)(18)

I had only one phone conversation with Kaitlin Irwin. She was very short, curt, clipped
tone when I called her and I could not understand why. I kept trying to ignore it while
I was asking her about the process. Finally, I just said "I'm sorry, have I offended
you? You seem very annoyed with me." and Kaitlin responded with "No, that is my
personality and my demeanor. If you don't like it then I don't know what to tell you."
and I thought to myself...well, I guess the "respect your elders, kill them with
kindness, customer is always right, or just plain common niceness" was out of the
question. That is when I messaged Brooke, and when I got the same attitude from
her then I knew something was up.
It's funny though how Brooke was nice until I donated to her recommended charity,
then after that I was someone to be walked over.

I think what Brooke and Kaitlin’s actions showed moral turpitude. Brooke
recommended Justin, and after Brooke dismissed me, Justin worked even less on my
home loan. Brooke was mentoring Kaitlin, she was teaching her. How was she
teaching her, as a Broker, to pass off the small home buyers because it is a waste of
time. I wondered why Kaitlin had such a nasty attitude when I called her. I made
comment of it and she said “This is my personality and if you don’t like it then I don’t
have to talk to you! I think people in this business have just never been reprimanded,
because they deal with huge transactions and bring all this money into the
community. They have strong ties to the church, present well, hold a professional
license, donate, but it is exactly that preconceived notion that people such as myself
are really getting sick of. How many homes or square footage do you really need to
live in, while the other 80% of us are stacked like rats. The system makes it
absolutely impossible to try and advance. I tried first with RD, and received half the
offer that Mann Mortgage presented the first time around. They are supposed to work
with low income individuals in building a foundation in their community. Putting down
roots and living the dream.

Brooke DeVries didn't want to work for such meager accommodations, and thought
Ed was doing well. He would look into things and give me information, which was a
huge improvement over no communication. He told me he was new, but I did not
care. One evening we spoke about one house in particular in Glendive I was IN LOVE
with, I wanted a 100-year old Victorian home un-remodeled. I knew what I could
afford and what the bank would give me, it was between $120-$150k, because the
assistance I would get through a program would put in $10-$50k alone. I had $20k,
Mann Mortgage (If Justin ever bothered to do his job) offered $65k and then down
payment assistance of $7500-10k.

I had talked with the owner of the home at great length. I liked her style, she told
me she wasn't in a hurry to sell and people with low ball offers were wasting her time
(previous buyers) and she was about to take the house off the market, but I talked
her into waiting a couple of days for my "team" to get the paperwork together. The
home was $130k. I called Justin, and called and called, and left messages. I spoke
to Ed and told him I was trying to get in touch but I wanted him to draw up the offer
papers so that I just had to sign and submit after the ok from Justin. We spoke at
great length about the options, the risk, the earnest money, and the offer. I told Ed
to offer $120 because maybe the homeowner would go a little lower because we had
good rapport, but that I would go full ask because I wanted the home. Ed said ok. I
continued to try to contact Justin at the office, cell phone, and finally called another
Mann Mortgage and someone said he was working and he would give him the

In the meantime, of waiting to speak to Justin, both Ed and Justin went behind my
back and had a secret meeting. The emails I have give all the details. I then called
the seller's agent because she was actually the one that I was going to use but lost
her contact info, and she told me that the seller was very upset. Lisa was yelled at
by the seller for presenting her a low-ball offer and not to bother her with people
unless they are prequalified (which I was) and I almost puked. I said what do you
mean, she explained that Ed told her that I was offering $100k. I was confused, why
would Ed do that? We specifically spoke about $120-$130, I told Justin my plan and
the programs, and ran it by HomeWord. Why would Justin and Ed go behind my back
and discuss anything without my knowledge, and then why would Ed contact Lisa and
tell her $100k? That was not what I told him, and he never even gave me the
paperwork to sign for the offer.

I worked my tail off to have great credit after a divorce and bankruptcy. I paid all of
my bills on time 100% and had managed to save $20k for the first time in my life. I
finally found ONE house in my price range, in Glendive after over a year of searching
and paperwork. The seller so she took the house off the market.

My father passed away, I was in the middle of moving, and had health issues. They
discriminated against me because of my financial and marital status. I was a single
mother, one income, trying to get a mortgage with my income. I wasn't good enough
for them to go through all the paperwork and hassle because their reward wasn't big

It reminded me of cosmetology school. Our instructor told us "People will come in

and say they just want a "trim" and then expect you to charge less, well you have to
go through the same exact process regardless if you are cutting 1/4 inch or 2 inches"
And this was exactly that, they all had to go through the effort of any home loan, but
their percentage would be so minimal it was not worth their time. Not when prices of
homes were double or more, and closing in days instead of weeks/months. Greed!
Plain and simple. And discrimination. I am a woman, I am low income, I am disabled.
How dare I as a MT native, even think about purchasing a home in her own state.
No, better it be an out of state person willing to pay over ask, which is already 2-3x
what they were, pay all cash, with no contingencies or inspections.

Thank you,

Elizabeth Weber

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