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Conservation and Efficiency

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Welcome to Solar Energy International’s RE100 presentation on conservation and efficiency.

Conservation and Efficiency

✸ Define conservation and efficiency

✸ Identify typical residential electrical loads
✸ Describe and identify phantom loads
✸ Examine means for determining efficiency and energy use of appliances
✸ Calculate lighting loads and compare energy use of various bulb types
✸ Describe means of improving whole-house efficiency

© 2021 Solar Energy International

Please review these learning objectives for this lesson.

Conservation and Efficiency

Learning Objectives

✸ Define conservation
and efficiency
✸ Identify typical residential
electrical loads

© 2021 Solar Energy International

Conservation and Efficiency

✸ Conservation ✸ Efficiency
✧ Using less energy ✧ Using less energy
by doing without to do the same work
✧ Examples ✧ Examples
• Putting on a sweater • Switching light bulbs
• Biking/walking instead of driving • Replacing an old refrigerator
• Turning off lights • Installing attic insulation
when not in the room

© 2021 Solar Energy International

It is worth distinguishing between energy conservation and energy efficiency.

Conservation is using less energy by doing without. This could mean changing behavior, like
putting on a sweater instead of turning up the heater, or it could mean being smart, like
turning off lights when not in the room.

Efficiency means accomplishing the same amount of work while using less energy to do it.
Typically this means using more efficient loads, such as a modern refrigerator (as compared
to an old energy hog), or adding insulation to a building so that the heater and air
conditioner don’t have to run as much while maintaining the same inside temperatures.

Typically, both conservation and efficiency steps can be taken to improve a homes total
energy use.

Conservation and Efficiency

“Every watt not used, is a watt that does not

have to be produced, processed, or stored.”

Richard Perez,
Home Power magazine

Complete catalogue of
188 Home Power issues from
1987 through 2018 available
for free at

Realistically, being energy wise means employing a blend of conservation and efficiency.
The results of being energy wise in the home can be monthly savings, in terms of energy
bills and energy consumption, and less expensive RE systems to provide the energy

It’s common to hear experienced PV system designers and installers say that for every $1
spent upfront improving efficiency and reducing electrical load, up to $4 or more will be
saved on solar electric system cost, because a smaller system will be able to operate the
loads (the savings are most significant when the solar system requires batteries). It pays to
be more efficient because it’s much more cost-effective to save power than to generate it –
and a smaller load means a smaller, less expensive PV system.

Home Power magazine in the U.S. was a tremendous resource in the early days of RE. They
began producing the magazine in 1988, and produced 188 information-packed issues until
stopping production in 2018. The people who created the content were and still are dear
friends and supporters of SEI. All 188 issues are available on line at They
also produced the magazine SolarPro, from 2008 to 2018; all issues available at In both magazines, you will see familiar names from SEI!

Conservation and Efficiency

Residential Electricity Consumption by End Use

(percent of total)

Water Heating

Fridges and
Freezers TVs and Audio
16% 10%

Clothes Wash/Dry

Space Heating
17% Other*

Source: AC and Evap. Coolers


*Other: Fans, humidifiers and

dehumidifiers, pools/hot tubs, dishwashers

Residential energy efficiency includes much more than appliances and lights. The greatest
energy savings can typically be realized by focusing on the areas that use the most energy:
namely heating, cooling, and hot water, which are usually the three largest loads (meaning
energy consumers) in residential buildings. Of course, the graph on this slide is based on
the aggregate of many, many homes, and of those homes some will not have, for example,
air conditioning, or some may set their thermostat higher or lower than others. The point is
that energy use can vary considerably based on both the building and the occupants.

The greatest impacts – and hopefully greatest reductions – on heating and cooling loads
can be realized in the design stage of a building. The building design greatly affects the
type and amount of heating and cooling equipment that is needed. By super-insulating and
using the latest in building science technology to construct a quality building envelope,
huge energy savings can be realized with quick financial paybacks. In addition, passive
solar design lends itself to sunny, open designs that can supplement heating systems and
reduce energy-intensive cooling loads. This can also reduce the lighting load required
during the daytime. Thoughtful design and selection of heating and cooling equipment will
reduce loads and operational costs even further.

However, most buildings are, well, already built, and it is very difficult to change the design
of an existing building. And retrofitting heating and cooling equipment can be difficult and
is beyond the scope of this course. Solar water heating and solar electric systems are often
easier to add to an existing building.

Conservation and Efficiency

✸ What’s the most efficient appliance?

✧ The one that is off when it’s not being used!
✸ Otherwise: the one that uses less energy
to accomplish the same work
✸ Compare options and
look for more efficient models
✧ Heating and cooling systems
✧ Electronics
✧ Appliances
✧ Lighting

© 2021 Solar Energy International

First and foremost, the most efficient lights, electronics, and appliances are the ones that
are turned off when they are not in use!

Beyond that, appliances can use vastly different amounts of energy to get the same job
done. When shopping for electrical loads – especially major electric loads, but really
anything ranging from electronics, refrigeration, and lighting to heating and cooling
systems, compare energy use and select the most efficient one that meets your needs.

Recently, it has become easier to get more efficient appliances and lighting, as
technological improvements have improved efficiencies of many devices.

Conservation and Efficiency

Key Points
✸ Doing without (conservation)
✸ Doing more with less (efficiency)
✸ Common loads
✧ Refrigerators, freezers,
air conditioners, pumps
✧ Appliances, lighting, devices

© 2021 Solar Energy International

Conservation and Efficiency

Learning Objectives

✸ Describe phantom loads

✸ Identify common phantom loads

© 2021 Solar Energy International

Conservation and Efficiency

✸ An electric load that constantly draws power, even when it is “off”

✸ Common phantom loads
✧ Digital clocks on microwave ovens, stoves, coffee makers, etc.
✧ Some battery chargers
• Phones, computers
• Cordless tools
✧ Electronics with a remote control
• Televisions and A/V equipment
• Video game consoles
✧ Some computer equipment

Phantom loads are small electric loads that constantly draw power, even when they’re turned “off.”
Some examples include: televisions, computers, and anything with a remote control or a built-in
digital clock, such as microwaves and coffee makers. Phantom loads may seem negligible, but each
one is using a small amount of power 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and most homes have several
such loads, if not dozens! On an annual basis, these phantom loads can really add up, and when
aggregated across a country they become a substantial load.

Since 2008, Energy Star regulations in the United States have resulted in major appliances and
electronics consuming negligible power when turned off. For example, if you bought a new TV in
1993, it would typically consume 4 watts when turned off. The new TV shown here consumes 0.3
watts in standby mode, as compared to that from 1993 that may consume 4 watts all the time.
Note, the other electronic devices pictured under the TV may also be phantom loads.

The number of phantom loads in homes has grown, and includes things like Wi-Fi routers (on all the
time), many battery chargers, game consoles, and DVRs (on all the time). Wi-Fi routers, modems,
garage door openers, and irrigation timers are examples of devices that typically don’t have on/off
capability. They remain in “Ready” or “Stand-by” mode or are constantly on.

Another example is the “charging cubes” or power supplies that accompany nearly all portable
electronics, and battery chargers— for everything from cell phones to electric toothbrushes to
cordless drills. Many of these also draw a trickle of power whenever they’re plugged in – whether or
not they’re connected to the device they charge. These cubes are transformers, changing AC power
from the utility to DC power used to run electronics and charge onboard batteries. Touch a cube
that’s plugged in but not connected to its accompanying device: if it’s warm it is because some of
the power its drawing is being dissipated as heat.

Conservation and Efficiency

© 2021 Solar Energy International

It bears repeating – the most efficient electronics/appliances are the ones that are turned
off when they are not needed. Mitigate the problem of most phantom loads by unplugging
these appliances or use a switched power strip or surge protector. By plugging the device
into a power strip, and then switching the strip off when not using the devices, power will
only be consumed when they are in use. In new construction, strategically placed outlets
that are controlled by wall switches can make it much more convenient to reduce phantom
loads – such as a switch that truly turns “off” the entertainment center.

“Smart strips” as shown at the top of the slide are becoming popular for several reasons.
Certain items can be grouped together, such as the TV, DVD player, and game consoles,
allowing all of them to be turned on or off at the same time. This often happens
automatically - when the strip’s circuitry senses a change in power consumption it will cut
power to that outlet. However, the devices that need power even when the TV is off, such
as the set-top boxes, remain on. Some advanced “smart strips” have remote controls and
motion sensors that can be programmed to account for the occupant’s habits and needs.

However, smart strips are not necessary to fight phantom loads. Instead, remember to
unplug devices or flip the master switch on a regular power strip, which will make a big

Conservation and Efficiency

Key Points
✸ Phantom loads constantly
draw power, even when “off”
✸ Common phantom loads
✧ Electronics with remote control
✧ Device chargers
✧ Digital clocks on appliances

© 2021 Solar Energy International

Conservation and Efficiency

Learning Objective

✸ Examine means for

determining efficiency and
energy use of appliances

© 2021 Solar Energy International

Conservation and Efficiency

The biggest appliances are usually the biggest loads, either in terms of the energy they
consume, or in the case of loads that run for short periods of time, in terms of the power
they draw.

Electric stoves and ovens require high levels of power; of course the duration they are used
depends on what’s for dinner! Refrigerators cycle on and off when their internal thermostat
tells them to; overall they are a large electrical load. Washers and dryers can consume
significant amounts as well. And don’t forget – the clothesline can be a great way to dry
some clothes (in the right environments or time of year, of course), and they use free solar

Conservation and Efficiency

As shown earlier in the chart of residential electric use, air conditioning, space heating, and
water heating are three of the biggest energy users in the average house. Luckily, there are
many energy efficient options available these days, including air-source heat pumps for
water heating, mini-split heat pumps for space heating and air conditioning, and high
efficiency air conditioning condensers. Each of these options use electricity to heat or cool,
and that electricity can be generated by renewable energy systems like solar photovoltaics.

Conservation and Efficiency

U.S.A. Canada South Africa The E.U.

© 2021 Solar Energy International

Many countries have organizations that set efficiency standards for, and rate the energy use of, major
appliances. This gives consumers the opportunity to get unbiased information on the expected number of
kWh or amount of money they’ll pay to run that appliance. Here are examples of energy ratings from
Energy Star in the U.S., Energuide in Canada, Energy Efficiency in South Africa, and Energ in the E.U.
Each rating has a different format, but they all provide estimated kWh energy use, and some provide the
estimated amount of money you’ll pay to run the appliance for the year.

By knowing the estimated energy use per year, a consumer can easily compare different appliances to
find the most efficient one available. They can also see how choices like the size of a refrigerator will
impact annual energy consumption. Additionally the labels also show how the energy use of a given
appliance or device compares to similar products.

In the U.S., Energy Star is a joint program of the Environmental Protection Agency and the Department
of Energy, and the Energy Star Certification Mark identifies products that have met strict energy
efficiency requirements. A wide range of home appliances, electronics, building products, heating and
cooling equipment, water heaters, and office and commercial food service equipment are available with
the Energy Star certification.

Available information may include:

-Annual estimated energy use in US dollars and kWh
-Product specifications
-Buying guidance
-A complete and updated qualified product list
-Recycling information
-Saving calculator

However, keep in mind that not all Energy Star rated appliances are created equal – rather they are the
most efficient in their class. There can be large differences in the amount of energy consumed by the
same types of appliances, for example a basic 13 cubic foot refrigerator and a 21 cubic foot model with
through-the-door ice and water may use significantly different amounts of energy.
Conservation and Efficiency

© 2021 Solar Energy International

How much power (watts) or energy (kilowatt-hours) does an appliance or specific load

There are many types of power meters available to measure the energy consumption of
existing appliances. These can help prioritize which products to unplug or replace. Devices
such as the Kill a Watt™ and the Watt’s Up? Pro Power Meter are plugged in between an
appliance and the outlet and can measure volts, amps, watts, time and frequency.

For a more comprehensive look at your entire home’s energy use, a power-use monitor
can read information from the electric meter and show real-time and cumulative usage.
These monitors include The Energy Detective (TED), Home Energy by Sense, Smappee,
and Engage by Efergy. By recording energy use over the course of several days, weeks, or
months a more accurate daily average can be obtained.

Of course, taking a few days of measurements in the winter won’t account for the
increased energy use of a refrigerator or air conditioning during the summer, but it is still a
valuable comparison that can be used to decide if an efficiency upgrade is worthwhile, and
what the potential savings may be.

Conservation and Efficiency

Key Points
✸ Understand labeling
on new appliances
✸ Measure actual load usage
with a meter

© 2021 Solar Energy International

Conservation and Efficiency

Learning Objectives
✸ Compare the energy use of
different bulb types
✸ Calculate lighting loads

© 2021 Solar Energy International

Conservation and Efficiency

✸ Compared to 60 W incandescent ✸ Compared to 60 W incandescent

✧ Up to ~75-80% less energy ✧ Up to ~75% less energy
✧ Last 25x longer ✧ Last 10x longer
✧ The same light intensity (lumens) ✧ The same light intensity (lumens)
✸ Versatile, durable, work well in cold ✸ Contain a small amount of mercury
temperatures, turn on instantly – must be disposed of properly
✸ Quality can be hard to measure ✸ May have to “warm up” in
cold temperatures

An easy-to-upgrade electrical load in a house is lighting. Traditional incandescent light bulbs were
phased out in some countries as early as 2005; they have been phased out in the U.S. in about
2014. Why? Incandescent light bulbs make light by heating a filament wire to a high temperature
until it glows. Because of this, only approximately 10% of the electricity consumed by the
incandescent actually creates visible light – the rest is wasted generating heat! The preferrable
alternatives to incandescent bulbs are compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs) and LEDs (light emitting
An LED lamp or bulb includes three basic elements: the LED chip or chips, a heat management
system, and electronics. The LED chip produces light when electricity flows across the
semiconductor releasing energy as photons of light. Using different semiconductor materials
produces different colors of light. Very efficient LED’s convert about 80% of the energy they use
into light and release only 20% as heat, and outperform CFLs, let alone incandescent bulbs.
CFLs offer superior efficiency and longevity (eight to fifteen times longer) as compared to
incandescent bulbs. They use about a quarter of the energy of incandescent bulbs, while generating
the same amount of light, as measured in lumens. When operating, an electric arc is drawn along
the length of the glass tube. The ultraviolet light produced by the arc activates a phosphorescent
coating on the inside of the tube wall, which then emits visible light.
Some drawbacks of compact fluorescent lighting include higher startup surges, poor color rendition,
and incompatibility with dimmers and three-way switches. There are differences in quality among
CFLs, and quality bulbs do not suffer from these issues. Two drawbacks remain: in cold
temperatures, some CFLs may take up to a few minutes for the lamp to fully brighten, and CFLs
contain a small amount of mercury, requiring that they be disposed of properly. Another drawback
to CFLs is their reduced life span if they are turned on and off repeatedly, which is not the case with
It is important to pay attention to the color shade of the CFLs and LEDs – lamps identified as “cool”
give off a blue-white light, like traditional fluorescent tubes, while “warm” lamps offer light more like
the color from incandescent bulbs.
Conservation and Efficiency

Daily energy use

75 W incandescent bulb x 10 bulbs x 2.5 hours/day
= 1,875 Wh/day
= 1.875 kWh/day

© 2021 Solar Energy International

Imagine a household that uses ten 75 W incandescent bulbs for approximately 2.5 hours
each daily. Obviously, some lights are on for more time, and other lights, such as those in
bathrooms, closets, and garages, are on for less. This average provides a baseline for
making calculations and comparisons.

Total energy consumption is 1.875 kilowatt-hours per day:

75 W x 10 bulbs x 2.5 hours = 1,875 Wh/day, or 1.875 kWh/day

Conservation and Efficiency

Change incandescent bulbs to LEDs with similar lumens

Power savings:

10 x 75 W x 2.5 hours/day ≈ 10 x 15 W x 2.5 hours/day

Energy comparison:
1,875 Wh/day 375 Wh/day

Energy savings:
1,875 Wh/day – 375 Wh/day = 1,500 Wh/day
That’s over half a
1.5 kWh/day x 365 days = 547.5 kWh/year megawatt-hour a year!

Now, let’s compare the incandescent bulb with LED bulbs. LEDs use around 20% the
energy of incandescent bulbs, while providing the same amount of light (in lumens). A 15-
watt LED is equivalent to a 75-watt incandescent.

When the incandescent bulbs are replaced with LEDs, daily usage becomes 375 watt-hours
per day:

15 W x 10 bulbs x 2.5 hours/day = 375 Wh/day

The energy savings from changing the lighting is 1,500 Wh/day (1,875 Wh/day – 375
Wh/day). That may not seem like much energy, but over the course of a year, it adds up to
547.5 kWh (1.5 kWh/day x 365 days). That’s over half a megawatt-hour of energy saved!

Conservation and Efficiency

Key Points
✸ It’s possible to produce the same
amount of light using less power
✸ Small changes in power use
add up over time

© 2021 Solar Energy International

Conservation and Efficiency

Learning Objective

✸ Describe means of improving

whole-house efficiency

© 2021 Solar Energy International

Conservation and Efficiency

A new wave of “smart” technologies - with the goal of reducing consumption and providing
more granular controls over building energy usage - is here! Appliances with built-in
internet connectivity means that remote control via smartphone or computer is now
possible for lighting, water heating, HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning) and
other building processes.

These controls are programmable, and many also incorporate learning algorithms that can
take into account user preferences by monitoring usage patterns. For example, when on a
vacation a homeowner can monitor and control the home heating and cooling to save

Some of these devices even take local utility rate structures into account. If electricity is
most expensive in the afternoon, controllable “learning” appliances will operate on time-
shifted schedules to save money – for example, the water heater will pre-heat water in the
morning to store for afternoon use. And some devices can work with, or are integrated into,
solar and energy storage systems.

The most widely adopted of these new devices is a smart or programmable thermostat. A
device like the Nest thermostat learns what temperature you like at what hours of the day
and builds a schedule around your preferences and the changing seasons. Programmable
thermostats are available in a wide range of price and sophistication and are an easy
retrofit solution.

Note that these products do not inherently result in less energy use: for example, the
thermostat may learn that you really like to keep it warm in the winter!

Conservation and Efficiency

✸ Can replace existing

service/breaker panel(s)
✸ May be one piece of equipment
or added on to existing panels
✸ Control and monitor all loads
✧ From phone or app!

✸ May be compatible with

energy storage systems (ESS)

Another new technology called a “smart” load center either replaces or adds on to an
existing electric service panel and allows the user to control and monitor the loads in that
panel. This offers more granular control of loads with the ability to turn them on and off
depending on several variables like time of day, electric rate, and customer preference.
These systems can also be integrated with PV and energy storage.

When there is a power outage, the “smart” load center can control the loads and turn off
non-essential loads while giving priority to more important loads (like a refrigerator or
freezer). The smart load center can also turn off loads as the energy storage system (ESS)
is depleted in order to maintain power to the more important loads for a longer time.

Look for “smart” load centers to become more widely used in the years to come. If you are
building a new home, consider using one of these instead of a standard panel.

Conservation and Efficiency

A few simple and relatively inexpensive things can greatly reduce building energy
consumption. First, be sure to change air filters on HVAC equipment regularly. Dust and dirt
buildup reduces efficiency and reduces air quality significantly. Old single-pane windows can
be replaced with double-pane windows, or less expensive exterior storm windows can be
easily installed to increase efficiency and reduce noise pollution.

Check the insulation installed in old and new buildings. Attics should always have R-30 or
greater insulation. It is normally a fairly simple process to blow-in additional insulation in
attics. Additional weatherization processes like caulking and gasketing penetrations help
reduce heating and cooling energy consumption in new and old buildings for a very low
cost. Seal any leaks and penetrations in ceiling and walls and seal leaks around door and
window frames. Undoubtedly, the upfront cost of weatherization will save you money in the
long run, and keep your home more comfortable!

Energy audits by professionals are a great way to fine-tune home energy investments. See: for more information!

Conservation and Efficiency

Key Points
✸ Ways to improve
whole-house efficiency
✧ Home energy management
✧ Smart load centers
✧ Create efficient building envelope

© 2021 Solar Energy International


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