Inshira Dansal - Diagnostic Test

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October 23, 2021

Name: Inshira M. Dansal

PA 298 (Diagnostic Test)

1. What is Research?

Research is the systematic investigation into and study of materials and sources in order to establish
facts and reach new conclusions

Research is a process of systematic inquiry that entails collection of data/ information, in accordance
with suitable methodologies set by specific professional fields and academic disciplines.

2. Do you think research is important? Why?

Yes, Nowadays research is very easy we can do 90% of our research sitting at home using internet and
can get the answers of all the questions we want. Research is essential for every field so it is essay
writing that’s why all the essay writers must keep the research work in process. Aside from that, it
makes your essay interesting. The essay that are based on research are always interesting and tend to
catch people’s attention. The more time you spend you spend on research the more knowledge you will
have about the topic which will definitely help you in writing an interesting essay. Research always
makes your work authentic. You will able to write authentic and ethical stuff in your essay.

This is just a diagnostic test; answer based on your own understanding.

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