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Republic of the Philippines

Region IX, Zamboanga Peninsula
Zamboanga Del Norte National High School
Dipolog City 7100


NAME: __________________________________________________ SEC. : ____________ SCORE: __________

Choose the best answer. Write only the letter of the correct answer on the space provided before each number.
_____1. What is the form of orchestral music that employs a solo instrument accompanied by an orchestra?
A. Chorale B. Concertino C. Concerto D. Concerto Gross
_____2. What musical era were the binary, ternary, ground bass and fugue characteristics be found?
A. Baroque B. Classical Music C. Medieval D. Renaissance
_____3. Which of the following sections of the mass is with Greek text?
A. Agnus Dei B. Credo C. Gloria D. Kyri
_____4. Who is the composer that bridged the late Classical music and the Early romantic music?
A. Franz Joseph Haydn B. Ludwig Van Beethoven C. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart D.Frederic Chopin
_____5. What is the general texture of Classical Music?
A. Polyphonic B. Heterophonic C. Homophonic D. Monophonic
_____6. What form of music that portrays an idea or relays a story to the audience?
A. Song cycle B. Symphonic Poem C. Program Music D. Incidental Music
_____7. What do you call a short piece of music that can be used as a preface or introduction?
A. Impromptu B. Sonata C. Prelude D. Ballade
_____8. Which is not a characteristic of the Romantic Period Music?
A. A freedom in writing and designing an intense personal expressiwon of self-emotion
B. Has a shape and unity of the theme
C. The textures are more expressive
D. None of the above
_____9. A technique used by rapidly repeating slightly the pitch in a sustained note to give a rich and more varied
A. Vibrato B. Falsetto C. Rubato D. Tessitura
_____10. What form of music when two or more singers perform without instrumental accompaniment?
A. A Capella B. Dolce C. Glissando D. Coda

_____1. It is a method of painting water-based pigments on a freshly applied plaster usually on a wall surface
A. Encaustic B. Fresco C. Acrylic D. Trompe l’oeil
_____2. An art process where you create an image using an assemblage of small pieces of colored glass, stones or other
A. Stained glass B. Collage C. Mosaic D. Encaustic
_____3. How would you describe artworks produced during the Baroque Period?
A. Simple B. Exaggerated C. Elegant D. Ordinary
_____4. Which of the following is the famous work of Peter Paul Rubens?
A. Ecstasy of St. Theresa C. Conversion of St. Paul
B. Samson and Delilah D. Entombment of Christ
_____5. Which painting of Da Vinci depicts Jesus with His apostles?
A. Pieta B. Last Judgement C. Mona Lisa D. The Last Supper
_____6. The following are the characteristic of Romanticism, EXCEPT.
A. Height of action emotional extreme and dramatic composition and color
B. Emotional extreme, height of action, formal composition and color
C. Formal composition and color, emotional extreme
D. Height of action, color emotional extreme and dramatic composition
_____7. Who was the famous painter of the Romantic Period giving emphasis in emotion?
A. Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres C. Jean Louis Theodore Gericault
B. Jacques-Louis-David D. Robert Adam
_____8. Who are the Greek muses that represents the two iconic masks of Ancient Greek Theater?
A. Athena and Venus C. Thalia and Melpomeme
B. Aphrodite and Electra D. Thetis and Tyche
_____9. The following are parts of Ancient Greek Theater, EXCEPT.
A. Theatron B. Quadriporticus C. Skene D. Parodos
_____10. Which of the following is NOT a usual theme for Roman Theater Plays?
A. Festival B. Chariot Races C. Gladiators D. Public Executions

Physical Education.

_____1. What is your Physical Activity Index if you scored 5 for Intensity, 4 for Duration, and 4 for frequency?
a. 64 b. 80 c. 96 d. 112
_____2. The 3-minute step test is in what health-related component?
a. muscular endurance b. cardiovascular endurance c. muscular strength
d. muscular stamina
_____3. Your _______is of utmost importance. Everything you do, whether good or bad, has an effect on your
overall health.
a. equipments b. gadgets c. lifestyle d. art style
_____4.. Bryan started getting hooked on cigarettes when he was 14. What is the risk factors of this life situation?
a. lung cancer b. cancer c. breast cancer d. kidney cancer
______5. Practices or habits at home or in school that either elevate or reduce health risk. How should you manage
your lifestyle?
a. make modifications in your routine b. make no changes to your activities
c. whatever will be, will be d. make some choices about life
______6. What will result of more physical exertion but less food intake?
a. weight maintenance b. weight gain c. weight loss d. nothing
will result
______7. If your weight is 58kg and your height is 1.66m, what is your BMI?
a. 24.04 b. 23.04 c. 22.04 d. 21.04
______8. The standing long jump is in what health-related component?
a. muscular endurance b. cardiovascular endurance
c. muscular strength d. muscular stamina
______9. Why should we warm up?
a. to avoid injury b. to avoid illness
c. to avoid conflict d. to avoid sickness
______10. What is the importance of BMI to Weight Management?
a. index b. reference c. program d. processes

_____1. Which of the following is not a stimulant drug?

A. Shabu B. Caffeine C. Bartiburates D. Nicotine
_____2. Which of the following is a hallucinogen?
A. LSD B. Cocaine C. Shabu D. Inhalants
_____3. What kind of drugs that distorts reality and facts?
A. Hallucinogens B. Narcotics C. Inhalants D. Stimulants
_____4. Which of the following is the long term effect of alcohol (gateway drugs)
A. Vomiting B. Nausea C. Damage of organs like liver, heart D. Drowsiness
_____5. How old people are allowed to buy and use gateway drugs?
A. 16 B. 17 C. 18 D. 19 and above
_____6. Which of the following is the risk of having multiple partners?
A. Emotional Instability B. Financial Instability
C. Communicable disease infection D. Non- Communicable
_____7. Why do couples want to have children?
A.Children are considered wealth of parents B. Religious institutions required you
C. Society expect couples to have offspring D. Strengthens the bond between husband and wife
_____8. How will you carry the victim if he/she is conscious?
A. I will carry him/her using the piggy back
B. I will carry him/her using the lovers carry
C. I will carry him/her using the blanket drag
D. I will carry him/her hammock carry
_____9. Rest the injured part, apply ice, compress the injured part, elevate yhe injured part are the first aid to
applied to the following injuries EXCEPT,
A.Choking B.Sprain C.Strain D. BOTH B AND C
_____10. Which of the following healthy techniques to the stress that do not involve?
A. Get enough sleep B.Exercise regularly
C. Learn breathing or meditation techniques D. all of the above


Teacher I

Teacher I

Teacher II

Teacher III

Master Teacher I

Head Teacher I

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