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THE POTENTIAL OF YOROTUS (Yogurt Pleurotus ostreatus)



Created by:
Ali Zainal Abidin Shahab/ Biology 2017
Sani Marselli Br Barus/ Biology 2017
Cindy Adventiny Daeli/ Biology 2017

THE POTENTIAL OF YOROTUS (Yogurt Pleurotus ostreatus)
with the Addition of Mango Extract as an Immunomodulator
Probiotic Drink to Prevent COVID-19 Infection
Ali Zainal Abidin, Sani Marselli Br Barus, Cindy Adventiny Daeli
SRILAVID, Universitas Sriwijaya
Abstract- Objective: to determine the potential of yogurt from oyster mushroom
extract (Pleurotus ostreatus) with the addition of fruit and vegetable extracts
containing vitamin C as an immunomodulatory probiotic drink that can prevent
COVID19 infection. Methods: through literature study and the data obtained are
presented descriptively. Results: the content of Beta-glucans in oyster mushrooms
has a specific immunostimulatory effect on the cellular immune system at a dose
of 400 mg / kg BB. In addition, extracts from vegetables and fruits containing
vitamin C such as strawberries and broccoli at a dose of 600 mg / day can also
reduce infection and act as an immunomodulator by stimulating interferon which
is a protein that protects cells from virus attacks. Conclusion: YOROTUS
(Yogurt Pleurotus ostreatus) with the addition of fruit and vegetables containing
vitamin C has potential immunomodulator probiotic drinkto prevent COVID-19
Keyword: Covid-19, Immunomodulator, Pleurotus ostreatus, Vitamin C

Cover ......................................................................................................................
Abstract ................................................................................................................ i
Declaration of Originality Form ........................................................................ ii
Tabel of Content .................................................................................................. iii
CHAPTER I: Introduction .................................................................................. 1
1.1. Background ................................................................................. 1
1.2. Problem Formulation ................................................................. 3
1.3. Objective ..................................................................................... 3
1.4. The benefits ................................................................................. 4
CHAPTER II: LITERATURE REVIEW........................................................... 5
2.1. Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) ................................. 5
2.2. Patofisiology of COVID-19 ........................................................ 6
2.3. Immunomodulator ..................................................................... 8
2.4. Oyster mushroom (Pleurotus Osteroeatus) ............................... 8
2.5. Mango (Mangifera indica L.) ..................................................... 9
2.6. Vitamin C .................................................................................. 10
2.7. Probiotic .................................................................................... 11
2.8. Yogurt ........................................................................................ 12
CHAPTER III: METHODOLOGY ................................................................. 13
3.1. The Type of Writing ................................................................ 13
3.2. The Object of Writing ............................................................ 13
3.3. Data collection technique ........................................................ 13
3.4. Writing Procedure .................................................................. 13
CHAPTER IV: DISCUSSION .......................................................................... 14
CHAPTER V: CONCLUSIONS ....................................................................... 16
REFERENCES .................................................................................................... v

1.1. Background
Infectious disease is still a major health problem in several countries,
especially in developing countries (RI Ministry of Health, 2011). Infectious
disease is a disease caused by the entry and development of pathogenic
microorganisms, such as viruses, bacteria, fungi, and parasites into the developing
body, manifestations of infectious diseases can continue asymptomatic, unclear,
mild, moderate, and severe. There is no disease caused by comorbidities that are
not related to primary disease. The existence of complications or disease is
increasing (Widagdo, 2011).
One infectious disease that is currently happening is Coronavirus Disease
2019 (COVID-19) which is caused by a new type of coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2.
COVID-19 is an acute respiratory infection that can cause severe inflammation of
the lungs and potentially cause death. According to the Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention (2020), the main transmission process of this disease is
through a droplet of an infected person, whether sneezing, coughing, or speaking
at close range. symptoms experienced by COVID-19 patients include fever,
coughing, shortness of breath, chills, muscle aches, headaches, sore throat, and
loss of sense of smell and taste.
Indonesia is ranked 24th in the world and is the country with the highest
COVID-19 cases in Southeast Asia. Globally, there are around 216 countries
infected with COVID-19 with the number of confirmed cases of 16,523,815 with
a total number of deaths reaching around 655,112 people. Based on distribution
data from, up to 30 July 2020, in Indonesia there were around
106,336 positive cases, 64,292 people recovered, and 5,058 people died. To date,
no specific vaccine and drug have been found to control COVID-19, so clinical
management of COVID-19 refers to guidelines issued by the World Health
The Indonesian government has stated to loosen the PSBB and implement
new normal rules even though the COVID-19 pandemic is not over yet. To that
end, the Minister of Health has issued health guidelines and protocols with the

aim of preventing the transmission and spread of the corona virus while
simultaneously encouraging the sustainability of social and economic life in
Indonesia. These guidelines are contained in the Decree of the Minister of Health
(Ministry of Health) No. HK.01.07 / Menkes / 328/2020 concerning Prevention
and Control of Corona Virus Disease 2019 in Office and Industrial Workplaces in
Supporting Business Sustainability in Pandemic Situations (Muhyiddin, 2020).
Various efforts have been made to prevent the spread and increase of
COVID-19 cases, one of which is to take preventive or preventive measures.
Preventive is an effort aimed at preventing the occurrence of the disease through
immunization, regular health checks, exercise, consuming balanced nutritious
food, and taking vitamin supplements to improve the function of the immune
system (Effendy, 1998). One of the vitamin supplements that plays a role in
improving the function of the immune system Vitamin C has a role in increasing
the function and activity of the immune system by stimulating the production of
interferon, which is a protein that plays a role in protecting cells from virus
attacks (Winarsi, 2007).
Mango (Mangifera indica L.) is a plant that is found in Indonesia. The taste
of mango fruit is sweet-sour, soft-textured, and yellow-orange in fact has a variety
of benefits. In the mango contains various kinds of nutrients that are beneficial to
health. The content of antioxidants such as vitamin C which can play a role in
combating infectious diseases, especially viral infections because mangoes have
antiviral activity (Herwin and Meilani, 2016). Research conducted by Rawi et al.
(2019) showed that mango extract has high antiviral activity against H9N2
influenza virus.
Probiotics are microorganisms that are known to have beneficial effects on
health, especially in humans. In general, probiotics are used in food and beverage
products. Yogurt is one of the dairy products that are fermented using probiotics
in the form of lactic acid bacteria, such as Lactobacillus with or without the
addition of permitted foodstuffs. Probiotic drinks are believed to be able to have a
positive effect on human health, especially in boosting the immune system.
Probiotics from the types of Lactobaccillus casei and Lactobacilus bulgaricus are

known to increase macrophage production and activate phagocytes in both human
and experimental studies (Widiyaningsih, 2011).
Immunomodulator is a substance that can modulate the activity of the
immune system. Immunomodulators consist of three types, namely
immunostimulants play a role in increasing the function and activity of the
immune system, immunoregulators play a role in regulating the immune system,
and immunosupressors play a role in suppressing the immune system (Block and
Mead, 2003). Mushrooms are known to contain high nutrients and contain many
components that play a role in treatment so that the potential to be developed as an
immunomodulator. Most components such as polysaccharide derivatives and
protein-polysaccharide complexes found in fungi are often used as adaptogens and
immunostimulants (Wasser and Weis, 1999).
Oyster mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus) is a food fungus that is quite popular
in Indonesia, because it is relatively easy to cultivate, is cheap, tastes delicious,
and has many health benefits. One of the benefits of oyster mushroom is that it
can act as an immunomodulator because it contains beta-glucans, the
polysaccharides in the body of mushroom fruit that can stimulate the body's
defense system by activating macrophages to capture and destroy foreign bodies
in the body such as viruses, bacteria, fungi, and parasites ( Widyastuti, 2013).
Thus, it is important to know the potential of oyster mushrooms to make yogurt
with the addition of mango extract as an immunomodulatory probiotic drink to
prevent COVID-19 infection.

1.2. Problem Formulation

Based on the background, then the problem formulation can be made, namely
whether YOROTUS (Yogurt Pleurotus ostreatus) with the addition of mango juice
can be a potential immunomodulatory probiotic drink to prevent COVID-19

1.3. Objective
The purpose of this paper is to determine the potential of yogurt from oyster
mushroom extract (Pleurotus ostreatus) with the addition of fruit and vegetable

extracts containing vitamin C as an immunomodulatory probiotic drink that can
prevent COVID19 infection.

1.4. The benefits

This paper can be used as a reference for the public to know the potential of
yogurt from oyster mushroom extract (Pleurotus ostreatus) with the addition of
fruit and vegetable extracts containing vitamin C as an immunomodulatory
probiotic drink that can prevent COVID19 infection. In addition, this paper can
also be used as a reference for other researchers to provide innovation and create
other research.


2.1. Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)

The global pandemic of novel coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) caused
by Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) began in
Wuhan, China, in December 2019, and has since spread worldwide. As of April 5,
2020, there have been more than 1.2 million reported cases and 69 000 deaths in
more than 200 countries. This novel Betacoronavirus is similar to severe acute
respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV) and Middle East respiratory
syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV), based on its genetic proximity, it likely
originated from bat-derived corona viruses with spread via an unknown
intermediate mammal host to humans. The viral genome of SARS-CoV-2 was
rapidly sequenced to enable diagnostic testing, epidemiologic tracking, and
development of preventive and therapeutic strategies (Sanders et al., 2020).
Coronavirus is a group of viruses. These viruses are capable of causing
common flu-like symptoms to severe conditions such as Middle East Respiratory
Syndrome (MERS) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS).
SARSCoV-2 is a β Coronavirus of sub-genus Botulinum belongs to coronaviridae
group, and is the third known zoonotic coronavirus. Subterranean insect-eating
pangolin was identified as the primary source of this virus, and based on the
quality investigation. Some pangolin corona viruses showed 99% of similarity in
Restriction Binding. Domain with the COVID-19 virus-infecting human, which
were determined with the explicit site of restriction called receptor- restricting
area (Khadka et al., 2020).
Corona viruses (CoV) belong to the genus Coronavirus in the Coronaviridae.
All CoVs are pleomorphic RNA viruses characteristically containing crown-shape
peplomers with 80-160 nM in size and 27-32 kb positive polarity. Recombination
rates of CoVs are very high because of constantly developing transcription errors
and RNA Dependent RNA Polymerase (RdRP) jumps. With its high mutation
rate, Coronaviruses are zoonotic pathogens that are present in humans and various
animals with a wide range of clinical features from asymptomatic course to

requirement of hospitalization in the intensive care unit, causing infections in
respiratory, gastrointestinal, hepatic and neurologic systems (Sahin et al., 2020).
Most coronaviruses that spread infections in the upper respiratory tract are not
dangerous, but some that spread infections in the lower respiratory tract (windpipe
and lungs) can be highly lethal, such as MERS and SARS. These viruses can
cause severe pneumonia, especially in older people, people with heart disease, or
people with weak immune systems (Sharma, 2020).

2.2. Patofisiology of COVID-19

The virus might proceed via the mucous membranes, particularly the nasal
and throat mucosa, then ingress into the lungs via the respiratory tract. The
alveolar epithelial cells in the lungs are found to be the fundamental cell affected
by the SARS-CoV-2 virus. The S protein has been revealed as a remarkable
impetus of the virus entry into host cells. The envelope spike glycoprotein ties up
to its biological receptor ACE2, adjacent to alveolar epithelial cells in the lungs.
After that, the SARS-CoV-2 spikes bind ACE2 with around 10 folds higher
affinity than SARS-CoV. This promotes the transmission properties of SARS
CoV2 (Khadka et al., 2020).
The SARS-CoV-2 was more transmissible than SARS-CoV may be due to
genetic recombination of S protein in the RBD region of SARS-CoV-2, which
may enhance its ability of transmission from human to human. These droplets
may enter into lungs via the mouth or nasal mucosa during inhalation. However, it
was still unclear that transmission of virus may occur via touching an infected
surface or object and then touching their mouth, nose, or possibly eyes. The
incubation time could be generally within 3 to 7 days and up to 2 weeks
depending upon immune status of the patients. The clinical symptoms may be
mild, severe and critical form (Yadav and Rahul, 2020).
Pathological manifestations of SARS and MERS infected patients may shed
light on controlling the current 2019-nCoV pandemic. Histology examination
demonstrated a considerably higher viral load of SARS-CoV RNA in lung and
small bowels than other organs of the body, suggesting a reason for manifestation
of pneumonia and diarrhea in SARS patients. Living 2019- nCoV was also

detected positive in stool specimens and rectal swabs of infected patients,
indicating a possible oral-faecal transmission route. Proper handling of the
infected corpse and disposal of human excreta of infected patients were of great
importance (Xie and Qiong, 2020).
Coronavirus can only reproduce itself through its host cell. The attachment
and entry of the virus to the host cell is mediated by Protein S which is on the
surface of the virus. S protein is the main determinant in infecting its host species
and its tropical determinants. In the study of SARS-CoV protein S binds to the
receptor in the host cell, the enzyme ACE-2 (angiotensin converting enzyme 2).
After successfully entering the next translation of gene replication of the RNA
viral genome. Furthermore replication and transcription where the synthesis of
RNA viruses through translation and assembly of the virus replication complex.
The next stage is the assembly and release of the virus (Burhan et al., 2020).
ACE2, found in the lower respiratory tract of humans, is known as cell
receptor for SARS-CoV. The SARS-CoV-2 uses the same cellular entry receptor,
ACE2, as SARS-CoV. The virion S-glycoprotein on the surface of coronavirus
can attach to the receptor, ACE2 on the surface of human cells. S glycoprotein
includes two subunits, S1 and S2. S1 determines the virus-host range and cellular
tropism with the key function domain − RBD, while S2 mediates virus-cell
membrane fusion by two tandem domains, heptad repeats 1 (HR1) and HR2.
After membrane fusion, the viral genome RNA is released into the cytoplasm, and
the uncoated RNA translates two polyproteins and form replication-transcription
complex RTC in double-membrane vesicle (Guo et al., 2020).
Initially, SARS-CoV-2 may either pass through the mucous membranes in the
upper respiratory tract, primarily the nasal and pharyngeal epithelia, or directly
enter the lower respiratory tract and infect bronchial and alveolar epithelial cells.
The main symptoms of respiratory infection are fever and cough. In this initial
phase, the virus can enter the peripheral bloodstream via the lungs. The virus may
then proceed to affect other organs expressing ACE2, such as the heart and blood
vessels, the kidneys, and the GI tract (Bourgonje et al., 2020).

2.3. Immunomodulator
Immunomodulation is a key issue in tissue homeostasis for the physiological
stability of organisms. Consequently, it is important to search for
immunoregulators, such as those derived from natural immunomodulators, with
less severe side effects. Immunomodulators are drugs that can restore and repair
the immune system whose function is impaired or to suppress excessive function.
Immunomodulatory drugs work in 3 ways, namely through immunization,
immunostimulation, immunosuppression, immunization and immunostimulation
called immunopotentiation or up regulation, while immunosuppression is called
down regulation (Handayani, 2010).
Immunomodulators are compounds that change the activity of the immune
system by rejuvenating the regulation of immune cells such as cytokines. How it
works immunomodulators include immunorestoration, immunostimulation, and
immunosuppression. Immunomodulators are used mainly in immune deficiency
diseases, chronic infections, and cancer. The immune system when exposed to
substances that are considered foreign, then there are two types of immune
responses that may occur, namely non-specific immune responses and specific
immune responses (Puspitaningrum et al., 2017).

2.4. Oyster mushroom (Pleurotus Osteroeatus)

Oyster mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus) is a food that is now popular among
the people because its processed products are increasingly varied and naturally
have high nutritional content non cholesterol. Every 100 grams of oyster
mushrooms contain 19-35% protein with 9 kinds of amino acids; 1.7-2.2% fat
consists of 72% unsaturated fatty acids, carbohydrates. Thiamine, riboflavin, and
niacin are the main B vitamins in oyster mushrooms besides vitamin D and C.
Oyster mushrooms are not only known as delicious and highly nutritious food
mushrooms. Mushroom Oysters are known as nutraceutical ingredients because
they are antimicrobial and antioxidant (Egra et al., 2018).
Pleurotus ostreatus is well-known and commercially important edible
basidiomycetes. Polysaccharides, obtained from Pleurotus ostreatus, are suitable
candidates for research and development of new functional foods and

nutraceuticals. Aqueous extracts from the fruit bodies of the Pleurotus ostreatus
demonstrated a significant immunostimulatory effect, include activating various
immunocompetent cells, stimulating neutrophils of human peripheral blood,
increasing production of interleukin 1-β and proinflammatory cytokines.
Pleurotus ostreatus preparations can provide to the products additional
therapeutic properties, such as anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory (Antontceva et
al., 2017).
Oyster mushroom or known as the genus Pleurotus is a biologically active
source of glucan. Partially, β-glucans from Pleurotus sp. has been used as a
supplement because of its immunosuppressive activity. The substances contained
can stimulate the immune system, modulate humoral and cellular immunity,
thereby having a beneficial effect in fighting bacterial, viral, fungal and parasite.
β-glucans also show hypocholesterolemic properties and anticoagulant properties.
Recently it has been proven as an antisitotoxic, antimutagenic and anti-
tumorogenic compound, so it can be expected as a promoter pharmacological
health (Widyastuti et al., 2011).

2.5. Mango (Mangifera indica L.)

The mango (Mangifera indica L.) is an important tropical fruit, certain
varieties of which have found increasing favor in temperate regions as dessert
fruits. Previous studies have given the vitamin C (ascorbic acid) content of mature
fruits from many varieties as well as the distribution of vitamin C in the flesh.
Although data from numerous other fruits are available, the seasonal pattern of
vitamin C development in mangoes has not been reported, nor have analyses of
the skin in relation to the remainder of the flesh. Information concerning the
vitamin C content of the edible portion of these fruits, at different developmental
stages and at maturity, seemed lesirable (Spencer et al., 1955).
Mango (Mangifera indica L.) is one of the most important commercial crops
worldwide in terms of production, marketing and consumption antioxidants, such
as ascorbic acid, carotenoids and phenolic compounds. β-carotene is themost
abundant carotenoid in several cultivars. The nutritional value of mango as a
source of vitamin C and provitamin A should also be emphasized. Vitamin C is an

essential human diet component, required for scurvy prevention, presents
biological functions in collagen formation, inorganic iron absorption, inhibition of
nitrosamine formation, and immune system enhancement. Ascorbic acid acts as an
antioxidant and therefore offers some protection against oxidative stress-related
diseases (Ribeiro et al., 2007).
Mango (Mangifera indica L.) one of tropical fruit that grows abundantly in
Indonesia has big potencies to be developed into highly-valued products instead
of eaten raw, namely as a mango sugar. There are several scientific researches that
depict mango as a fruit rich in dietary fiber, quercetin, kaempferol, vitamin E, β-
carotene, and vitamin C which have the potential to improve lipid profiles and
lower blood glucose. This study was conducted to produce crystalized sugar from
mango and determine vitamin C content (Nurkolis et al., 2020).

2.6. Vitamin C
Vitamin C is known as an essential anti-oxidant and enzymatic co-factor for
physiological reactions, such as hormone production, collagen synthesis, and
immune potentiation. Humans are unable to synthesize vitamin C therefore, they
must acquire vitamin C from dietary sources. Vitamin C is transported across
cellular membranes by sodium vitamin C co-transporter (SVCT). In addition,
vitamin C spontaneously oxidizes both intracellularly and extracellularly to its
biologically inactive form, dehydroascorbate (DHA). DHA is unstable at
physiological pH and, unless it is reduced back to vitamin C by glutathione
(GSH), it may irreversibly be hydrolyzed (Adnan, 2020).
Vitamin C is known as an antioxidant which helps neutralize free radicals.
Vitamin C as an antioxidant because of its ability to reduce several chemical
reactions, one of them is that it can reduce reactive oxygen species (SOR).
Vitamin C also has a role as an electron donor. The ability of vitamin C as an
electron donor makes vitamin C very effective as an antioxidant because vitamin
C can quickly break the chain of reactions of SOR (Reactive Oxygen Species) and
SNR (Reactive Nitrogen Species). The role of vitamin C in the immune system is
closely related to the role of vitamin C as an antioxidant. Because vitamin C easily

donates its electrons to free radicals, cells including immune cells are protected
from damage caused by free radicals (Siswanto et al., 2013).
The effect of vitamin C in reducing the risk of the common cold has long
been debated. One analysis of most high-quality studies determined that there was
no reduction in the incidence in the general population, but that vitamin C
supplementation (≥0.2 g / day) in those who regularly underwent severe physical
exercise reduced the incidence of the common cold by more than half of it.
Significant reductions in the risk of pneumonia have been reported after
supplementation of vitamin C in adults and children. Most of the evidence shows
that supplementation of vitamin C (≥ 0.2 g / day, or a therapeutic dose of 4-8 g /
day) in adults and children with the common cold can significantly reduce its
duration (Respati and Hilmi, 2020).
While immune effector cells are dependent on glycolysis for their
bioenergetic functions, lung epithelial cells use mitochondrial oxidative
phosphorylation to produce ATP. Therefore, high-dose vitamin C treatment acts
as a prooxidant for immune cells, but as an antioxidant for lung epithelial cells.
Furthermore, vitamin c treatment may protect innate immunity of ATII through
the inhibition of the lactate secretion, produced by the activated immune cells. In
connection with the prooxidant role of vitamin C, which requires pharmacological
(millimolar) rather than physiological (micromolar) concentrations, reevaluating
the high-dose infusion of vitamin C would be a timely choice for the COVID-19-
related ARDS (Adnan, 2020).

2.7. Probiotic
Probiotics are live bacteria that are given as food supplements that have a
beneficial effect on human health, by improving the balance of intestinal
microflora. Probiotics can help eliminate antigens that come with food. An
effective probiotic must meet the criteria to provide a beneficial effect for the host
that contains a large number of living cells that are able to survive and carry out
metabolism in the human small intestine which gives a positive effect on the life
of microflora in the small intestine, probiotics must also be able to stick to
intestinal epithelial cells humans, able to form colonization in the digestive tract,

able to produce anti-microbial substances (bacteriocin), and provide beneficial
effects for human health (Widiyaningsih, 2011).
The benefits that can be obtained from the habit of consuming probiotics are
able to increase the defense of non-specific immunity. Probiotics from the types
of Lactobaccillus casei and Lactobacilus bulgaricus are known to increase
macrophage production and activate phagocytes in both human and experimental
mice. The process of phagocytosis is initial response of the body's defense system
before the body forms antibodies. Phagocytes will get rid of toxic agents that enter
the body (Budak et al., 2016).

2.8. Yogurt
Yogurt is one of fermented dairy products that offers health benefits for
human. It is produced through the fermentation process carried out by lactic acid
bacteria (LAB), Streptococcus sulvarius sub sp. thermophilus and Lactobacillus
delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus. The fortification of Lactobacillus acidophilus, a
probiotic LAB, to yogurt has been also applied to produce probiotic yogurt. The
quality of yogurt depends on the quality of milk, fermentation time, incubation
temperature, and starter cultures During fermentation, the cell of LAB converts
lactose in milk into organic acids, like lactic acid. Yogurt can also be fortified
with other functional ingredients that can improve the quality and nutrition value
of yogurt (Sakul et al., 2020).
Yogurt is a product made from milk through the fermentation process of
lactic acid bacteria like Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus.
Basically, the work of yogurt bacteria is to produce lactic acid whose role is
important to create a balance of intestinal microflora, the acidity produced is able
to inhibit disease-causing bacteria which are generally not resistant to acids.
Yogurt has an important role in human nutrition due to its nutritional value from
proteins, lactose, calcium, and water-soluble vitamins. Although its many healthy
and nutritious effects are well known, milk and its products are not usually
considered as a rich source for bioactive components. Yogurt can suppress the
growth of pathogenic bacteria in the intestines (Prabowo and Lilik, 2018).
3.1. The Type of Writing
The type of writing in this article is a literature review. The data obtained are
presented descriptively, the literary sources in this paper come from various
books, journals, and official websites from the government.

3.2. The Object of Writing

The object of writing in this paper is the potential of YOROTUS (yogurt
Pleurotus ostreatus) with the addition of mango juice as an immunomodulator
probiotic drink to prevent covid-19 infection.

3.3. Data collection technique

Techniques used adalam data collection started by collecting references
relevant to the issues raised, namely the potential of YOROTUS (yogurt Pleurotus
ostreatus) with the addition of mango juice as an immunomodulator probiotic
drink to Prevent covid-19 infection. After collecting data, a literature review is
then carried out and sorts out information relevant to the issues to be discussed.

3.4. Writing Procedure

After the data is collected, data analysis is performed to support the contents
of the discussion arranged descriptively.

Pleurotus ostreatus has the highest nutritional value depending on the

presence of high levels of essential amino acids, carbohydrates, water content
(from 80 to 90%) , protein (40%), vitamins (especially vitamin C) and minerals.
According to Patricia (2014), white oyster mushrooms contain pleuran
compounds, which is found to be efficacious as an antitumor and as an
immunostimulant through activation of macrophage cells. A white oyster
mushroom mycelia water extract at a dose of 100 mg / kg has an
immunomodulatory effect characterized by an increased phagocytic velocity of
carbon particles which is faster with an increase in phagocytic index which is also
Yogurt is one of the many fermented products contain nutrients. The
fermentation process that occurs in yogurt will add nutritional content. The
nutritional composition of yogurt is similar to milk. Even, there are nutritional
components which are higher in number than milk. According to Rusmiati et al.
(2008), some of the benefits of yogurt caused by lactic acid bacteria in yogurt
namely Overcoming Lactose Intolerant, Balancing the Digestive System,
Lowering Cholesterol Levels, Prevent Cancer, Overcoming Fungal and Bacterial
Infection, Rich in Calcium, and Protein Sources.
Probiotics are a useful living microorganism for the health of the host (be it
animal or human). Work principle probiotics is to use the ability of these
organisms in decipher long chains of carbohydrates, protein and fat. Ability This
is obtained because of the presence of enzymes specifically owned by
microorganisms to break bonds. The breakdown of complex molecules becomes
simple molecules make it easy absorption by the digestive tract human. According
to Widiyaningsih (2011), that habit consuming probiotic products plays a role
good for health especially in boosting the immune system body. The benefits can

be obtained from consuming habits Probiotics are able to increase non-specific
immune defense.
Mango (Mangifera indica L.), which considered as a very common fruit
belong to a certain kind of plants called Anacardiaceous, as well as papaya,
avocado and banana, it is considered the King of all fruits in the equatorial area of
the world like India which is considered as the world leader of these fruits. Its
great popularity is because of good flavor as well as its testy and good looking in
addition to its high nutrition importance. According to Rawi et al. (2019), these
fruits contained a very high percentage of antioxidant materials which gives a
specific uses in reducing the risks of heart, cardiac’s and cancer disease, in
addition to that it shows a high activity against viruses ans microbes and prevent
them from increasing.
Vitamin C is a major antioxidant ingredient in mango. Mango being one of
most consumed tropic fruit is rich in dietary antioxidants such as ascorbic acid,
carotenoids and phenolic compounds. These compounds are involved in the
protection of human against various diseases. According to Erol (2020),
reevaluating the high-dose infusion of vitamin C would be a good choice for the
COVID-19-related ARDS. Altogether, patients diagnosed with COVID-19 and
hospitalized with the breathing difficulty and abnormal biomarkers seem to be
candidate for a short period of high dose intravenous vitamin C treatment in the
early periods of the disease.
The role of vitamin C as an immunomodulator is related to its ability to
stimulate the production of interferons (proteins that protect cells from viruses).
According to Winarsi (2007), interferon is produced because of good cell
communication. In an effort to maintain good cell communication, healthy
immune cells with intact cell membranes are needed. Recommended daily intake
of vitamin C for adults is 90 mg for men, 75 mg for women, 85 mg during
pregnancy, 120 mg while breastfeeding, and an additional 35 mg for people who
smoke. However, one scientific article shows that 200 mg per day is the optimal
amount for most adults.
Based on the discussion that has been described above it can be stated that
YOROTUS (Yogurt Pleurotus ostreatus) with the addition of mango juice can be
a potential immunomodulatory probiotic drink to prevent COVID-19 infection
because white oyster mushrooms are nutritious compounds that modulate the
immune system (immunomodulator) which are useful in maintaining and
maintaining a stable immune system, and mixed with yogurt to increase the body's
immunity containing probiotics and with the addition of mango juice containing
vitamin C which can increase immune system to prevent COVID-19.
Yorotus products need to be developed to provide extraordinary benefits,
especially in a COVID19 pandemic that requires us to consume healthy and
nutritious foods or drinks. In addition, people need to know more about the
benefits of this yogurt. By providing knowledge of the benefits of yogurt and how
it is made to the public it is hoped that the community can improve their health
status independently and increase economic income.

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