Qualities of A Leader in Business Essay

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Qualities Of A Leader In Business

Who is a leader? A leader is a person who can guide themselves and others to success. It can be

in sports, academics, and even business. However, to achieve this title of a leader, there are some

key characteristics needed in a person to gain and live up to this designation.

Being a leader does not mean that you have the authority to push people around. Being fair not

only to the people above you but also to those who work under you is compulsory in a business.

This will show them that you respect them and are not taking them for granted. For example,

being fair to a supplier by paying the installments on time can lead to a fantastic reputation in the

market. If chosen to go in the other direction, even a single dreadful remark can lead to people not

wanting to get into business with you.

Making the right decisions quickly is a very important quality you should have when dealing with a

business. Being decisive can lead to e ectively executing business operations as instantaneously

as possible. It is paramount that when making any decision you have to assess how it will bene t

your business.

Being passionate and enthusiastic will not only improve your mood and behavior towards your

work but will also make others respect you as their leader. Showing interest in your work and what

you do will naturally lead you to be hard-working and dedicated. Moreover, the enthusiasm will

undoubtedly make work seem entertaining and will also have a positive e ect on your employees

making them more motivated to work resulting in them doing work more productively.

The most crucial quality a leader in business should have is vision. In every stage of a business, a

vision and a clear idea of the future will help scale the business. A vision will set a target for what

you want to achieve and you will be encouraged to reach these objectives. Furthermore it will help

in strategizing and executing business plans so they can become a reality. Involving the workers

in the vision will motivate them causing them to be more e cient in their work.

Creativity and innovation are very vital aspects in a leader to assure that the business is di erent

to those which are existing in the market. Making sure that your product/service is inferior to your
competitors, will lead to you to be a disruptor in the market. The traits will be utilised at every

stage of the business. Launching something new every now and then while maintaining the

unique selling point can cause your business to become a monopoly.

In recapitulation, the listed qualities are prime elements of a leader in an organization. Having

these attributes will not only bene t you but will encourage the sta as well resulting in a

successful corporation.


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