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Caraga Administrative Region

Division of Surigao del Sur
Matho Integrated School
Matho, Cortes, Surigao Del Sur

2nd Quarter Summative Test in Oral Communication in Context

S.Y. 2021-2022

Directions. Read and analyze each item carefully. Write the letter that corresponds the best answer on your
answer sheet.
1. Communication allows us to act and react to the behavior of people around us.
a) Emotional expression b) motivation c) Control d) social interaction
2. It is a set of specialized vocabulary used by specific people in a certain field
a) Layman’s Term b) language barrier c) Jargon d) words
3. It is referring to the simple words or vocabulary used to make the message easy to understand.
a) Words b) layman’s term c) Language barrier d) Jargon
4. It is a function of communication which refers to the energy that influences a person’s behavior in different
ways to his pursuit of his goal or objective.
a) Social interaction c) information dissemination
b) motivation d) emotional expression
5. This is one of the most basic functions of communication that provides data and information for effective
completion of tasks, solution of problems, and elimination of uncertainty.
a) Social interaction c) emotional expression
b) information dissemination d) control
6. This function of communication facilitates people’s expression of their feelings and emotions.
a) Social interaction c) information dissemination
b) motivation d) emotional expression
7. The Principal of a certain school gives a speech on the first recognition program to the students. Who is the
receiver of the message?
a) recognition program b) Principal
c) the words and movements of the Principal during his speech d) the students
8. It is designed to place blame and to control or regulate people. This creates defensiveness on the part of the
receiver and is rarely, if ever, appropriate.
a) Heavy - Control Talk c) Search Talk
b) Light control Talk d) Small Talk
9. The researcher reads and discusses classroom policies to her students.
a) Information dissemination c) Social Interaction
b) Motivation d) Emotional Expression
10. James greets May; then, they start talking about their plans for the holidays.
a) Motivation c) Social Interaction
b) Information dissemination d) Control
11. You deliver a speech about the importance of higher education to a group of high school students. What is
the message?
a) high school students? c) importance of higher education
b) you d) your voice and language
12. Margie names four ingredients for Kyla to buy at the grocery store. Who is the sender of the message?
a) Kyla c) grocery store
b) Margie d) ingredients
13. It is that type of talk serving as purpose of communication that refers to the tactful use of power to get results
and may be used to motivate people.
a) Straight Talk c) Light control Talk
b) Heavy - Control Talk d) Search Talk
14. This talk is good for problem-solving and conflict resolution and may be used to facilitate emotional
expression for catharsis, which is the act of purging, cleansing, and unloading of ideas and emotions.
a) Small Talk c) Heavy - Control Talk
b) Light control Talk d) Straight Talk
15. It is another nonthreatening approach when you want to gather data or the consensus of other to be able to
provide information.
a) Small Talk c) Light control Talk
b) Search Talk d) Heavy - Control Talk
16. This purpose of talk is a form of nonthreatening communication that may be used to effect social interaction.
a) Search Talk b) Small Talk c) Heavy - Control Talk d) Straight Talk
17. Rex shares his insights on how to live peacefully despite a complicated life.
a) Emotional Expression c) Motivation
b) Information dissemination d) Social Interaction
18. The President delivers his State of the Nation Address.
a) Emotional Expression c) Information dissemination
b) Control d) Social Interaction
19. This communication model illustrates how the sender and receiver take turns in conveying and receiving
messages and are called as “communicators.”
a) Linear b) transmission c) transactional d) interactive
20. The characteristic of the communication model such as “communication evolves from the very first day until
the existing moment is high:”
a) Linear b) transmission c) transactional d) interactive
21. Feedback is seen as an important part of this communication model to ensure that communication takes
a) Linear b) transmission c) transactional d) interactive
22. This Transactional Model that shows the development of communication on how the knowledge-base of a
person deepens and expands throughout life is introduced by:
a) Wilbur Schramm b) Frank Dance c) Shannon-Weaver d) Wilbert Schindler
23. When a communication is affected by the society, culture, situations, psychological or sociological events or
experiences of the sender and receiver this element is known as:
a) Channel b) feedback c) Field of experience d) context
24. In this model of communication, the roles of the sender and receiver are reversed each time sending and
receiving occurs at the same time.
a) Linear b) transmission c) transactional d) interactive
25. These characteristics emphasize the lack of feedback in the Linear Model of Communication, except:
a) It is a simple communication act
b) has one-way communication
c) It values psychological more than social effects
d) It focuses on persuasion rather than on mutual understanding

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