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Starting with the usage of bathing soap .

Bathing with soaps will clean the dirt

and pollution on our skin.  It removes oil and dirt out of our skin and keeps our
body safe from different body infections. 
soap prevents from odour, redness, skin dryness, and itchy skin .
now coming to the benefits of bathing soap
Bathing soap removes all the impurities from our body. Different chemicals
acquire the skin pores and start damaging the skin. Bathing soap helps us to
protect ourself these impurities.
soap is great for people who have sensitive skin and need a gentle cleanser.
This products are an emollient, which is a non-cosmetic moisturizer.
soap softens and soothes skin and give the appearance of younger, healthier-
looking skin, as well as reduce symptoms of skin conditions
like psoriasis (soraises)and eczema (eksama) and prevents pimples and acne.

soap contains gentle ingredients that leave our skin not only refreshed, but
also healthier.

Further will explain by my other teammates

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