The Determinants of Micro, Small and Medium Enterpeises (Msmes) Financial Performance: A Literature Review

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Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, volume 152

Proceedings of Proceedings of the 5th Padang International Conference On Economics Education, Economics,
Business and Management, Accounting and Entrepreneurship (PICEEBA-5 2020)

The Determinants of Micro, Small and

Medium Enterpeises (Msmes) Financial
Performance : A Literature Review
Megawati1 ,Aimatul Yumna2, Charoline Cheisviyanny3, Abel Tasman4, Fifka
Amelia Susanti5

Universitas Negeri Padang, Padang Indonesia


5Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Sumatera Barat, Pariaman Indonesia

Corresponding author. Email:

Financial performance of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) is the focus for MSMEs to grow
and develop as business entities that become the mainstay of the nation's economy. The purpose of this
study is to evaluate the effect of MSMEs determinant factors namely financial literacy, financial inclusion,
internal locus of control and risk perception on its financial performance. The Systematic Literature Review
(SLR) method is used in this research by reviewing some relevant journals which discuss related research
topics. The results indicate that financial literacy, financial inclusion, internal locus of control and risk
perception were become determinants that has a major effect on the financial performance of MSMEs.

Keywords: performance, financial literacy, financial inclusion, internal locus of control, risk perception

1. INTRODUCTION which was conducted a survey by the Financial

Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Services Authority (OJK) which stated the
(MSMEs) plays a significant role on nations contribution of the MSME sector in Indonesia
economic development, and also it is believed to proved to be very significant for the national
be able to contribute to poverty alleviation by economy by contributing 60% of Gross Domestic
creating jobs for those who needed (Audretsch, et Product and absorbing 97% of the national
al, 2009). Likewise Micro, Small and Medium workforce ( OJK Press Release: SP38 / DKNS /
Enterprises (MSMEs) in Indonesia, play an OJK / 5/2016).
important role for the pace to accelerate regional For the continuity of its business activities,
development. MSMEs must think of the right way or steps for
In accordance with Law No. 20 of 2008 the success of the business undertaken. Business
concerning MSMEs, MSMEs are one of the sectors success will certainly be achieved if SMEs are able
that have quite an important role in employment. to achieve good performance.
In addition, MSMEs also have high resilience to Performance is a general term used for some
economic turmoil. Based on Central Statistics or all actions or activities of a company in a
Agency (BPS) data, the number of MSMEs has certain period. Performance in particular is the
been increasing until today since the financial determination of certain measures that can
crisis occurred in Indonesia in 1998.In 2012 measure the success of a business in generating
MSMEs contributed 56% of Indonesia's total GDP profits (Kusumadewi, 2017). The performance of
a company is a formal effort made by a company

Copyright © 2020 The Authors. Published by Atlantis Press SARL.

This is an open access article distributed under the CC BY-NC 4.0 license - 521
Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, volume 152

to evaluate effectively and efficiently from each of change in people's mindset to understand how to
the company's activities that have been carried view profit and money, an also can be simply
out within a certain time period. One of them in interpreted as ease in obtaining financial services
terms of finance. The company's financial in economic activities. This become important
performance can be analyzed with various because optimizing funding sources in the
financial analysis tools, to determine the regions means that it helps MSMEs be more
company's financial condition in a certain period productive and developing.
(Bogomin et al, 2016). MSME business The MSMEs performance can be driven by
performance evaluation cannot be only rely on applying the financial management function.
financial statement data, as the character of the Research conducted by Bogomin et al (2017)
information provide in financial statements is shows that financial inclusion has a significant
historical (Kotane et al, 2016). So, it is infeasible to effect on MSME performance. The study states
just depend on financial indicators to accurately that on a large scale, financial literacy has not
prefigure the company financial stability. been reached optimally if there are still problems
There are various factors that affect the with asymmetric information on financial
performance of MSMEs. According to Aribawa services so that it can hamper the success of
(2016) one factor that has an influence on MSMEs MSMEs to compete. With financial literacy and
performance and sustainability is financial good financial inclusion, business actors are able
literacy. Furthermore, he also said there was a big to use financial capabilities in making various
challenge for creative SMEs to have more decisions. MSMEs with good financial literacy
knowledge about financial literacy. Lusardi and will be able to implement strategic plans to
Mitchell (2013) suggested financial literacy is a identify opportunities and threats, have adequate
person's ability to manage information about the financial access, and respond to changes in the
economy, make plans in finance, and make better unstable business climate, so that decisions made
decisions about the accumulation of wealth, will provide innovative and targeted solutions to
pensioners and debt they have. This definition improve MSME performance. Quartey et al (2017)
reflects that one must have the ability to gather revealed that only respondents from the banking
relevant and important information, while also sector have high financial literacy compared to
distinguishing between diverse financial choices, other sectors, so MSMEs that are one of the
discussing monetary and financial issues, backbone of the economy must get high financial
planning and being able to determine decisions in literacy and better financial inclusion. Nurjanah
the use of finance. Financial literacy is related to (2017) and Aribawa (2016) mention that there is
habits, behaviors and influences from external significant influence between financial inclusion
(external) factors. and MSMEs performance. In line with Chauvet
Financial inclusion is one way that is and Jacolin (2017), they states that financial
believed to be able to reduce poverty levels and inclusion has a positive influence on the growth
reduce economic disparities in society, where the of MSMEs. They also said that financial inclusion
community has an access to get a variety of policies positively and significantly impacted the
quality formal financial services. Financial operation of MSMEs. For this reason, financial
inclusion is a part of the financial literacy inclusion was needed to improve financial
program, where through financial inclusion every literacy. Financial inclusion is all kinds of ways to
MSMEs should have the opportunity to get facilitate the public in obtaining financial services.
financial services from financial institutions Financial inclusion aims to eliminate all forms of
(Alvianolita, 2019). The higher of the increasing barriers to public access in making use of
MSMEs financial inclusion, it will increase the financial services supported by existing
national financial stability. Financial inclusion is a infrastructure (Nurjanah, 2017).

Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, volume 152

In a business such as MSME, financial used. Based on these keywords obtained some
decision making is certainly done by the manager literature which is then selected again. Literature
or the owner of the business itself. Decision that meets the criteria based on keywords, will
making must be carried out with the right then be evaluated based on abstracts. Each
considerations, the owner must have a fairly good literary abstract is read to ensure that the
financial literacy, and also be driven by various literature meets the criteria and can be used as a
aspects in determining it, one of which is the source of literature in this study. Selected
influence within the business actor both internal literature based on abstracts will be read,
and external influences or commonly referred to analyzed and evaluated for quality as a reference
as locus of control. Locus of control is one of the source for formulating research results.
factors that will affect one's financial behavior.
Locus of control will be good if someone is 3. RESULT AND DISCUSSION
able to control their finances well, and vice versa Chaves et al (2014) conducted research and
will also have a bad impact if someone is not able examined the effect of locus of control towards
to control their finances properly. Therefore, an organizational success on 58 MSMEs owners and
SME actor, especially in the city of Padang must 52 MSMEs managers. According to Gibb and Scot
be required to have the ability to plan finances in (1985), Phares (1976) and Chaves et al (2014) state
their business properly, make decisions that locus of control has a relationship with
effectively and efficiently so that the business professional behavior. Individual who has a good
they have produces maximum profit. internal locus of control will be challenged to
have more difficult goals, have better motivation
2. METHODS and have more commitment to their work.
There are several previous research related Meanwhile, individual who has an external locus
to the financial performance of Micro, Small and of control will has a challenge to get a better job,
Medium Enterprises (MSMEs). Some researchers one of the indicator is a better salary.
have examined what are the determinants of Furthermore, Lamers et al (2010) examining the
MSME financial performance, namely financial effect of risk as measured by risk perception on
literacy, financial inclusion, internal locus of the financial performance of SMEs in Nigeria by
control and risk perception. The purpose of this as measured by profitability. In this study,
study is to answer the research question "what is Lamers et al proved that risk perception had a
the most influential determinant of MSME positive and significant effect on profitability.
financial performance?" This is in line with Knigt (1921) which states that
This research used Systematic Literature risk and uncertainty play an important role in
Review (SLR) method. The first stage in SLR entrepreneurship.
method is collected some previous research Meanwhile, research conducted by Chiliya et
article from various journals which related to the al (2015) examined the effect of risk on the
determinants of MSME financial performance. financial performance of MSMEs in South Africa,
Thus, those article will be used to formulate where risk was measured by risk awareness and
research results. The source of literature used in the use of risk of management technique in
this study prevail from following data base, such several emerging industries. The results of this
as emerald insight on the link study indicate that the level of risk awareness and
(, science direct on the use of risk management techniques in developing
link (, and some others industries is still low. The majority of respondents
sources. provide funding for training and seminars on risk
To get relevant literature, researchers use the management and introduce courses and
appropriate keywords in the form of determinant programs related to risk management in schools,

Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, volume 152

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(2015) conducted research on 55,596 MSMEs in 79 FirmPerformance. World Development, 97,
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4. CONCLUSION Kotane, I., & Kuzmina-Merlino, I. (2017). Analysis
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