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Enriquez, Thea

AB Political Science – 3A

Why do we still celebrate EDSA?

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Noise. Every time we hear the word EDSA, we think of how the Filipinos made
noise in an era of suppression. What really was the suppression all about and how did it
all begin? More than thirty years earlier, Filipinos eliminated the autocrat president
Ferdinand Marcos and restored greater part rule government in the country through the
vital “People Power Revolution”. The date February 25, 1986 was the day where which
put an end to the abusive Marcos rule which was separate by uncontrolled disavowals
of fundamental opportunities and as well as inappropriate strikes of the country's coffers
and the ironfisted camouflage of contrast. EDSA revolution summed up in 4 days meant
that the discontent and wraths that began with the parliament of the streets during
Marcos' dictator rule, as Filipinos began, distinctly, to shake off the abuse. However, the
players of this uprising, at the start, acknowledged interestingly to collect in EDSA, at
the height of the strolls and inside the huge number of inhabitants stood as one and
blended as one mission. From its beginnings as a brief response to the controlled
results of the on the spot judgment calls and subsequently as a vigil to watch
relinquishing top military men from Marcos' fierce interests, a show of help liberally
invigorated by the Catholic Church, to streets bit by bit overflowing with people to
circumspectly clash with supported tanks, an experience of associated arms and
petitions and blooms and tunes, the four days of EDSA People Power in itself was a
model of the advancement of the Philippine difference which they longed for in years.
As a Political Science student, I choose to celebrate EDSA and commemorate
the bravery of my countrymen for three reasons. First, it is important to celebrate the
EDSA because we completed a fierce, unforgiving and awful period in our arrangement
of encounters. Our government situation as of now is a work in headway yet we see to it
that we're really fixing the ills of Martial Law up until the present. In any case, there is
progress. Second, we become instruments for the younger generation to know about
the historical moment. In that way, they would actually want to see the significance of
nationalism. EDSA Revolution assumed a significant part throughout the entire
existence of all Filipinos which at that point gives us the motivation to recollect it by
commending its commemoration. Lastly, it was a period of restoration. EDSA
Revolution was when larger part rule government was restored in our country. We are
abiding on its principles and solicitations which gives credit to the capacity to talk
openly, the alternative to pick the tops of our nation and the freedom in general. The
EDSA Revolution may be a blended memory yet it deserves to still be recognized since
it helps us as a sign to remember our chance, our country's fortitude, and the
enthusiasm of each and every Filipino.

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