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Intradermal Injections

• Intradermal injections (ID) are injections

administered into the dermis, just below the
• The ID injection route has the longest
absorption time of all parenteral routes.
• These types of injections are used for
sensitivity tests, such asTB, allergy, and local
anesthesia tests
• .The advantage of these tests is that the body
reaction is easy to visualize, and the degree of
reaction can be assessed.
• The most common sites used are the inner
surface of the forearm and the upper back,
under the scapula.
• Choose an injection site that is free from
lesions, rashes, moles, or scars, which may
alter the visual inspection of the test results
Administering an Intradermal (ID)
• Safety Considerations:
➢ Do not aspirate. It is not necessary to aspirate
because the dermis is relatively without vessels.
➢ Always take steps to eliminate interruptions and
distractions during medication preparation.
➢ If the patient expresses concerns about the
medication or procedure, stop and explore the
concerns. Re-verify order with physician if
• Equipment used for ID injections is a
tuberculin syringe .
• The dosage of an ID injection is usually under
0.5 ml.
• The angle of administration for an ID injection
is 5 to 15 degrees.
• Once the ID injection is completed, a bleb
(small blister) should appear under the skin.
• Prepare medication or solution as per agency
2. Perform hand hygiene; gather supplies.

3. Enter room and introduce yourself, explain procedure and the medication, and
allow patient time to ask questions.
4. Close the door or pull the bedside curtains.
5. Compare MAR to patient wristband and verify this is the correct patient using
two identifiers.
6. Assess patient for any contraindications to the medications.
7. Select appropriate site for administration. Assist the patient to the appropriate
position as required.
8. Perform hand hygiene and apply non-sterile gloves.
9. Clean the site with an alcohol swab or antiseptic swab. Use a firm, circular
motion. Allow the site to dry.

10. Remove needle from cap by pulling it off in a straight motion.

11. Using non-dominant hand, spread the skin taut over the injection site.

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