Chapter 9 - Energy Flow in The Power Plant

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CHAPTER 9 — ENERGY FLOW IN THE STEAM POWER PLANT . Devise a diagram to show roughly, but quantitatively, the rate of flow of energy in a power system (Fig. 1-11) per kw being used by a customer. At appropriate points on the diagram indicate the magnitude of each of the following: (a) generator output; (b) torque at turbine coupling at 1800 rpm; (c) waste heat discharged through condenser; (d) weight of coal (bituminous) used per min, Data: steam generator thermal efficiency, 75%; auxiliary steam, 59% of that generated; thermal efficiency of vapor cycle, 35%; generator efficiency, 95%; electrical auxiliaries use 2%; power line efficiency, 93%. Solution: HD Seo esac nil 7p... 8 Fi = Tete Yor @ 180 pm = 618 on {a) Generator output = 1.0972 kW per kW used (answer) (b) Torque at turbine Turbine kw = 1.1550 kW per kW used N= 1800 rpm 2a) ' 1 (1800) = 1.1550 60) ‘(60 = 0.00613 kN.m = 6.13 N.m per kW used (answer) (0) Waste heat discharged through condenser oe a, aw _ 11550 ~ Q, 11550 (2 = 4.455 kW per kW used (answer) 0.35 (d) Weight of coal (bituminous) 0, = 4.6316 kW CHAPTER 9 — ENERGY FLOW IN THE STEAM POWER PLANT Q.= 6255 kcal/kg = 26,190 kl/kg W,Q.=Q, W, (26,190) = (4.6316\60) W, =0.01061kg/min per kW used (answer) 2. A deuteron is an atomic particle composed of a neutron and a proton held together by nuclear binding energy. On the atomic mass scale the deuteron mass is 2.0146. Find the binding energy in Mev per deuteron. Solution: ‘m, =2.0146u=2.0146«931494=1876588MeV /c? Proton: m,=938272MeV/c* Neutron: m, =93565Mev/c* m= 2m, +(A~Z)n, -m, A=2,221 Am=m,+m,—m, 4m =938272+939565-1876588=1.249MeV/c? Binding Energy £, = (amet £, = (L249Mev/c?\(c?)=1.249MeV (answer) 3. Assume that all energy released in the fission of U* in 25 g of normal uranium is captured for use. How many kw hr should be obtained 25 g of normal uranium? Solution: ‘The fission of a U™® nucleus has been found to liberate about 200 MeV of energy. In kWhr _ _200MeV <1. kWhr = OOM ET 8.910" kWhr (answer) 224694210" MeV 4. Anew steam power plant of 30,000 kw capacity in one unit is being considered, Assuming that the pipe friction loss between boiler drum and turbine would not exceed 1% of the throttle gauge pressure, predict the probable boiler design pressure and the degree of superheat to be used, Solution: Pg. 263, Turbogenerator Rating (kw) at 30,000 kw Use Throttle Pressure = 59.8 kg/cm” ga Throttle Temperature = 482 C CHAPTER 9 — ENERGY FLOW INTHE STEAM POWER PLANT Safety valve will not open until the pressure has risen some 4% above operating pressure. Boiler design pressure = (1.01)(59.8)(1.04) = 62.8 kg/cm’ ga Use 63.32 kg/cm” ga standard pressure (answer) At 59.8 ke/em? ga, 482 C = 3380.3 ki/kg ‘At 63.32 kg/cm’, h = 3380.3 ki/kg, trer= 278.86 C Temperature = 483.83 C Degree superheat = 483.83 - 278.8 204.97 C (answer) Bolts in a high-temperature pipe flange which had begun to leak after five years’ continuous service were removed and the length compared with installation records. Stressed lengths that were installed at 139.83 mm were found to be 140.46 mm long. Determine whether this is within the creep limit mentioned in text. Solution: Time = 5 years = 5 x 365 x 24 = 43,800 hrs Initial = 139.83 mm Final = 140.46 mm Creep limits for flange bolts per hr = 10° times the actual length 14046-13986 ————— = 9.8x10* < 10° 139.86(43,800) Creep per hr per actual lengt This is within the limit. . A flat partition is made in two layers, X and Y in close contact (Fig. 9.6). Thermocouple measurements are taken at stations as shown. Material Y is known to have k = 7.2 kcal per hr—m— deg C. Find: (a) ky; (b) contact resistance in hr-m’-deg C per kcal. xe. sot na ‘Fua. 0-4P Solution: 0.0064 m 6 mm = 0,0076 m d, = 20.2-6.4 = 13.8 mm = 0.0138 m , 4 mm = 0.0064 m CHAPTER 9 — ENERGY FLOW IN THE STEAM POWER PLANT At, =489-415=7.4C ky==7.2 keal per hr=m—deg C wlals (Gio) es) (b) contact resistance in hr-m?-deg C per kcal ALA 552 kcal per hr-m ~deg C (answer) 1 _0,0064 0.0076, 0.0138, 0.0064 u3552° 3552. 72 72 R=1/U = 148.2 hr-m’-deg C per kcal (answer) =6.747x10" ‘A steam pipe 219.08 mm OD is covered with 50.8 mm of material for which k = 3.47, over which is 63.5 mm of material with k= 2.54, both k’s in kcal per hr-m’-deg C. Outside surface of pipe at 457 C; of covering, 79 C, Length of pipe, 4.72 m. How much heat is lost through it per hr. Solution: 2a. k k 57-79 = 378C L=4.72m 19.08 / 2 = 109.54 mm if ass) oe) 10954) "16034 347 254 = 46,486 kcal/hr (answer) CHAPTER 9 — ENERGY FLOW INTHE STEAM POWER PLANT 8, Given Fourier’s Law as qdr = -kAd@ derive Eq 9-7. aif) |=—2nkt(0-@) 4 Dake. > (answer) in & (5 } 9. Athin, flat metal wall is bathed with water on one side, air on the other. It is found that 3300 kcal are transferred to the water in forced convection per m® per hr. Mean temperature difference, 27.8 C. The water film conductance is estimated as 4638 kcal per hr-m’-deg C. Make an estimate of the air film conductance. 0-278 3300=U(27.8) =118705 feo k 444g, % 118705 4638. h, +g = 4638 kcal per hr-m?-deg C (answer) CHAPTER 9 — ENERGY FLOW IN THE STEAM POWER PLANT 10. Write an equation for q transmitted by forced convection under an mtd of @ for the case shown in Fig. 9-10. Solution: 1, 2aLinley in), 2 Dak, il) ener kA, 11. Air at an average stream temperature of 82 Cis flowing at 762 m/min in a rectangular duct 38 cm x 76 cm. Estimate the conductance of the air film. Solution: u=CRe* Pr’ iD ik Pvp H pra K/3600 Temperature at 82 C V=762 m/min = 12.7 m/s Duct size = 38 em x76 em Nw: Re , -a{ See cross—sectionalareaof flow - perimeter of thearea (23) =50.67cm=0.5067m 268+76) Table 9-2. C= 0.023, x=0.8, y=0.4 Figure 9-6. Air at 82 C. k=7.5 x 107 kcal per hr-m-deg C H=8.5x 107 kg-sec/m* For air, ¢=0.24 keal/kg-Cx9.81 =2.3544 12, CHAPTER 9 — ENERGY FLOW IN THE STEAM POWER PLANT 2 101325, Rg (0.287(@2+-273)0.81) p= 354985210") _ 9 996 (75x10 */36 pe 2506 NLA Nl01029) 57g @sxio 0.023767,668)"*(0.096)"* .0.1014kg ~ sec” /m* +h = 68,09 kcal per hr-m’-deg C (answer) Diagram a case of heat transfer from condensing steam to water flowing in a tube, Derive Eq 9-12 for this case, showing all necessary steps. Solution: Diagram U0,dA=wed0, UA = Welty /g,) oda— WO u W1PKE pox! Onn) ous ~9, ~T0.2/0..) (answer) CHAPTER 9 — ENERGY FLOW INTHE STEAM POWER PLANT 13, Find the mean temperature difference in a steam condenser where the absolute pressure is 0.12 kg/cm? and the condensing water terminal temperatures are 18.3 Cand 31.1.C. Solution: i i ‘At 0.12 kg/cm’ at 321-183 Se 83) 49054-3141 14, In a two-fluid heat exchanger, operating counterfiow, one fluid rises in temperature from 82 C to 121 C; while the other changes from 321 C to 218 C. Diagram the flows. Calculate the true and arithmetical mean temperature differences. Solution: ¥'=49.054.C, ty= 31.16, t= T.A7C (answer) pq, =321-121=200€ yy =218-82=136C True mean temperature difference Solution: _ Porattel flow. CHAPTER 9 — ENERGY FLOW IN THE STEAM POWER PLANT py, = 218-121-976 True mean temperature difference 39-97 =1575C (answer) Arithmetic mean temperature difference =5(239+97)=168C (answer) 16. A lubricating oil cooler of the shell-and-tube type has the following flow temperatures: Oil in, 66 C; out, 33.5 C. Water in, 15.8 C; out, 47.8 C. Arrangement, counterflow. Find the mean temperature difference. Solution: 17, The rate of water discharge from a 5.4 mm copper alloy tube 3.05 m long surrounded by steam was 97 kg per min, Water terminal temperatures, 18,3 Cand 28.9 C. Steam temperature, 104.4 C, What coefficient of conductance was developed? Solution: Steam temperature = t”= 104.4 C Water temperature, t;t0 t,= 18,3 Cto28.9C M=97 kg per min A= {35 \009 =0.05174m" 009, gnina,de=rie fet} 18. CHAPTER 9 — ENERGY FLOW INTHE STEAM POWER PLANT , =4187kcal/kg-C (97\(60)(4.187\289-183) 58,305kca/hr fo) 289-189 h of 1044-183 1044-289, q=UAO 258305-U(0.05174(80.68) U=61,879 kcal per hr-m?-deg C (answer) With the use of Fig. 9-10, determine the required surface for a condenser if 43,090 kg steam per hr are to be condensed at 50.8 mm Hg abs, using water at 21.1 C which will be heated to 4.4 less than steam temperature. Steam quality, 0.875; water velocity, 2.44 m/s; 19.2 mm, 1.24 mm Muntz tubes. Solution: ‘m,= 43,090 kg/hr ‘At 50.8 mm Hg abs, x = 0.875 y= 542.22 kcal/kg Also a= hy= 38.4 keal/kg V=2.44 m/s Tube = 19.4 mm, 1.24 mm Muntz metal q=uao ‘At50.8 mm Hg abs, tsat = 38.41. LIC 1h, hy) q=(43,090)54222~384) 1,709,604keal/hr Fig. 9-10, at 2.44 m/s, 19.2 mm tube U=3700 kcal per hr—m?-Cat 21.1 C initial water For Muntz metal, 1.24 mm thick, use factor of 0.96 U=0.96 x 3700 = 3552 kcal per hr-m=C 10 CHAPTER 9 — ENERGY FLOW INTHE STEAM POWER PLANT 3401-211 res 21) 44 _@__ 21,709,604 ve (3552\9.43) A=648m' (answer) Determine the over-all U of a condenser from individual predictions of Uy, Uy, Up and U;, Data: 22.2 mm x 1.24 mm tubes; 2.13 m/sec water velocity; 7 C mtd; 22.9 C average temperature. Solution: Data: 22.2 mm x 1.24 mm tubes V=2.13 m/s 927 tor = 22.9 C 436 19. 2, Alu, U0,+0,) U2, U,D, | Dy = 22.2-2(1.24) = 19.72 mm D,=22.2 mm. Table 9-1, kt = 93.7 kcal per hr-m-C k, 937 dq, D001 4,650 kcal per m*-hr (average value) u,=bv" pe b=13797-, oF; “(2 20, 5,565 V=2.13 m/s At 22.9, 0.935 cP absolute viscosity D, =0.01972m b=13797, 140699" |_ 40473 (0.01973" U, =40473(2.13P” = 70288 11 CHAPTER 9 — ENERGY FLOW IN THE STEAM POWER PLANT I,(0,+D,) U,D, alate 222), 2222 J 111,190" (75,565)19.72+222) '(4,650)1972) (7028\09.72) A 4 [WAX sassomsao" | 111,190 Janos 2) A A a). (2) 2,589.4 113,190 *” 25894)" Answers: Uy = 16,996 keal per m’-hr Uy = 7,028.8 kcal per m?-hr U,= 75,565 kcal per m”-hr U, = 14,650 kcal per m”-hr A =16,996 20. Calculate the film coefficient of steam flowing through 38.1 mm x 2.67 mm tubes at 10.54 kg/cm” ga. 232 at the rate of 1220 m/min. Solution: 38.1 mm x 2.67 mm tubes ‘Steam at 10.54 kg/cm? ga., 232 C V=1220 m/min =37% s0°9,%(&) ‘At 232.C and 10.54 kg/cm” ga or 11.57 kg/cm” ga. Fig. 9-6 k,= 3,75 x10” kcal per hr-m-deg C Hy = 21. 10-7 kg-sec/m? 381-2267 p,=284224287 _o.93276m 1000 2 21. CHAPTER 9 — ENERGY FLOW IN THE STEAM POWER PLANT 1 =5.1117kg/m? 0.19563, al 6, (612 229) sou parse 104 =3.7x10° (0.03279 "(3,75x107) 08 h, =3.7x10° (0.03278 "(3.7510 (atts +h, =3936 kcal per hr—m*-C (answer) Determine, with Eq 9-10, the film coefficient of conductance of water in a 50.8 mm x 3.18 mm steel tube. Average water temperature, 110 C; velocity, 1.52 m/sec. Compare result with a coefficient calculated from Eq 9-20. Solution: £q.9-10 Nu=CRe" Pr’ w= FO k = 22 # ou ~ -k/3600 Table 9-2. C= 0.023, x=0.8, y=0.4 50.8 mm x 3.18 mm steel tube to = 110 V=152 m/s D, =D, =50.8-2(3.18)=44.44mm=0.04444m Figure 9-6, Water at 110 C. ‘k=05 kcal per hr-m-deg C (H= 2.25 x10" kg-sec/m? For water, ¢= 1.0 kcal/kg-Cx9.81 =9.81 Re 1 ie =9691kg~ sec’ /m* ?*Cosia%10"}0.81) seca (@.81)2.25x10° 7 -0811225%20") 5 55022 "(05/3600) aes (0.044441.52\(9691) '=290940 25x10" Nu=CRe* Pr’ noossed =0.023290,940)""(1.58923)"* ‘= 7318 kcal per hr-m?-deg C (answer) B aa CHAPTER 9 — ENERGY FLOW INTHE STEAM POWER PLANT Eq. 9-20. u, =bv" b=13797 V=152m/s At 2.25 x 10° kg-sec/m’ = 0.2207 cP absolute viscosity sa 02207 b=137a7 (0539 eosaage™ U, =45941.52)” =62392 kcal per hr—m*-C (answer) < from Eq. 9-10. =4596 ‘An assumption of 316 C was made in Ex 2, Sec 9-11. Using the results computed in that example, ‘what would the tube temperature actually have been? What percentage correction does this lead to in wand ki? Solution: Using result computed in Ex 2, Sec 9-11 1283 kcal per hr-m’-deg C ‘hy = 43.19 kcal per hr-m?-deg C 14897 kcal per hr-m”-deg C U=41.31 kcal per hr-m”-deg C q=UA0 =h,A(7518-t) U0 h,(7518-t) (41.3148) = (43.197518-t) Tube temperature = t= 285 C (answer) Percentage correction Film temperature = (751.8 + 285)/2 = 518.4 C Fig. 9-6 z= 4,6 x10" kcal/hr-m-deg C Hy = 37.8 x 10” kg-sec/m From Example k= 4.6 x10" kcal/hr-m-deg C 38.33 x 10” kg-sec/m Percentage correction on conductivity, k: = 100% (answer) 14 23, CHAPTER 9 — ENERGY FLOW IN THE STEAM POWER PLANT Percentage correction on dynamic viscosity, 4 = (37.8/38.33)(100%) = 98.6% (answer) Make an estimate of the over-all conductance, gas to water, of surface convection through a 50.8 mm x 3.05 mm steel tube having an interior water flow at 0.61 m/sec, with water entering at 99 C, leaving at 164 C. Gas flow is transverse at G = 24,410 kg per hr-m? and has temperature change 399 Cto 274 C, Gas isto be considered as having same thermal properties as air. Solution: 50.8mm x 3.05 mm steel tube Vy = 0.61 m/s t=99C t,=161C G, = 24,410 kg per hr—m? t)=399C Gas Film Coefficient h osann(5) pre A pr, Seb /3600 Film temperature = (1/2)(399 + 274) = 336.5 C Fig. 9-6 kp= 3.8.x 10” keal per hr-m-deg C 1.5 x 10” kg-sec/m? 1.28 x9.81 = 3544 0.0508 m 5, -2:3540(31510") 5 ~""3.8x10/3600 a au(_24,410 )"" ~aosai(s.sx10*\0.0508) “(28412 \"(a7009) % fe * 3 (et. 6 ” 0.7026 +h, = 8039 keal per hr m?-C Water film coefficient h, =3.7x10°D;"k, (J prt 15 CHAPTER 9 — ENERGY FLOW IN THE STEAM POWER PLANT p, =508=2%3.05 1000 Average temperature = (1/2)(99 + 161) = 130 C Fig. 9-6 ks=0.5 kcal per hr-m-deg C Mi= 2.25% 10° ke-sec/m* =0.0447m c= 1x9.81=9.81 At 130€ 1 ——1 ___934kg/m To7ooaao> °3440/"" G, = pv, ~(034Y(0.61)-56974 kg per m’-see pr, = Sth ,/3600 (0.81)(2.25x10* 1.58922 0.5/3600 Pr,= 56974 +h, =3.7x10° (0.0447) (0.5) 20°74) sa92: , Goosaay( \aasio J Gseozy ‘h, =3470 kcal per hr—m?-C Over-all Coefficient. ‘The tube coefficient is approximately k/d,. From Table 9-1 for steel, k= 39.7 kcal per hr-m-deg C. 397 u, 13,016 '~G00305 dd Ay a hy A Uh Uh, 2,14 3470" 13,016 8039 U, =2043 keal per hr —m’-C (answer) 24, Employ Eq 9-19 to predict g/A, of a condenser heat-transfer surface where the tubes are 22.2 mm x 1.24 mm copper alloy. t’, 32.2 C; ti, 16.7 C, ty 27.8 C. Water velocity, 1.83 m/sec, Us, 9765 kcal per mhredeg C. Solution: 22.2 mm x 1.24 mm copper alloy 22¢ 16 CHAPTER 9 — ENERGY FLOW IN THE STEAM POWER PLANT 1 322 Garas) 2.2mm 22.2-2%1.24=19.72 mm Table 9-1, copper alloy k=937 u,-232 0.00124 U,=9765 =75,565 u,=bve b=13797 5 oF V=1.83 m/s At 22.25 Caverage temperature, 0.95 cP absolute viscosity 1 1.053 095 D, =0.01972m (1053) (0.01979°” U, = 4034187)" = 6268 b=1379: 40322 111,190 Gaye v7 CHAPTER 9 — ENERGY FLOW INTHE STEAM POWER PLANT 111,190 (75; 565(19.72+222) 7650972) (6268(19.72) [SAE ssarsso*| 111,190 A A ossaar-( 2] +asa6i 2) A a (2) = 41,380 kcal per hr- m’.(answer) 25. Find the ERS and EPRS of radiant surfaces for tubes on a furnace wall in arrangement (a), Fig. 9-14. There are 20 tubes 88.9 mm dia x 3.05 m long, Assume a slag factor of 0.92. Solution: ERS =A, =séA, 92 Fig. 9-14(a), 5=n/2 889 A,=2 3.0! «00 RS =(0.92)(z/2)(5.4229)=7.8368m (answer) EPRS = BS x effectiveness Fig. 9-15, Ratio of Tube Spacing to Diameter = 0 Effectiveness = 100% = 1.0 BS = Ap= 5.4229 m? for Fig. 9-14(a) EPRS = 5.4229 x 1.0 = 5.4229 m* (answer) 26. Find the ERS of a furnace envelope consisting of 3 walls arranged as in Fig. 9-15 (3), one wall refractory, floor refractory, and roof a tube bank. BS area of walls, 10.7 m* each; of floor and roof, 8.4m each. 5= 0.552for walls; 1.52for tube bank. s= 0.90; D = 76.2 mm; L= 178 mm. Solution: Walls: ERS: A= as?) 1022) =4.58m* L 178 ERS =(0.9(0.557(4.58)=7.12m" 18 27. 28, 29. CHAPTER 9 — ENERGY FLOW INTHE STEAM POWER PLANT A,=8S=8.4m? ERS = (0.91.52 8.4)=35.63m" Total ERS = 3 x 7.12 + 35.63 = 56.99 m* (answer) Solve €x 9-26, finding EPRS instead of ERS. Solution: Walls: EPRS —BS effectiveness Fig. 9-15(3), L/D = 178 /76.2= 2.34 Effectiveness = 0.50 EPRS=10.7x0.5=5.35m' Roof; EPRS=BS x effectiveness Fig. 9-15(1), L/D = 178 / 76.2 = 2.34 Effectiveness = 0.95 EPRS =8.4x0.95=7.98m' ‘Total EPRS = 3 x 5.35 + 7.98 = 24.03 m” (answer Find the “fraction cold” of the furnace of Prob. 9-26. Solution: Fraction Cold =A, / 8S Total A, = 4.58 x34 8.4= 22.14 m? Total BS= 4x 10.7 +2x8- 9.6m? Fraction Cold = 22.14 / 59. 37 (answer) With the Orrok equation, find temperature of gases at furnace exit for a case of combustion where bituminous coal of Q, = 6255 kcal/kg is burned on 15:1 A ratio. Air temperature, 26.7 C, C, 9.8 kg/m? ERS. Allow for combustion heat losses of 280 kcal per kg coal. c, of gases = 0.26 kcal per kg- deg c. Solution: Qi = 6255 kcal/kg =2676 ¢,=0.26kealkg—C w, =150+.0=160 19 CHAPTER 9 — ENERGY FLOW IN THE STEAM POWER PLANT Q-—_—-0561 159.8 1 60 a-Q-a Q-a-a' G22 =w,clt, -t,) (1-0.561)'5975)=16(0.25)¢, -267) t, =6572C (answer) 30. A steam generator is equipped with air preheating auxiliary heating surface. Find the most economical temperature to which to cool the gas leaving preheater, using the following data: t's, 371 G; t, 21.1 C. Coal, $4.92 per tonne; Qs, 7225 kcal; Ca, $3.23; Us. 8.8. Operation 6000 hr per yr. 2 }.70; over-all thermal efficiency, approximately 80%. t,=211¢ Coal $4.92 per tonne Q,=7225kcal/kg C, = $3.23 U,=88 6000 hr per yr Eq. 9-16,2=0.70 Overall thermal efficiency = 80% = 0.80 $4.92/1000kg 4.92 Val i [alue of fuel keal= > Skcalfkg 7225000 Efficiency of steam generator 492 7225000°°° 08 3.23 21.1)371- 8.8(5.1073«40" 371-211 1073x107 20

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