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Insert a Cover Page with shows:

Full Names Azza Shah

Title Animal abuse

School Aga Khan Academy Nairobi

Class 6T

Subject Digital Design

Due Date 30/3/2022 4:15pm

Insert a Table of content here

Criterion A 3
Criterion B 6
Criterion C 10
Criterion D 12
Criterion A: Inquiring and analysing

Explain and justify the need for a solution to a problem

What have you been tasked to do (the nature of the problem)?. Who is it a problem for
(client/audience)? Give some background info of the audience/peers, why should we help
abused animals? How can we help? [Should be one paragraph). What is the global
context/key concept and how is it related to the task?

Animal abuse or animal cruelty is when animals are suffering from pain or being slaughtered
or being taken away from their family. Animal cruelty also can be when you take your anger
on the animal or when you don’t give the animal food or water. This mostly targets the
audience because it can be your own pet that you are harassing. Around the world millions
of Elephants are abused for the entertainment of tourist for example Elephant’s bathing and
riding or many other tourist attractions, we should stop this because this can cause the
animal to suffer or die and we don’t need that to happen because millions of animals die like
this and nobody cares about them. We can make them a safe habitat where no humans
interact with them and no animal that is danger to them attacks the animal. The global
context is globalization and sustainability and the key concept is communication, this
connects to our task because there are abused animals around the world and we have to try
and figure out how we can stop them from being abused.

(Paragraph for each question)

State and prioritize the main points of research needed to develop a solution to the
Research Type / How will I Date/ When Priority and reason/ Why will
Question gather information will I do this? I research this info?

Why do humans Secondary – I need to 12th March Low- all I need to do is google
use animals for use Google for it.
entertainment? researching on how
we can help.
Is social media a Primary – This will be 2nd March High- I will need to ask people
good platform for very time consuming on what I can do to make it
getting good ideas because I will need to good.
for how to help ask different people
abused animals? on what I can do.
How do I raise Secondary- This will be 10th March High – I need to research about
awareness for the hardest because I the different animals that
abused animals? would need to research abused and post on social
a lot and post on social media so that I raise
media to get better ideas
than mine. awareness.
(Add at least 3 more questions)

Is making a Secondary – I need 28th March High – this is very

questionnaire a good to make a serve and important because
idea for getting ideas ask different people then people are
for your questions? to do it because now telling me to make
I can get good ideas my work better.
on how I can make
my work better.
What other platforms Primary – I can ask 27th March Low – I am just
can I use to raise people different ways asking for
awareness about on how they raise suggestions and I
abused animals? awareness. wont use them
because I only have
a idea.

Describe the main features of one existing product that inspires a solution to the problem

The main features that I see are they put about 10 things that would connect straight to the main

Identify an existing product that will info others how we can help abused animals e.g. posters,

Another existing product would be social media

Also explain the advantages and disadvantages of the product

Present the main findings of relevant research.


The potential to make new connections has never been easier

you can reach millions across the globe

Social media can boost targeted traffic, build new relationships


Expensive & Time-Consuming

Negative Feedback & Business Risks

Risk of Security Breach.

Constant User Engagement

Answer all questions from the research plan and show how the info collected they will help you
complete the task.
All the info that I have collected helps me because it will help me understand if the platform that
I am going to use is suitable for raising awareness. It will help me to understand what I need to
do to make a good brochure or poster using word and publisher.

Why do humans use animals for entertainment?

Using animals for entertainment means that the animals are being taken advantage of,
suffering, and even dying, for the amusement and pleasure of onlookers.

Is social media a good platform for getting good ideas for how to help abused animals?

It is a good platform because all of the world uses social media and you could get a lot of idea.

How do I raise awareness for abused animals?

Volunteer at your local animal shelter. Often, when abused animals are taken to a shelter, they
are very afraid of people.

Is making a questionnaire a good idea for getting ideas for your questions?

Questionnaires are a cost-effective, simple and quick way to gather data that comes straight
from the sources.

What other platforms can I use to raise awareness about abused animals?

You can use Canva, Microsoft form, YouTube, Notice boards, posters, publisher.
Criterion B: Developing ideas
Develop a list of success criteria for the solution
Specification/criteria Explanation
Target audience Who it is for? This is mainly for the audience because I am
targeting the pet owners.

Font styles Which font type, size? I will use arial and size 16
Size Number of pages? I am going to use 4 pages
Layout Number of columns? I will need to add about 10 columns to list
the features, Advantages and disadvantages.
Content Explain the content of each page Each page would mostly
Page 1 the page will have introduction to the content
Page 2 this page will mainly talk about introduction to abused
Page 3 the page will have solutions to the problem
Page 4 it will have the blurb
Resources What software and hardware will you use?

I will use publisher because it is made mainly for this.

Feasible design ideas
Design Idea 1

Name Why should we care

Abused animals?



How can you spread

awareness for animal

Design Idea 2

Why are animals important?


References Blurb
Present the chosen design
Select the most suitable design of the slide. To choose you must give some justification.

Comment Idea 1 Idea 2

Well-laid out? no yes
All necessary details? yes yes
References no yes
Detailed working no yes
Answer for your questions yes no

Chosen solution.
Show a final design of the brochure

Why are animals important?

Why should we care about them? TITLE

What is animal abuse?

Who does animals abuse target?

What platform can we use to

Raise awareness?

Is social media a good place Blurb

What are solutions to solve this

Criterion C: Creating the solution

Outline a plan – Gantt Chart

Date/ Task 5th March 10th 12th 20th 24th 28th 30th
March March March March March March
Creating the
problems on
solutions to

Demonstrate excellent technical skills when making the solution

Explain using screenshots the steps to:

Add columns

Adding a picture
Changing font size and fonts

List the changes made to the chosen design and plan when making the solution.
Explain any changes you made to the plan if any

1 My first change to the design idea was to change my source, if it is Primary or secondary
Criterion D: Evaluating

Outline simple, relevant testing methods, which generate data, to measure the success
of the solution
Questionnaire, Device Magic for pre-filling form data, Fulcrum for geolocation with custom
maps, Magpie for interactive voice data collection, Fast Field for overall ease of use, JotForm
for form-building options.

Create a questionnaire with 5 questions to find out about your brochure.

Which pet do you own?

Why should we care about animals?

Do you think social media is a good way to raise awareness?

Do you own a pet?

Will you harass your pet if he/she did something wrong?

Ask at least 3 people

1 – Dog, if we don't care about animals, they will get extinct we don't want that to happen, yes
because now were days social media and the new generation we are starting to have a
metaverse, yes, No.

2 – cat, they are living creatures just like us so we should take care of them, yes because
multiple people are on social media, yes, No.

3 – Fish, animal cruelty raises important questions about the nature of empathy, and the type of
society that we wish to live in, social media can create a platform for sharing stories, narratives,
and photos, providing facts and data in a consumable way, which engages an audience by
helping them understand and so social media would be a good platform to raise awareness,
yes, No.

Note also ask about how the brochure has influenced their thinking and what changes they
need made to it.

1 - You target audience is the pet owners so you must be going around to ask the pet owners
because they have the most impact on animals

2 - Your font style is nice but you should stop using font styles as such as Blackadder ITC
because people

3 - Your layout is blank and does not have enough information for abused animals so please
add info about why abused animals are important.

Outline the success of the solution against the design specification

Specification/ Done (y/n) Comments
Target audience y You target audience is the pet owners so you
must be going around to ask the pet owners
because they have the most impact on animals.
Font styles y Your font style is nice but you should stop using
font styles as such as Blackadder ITC because
Size y Your font size is a too low because it can be
hard to read for the people with eye problems.
Layout y Your layout is blank and does not have enough
information for abused animals so please add
info about why abused animals are important.
Content y You have the perfect content because it is
telling about why we should care about animals
and why the pet owners are the main character
on your brochure because they are the people
who have pets.
Resources y Your resource is the social media and I think
that is very smart of you because social media
impacts our daily lives a lot.

Outline how the solution could be improved

The solutions could be improved if I fix the things that the audience is saying about my brochure and
that would make a big difference because my brochure would look perfect.

Explain any changes you would make to the brochure and why

I would if there is anything else that I find interesting to put on the brochure but I would just look
out for the miner details.

Outline the impact of the solution on the client/target audience.

The impact would make a big difference on the client/target because my target is the pet owners

Find out the impact of your brochure to your target audience

My audience thinks that my brochure is exactly like the mix of my two design ideas. The impact
is that people are starting to reduce animal abuse because of the influence of my brochure.

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