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[ Contemporary Reviews in Critical Care Medicine ]

Low Tidal Volumes for Everyone?

Craig R. Rackley, MD; and Neil R. MacIntyre, MD

Since the first description of mechanical ventilation, our understanding of the positive and
negative effects of this form of life support has continued to evolve. To maintain “normal”
aeration of the lungs and “normal” blood gas measurements, patients often require much
higher airway pressures and tidal volumes than would be expected in a healthy, spontaneously
breathing adult. In the early days of mechanical ventilation, the goal was to normalize the blood
gas levels, but over the last several decades, we have developed a much better appreciation for
the deleterious effects of mechanical ventilation. We have found that lower tidal volumes, which
may actually worsen oxygenation and reduce clearance of CO2, can decrease the level of harm
caused by mechanical ventilation. This scenario is best described and agreed upon in the setting
of ARDS, but a growing body of evidence suggests that the use of higher tidal volumes is
harmful in patients with normal lungs undergoing general anesthesia or in patients with lung
diseases other than ARDS requiring mechanical ventilation. Finally, the concept of self-induced
lung injury has emerged as a mechanism through which patients generating large negative
intrathoracic pressures to achieve larger tidal volumes can contribute to worsened lung injury.
Given a growing supportive evidence base, we suggest that efforts be made to achieve low tidal
volume ventilation in all patients with lung injury or undergoing mechanical ventilation for any
reason. CHEST 2019; 156(4):783-791

KEY WORDS: ARDS; low tidal volumes; lung-protective ventilation; ventilator-induced lung injury

The goal of positive pressure ventilation decade of the 20th century, it became
(PPV) is to safely provide adequate alveolar increasingly apparent that excessive VT
ventilation for life support. Current settings had the potential to produce
approaches to delivering PPV are generally significant lung injury. Beginning with a
patterned after the normal breathing pattern focus on ARDS, a number of clinical trials
in which tidal volume (VT) values are (described in detail later in this article) have
delivered at a certain respiratory rate. clearly shown that VT settings in the
Historically, however, VT settings were often physiologic range (6-8 mL/kg predicted body
two or more times normal in an effort to weight [PBW]) produced significantly better
eliminate atelectasis and/or increase minute outcomes than VT settings twice that size.
ventilation to overcome effects of disease- This notion of “protecting” the lung (and
induced dead space, impaired ventilation- sometimes accepting worsened gas exchange
perfusion matching, and shunting. In the last in trade-off) has now spread to other lung

ABBREVIATIONS: HFNC = high-flow nasal cannula; NIV = noninva- CORRESPONDENCE TO: Craig R. Rackley, MD, Division of Pulmonary,
sive ventilation; PBW = predicted body weight; PEEP = positive Allergy, and Critical Care Medicine, Box 102355, Duke University
end-expiratory pressure; PPV = positive pressure ventilation; SILI = self- Medical Center, Durham, NC 27710; e-mail:
induced lung injury; VILI = ventilator-induced lung injury; VT = tidal Copyright Ó 2019 American College of Chest Physicians. Published by
volume Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
AFFILIATIONS: From the Department of Medicine, Division of Pul- DOI:
monary, Allergy, and Critical Care Medicine, Duke University Medical
Center, Durham, NC. 783
diseases and even to normal lungs (eg, anesthetized (PEEP) could ameliorate this situation, hemodynamic
patients). The current review explores the hypothesis concerns limited its use. As a consequence, anesthesia
that a physiologic VT value is the best approach for recommendations in the mid-20th century were to
virtually anyone receiving PPV. minimize PEEP and ventilate patients undergoing
general anesthesia with VT values of 10 to 15 mL/kg
Evolution of PPV and VT Settings: Early PBW, often with “sigh” breaths.13
Concepts As ICUs were developed, operating room PPV strategies
Andreas Vesalius was one of the first to describe were transferred into these units to manage a variety of
artificial ventilation in 1543 when he reported the use of patients with respiratory failure.13,14 Accordingly, from
a “tube or reed of cane” being inserted directly into the the early 1970s to the 1990s, it was recommended to
trachea that could be blown into, thus allowing the lungs apply these same larger VT values using the justification
to “rise again and take air.”1 Despite this early that this had been done in “several thousand ventilated
description of PPV, no significant progress was made in patients with no evidence of development of pulmonary
mechanical ventilation until the mid-1800s, when damage.”13
negative pressure ventilation was described.2 The first
widespread use of mechanical ventilation was with the The Paradigm Shift: From “Normalizing”
negative pressure “iron lung” during the polio epidemics Blood Gases to Lung Protection
beginning in 1928.3
From the infancy of artificial respiration methods, it was
Positive pressure ventilators were first used in the early clear that providing indiscriminate VT settings could be
1900s as noninvasive devices (Pulmotor; Draeger) for harmful. In 1744, John Fothergill15 expressed concern
short-term rescue use for gas poisoning in coal miners.4 that using fireplace bellows to support respiration could
However, it was not until the 1940s and 1950s that be harmful and recommended mouth-to-mouth support
invasive PPV became widely available, and it largely instead to assure that the delivered volume of a breath
replaced negative pressure ventilation by the 1960s for would not exceed that of the rescuer. In 1829, Leroy of
supporting patients with respiratory failure.5 Paris noted that “bellows in the hands of an ignorant
person might become a lethal weapon.”16 As part of the
The goals of early PPV were to mimic the normal
early research of Hutchinson8 measuring lung volumes
human respiratory pattern and restore near-normal gas
(noted earlier), he showed that applying increasing
exchange. This goal required the development of
volume through bellows led to extreme leakage of air
accurate blood gas analyzers6,7 and characterization of
from the lungs (pneumothorax).
normal human lung volumes and breathing patterns.
The clear relation of vital capacity to height was first In 1987, Kolobow et al17 found that ventilating normal
thoroughly described through experiments performed sheep at VT settings of 50 to 70 mL/kg led to rapid
by Hutchinson in 1846.8 However, it was another deterioration and death from severe lung injury, whereas
century before resting VT values were measured by those ventilated at 10 mL/kg remained stable. This high
Needham et al9 and first reported in 1954 to be 9.7 mL/ VT setting actually approximated a normal inspiratory
kg PBW for adult men and 10.5 mL/kg PBW in adult capacity and produced an end-inspiratory lung volume
women. In subsequent years, derivation nomograms equivalent to total lung capacity. Although it may seem
based on CO2 production predicted the basal VT value absurd to use such high VT settings given modern
for an adult breathing 12 to 18 breaths/minute to be w6 practice, the potential for harm from this value was
to 8 mL/kg.10 In 1967, Stahl11 showed, through certainly not clear at the time. In later studies involving
prediction models, that VT values were highly correlated normal sheep (described later in more detail),
to body weight across different mammalian species Mascheroni et al18 also reported that VT settings only
ranging in size from rat to man with an average of slightly larger than normal (9-15 mL/kg PBW) led to
7.69 mL/kg. severe lung injury relative to VT settings approximating
normal resting VT.
By the mid-20th century, much of the literature on the
management of PPV was originating from the operating In an elegant group of studies, Dreyfuss et al19 clearly
room.12 It was clear at the time that anesthetized, showed that it was the volume change and not the
paralyzed patients were prone to atelectasis and applied pressure that caused the lung injury. Animals
hypoxemia. Although positive end-expiratory pressure subjected to high airway pressures and normal chest wall

784 Contemporary Reviews in Critical Care Medicine [ 156#4 CHEST OCTOBER 2019 ]
mechanics developed high VT values and severe injury. 16
In contrast, control animals had chest wall strapping
that prevented excessive VT values despite similar high

Tidal Volume (mL/kg PBW)

airway pressures, and they experienced no injury. These 12
observations led to the concepts of stress and strain with
PPV.20 Stress is the pressure applied to alveolar
structures (ie, transpulmonary pressure), and strain is 8
the resulting stretch or volume change. Ventilator-
induced lung injury (VILI) was now believed to be a
consequence of both excessive dynamic strain (VT) and 4
excessive static strain (end-inspiratory lung volume).
Research has also implicated acceleration forces,
respiratory frequency, inadequate expiratory pressure 0
1989 1992 1994 1995 1996 1996 1996
(PEEP), and vascular factors in promulgating this
Year Study Began
injury.21-23 In addition, VILI is associated with cytokine
production that can produce systemic inflammation and Figure 1 – Tidal volume settings during the 1990s. This graph illustrates
that tidal volumes used during several large clinical trials that began
multiorgan dysfunction (biotrauma).24 These concepts during the late 1980s through the 1990s ranged from 10.3 to 13.7 mL/kg
have driven a paradigm shift in management PBW (shaded area). PBW ¼ predicted body weight. (Data from
Thompson et al.26)
recommendations away from “normalizing” blood gas
measurements to lung-protective ventilation. ARDS. In contrast, several other small trials evaluating
VT strategies with less VT separation showed no
The Patient With ARDS significant benefits.31-33 In 2000, the landmark National
Much of the literature focusing on lung-protective Institutes of Health ARDS Network randomized trial of
ventilation strategies in humans has come from studies 861 patients with ARDS was reported; it compared
on ARDS. ARDS is characterized by the acute onset of ventilation with 6 mL/kg PBW and a plateau pressure <
tachypnea, hypoxia, and loss of lung compliance and 30 cm H2O as opposed to 12 mL/kg PBW and a plateau
was first described in adults in 1967.25 Interestingly, this pressure < 40 cm H2O. In this trial, the lower VT
initial description commented on the apparent benefit of group had a 9% absolute reduction in mortality.34
PEEP; however, there was no discussion of the VT values Importantly, it seemed that it was both high VT values
these patients were receiving, which ranged from 167 to and high end-inspiratory plateau pressures that drove
1,000 mL. the increased mortality.35
Over the next 2 decades, recommendations from various ARDS was originally viewed through the lens of the chest
professional groups and clinical trial consortiums radiograph and was believed to be a relatively
addressing sepsis and ARDS continued to recommend homogeneous disease characterized by uniform damage to
large VT settings (Fig 1).26 However, as noted earlier, the alveolar capillary membrane causing the lungs to
over this same time, the experimental evidence in become heavy and stiff. However, by the mid-1980s, CT
animals with acute lung injury/ARDS was emerging scans were able to better characterize the distribution of
showing the deleterious effects of high inspiratory injury and showed patchy infiltrates, worse in dependent
pressures and large VT values. Thus, by the early 1990s, lung zones, interspersed with areas of normal-appearing
there was a growing body of evidence to support the lung.36 This brought about the concept of the “baby lung”
hypothesis that limiting end-inspiratory plateau in which, radiographically, the aerated portion of lung in
pressures (a surrogate for end-inspiratory a patient with severe ARDS is similar in volume to that of a
transpulmonary pressure in the setting of near-normal 5- to 6-year-old child.37 This finding, in turn, led to the
chest wall mechanics), reducing lung overdistention by notion that VILI was a regional phenomenon wherein the
using VT settings, and allowing “permissive” delivered positive pressure breath preferentially went to
hypercapnia reduces VILI and improves outcomes in healthier regions. A “normal” global VT value could thus
severe ARDS.27-29 produce excessive regional VT values with excessive
regional dynamic and static strain.38
In 1998, Amato et al30 published a small, randomized
trial showing a significant survival benefit to ventilating The approach to optimal VT settings continues to
with VT values of 6 mL/kg vs 12 mL/kg in patients with evolve. Indeed, given the aforementioned “baby lung” 785
concept, it would make sense that targeting a VT setting patients who have normal lungs or non-ARDS lung
that matches the functioning aerated lung rather than an injury and are undergoing mechanical ventilation?
ideal normal lung would be the best approach. One way Importantly, in virtually all of these clinical scenarios,
to do this would be to visually or physiologically underlying injury is usually heterogeneous and thus the
measure the functional lung size and set the VT value as potential for regional overdistention from PPV
a fraction of functional lung.39 A simpler strategy is to described earlier for ARDS is likely present. In essence,
assume that lung compliance correlates with functional the need for mechanical ventilation in and of itself may
lung size and use it to scale the VT. The relationship of be a risk factor for ARDS, and thus preemptively
VT value to static lung compliance (CRS) is the driving managing these patients with lower VT settings may be
pressure (DP ¼ VT/CRS ¼ plateau pressure – PEEP). In prudent.
retrospective reanalyses of several clinical trials
evaluating mechanical ventilation management In the Operating Room
strategies, driving pressure was more strongly associated General anesthesia affects pulmonary physiology largely
with survival than VT value, plateau pressure, or PEEP.40 through the loss of respiratory muscle tone. As described
It would then follow that even a normal VT setting of 6 earlier, this loss of muscle tone, coupled with controlled
to 8 mL/kg PBW may be excessive if the driving pressure tidal breathing at normal VT settings, leads to
was excessive (eg, > 15-19 cm H2O).40,41 progressive atelectasis, physiologic shunting, and
decreased arterial oxygen tension in the blood.44
How are these concepts being applied to patients with
Periodic large volume breaths that use pressures
ARDS in the 21st century? Extensive guidelines
sufficient to reopen collapsed air spaces restore
emphasize the need for VT settings of 4 to 8 mL/kg PBW
oxygenation, and when patients are ventilated at
and plateau pressures < 30 cm H2O.42 However, a large
constant large VT settings, the gradual decrease in
survey of 2,813 patients with ARDS worldwide revealed
oxygen tension goes away.12
that only about two-thirds received VT settings < 8 mL/
kg PBW, and nearly 10% had VT settings > 10 mL/kg As our understanding of VILI evolved, and the body of
PBW. Furthermore, 10% had plateau pressures > 30 cm evidence implicating the benefits of low VT settings in
H2O, and 50% had driving pressures > 15 cm H2O ARDS grew, the common anesthesia practices that used
(Fig 2).43 larger VT settings were called into question.45,46
Beginning in the mid-2000s, it was becoming evident
The Non-ARDS Patient that there was a similar benefit to using low VT settings
Although there is consensus opinion regarding the use in the operating room. One of the early reports involved
of low VT settings in patients with ARDS, what about patients undergoing surgery for pneumonectomy. The
investigators found that patients who developed
postoperative respiratory failure were ventilated at larger
> 30 cm H2O intraoperative VT settings (8.3 vs 6.7 mL/kg PBW).47 In
90% another group of patients undergoing cardiac surgery,
> 8 mL/kg VT settings > 10 mL/kg PBW was a significant risk
> 15 cm H2O
70% factor for organ failure, multiple organ failure, and
prolonged stay in the ICU.48
50% Following several other smaller reports, the
≤ 30 cm H2O Intraoperative Protective Ventilation (IMPROVE) trial
≤ 8 mL/kg
showed that patients who were ventilated with VT
≤ 15 cm H2O settings of 10 to 12 mL/kg and no PEEP compared with
20% those receiving 6 to 8 mL/kg with PEEP of 6 to 8 cm
10% H2O had a greater risk of postoperative respiratory
failure and longer hospital stays.49 Subsequently, a large
Tidal Plateau Driving meta-analysis of patients undergoing general surgery
Volume Pressure Pressure
found a dose-response relationship between the rate of
Figure 2 – Lung-protective ventilation in 2014. Data are from a large postoperative pulmonary complications and increasing
cross-sectional survey of patients receiving mechanical ventilation with
ARDS; the data show the fraction of patients receiving recommended VT settings.50 A corollary to these observations is a study
lung-protective ventilation strategies. (Data from Laffey et al.43) showing that using a lung-protective strategy (VT setting

786 Contemporary Reviews in Critical Care Medicine [ 156#4 CHEST OCTOBER 2019 ]
of 6-8 mL/kg PBW and PEEP of 8-10 cm H2O) in assisted VT settings greater than what is believed to be
potential organ donors increases the number of lungs safe (generally > 8-9 mL/kg PBW). This scenario is
available for transplantation compared with a often coupled with excessive maximal transpulmonary
conventional strategy (VT setting of 10-12 mL/kg PBW pressures (generally > 25-30 cm H2O).60-62 Although
and PEEP of 3-5 cm H2O).51 this can be iatrogenically induced (or magnified) by
excessive ventilator pressure settings in response to
Each year, > 300 million surgeries are performed
patient efforts,61 the causes for an excessive patient
worldwide.52 Therefore, any incremental benefit
ventilatory demand can be multifactorial. Among these
achieved in optimizing lung protection during general
are metabolic demands, pain (including presence of
anesthesia will have an enormous potential reduction in
endotracheal tube), anxiety, neurologic injury, patient-
harm. Fortunately, the use of PEEP and lower VT
ventilator asynchronies, and deranged respiratory
settings for intraoperative ventilation has increased
system mechanics/irritant receptor activity inducing
significantly through 2013.53
dyspnea. The systemic inflammatory response syndrome
In the ICU may also be involved through inflammatory effects on
the behavior of the ventilatory control system and
It would make sense that if larger VT settings for the
through compromise of protective brainstem reflexes
short duration of a surgery can cause VILI in patients
designed to limit excessive tidal stretch (ie, Hering-
without any acute pulmonary process that the same
Breuer reflex).63,64
would also be true for patients in the ICU who do not
have ARDS. In a study from the early 1990s, intubated To help better understand whether spontaneously
patients in a surgical ICU were randomly assigned to unassisted breaths could cause lung injury similar to that
VT settings of 12 mL/kg vs 6 mL/kg PBW. The seen in VILI, Mascheroni et al18 gave sheep a mild acid
investigators found that the routine use of low VT infusion in the brainstem, which increased their minute
settings seemed to be safe.54 Indeed, among patients ventilation by w300%. VT settings increased transiently
without ARDS who were ventilated, protective to 15.7 mL/kg following each injection and remained
ventilation with lower VT settings was associated with > 9.1 mL/kg during the study. A control group of sheep
better clinical outcomes.55 In another cohort of patients were given a similar acid infusion but were paralyzed to
without ARDS, the average VT setting in the lung- prevent hyperinflation and ventilated at 8 mL/kg. Those
protective group was 6.45 mL/kg vs 10.60 mL/kg PBW in the high VT group developed progressively worsening
in the control strategy. In this study, the main risk hypoxia and severe lung injury, and those with normal
factor for development of ARDS was large VT settings VT settings developed no injury. In a rabbit model of
with an OR of 1.3 for each milliliter above 6 mL/kg ARDS, combined with increased respiratory rate and VT
PBW.56 Two subsequent reviews reaffirmed these settings, high transpulmonary pressure generated by
conclusions.57,58 strong spontaneous breathing effort led to worsened
lung injury.65
A recent large trial noted no benefit to targeting small
vs intermediate VT settings in non-ARDS patients who In patients, it is becoming clearer that excessive tidal and
were mechanically ventilated.59 Because the mean maximal inflations (dynamic and static strain) on the
difference between the VT values in the two groups was alveolar tissue can induce injury even when generated
small, caution should be used extrapolating these results largely by spontaneous efforts (self-induced lung injury
to the potential impact of larger VT differences. [SILI]).66 However, the pattern of injury may be
different in the presence of spontaneous effort.67,68
Overall, the bulk of the evidence favors the use of lower
Positive airway pressure distributes gas according to
VT settings to improve outcomes in patients who are
regional lung mechanics and against a passive
mechanically ventilated and who have a variety of
diaphragm that moves preferentially in nondependent
diseases that are not ARDS. It thus makes sense to limit
regions. In contrast, spontaneous efforts lead to more
VT settings in virtually all forms of respiratory failure.
uniform contraction of the diaphragm and pleural
pressure reductions, with gas distribution being affected
Self-Induced Lung Injury by regional pleural and alveolar mechanics. Thus,
An increasingly recognized clinical challenge is the although global transalveolar pressures may be similar
patient who is mechanically ventilated with a high during spontaneous or full machine breaths, regional
ventilatory demand who is generating spontaneous or transalveolar pressures may vary considerably in 787
spontaneously breathing patients, especially those with patients with ARDS receiving oxygen via HFNC had
marked heterogeneity of lung injury. reduced dyspnea and respiratory rate compared with
those receiving NIV.72 Furthermore, they had a reduced
The distributional effects of spontaneous efforts can be
rate of intubation and death. It is unclear whether these
beneficial in improving ventilation-perfusion matching
findings represent better tolerance of the device and
in milder forms of lung injury. However, in more severe
fewer ventilator-associated complications, or whether
lung injury, these distributional efforts can also produce
the reduction in dead space led to lower VT settings and
pendelluft.66 This scenario can lead to significant tidal
less SILI.
recruitment and local overstretch of the involved
dependent region, as well as rapid deflation of the Is it possible for the lungs to adapt to seemingly
corresponding nondependent region. Importantly, it excessive stretch and reduce injury potential? For
may occur without causing a significant change in example, residents at high altitude thrive with average
overall VT value, and it is believed that this rapid cyclic alveolar ventilation 25% or more above that of sea level
inflation-deflation contributes to lung injury.69 residents and VT in excess of 8 mL/kg PBW.73 Similarly,
patients with chronic spinal cord injury also seem to
Vigorous inspiratory efforts can have other negative
tolerate high VT patterns for decades. Another
effects as well.60 Excessive VT values can produce air
interesting observation in animal experiments is that
trapping if the respiratory rate is too rapid to allow for
high VT settings delivered at very low flows have far less
complete emptying between breaths, which contributes
injury potential than high VT settings delivered with
to further alveolar overdistention. The accompanying
physiologic inspiratory flows.74 This finding perhaps
increased diaphragm stimulation with vigorous efforts,
suggests a capability of the alveolar capillary structures
especially in the presence of ventilator-patient
to adapt to a larger stretch if given time and/or
asynchronies, can lead to respiratory muscle fatigue and
injury. Finally, the increase in transmural pulmonary appropriate ventilatory pattern. Although it is an
attractive concept, evidence for adaptation to high VT in
vascular pressure swings caused by inspiratory efforts
a short-term ICU setting is lacking.
may worsen vascular leakage.
Inadequate PEEP can contribute to SILI through What should clinicians do in the setting of a patient who
regional atelectasis that produces cyclic alveolar is mechanically ventilated demanding high VT settings
opening/collapse injury during VT delivery. Vigorous during an assisted breath? First and foremost, the
efforts in the presence of negative regional expiratory clinician should fix the fixable: reduce unnecessary
transalveolar pressures can further worsen this inspiratory pressures, synchronize the delivered VT
injury.69,70 Alveolar collapse also can increase setting with patient effort as much as possible, optimize
respiratory drive, create large negative intra-alveolar PEEP, and reduce causes of excessive drive (eg, pain,
pressures that can draw edema fluid into these alveoli, agitation, endotracheal tube irritation, metabolic
and subsequently worsen the heterogeneity of injury. demands, acidosis). In the nonintubated patient, the use
Taken together, these concepts and a growing evidence of HFNC may be preferable to NIV to reduce dead space
base suggest that SILI is a real phenomenon driven not ventilation and thereby reduce respiratory drive.
only by excessive VT settings but also by other effects of
Once all of these issues have been addressed, the clinical
vigorous negative pleural pressure swings.
choice is then to either blunt (or eliminate) the
The potential for SILI exists not only in intubated respiratory drive pharmacologically (eg, sedatives,
patients but also in patients receiving noninvasive opioids, neuromuscular blockade) or else “live with” the
ventilation (NIV). With NIV, it is almost impossible to high VT settings. Pharmacologic blunting (or
control the VT that patients receive, and in patients with elimination) of respiratory drive carries with it another
ARDS, a high expired VT value is independently set of complications that may prolong mechanical
associated with NIV failure.71 Patients with lung injury ventilation and compromise long-term muscle function.
often have an increased dead space fraction, which leads Thus, the choice is essentially determining the lesser of
to a higher minute ventilation requirement to achieve two evils. If the underlying injury is not severe, the
adequate alveolar ventilation. NIV fails to reduce this plateau and driving pressures are low, and VT elevation
dead space, but heated, humidified high-flow nasal is modest (ie, # 10 mL/kg PBW), the choice may be to
cannula (HFNC) has been proposed as a way to wash tolerate the excessive VT settings. In contrast, severe
out and reduce the physiologic dead space. Indeed, lung injury with high transpulmonary driving or plateau

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