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Assalamu’alaikum wr.wb. What’s up, guys?

I'm Reza, today I'm going to talk about

Indonesia's 77th independence day. There are so many things I want to tell you. Before that, let
me tell you guys, what is independence day?
Indonesian Independence Day is a national holiday in Indonesia to commemorate the
Proclamation of Independence of the Indonesian Nation on August 17, 1945. So, we respect how
the heroes fought to free this country. Ok, after knowing what Indonesia’s independence day is.
Now we are to the main topic.
Tuesday, August 16, 2022
Starting on Tuesday at 8 pm. Where we held a volleyball competition for the category of
mothers against young women and gentlemen against young men. This match was quite
entertaining and was won by mothers and young men, Next.
On Wednesday, August 17, 2022, at 6 am, we gathered in the field to prepare everything
needed for the ceremony. There were a few obstacles, but they were overcome because of the
dexterity of our youth members.
Then, the same day at 8 a.m, in the morning. We are busy again, planning and preparing
for the competition. After that, we were finally able to open the event with great fanfare. After
everything is ready, the race agenda begins by putting the flag into the bottle. This competition is
for the Kindergarten category where the way to work is to put as many flags into the bottle as
possible. There's a lot of humor going on in this contest.
At 10 am, the next race is to bring marbles with a spoon. As the name suggests,
participants are required to carry marbles with a spoon using their mouths without the help of
their hands. The challenge in this race requires body balance to control the marbles.
At 11 am, we continued the event with a pencil race in a bottle. This match was resolved
quickly. Since it was midday, the weather was getting busier. So, we and the participants decided
to take a break and we decided to pray zuhr.
Then the match started again with eating crackers that were hung, this was not so
complicated but, very difficult to do. We have to eat the crackers until they run out. If not, then
the participant with the fewest crackers is the winner. Because it was too late, we postponed the
race to pray Asr prayer and started again.
After finishing, it was the turn of the members to play, we did the flour relay by hand, it
was very thrilling to compete with the gentlemen, luckily we won
After being satisfied with two wins on our side, we still want a win in the tug of war. But
unfortunately, luck was not on our side.
Many struggles and sacrifices from the heroes in this country. It is not easy to achieve,
but we are confident and grateful, to continue to love and defend this country. Without them, we
might not be here.
That's my presentation sorry if there are many shortcomings. Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb

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