Arnis Study Guide

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● Also called Kali or Eskrima

● A Filipino martial arts that emphasizes on use of weapons (fighting sticks, blades, or
improvised weapons)
● A complete martial art because it has been handed down from generation to generation for
centuries and the discipline hones skill, speed, accuracy, and agility
● Uses swinging and twirling movements, accompanied by striking, thrusting, and parrying
techniques for defense and offense
● Originally developed by the people native to the islands that used simple impact and edged
weapons like kampilans, rattan, swords, daggers, spears, and different weaponry for combat
and self-defense
● Originally practiced by the peasant class but was not documented because of lack of
● Became the national sport of the Philippines in 2009 signed by Gloria Arroyo (RA 9850)
● Priority sport in Palarong Pambansa (2010)


● Headteacher of arnis students

Battle of Mactan 1521

● It was the event that arnis was officially documented by the Spaniards and gave them the
interest of its effectiveness in battles.


● Mock battle dances staged in religious plays

Remgio Amador Presas

● One of the Philippines’ premier stick fighters

● Became a national figure for his blending of the countless island combat styles into one
system Modern Arnis
● Spread arnis to other countries (1975)

Goals of modern arnis:

● To create an injury-free training method

● Effective self-defense system


● Rattan stick / cane/ yantok/ baton/ baston

● Usually about 71 cm in length


● Hold one fist away from punyo (butt)


1. Pugay
● Place weapon across chest
● Bow at waist
2. Courtesy
● Hold yantok on waist level
3. Forward and Backward Stance
● Body facing forward
● Distribute weight on both legs
4. Oblique
● Move one foot 45 degrees angle
5. Side
● Movin foot is perpendicular to the ground while the other leg is extended
● Move feet either to right or left
6. Straddle
● Lower legs are perpendicular to the ground
● Distance of 2 feet to the left or right direction

Competitive arnis:

1. Anyo
● Performance
● Judged based on overall choreography, gracefulness, strength, and force

2. Leban

● Tests participants’ agility and reactions

● Combative


Keep in mind that when blocking one stick with your own, your free hand should always be poised to
guard, ready to brace a stick block or grab an opponent's stick. You must stay loose and move quickly,
always pivoting to face the strike and keep your balance.

1. Left side of the head, elbow, and eye attack

● right foot lead
● shift body weight to rear
● inside block, arm slightly extended. left hand at check position in front of chest

2. Right side of the head, elbow, and eye attack

● left foot lead

● step back into right rear
● outside block with arm slightly extended, let hand at check position front of chest

3. Thrust to the stomach

● step back into left rear

● slightly chaffed backward
● simultaneously execute inside block with stick pointing downward

4. Left lower leg

● step right foot backward

● downward inside block

5. Right lower leg

● step left foot backward

● downward outside block

6. Strike to the crown / top of head

● straddle position
● execute a two-hand upward block and deflect

Single Sinawali

● A weaving motion made with 2 sticks that are practiced in precise, prescribed motions to
familiarize student with method of stick fighting, both in free sparring and with blades
● The high speed drills are good for developing fast reactions
● The rapid fire contact of sticks will sharpen one’s awareness of motion
● Can develop strength and coordination

Types of sinawali:

● Single sinawali
● Double sinawali
● Reverse sinawali

Single Sinawali technique

● Variation 1: Left head strike, Right head strike

● Variation 2: Left lower leg, Right lower leg
● Variation 3: Left head strike, Right lower leg
● Variation 4: Left head, Right lower leg, Right shoulder

● Form
● Application of all styles learned
● Requires certain proficiency of beat, tempo, timing, agility and diwang panlaban (fighting

Basic anyo

● Taas baba
● Ekis
● Banda y banda
● Reverse X / Otso
● Abanico
● Rompida (Voltez 5)
● Doblete

Anyo Isa:

Modern Arnis bow then side step into ready stance.

1. Step right foot forward, right forward stance, backhand downward block.
2. Step left foot forward, left forward stance, forehand downward block.
3. Step right foot forward into Straddle. stance and withdraw the baston over the left shoulder
and execute a parallel forward strike to the right side.
4. Step right foot back, left forward stance, backhand downward block.
5. Step left foot back, right forward stance, forehand downward block.
6. Step left foot forward, left forward stance, inward mid section block with the left hand
supporting the middle of the baston.
7. Step right foot forward, right forward stance, outward mid section block with the left hand
supporting the middle of the baston.
8. Step right foot back, left back stance, rising diagonal strike to the right side. (cutting from the
attackers right lower ribs to the left collar bone)
9. Step left foot back, right back stance, rising diagonal strike to the left side. (cutting from the
attackers left lower ribs to the right collar bone)
10. With the right foot still forward shift body into right forward stance, in a circular motion
rotate the baston to the left shoulder then over the head and execute a forehand downward
11. Step right foot back, left forward stance, withdraw the baston to the left shoulder, and execute
a backhand downward strike.

Step forward to ready stance. End of Anyo Isa.

Bow and side step to ready stance.

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