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 Students' expectations of what they will learn from the lecture

 Students who do not anticipate to learn from lectures are less inclined to

 The class's and the material's difficulty – Students say they may elect to
devote time they would otherwise spend on the class – including
attending lectures – to subjects they find more challenging.

 How the teachers relate to tests 

 How interested the students are in the subject matter.


 Understanding each student’s ability and skills

 Nurture creativity

 Game based learning is the key

 Encourage different types of learning styles

 Focus on strengths

 Peer teaching

It is believed that classmates influence learning by teaching each other, and
the effectiveness of this teaching probably depends on the composition of the
class in terms of peer capacity. Unfortunately, little is known about peer
teaching as it is never observed in field studies. Students learn a lot by
explaining their ideas to others and participating in activities that allow them
to learn from their classmates. You will develop skills to organize and plan
learning activities, work with others, give and receive feedback, and evaluate
your own learning. Peer learning is becoming increasingly important in many
degree programs and is used in many countries in different contexts and
Formalized peer learning can help students learn effectively. In times of
scarce university resources and increasing demands on staff, it offers students
the opportunity to learn from each other. It is not a substitute for teaching and
learning activities designed and carried out by staff, but an important addition
to the repertoire of teaching and learning activities that can improve the
quality of education.
The main benefits of peer teaching include the following:
 Students receive more time for individualized learning.
 Direct interaction between students promotes active learning.
 Peer teachers reinforce their own learning by guiding others.
 Students feel more comfortable and open with their peers.
 Classmates and students share a similar speech that allows for better
 Peer teaching is an economically efficient alternative to hiring more
staff. teachers have more time to focus on the next lesson.
 Teamwork spirit and more supportive relationships
 Increased psychological well-being,
 Social skills,
 Communication skills and self-esteem;
 Higher performance and higher productivity in terms of better learning
Tips On How To Pull Off Peer Teaching:
  Be sure your tutors are trained
 Use a reward system.
 Emphasize confidentiality, positive reinforcement, and adequate
response time.
 Choose the learning exercise and the appropriate vehicle for it.
 Use group strategies- Solution and Critic Groups, Buzz groups, Teach-
 Use role playing and modelling
 Emphasize the importance of active learning.


 Since peer teaching has proven to be more effective than traditional

teaching, the techniques can be integrated into teaching other subjects
whenever resources allow and are feasible.
 Peer teaching requires a highly structured supervised environment and
can be conducted under controlled conditions.

 To improve their academic performance, it may be helpful to assign

low-achieving students to high-achieving students to provide guidance
and support in low-performing subjects. In order to increase their
motivation, tutors can also be rewarded if their subjects perform well


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