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1. Introduction

Health is a reflection of your wellbeing , we need to be happy for our overall health, we

can see people suffering from various diseases, health enables them to fight diseases, we

need to enjoy life as it is sign of ensuring good health . the energy we have is

reflection of our health

Importance of health care

Health care helps in improving the health and wellbeing of the patient by making sure

all the patients get their services done and to ensure quality of life. Healthcare focus on

improving the quality of services, helps in preventing various diseases by ensuring all

treatments are provided with good quality of services to the patient.

Role of marketing in health care

Healthcare marketing help us to build relationship by staying loyal to the patients and it also

leads to better management for the patients it also ensures to increase patients connections are

on a longer term. It also helps in bringing new consumers by communicating with them about

their healthcare system and the products. Marketers use traditional methods for product,

design , promotions , advertising to build a sustainable relationship to create high level of

customer satisfication in order to return to the supplier. Health care strategies helps us to

promote and protect health population by creating, communicating and delivering message in

order to promote heath.

1.1 Importance of wellness

Health and wellness is important in our daily lifecycle where we need exercise regularly and
eat the right number of fruits and vegetable so that we get sufficient vitamins, minerals for
our wellbeing. Wellbeing is important for our overall health, doing exercise, eating balanced
diet and ensuring good sleep is very essential for our wellness. Working out exercise is good
way to manage stress and helps us perform well in our day-to-day activities.
Promoting healthcare services
Marketing healthcare systems can promote medical services and capabilities to various social
media marketing , content marketing and digital marketing .patients can receive top medical
care with good experience of availability of various resources like education, reviews and
portals.Patients will be able to communicate efficiently with practices of medical services
that will send and receive information.
Objective of this Study
Role of marketing mix for the health care patient
What patients are willing to pay and the services we can introduce to the patients
The expenses for medications that are prescribed will help them to live up to their

Physical evidence
How cleanliness and self hygiene are maintained by the health care institution

Acknowledging Data collection of healthcare prevention programs

Helping them in preparing health care questions to their family physician

Based on the Patients Outcome

In order to promote health they follow doctors recommendations.

They recommend health care Services to relatives and friends

Level of communication have been satisfied

They chose health care institution have experienced family physician working

Trusting the family physician so they can visit the same family physician.

products are specific services
Improves the efficiency and effectiveness of market

Exploratory analysis
I have got collected data making a questionnaire about wellness, received 17 responses from
the health care patients on the objective analysis of their optimal health reviewed 41.2% had
an active pursuit and 17.6% have an overall understanding of health and a population of
58.8% have an active role of maintain their health. Most of health care patients preferred
Physical Wellness in order to recognize their need for physical activity. We know that
Exercise offers major benefits to a person's overall well-being. It improves your overall
chances of living longer and healthier, It also help us in relieving various symptoms of
depression and anxiety, that will eventually help us in improving your mood, and prevents
weight gain. Have asked them how many hours they exercise regularly 3 hours of physical
activity data records shows only 5.9% of people exercise , there is highest number of health
care patients who work out for 1 hour around 76.5% exercise regularly, patients who are
following physical activity more than 3 hours just 5% of population follows them and same
populations goes with patients who don’t work out every day. Have asked them if they follow
any balanced diet 40% of patients aren’t sure if they following any balanced diet and 60% of
patients do not follow any balanced diet. Data reviewed shows that only 25% of population
likes hearing music when they balance their mental health, 50% of patients prefer sleeping.
And other25% of population prefer eating healthy food. Most of the healthy are patients
barely follows physical health.
Importance of mental health
Mental health is very important state for our well-being it will enables people to cope
up ,realize their abilities, also by learning well and working well of our wellbeing it will help
to form a group of mental awareness. It can be important part of component of health and
well-being which will help individual and to check upon decisions and to maintaining good
relationships .
data records 41.2% of patients have low energy and 52.9% have mood swings and none
patients prefer being lazy, most of patients undergo mood swings based on their mental
Mental health is important than any mental disorders. That will experienced differently from
one person to another . We need to understand different social and clinical outcomes. A
process goal is a necessary step to achieving a desired outcome. Our goal might be to eat five
servings of fruits or vegetables a day, we need to ensure to walk 30 minutes a daily and also
consume water after every meal. The goals will be helpful for weight loss because it will
eventually help us in changing walking patterns and it will help us for losing weight. We
can see changes in consumer behaviour that will lead us towards increased consumption
which have balanced diet of green leafy vegetable and fruits that have great source of
vitamins and minerals that is linked with reducing risk of obesity and diet .
While conducting questionnaire to the patient I have researched the age group of the patient
is above 22-25 years and the majority of patients are male genders. They are not working
professionals. Only few people have major concerns with obesity. Some of the allergy the
patients have is dust allergy around 22.5% of the population. They feel physical fitness is
very important in their day-to-day living. Seeing the data only 44.4% of the patients reads
newspapers for 1 hour and 55.6% barely reads the newspaper. They mostly communicate
with people on social media.
The wellbeing state of every individual is calm and composed. The patients feel that their
wellbeing state only needs happiness however 66.7% of patient are calm. we can see that
88.9% of patient require only happiness for their mental health. The patients finds exercing is
very good. According to the survey we can see that 77.8% of patients are moreover interested
in exercising regularly. We could see that majority of the patients are vaccinated 66.7% of the
patients are vaccinated and do not have any symptoms. Most of the patients sleep during
stress times. They feel sleep is stress buster for their wellbeing. Their sleeping patterns are
mostly in the night time. We could see that only 33.3% consume balance diet on weekends
barely 22.2% of patients follow the diet everyday diet. We could see that only 44.4% of
population skip their meals. Whereas 55.6% do not skip their meals as they are concerned
about their wellbeing. The patients are moreover concerned about their physical activities to
work out efficiently. From the given survey I was able to note the concern of people mental
health is to stay calm and happier. They spent the stress time in sleeping, It is been assumed
that happiness is integral part of happy wellbeing. Exercising regularly will help in
strengthening the muscles as many patients feels exercise come first when it comes to healthy
living and wellbeing of every individual. As we can see physical fitness reaches about 77.8%
as many young patients prefer physical activity when it comes to exercise with vigorous
workout that will help them to perform better, helps cognitive thinking patterns for our
wellbeing. Taking care of ourself is very important, performing physical activity, balanced
diet and ensuring mental health is calm anhappy. Patients feel stress can be improved by
sleeping patterns. We need to ensure good balanced diet green leavy vegetable , food rich in
omega 3 fatty acid, exercise regularly will help us to maintain our cognitive , cardiovascular
system and also helps us in weight loss. The dimension of wellness is maintained by a
healthy lifestyle that is 31.3% have maintained healthy physique. We can improve our
wellbeing by exercising, staying happy and calm in order to achieve our mental health. We
can see that many people face stress issues coming to the point of view there can be good
possibilities of enjoying the nature, going for walk however many people prefer sleeping and
walking will enable us to overcome stress

Scopes of health and wellness

By making sure to eat healthy food it has become essential parts of health and wellness.
However, there is a rise of the internet with many users that will follow health-related social
pages that encourage them to consume healthy foods by following diet, drinking juices,
avoiding fried and spicy foods it will help us in mindful eating as we are focused on
awareness instead of getting distracted by T.V.s and smartphones while taking meals. Now,
users also keep track of the nutritional value of each food they consumer. We need to have
sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals into diet to keep us healthy and fit. Physical
wellness help us to maintain a healthy living without any stress . it also help us to eat
favourite food that is good for our wellbeing. we also know that regular exercise help us to
manage health issues . it can help us to improve cognitive function by exercising everyday.

Healthy habits of consuming food and workouts will help in boosting immunity. people
spend money to purchase health supplements and organic foods inorder to improve their
body’s resistance to diseases.  

The market for yoga & pranayam goes is beyond our will help people who
don’t move out of their homes. however Isolation is related to health awareness program.
Therefore Yoga is moreover very useful in our daily aspects therefore various products that
are selling within the market, yoga mats.

Importance of Sleeping for our wellbeing

We need Insufficient sleep to be linking to various development of chronic diseases for
better condition which includes, cardiovascular disease, obesity, and depression. So sleeping
is very important in our day-to-day activity. It is important to make sure you get enough sleep
and a good quality sleep. That will enable us to waking up earlier and start the day.

Data Collection
Collected information of health care patients about their wellness and physical activity.
Eating healthy
By Eating Balanced diet meal and working out every day we will having concern of doing
much when you feel we have an healthier weight to note down so we can know how much
we can exercise each day
Reward yourself for healthy eating is very important in day to day life Wellness is necessary
for good self-stewardship for those we care about in the helping professions, that is
professional and personal responsibility of every individual. 

Certain Barriers to health care will manifest health care provider attitudes for better
transportation, etc. but there are more contributors who can research on local approaches to
resolving access problems.

By Developing various cultural competency model for addressing healthcare. We need to

understand how we can measure successfully care for people with obesity for their wellness
We can choose cut fruits rather than juices. We can consume food rich in fibre that has many
vitamins . Go for whole grains or foods made with minimally processed grains, whole wheat,
brown rice whole-grain 100% whole-wheat bread that have tremendous effect on blood
sugar and insulin when compared to white rice, bread, pasta where we can choose beans peas,
nuts, that have wide range of healthy protein options.
Iron is important for our good health, depending on every individual. We need food that are
rich in iron to make us active and healthy. We also know that Foods which provide us iron
includes red meat, chicken, turkey, spinach, beans, lentils and cereals that needs to be
consumed for healthy living. Plant-based sources of iron are more easily absorbed by your
body when eaten with vitamin C-rich foods. To get both these nutrients at the same meal, try
fortified cereal with strawberries on top, spinach salad with mandarin orange slices or add
tomatoes to lentil soup.

Wellbeing is associated with positive health behaviours that are common in adults and
children it has implications for various decisions for patient care practises and services By
maintaining mental health we can spend time with friends, loved ones to improve our
mental health

By expressing feelings regularly is very important to stay peace in our mind

We can reduce the intake of alcohol consumption by keeping ourself happy is important for
our mental health.

By healthcare marketing we can gain experience by attracting patients . The objective of

healthcare marketing is to inform and educate your target patient base. A marketing strategy
will use digital marketing to capture leads and patient information to develop to stay in front
of existing patients.
By promoting Medical Services 
Healthcare marketing systems helps us in social media marketing( like facebook, Instagram)
various marketing strategies like content marketing in order to promote medical services and
Where we can influence the marketing channel to the people for better productivity .
healthcare marketing systems have an experience of patient portals are also quickly and
efficiently communicate for medical practice in order to send and receive information
Marketing is for medical profession for doctors. Healthcare marketing is sustainable growth
which influx new patients. multiple healthcare practices have similar services.
Influencing healthcare marketing in social media
Social media marketing like Facebook, Twitter helps in engage a large number of people for
paid advertising.

social media marketing helps in healthcare by providing larger opportunity to engage with
patients to promote this marketing strategy .it helps us to reach out to target audience.

Exercise Pattern for our wellness

Exercise plays a major benefits in our day to day life. We need to workout everyday in order
to keep ourself healthy. We can even eliminate toxic thoughts in our mind by practicing
regular exercise everyday. Playing badminton, working on treadmill , walking, jogging have
become a greater impacts of each life to make our body stronger and fit.
Jogging, running have a great role in aerobic excercises. It helps to lose weight and
strengthening muscles.
Walking 30 minutes regularly three times a week will greatly improve your health. Avoid
fried foods, soft drinks, processed meats, and sweets. Instead try to include 5 servings of
fruits and vegetables in your diet everyday. By following aerobic activity and strength
training provides greater health benefits . exercising regularly will helps us to increase
confidence and maintains physical appearance. We know that exercise delivers nutrients into
our tissues and delivers oxygen that will help us in our cardiovascular system . doing aerobic
exercise will provide us greater health benefit that will help us to be active in short periods.
Every single set of strength training helps in giving resistance level to your muscles.

In order to lose weight, we must meet fitness level to achieve our goal by working hard on
diet and exercise for a healthy living.

Exercise helps us on focussing on optimal health , exercise help us to keep the people healthy
. exercise help us to improve concentration , it moreover help us to improve

physical health. It helps in improving cardiovascular system.

Don't skip meals. Especially breakfast, it slows down your metabolic rate and can cause
weight. Physical fitness is now defined as the body’s ability to function efficiently and
effectively in work and leisure activities, to be healthy, to resist diseases and to meet
emergency situations. Fitness can also be divided into five categories: aerobic fitness,
muscular strength, muscular endurance, flexibility, and body composition. Being fit prepares
one to meet mental and emotional challenges. One feels strong and energetic if one is fit.

High Nutrition diet

We know that Eggs has high source of protein it has essential number of vitamins and
minerals and Selenium. It is naturally high in cholesterol by eating them we can get essential
amount of lipoprotein that have a high levels to lowers risk of heart disease. This food will
keep you full for longer period of time due to high content of protein, vitamins in the body.
we can even eat it during breakfast having scrambled egg which is highly nutritious for

We know all green leafy vegetables have numerous health benefits when compared to other
greens like spinach and cabbage it has high source of vitamin. We can get good number of
vitamins while eating these greens that has greater mineral content. It helps us to maintain the
requirement of dietary minerals by providing high source of minerals. Green leafy vegetables
makes us feel satisfied after we have consumed large source of minerals. Green leafy
vegetables, eggs, chicken, fish have greater amount of nutrients and vitamins which can tone
our body Citrus fruits like Orange, grapefruit have High source of vitamin C, and certain
antioxidants properties which are naturally good for our health, helps to flush out toxins in
our body. Blueberry and strawberry have greater source of antioxidant properties which
promotes heart health, risk of cardiovascular diseases. We can ensure eating good amount of
fruits and vegetables in your diet to ensure all vitamins, minerals are in our body.

When we fill sandwich with green leafy vegetables we can add mayonnaise and avocado
that can make a healthy snack which can stay for longer hours. When there is scrambled egg
and green leafy vegetables you can make a healthier brunch to fill the leafy green
vegetables have vitamins and minerals that helps us to boost immunity inorder to maintain a
healthy weight. we need to consume them in a greater portion for better eyesight, good
complexion for skin and biotin for our body.

We know Fishes can be taken as meal or as a supplement. There are many fishes which have
high nutrient content one among them is salmon it is one of the healthiest food that are rich
in omega 3 fatty acid it is highly nutritious value and has a good taste for nourishment in our
body Salmon is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins, minerals .It can be consumed every day
for our wellbeing. It also consists of therapeutic properties that have greater health benefits
for our immune system.

Importance of yoga for wellness

Yoga is an integral part of wellness. It helps us to removes and purify our mind from
different impurities that can unites our mind for better living.It help us to remove stress and
anxiety. They have wider perception of knowing what is on our mind, body, emotions and
there is more clarity in a positive way Yoga can be practised any time before meditation
without making any positions

We know Fad diets promise bad results, we must limit nutritional intake, it can be unhealthy
when we don’t consume the right quality of food, it longs to fail in a longer run. physical
activity like walking, running is required to maintain a healthy weight however walking is
often a good way of physical activity that leads to better lifestyle.
We can increase fruits and vegetable that are low in calories and it contain fibre .we need to
be aware of the foods and drinks that we are consuming to serve bigger . we can look for
better options like (going for a walk, listening to music). 
we make excuses on busy schedule so we need to spend time on ourself. By making use of
walking, running, jogging we can perform better activities for our mental health and wellness.
We need to find time in everything we do in order to maintain a healthy lifestyle we need
to build a healthy immune system to make sure we are in good health and performing well in
our daily routines.
Healthcare in marketing has been a major part of medical services, wellness and better
communication to reach out to people. We need to make sure we eat right variety of food for
good immunity and better metabolism. To maintain immunity level our body and minds
should be stable . we need to be physically and emotionally aware of our wellness in every
areas of our life.. we are aware of Mental health and physical health both can be balanced to
make a Healthy living with right choice. We need to drink plenty of water, balanced
diet , sleep and exercise to make sure we boost our immunity level and confidence for
healthy living.

Health is important activity in our day-to-day life. We need to keep our body healthy and take
care of our mental health for wellness. However, a healthy life will make the body leading to
happiness and healthy patterns.
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