IIA SHEET Artist Shantha

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RESIDENCE FOR ARTIST SHANTHA ‘Artist Shantha C or Shanthedsthi as we all lovingly ‘address, never stopped painting even though she Struggied to make her ends meet. Her canvases Wore Bought selling eggs and milk while ving out of 2 dllapidates structure When she approached us worrying about water logging at her home, what we had in mind was not Just solutions to overcome the same But to help ‘chieve har dream. EXISTING BUILOING ‘The planning of the old structure is according tothe lifestyle of tho users butt femoved the possibilty of a gathering space. Along the years the road and the Surrounding properties raised due to which the stucture suffered during” rainy PROPOSED BUILDING The old foundation is retained but the plinth is filed And raised to. solve the water logging into the ‘Sructure, The old deteriorated roof made of wood Is replaced with steel wuss. roof ‘CONCEPT DEVELOPMENT ‘The detiorating home ofthe artist faced water fogging evry monsoon due to the low Iylng land compared to its surroundings that raised ‘over the years. The concept of the renovation ‘was to not oniy find a solution to the water Togaing but to also provide her with a space for hher work. The spacial planning remained the same except for an addtional gallery and breaking the verandah for a gathering space enclosed by a passage connecting the house ‘and her creative space, 0d structure — Raised plinth and root (introduced stool truss) Since the existing walls not enough to support the oof ie made thik to ‘dd stongth| ~~ Renovated stucture with an ‘added art gallery/work CONSTRUCTION TECHNIQUE ‘The fist step towards the renovation af the structure was raising the plinth retaining the Sime foundation, A laterite, maconty wae ‘added Upto the sil level and the area above the tent was demolished. As the plinth was ‘alsed, both the lentil and sil level became higher. a brick ue was given at the inal evel to-match the projection of the lintel to the RESIDENCE FOR ARTIST SHANTHA Extended Calon, supio space on Conceptof the art gallery and work space isa ‘mult fictional tea that can be expanded Sutwarde to showesso her works onthe Joinery that also functions as sheNes Yor hralding parting equipment The Studio is a semi-open independent Structure witha linking corridor in between Which ‘can act as gathering “space. for Interaction with the vistors Having openings ‘on all the four sides, it ean act as 2 paviion fetung In ample amount of light and ait whieh enhances the quality ofthe space ta Interaction “Couns

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