The Effect of Being in Morning Session or Afternoon Session To The Academic Performance of The Grade X Students

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The Effect of Being in Morning Session or Afternoon Session to

the Academic Performance of the Grade X Students

Butanas, Vien Rossele Marie V.
Layaon, John Rene
Palaran, John Russel
Quibido, Joann
Tagud, Christine
Tapang, Margie

Research Committee
Norvemer B. Salceda, SPST

Partial Fulfillment of the requirement for the Practical Research II Grade XII
Humanities and Social Sciences, Puerto National High School 2019-2020


Increasing the efficiency of the school system is a primary focus of

policymakers. Double-shift or double-session schooling is a schooling system in
which different cohorts of students use the same building and have the same
academic curriculum, some in the mornings and some in the afternoons. Many
developing countries, including Mexico, India, Brazil, Russia, Zimbabwe and
Bulgaria have adopted the double-shift schooling system. (Betts, J., 2003)
Double-shift schooling (DSS) has been implemented in Mexico since the
1970s as a strategy to achieve universal access to basic education, given the lack
of resources to fund construction of additional new school buildings.
According to Bergman (1996), Many developing countries with
constrained resources have adopted the double-shift schooling system as a way to
serve more students. However, there is some concern that some students may be
hurt by these policies.
From the policy perspective the introduction of double shifts allows
existing sets of buildings and facilities to serve more students. This maybe
especially important in urban areas, where land is scarce and construction of new
buildings is expensive. Double shifting has helped many countries to move
toward universal primary and secondary education, however this policy may
come at cost. The limited school day under the multiple shift operation leaves few
or no opportunities of any extra-curricular activities. (Brey, M., 1990)
In the study of Cardenas (2010) on average, afternoon shift schools have
lower levels of educational quality. While in the study of Galiya Sagyndykova
(2013), it reveals that there is no causal effect of the morning shift on the
academic inequality of students from different shifts.
In the United States, in states such as Florida, a double-shift system is
maintained due to the occurrence of natural disasters affecting the physical
conditions of existing school buildings. In general, the purpose of double-shift
schooling is to increase access to schooling while limiting strain on the budget.
(Card, D., Krueger, A., 1992)
In the Philippines, a double shift policy is implemented in some areas to
alleviate classroom shortage. Double shift sessions for cases split students into
morning and afternoon shifts. (Rubio, 2019). In Cebu, according to Quintas
(2017), Classes for Junior High Schools in the province are seen to be affected by
the lack of classrooms for the Senior High School. To bridge the gap and to

address the problem they come up with a solution of implementing of a dual shift
system among the Junior High School Students.

Statement of the Problem

The study investigated the effects of being in morning session or afternoon
session to the academic performance among the Grade 10 students of Puerto
National High School. Specifically, this study was conducted to answer the
following questions:

1.What is the profile of the respondents in terms of the following:

A. Gender
B. Grade Point Average
C. Number of hours sleeping

2. Is there a significant difference in the respondent’s academic performance

when grouped according to morning or afternoon session?

3. Is there a significant difference in the respondent’s sleeping hours when

grouped according to morning or afternoon session?

4. Is there a significant relationship between the respondent’s sleeping hours and

academic performance?

Theoretical Framework

According to Bruner (1996) Constructionist Theory

consolidates: (a) The objectives of the per-user, (b) Clarifications of
why activities and occasions in the content happen and (c) The
inference of inductions from the data sources. The pre-user must
know first his/her objectives as to why he/she read the particular text.
While the receptor of the data is decoding the information, he/she
clarify as to why the events and happenings occur in the data given.
Finally, the pre-user will make an inference from the data while
she/he is reading the text (Graesser & Cruz,2010). In addition,
Marquez (2014) claimed that the inferential skills or the way the pre-
user make an inference to the data can be affected in several
conditions. These conditions are setting, time, and motivation.

Conceptual Framework

Conceptual Framework showing relationship between profile of

the respondents, class session, time allocation for sleeping and
influencing academic performance.

Independent Variable

Profile of the Respondents


Class Session
-Morning session Dependent Variable
-Afternoon session Academic Performance
-Low performance
Time Allocation for Sleeping
-High Performance
-Number of hours sleep

Scope and Delimitation


This study focuses on the effect of being in morning session or afternoon
session to the academic performance of the Grade 10 Students in Puerto National
High School. The data collection will be conducted at a total population of Grade
10 students of Puerto National High School of School Year, 2019-2020.
This study will not cover other problems that are not considered as one of
the Effect of being in morning session or afternoon session. The other students
which do not fall as part of Grade 10 are not within the scope of this research.
With the gathered information, this may possibly find a solution of being
in morning session or afternoon session on the effect to the academic performance
of the students.

This study is limited to students who are part of being in morning session
or afternoon session and its effect to their academic performances. However, the
result have been comprehensive if none of students who not fall as a part of being
in morning or afternoon session were included and their academic performances
or Grade Point Average (GPA) was compared to the students who are part of
being in morning or afternoon session.

Significance of the Study


Student - This research would be beneficial to the students because it gives an

information on how the students are grouped according to session to their
academic performance.
Parents – This study would help the parents for them to know on what is the
effect of being in the morning and afternoon session to their academic

Future Researcher- This study would be beneficial to the future researcher for
them to get ideas and information that might help them to their research.



The ultimate goal of double-shift schooling is to enhance access and

reduce unit cost of schooling. However, since some schools only achieve those
goals at the expense of educational quality, policy makers are faced with difficult
choices when designing double-shift schools. Drawing on experiences in a wide
range of countries, this Paper highlights the advantages and problems of double-
shift systems. Comparison is made with single-shift systems. The paper is
intended for both national and regional policy makers and head-teachers, teacher
and others responsible for running double-shift schools and also for parents of
double shift schools’ students. Double shift schooling resolves some of the
tensions experienced by children and parents between attending school, and the
need to perform domestic and farm Labor (Pamela Kea. 2007,P-27). “The magic
word efficiency that is causing such a revolution in industry is beginning to work
in education. As in industry, so in education, efficiency is based on complete
knowledge. Those administrative officers have not yet demanded and obtained
knowledge sufficient to enable their school systems.” (J. Howard Hutchinson,
2009, P.4). n second-shift schools morning group leaves the school before the
next group arrives. In second-shift schools first group comes early in the morning
and leaves at just after mid-day; and second group arrives at mid-day and leaves
in the late afternoon. Timing of 1st shift and 2nd shift varies in winter and
summer seasons.

Double-shift schooling is often presented as a short-term measure to

increase school provision (Linden 2001, 1). Yet, what is frequently seen as
short term can all too readily be institutionalized and become the standard
by which educational policy is measured, thereby neglecting issues of cost
and quality. One of the main policy approaches supported by international
agencies and development organizations, for reducing child labor calls for
an increase in school attendance by expanding school places and building
more schools (Todaro and Smith 2003, 375). “Compulsory education
policies and the legal elimination of child labor are also emphasized to
compel governments to work towards children’s rights” (Subrahmanian
2002, 402).In second-shift schools morning group leaves the school
before the next group arrives. In second-shift schools first group comes
early in the morning and leaves at just after mid-day; and second group
arrives at mid-day and leaves in the late afternoon. Generally in Pakistan
and Specifically in Sindh, following timing is scheduled.

First Shift – 7:30 to 1:15

Second Shift – 1:30 to 5:30


Timing of 1st shift and 2nd shift varies in winter and summer seasons.

“Double-shift schools seek to maximize the use of available

resources and to provide education to a greater number of pupils without
multiplying investment. By making more intensive use of building and
other facilities, planners can expand access to larger number of children.”
(Mark Bray, 2008, P.1).

There is less cognitive attainment in second shift schooling. There

is an important lack of good evidence about the cognitive attainment in
2nd shift schools. So far available evidence and pre-research findings
shows that there is no consistent significant cognitive drawback to pupils
in 2nd shift schools.

Mark Bray, (2008, p.25) defined the economic costs of double shift
system as “Double-shift systems can provide major economic benefits.”
They are: More efficient use of building and other facilities

More efficient use of scarce teacher (if staff are allowed to teacher
in more than one session) Saving in teacher training and teacher housing
(if the shift system allows reduction in the total number of teachers)

Release of teacher for other work in the economy (if the system
reduce the number of classroom hours in each shift and if the teachers
decide to take on other work)Release of pupils for productive work in the
economy. The beneficial aspects of double shift schooling are couched in
terms of the increases in the numbers who can attend school and in terms
of its impact on the increased labor contributions of both children and
teachers, all of which can be achieved at minimal cost. Yet, nothing is said
of the “physical costs for children who do both” (Subrahmanian 2002,

Double shift schooling resolves some of the tensions experienced

by children and parents between attending school, and the need to
perform domestic and farm Labor (Pamela Kea. 2007,P-27). “The magic
word efficiency that is causing such a revolution in industry is beginning to
work in education. As in industry, so in education, efficiency is based on
complete knowledge. Those administrative officers have not yet
demanded and obtained knowledge sufficient to enable their school
systems.” (J. Howard Hutchinson, 2009, P.4).

Nowadays there is a greater importance attached to educating the

grandchild. All see that importance. Children should go to school. Children
should also know how their school fees are paid. It is important to take

children to the farm, so they know about the work parents do to sponsor
their education. In the past it was during the rainy season holiday that
children would help their parents on the farm. Now, with double shift, they
can help during the week when they are not at school. If a child knows
how his / her parent struggles to pay for his or her education this is how a
child becomes responsible. She / he must do and see to feel for the
parents. (Pamela Kea. 2007, P-23)

One of the main reasons for moving to a second shift arrangement is the
possible savings from not having to build more schools to accommodate
increased numbers of pupils. Therefore, second shift schools are
frequently seen as a provisional measure where financial resources
parents are constrained.

- (Bray,2008)


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