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Treating it Successfully

Bruce R. Blinzler A.A., D.C., N.D.

1987, 1997
Treating it Successfully

Bruce R. Blinzler A.A., D.C., N.D.

Printed in the U.S.A.

Published by:
Dr. Bruce R. Blinzler
P.O. Box 583
Hayden Lake, Idaho
(208) 772-9502

ISBN: 0-943761-04-2

Copyright © 1987, 1997 by Bruce R. Blinzler

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be copied
or reproduced in any form without the written consent
of the author.

Chapter Page

Introduction 4

1. Candida: What, how and why 6

2. Symptoms and diagnosis

of Candidiasis 10

3. Treatment of Candidiasis 13

4. Recipes and Menus 21

This is not just another book on Candida albicans with 90% of it being
case histories. What this book is, is a manual of my experiences describing
how I treat Candida successfully. I do not recommend self-diagnosis or self-
treatment, but seeing that Candida is such a problem, and so few doctors
know an effective treatment, and people are trying to treat themselves
anyway, I thought a book with specific guidelines would be of benefit. I do
recommend that you see your physician to let him know what you would like
to do, in case you have any questions that he/she can answer.
This book is concise and to the point, based on my experiences from
treating countless cases of individuals infected with this infamous yeast. In
reading this book you will obtain an understanding of the problems and
solutions to treating PCC (Polysystemic Chronic Candidiasis). You will learn a
quick easy screening method to determine whether Candida may be the
problem. I will tell you what has worked for my patients, what has not
worked, and the all-important diet, including some recipes. After reading this
book, you will have received an effective method of screening and treating
PCC is the condition of a yeast (Candida albicans) over-growth. Candida
is a strain of yeast present in most every human body, in fact it prefers the
human host over any other. Candida is also known as moniliasis or thrush.
Just because Candida is present in most everybody does not mean it is a
problem. Because it is not, unless the organisms start to grow beyond their
normal amounts. The immune system keeps their growth under control. But
if for any reason the immune system becomes depressed, it then cannot

control the growth of the yeast; so now we get an overgrowth, which can
and does cause a variety of problems.
Candidiasis will affect individuals differently. One may have gastro-
intestinal disorders while another may have respiratory, problems and still
another may have dermatological manifestations (skin rash).
I have seen Candida manifest itself in a variety of different conditions.
The treatment I use is successful in four to six weeks in about 75% of the
cases, sometimes even sooner. The other 25% require longer treatment.

Chapter One

Candida: What, how and why

Candida - what is it and how does it cause a problem in the body?

Candida is a dimorphic organism, meaning that it is an organism that has two
different forms: a yeast form that is non-invasive and ferments simple
carbohydrates, and a fungal form that is invasive, producing root-like
extensions called rhizoids that penetrate the mucosal lining of the intestinal
tract. This penetration can allow partially digested food to enter the blood
system, in turn, acting in an antigenic capacity. This antigenic activity
depresses the immune system as well as causing allergic reactions.
As mentioned in the introduction, Candida does not cause any problems if
the immune system is intact, wherein it can control the yeast's population, but
does cause problems, even serious ones if allowed to proliferate far beyond
normal bounds. Some researchers are now saying that there may be a
connection between Candidiasis and cancer or A.I.D.S., this of course is yet to
be proven.
Candidiasis has been called a modern day disease. What is meant by this is
that until recent years Candida infected only the vagina or the mouth (thrush).

As I mentioned above, 'until recent years', for it has only been in the last
couple of decades that the American diet and lifestyle have come to a point
that promotes systemic Candidiasis. PCC is becoming more prevalent year
after year.
What is the cause for this extreme accelerated rise in systemic Candidiasis?
Actually there is not A CAUSE, rather, there are a number of causes. As
mentioned above, the typical American diet and lifestyle are the main
contributing factors. Let's go into these in a bit more detail.
The pace of life for most Americans has been stepping up faster and faster
this entire century, but the major part of this faster pace has been seen in the
last 20 to 30 years, and it appears to still be accelerating. What does a faster
pace of life mean? It means there is not enough time to relax. Relaxation is
needed to calm down not only the physical body but also the mind, to release
some of the tension that builds up, again in both the physical and mental
aspects of our bodily make up.
This faster pace of life also leads us to eat on the run. Eating at the “fast
food restaurants” to save time is ruining our digestion, and in turn our
nutritional up take and elimination. Most of the foods at these types of
restaurants are fried, with a lot of white doughy bread that gums up the
intestinal system. These foods, even if eaten slowly (which usually is not the
case), change the pH of our intestinal tract, making it hard if not impossible
for the friendly bacteria to survive. When the foods are gulped down, as is
usually the case, again to save as much time as possible the digestion is
strained; therefore the digestive process is slowed considerably, allowing the
food to rot and ferment giving off toxic by-products and gases. These too add
to the change in the pH of our intestinal system.
The increased sugar consumption just feeds the Candida all the more once
it takes hold on the body, but more on this later.

Without proper elimination, the toxic wastes from the digestive process, as
well as from the cellular and tissue levels, remain in the body longer than they
should. The longer any waste products remain in the body, the more it will
have an effect on the immune system. As the immune system is depressed
more and more, the greater susceptibility one has to a variety of infections,
including viral, bacterial and, of course, fungal (including yeasts such as
Candida). If this is not enough to start the over growth of the yeast it will be
enough to cause some other type of infection.
What is the standard form of treatment then? Right, antibiotic therapy.
This usually will take care of the cold, flu or infection caused by a depression
in the immune system. What happens next is that the antibiotic kills not only
the bacteria causing the trouble, but also the friendly bacteria which is normal
and essential to the human intestinal tract and immune system. This decrease
or elimination of the friendly bacteria lowers ones resistance even more and
allows the Candida to grow by leaps and bounds, unhampered by the
Lactobacillus acidophilus (friendly bacteria) which normally controls the
Candida albicans population.
Well, so much for diet, let's go on to other factors. Again, because of the
faster pace of life and the changing life styles, with more and more women in
the work field there has been an increase in the use of birth control pills.
More women have their own careers and professions now than ever before.
They want to keep their positions and not have to give up what they have
worked so hard for by becoming pregnant. Unfortunately, the easiest way is
the birth control pill. It is quick and easy, no muss, no fuss, and no worry.
What they do not realize is that the birth control pill is a steroid-related
drug which can weaken the immune system even more, and thereby stimu-
late the growth of Candida.
Birth control pills are not the only popular steroid used today. More and
more athletes are using steroids than in the past to build their muscles. This

form of steroid application will have even a worse effect on the immune
system and Candida growth than the birth control pill. Also, there is the use
of cortisone and prednisone (more steroids).
Stress, another major factor in contributing to the increase in growth of
the Candida organism, is also rising due to our faster pace of life; pressures to
“keep up with the Jones’s,” pressures from the work place, to be more
productive, pressures from the home and society in general to do and be
what is expected of you. This stress of everyday life is a continuous stimula-
tion of the adrenal glands. They in turn secrete their steroid hormones which
can then further depress the immune system. This constant stimulation of the
adrenals also can lead to adrenal exhaustion, further complicating the body's
ability to manage or handle stress.
The over use of antibiotics (most meat today contains low concentrations
of antibiotics; this will have a slower effect than taking an antibiotic itself, but
still will have an effect on destroying the normal flora in the intestinal tract.),
birth control pills and other steroid and steroid related drugs, as well as diet
and stress depresses the immune system of the body, changes the intestinal
pH and destroys the friendly flora of the intestinal tract. These are the
prerequisites for an over growth of the Candida organism.

Chapter Two

Symptoms and diagnosis of Candidiasis

The symptoms of Candidiasis are varied and diverse. They range from
mild to severe and have a tendency to mimic many other physical and mental
In the next few paragraphs I would like to cover some of the more
common symptoms that many have experienced when troubled with Candida
overgrowth. These symptoms may be recent or they may have been with the
patient for years. Having the symptoms for years is not uncommon, because
either the symptoms are mild enough that the patient does not even think
about it any more, figuring it's just the way they are, or, they have been
treated by several different physicians for their problem(s), to no avail, and
finally told that it's all in their head.
The genito-urinary tract when infected by the Candida overgrowth can
cause menstrual problems (such as cramps), vaginitis, chronic or recurring
urinary infections.
When the central nervous system (i.e. brain) is involved, the patient can
experience fatigue, anxiety, headaches, irritability, dizziness, depression, lack

of concentration, memory loss or mental confusion. I have found that of all
the different symptoms I have seen, fatigue seems to lead the list. Patients will
come into my office and tell me that they just don't have the energy that they
used to, that they get tired so much quicker now than a few months or a few
years ago.
The gastro-intestinal system is another prime target of the Candida.
Bloating, gastritis, colitis, constipation and/or diarrhea, heartburn or flatulence
are all very common.
Some other miscellaneous symptoms not to be over looked are muscular
stiffness, joint pains, craving for sweets, decreased sex drive, allergy symp-
toms (as in hayfever), bronchitis and skin rashes.
Now that you are aware of what some of the problems are, how can it be
diagnosed to confirm you are dealing with Candidiasis or not? There are no
real accurate laboratory tests that can definitely deny the presence of Candida.
The following is a method to determine the possible presence of PCC. It
may not be the most accurate method, but is a good home screening test.

Answer YES or NO to the following questions:

1. Do you fatigue more easily now than in the past?
2. Are you troubled with depression, memory loss or confusion?
3. Do you crave sweets?
4. Have you taken antibiotics within a year or two before you started
feeling the way you do now?
5. Have you ever taken birth control pills?
6. Have you ever taken cortisone, prednisone or any other steroid drug?
7. Have you any digestive troubles such as constipation/diarrhea, bloating,
heartburn or indigestion?
8. Have you any PMS symptoms?
9. Has your sex drive decreased any?

10. Have you had or do you now have recurring bladder/kidney, vaginal
or prostate infections?
11. Are you sensitive to perfumes, smoke or chemical odors?
12. Are you troubled with skin problems, such as rashes or hives, for
13. Do you have any joint or muscular aches?
14. Do you now have any allergies causing sinus or bronchial troubles
that you did not have in the past?

If there are more YES answers than NO answers the probability of a

Candida overgrowth is very high. If there are about 25% YES's there is a
good possibility of a mild Candida problem. And if there are 75% or more
Yes's then you can count on a moderate to severe case of Candidiasis.
The symptoms of Candidiasis are diverse and will affect the individual
from mild to moderate to severe. Candida can be anything from an annoying
pest to a serious life-threatening condition. Diagnosis of Candida can be very
elusive, especially through traditional laboratory testing, but through my
experience, using the above method has proven to be fairly accurate and
much less costly than complicated laboratory tests.

Chapter 3

Treatment of Candidiasis

Now that you have an idea that you are dealing with a Candida problem
you should know an effective, proven treatment. There are more and more
products out on the market claiming to treat Candida, some work and some
do not. Besides the natural medicines I give my patients, I also put them on a
very strict diet which I shall go into in depth a little later.
Medically, nystatin is the drug of choice. Nystatin is a narrow spectrum
fungicide, meaning it is effective with some strains of Candida albicans but not
all. Although nystatin is relatively free of side effects as compared to other
drugs, it is derived from mold, so it could give a mold sensitive individual an
allergic reaction.
There is a growing number of products for treating Candidiasis coming
out from many different companies all the time. I have not tried all of the
different formulas presently on the market, but have tried quite a number. I
would avoid those formulas with a number of various herbs, because yeast
will have a tendency to grow on many herbs which can in some cases
aggravate the condition when taken.

The formulas I use and recommend are:
(also see end of book)

• A formula called Formula SF722® from Thorne Research, Inc.,

Available only to health professionals. I find this formula extremely
effective and very easy for patients to take. It is a small capsule, easily
swallowed by most people.
• A homeopathic formula called Fungi/Yeast® from the company
Hobon, also available only from a health practitioner. It is a liquid,
making it invaluable for children and elderly who have a difficult
time swallowing tablets or capsules.
• A product that is an extract from grapefruit seed called NutriBiotic®
has been successful, time and time again. This product is available in
most health food stores.
• Black walnut hulls, also available from health food stores under a
variety of brand names, has been quite effective many times.
• Caprylic acid has proven itself many times. The formula I use is
available only from health practitioners. Some caprylic acid formulas
are effective and some are not.
These are by no means the only products on the market, but they are
ones that I have used many times with consistent results; and that's what
counts with me, consistent results, not occasional results.

For Candida to reproduce it must change to its fungal form. This process
cannot take place as effectively in the presence of the B-vitamin, biotin. Oleic
acid, as found in olive oil, appears to perform the same function as the biotin
does. So, especially in a more severe or more stubborn case you may need to
add biotin and/or olive oil to the treatment. Biotin is usually given in 300 mcg.
tablets and is given at a dosage of 2 to 3 tablets 2 to 3 times per day; and/or 2

to 3 teaspoons of olive oil 2 to 3 times per day. If using biotin, make sure it is
from a yeast free source.
Allicin, the active ingredient in garlic, has been shown to have antifungal
as well as antibacterial properties. The allicin has been shown to inhibit the
metabolic enzymes of the fungus and also interfere with the reproductive
process. Because of this, I frequently give garlic containing active allicin to my
Candida patients. Garlic extract has been shown to be more effective than
nystatin against pathogenic yeasts. Another advantage of garlic is that even
though it is antifungal and antibacterial it will not affect the normal flora of
the body.
Acidophilus is another essential ingredient in the treatment of Candida.
One reason that Candida has been able to get such a foothold on you is that
the normal flora has decreased to the point that it can no longer control the
yeast population. By supplying your body with acidophilus you are reimplant-
ing the intestinal tract with the much needed normal flora to help control the
yeast population.
Another product I occasionally use is the herb Pau D' Arco. This South
American herb also has antifungal properties. Also, at times I use a homeo-
pathic form of Candida in a multiple potency strength of, usually, 6-500x.
Psyllium husks will help the bowels, and therefore, the elimination of the dead
Candida organisms, as well as the toxins given off when they are killed.
There are a growing number of products coming onto the market claim-
ing to be effective for treating Candida. Some are okay, some are not. Stay
away from the products that contain a variety of herbs. The reason for this is
that yeast and molds live and grow on most herbs. This may not affect an
individual with a very mild case of Candidiasis, but in a more severe form or
in one which is sensitive to molds, this cannot only not help, but also, can
actually aggravate the condition.

The above products that I use have proven to be effective time and time
again. I needed to find serveral effective formulas because one that may work
on one individual may not work on another because of their bio-chemical
If you are unable to find any of these formulas, see the end of the book
for where you can obtain them.

Now let us talk about the all important diet. I put all my Candida patients
on a very strict diet. I cannot emphasize enough to them how important this
diet is. The least amount of cheating can sometimes throw off a whole 2 to 3
weeks of treatment. The diet along with the above supplements used together
are the reasons I can get such consistent and usually, quick results. This diet
will vary somewhat from others you may have read about, but again, it has
proven itself time and time again in my office, with many, many patients.
Following is a listing of allowable and non-allowable foods in an easy-to-
follow chart. Following the chart I will discuss in a bit more detail this dietary


Vegetables (fresh or frozen)

Asparagus Avocado Beans Beets

Broccoli Brussels sprouts Cabbage Carrots
Cauliflower Celery Corn Cucumber
Eggplant Greens (beet, collard, kale, lettuce, mustard, spinach)
Green pepper Legumes Okra Onion
Parsley Parsnips Peas Potato (white)
Radishes Squash Tomato


Beef Chicken Clam Cornish hen

Crab Duck Eggs Fish
Goose Lamb Lobster Oyster
Pheasant Pork Quail Rabbit
Shrimp Squirrel Tuna Turkey
Salmon Veal
Water Tomato juice V8 juice Milk
Herb teas Decaffinated coffee
Diet pop (providing there is NO real fruit juice)
Nuts, Seeds, Oils, Fats
Almonds Brazil nuts Cashews Filberts
Macadamia Pecans Walnuts Pumpkin seeds
Sesame seeds Sunflower seeds Butter
Oils (cold pressed): almond, sunflower, avocado, corn, linseed, olive,
safflower, sesame, etc.

WHOLE Grains - best be eaten hot

Barley Buckwheat Millet Oats

Rice (brown) Rye Wheat


Bread (well toasted) Mushrooms Leftovers Vinegar

Cheese (well melted)


Anything SWEET (sugar, honey, molasses, maple syrup, corn syrup,

dextrose, sorbitol...)
Alcoholic beverages Buttermilk
Cheeses Coffee and tea
Cold cereal (READ label - most contain sugar)
Condiments & sauces Cottage cheese
Crackers Dried & candied fruits
Flour enriched with vitamins from yeast
FRUIT & fruit juices* Leftovers
Malt products Mushrooms
Packaged & processed foods Peanuts & pistachios
Pretzels Processed & smoked meats
Sprouts Sweet potatoes & yams
Vinegar-containing foods Yeasts
Yeast breads & pastries
Vitamins & minerals from a yeast source (B-vitamins, chromium &
selenium many times come from a yeast source - check label for “yeast
free” & “sugar free”)

* Except a small amount of lemon juice, it has so little carbohydrate content (only 1 gm
per tablespoon)

The trick is to concentrate on the foods you are allowed and not those
you must avoid.
Now let's explain some of this. Under the foods to avoid you will see
“anything sweet,” including fruits and fruit juices. The reason for this is that
yeast thrives on sugars of any form, even the natural occurring fructose of

Seeing that you are treating a yeast condition, if any outside yeast is ingested
this just has a tendency to aggravate the problem. Yeast will grow in vinegar
so avoiding any vinegar and vinegar containing products is another absolute
must. Cheeses are made with different molds; molds are related to yeasts, so
they too must be avoided. Yeasts will grow on sprouts, peanuts, pistachios
and leftovers. This is the reason these foods are listed under “foods to avoid.”
Under “Foods allowed ONLY IF COOKED & EATEN HOT ” are a
list of foods that normally are not allowed because of the yeast content. But in
cooking any of these foods, the heat kills the yeast. As long as they are eaten
hot airborne yeast can not settle on them and start growing. Therefore, these
are allowed, providing you are not sensitive to molds.
This diet is given to all my Candida patients and as I mentioned previ-
ously I strongly emphasize the need to stick to the diet faithfully and not to
cheat in the least. Upon re-exam, once the patient is free of Candida I have
him/her resume their own diet slowly. I have them add a few items at a time
that they were to avoid on the diet and after that to try and not over do the
sweets (especially white sugar), and yeast foods (breads, cheeses or vinegar).
There are a few other miscellaneous factors involved in treating Candidi-
asis. If you have an air conditioner that is used, it will be necessary to clean
the air filter periodically, because yeasts and molds will thrive there. Molds
love damp places such as basements, root cellars and the like. If it is necessary
to frequent these places, because of laundry or obtaining food for meals or for
what ever reason there may be, wear a face mask to avoid breathing in the
dampness containing molds. But best of all you should avoid these places all
together, if at all possible. If the basement is quite damp you might want to
consider purchasing a dehumidifier, to remove a good portion of the damp-

Foods such as cabbage, turnip and broccoli help to retard the growth of
the candida.
Zinc, vitamins A & E and calcium pantothenate are usually given for
healing the intestinal lining, after ridding the intestinal tract of the Candida
overgrowth. I prefer to give a good quality, high potency yeast and sugar
free multiple vitamin and mineral supplement.
Candida albicans, a dimorphic yeast/fungus organism present in most
every human being, will cause problems when its population grows beyond
its normal range. The problem can be very mild or very severe or anything in
between. The yeast will over populate due to a lowered immunity and
decrease in the normal flora of the intestinal system. This will result from
improper diet, use of antibiotics, steroids or birth control pills or excess stress.
Because of the lack of accurate laboratory tests this condition is frequently
overlooked. Candidiasis (or PCC) is a growing problem, almost in epidemic
proportions. This may not be the answer to all your ailments, but by keeping
Candida under control, can be a tremendous help both physically and

Chapter 4

Recipes and Menus

On first look at the foods that you must avoid, your reaction may be like
so many of my patients', and that is, “Oh my gosh, what do I eat?”or “What
else is there?”. Well, actually, there is plenty, all you need is a little imagina-
tion. In this chapter I will give you a start on that imagination and you can
take over from there. Remember, rather than concentrating on what foods
you cannot have, concentrate on what you are allowed, and develop your
dishes and meals around them. Also remember that you are allowed most all
meats (other than processed) and vegetables. These usually make up the bulk
of your main meal anyway. So you can have a meat (beef, chicken or fish for
example), potatoes and a vegetable or two. As a dessert, you are allowed Jello
brand gelatin desserts sweetened with 100% Nutrasweet, as long as there is
no real fruit juice, and you have no Phenylalanine intolerance. Snacks are also
allowed. A snack can be a few nuts, celery stick or other vegetable or for a
sweet tasting treat mix up and freeze some 100% Nutrasweet drink mix into
popsicles. This sweet tasting treat may also be frozen in ice cube trays. When

frozen, place a few cubes into a blender and make your own slush or snow
As mentioned earlier, one should keep simple carbohydrates (sugars) to
nil and the remainder of the carbohydrates to a minimum. The following
recipes will follow this important rule; there are no sugars and the carbohy-
drate level is kept to a minimum.
Lunches for the working man or woman is the hardest meal to do
anything about on this strict dietary regime. Along with the following ideas
for lunches here is one for the working person. Make ahead of time, some
soup, stew or chili (if you are using canned remember to read the labels to
avoid any possible sugar content), heat until very hot and put some in a small
wide-mouth thermos container. This will remain hot for several hours, so it
will be allowed on the diet.
Following, you will find a few recipes and suggested menus to help get
you through, not only the lunch, but also breakfast and supper, for working
and non-working individuals.

Vegetable omelet
2 eggs
3/4 C of diced mixed vegetables (mushrooms, broccoli, cauliflower
and/or onion)
1/4 C diced fresh tomato
2 Tbsp water
Small amount of butter and/or oil for frying

Heat butter and/or oil in an 8 inch fry pan. Beat the eggs and water with
a fork until thoroughly mixed. When pan is hot, pour in egg mixture and
cook until you are able to flip the omelet over. After you have flipped it, pour

the diced vegetable mixture on the half opposite the handle of the pan. Then
slowly slide this half of the omelet onto a plate, when the filled side is on the
plate, flip the empty side over on top of the filled side. Top with the diced
tomato and serve with a well-toasted piece of bread, if desired, and a cup of
hot herbal tea.

Mock Pizza ???

1 lb ground beef
1 can tomato paste (6 oz) (don't worry, it will be okay because it will be
cooked and eaten hot)
1 small can of tomato sauce
1 tsp oregano
1 tsp basil
1/2 tsp garlic powder
1/2 C of grated mozzarella cheese (this too will be melted and eaten hot )

Brown the ground beef in a large fry pan, drain excess grease. Mix
tomato paste and tomato sauce, add to meat and stir in well. Crush oregano
and basil and add to mixture. Add the garlic. Stir all together and heat very
thoroughly. Then add the cheese, and heat until cheese is very well melted.
Serve steaming hot. This amount of heating will kill any yeast that may be in
the tomato paste or cheese. Note also, that only a small amount of cheese was
used, and no breading to add carbohydrates was used. This is, of course, not
the same as a good pizza from your favorite Italian restaurant, but it has the
pizza flavor and will not interfere with the Candida treatment.
Alternate recipe: toast a slice of bread; spread with tomato sauce/paste
mixture; sprinkle with oregano, basil, garlic powder; top with cheese; heat in
toaster oven or under broiler.

Mock Lasagna

1 lb ground beef 1 can tomato paste (6 oz)

1/2 tsp oregano 1/2 tsp basil
1/2 tsp powdered garlic 1-1/2 C cottage cheese

Brown ground beef, drain excess grease. add tomato paste, oregano,
basil and powdered garlic. Stir and heat through. Take a small 6 inch casse-
role dish and place a layer of the meat mixture on the bottom, followed by a
layer of cottage cheese. Repeat this until all ingredients are used, making sure
you end with the meat mixture on top. Cover and place in a 375° oven for
about 20 to 25 minutes. Another mock Italian dish that helps break the
boredom of this diet.

Vegetable Sandwich
Sliced tomato
Sliced avocado
Corn or flour tortilla (made with non-enriched flour)
Spread butter over one side of tortilla. Place tomato and avocado on one
side and fold over the other. Makes a great lunch that can be taken to work.

Homemade Flour Tortilla

2 C non-enriched flour Butter

Water More flour

Add water to the 2 cups of flour until you are able to make a non-sticky
ball. Sprinkle some flour on the counter. Take about 1/4 cup of dough at a
time and roll it out as thin as you can and still be able to pick it up without
falling apart. Heat a large fry pan or griddle until hot. Place one rolled out
tortilla in the dry, hot pan. When it is brown on one side (just a few seconds),
flip over and brown the other. When both sides are brown, remove from pan
and place on a plate. Spread butter over the top of your tortilla. Repeat with
the remaining dough, placing the cooked tortillas on top of each other and
spreading butter on top of each one as soon as they are removed from the
pan. The butter will help keep the tortilla soft and flexible, rather than hard
and brittle. This can be used for a variety of different sandwiches.

Open-faced Almond Butter Sandwich

Rice cake
Almond butter
Use the rice cake as you would normally use a slice of bread and spread
almond butter over the rice cake.

Homemade Mayonnaise

1 egg 2 Tbsp lemon juice

1/2 tsp salt 1 C safflower oil
1/8 to 1/4 tsp garlic powder (to taste)
1/8 to 1/4 tsp onion powder (to taste)

In blender, blend egg, 1 tablespoon of lemon juice and salt. Then

gradually add 1/2 cup oil while still blending. Then add the other tablespoon
of lemon juice. Gradually add the remaining 1/2 cup of oil along with the

garlic and onion powder. As the mixture thickens you may have to turn the
blender off for a moment to scrape the sides.
This can be used on sandwiches as you would any mayonnaise, or as a
salad dressing (see below for the recipe)

Allowable Iced Tea

The only way you are allowed to have iced tea is to make and drink it
fresh. Take your favorite herb tea (usually a mild flavored one works best, but
it is all up to your own taste), make it 2 to 3 times stronger than you normal-
ly do. Add enough ice cubes to cool it down to a nice, cool, icy, refreshing
drink; it may take quite a few ice cubes depending on the amount you of tea
you made. Drink it shortly after making it; do not store it for later.

Homemade French Fries

Most commercial french fries contain dextrose (a type of sugar). In order

to have french fries you will have to make your own. It's simple, but takes
just a little longer than the frozen store-bought ones. Take a potato and cut it
up into french fry shapes (do as many potatoes as you will need). Heat oil in a
pan (either 1 to 2 inches or use a deep fryer); when hot, carefully place the
cut-up potatoes into the oil (be careful because they will spit and splatter the
hot oil). Stir occasionally to prevent sticking together. Cook until golden
brown. When done, remove from pan and place on paper towel to absorb
excess oil. Lightly salt if desired. Now you have an allowable french fry you
can enjoy with lunch, supper or just for a snack.
As a side note: this also can be done for potato pan-cakes or hash
browns; just grate a potato, press into patty shape for potato pancakes, or stir-
fry for hash browns in a small amount of oil in a pan until golden brown.

Salad Dressing/Vegetable Dip

2 Tbsp plain yogurt

3 Tbsp homemade mayonnaise (recipe above)
1/8 to 1/4 tsp garlic powder (to taste)
1/8 to 1/4 tsp onion powder (to taste)
1/4 C finely diced and/or crushed fresh tomato

Mix all ingredients together. To have a thicker consistency for a vegeta-

ble dip, do not crush the tomato.
Lemon & Oil Dressing

2 Tbsp lemon juice

6 Tbsp cold pressed oil
1/2 to 1 small clove of garlic

Combine lemon juice and oil. Whip with wire whip until well mixed.
Crush garlic in garlic press; add to lemon - oil mixture. Whip some more until
thoroughly mixed. May have to rewhip before each use.

Simple Stir-Fry

1 cup carrots 1 cup broccoli

1 cup cauliflower 2 Tbsp oil
1 to 2 cloves of garlic 6 Almonds (sliced)
1/2 lb chicken cut into 1" cubes 1/4 cup water
3 - 4 Tbsp whole wheat flour 1 medium tomato (sliced)
1 tsp salt

Cut carrots, broccoli and cauliflower into bite size pieces. Crush garlic in
garlic press. Heat 1 tablespoon of oil in wok or large fry pan. When oil is hot
add garlic and sliced almonds. Stir until they just begin to brown, add
chicken, stir fry until done (about 3 minutes). Remove chicken. Add other
tablespoon of oil and heat. When hot, add vegetables and stir-fry until cooked
but still crisp. Return chicken to pan, add water and salt, stir and let simmer
for about 1 minute. Then stir in enough flour to soak up excess moisture.
Serve over brown rice, then top with the sliced tomato.

Potato Soup
2 Tbsp butter 1 Tbsp grated carrot
3 cloves garlic 1 tsp salt
2 cups hot milk 1 cup grated potato

Mince garlic in garlic press; saute' with grated carrot in 2 tablespoons of

butter. Add salt, hot milk and grated potato. Cook for about 20 minutes,
stirring occasionally, until thick.

What to eat when you're at the restaurant:

Here are some ideas of what you can eat when you're out at a restau-
rant. A hamburg patty or other unbreaded or unbattered meat such as
chicken, fish or pork is a good choice. A baked potato is usually your safest
way to go for a potato. You can smother it with butter, but no sour cream.
Salads are okay, providing you use an approved dressing (one not containing
vinegar or sweetener - see recipes) or no dressing at all. Bring along your
own and tell the waitress that you're on a very restricted diet. Avoid chef's
salads because of the processed meats in them, unless the meat pieces are

large enough that they can be removed. Fresh vegetables, either raw or
cooked, are fine. Ask if their vegetables are canned or not; if so avoid them,
because most commercially canned vegetables contain sugar. Also avoid any
creamed sauces that may be over vegetables or seafood, for example. Herbal
tea, water or diet pop (without real fruit juice) is allowed as a beverage.
Sorry, but no desserts are allowed.
Most Mexican meals should be okay providing any cheese that may be
in or on is thoroughly melted and served hot. Also be aware that many salsas
and sauces contain sugar.
Most Italian foods must be avoided because of the extreme starchy
content of the foods.
If you are going to a Chinese restaurant, there are a number of foods
that you can have. Remember you can always ask whether a particular item
contains sugar or a sweetener of some kind. Avoid the noodles and too much
white rice. There are a variety of stir- fried vegetables, with or without meat,
chicken or seafood that can be ordered. Again, you may have to ask whether
anything comes breaded or battered; if so avoid them.

These tasty recipes are good substitutes for some common foods that
you may be used to that you are not allowed on this diet.

Summary of products used:

• A formula called Formula SF722® from Thorne Research, Inc.,

Available only to health professionals. I find this formula extremely
effective and very easy for patients to take. It is a small capsule, easily
swallowed by most people.
• A homeopathic formula called Fungi/Yeast® from the company
Hobon, also available only from a health practitioner. It is a liquid,
making it invaluable for children and elderly who have a difficult
time swallowing tablets or capsules.
• A product that is an extract from grapefruit seed called Nutri- Bi ot-
ic® has been successful, time and time again. This product is available
in most health food stores.
• Black walnut hulls, also available from health food stores under a
variety of brand names, has been quite effective many times.
• Caprylic acid has proven itself many times. The formula I use is
available only from health practitioners. Some caprylic acid formulas
are effective and some are not.

To obtain non-prescription products mentioned above or on page 14 in

chapter 3 you may contact the:
Holistic Naturopathic Center
PO Box 583
Hayden Lake, ID 83835
(208) 772-9502

This booklet is in no way intended to replace a physician for diagnosis or treatment of
Candida or any other disease. The information contained within is relating the author's
experience with Candida only. You are advised to be under a physician's supervision for
diagnosis and treatment of not only Candida, but also, any disorder. The author cannot be
responsible for the result of your actions, whether or not you follow the suggestions or rely
on the information in this book.


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