PGP12228 - D - Vini Jaiswal - WIPS

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PGP 12
End Term Exam (Term II)
Workshop on Interviews and Presentation Skills (WIPS)

MM -

Name: Vini Jaiswal

Roll No: PGP12228

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(In figures & words)

Question No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
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Answer 1 - Admiration is a form of human emotion elicited by people of competency, talent,

skills. Two of the batchmates whom I admire are Divya Chaudhary and Sai Sushmitha. They
are both are even very close friends of mine. One of their qualities which I admire the most
and which is common in both is their resilient nature. Resilient people are like bamboo in a
hurricane meaning they would rather bend than to break and keep sailing on even when
others have abandoned the journey. Both of them are really focussed towards their goals and
objectives in life and tries really hard to achieve the goal come what may in their way.
Another quality of their which I admire are compassion and showing respect for others.
Being compassionate also makes oneself an empathetic person which in really enhances
one’s character and makes us wonderful human being. Person who is empathetic and respects
others makes their surrounding more positive and improve our values. A person who respects
other they value their time, effort which one have put in the work and thus gets same in
return. So, I would like to imbibe their resilient nature in my personality and also enhance my
compassionate and empathetic nature to become a better human being.

Answer 2 – Making someone happy with my deeds would bring a sense of achievement to
me and also would make me feel accomplished. Specially making my parents happy and
smile would give me the feeling of accomplishment. It doesn’t matter how much wealth one
has; it even doesn’t matter how successful one becomes unless one has the capability to bring
smile on the face of others and be the reason of someone’s happiness. One thing I was always
taught since my childhood that at the end of one’s journey called life, we would be
remembered by our nature, attitude towards others, the good deeds we have done, also the
knowledge one gather throughout the life and most importantly how proud our parents were
from us. So, this would be the sense of achievement for me.

Answer 3 - If I would have been in the interview panel, then the chances of me getting hired
would be 70%. I would have hired myself because I am a good communicator and can
express my view points very clearly to the panelist. I had always been a good team player and
also showcased my leadership character several times while I was working in a firm. I am an
optimistic person and try to be positive in any given situation which would be an added point
of me. I had always been a quick learner. 30% chance of not getting hired is because I am
totally from different background and company would think I would be having less
knowledge with respect to the work role.

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