Balanced Scorecard S05

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Balanced Scorecard proposed by

PERSPECTIVES Factors to be Studied Objectives

Short term Profit Financial Objective 1

Financial Long term Profit Financial Objective 2
Sales cannibalization Financial Objective 3
Needs covered Customer Objective 1
Customer Customer Satisfaction Customer Objective 2
Coherence Customer Objective 3
Internal Capabilities Process Objective 1
Process Sinergies Process Objective 2
What should be improved Process Objective 3
Success Innovation Objective 1
Innovation Profitability Innovation Objective 2
Imitability Innovation Objective 3
corecard proposed by Consuunt

bjectives Control 1 Control 2

cial Objective 1 Financial Control 1.1 Financial Control 2.1

cial Objective 2 Financial Control 1.2 Financial Control 2.2
cial Objective 3 Financial Control 1.3 Financial Control 2.3
mer Objective 1 Customer Control 1.1 Customer Control 2.1
mer Objective 2 Customer Control 1.2 Customer Control 2.2
mer Objective 3 Customer Control 1.3 Customer Control 2.3
ss Objective 1 Process Control 1.1 Process Control 2.1
ess Objective 2 Process Control 1.2 Process Control 2.2
ess Objective 3 Process Control 1.3 Process Control 2.3
tion Objective 1 Innovation Control 1.1 Innovation Control 2.1
tion Objective 2 Innovation Control 1.2 Innovation Control 2.2
tion Objective 3 Innovation Control 1.3 Innovation Control 2.3
Restaurant - Balanced Scorecard proposed

PERSPECTIVES Factors to be Studied Objectives

Short term Profit 10% Cost Reduction

Financial Long term Profit Profit Margin of 10%
Sales cannibalization High margin products, prioritized
Needs covered Be a Unique Place to be
Customer Customer Satisfaction Quality and Quaintity well Valued
Coherence Customer profile fits
Internal Capabilities Acquire a fryer without oil
Process Sinergies Start Home delivery
What should be improved Reduce preparation time 20%
Success New Items >10% Total Revenues
Innovation Profitability New Products' Profit Margin >10%
Imitability Not easy to copy new products
ed Scorecard proposed by Consuunt

Objectives What has been done Current Results

Cost Reduction Diversify Suppliers 15% Cost Reduction Achieved

Margin of 10% Focus on High profit Products Profit Margin of 8%
n products, prioritized Promoting High margin Products High margin products sell better
nique Place to be Differentiated Decoration Good feedback on Social Media
Quaintity well Valued Satisfaction rewaraded-surveys 4 out of 5 average C.Satisfaction
omer profile fits Place Ads on Key places Main Clients received are families
a fryer without oil Save $1000 per month You still need $3000
Home delivery Collaboration with Uber Eats Home Delivery is 20% of revenues
eparation time 20% Processess have been analyzed Preparation time reduced by 10%
>10% Total Revenues Study Customers preferences New Items = 15% of Revenues
ts' Profit Margin >10% Develop High-quality products New Products' Profit Margin = 8%
o copy new products Rely on special sauces Your products are not being copied
Cybertruck - Balanced Scorecard proposed by Consuunt

PERSPECTIVES Factors to be Studied Objectives

Short term Profit Increase Cash with reservations

Financial Long term Profit Improve Tesla's Profit Margin
Sales cannibalization Avoid Cannibalization with other cars
Needs covered An 100% electric efficient SUV
Customer Customer Satisfaction Customers "loving" this car
Coherence Have a distinctive product
Internal Capabilities Start in the SUV segment
Process Sinergies Use the existing Know-How
What should be improved Manufacturing more cars
Success Improve autonomy
Innovation Profitability New products = more profit
Imitability Being unique
posed by Consuunt

Objectives Would this Strategy make sense?

ash with reservations According to past results: yes

Tesla's Profit Margin The car has a big Profit margin
alization with other cars Impossible: it is Tela's first SUV
electric efficient SUV Tesla has the best reputation
ers "loving" this car According to social media: Yes
distinctive product Yes: It is Very Distinctive
the SUV segment It is a good way to start
existing Know-How It uses the same technology
cturing more cars Difficult to say
ove autonomy 800 km autonomy: a record
ducts = more profit Simple design, "old" Tech
eing unique Definitely, it is difficult to copy
Zoom - Balanced Scorecard proposed by

PERSPECTIVES Factors to be Studied Objectives

Short term Profit Positive Net Profit

Financial Long term Revenue increase 50% yearly
Sales cannibalization Cannibalize 3rd Companies
Needs covered Be different to Skype and Whatsapp
Customer Customer Satisfaction Customers must use it frequently
Coherence Be regarded as easy for everybody
Internal Capabilities Increase Server Capacity
Process Sinergies Develop more Sub-Products
What should be improved Improve Data Privacy perception
Success Reliability as the Main target
Innovation Profitability New advances must be Profitable
Imitability Not easy to copy
Scorecard proposed by Consuunt

Objectives What has been done Current Results

tive Net Profit Maintain a reduced structure The Company starts self-financing
ncrease 50% yearly Expand all over the world 78% Yearly Revenue increase
ize 3rd Companies Have a "just one product" structure Zoom is financially healthier
o Skype and Whatsapp Make things easier and better Zoom is growing at higher rates
must use it frequently Track feedback on Social Media People is satisfied in General
as easy for everybody Promote it for all the family The average user is young.
e Server Capacity Servers purchased Still needs more Server capacity
more Sub-Products Create Business Products Still is not associated to Businesses
ta Privacy perception New protocols implemented Still not regarded as a Private App
y as the Main target Improve Security Issues Still not regarded as Secure
es must be Profitable Improve pre-existing Technology More profitable than competitors
easy to copy Focus on one perfect product Zoom is not close to be copied
Starting a Personal Trainer Business - Balanced Scorec

PERSPECTIVES Factors to be Studied Objectives

Short term Profit Earn a Salary

Financial Long term Have passive Income
Sales cannibalization Cannibalize Gym customers
Needs covered Be regarded as the best way to train
Customer Customer Satisfaction Your Clients must be "loyal"
Coherence You want "good vibrations"
Internal Capabilities Master new Training techniques
Process Sinergies Mix different techniques
What should be improved Improve your Running capacity
Success Having your own Training methods
Innovation Profitability New methods should be demanded
Imitability New methods, difficult to copy
ness - Balanced Scorecard proposed by Consuunt

Objectives Actions to be Taken Targets

arn a Salary You'll be the only employee To earn more than $1,500 monthly
passive Income Hire employees with shared benefit Earn +$3,000 per month
ze Gym customers Flexible Prices and Schedules Have different Profitable Tariffs
as the best way to train You'll also propose healthy habits Clients' average weight loss > 5kg
nts must be "loyal" Friendly and close-to-client trainings Lose less than 5% Cleints per month
"good vibrations" Look for "friendly" customers +30% Clients becoming "friends"
Training techniques Learn TRX and "Animal Flow" +20% Clients interested in them
erent techniques Relate TRX to other techniques +15% Clients interested
ur Running capacity Train, Train, and Train Be able to do a Marathon
own Training methods Study anatomy, and physics 1 New method each 3 years
s should be demanded Promote them with distinct Names +20% New Clients interested
ods, difficult to copy Use "material" designed by you 1 new material for each new method

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