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.' (G~zeltc. 13th December J957] OROl!R, J957
herea! It IS expedient to ,,!,:J ke provision for
~crneDt of ccrt~ln areas In (he Federal C. t~c dev<'lopmeot and
j.,r~~'1lcd areas, Inying out or nlt~ritlg Rlrcct4l,IPllal br ,opening up
COns 'c'C!I like parks, gardens and pln)groulldlf Clec ,: providing public
a(llt'nl I ~nd scwcruge ~r .. by d~lnolishing,' im r~)~~18 works (or water
.uept f gs' for the ncqursruon 01 "Ind lor b~C' Hlg or con!ltructing
bud'~~C~I.includiog the re-housing of pcrson~ . (Jcveloprneot Or im-
pl"1,v in other persons, ror the preparalion and exec ~fTecte(J thereby and
cerl~1 rovcn1ent SChCU1CS, building research sohe UIIOO of development
or.. lnl~~.and for matters connected thercwith or incid~cSI ,lInhd similar other
,cue • " 0 a I ere to;
Now therefore, in exercise of the pOWers conf
r Arlicl~ 211 of the Consti~Dtion, and of all Olh~~rcd by clause .(2)
O'm in tbat behalf, the President is pleased to m kPowbersI' enab'!og
bI . a etc lollowlng
Order .-
1. Short til,le, extent and cOII'nl~ncen,enl._(I) This order
called the Karachi Development Authority Order. 1957. may be
(2) It extends to the Federal Capital.
(3) It shall come ioto force, at once, except Cbapter VII which sball
come into, force on. such date as, the Central Government may b
aotification 10 the Official Gazette appoint. y
2. DtjinitiofU.-(I) In this Order, unless there is anything repuguant
in the subject or context-
(a) "affected p:cIsons" .means persons affected by the development
or improvement carried out 10 accordance with the provisions of tbis
(b) «Authority" means the Karachi Development Authority estab-
lished under Article 3;
(c) "betterment ~eett means the fee pres~bed by Article 104. in
respect of an increase ID tbe value of land resulting from the execuuon
of any improvement scheme;
(tf) "Chairman" means tb~ Chairman ot the Governing Body.
appointed under clause (1) of Article 6;
(e) "City" means tbe city as defined in the Municipal Act;
nNT j\UTlJOIUTY ORonR, 1957
Ofvn,Ol'M lp, l
d\' -. t(~R,,('It1 n' an ore. declared to be.. ' II
I~ ~'~ .~
,. nlrolled IIr . I,,,
(/, coAfliolc11; •• "ns any one of the followlnl namely.
fCII under . t body 11,0 ......
• "conslltllcn..
~f?the C(lrpo~t~l;r1r "rUs
,he KAme
oefencc• hl
(II, ) he r.liol~IrY (I Donnl of Karoc I,
('(1) I cantonn,cnt RailwlIY;
(11') ~~~ North WCSlcrn Industrial Trnding fulntes, nnd
(1' 'nd Bnd Lan dhl
(I") the 51 h Ity or Department of Oovernme
such local QUi or otiftcation in the Official G:'lett"l a, ,
(111\)~:Je~nmcntO'I:1Yci by lJ~d constituent bodies shall be e. ~
Cenlra constitueot bo Y. ton&,,~
accordingly; ,.. "IC
ell 0' tbe MUOlclpa
orporatron or Ih
(h) "<;:orporOll on 0'1 ,t t.}
of Karachi; , B d t· Oleons Ihe Governing Body COt! •
(i) "9ovc~,ng 0 y tlJtu
under Article 5 • aD building intended for human habi .
(j) "bouse" means n ~bich it is situated, comprising ODe0 Ia~
together with (be land udP~ructures appurtenant thereto; , IlIa
famI y'I housing uolts an s ,
" mellns any area which IS under ao illl
(k) "improved" means a scheme connected with bo~
mcnl scheme and ~ ment construction, sewerage, water s:-L
impro\cmen1,6 dc."c o:nd rc~earch and matters incidental thereto; Pil
resettlement. oanomg " I
"Industrial Trading E~tale" means Sind Industria Trading Es~
(I) db' lodustrial Trading Esta te Ltd., or any other Estate IIIb
Ltd., Lao I
may be established;
(m) "laod" has the meaning assigned to it by clause (a) of ~l
or tbe Land Acquisition Act, Ib94 (1 of 1894);
(n) "MuLicipal Act" means the City of Karachi Municipal
1933 (Bom. Act XVll of 1933);
(0) "use area" means an are~ of land in private own~rsbip ~
tbe Authority declares bas been ripe for development and Improvc
but whieb has remained unimproved and undeveloped for a period
two years from the dale of such declaration;
(P) "prescribed" means prescribed by rules or regulations
under Ibis Order;
(q) "Tribunal" means the Tribunal constituted under Article 96;
(r) "unauthorised building" means a building declared by
Authority to be unauthorised;
(2) All words :lnd espressicns not defined in this Order and d
1.0 the Muoicipal Act shall have the meanings respectively assign
them by tha tAct.
r. (3) All references 10 anything done, required, authorised perm
orbidden, or ,made punishable, or to Ilny power vested. by or uode
?rt~r, sball include anything done required auihorised, per0l
or Idden, or made punishable, or any 'power vested-
Orde~~)o~y or under any scheme made under the provisioDs o
< t9S~J
,'- cI any provlAion of the MunlciJ'lal Act or the Bomb8 Y
bY or I! 11 ~: 11>23 (Uom. Act xvrt of J953, Born. Act VI 0 r
(hlJlnA(c!~ ~ 'Authori,y hils by virtue of UIIII Order power to
"r~1 \I'hiclt 'Ie '
r~ ('liAr OF Tlfll Atl1-H()RITV
hrflrlll nnd ;nr,>rpnrl1llml.-( I) A~ .oon 811 may be after
1 hl'l"fI,'~, Qf ,hi, Order. lite Central Government 1111811c.\ubIi3b
.' Clh;Ollle.. r
r r Ihe rurrO~CIJ 0 'I ~
1 I () d
r· or.
I ,'(1111fl'
,I' I ,dill ,(I
,r" ,ut 11 • Authority e,tllhlished under CIA\I~C (I) ShAll be a body corpo-
(:) The, .,.II11C of the Knrnehl pcvel( Authori,ty, havlns
"t. lIy the ('cc~~il," lind II comrnnn seal, with power, subject to 'he '
,. r[ll'I1131 ~;( IIlis Orelor. to acquire nnd bold property, both movabl~
rr""j<il,ns . hl~. lind stlllll by the said name sue and be sued.
'fIll 'rflmO/~Ja~(,I1It!/J/.-: I) The general d!recLion and a~minl9tratioo •of
~. ) '" nnd its affairs shall vest In the Governing Body which
,h~ aUlhO~: R'" powers und do 1111 nels ond things which may be
\' defCI"" h .
~~~f(lIscd or done by the Aut on~y.. .. ..
r The Governing Body 10 discharging Its functions shall act 00
~2)Jinelples of development, town-planning and housing Wll~ special
.~l1nrdPto the re-housing of affected persons and shall be guided on
rcgn,'ODS of policy by such directions as the Central Government may
'lues, .'
dille 10 lime give.
frOJll(J) IT a question arises as to whether any matter is a matter of
poliCYor oat, the decision of the Central Government shall be final.
S. Constitution 0/ tire Governing Bo~y.-{ I) The Governing Body
,ball consist of five members to be appointed by the Central Govern-
(2) Not less than two of the members appointed under clause (1)
shall be whole lime members.
(3) Each member shal1-
(a) hold office for a period of three years unless sooner removed
Dod may be re-appointed thereafter for such period or periods as the
Central Government may in each case determine;
(b) perform such duties as may be prescribed by regulations or as
the Gov:roing Body may by order in writing, assign to him; and
(c) receive such salary and allowances as may be prescribed by
~. Appo;"tment of Choirman.-(I) The Central Government shall
apPoInt one of the members of the Governing Body to be the Chairman
oflhc Governing Body.
(2) Subject to his continuing to bold office as member, the Chair-
man 'bal~ bold office .for a period. not exceeding three years, and
may ,SCubJectas aforesaid, be re-appointed for such period or periods
IS t h
e entral Government may determine :_
Cb~ that a Chairman
ofIlc:roVt~dl my be required to continue to hold
un I IS Successor IS appointed.
pers:~ s~;IrUbl!ficalionof
v«. members of the Governing Body.-(J) No
e or shall continue to be a member of the Governing Body
(0) is or, at any t'nne, b as be eo, convicted of an offence involving
moral turpitude; or
~_lo.s1I1 CnNTRAL STATUTI''-' J61
• I

Ity or under IIOY proviltloll of the MunlclplIl Act or the Bomhay

eM I rcl~ Acl, 192J (110m. AOI XVIL or 1953. 110m. Act VI of
I r .~~ich lhe A",horlty hilS, hy vlrl lie or IIII~ Order power to


0'< 1'IIA i\UrllrJlUTY
, E.rf.,hlf.•hmcn« nn~J (n('"rp(')rtll/,,,,. 7'( I) A~ ~I)on 811 mny be Arler
.' 111(11011111001or 11118 Order, lite Centrnl Oover"mont ~b.1J CJt.lbll.h
l~r.~~~~lrtIYfM rhc purposes of lhlq Order.
tf1 ') ihe AlIlhC'I'hy established under clause (I) ftllllll be e body corpo-
(by thr- nnrne .,r Ih Kllrnchi Dcvclnpment AUlhorhy, havlna
.. cr. t ttl ~uC('('S~jl)l1 lind 8 common sea], wilh power, subject to the
'If"" I~ns t,r fhls Order, to ocquiro and hold properly, both movable
I~ ""',' 1~~liWRhk. IIIlU shnll by tho snld name AUC nnd be sued,
In· II
4 "('1"nSf'III~nr.-{1) The genera! dlrecuon and admlnlsrratlon or
til A;llhOnlY nnd jl~ n/l'oirR shall vesl ill the Governing Body which
'I' e:tcrcise 111/ powers and do till nels and tblogs wbich may be
~rcis~d or done by (he Authority.
ca (2) The Governing Dody in discharging its functions shall act 00
IOltnd principles of development, town-plunning and housing with special
, nrd (0 (he re-housing of affected persons and shall be guided on
:eslions of policy. by such directions as the Central Government may
from lime 10 lime gl ve.
(3) If II question arises as to whether any mailer is a matter of
policyor nOI, tbe decision of the Central Government shall be final.
S. Constllullon 0/ the Govern/fig Body.-{I) The Governing Body
,ball col)sist of five members to be appointed by the Central Govern-
(2) Not less than two of the members appointed under clause (I)
shall be whole time members.
(3) Each member shall-
(11) bold office for 8period of tbree years unless sooner removed
lind may be re-appointed thereafter for such period or periods 8S the
Centra' Government may in each case determine;
(b) perform such duties as may be proscribed by regulations or as
tbe Governing Body may by order in wriling, assign to bim ; and
(c) receive such salary and allowances as may be prescribed by
6. AppOintment 0/ Chalrman.-(I) Tbe Central Government sball
appoint one of the members of Ihe Governing Body to be the Chairman
or the GovernIng Body.
(2) Subject to his continuing to hold office 8S member, the Chair-
man sbal' hold o61ce for a period not exceeding three years, and
may, subject as aforesaid, be re-appointed for such period or periods
as the Central Government may determine :-
Provided that a Chairman my be required to continue to hold
officeuOlil his successor is appointed.
7. D/~'r"alificalion0/ the members 0/ 'he Governing Botly.-(l) No
person sba/ be or shall continue to be a member of the Governing Body
(0) is or, at any time, bas beeu, convicted of an offence involving
moral turpitude; or
........orM!',," AtmlOll.lTY OROPIl, 1957
KA~ACIII o.·._._
hi' been Idjudlc.tled In,olvent 1
) i. or, It Iny til11,e. ue or of unlound mind; or
(b d be I unl
Ccl II foun to
(J) I• I minor; or • I Intere.t I n any se h erne Or
) hll • o".net I b6twCCn hi. Interelt, a~ a In a ~~~
. ~~t directl' or dln~:!ec;Jvnlo interest.
I~ erning Body lin
and has failed e~~r
tl e Central Oovernment. 'U
in .ritlng to I I .~
.1ICh interesl
8, Arpoi"t~"t, i:~rce,
fI"d OI'PCD .-( ) SUbject t
the power of maki,ng npPoin~rnan, I
for the titne beIng in lhe service of the Authorhy, or &ra ~Illt ~
promotion. to !O~~~nts boldin. such posts! of censu~lrI8, Il~:'"~
10 officers an.
r m reducing, suspem.llng, removing Or d~r. '1\
bolding plomo ro v~nts for any breach of dcpartmenta,"tnilf,
5Uch officers and ser lessuess unfitoes'. neglect of dUly Or r~l'\"
discipline, or f~rd~'~:lr&ing ;uch officers and servants from ~htr .:
condUCt. and. 0 fi I~ny other reason, shall be exercised by th e ~ I
of \be Authonty . or e a~
, oed authondcs-
me;.tUO of posts the monthly salary or the
(a) in the casewhich docs not exceed five hUndred rolllalilll •
monthly salary Oft holding such posts-the Chairman ; ~ ~ I
moers and servan s
o . case of posts the monthly salary or the maximom J
(b) fn~::cb cxce«1s five hundred rupees but .does not ex::ll~
sal~~!s "..".,
~ ro~
snd officers and servants holding such po D1t
Governing Body; and
or . the case: of posts the monthly salary or the maximuQlIIIOIl
sa.~') whicb exceeds one tho~aod rupees and. officers aod Ierl~ I
ldiog sucb post3-lhe GovcrDlog Body. subject to the pr~
:'ctiOD of tbe Cenlra.! Government : ~
Provided that a servant of tb~ Central Government or lOy Pto'll. 'I
cial Governmeot or a local aulbor~ty whose services bave been lcallo ;
the Authority shall not be so p~nls.hed except ~y an aU.lhOfily ,~
would have been competent to Inflict such punishment If hi! senias ~
bad DOtbeen so lent, and tbe. Chairman or the Governing Body,. j
tbe case may be, shall be entitled onJy to make a recommcodatioai
tbat behalf to such authority.
(2) Apinst any order under clause (I) imposing any pUDish .. ~
00 him, ao officer or servant of the Authority may appeal- jl
(0) to the Govcrning Body. if the order was passed by •
Chairman, and
(b) to tbe Central Government, if the order was passed by.
Governing Body.
(3) Up?D hearing a.D appeal under sub-clause (0) of clause~ ~
the GovernIng Body may enbance tho punishment bUI an 3pp1i
,baJJ lie 10 tbe Central Government against such enhaoce~eDt, ~
P.. Mttllngl of Govtrning Body, etc.-(I) The meetings or
Governln,' Body sball. be held at such times and such phlCCS 11 III!
be prescnbcd by regulauons :
Provided that uDtU regulations are made In this behalf such ~~
Iogs sbaU be convened by tne Chairman.
(2) To constitute I quorum at a meetin or the Governio, ~
Dot leu tbao three membera, iocludioS the Cbairr:ao, shall be preJeol,
VT!' orMI'NT ,l\uTIIORrTY ORDOR, 1957
KAIlAC'" Or. '
J6~ . hi' been IIdjudlclted In~oJvcnl I
(b) I. or, ,I any ';':nl,IC or of unsound mInd; or
c) I. (ound '0 be
I r : or I Inleresl In ,ny
(J) I., 10 no, .cherne Or
) ha' II nn"nei' II betwC!en hi. InlorC8t~ 08 n m I ~n~.
i tertI dirte1ly or ,Jn~I';~rrvn,e Intercstll and "nil (£I lied e~ber di
n mini Body IInl . tI e Centrnl Oovernmcnl. 0 dll,
Gave In .. rilln, to I I (I) ,
.udllnlcrelt IIf1Lrlrmcllt afld appeat>« Suhject 10
8. Al'ptJlnfmtflf, ("rce, the power o( npPOilll an,
for Ibe ume being n Ihe servIce of Ihe Authorlly, or gra1lltnt,'
promolion. to!OSIS I IS boldin, such posts, of censuring nII!I,,_ 1..."
10 officcrs In . servon m redUCing. suspending, rcmovinll' Or n,~1, .i'f
hoklin, promollo: fre~v;nIS for ouy breach of dCPllrtmellla~"rn;
such officer..n S elessOC:ss unnlncs~, neglect of dUly Or 0 rb'<l
discipline. or fCrdi~llarging ;uch officers and serVlln.tll from I~~er-:
condUCt. aod• 0 I'
of lbe AUIhonlY ,lor a
ny olher reason, sball be exerCised by Ib S
e bIlL'
• cd autborllles- """
meDtiOn of posts tbe monthly salary or the
(0) in the esse h'ch does not exceed five hundred ru ~j
monthly salary Oft ~ol~lin8 such posts-tbe Chairman; Pee! ._
moers and scrva n 5 l,b
o I. e of OSIS the monthly sa aty or t e maltimum
(b) ;n l~i~bOll:~ceedsPfive huodred
salary 0 VI nN!4 and officers and servants
rupees but .does not
holding such """I ~
thOUSand rupees ......s~
Governing Body; aod
c) in tile case of pOSIS monthly salary or the maltirnuDl moe •
( of whicb e"ceeds one tbOu~8nd rupees snd, officers and Itn ~ •
:~g sucb posli-lbe Govern~ng Body, subject to the pre':
,&actioo of lbe Ceotral Government. ,
Provided tbat 8 servant of tb~ Central Government or any Prolil-
, I Government or a looal autbonty whose services bave been leal~
: AUlborhy shail Dot be so p~nished except ~y an aU.lhorily rbil'
would have eeen competent to InOict such punishment If bis se~ •
had 001 been so lent, and tbe, Chairman or the Governing Body,. '
Ibe case may be, shall be entitled only to make a reeommcodaliOl, J
tbal behalf to su:11 authority.
(2) Again.t any order under clause (I) imposing any punish.. J
on him, an officer or servant of tbe Authority may appeal- I
(a) to !he Ooveroing Body, if the order was passed by IIr :
Cbairman, aod
(b) to the CeDltal Government, if the order was passed by Ik I
Governing Body.
(3) Up~n bearins an appeal under sub-clause (0) of clause(3 :
tbe ~overOlo, Body may enhance the punishment, but 10 apJlIJ ,
.hall lie to tbe Cenlral Oovernmem against such enhancement. •
9. , Mtttlnl' 0/ Ooy~'nlng Body, etc.-(I) The meetiogs or - "
Goverolog Body .hall be held at such Ii mes and such plaOC' .. IIIJ
be prescribed by regulations: .:
Projvided tha.1 untll regulations Ire mode 10 this behalf sucb JIItIf I
Ing. sbn I be convened by tbe Chairman. I

(2) To coostitute a Quorum 4t a meetin of the OoverolPB ~ I

nOI Ie" Ib.n tbree membcCl, including the Chllirr!4n, shall be preseol. I
X_1958) CIlNTRAL SlATUTllll 163
,(11. '
. fhe Cbairman .h(lll preside at every meeting at b'
(3) d jf lbe Chairman III nbsent from the meetl w ich he I.s
~o!(JII, Q~VCf"llIll 1)0<1)" prescot and chosen by tho me:!be a member
;I 1M Ide Jll the meeting. ra present
"filII prcsa.cb member, Including the ChAirmAn .hall have
(4) the evont 1'( an equality of vote~ the Chairman h f,ne vote,
",rt III . linDvote. a a have 8
.,''1d or ('.as e
,. II'. njfil·I'.- The Authority IIholl e8tAhli~h ill offico In Karaehl.
It rllll'l!r tf) .fl1n(!/f)II, reject or revise schem«. -<I) The AutltorU
I ~s l'oon liS f('3~lble. prepare, And from time to time Aubm;t 'o~
f'ltlll '~r"ro,'al of the .Centrel Government on outline programme ror
BC deyd.,pmcnl and Improvement of sucb areas within tho Pederal
• "nl. liS it mllY consider necessary for the purpose, listing Iu¢h
ClIp and the opp roxlmate order or their development and outl' i
,he proposed' l,mprovel1lent S, , Ino I ~d'rng t b e water .,supply, so"a80 Inandnf(
bullJinll~ requIred for residcntiul, commercial aud other purposea
I (2) The Central Government shal,l, within suob time 8a may be
re~cribed by rules, either approve or disapprove nny programme referred
ro in cI.u.~e(I)., or approve. wl!b suob additions or modificatioos as,
in c:.,asull3110nwith tbe Aulborlty, It deems fit to make.
(3) The Authority shell, within such time as may be prescribed
by rules, prepare for submission to the Central Government specific
$ebc-IIICS set forth io, the outliue programme, Including any other
tclIcme or ,schemes which the Central Government in writing directs
1h~ Autbonty to prepare, and All sucb schemes shall contain plans for
the proposed devclopmeD,t, including approximation of posts proposed,
methods of financing, ejectment, and resettlement or rehousing of
,affected persons I
Provided tbat tbe Authority may without reference to the Central
Government execute any scheme tbe provisional estimated cost or
which does not exceed rupees three buodred tbousand and specific
provisioo for which exists in the annual estimates of income and expea-
dilure of the Autborlty.
(4) Tbe Central Government may sancuon, with or without
modificuion, or may refuse to sanction, or may return for reconsidera-
tion, aoy scheme submitted to it under clause (3), or may call for
.uoh further details or information about the scheme, or may
direct ~uch further examination of the scheme as it may consider
(S) Where the Central Government has sanctioned a scheme for
lDy .rea it sball be lawful for the Autborlty to execute and maiotain
works and carry out all operations in tbe said area required for the
xecution of aoy such scheme.
(6) As 800n as may be after the commencement of tbis Order, tbe
, lral Government may upon such terms lind ccaditicns as may be
d down, transfer to the Authority any scheme sanotioned or under-
keo by the Central Government or by any local authority or other
y and also place at (he disposal or the Authority any properties,
oVllble or immovable, connected with or ancillary or appurtenant 10
ny such scheme, and aoy scheme 80 Iransferred shall be deemed to be
scheme sanCliooed by tlre Central Government under tbls Order,
AtITIIOIU', V Ol{t)t!1t
l{AItM'ltI 1
)1\'<1 t..OI'MIlNT
t, le'5'7 I
1M l'
rul for the AUlhorlty
to C~ecut c 1r I
(7) It ShAll 1'10 '"~l nil IInliniRhcli wor~1I lind Oper .lInd III '
.. ",rt. IIn~ clHrry 0 ~cllellle Irol1~fcrred uudrr clOUSe ((J)RIIUIl' r~I~h:_
n'I 11011 11 lillY 0 tq.L'•
ror the execU al (lovcrnll\cnt m,,¥. upon Ituch IcrmN an '"lit I
(I.() The CerlU pillco lit the disposal of the Autb d t"~~
II~ OIlIy be Itlidd~ll;:r~, by the C;cntrnl Goyer~mcnt o~r~y 3'l1lh~1
pOflies. or run,' body. or permit the AuthoClty to Icv 'I Qny .PI", ,
authority or Oller lt. uel before the commencement or Y and tlf~
dutic~ whioh, i",",ed h bovernmcnl, autborlty or body a this ~~
'1'cre leviab!c b~ I~"hold such properties or funda and le'vnd Ih~lt~,
tbe AulhorilY ~ll,al5uch tUU1S and conditions. Y sUcbdu~
. accordance WI "<l
In 2 J)tdarallon 0/ Controlled A~ea . and. issue of a
I. . Th
Authority may, by notification 10 tbe offie' PP'opr~
l(rtC/lons.- e
to bo a controlled area Ior the purposes Iial ,QI7.t~1
declare aur Bre~ respect of BOY such area such dircClion~ thl! Olll.a'
and may ssue lD ro riate and do all such things IlS rna b as it ~
~~~er~h~t p~~~el~fto Pof h~phllznrd growth of colonies, YbUifdi~~C}li~
operations in such area.. I..
13 Addilional powers 0/ Author~t)l to undertake Work
f:rpmd , urt.-.
The Authority may, subject 10 such directionsand
. as I~It I
Cenlral Governmenl may glve- . I I
(I) prepare or arrange for . the preparation of su~b land U:\t
Master Plans as may be required and for such modifications I tll/~
~. may from time to lime b) deemed necessary. r~ I
(2) establish aod maintain Housing Re~earch. Stations and Oood I

scientific industrial research on bousiug looJudlOg researcb 00:

cost housing.
(3) sponsor, for t~c. purp.os~ .of giving ~ffect to any of the PlO'I~I
slons of tbls Order. limited liability cornpunres under the Compaaia
Act, 1913 (VII or 1913), Co-operative Socie.ties under ~h~ Co-opentilt
Societies Ac.t, '912 (II of 1912), 01' Registered Socletle~ under lit
Literary. Sclentlflo and Charitable Socleties Act, 1860 (XXI of 18~
and upon its request be represented on the Mauagemea; of any Hd
company or society.
(4) undertake any work connected with or incidental to the pr. I
poses of this Order tbat may be assigned to it by the Central 00'111'
ment from time to time.
14. Power of Governmen! to make rllles.- Tile Central Goverall):.
may make I ules 001 inconsistent with tbis Order for tbe purpose d
giving effect La the provisions of this Order and where the rules raJiA
under this Article are inconsistent with the regulations made underOr
nell( succeedlng Article tbe rules shall prevail. .
15. Power 0/ the Authority to make reglllatlons.-ll) The Autbot~
may make regu!atjons not inoonsistent with this Order o~ with tb.e.~
made under Arllclc.14, to provide for all matters for wh.lch provls~jotS
nece~ary or expedient for the purpose of giving etrect LOthe proVil
of ilia Order.
(2) In particular and without prejudice to the generality of ~
foregOing power such regulations may provide for- b~
b . (a) lbbellmbcetlngs of the Governing Body and the wanner In II
USIDC68 sac coDducted at such meetings.
Cltpenditure of the funda placed at the disposal of the
(b) tIC
"u bodtyrecruitment
l ; r
po ICY:
Cd conditions and terms of service Including provident fund and
Cd) lf any; and
r )
n.1ons, I f'
any other OlllltOr. lor WI C
II It . ,
.(t disohnrge of the huslncss of the Auihorhy.
is required for tho
R1Clcn(,1 Rllh's amJ r~8uI'atians II) IIC JIll IJ , lshed III lite officllll (,(Jrcllc-
1 ios ond regulatIons mudc under lhlll Order shall be publiahcd' in
"II 0;0131(jllzellc and shall come Into force upon sucb publication.
17 Funds 01 tne Allthorll)l.-Necessary funds shall from time
ti~C be placed by t~e Cen~ral Government at the diliposnl of the
[o h rilY for the cxecuuon of Its schemes and for tbe conduct of ils
~U1.~•• uPOrl such terms and conditions as may be laid down in each
(2) Tbe Qntral Government sball transfer such amouct out of
tb Federal Capital's share of the Rehabilltatlon Tax to the Authority
rr~m time to time 3S may be decided by the Central Government,
(3) The Corporation shall. contribute to the Authority every year
It, such date as may be .prescrlbed such percen~8ge of. the proceeds of
~e property taxes realised by the Corporall~n during the previous
financial year as the Central Government may determine.
(4) 1f tbe Corporation fails to make the conuibution referred to in
clause (3), the Central Government may make an order directing the
bank in which any moneys of the Corporation are deposited or tbe
penon in charge of the local Government Treasury or aoy other place
of security in which the moneys of the Corporation are deposited, to pay
such contribution from such moneys as may be standing to tbe credit
of the Corporation in such bank or may be in the bands of such person
or II Olay from time to time be received from or on behalf of the
Corporation by way of deposit by such bank or person and such bank or
perIOD shall be bound to obey suob order. .
18. Powers 10 borrow 1I10ne)l.-The Authority may, from time to
time, with the previous sanction of the Central Government, and on
luch terms and conditions as may be approved by the Central Govern-
ment, borrow moneys necessary for the purpose of defraying any cost
charaes or expenses, Incurred or to be incurrcd- '
(a) (or the execution of any work autborised by or under tbis
Order, or
(b) for the payment of compensation for any land acquired for
tbe purposes of this Order, or
(c:) for tbe repaymen; of a loan raised UDder this Order, or
(d) for any other purpose within the intendment of this Order.
19. Deposit AccoIIIII.-The Authority may open n deposit account
with 'Ihe State Bank of Pakistan or with any agency of tbe State Bank
:... wdtlb the prior approval of the Central Government, with any
""'Ie u ed Ban k,
ID 20. InreSlmtnt 0/ Funds.-The Authority may invest its funds in
'I security of the Central Government or n Provincial Government or
t{AIIAC11I , 1')$'"
I~ I
• thlll htl8 be~n declared 80 RPprOVed I~I
I ~11), I('Cllrily ~()\I'i , I
'" ,(' VefllfTIenl. • • I) •

,I. ,0
Sfitk(lff! !"~~~en(
C'CT'lI rill ,n'l'~!nlln
-1 he AUlhortty mny
so reqllite~. eHllbll~h " ~ln~lrlt'
If It 110 dae
~nt\ \ I
borrowed hy Ihe AUlh'Hity hn~R rfl~'1 1II1J1 I
"'I I

...."") mrnl of AnI J A. wil,' with nl:cl!mlll,,".,n~

,,', .. , ~1I01' ~. f'f h
(Jr I
1', 'lit I.
,I"" fund f ll e.,lCnSC' to pay o t C 10811 :
~I!C 1 ft" .~ 'I
.. "I) men!"
n ~.. :4
~nN h,C I '( nt Any lime the sum ~t"ncllllg III ...,.. ~
,~. Ihat I It' • Cfell t ' ,
rrnv IPClV • I If ntfowed to necumu n e Wlt,1 Interest 'I~ ~'If I
I~ ~"'lh !If I~~II within the period of the loan, then rllr'lhhe "Irt~.~'t..,
Ihe Olin • d tr p -....,
n:~ Yfund fTllIY be dlscontloue . • 8l~~~ \
suc A ltcation Q/.ffnl..fng [lmd.-Every sink.lng fllnd shu "
22. Pi: 'to the repayment of the _loan In n:~pcct II be a
in the first p n~lished lind ,han not, until such lonn is full or, 'l¥hlth~ t
Iund was e~\A y d~h ""
Ied to 311Y other purposo. ~r~"I
'(1(1 01 Exomln(1t(on of sinking fund.-{I) Every. L 1\ J

I .'
2J . eli"nnllb the Authonty• s h 1\ II b 0 cxamlDcd
. eVer "n "0Il
e~tllbJiS~lnt deneral, Pakistan Revenues. wbo shall cer~f Ytir b,~ I
luets repr&'ented
ACIOOun ~. by .the. cash and the current . marlcet va
Y Ithe
u .
rities stlloding at crOdl,t In such fund at I~e ume of cxaminalio e of,
IiCCU (2) If the Accountant General certifies lb~l SUch asSt~
b Ihe assetS which would have stood at credit had pa~!lI ~re!._
~u~~ been made on the due dales and .had. the rate of interestt~~~~,lotcI
be obtainable wheo tbe fund was established been Obtained ~
~~orjIY ,baU fortbwith pay into the fund -. sum cqUivalentlo~b~'" :
ence so C(rti~ed. Exccpt in cases where prrvate loans to ~hc au,d"7 I
are outstanding, the Central Government may by prevloUl hoIij
or $pecial order, sanction the payment of such sum into the ru~
iDstJilment.l or pcrmit the difference to be made up 10 any ~
manner. .
(3) If any dispute arises between the At!thorlty aod tbe Acco_
General as to the accuracy of any certificate under clause (2) at
Authority may, after making the payment referred to in that Cll~ lit
always subjeot 10 any general or special order in that beball 8J If.
said, refer tbe mauer to the Central Government whose decision ~
be final.
24. Renewal and replacement [und.-The Authority may, ir it.
decides and shall, jf tbe Central Government so require, for the PUlpil
of tbe renewal and replacement of any or all works and propctlpailll
in it, maintain a fund or funds in such manner and subject to such c_
liool as the Authority may prescribe.
2S. Aud/t.-(I) The Authority shall with tbe previous npproYll4
the . ~otrlll Government appoint Auditors who shall be persons~
certiflcates under section 144 of the .Companies A~t, 1913 (VII of,191)). ill
(2) A statement of accounts rn the prescribed form lludMd b,.

Auditors referred to in the preceding clause shall be furnished~
CentraJ Government soon as possible ufler the end of overy
(3) II sh~1l be open to the Central Government to uulbor~~
~d~plroll"r and Audltor-Oeneral of Pakistan to conduct II le~ ...
Arlj~lc Gi6 the accounts submlued to it ill the form prcsc~\)YCI~
. d ~Il such terma and condition!! as lhe Central
roay elermwe.
!!NT AU'TlIOJUTY ORDER, 195"1 (P. t. 1\.
166 died aD approved security by
been ec I r lilt
. no stCurity tbat ha.
In YI G vern men t. . oy ir it '0 decides and .ball
Centra o. nd>: The Autho.nty ~.tDbljllh a sinking rund for' If
21. SJnklng[~nll;eot so requlrCl, the Authority nnd .hull pay .the
tbe Central fGove loan borrow4 ,bY ccumulutions of interest be 111m I,nto
repaYlf"cndt50ucl~n~lll1. os will, W tp10YO olT the lonn : Cltnt
thllt un f II e.pcnstS 0t d' I d"
aflcr ibe payment 0 . I.l • Ihe sum sla!, Ing n ere It In such ru
'dw that If ot any lime mlliote with Interest, be sufficient Il<j
Previ will if allowed to .DodCGU f tbe loan, then further PO)ment' ~i
is such I" n' within the pert 0 IIlCo
repay the loa be di continued. . . f d h II
such fund may IS , d_Every !llnk!ng un s a be. 8ppl'
22. AI'P/(rallon 0/ sinking [~~ ~f the loan 10 res.pect of. which
in the flcst plnce !o the repnY~:1I not, until such 1000 IS fully dlbChargtd, ~
tund was established and s
.pplicd to any other purpose. sinkfflg [und.-(1) Every sinking fUnd
23 Annllal E.xamlnalfo!' o[h II be examined every year by tbe
establisbed by the AUI!lonty R~v:nue$. who shall certlfy the IO~1
AccouDtant General, Pak.sUln cash and the currem mark:~t value ~rthe
asselS represented by .th.e b fund at the time of exarmnauon.
securities staDding tit credit ~ SO~neral certifies that such assets are I~l
(2) If the A~ount8D Id have stood at credit bad payment into tbe
tban the asselS wI1Icb hwod e dates and bad the rate of interest conSidered
fund been, made o~ t cho ufund was established been obtained, the au.
~ to ~ obtlllllabic w .eD t into the fund a sum equivalent to Ibe differ.
, tbonty sbaU .:OJtbw~~~:taYin cases where private loaos to ~bc autbority
enee so cer~. e . tbe Central Government may by previous gener,1
are ou~~a~r~eg; sanction Lbe payment of such sum into the fund by
i:s~im~nlS or' permit the differeoce to be made up 10 any othc:
man(;)'lf any dispute arises bet'A'cen the A~thorilY and tbe Accountant
Oeneral as to tbe accuracy of lIny certificate un~er clause (2), tho
Authority may after making tbe payment referred to to tbat clause but
ulways subject' to any general or special order in lbat bebalr .as afore,
said, refer the matter to the Central Government whose deCISIOO sblll
be fiDal.
24. Renewal and replacement [und.-The Authority may, if it so
decides and shall, If tbe Central Government so require, for the purpose
of ibe renewal and replacement of aoy or all works and property vesled
io it, maiutain a fund or funds io such manner and subject to such condi·
tiona as the Autbority may prescribe.
2S. A"dil.-(I) The Authority sball with the previous approval of
tbe . Central GoverD~ent appoint Auditors wbo shall be persons holdin,
certificates under section 144 of the Companies Act, 1913 (VII of 1913).
.(2) A statement or. accounts in the prescribed form Audited by thf
Audllors referred to In the preceding clause shall be furnished to the
Central Government as loon as possible sfter the end of every financial
(3) II shall be open to the Central Government to authorize tbe
Co"!lplroJler and Audltor·Goneral of Pakistan to conduct a test or other
r 'CdC
°I6 the accounts
submltted to it in the form prescnbed undct
such terms and conditions as the Central GoverJ1lllt.Dt
may etermine.
~ .....1958) CnNTItAl STAT\n'pS
ot·, IInll,- Tho acCOunts of the It. '67
26. Ar(:, lhe Authorlty mny prc'lCrlbe Ulhorlly Dball be .
.. (orl11 d h d' nUlinialned
cUC" ,,01f'/H'rl on ,'1
In· 27. A"n II arler the end 0 every' 'n
l'O/, TIl
0, AUlhority ~h '
~ l1I(ln~crnOltnt an nnnun! report on thelnCIn' YOllr,
.u~,':· "'"hin
til tlll1Il00" Ahlin R'S~ submit I",
prnpOlnl. ~nduel or Il. ~fl~ lbe
mOnths be~" budget e"lrna~rA for
~At yc'_r. l~uin8 I1nl'llloll'llyear sl.(
I • nell (I" oblain their approval, ure Ihe COm men"" ' ('If
th'lI }'tlr I\nl ment of


: S hrmc.f 10 b« deemed to be lor pub;;
28. unJer this Order and ope!8ted by the cA~:bPo:,r'-AIl schemel
(rA"'~ 1 ~ponsored by the Authonty shall be dcemedo~~y or by an orga_
"islll"O~urpose. be scheme, for a
bltc "fauers to be pro,vtded lor by Impro,eme"t
ru ~
2 9'enl schcnle mlly provide for all or any of th '~c"mrs.-An irn.
pl'O\'el'l1 e ollOwing malteu
.~y:- , '
o (a) tbe development, of land for houstng or fe-housing;
(b) the clearance or Improvement of congested areas'
) the construction ,of houses, Oats and other k{nd "
(~ 5 and of Industrial, commercial and other bU'J~' of reSidential
prc,,!:~ facllities, such as slaughter-bouses vocation:, ~~g~, for com-
m~nlal'l1enitybuildings like schools, dispensa'ries, and mat/I~lng centres
an ''Y de,'clopmcnt centres; rntty or Com-
mUDI , , 'b h h
(d) the acqulslliOn , y purc sse, exc ange or otherwise of an
pccty or interest therein necessary for or affected by the execuJo:r~r
Lbt ~beme;
(e) the laying out, afr~sh of any ~and comprised in the scheme;
(/) Ih,e re,distnbu~lon of sites belonging to owners of property
comprised m the scheme,
(g) the closlag, alternt!on, or demolition of any dwelling or portion
thereof uoSt for hurnau habitatloa ;
(h) ihe de~oliti?n, of a,ny building or portion thereof unfit for the
purpose for whlcb It, IS, bCI!lg used or which obstructs light or air or
projectsbeyond the building line :
(i) the demolition of any building inconsistent with the scheme;
(j) the construction and re-construction of any building by the
AUlhority or by the owner or by the Authority on default by the
(k) the sale, lease, exchange, or disposal in any other manner of
aoyproptrty vested in or acquired by the Authority;
(/) the construction and alleration of street! (including bridges,
CtIusewaysand culverts) and back lanes, and the provision of Icotpaths
and sidewalks :
(m) the levelling, paving, metalling, Bagging, channelling. sewering,
. aDddraining of the streets so constructed or altered, and the provlsioa
IberetnIor lighting and sanitary facilities;
(II) paries, pillying-grounds and other open spaces for the bcnefir of
personsresiding In any urea comprised in the scheme or any adjoining
AA K ,,~,,("In OtV1"10,M
rtT AI11'ffOllM'Y o 1l0fl. , 1957
1 1 11"11 fllIrk., ph,yln,,-,fountJ, 'nd l., j
.Ion or .." . ()'I.~ I, 1\
tlrtl lind Iht f,ltn 11\ Ihe , '''r
, 11«_ ."d IIJ1rroarh'" ,trVAOC' for the lire, CO"'prl._~. ~ ~
r ,1I,ll'In ,n.I ron.l)n of C'l'nltllnlnntloll to ,lvcrll"""U I~ ~
II C"~'~~I'r"dln, .Ilt "rf'nY:~r~nll'r "ullply : . '''II ~ \
.rwtrt r,
'";~Iht'"""r.~ .n.'!fIt1I
.n· It
,he 100P," cment fir !lny 111'1 -"" J
(r' d,..IM nn ~.,
nll-I\' ",,·.hl\~llItil)n
. ro, IIny
clB" of InlllihUnnla : " ,
(q) 11,"('0'",'" I cnn""u"lcn lion:
(r) ",rlln~ or ,~('t~ IInl ~cr\'ntinll of IlInd for market, Ilkl

(I) Ihe rtchmll"on
r'l'td~ll(\n "".1 I~ pro
or vid~ fuel lind Irn~' nnd 'Uflply lhe fltll ~-,tI.
t, ~
,N n • h ~lIldIII'1'Il ; • -'II
of r<'f",n. ,n Ie. levc:lllng or rcelarnatlon of any I
ttl I"e- nl~lnjt. lowtnng, alld t!
r\!I('d In 'ht cheme: bcllerment fee from Owners of '
(ltl ihe roc..,wery of '. pr0Ptrt
,mrrovcd by lhe ~hemc. r which in the opinion of the '"
<v) Iny other m:lller ~~vision
~ith a view to tbe 1mAlJtI~
it i~e,~ien' 10 m,~~ I~ the scheme or of any adjoiniog a~:O'tt~
fin)' arel c:ompn~.. a fOrIt.
a I fficlcney or the scheme. 'f~
gcnerll eA'
, 0/ impro,tmtnl schtmts.- 0. Improvement scbell'lc
3('1, TJp( b following .. inds or n eombloauon of any two Or ~
be (lr. 0d"C 0 ft..~y special incidents thereof, namely :- IIlOtc"
,ucb LtD 5 or 0 ..
(0) I reneral i.m(lrovemen~ scheme;
(b) I re·build,ng s:heme I

(c) :1 re.bousing scheme ;

(d) I sueet scheme ;
(1") a deferred street scbeme ;
(/) II dc:vctopmtOI scheme ;, .
(gl I hOllsiog accommod(lllOn scheme ,
<II) " town-ellpansion scheme ;
(f) a lonal plans scheme;
(J) • iranspcn scheme: . •
(k) a drainage and sewage disposal scheme.
(/) a scheme for tbe re-distribution of sill'S; and
(m) bealth and w etfare scheme.
31. Loans/of houslng, etc.-Tho Authority may. in conneclioD ~
any scheme, provide for the financing of housing or facilities iocidta~
thereto Ind may advance loans to those persons or families who ca.
be provided for by pnvate enterprise or by tbe House Buildillg FilIlJ.1
Corporatlon t'labh~hc:d under the House Building Finance Corpol1t11
Act, 1952 (XVlll of 1952). Such financing shall be upon such termul
conditions rbe Authetity shall consider feasible.
32. Gt'fI~,ol ImprortmtnI sch~mt.-Wbenever it appears to Ii
(0) Ih:ll an area is in need of development,
any area, I:Iny buildings used or intended or likely 10.
(b) thaI,. ill
used us dwtlllng places are unfit for human habitation, or
(c) Ibat danger (0 the health of the inhabitants of any buitdias.
{'I1Nn"l. S t"rUTr.!l
, ...1 • 'I bulldln, n the nelahbourhofld I(l?
.4 ~
or CI It fra", -
( 0' " Q
.r •• '''tilt
~r<.1'1 res" nt~8 clo~cncu, or hAil .rr.n ' 0,
1~tI)''ht ,,~rrDWllr 8 8;oul'1I of hulldllllJ.~ I" ~UCh"~e~ment Or CO?I(J'
II III ~ .,11111111'111 f IIl!hl, Air vcntillition Or pro ,fit 111011 ttr
...... 1 (I ,,'nnl n pe, tonvenltn
(fl' II Iht ct. In • h
If", o"olll\ry der~el~ In ~lIeh nrc" !)t
Ihtl ~ I 1 •
"', _",' (I 'I I'"" A re~n III nn I" Ihe
• (ll':h~I" "'~reR' An(1 Ihlll 11 Ileneral Improveffect Ih8t "lCh
!If ,.,1 'AilI1nf)' t,pcct of such nren, nnd shAll IImenl 'chem,
I .~ I"
i' tot ft' eme
tiled In r len P'OCte(1
I) .ht
to r,arne
'" •"h
. IIdl"~ .rrill.", ..,-(I)
J?( I'll Is An Insonll"ry
\Vhcnever It "Ppeo
orca and that It r' to the AUlhOr'
'~nl IIrclIl (rsme A general improvement SCheme l I not I»t'lhle Ity
III" Ilc81rable'n~ rellard to the value of building, in I I~ re~J)Cel there:::
~ ,~~,h~~'lh they stond. the most s Ilisroctory meth~d .rea and of t~
'ItS on W I~n)' part thereof Is 11 re bUilding ICheme Ihe of dealing With
~ ~r(' or ten to that effect and sl\all then proceed' t r AUthority may
t~I' r~sa~~~1 ~ ilh the provisions of thls Article. 0 rame I scheme
~ o!tord~rehuilding soheme may provide for-
(2) r.'.rvo'ion of streeta, lanes, lind
) the """. Id Open 8pnecj to
dtclll 8S
(D the Authority coos ers necessary for the purposes of IUlchhe
t •
,d!~JIl • he lay,n8 out afresh of the sites of tbe area upon streets, lanes
(h) t sees sa reserved or enlarged ;
or "pro Sil f "
) the paymtnt 0 compcnsa lion 10 respect of any sucb reservalion
(e meol , and dthe construcuon
O! enlarge of streets, lanes and oeen .... spac.s~
stI"'ed or enlarge ;
10 ~(d) the fe.~nslruction, alteration or demolition of any existina
baiJd'A&and lIS appurtenances by .tbe owner, or by the Authoril
II~.ult of the owner, and the erection of any building in ac.:ordanc~
db \beiCheme by tbe satd owner or by the AUlhority in derault of the
OfDCI', upon any sue defined under tbe scheme;
Ct) tbe acquisition by the Authority of aDY site or bUUding
_prucd in the area included In the scheme.
14~ Rt·llouslng scheme»-: The Authority may frame re.bolUlol
*mes, for tbe ccnstruction, maintenance and management of sucb
-' 10 maoy dwellings and shops as it may consider necessary for
,erlon. wbo-
(a) are aITected by tbe execution or any improvement scheme
lIIICtionedunder tbis Order, or
(b) arc likely to be affected by the execution of any imfrove01cnt
llilcme wbich it iOLended to frame, or to submit to the CeotlB Govera-
,lIentfot sanction, under this Order.
35. Strett .I'c"eme.-(l) Whenever the Authority is of opinion that
19t' the purposes or-

a) provkll~g building sites, or

b) remedYIng deftctivo ventilation or
'lid c) creating Or improving new ~r exi,ting means of communloatlan
passft&efor traffic, or
170 , ::IS? I
Idl beller con.crvllney, If' /
(d) "rov n, I. 0111 new ,Iroel8 or IIltcr e~lstln I I i J
II I. c.lpedlcnt to Ynd culverts) In .ny Area, the A~ .tt~t, "ll
bridie', Cluac~·~~,tcCI and .hall then proceed to rrlln:~ority n!i'lti~ ~
rrsolulion to I " a Ilree ') 'I
~ r ~lIebarea,
o . I nhrme within the
m I~ or the IIrcn
I ~1i:I, Z
I, ~
(1) A .trtc I(:~fllr Ihe ftlJlowlng mntters, lhat I, to ftaCfllTlpri~ ,"'/.
,rh('mc may prnv I d Y,_ \I I
,1.lIlon c,r IIny (In "cc(.~nry In the ~I I
(iJ) Ihe IIcql , 0llini "I /,1
AUlhority fclr 'I~ o)l«ullon , 011 !I, 'I.
, 0111 nfrt!lh of nil or any IrHld~ 110 II' " I.l
(") the Ip illS and re,con~lruclion of builcJ'ng~ hycqu:'td ItJtl ~~
Ihe ('on~IIII I :n"ulhori1cd by tho AUlhorily in thlll be~'e ""tt'- t)
or ,hy person Iruclloll and IIlterlltlon of Slreels and lborou"hr air, alll1lt,,~ 'IJ
III)'IOA out, cons d II b . 0 IIrea. ~ f
(r) Ihe draining, wnter ""pply nn, g tlng of streots and' ",. ~
rarcs ~O, Illd out oonstructed or altered
. f
••~ f{
) II r1l1$i11glowering or reo umnuon 0 nny lllnd ve I
be a~uir:; by. the Authority for tho pUrjlOSOSof the scheme; ~Ied i" CIt" ~,
(e) the provision of open splice, for the beue- VCQtilatio
al'Cll comprised in the scheme; , . , or" ~
(I) the acquisition of any land adjoining aoy street, thorou h ~
open space to be formed under the scheme. g rare,,, -I
36, Dtfurtd street ~chem8.-(I) Whenever the Authority is ~
opinion thot it is cxpedien! for Il~y of t~e purpOses Illenlion:r ~ "
Article 3S 10 provide, for the ultimate
drawing up new alignments therefor
Widening orany strCt~ ~
but thut. it IS DOt ex ,~ ~
Immediately 10 acquire all or any of, the properues lying ~IW~~~
existing alignments, nod the aforesaid new alignments, the AUlho ~
may pass a resolution to that effect, and shall proceed to mat!lt! I
lCheme to be culled a "deferred street scheme." ond draw uti
alignment for each side of tbe street. P ~
(21 A deferred street scheme shall provide for-
(a) the acquisition, within the time limit specified in the acbtlllc
(wbicb may be extended by the Central Government), of the whole ~
any part of 80y property lying witbin tbe improved alignments;
(b) the laying out afresh of all or any sucb property ineludUc
the construction and recoastructlon of any building by ibe Anthon!}
or by aoy other person, and tbe formation and alteration of any street;
(c) tbe drainage, water-supply and lighting of any street so formed
or altered.
(3) After a deferred street scheme bas been sanctioned by IhI
Central Governmen 1,-
(a) 00 person shall, except with the written permission of lilt
Autbority, erect, re-erect, add to or alter any building or Willi 10
a. to make the same project beyond the improved alignmenl cl
<be Itrtet ;
(b) if the Authority fails to acquire or to institute proc«dinJ!
for the acqulsltlen of any property within tbe improved alignmell
of any street within the time limit specified in the scheme or c~lcodcd
by the Central 9overnrncnt, the owner of such properly may at anr
tim~ therearter grve the Authority notice requiring it to acquire 01
to InstJtute proceedings for the acquisition of sucb property beron
11 ,.1
" , _Ill mctn,fl4 from
Ihe d1t.. of 4{Kh nfJllee ,ltd
.,1+"11 (J 11,11,,111. .b.11 II~" !tHII"r!! Ihll rHlr~'Iy Of In'Jtltut.
r'r" lilt /It dire thl' ~"ml'. ""d f( 'he Alllh"r~',fail' It._.., to
,,, "M ,. or tn In"llule Itwo J)rn--cl'l'.nl. It §h,,11 ,
_-",". rr~h'" 10 lttc" .. "tr for a"y ,u,,"1"ed "1 ~.~
,...fII~r".,1('hr"illlte :
.r1l,t("'tfC I'f'('Crl1ll1~,n leqttlre ""Y Jlrn~tI, "In_ .,Ithin ItM
",," I"'r"rt r , "f lin,
,.1 A ,11,"""t~ II no,ice under
.'f' , •• _ r~1 ...,Ire 10 rbe
~lftet It)lht'r thll" rrr'Pi!r I, ttprt""
.lIb c:11I1I'IC (hll. Ihe ,/\ulhl)1lt, ,h ..
0"'"1'1 of Il. inlenlion 1(, Icqulre 'uc:h
,I ","0
" 1""

" • CiIIIl(1lnll
anything conlained in the M~'nicip91 Ac.t,
11 ".."""Ih ~hAII h."e no power 10 require any ""Inmen, of •
l'l!rr:r""7~elimit~ or. 11.11' teheme alld any alignment p,c'Iio1)\l1
."h ln • bin .uch hmllS shall cease to be the 11IIoment of
rtilu1rtd " IL
,lItel' 'f""I'''' ,frh('mt.--(I) In regard 10 any .rca the Anlhority
)1. '!,r'f 0 directed by tbe Central Government .hall prepare a
.nd If s~cd public streets with plans show;n,. with reference to
.,.IIeIV~ nf "n be developed and the purposes for which particular por-
JoC.I1tI~ htolocality arc to be. utilised, the direction of such street •• the
of ~UC ot and building line on each side of tbcm, their intended
.h~nmeh otber details 8S may appear desirable.
lid ~uc . . "
_."W-"· r II aoy such scheme bas been notified under Arucle 4S
(l) \\ be to v.bicb it rerers shall be deemed to be a projected
tJIC .tree I
,tree l
(Son sban, Wtith out Ih0 permission
" r
(3) j'~r
t.J the Autbority, erect,
to or alltr any building, or well so as to make tbe same
re.erect·~yond ~be street alignment or beyond the building line shown
proJt:ClpllD $0 adopted.
onty re ruses t 0 gran t permission
10 aD)(~) If tbe Au thori " to any person to
00 his land any building or wall to project as aforesaid and
~ docs 001 proceed to acquire such land within one year from
~ ndate or sucb refusal, tbe Autbority shall pay reasonable compensa-
t;n to 5ucb person for any damage sustained by him in consequence or
,ud! ref uss).
(s) When any building or wall projecting beyond or remaioio,
bcb.1lld the street alignment or building line shown in any plan
adopted K$ aforesald has fallen, or been demolished or otherwise
clal!ljaed beyond repair, the Chairman may by written notice require
or permit the same to be set back, Or set forward. 3S the case may be,
from or lowardsthe street alignment or building line.
(6) When any building or wall is required under clause (5) to be
let back or ~t forward and is 1i0 set back or set for word accordingly,
the Authorily sball make (ull compensation to the owner or tbe building
or wall (or aDYdamage tbat he may sustain thereby.
. (7) If the selling forward of any bui lding or wall in pursuance or a
ootlte under clause (~) brings within tile precincts of the buUdini or
WMU let forward aoy lund belonging to tbe Authority. the notice sh.ull
o~ale lib II conveyance or sucn land to Ibe 0\\ ncr of the building or
w. on the terms and conditions specified in the notice,
(8) Any owner aggrieved by any term or condition aforeeaid may
1'72 KARACHI • Il'.
comlDunication to him of such te l ~(~
within tineeo days
tlon, apply to tbe
g ~heao in writing for a reference of
c~I!~8n sbaH forthwith
hrn Ot~.
refer tbe ~a~ ~"ll. H

Tribunal and tb O ,. 0 of the Tribunal shall be fioal. to " 1/:

ib I aod the d CCISIO
Tn una,
.' I .
cheme under this Artie e IS snD~io t
ll" (J

(9) When any I ben notwithsronding

Central Government, c~rporation
a.nythiog COtlta~cd ~
shall bave 00 power to 101:<1 ill (~ r
" J

Municipal Act, the t withio the limits of the scheme, and re~ilt '\ J
aligoment of aoy slree'red within such limits shall cease ally '1'\ fj
ment previously requi . to bt 11\ ~ ~
li 0m eat of tbe street. , . ~ J
8 1 . I me _Whenever the Authority IS of th T
3,8. HouslnJ[ St ':od' for the public. advantage to provi3 0llini.. ~
tbat It. odiSc~pedl:oor aoy class of the inlnbltants of aoy area, tbe cA ho~~
aeeomm auon I' be lied II '!bousing scheme". "U~ ~
may frame a scheme, to ca. .~"l ~l
~9. tr~~~t. nsion schtme.-(l) Wbenc\'~r the AuthOrity i
~~P:xpedienl and for the public advantage to co:t or lit
OpID~~Ofor the future expan!ion or devc.lopment of the City, the ~I~~,

provi e. d"f so directed by the Central Gevernmem sb311 r ~~. r.

~~e::YtoO~e c!lIed a "tOI\ n expansio~ scheme".. ) rGIIlt I ~
(2) Such scheme shall ordinllrlly be r!3~ed In rcspec: of an I
wholly without, wholly within, or p3rtly within and partly WilboUt~ ~
Ci~: '
Provided that the Central ~over.nnlcnt shall, before givina ~
sanction to any such scheme. sallsfy Itself that a dr\c!opmcnt 5tht ~ ~
under Article )7 in respect of the areas would not be suitable. III! ~
(3) Such scherue shall specify the: proros~~ layout . of the alta l'
be developed and the purposes to whrch particular porllons Ihcrtor4~
to be put.
(4) Arter Rny such scheme has ~co notified no person shall, 'i~
out written permission of tbe Authonty. erc~t. re-crect, add 10, or alia
I any building or Willi within tbe alet! ccmprrsed In the scheme.
(5) If Ihe Authority refuses to Illnnl permisslon to nny ptrSOQ10
erect re-erect, odd to, or alter ony burlding or \110111on his lund in It.! I
area 'aforesaid and does not proceed to a.:quire such land wllhin one ya,
Irom the date of such refusal. the authOrity shall pay rea-onabte coat- I
pensstlon to such person for any damnge sustained by him in conIC>
quence of such refusel.
40. Zonal plan schemes.-(I) The Authorily may, from time lotillil
in regard to any area wholly within or \\ holly Without or partly"hhla
nnd partly wirbout the City, make Zonal Plans, showing the purpo$CSCcr
whicb any land in any area shall be primarrly used; sucb plans au)
indicate any area reserved for residential purposes, commercial purposes,
industrial purposes, agricultural purposes, open spaces, height, coven,.
type, density, spacIng and 30y other purpose," bleb Ite Authority JIll!
consider necessary.
(2) The procedure laid down in Article 36 for proposed deCer'
red street scheme ahall, so far as applicable, apply to plans uada
clause (I).
(3) An order of the Central Government sanctloning tbe Zonal PIal
Scheme shall be notified io the official Gazelle aad thereafter it sblll tc
unlawful for any person to use or cause to be used any lend forII4l
purpose other. than that laid down in the Zonal Plan Scheme uoless Ir.
bas been permitted to do so UDder section (4).
f'1f",AI 8,A "If") 17)
~ , .. ,f . dr.,'tp.~ II' Ilot' IIny 1~1lt1 rf)' IIny p"r "'l! t
t t" ..",.,rf'('~ /"",1 rIM' ~('''I'm.. "",iOtd ",.'If'r'CI 'lh"1 "'''In
,AI1I;ifl ·1"
,.i~~ ,,,liltrll,,'1r ';,J'''''''''1'
hr'" '""
rt¢'l)1i.~i(m. '0 "0 "'. """ I~~ Il,. ~
*"d !lIve nn(,('e 10 "II _, . fI'h"n'y
,.' .rr"
A .,1'"
" • .
""' "m. Ie I~~
~ ~ j"..,ri,! rtf"(t~ fW'rm'~~'~".'~IIny per'fln,
."," Ir ,II'
/lr"t" ""V~ n(
.111 • .;tll'n n( Iht rliu.
,he 1\ litho"" • tef,,'IlI, tncrve '~IC"

.of f'~nl frn ~ .r'n (I( the Cenlr.' Onvernmenl on IIny .u,h •
~ ... II "l!C~'(! ro""","
, '" ~n~1. In". (1/
(1/1 ""OdlllR$ •. fl,,,erl/,.tf, etr. I" 0" 0,. 4.
• ., j r"":'~/~,._(l~ "II plans wilh propo~lIl~ for the e,:C~k:~":~
• ,,/GIl ,t;; I lUres ID any 'Hell covered by II Zonal t'lan Setae
;"': tr' "I 'H~C Authority in tnplicntt: for sanction. me .ball
,_rllfl· .,!!d 10 I C
I jt.~~I' olh(lriiY rna)' rer~lSe sanction, I~ the purpose for which Iho
1:1 fhf. '\ or 61ru<:ture 18 to be used IS contrary 10 the pro"i~iCln
~ ltl111d1llfll Pllln seneme sanctioned by the Ccntral Government
r'PIIt '" lilt l~;d hrish!, c:o\'ernge, or elevation ~f .the proposed bUilding
""',II'" pf(1l"r.. unsuitable for tbe locality or 1.'1 likely to deteriorate the
II .ltuC1ort.' lands or on any other reasonable grounds.
, r rd}(llnrng .
,.JII!II AuthorilY refuses sanction under clause (2) it shall
(I If IbC1hc reason (or such refusal to the owner of th~ site and
tt"".lfIunl~.rt y of such refusal t~ !he Corporation if the area in
Ifl'J (' DDb~" 5ueh proposal (or building hal been made is within the
~o II' "'"
01). Thr owrtcr of the site may,. ~ilbin a period of one month from
(41 r js$ue of the Authority s refusal, move the Authority to
.. dlI~b~ case and tbe decision of the Authority therccn sball be
IS) Tbr CorporalioD. or any other local authority sball refuse to
pcnllUsioll (or erecuon of any structure or building which IS not
::rJG(d by !be Authority.
(6)!be Authority may make regulations for giving effect to the
- "'liJjon~of t.hisAlu.cle.
lMJ'kUYl:MIl!'-'r, 1I0UStNC ANO oruun SCtt"MI:S

~2, Officlol representatlon (I) An improvement scheme mlly be

6IAII:dby !.heAuwority of illt own mol ion, or 00 an ofllcial representa-

IIOIl by tl~ Corponlliun, the Karuch! Port Trust or the Cantonment
__ idof l(JIJ'u~bl,or on ao order of the Central Government ill writing.
l1lTbr official representation rercrrcd (0 in clause (I) may be
t b Ythe Corporation or Port '1rust or Cautonment
SlIt d
Hoard as

(0') of II} own motion or

(b) , I
"ti'id (10 a Written
~ eUt, or
upplicallon by its Chief Officer, Chairman or
If) rn l'tlP' f
'tlucO U 1I1.tC! 0 lilly area comprised in any ward of !he City. on a
~.Idw/KJ ~f ~all(JIJ signed by twenty-five residents or more ot such
It kulc to pay property tllX under the Munlclpal ACI.
'ELOI'MI NT AUTHOklTY 01\1)1:11. 1957
jtARACIJI DC\ Ill, r ,
.74 , port Trust or Cantonment Bu Lb' ~'
(3) rr the corporatlon'official rcprcscnta tion on any app~,td a. " .~
'd decides Dot (0 mak(cb)nnO( sub-clause (c) of claus~ (2), i:~lion:-'~ Ii
SAl, der sub-dau,SO, (0 be senl to ihe Authonty witb Sh'll ~ Ji
10 Ion h plication a .~ ,_~ ffj
• COP)' of IUC ap its decision, 1t~ ,
of tbe reasons ~or I. of offidal reprtsentalion.-( I) Tbe Autb. Vi:
43 Cons/deralloIl !' representation made under Article 4fi
ly l!..." "
co nside'r every
r the
OIliCI •ly for an improvement
oecess l , f it
scheme 011 the I' ' 11ld~
r IOes"··
satisfied 0 . nd of the sufficlcncy 0 I S resources lor ext'cut' Ie, "
mended !hcreln 18 decide whether the, s~hcme should be framed rn8 Iiltl f ~
schenle. II sbal II inlimate its deCISion to tbe body whicb orlb"nl f
or not, nnd 5b a Illade I4t t~,
resentallOn, . . I•
re P A thodty decides that It IS not necessary or that' I

(~) If ~~e f~ame any improvement. scheme or to frame ~t II ....

expedl~nt. I all inform the aforesaid body of the reasODS ~~ '.'
for~h~lIb, II s 1 '01 ill '"
deciSion, iod f I h '
If the AUlhority fails, for a pen 0 twe ve l!l0nt s afler tbe r' '\
fficial repr~entation made under Article 42, to inlillll~ "
of .a~y ~hercon to the body which made the representalion, or intilt 111 /
d ecdlsl~n'O!lthat it is not necessary or that it is not expedient to f/ lDa'C! 'I
8 ecmo:
improvement scheme forthlVll. h or n deci eels io,n to f rame a scIieme of arne~ a ki jj
other than Ibat recommended by tbe said body. ibe body may, ifi! tbiD~(;~
fif, refer the mailer to the Central Governmen.t, ?(:
(4) The Central Government shaH consider every reference mWe 10 I'
it under clause (3), and- ~
(a) if it considers that the authority ought, in the cirCUDlSl4llC:1!, (f'
to have made a decision within the period mentioned in clalLSe(lk i ~
sbaU direct the Authority to make a decision within such further pcriaj ~I
as tbe Cenual Government may think reasonable, or .
(b) If it considers that it is, in tbe circumstances, cxpedient Ih,ll! 13·
scbeme sbould forthwith be framed, it shall direct the AuthorilYIt it:!
proceed fortbwith to frame a scheme, and in giving such direction IIIJ
prescribe the kind of scheme to be framed, lo
(5) The Authority sball comply with every direction given by the c 't.
Central Government under clause (4),
44, Matten (0 be considered when framing tmprovement schtmtl.- ~
Wben framing an improvement scheme in respect of any area, 1M
Authority shall bave regard to- ~
, (a) the nature
City as a whole ;
and the conditions of neighbouring areas or III *,~
(b) the directions in which the City appears likely to expand; aad ~
(c) the li~elibood of improvement schemes being required (ot oIkI ~
parIs of tbe City, ~
45, hPrt'Porotlon.publication and transmission of notice as to i"'pro~ ~
men: sc eme and suppl .1' d . (I) When I.. :J
improvement seb Y 0, ocuments (0 appltcants.-: • ooi:t 41
tbereor specifying.: has been framed, the Authority sball give '~
(0) tbc bouodarics f h '. d ~
o t e area compnsed 10the scheme, an "
(b) tbe place at wh' b . b see4 II
reasonable hours, ic particulars of the scheme may e ,
1.... hsll-
'if.-ii llihorlIY.~ 001100 to be published weekly for three cense-
\ f~e 8 tbe 501 mala] Oazetl~ and, l~ ne~spaper~ publisl-ed in
(J) ctlUSDin Ihe °ifyiog the perlod wlthlO which ob;ections will be
(I) "Ctk' '1.1 sJ'(o
f ~ I c<,pl
"'"}<dar. . to t Iic ChlIC r Officer, Chairman
f the
cOpy ~r8tlon. Port Trust or Cantonment Board, if any
Iho corPony such agency or has been undertaken at the

_,jjJQ111 0 circe"
r them.
"':-'" h~i1Ic
~~ ,co(onYo ... shall cause copies of nil documents containing
~"$'file ph
Ch31rl1h18~e to be delivcred to any applicant on payment of
e ,0 e ,
o he AuthorIty.
~ (I~cd bY t {/I to t"e Authority 0/ representation by Corporation
~ '[rllnsmlscticf Officer, Chairman or President of the C(Jrpora~
41, ID,_The
jI Nrl Trust dcr
Cantonment Board, to whom a copy of a notice
sub-clause (b) of clause (2) of Article 45 shall,
s~nt UDthirtyda} s from the receipt of the sa id copy, forward
• perlod,of aoy representation which the Corporation thinks tit
Ibo A~lboniacd to tbe scheme.
co lIIlke II'ltbre 0/ proposed acquisition 0/ land.-(l) During the Ihirty
47. N~tl"'tbe day on wbicb the: first notice required under Article
ill}" followtoSof Bny improvement scheme is first published, the Authorlry
, ttspcct
~sIn " noliee 00-
~llllt1\C, aY person whose name appears in the assessment list of the
(a) e~e! or Can(O~meDt Board a.s b~il'~ primarily liable le:' p~y
CorpOrauo~ 00 any buildIng or land which It IS proposed to acquire 10
rtopc~IY ttBbtscheme or in regard to which the authority proposes to
It(:ullDg ,
C cover a betterment fee.
" (bl every occupier (who need not be named) of premises entered
IIIthe assessment list of the. C?rporlltio,n or Cantonment Board which
IhcAutborilY proposes to acquire In execuung the scheme, and
(e) the occupier of any land (who need not be named) within the
Federal Capital in respect of which a local cess is payable under
lCCIi~ns 9J and 9S of the Bombay Local Boards Act, 192J (Bom. Act
VJ of1923).
(2)Sucb notice she 11-
(a) slate that the Authority proposes to acquire such land or to
~vcr .ucb betterment fee for tbe purpose of carrying out an improve-
mtat scheme,and
(6) require such person or occupier, if he objects to such acquisi-
~~D or recovery, to stare his reasons in writing within a period of
tb trlydays from the service of the notice.
(3) Every such notice shah be signed by the Chairman or by a
pu~o authorised by him in that behalf.
COI~8.,Fu",{shlng 0/ copies or extracts from
of 1l1:a~on,tIC.- Tho Chief Officer of the Corporation
or tbe President
book of the
tllb entonment Board shall furnish the Chairman at his request
~on ~rco~ of, or extracts from, the assessment list of tbc Corpora-
prescribedb ntolllmCDt Board on payment of such fees as may be
y ru es,
49. Aband
10'slIfIcliomne"t 0/ improvement scheme, or applicolion to Govern-
on.-(I) After considering any objection and representation
176 olause (2) of Article 45. Article 46 . L.II.
'. d In pursuance of II le 47 nnd after beoring aU !>efl() '114
r~CC1:e(b.) of cllluse (2) of A~r~4~nlalion who may desire to be ~ I'lla~
e sus h objcction or re don the IIcbeme by In order ~atd .,
.nYb~U~y may cUher aban cd therewith in accordance .....
Aul 0mr . I 031.£lIe or proco tilt ~
the 0 11l11l. d . »I
\Ii,ions of Ih,. 01 cr.
(2) Any per5on8 w~~:: objection or representation hal be
such refusal appeal to th~ Centrale" ltr....
Y wilhin I S days ~ Cenlral Governmenl sball dlSpo!e of 101l1,e,'<lI

::nt in wrillng nndd ;t~edecision sholl be final. t "l~

60 days thereafter an etto« of a sclreme.-(I) An order of the
SO. Norljiroti~n ~fsa~ny Icbeme shall be published in th ~I(
Government !3nCtlO~I~Ogllle esse of a deferred street scbe!Dc, a Cd OS
Gazette aod, e,xccpt town expansion schem~. the Authority shalt evS
ment scheme or a ~ tbe same eitber dm:ctly or througb aD rar,
with proceed .to eci~~~~licle 13. '&~
sponsored by It u~. f 11 sanction under clause (I) in r
(2) The publ:llon
any scheme sball . con
c~usive evidence that the scheme bas t!'Pttt ~
en d~
rrsm ed and sanclloned.
if Improvement scheme ajter snnction·-At all
51. 1ileralIOn °t scbeme has been sanctioned by the Y ti"
after an lmprov~m~rore it has been completed, the AUtborlt~n~~
Government ao ilIIJ
alter it :
Provided that- . . . .
(n) If any alteration IS considered likely to mcrease the esti~
ost of executing 0 scheme by more th~o teo per cent. Or ~
net C b fifly Ibousand rupees, such alteration shall not be ~
m.o rc ~ tab~previous sanction of the Central Government; IIUd!
Wit hou ...
(b) If any alteration involves .. t~e acqulsJ~Jon, otherwise thaa 1..
agree m ent
or any land tbe acquisruon of which has not been .. "I
. ed by the Central Government. Ihe proce dure mentioned .
f~~~IlOiDgAUlbority of this Chapter shall. so far as applicable,~
followed as if Ille alteration were Ii separate scheme;
(c) If aoy alteration renders any land not previously liable - .J
the scbeme to the payment of a betterment fee liable to such paYIIlIII I
Ihe procedure prescribed in Articles 45, 47 and 49 ShaU, so far. j
applicable be followed in regard to such land.
52. Combinarion of improvement schemes.-The Authority may.
any lime include in a combined scheme the improvement scbemes f~ ti
or proposed to be framed for two or more areas. ~
53. Submission oj lists oj schemes to Government.-Tbe AUlborig ~
shall, at the close of every financial year, submit to the Ceatm 0
Gove rnment in the prescribed form a list of all tbe schemes sanctlord Q
under Ihis Order, showing tbe progress made with respect to CIIi ,
54 Width of streets and levelllng,
etc. tlttreoj.-{I) No street ~
~r alrered by Ih~ Authority shall b.! less than forty feet wide,
intended for vehicular traffic. or less than twenty feet wide if It. I
intended only for pedestrian traffic: •
Provided tbat-
(/) the width of an existing street Deed not be increa~d to ~

• 19581 ,hi' subsection if, to the opinion 01 tbe Authority.

_I_~'~ I~'
Ired bY c ticllble; lind
1(4 ." req~,Il1'Ipr'
'II' hlS
subsection .ball apply to serylce pa.....rOt
'II' 'nfIC I
I) nolll lAid out or altered by the Authority the
I~,n, t
,Ireenko rovl~'on for tho leyclllni. paving me~llIn
'IIU'ln cvtrr
m :crill8 And drnlnlng or the IIlrc:et a~d the p,~
(2!11 ~h~otflllll' hS~'llg WAter Ilnd lIonltury conveniences ordinarily
uI~(tI· rh~~ f liS I ,
~"j,ln" rrcll' 0 loipnlllY.
'1j\c1fl1\, ~ mllll 0 lIlt AIII,,,,rlly for pU'po,,,~ 01 Imp'o~e~nt ,fChtml
~ \~ '('ronift,r I veslctl In th« Corporatton, etc.-( I) Whenever any
~ ~, lIT land t open space, or other land, or ar.y pari thereot
~/.lln~r"~y strcctl;c PederAI Capltul a~d is vested In the Corpora~
~iP" Si1U31C<i IIIport Trust,. the Karachi Cantonment Board, or any
~b" "Ir.ohl. is within the aree of any Improvement scheme
• I~I IIlllhrfltYtbe purposes of such scheme, the Authority shall
lid. I required ~~OgIY to the Chief Officer of the Corporation, the
ISotk'C eCCO I t Trust or the President of the Cantonment
~\oen ,n of Ihe .~r as the case may be, and such building,
Clt;;,1 AlIth~n/ land or part thereof 'hall thereupon vest In tho
" space, ot Ie
~or{ly, any land situated In the Federal Capital vests in the
(1) Wbercdcr clause (I) and the Authority makes a declaration
~ulborHY ~nnd shall be retained by the Authority only until It re-
IbAIlucb 8eorporlltloo, Port Trust, Caetonment Board or other local
ycSIS i~ Ibe art of a street or an open space under Article 65, no
IO!hOllty Pshall be payable by tbe Authority to tbe Corporation,
CIOlIIptrDsa: or Cantonment Board in respect of that land.
POll (l)ruiWbere aoy land ?r b. UIildi 109 vests .In uh e A ut.h oruy . under
(I> Gnd no declarauon IS made under clause. (2) In respect of
c1a~~od tbe Authority shall pay to the Corporation, P"rt Trust,
Ihc loom'eot Boacd or local authority. as the case may be, as com-
CdI&liooa sum equal to the market value of such land or building
':' the date of Ibe publication of tbe saoction under Article SO. and
,here any building situated on land in respect of a declaration
IS made by the Authority under clause (2) is vested In tbe Autborlty
uodcrclauso(I), like compensation sball be payable in respect of 8ucb
buildingby the Authority.
(4) If the Authority, having made a declaration in respect or any
Iud under clause (2), retains or disposes of the land under clause (2),
nllios or disposes of the land contrary to tbe terms of the declaration
10) th.1I tbe land docs not vest in tbe Corporation, Port Trust or
~lOnment Board, or local authority. the Autbority shall pay to tbe
"",poratioD, Port Trust, Cantonment Board or local autbority com-
~n~lloD In respect of such land in accordance with the provisions
VI C .. UIe (3). .
(S) If any question of dispute arlses-
(4), ~~) whether compensation is payable under clause (3) or clause
(b) as to th .
be: paiduod I e amount of the compensauon paid or proposed to
(c) h er cause (3) or clause (4), or
W tther any building or slreet, or open space or other land,

or Iny part
r I equlred for Iho (Iuvernmeru
lhereo~ 8 dr to the Centrol
purposet or lhe 30110.....
who.~ 11··..,. 11
• IJ
matter .hall be rererre CCiii.:!
.hall be flna1. '~ (i
I u stre«! or op,n 'pact ttl Aut/flUfty / /,'
56. Trofl.Vl!r of I'r I'i1 (I) WhclJovcr ony IItreet or open (I, ~
poSf 0/
raft ~rllf'~~~':~~ICd In tho Authority or In the
h ne "PfIr,. I
te:'c.: ~ ,
Ihcreor WI c A I lIollrcl or local lIuthority
lion, Port Tnlst, CnnIOnfl1e~, ~ohe,"O tho Authority
(lJltCHllng lOY ill1prOvenlel~ace In o~ nenr '1uch street,
'hall C"ll~df.(l I,."
hpen'~ to "" 'I
pari • no(ice • gn..u y I
amJlod in a e()IOlll)~~lJb'" e Cholrman or Rome one nuthon,tU ~~ ~
I~ hi.. ,
',oo(O) slB\ing the purpose for whicb the street, open 'Plee 0, P'ill J

Is needed, and Ill n

b) declAring that the Autborily WI , °rn orh n er a date to "- l
(I . lake over charge 0 sue street, open "I 'j
Ipcci~ed (ilo tbe hnouec, orr tbereof and sbnll 8lmuHanQoU~ly 'P1r.t )
or part rom ' t eto ow ure owner at "I as t k nown. addrese
hiS Ild I ,"
r b
copy 0 sue 00 ,ICC ( , d 1 .. r
After considered any objection receive n wrltlng berere ,
dale~) ified under sob·clause (b) of clause (I), the Au tbortty "'~ J
lake e~ge of such street,. open space or part, and the same I~ J
thereupon vest in tbe Authonty. I
(3) When the Authority alters .or .closes any street o~ opon sp ~
art tbereof which has vested In It under cla~se. (2). It sball ~ ~
~:IS~n.bJe compensetion to tbc owner for the 103s of hls rights therein, IJ
(4) If the alteratlcn or closing of any street, open space or ~ j
causes damage or substantial inconvenience to anyone having prOp<n •
rigbt therein tbe Authori ly- I I
(I) shall forthwith provide some other reasonable means of ~
for tbe use of such persons, and
(iI) if the provision of such mean.s of ac~ess does not sufficiontll
compensate him for such damage or mcoavemence, sball also pay hiJl I
reasonable compensation io money.
57. Provision 0/ drain or water-work 10 replace another silualtd on 011
land vested In the Authorlty.-(I) Where in any building, or Strcc~
open space or other land, or part thereof, reterrcd to in ArtiCle 5l
or 56 there is any drain, water-work, electric main or installn!ic1
belonging to tbe Corporation, Port Trust, Cantonment Board, or olhct
local authority, such drain, water-work, electrict main installation sbd
not vest in the Authority until the Authority bes provided, if s~
provision is necessary, another drain, water-work, electric maio Q(
(2) I f any dispute arises whether another drain, water-work, elC(1It
maio or installation is necessary, or as to the sufficiency of any drail.
water-work, electrlc main or installation provided by the Au!hoti~
UDder clause (I) such dispute shall be referred to the Central GoVtlt
ment, whose decision thereon shall be final.
58. Bar to app/{calion 0/ section 34 0/ the Municipal Act to SlrulJ.-
(I) Clause (18), or. section .34 of the Municipal Act sball not 'P~I
to any street which II vested an the Authority.
(2) Clause (I) of section 34 of the MUnicipal Act shall apply II'~
any drain vested 10 the Corporation is opened or broken up by ,b.

,Q~~I"fIe(I ~nY pu
• toe
L' undet oonJtrUotiott ...
(I( {If lhe
r{ "'nlnf". (If ,t"""',t. -
Whenever the
/I/lletl III 10 he
1'1 vt~
u~dpublic ((lr

It ~h811
, ~\ ~,f(' '1'AClicAoie keep the Alrel't in 8f)()(1 r •
fftl ", f' fill the 8nrely tlnll cc,nvenience 0' e.e."'r Inlf ""

(~l'· .... ,,(ill "'In.
.,~ ' '-' <trect to ....uv W8 t ere d ,I '(' It conJlder~ no
.~, rn".r ~hl'~ln'ltni('n~e. ce~"lty 10 do
I rll"'I(~ (rs If) M fenced a"tI flR""d.-Whenever
rill Strrri ~rr:r aurrace of any street vested in the A~~~ ~'.In I",
(,(l r~"CJ1lrn cd or broken up by the Authority rOt the 0 ity h 9t
H~~f('CI'rcn otk or whenever the AUlhority all()w~ to t!ur~!,
I',"'~.,n "n)'n" st;eet which it has under construction and _ uh..... 'Of
en " 3t
Ir'"'~n' part'y conSlrUC (ed , or no l yet constructed, the -Authont
.. If.. •

",.,'t 0Ih~ P'!CC to be fenced And guarded and to be sufficientlY

C,u<C'1I the OIght, lind shall .where neccssa~y shore up and protec~
It.hlll" dun "~i)dil1gS. and shall With all. convcOIe!lt .~ed complete the
fill in the ground, and repair the said drains, pavement or
lad ~rry away any rubbish occasioned by the afarc;,aid
,1I1'f'c;e, r complete the construction of tbe said street IS the case
,,~tlons 0 ,

fill)' tJe. fON'U close s!reetJ. during repafrs.-{ I) When any worle
61. to in Article 60 IS being executed by the Authority in any
(lire~trett vested in it, or wben any ot~er ,work wbich may lawfufly
!,,,blle is being executed by the Authority 10 any street vested In it.
tie ~o~ority roily direct that such s~reet shall. during tbe progres, of
tlltb work, be eitber wholly, o.r partially closed to traffic generally or
,IIClrIfIle of any specified description.
10 (2) Wben any such direction has been given, the Authority .hall
vt DOUCC In tbe official Gazette of its intention to do so and set up in
!' coo5picliOUS position in or near the street an order prohibiting traffie
_0 the extent so directed and fix such bars, cbains or posts across or in
the iueel as it may think proper for preventing or mtrictrog traffic
62. Duly to provld« alternative routes and amenilfes.-(I) When
.ay worl: is beiDg executed by the Autbority in any public street
~le~ in it, tbe Authority shall, so far as may reasonably be practicable,
make .dequate provlsion-
(0) for the passage Or diversion of traffic;
(b) (or securing access to all premises approaobed feom ,utb
'ltCel ; aDd
• (e) io respect of aoy drainage, water-supply or meaD. o( Il,btlna
lGttlTUPlcdby tbe execution of the work.
b (2) The Authority hila" pay reasonable compeosotion 10 any person
• 0.. SU~llliDSspecial damage by reo Ion of the execution or aoy sucb
nn ~3i Powersoj AuthorUy to turn or close public SUtet 0' opt" ,pact
e II fl.-(I) 1he Authority
IDy ~Jb:iro, divert, discontinue the public use or, or perm'Dentdy close,
c ~treel vebtcd 10 It or uny port thereof, or
. tho pub,jc use of or, permanently I (Il'l
(b) discontinue rt thereof. C Ose
d i It or any pa • .~
.pace veste In . Authority discontinues tho u' )
(2) Whenever the ublic street vested in it, or a~ bile Ii$(
permanently closellb~ny iompeosatlon to every person whPart t~ Ilf
sball pay reason a e mber of thc gcncral public, to Use 0 w"" 'to;
otherwise thin IS a r:cccss and has suffered damagc rrOItlSllc~ l~~
part as a mea~s 0 tile:!) ~
. uanco or closing. .' d
un tbe Aut110rity dlsconltnues the publi
(3) Wbenever 0 00 space vested in ft, or any C ILtt
PfCOllnently c1osc s,8' :lmp~nsation to every persoo- Part tbel~ ~
shall pay reason8 b e be""
b entitled otherwise than a mem r or the gen I

(0) Vi 0 was pace 0; part as a means of access, Or . CIaI PlIh

to usc such open 5 • "
b wbose Immovable property was ventilated by sucb 0
or~rl, and who bas suffered damage:- . ~n I~
(I) In case (a), from such discontinuance o.r closing, or
(II)' case (b) from tbe use to which the AUthority
In e or p'art or has allowed the same to be put. blS'"
sue b open spac . ~
(4) 10 detcrmioing the compensa.lIon payable 10 any persoo
eatuse (2) or caluse (3), the Autbority ~hall ma~~ allowance ro~
benefit accruing to him from the construction, provrsron or irnpro/ tq
of any other public siree: or open space at or about the same lin:te~
th ublic sUeet or open space or part thereof 00 account of I¥b'b II.
co~':xosation is paid, is discontinucd, or closed. . Ie 1\
(5) Wheo any public street or open space vested I~ tbe Autb
or any part thereof, is permanently closed. the Authority may, au~
10 such conditions as may .be prescribed, s.ell. lease or oth~rwise dis~
of so mucb of the same as IS no longer required, IlOt
, (6) 10 this Article the power to turn includes the POwer to It::
the direction of traffic in that street, the gradient or levels of lilt stn
or of the sewers connected therewith. =
64. DIJpUft810 be referred 10 Trlbunal.-(I) If any dispute Briscs-
(0) 'between the Authority and the previous owner of aoy IUjt1
or open spoce or part thereof which bas vested ill tbc Authority uo~ j
Article 56 and has been altered or closed by it, as to tbe sulliclcDCy ~
the compensation paid or proposed to be paid under clause (3) or IbI
Article, or
(b) between the Autbority and any person wbo was entitled, otber·
wise tban as a member of tbe general public, to usc as a mcaDId
aCCllSs any street or open space thereof which bas vested iD 11:1
Authority under Article 56- .
(I) wbetber the alteration or closing of such street, open sp,lC('
pa~t causes damage or substantial inconvenience to owners of prQpclll
adjacent thereto or to residents in the neighbourhood, or I
(II) .whetber the ether means or access provided or propoStd.,
be provided under clause (4) of the said Article 56 arc rrasoDlbiJ:
suffiCient, or
• (III) .s to tb~ sufficiency of any compcnsaucn paid or proposed 10 lC
paid UDder the Slid clause (4), or
(e) between the Authority and aoy person liS to tbe suffideDC) ~
)(_19581 j 81
sation paid or proposed to be paid to him uod A . I
IlOIfIpen 63 or J 34 er rue es 33,
,6:'31• 39'r6;hllll be ~etermin~d by lhe. Tribunal Jr referred to it by be
the lf1~tteOf by the chllmant wllhln a period of three months fl0m- t
IIlbO(llY (0) or case (b)-the date on which tbe street or
111 ~~~cofwas altered or clo,sed by the Authority, and open space
~rl (d-the dO.te on . which the sald person was Informed of the
In of the AuthOrity .tixlng the amoun,t of c?mpennlion to be: paid
. or rejcctin$l his claim to compensation, and the de1ermination of
10 h1lO'b nlll shill! be final.
'''e fn If
u n reference to t he. Trib ,n una I' IS not made within the period
(~~...Iby clause (I), tbe decision of the Authority shall be final.
P 0) For the p.urpose 0 f d etcrrnining
tcSCrlll<'" ' .
any matter referred to il under
(I), tbc Tnbunal shall bave, all . the powers with regard to
'~~~~:cr~)~,documcnts and costs. which It. would bave if the Land
.) Act, 1894, as modified by Article 95 of this Order, were
icable to the case.
65. Vesting 0/ streets Corporalfon.-(l) Whenever the Authority
as completed any s~rcel or streets or ~pen or recreational spaces io all
b peets it shall so inform ,the Corporation, Port Trust, Cantonment
res rd ~r other local authority, as the case may be, in writing and such
:~CI5 or spaces sb,all ,thereupon !cst in. tbe. Corporation,
thencefor!b be maintained,
and shall
kept in repair, ligbted and cleaned by the
Corporllllon,. . . .
(2) If any difference of oprmon anses between the Authority and
the Corporation in respect of any matter referred to in clause (I) the
m8tttC shall be referred to tbe Central Government whose decision
shall be tiDsl.
66. Power. 0/ 1uthof;~Y 10 retain service. passages.-":l0twithstanding
anything c~ntal.Ded III ~rtlcle 65 tbe ~lltbollty may retam any service
passage wblch II has laid out for sanitary purposes, and may enter into
an agreement with tbe Corporation or any person for tbe supervision,
repair, lighling and general management of any passage so retained.
67. Prohibition 0/ erectton or re-erection 0/ buildlngj without permis-
Ilon.-No person sball-
(I) erect or re-erect any building; or
(II) make any material external alteration In or addition to any
existing building; or
(ill) construct or re-construct any projecting portioo of a building
in respect of which tbe Chairman is empowered by Article 88 to enforce
8D alteratioo or demolition or is empowered to give permission 10
COll8tructor re-construct it unless tbe Authority bas either by an order
10 writing granted permission or has failed to intimate witbin the
prescribed period his refusal of permission for tbe erection or re-erection
~f tbe building or for tbe construction or re-coustruction of the project-
log part of the building, Ihereafter, such permission shall be valid for one
YUr aDd shall be ineffective thereafter.
(I) B68• Completion certificates and permission 10 occupy or use bllildlng~-
very person wbo-
(I) makes or extends any excavation in a controlled area;
Hll rtf(. ,_ t!f ff' (ft'(' t~ lin,
hniM1n8 ; or .
, 11,1 (,'rrnel Alterallon In or IIl)tll'
fltl) rn,' t, ""> tn .. e 110"
t\l,tjn, ",,,,I.1lnl . C'{ rr.('tI"Illnru IIny rrojrotinll rortlo" ~
1ft) ""MIM' Ie; C'III Iht ""I""rlly I, rmr'IWt 1('\1 IIntler Of "L "l
'" "rt'('\ ,,{ ~.. dcmC'hllon or I, ('lIlpoWtl'cd to .,.l\rljl:~'1II~
I II .1'1"1'''''''" "I"e _, I
ttl nf{'f' • .(,('n\tl1K I it : !>trill !.
I'" "1'\".'(1'('1 (I tt onlh of lhe cOOll'lcljon (If the Wo It ", .•
.... 11 .'llhi" (I~t ::Illn. of ~"ch Ltlml'le!i,IO nnd '!hntl tleli'lt,
~ ",h,.,nl\
"I .11 n~~~.l
I r.nhlic' for the inspec+ion of 'ul.I1 "")fl. BlVD I
. 1\.
'Ii ".
"UI,,<,,"I. ,t of the 81id nonce Ihe AUthority ,It \
(~, "fief tht !totll'n t such \\ or" nnd af'er ~lIch In, all Pr,'~ lin t~ \h~uitd,"g for occupancy or makcPtctlrl1l r~1
IlrrT""'( '" d\~rrn;\e
" • II ml' dC'Cldt..
IUch e '"
Clf , • h II (X'CUpyor perrolt to be occupied lin
nl 0 per lIOn , " rlllll to be u~ed IIny port affeoted by t~ '"th '"
kllldmi er Ild'~ or n~ the permission referred to in clause e(2re).trCQ..1II
"r ou:dnx.h blJl .n@ u
In 'lit rrucribcd manner.
hat i:'\
sn if AUlhorll), 10 dtren remova! 01 pcr.rOftJ /r I
f.9, tCl'Ar.l'ho 1I'0,l.s art /xing unlallfully curried on or on;, 10/1(/
f,u,IJ,r.t; " " • d (I) If any person contravenes any ...,,Ich "
II1IJ~""(:"~ (I~~~lrol~S any order of tbe AUlhority it may di~~~":hlon ~
A1"1 c r cb "or\. and the use or occupancy of any lane.! or bU'lld,e~
uon o.u _,_.. m~a,urcs as may be necessary 0 en
ft t force'
. Its dlIf(cttoos
" : lao" ~
\liLt '''''''' "
P (I,i:kd Ib3l any person occupying or USIng such land or b '
I ~ tbereof tither as tentln~ or as own~r In contra~ention or Qlld~
~,)':r "tlicle 61 shall be entitled to receive one week s notice in W~i~il'c
btfore tV,C lion. II
Such notice shall not be required In cases where the Auth...:..
behcyC'$ Ihrre is imminent danger to life or that sucb Occupancy is i~
or un,utbOI ised.
(2) All expcoditurc incurred in tbe enforcement of tbe prO~SiOl
of wi. Article may be recovered from the offending person. I
73. Proyblons regarding buildings unfit lo~human habllatloll.-I,ij.
H for toy reascn It .hall appear to the Authority Ibat any buildi~.
part tLereof intended or used for human habitation or hurnau OecuP3tlat
for In)' purpose! whatever is unfit for sucb use. it shall signify its iOIl)
lion to prohibit the further use of sucb building or part of a boild~1
lind call upon the owner or occupier to state in writing his objtcu.
lif IllY) to such prohibition within seven days after the receipt of ,Iki
Ilolb:. If no Objection ia rshed by suzb owner or occupier within 1M
prt&cribcd period or If any objection which is raised appears 10 thI
Authority 10 be invalid or insuOlcient, the Authority may prohibit by.
order 10 w,ilJ08 the further use of such building or part thereof. 1\1
owner or occupier of tbe building shall be given an opportunity ~
appellriog b<fore the Autborily in person or by agent in supporl or~
(7) Notice of buch proh,lbltion shall be served In person or ~
upon tbe owner of IIUY bUlldl"" or part of a building alTocted ~
Mild, ubo upon every occupier or user thereof (who Dced not be oa \d
bllll,", the fact or 5uch prohibitioo and uppoiutlng a day (oot btiD& CI)
thall fourleen days after tbe dille of sucb notice) before wblch C'
"UTfI()RliY ORDeR. 1957
~r~ ~
pn'rJ () ",,,y forthwith tlk '1
.. \' " HI e "ul"I,~I~r locludlnB, (ho ror:, lilt -.~ 14
,r' ,,,,11" ," ~llllh (1(".~, Ihe occupIers therc:ob,le ,~ It...
,III'" >'t" II I 0 • t"o)l
,. 1/1 '" It('ll 111 ~ ,,11,1< n 'lei ~ I
,rt"" I'f rrQ" (j'''' ~lIf" " Aulhorlty IInder cIa ~ ,f.,
"\~~:" ",,,,,it" ( IIcll,rrd II)' I C tI~ (,) 'l
., "rti' ".t' I ",tJ. In ",rill ng or tho 1\ ,,~
1"" 1'1 ,..",
• '" I"~
~r,,(1 • ,ht ,'_
('11"('( .....,"II~ci(1n,y building
In til
Irom WhIch ~"o'il'
lot1'-"1<1 ,~ll" frlnAln ~ I. J
I" I ,,'t'r,rf
In'" "'.IAtl~C (I ,. horlred blilld/tlR·-The -"utt ~
...,," .h·'~~\'Cd onMf I (1/ ",,(1,,1 nHlIlner. direct the oWner IO"I~ i
~. ,,"1'" I' .'ff (If rt'1fI~1,(IrrctCI.ihrt! 8ubsequcnt .to the dute or Rn'l. {
j~ r~f!I'\'\"i," '''~ttd flnOf ~~o ~8nlO wlthln the f)Criod or ~ \: )i
'" ~~~~ "u'I~'~~rdc{r
10 ,cnl(:~lhcr period tiS mny be 8rllntt~e~Ir::..~ f
ftU11t" M(1t I,r Ihl~ ,ithln ,llCh Il) ~
jnl~( noIi-'t N \\ • undlr COIISlructlon.-The ... Jt
In ':"rll\ nl'al 0/ blilldl~:Cdmanncr. direct the 0", aUt~ ~
~u ., • "rt(f (1/ r:; ,n Ihe pru~C~'01'1 the date of the COIll~er 01~ "
III • "nU~ ,cr~dor COfl$tr~~I~be constructi~n and to rem e~
1JI·\'I",~n!CJ(o.! u r~ \\IH, cd ill the noucc or Within OVe~ pI
~i~~,. OrJcr nl'I~~ ~rioJ nl~n~~n Ihe Auth~rity and the owne~UC~I, t>
l>u,l4.n,,,,lhlllma) be Br~ntch period aforesaId. t~1I( ~
..,rlod AI me ,'thin I C J • h II'
Ihtl J' e the u III (I) Simultaneous y WIt the iuu tlJ
.h. n 7~.1(1;1I(I D/ otCIIPlt;~-owncr cf a building. under Articl:~ If II
DO~ 10 tIC iCrved o~u~hority OIay servo u. nouce, ?n any ace:
III iii
• llCIel Arllcle 1.l. the b 'Idlng wilhin .Ibe period mentl?ned tberei ~ f~
u. 0( 10 ,.. rate 5uc~odut lIlay be gran led by the Authority. n Gc
".ere b ( rtb·r perl S as ·Id·· b·
"!IbiD 50C U • 'd not vacate the bUI 109 Wit In the a(or d
(111fthc o::tUplct ~ilh a notice issued under clause (I) he t~ (I
J1C1'Iod in comphao<;c conlained in any other law for the time ~
IlIllilillbsUDdlO, Dn}' summarily evicted .tb~refrom by the Auth~ 'u
IU foree, !J(•• hajblr IlI ay in elTocting such evicuon, use such force i;-'i de
.~ the AUwor I)' , pr
dr:cnu o('t) .
75. JltlltDrDI of Bulldlng.-If ~or person falls ~o oomply with II) 011
dlfccllon fOTlbe remoVllIof any bUIlding glvcn to him UDder Article n
01 Artlde 73 within Ihe period fixed therefor, Ibe AUlborty may caa, ~
tht unauthoriacdbuilding or Ihe building under construction, as !be at
DlI.)' be 11.0br removed al tbe owner's elCpeose. Ii
76. Rtdamo//oll of low lying 11It1.-(I) If it appears to ill ,
Author;ty.WI lhe level of a site on which it is proposed to erect I
buddlng II 10 low that suoh building is likely to become iOJanit~
d.u~r?uJ or Cleate "nuisance, it shall give to the owner Ihereof ootir ~
10 WrJl10a cdllng upon him 10 mise the level of such sile to Q ~ Qj
far~'lIlbe~ by tbe AUlhority withill a period tixed by it. Jf tbe Ofl~ t
o~'~~:~erc:/~rJr, WI,lh Lhe order. the Authority may (orbid any buikfll
ilie ollar,', ~J~n~"erton or lit its ofllion. raise tbe level of the slle- •
77, POWtf to prohibIt .-\U 0
" Iny bUIlding 011 0 sit Ire-tfullo" of bufldlnc on in.ram"ory sllt~ •
un order under Alticle ~6 0 respect ?f .whloh . the Au~horilY ~8Y ~ I P
wly If 10 .be Inaccessible or Bny bUlldl~g whIch is sItualed 10 s.. b
(,0m relellmg other buildlo Q. flre-ongmo or to prevent a tire·eol'~
olberwlsc the Allihorily b nas IS demol ished or destroyed by fit~ ~
Y notloe in writing addressed to tbe 0
Cf'l tRAI S I A" 'II"
loIc~1 'RS
1'( c",'h :,r
Itr or 10 Ihe owner or lIuch hllUdi
rrcrled In lu "'nce ,,,,,II Iha
u."r ,11.11 llthl nrd \\lIh ~nl)h IlI(lt(lrl~l, "
.:r" "'., dlteet Ih,
-11.e h., bee t
",."",:",h~''''''11 .h~ or Ihlll nn hulldlllll ~h,,11 he ere!1 t~e AUlh'lflty '" "
...:J ,.'
,r_~' "tl
"II .",111"_•• til It'l'l( Ilr olhtt hnlldlnM' ., Ih ft "hloll tlnet "~y
,,,'\, ~htlll "ret:! nr re-ereei IIny hullill Oil '0I "" '1 hi! vt
rt'~"' r r.,~I"('
~ •.:,r"". I>I! r«,n "I n CCmtrll'lentlol\
I ",'11''( ,
,,,,'IIrrrJ III' AUlh ,,,,,, In hn.t p" I
J~tl''' I ,fil"" I ' the ""Ih,'rlly IInrlcr Ihl~ (;11:'erIII I" II"" I\ny
, . ,,,,"11f\"\'\~:1 "Iher llehts IIlrcclln~ the proper: MII,II hlY, "
,roller ,0 "to "'I." b)' ."Ie I\r tho In"ll, Ilnd Any cJcX IItWt Ir unp lid
t :..rll fC\."tfll rcco.)"crllhlc: flom the 0\\110(. ciency, thereafler
r n'" .hllll~ ,
~ Inln~ . "f 1",rnl;O" 10 /0)' 0111 IItlt! prlrOlt J/""
fflf'8.o 1",'/~~:'(\,"r'l\:rsonwho inlr,nds to make (II" I.y out "IOn/it. I",."
...._,;".-~, ,\I,ll Ihe Aulhorrly lin nppliC-llioll (Ot per . ~"" pfly ...
~,.~ JItIII h:c IlltllnCOU\'y submit the following:_ "'''Slon tI) do
.. pot_l <tt)iI SIn' ".
",'11" :o.:t pllln~ nOll secuons In dupltellte of the proJ)OScd .
(.11 e>,rf'IS Which shRII be drnwn to a horiZontal scale or prlv,,,
drrtl ", ~~~ evcry twenty feet and a vertical scale or Dot le~~t leu
IblG .,111' , holf inches to every ten feel. and shall show lhereon the :han
~ and a ~nl ~urfnce of tho ground above some kno,," filed d evel
(t( II!( rrc- d rate of inclination of the intended new street th atu",.
lilt kr',1 lI.jtln of the streets with which it is intended to be' co~ I~I
.., inf 1~.3dlbS wbich are proposed to be laid out as earriagc.way"see~_.:
_Atilt III • I . .....
....., I lis ~spccU YOy, . . . .
(00~) specifications with .dlltolled descrt~t,ons of the materials to be
_) red in the eenstrucuon of the said street or streeu and its
W'l'!~~e.\\'3Yand footpatbs :
ctrfI(r)' p!8n showing
intended lines or drainage of such street or
acd o~ th? building pro~osed to be ecect~d the intended size,
depth lod incllnallon of each drain, and the details of tbe arrangement
pfo:W:sed (or the ventilation or the drains;
(d). scheme accompanied by plans and seotio", for tbe I,yin,
001 iOlo streets, plots and open spaces of tbe other land of such
perWD or of so much of such other lund as tbe Authority shall consider
80. AUlhority to grant or refuse appflr:atlon- The Authority shall
either &rant or refuse tile application or return it foc modification or
10 ~diljonaJ information,
81. Ntw private street not to he made and bllilding, on tllltu J/lk
Ilttreol not (0 be erected accept in accordance wuh tltt dlrtclloft or
IIppr01'(11 of AUlhor/ty.-(I) No person shall make or layout any new
ponte streel or erect any building on either side thereof otherwise Iban
10 acc~rdaDcewith lhe directions of the AUlhority.
, <,2)Jr any such new priva te street be made or laid out or a~y
bUdd~ng o~ either sIde of BOY suob strc\!t be erected, by any ~no~ In
OOD~aVtnl!onof tbe above Artioles the Aulbority may, by WCltl~O

GOtlCe, require tbe said person to show cause In writing or appclll
On or before a dale specined
UI 10& should not b.: altered.
iu such nolice wby such sueet or
abandoned, t.lemolishcJ or reOlOv(d. .

lbe ~3)bJf ,~uch PCtlion shall fuil to show .utHcionl cawe as afudresal:.
UI orlly may cause the SIreet or building to be altcred, IIbua ooc I
_-- -

r AlfrIlOR,-rY OROnll, '957

urvtlOPMFI'I \1>
l{ ,,~\(111 . •I
I fit- y recover the cJlpcnto there t
d and "" Of r I
_.. ..4 Of Ief'llnvt 'n.. •
dtl!lC'lI~' ., ,IMII "",tl".-( I) tr -'~~ \
,hid ~. ",.d tlroUI'". n, .,';ell ~"ered, dr.lned c '''~ ,
'.., ~I'I'II'''' .lIed. ~vcd, 1~1~1l A:,thorlly It may by h'''~I~
'I~ tit II{jt ffI(I! ".r.c:t!"n or nd tho owners or the 1IO:'ltte" ~, ~
n_~J!tt\ 11'1 Ihf,et';( ~lIoh slrte~ :trect or IIbutllllll thereon, ~,rr~1 Drellr~\ ~
('I:;. Inlnl lhe ~1I1 uch alrect or who will henefl 10 "-;S ;
";"e<1 IIIIO"8h 8 OIctAI, pAve, light, 8Cwer. drt b~ ~
.ocr;~' " ~!,!a lhi' Arlicle to • the Authority Ahlll direot.
'II manner II. Ih
II,., tL\"r,
' 1'1l.' I
ltd 11"",,1
u~ lilt ~lIrnr in SilO ot complied w t on or be," 'I I
III l\ft~ r ell rtqulsil10n ,r.orilY Jl)IIY ~o or C81!lIC !lUch ~e t~ ~
(2) '. sulIoh nolice. Ihe ulhe C)llpensc Inc~rred 10 110 dOin Ork ~ "I
!lJ'('clllcd !' sown R()QOunt.anti ll~c' aforesaid 10 such proporti~ ahah ~
"I'oe on lIS of the pren ' n, _ ~
Kl b" the n~...,tr~ , '"
"II lW
,.. -rity .hal1lhln~ fit.
h fifteen
davs before
, b II I
tbe commencelllA
lue sm Of
(3) Not Itu I an e Authortty sag ve wn sen notice to Ia.
\\ wndcr clause (2) lh an iil
.aId ollt'ners 0.-
r' f tbe lntended work,
(Il) lbt nature•
ex flSCS thereo f I an d
(II) the etllmated per c:b expenses payable by eacb Owner.
h oportlon 0 au ,
(el I e pr is of opinion tbat the proportion or e
(4) Any oymer who rdonce with the order ~f the Autbotit APt~
ply.hle by hIm In .~ unJ'ust may appeal against such Otde/IoU1idq
clause (2) il Incorrect 0 . tt
Tribunal. . re incurred by tbe Authority under Artiel
(5) Aoy ncxra:edl!Upriority in lien over other debts affecting th~ 11
aDd. 112as:; sball, if unpaid, be r~c~verable by sale of the pror!c.
~~~y deficiency lhereaftec remaullng shall be recoverable from
83. power 10 declare private streets when metalled. etc., pu6/i:
,tfutt.-When any private street bas been metalled, paved, ,made &004,
Ji&h1ed, sewered, drained, cb8~~elled and flagged. to the saltsfaction 0(
the AUlhorily it may upon receiving the conse~t of the o~ner or of ~
majorilY or Ibe owners of such street, by notice put up In any part tl
Bucb .treet declare the same to be a public street. The said street IhaIl
lbereupon become a publlc street.
84. POWfr10 rtgulate future construction of certain C/QJ$t$ oj bvJU
lItgl iII,arliculor streets or !ocalJlles.-(I) The Chairman may give publk
notice of hit intention to declare, subject to aoy valid objection 'ht
may be preferred wilhin a period of three montbs.
«(I) l~at In any streets or portions of streets specified in suob DOlio
the elevation and construction of the Irontage of all buildings there,ll
c.rwled or re-ereered sball, io respect of their architectural features, b
,ueb is ibe Authority may oonslder suitable to tbe locality; or
(b) thill in any localities IlpeciliecS in tbe notice there slall ~
allowed the constructloo of only detached or semi-detached buildiogs I
OOlb, and tbat tbe land appurtenant to each buUding shall be of an ali
not less than that 'pecified in such notice' or
of m~;e
~ allowed i Or
dlocalities specified 'in the notice
e number of houses on each acre
tbe coos~rit~
of laud 5 •
ClltmlAL STA'tUf'~
I' anY .tree~, portions of 'Ireet~ 187
~ I I II! conslrUOtlOn or sbof)1l. -lireh Or 10.;:11111
~ II cb4dct {be .pcciflcd '" let SJ)tci.!kd
fen "o~of
., ~Ul",ioJ,.r u
:c. willi not
Architeotural Ch.rAClt onte..
be allowed -ilho~~' I~ hllild~t)fl«. h"h
lpetl.,&4 dqllJled
~ l"~r1~:odl'" mins Body IIhRII con.slder ~r~h.11'itI
~11Jf,.11 CiIJ'( thn!(l month" from the pUblic811 Ob~Il(J1I
"I (,, ~ti,J(lI 0 ttat notice: "'tll R statement O~"OII or "klh ~ rt~l'ltd
.jP· filII,"I on 10 the Autborlty. obJeolion, flee';" lind
~., t~e~." ,1Itf'C ,_., r , ~I'lid
~II trri"C" • lion rcCCIV"" • ter the said period or
'/11' WI) .,bjtC tbree "'onlh
I' J\l .' :~( I ...,,"
.idtrn' riod of two months arter tbe t

"rI'~) !:"mil all the documents rererredec:!P\ or the 'lime tbe

(ril~' 511- ,bltemcnl of Ita opLnlon thereon n c"Ute (2). "h.h
~.t~I,~()II~a • to the Cenlta'
(I. yern~ . Central Gover~ment may pass auch order
(Ie (S) ~ . as it mny thInk fit : I '"th fes!)eet \I}
~ drc I.'_UOD d I . h II
that such ec arauon s a not thereb be
NC"ided port ion of R street or locality not a~'6 ~ade applicable
.n) ~~ree~ause(I). I e In the notice
10 .A UlJ'lu fir
1It~ declaration, as con rued or modified
(Q) T'be shall be published in the official Gazette by the Central
00«"...· tbe date of sue pu rca tiIon.
_",COl, h nubli and ,"-'I
._ ta ....e
_I(; I (roll)
",to N person sbaU erect or re-erect any building in
(1) ~ declaration. contravenllon
rJaD~~AUlhO'IIY 10. prescribe !l/~eel line and. b~lIdlng 1l1U!.-{I) The
bonlY sbaU prescnbe. a street h~e and a bUlldmg line 00 Cicb side
Aal u publio street WIthin the City, and ruay from time t .
or scribe
rvef, a fresh Ii ne l 0 sob s (tnt' C
1 100 or any
I' 0 llme
me 10 prescribed or for
::r I'"1 tbereof :
Provided that-
(D) at least one month before prescribing ~uch lioe or lucb fresh
IifIt. as the case may be, the Chairman shaU give public notice of the
JIOpo5il in tbis respect inviting objections or suggestions in writing
6cre1O within a specified period, and sball put up a special notice thereof
II !be 'treet or part of a street for which such line or fresh line is
"oposed to be prescribed; and
(b) the Chairman shall comply with any orders tbat may be pamd
by Ibe Authority after considering any written objection or suggestion
ia regard to such proposal wblcb bas been delivered at the office of tho
Authority within the specIfied period .
. (2) (0) No person shall construct or reconstruct any ponion of any
bailding withIn the street line without the permission of tbe Authority
IDdef Article 88.
Mra (b) Wben . l~e Authority refuses permission to, consuuc; or recoa-
1rilhc1aDy building in any area within the street line, such area shall,
th the approval of the Authority be added to tbe atreet and shall
..!~Aefortb. be deemed to be part ~f the public street and sball v~l 10
lily 1~~dC~rndpensationsball be paid by tbe Authority to the ro~netSlfJ
a ed to a street under sub-clause (b) for tbe loss 0 t e
DflVIlLOI' • !lS7
building tor nny 103. Or d I~
,88 b owner of .nlonsC:ljllcnco or any IICIlon81llqgtl) "
,lid 10 I CIh Olliner It I r Ibis clnusc, In the Cil8e ~'~Il ' e~
II ~
bYh ~~Il'hllrjly
111 Ie,
':io"~ ~11I11I be ~lICdrlbi"r.d lind dtt~r (III~ ;.,
Nmll(np/1 'I,,"Y nUlhonllc Y him ill thlrllllr~~t;;
".. •. IIDI or 511' 1 nfllctr ~I'''C ~ ~h t..~
.- lor M~~ ~~.
Collcc I'('S('rilted; C11mpcnsfltiol1 sh,,11 be payahle: I "
mallner r I no slIo1l 71 " t6
i Jed Ihl!
rr.'" , move under
." dircel thot the con~lruoli
bulldin!;S r; rile- ChRirmn, l~o~'rt.JVe"tion of the proV;,lonoll '" ,
(.11ell y builJlna n 8 or tl••~
, U(llion (If An ., too,. ~
r I'rcd. by wrillen nonce require slich b "
tit .'~) The AUlhority m.r:: or denlolibbcd io accordance wilh Ih uild;a.
( ( 10 be "Iiele e dll~.'
p.rl IherCO tice ....
coolliDcd ill sllcb no I 'erf(tion 0/ buildlflg . bl!10fltl J/reet I(ne /1'0 \
86 Ereetfo" or re- l or rc-crcct a bUII~lng or part of a bIrfJJf~
No' peTlOn s.holl erec t rne fixed under Article 85. ullcltil
ell . t b vend II stfet I db"
15 10 proJcc c, ( land who is prevellte r ~uc provisions
(2) Any owner ~ or re.crcctinS any. building On his Ia 01"
Article from eree."ng 0 make compensation for any daron nd ~
require the Aulborlty t n of such proven tion and, upon the ~e 'c.!
be ml" su"ain by reas~ of any land situated within Such ~ Yllleru,/
('ompcnsation in respec part of tbe said street lind shall ves,re~t ~
web lind .bJII become ID iii
AuLborilY· . mllY require the alteration or demolition of
(3) The ChB(rmfa~ building whiob may have been crected or ret ~
buildiDg or part 0 • r!Del
in conlr8Venlioo of clause (I), .
87 Stllilll bock projecting blJ~/~{"gs.-( I) ',f any part of a build'
other ibao n building used (or re"glo~s worship pr~Jccts beyoed:
street line of 3 public street as ,prescnbcd under Art!c1e 85 or bcJall
tbe front of Lbe buildiog 00 either Side thereof, the AuthoTity may_
~ (0) if the projecting part thereof is 8 verandah, step or someo_
, 6ttueture tXlemal to Ibe maio buiJdlQg, then at any time, or
(b) If (be projecting part is not such external structure as afoteSll(
then wbenever Ibe greater portioo or
such building or any Illllcrl
portion of sucb projectiog part has been demolished or destroyed by lit
or bas falleo, require by written notice tho I the part so projecling WI
be removed or lhat 5ucb building when being re-built shall be sri b:Id
10 or towards the said Iioe. The portion of the land added 10 the SIIl\1
by fllCb rt~0V81 or silting back sball thenceforth be deemed to be pld
of the public slrecl and sball vest ill the Authority.

~IlCl~£ed. :J~
I (2) If ,any land not velled in Ibe Authority.

":'rtioll' I~e~~~~~' VC[I~ldabi SLCp or such other

whether upon (1ft).
withIn Ihe IlreCI line and ds not occupied
by a bullJi:,
structu~ fJ
.ion 00 bebal/s of In IIC strcer line, the Chairman rnny taka ~
eoclosing WQIJ htdge the IiAulb)crlcy of the said hind [together Wltb;
(bertof, lifter 'Bivin I~r I tnce, or of 'he said structure or aoy pot
,even clear d.}" ~rilten ':: ~\¥ncr of,tbe. Jand .or buildilJS not
nCC('s58ry, muy c1ellr the Ollce of 11111 10lenll00 so 10 do, an ~
thenceforward be deemed ~am~; and the lund so tOl..OIl possession o~ ibI'
A.. b,d.y. . " • .PI'" 'f th, p"bl;. "",ta,....,. I
• •
tQ<~l IhO provl,lonll of ~liI"M~ (I
v' h~llIl1diO~hCConlrll' Ooyelllmcllt or II ) IInrl (2, no ,nd
,\" rJ(ll"i~,ttl 10pOlllti(ln looorpurllle" hy IWy t'(t:tVjn<.l~1 (I«v:
(~\,~P ~flY COr II~ .fOfe~lIld withuut the prC.iU~'4n~ hi'" dlllll ':;;
."'.... i~ 10 n 'In,.Iltm '" Ih
r;< o(rOllltll I• 1'111'(1111, h, ,h,. ..4I11I,l)rlll' CO
",11 (l1.,.t .,
,,1tl',IO'" rr"_.f(llfOfl CI~ or tll4J1ulO ~h911 be '4(:elilline~m~",~"'ln. tI,o
(t"Al (.·(!I"l1lch 10 11 )' l)fIicc( ..pecill.lly aUlhllrilled hy hi !ln~t <lt1ermln",1
t~1 (I~,t<I"( Of IInft ,hl'1I he paId by the Authoritymt In ':;'\ h-oh~"
I" ~ rf( ,d
('''"" nI. llcr public street under clau~o (I) or I~k('1 (''''''-,
10 nd 10 the owner of IIny for en pt",<."rlll

, 1 "tid ~~".r (21 "b

eJ $uch owner ,in consequence or any J()1~. damaSlo
". rtfr. (1 il1<'llrrcd rYeilher of the said clnusc:s : any acllOn laken
,t" 'I' uo d e
Ii "rt,.olh ~(t
Ori no such compensolloO' 8hall be payable •
.. llil 'ded 11'111 dcr Article 71. In re1lX'tl of
• r"'~! re"'o ved uOn 0unt of the compensal1on. payable und
b'llldIO',\'h Ihe ~Bined 1 nnd determined, or when a ruinoul rer dCla',~ ('I)
I~I n FOtl1 "seer def clause (') has been taken down und: .1Ogelo".,
11'~ ~ ro 1111111 \);, the Autborlty, after rendering the am~u~~e provr- the
bUUdln;f~rtiCI~f n~Y be payable, may take possession of the I?' d
,~Oirll~IIOO, t lind if necessary may ctear the same. an so
;6ded 10 the slre 10fl
t)l!11P c .' ,
0/ front 10 bIII'Idi/lg /[ne,-(l) If the 'r t f
Sa" ?"II"~tber tban. a buildi~g ,used !o( religioua worship Whio~~"u~
,building eel is bctllod a build log line fixed under Article 85 d
,Ol. public 'dlrtO'erect or ce-crect such building in any manner iovo(ya"n
~ II propose
(III al of such bu I IdlIns ,or,o r th e I"ro?t poruoa rherect to an exlent ng
IbC rc:noy oDe.h of such bUlldln~ or p~rtlon thereof above the ground
~Ing alf
balf to be measured 10 cubic reel), the AUlbority may
"rtl (IUC~ r relaling to the eroction or re-erection of such building
ill lOr or :',uire tbe front of such building to be set forward 10 th~
~tl or J~"
line. wilh the permission
bci14ill1)C EttePt ' , of the Authority, no person sball
( re creel any building or any ,port of a building between a street
rred~ a bUilding line fixed under Article 85,
pe 89, Stltifl, /o!wor4 10 the street line,-:-<~) Tbe Authority may,
tJ)OD SIItbterms as IL tblDks fil, allow any building 10 be SCI forward if
the Itrcet hoc of the streeL in which such b~ldiog is ~lualcd '" III be
(2) iH
aoy laDd whicb will be included in tbe premises of any pcrsoe
1Xrmiltcdto sct forward II building under clause (I), vests in the
AUlborilY tbe vermission of thc Authority to set forward the building
lLaUbe I sufiicien t conveyance to rue owner of the said building; and
the priceto be paid to the Authority by the said owner for such land
andlOY other terms and conditions of the conveyunce shtlll be sc:t fortb
ID thesaid permission.
~, fJul/dlng ~I corner 0/ stft'et.-(l) Tbo Authority may require any
b;Udlng Intended to bioi erected at the corner of IWO IitrcclS to be round-
e off 10 such height and in ~uob ruunn.:r us il Lhil)' determine.
10 (2) TllCiowner of the siLe of sucb buih.liog may rO~I\lirl) Ih~ AUlborily
r.rol~~:eQnle ,bim for lbe 108s of any pOl'lion of su~h cnt silO r~~uhlu!l
'~~OQ.l reqUirement under ClUU6C (I) and on paym of campeo-
cleror 'lIth pori ion oj' tbe site shllU' Vc~1In Ille Authority.
AlltllC)fllTV ORDIiR, '9S7
C}PJolftJ r
" I>f,lt 1 for JlrlJlon 01 lafl~ '" I
':Aa"n ~rI f/ll"hlCh I. Intended fOt 1"'0 "
10(1 I~ jl(:'~nY 1'"dlv~lon thrrcor prepare 'n~I~I.I~11c,
ttrff4" Iftr Of L1nY drawn to • .calo .p , '''b~;,)
., 'n.f . tl~ "ri<'f 10. rl."
.urveyor. Ihowing tho cCIOe<l Itt,,~
"If' 1n~1'(llt'!h~r~,..1• IIcc on such land and the Itrecl, 1)" ~.
1"1100 ,1II!"il,).
Ill' ~01 .nd ,~,
.,td 111
ut'\ 10 which he propollCa to "0.11' \~~
~iltt" rlh In Artlclo 79, dlvidfIJI I.
""Ih,,rl~,~!'1r~1tc IIllil"ll~tc(orc ttl ~red as nforctald the A
,lit'" ~~Il.Y.t ht!'C,. plan rep
such dlre<:llona
I!~ ,,,"d'~lr' of '~fII or a, vea• II sbAII Ihlnk fit.
' \~
for IU()hlJlhOtlt, I
'I ,ZI (l~di'lllJlfi?vt mlde theftln er r.lls to submit tbe nfo
.rrrt"-'t ~t~nu.'o ~r (sir) o-~ulborItY .may cause .auclt a re',lld
'" be Pld 'Iled, the red.t bll expense In .ceo P,~ ~
• (~) IC period ' 'O'tO be p,rera.nd sball cause a copy th~<I'1Itt".
,"t~I.'; In dlll¢~ lutbontt'ce of abode of such OWner :eor ~
~'~(lructjoll$ ~~.t pown ~i~n or tbe land. lid to ~
II!f ~ II the q>icoOOS pOSI .pproved by the Authority ulld '
c1t~red 10 J(!IIJC COlIplU baS been tbe instructioDs of the Autbo/' ct."
,al (., Wild I preJllrtd uo~r tbe "staodbrd plan" ~f Such I.~~ u~
21 or bal. bCtJI U be !mOwn rsoo as roay be authOrised in this 'ad,
~."tt(3111 r~igocd by su~ Irarity'S office and another OOpy 'ibt~
collY IbertO, 'Ied in the Ur allon to thc owner of such land tni~
'ball bc_.. ~~~lsurplied 00 app.lc1on of the Autbority
, d WI"'... '.L '~e pe.rm1ss . .
and 10' 6""A
"""rl ••
"lot 1 EJcxpl"ft'lW WI d" os of sucb permission, no person shall ~
(~tbc l,rmJ aDd coo I~:y building on such land otberwise ~~
-.i~ lOY suett or erect roved plan and sale or occupancy of illy I~_~
~aort flilb such app d sball be illegal. ....
c1taJe Dr lease by ogrttment.-The .. ~tlthorily lila
9~ P"":!O ~eot with aoy person for the ~cquIS'tlon frOID ~
~Dtr:~ Ie!: or clcblOSC, .of any land which the Autbori~"
'~Iborited 10acquire. or lOY interest In sucb land.
9) PtJlHI Itl acquire {and under the land Acquisition ACI, 1894.•
The A~tborHY may, wltb the previous sanction of the Central GOI'tIJo
meal, ICqWre (or carrying out the purposes of this Order land under
lbe provbioDI of the Llod Acquisition Act, 1894 (I of (894) or UI
oliler law (or the time betas in force.
94. TlibllllO! 10 be ctlllSlltuted.-(I) Tbe Central Governmeot $b!
COO'llIU~ • It provided in Article 96 for tbe purpose t/.
performLO& lIIe runctiODs of the Court in reference
f'J:r (or lbe Authoril, WIder the Land Acquisition
to the IcquisitiJI
Act, 1894 (I fA
(2} The T ,ibuG.1 'hllI-
(a) perform the (un Ii
aequl,itloD of IlDd ~
1894 «( of 1894)' Illd or the Authority under
(b) decide diSputes referred
9S. Modlji(lulOfl 0/
con. 0 the Court with reference to..-;
the Land AcquisJtion

10It under Article 93.

rclallnl to the acquirl Lafld AcqulJltlofl Act J89./-For put~~
....cqU(I.)iltion Ac~.1894 (I ~, 18:4) lind by the Au~ority' under tllO L~I
. a the Itld ..... ct .lull -. . ,
,be Sebedule to tbtl Order ; 'D~ subject to the modi6catioos'peci6<d
,-,' ,rlbllntlls con.tltuted under A'tlcle 96- 1')1
\lrA ~ • ,hIli (OllClCpt (or the pUrpOse
,.ll~ fflll'IlI'~ to be 'he Court, And - Or ~~tlOII s
11I~ toe dee tt'td '0 be the JudlC! thertelf t"- "re~ldent4 or tilt
l"cl~b_1I bC.~rent of the r,!bunl' 'hall h.v. the Of 'he
"~fJ~" r~ IICn\ltlnce (If wltne,~e., .nd 10 po..,.r It) t
1't'~1111I~ Ille ~hc 8l1nlO meAna, lind (110 (,it a, cOlTlpel 'he trO:;"'mnn
...I t~rO nli IIY the Code of Civil PrOCedure 19~·Y be) in tbe 11Ctl'WI
".~.. ~,ntt u,,(!C.' lull' tnd ' , (Atl Vor I"'moe
~ (('~r" fj''1l · of' Iho TribunA' shall be d __ .• ~)o
("1". 1f\1~ "1If d ,. d A " . .. ..,.. 10 "-
.. If< ui Iht • dcr tbe ...... o cqUISIlion Aet, 189~ (I U'C Ihe .... ~rd
~ Colli I un or 1894), and
tJl;t.t f1"~I. rlftllton of TrlbIlNlI.-(I) Tho Tribunod Ibal .
'-..J. CDfll '0 .ISCl50r., . I con"'t or •
\"" lid,,, T 'b I
_...,dt1I1 • ideot of lhe n una shall be an omte r
""""111bt pres lerved •• 0 District Judlc, or held . ~~o h.n ror It
"b years (. Subordinate Judge of the first Cia., JudlCIII office not
~ lDret IbalO .
jIfl'noI PreSident and the nssessors of tbo Tribunal ha
,,)!be b centrlll Government, I II be
. td bY Ie.
1PI"'101 non shaU be appointed or continue as a me be
(4) ~o re is' member of the Governing Body or i. r m r or tbe
1ribU~1If J:oed
' •• nII.! men.
in Article 7, disqualified for apPoiotm~ntO~s any of ~~e
B dy a mem""f
cw- (jo\'((OlOg 0 ' ,
;tlit '(be term of office of each .member of the Tribunal .hall be
(~srs. bot any member may, subject to clause (4), be re-appointed
dflt •cod of lbat term.
II TIle Cenlral Government may rem?ve any member of tbe
.~ 6 from office on ~he ground of JOcapacHy or misbebaviour, or fOl
Tn :bcr ,oad and suffiCIent reason :
•• Pr,,\ided that before act_ion is taken under this clause the member
lliaU be informed of the acuon proposed to be taken against bim .nd
pweu aa opportuoity to sbow cause why sucb ecucn should not be
111:0.,tlnSl him.
(7) Evcry vacancy, whetber permanent or temporary, in the office
"lDtIIIbtt of tbe Tribunal ,ball be filled in accordance with tbe
JlMWOOI of clause (3),
(8) All appointments made under tbis Article shall be notified 10
" oIIlci&l GUt lie .
. 97, AtmllM,atlOIl 0/ members of TrlbWlal.-A member or tbe
Tribucal .halI be entitled to receive such remuneration, by way or
IIIaty 01 fca, Of both, a§ may be prescribed.
T' 98, Officersand servants of Trlbunal.-(l) The Presidcnt of the
nbuOA) 'ball maintain a statement showing-
.... (0) \he member and grades of tho clerks and other. officen and
(~~whom be employs for carrying on tbe business of tbe Tribunal.
( the •• lary 10 be pa id to each sucb officer and servlnt, and
IClva:1lbt (O.lItributlons payable in respect of each such omc~r Of
GoVtro wIlo "in tho service of tho Cental GovernlDent or a Provloelal
l2J All Ita bj t tbo
"c.lOIil" . lemeol.prepared under clause (I) sbilll be IU ect 0
GetIOIlof the Central Government.

~J I~
....1 blcnco of tho usessors It Ihe
0 II
~' 'ded in I~helr prcsence unneCCRSnry. and 'tYbPreJidenl or the
I' ~dcO' cit"'" r thO PtCllldonl .hnl! be deemed to e'beso tried and
.... '~I~~.itl"ndo lhe deciSion
"II;:J' " ~t 1 • n"
flll"oji 1 ~n.·
i I 1'·1 I
Rnylh 118 con Rlncu n tho tore 1
..,.:,.1; i'"D 'lhJlll11d n,~c8t101\~ of I<lW and procedure IIha" RI Auh.clauMA
~ 1"(11 DO';:)11 ~1IT~ih\lnuI. rell lotely with
~111('ol of Ihe to Iho 1Il0QAuremenl of land or the
II ~clJC ~'lonS liS he "Ih\\ycd under award ahall be de:~~n~ or COm•
., 1;1O~~d"O(O) ofcilluse (I). n accord·
#\ b,p"'".,_use d


ry ft",·r
ib 1 d
of Iho Tri uoa, an every award
n menl of money. ahall be enfo ma e by the
'" 1,1)1i1nr ,lie c~· klirRohi. R!I if it wore a decree or thaI ';.:sble hy the
n,l IICau' .• L ' f ,-"urt
fli!II' r SJ11" IIIl'lIt 0/ aeq« sit on on ,'pectal payme", (I)
CJllI'II °1 ,4b11nt/(lrI Central Government has sanctioned tb~-; I~~ allY
I~~,~jchthe comprised in on improvement scheme W~i~b SII!OO of
~ I~nIn)' Jlre~ccution of the scheme, tbe owner or the land :r DOt
~ ~ (or,Ihe Can inlerest therOID.'. ,may make an al>plicalio~ any
~ bl11nguesiiOgthat the acqursmon ?f the land should be t~.,!~~
~I)" re~eration of tbe payment by him of a sum to be filled b
~ in~~slin tbat bebalf. , . . Y
IltI,4Ulbon/Autbority shall admit every sucb apphcahon if it-
(2) TIl h 'I before the tl me fixed by the Collector, under section 9
(D)~d e~~qtllsiliOD Act, 1894 (I of 1894), for making claims in
J. ~ to the land, and
,:I~ made by all persons who have interests in the land greater
(b) '!se for years baving seven years to rUD,
ti1'1)le1f tbeAutbority decides to admit any such application, it shall
0, b inform tbe Collector, and the Collector shall thereupon stay
ratthWlI 'odof three months all further proceedings for tbe acquisulon
~~ ~~d and the Authori ty shall proceed to fix tbe sum in considera-
~o~ ~r~'bi~hthe acquisition of the land may be abandoned.
(4) WithiDthe said period of three months, or with the permission

d!heA[ aoy time before the Collector has taken possession
laDdunder section 16 of the Land Acquisition Act. 11194 (1 of
IJ94)tbtperson from whom the Authority has arranged to accept the
lUI 10 fixed may. if the Authority is satisfied that the security offered
, hilD is sufficient, execute an agreement with the Authority,
(I) to pay the said sum three years after the date of the agree-

., ~ 10 leave the said sum outstanding as a cbarge on his interest

__ laDd, subject to the payment in perpetuity of interest at
Gt-;Ite Dot exceeding alx per cent. per annum as tbe Ctntral
ft1111er:eDI !Day fix by notification and to make the first annual
p ,of such interest four years after the date of the agreement;
~ta~~;id(dIhat the Authority may at any time before the Collector
Act.lfi94 f~Sts5ion of the land under ;ection 16 of the Land Acquisition
~rla 19,eernO 1894), accept immediate payment of the said sum instead
(5) Wile ent as aforesaid.
Q any agreement bas been executed in pursuance of
VfJ.O)'MflNT Aufl'O~lTV ORD~ 19t.,
J( ~AA("III Oil , .J
194 ment h.. been accepted In II'
Of wlltn .ny my re.pect or .ny l.nd, tho l>lIr.~ . t·t
clall':' (~)io 1.11.1 cl.UIC ~I be deemed to be 8bandoncdP~C<l11l' l
l(l4ulJiOOflnf Ihe I.nd
J!I'O".IO .
•t • due (rom any perllon undor
. " ',Of
CIt ~
(6)..Every p"yrntn (4) ~h.t1 be a charlo on tho I a" I\;
t. ti)\J If'"
under d.nte
I nt of Inlerc8t payable under
ntatea, 'a'tt
r ~
(7) If .ny Inlll (~\Jb-cl.U80 (/I) or clnuso (4) I" n an l 'it
cd In ""r,u. nre um fixed by the AUlhorlty Ot p,I:/'tt
~:!i~A~: In ndditlon to the said in'lt8Irn:~~er tl.'lri~
.11111 be raYAb. (ler an ngrerrnrnt h.s been exeeUted ~ '\
(8) AI An)' III"e" e (4) any person mllY pay olf Ih In 1>0
(I( Jub-c!.ute (If) of cl.~s at Ihe rate fixed under tbe pro~.C:hllr&e '.__..
....-b" MIll Inlere" h payOlent. 111011, "tt~~
h ... • I' . Ihe dale of .uc
Of ~"'1
clluse up to nt In respcot or any land ha. bee "
(9) When an '8rce~ of clause (4) no 8uit with rea~
any perlOn In pUl1ul\nou ht .gainst the Authority by an Ot to ~
Igf'CCIDC.Dt 8
,~,,11 be ::tor or administrator of the perlon y fi Other ~""i
ooept ID heir, ex interest in the land. . rat 'rClt~~
claiming to ha''e a~ atmtlalion -In the event that the Auth' ,
103. ExCtIS tOil of any r~ad development or improvc:rlly ~
Iblt, .. I~ a rru1d'olniOg land in excess of that needed (O:!llb~
.cqUllIllon 0 Ib~OlCis desirable In, the best. IOtere~t or COl))I e .~
Improvement or ~e Authority may, In connection wub such dePrebtllti)t
4cYdopment, Ire sucb excess land nod may, after plalniog oVeJop~
or 5()b:~, ~C!~ or improvement, sell, lease or otberwis dispos: olhakJai
\be de Itn: by public private (or 1) sale or lease on such terms, co~ ~
u~~ uiremcnU for the future development of such excess laDd I~
an _,..~ mosl suil.ble for the fulfilment of the development or sehc"'. Is I
~~ ~
J04. Paymtlll of btlltrment /ee.-(l) \Vhen by the ':'laking of
. OVc"'-nt seheme any land io the area comprised 10 the •••.~
IIDpr.- , . b f' ilk c.I'y, 1.0 the opioit.c
wblch is nol required (or the exe~U110D t ereor, IS
of the Authority, 10 be Increased 10 value, !ho Authoruy, 1.0 framiollitl
schCIIlC, OIly, lD lieu of proceeding to acquire such land, declare liar I
betterment (CC sblll be payable by the owner of th.e land or any per",
hlviDg .0 lDterctt thereln in respect of the increase in value of the .. I
resulting (rom the execution of tbe scheme.
(2) Sucb increase in value sball be the amount by which tbe \'1.'1
of the 1.100on the completion of the execution of tho scheme estimalli
IS if the land were clear of build Ina exceeds tbe value of tbe laod pm
to tbe exccution uf tbe scheme estimated in the like manner, lad I.
bette.rmeOIfee ,ball be one·balf of such Increase io value.
(3) No betterment fee sbaJl be payable by-
(0) the ~1Ia1 Government in respect of any land wblcb is Ii
property 0(, or II managed by the Central Government;
(b) aoy local authority or any public institution io respect or a:t
lAnd belonglog 10 auch aUlhority or inst.itution if and so long as, !Ii
land it uJed (or public cbaritable or religious purpo;es. IJ '
IO~. AJJellmt", 0/ betterment /ee.-(I) When it appears IODlbk
AuthOrity lhat an Improvtment scheme Is sufficiently advanced to esIIJ.
tbe amount of the betterment fee 10 be determined the Authority ,j
by • reso/ullon palled In tbis behalf, declare tbat for tbo purpost
IQ5S1 I ~S
. '" ee tbo eAeeutlon or the IChellle Iball
",lI ."eII
(i oct .h.1I thereupon live ootl~ i0 ~ tkernecs to ba
...JII'' ' ltd I o'~ In res~t o( land to be 1ate· .,itina to Yo
,If"·"'fI'I~o'" 'e:)
o( e1aUlO (I) of Article 47 o:~: ba. been .:;~
..:!!-."" ,1''',0 rlon• IlS the caso may be, that the A tbe IUCce'IOr'in-
~t( ,d~ ,11(11pC ount of tbe betterment (co payable I uthothy Pf0P<lle.
~II: Ibe ~fe104. 0 r"ptet or '~h
jjI'' ' "~r ~rl c bority 8hall then aucas the amOunt
lind' file ~~t person concerned aner giving locb of hctte'rntnt fcc
121 111 CtI';d aod such penon .hall. wlthlo three perean an oppor_
...~.1\If I!O bra r notice in writing of .ueh llle month, rrom the
:;;;111fO rcoeipt 0 the Authority In writing Whether :mtnt r,om tbe
..I! 0 lo(orll] not be IQ;ePIt
"·>~11. t
~_'~1I)tlI 'the lJSCISD?cot pro pOled. by the. Authority l' eeee

_~ :fl
j,r (ll WbCD c:erocd Within the

be finll.
period lpecilled in clause (2rcs. by

penon concer~ed docs not accept tbe asscssmc t

' 'Deb
(4) I(!botftyor fa!ls to glv~ tbe Autbority l~e informatiOD ~eq~l~cd
II) tbe ~u (2) with.1D the period specUied therein, tbe matter 'ha.1I be
)II clI~ by the TnbuDal.
6tldminc Authorityto glye notice 10 person IID.ble10 payment 01 btlttrmtllt
106. III betterment
fees payable 10 respecr of land bave bee
under Article 104, ~e Authority shall, by a nolice
6t~~110be served on all persons "able t.o pay the fee, fix a date by
fII,UD~geb payment shall be made, and lOtere~t at the rate of aix per
~ anoum upon any amount due and unpaid shall be payable from
107 A,rttmtllt to make payment 01 betterment lee a charge on 10,,4.-
I A., penon liablo to pay a betterment fee in respect or lOy
_It ~
~ IDlY " hi' option, instead of paying the same to tbe Autbority
asrecment with the Authority to pay the beuermem (e~
to c.quallostalment of 10 per cent. of sucb fee until tbe assess-
.. Ilhall have been fully paid. Unpaid iostalments sball bear inteCC5t
.. Ibe lilt of 6% of any unpaid balance and shall be payable with eacb
lIul.llIICOt of the fee.
(2) Bverypayment due from aoy persoo In respect of a beuerment
lie aad every charge referred to in clause (1) sball, ootwithstanding
.ythln, contained i.o aoy other enactment and notwithstandiog tb,
cdltcocc.of any mortgage or otber charge, whether legal or equitable,
~ted eUher before or after tbe commencement of this Order, be tho
""~It&C upon the interest of such person in sucb land.

=:. (l) If any !lIItllment of priocipal or interest due under an 18reo-

u~utcd III pursuance or clause (I) is oot paid 00 tbo date OD
A~tl !' d~, the entire balance of tbe betterment fcc .blll, It tbo
'-lda YI Option. become due together with any accrued IDterelt on
(4) Al • .
~or elM oy time afler an agreement bas been executed In purau·
'lib lnlcrc~le (I) any person may payoff the charge ereatod tberoby.
PIYlltnt. at Ilx per cent. per annum up to the date of luob
106 101. RICO 10" :nil
...."" bette"'.I' 01 money payable In pursuanc« 0/ Artlcltl °b
tlnent fcea and interest thereon ,haH be recoverable Y
112. Ikcipalioll (1/ IIJ' (/ftO' ami localfnn I"e,~of·-( II llc
Aul1lufllY molY. nuuce in writiog to tbe persons ,1T1td It

.:;!..;':':;'~!:~;:. persono un opport";" of b"'i'" •
ulWc Authullt)'
! "" .f", such ."1,,,000 has bUo .. til<'.
uDrc~: or uny pdft tbertof remains, ill the upiJJ'
'... " .. , ... ,;..... tlcu ,,":, uuuullscd
tbe AuthOrJlY uud.llflc, .uc~u. I area 01 p.irt tbereof
0' ;"""'1 u,," I,
..hllil be vBlucJ
"m"", ": •
1W»Ui'Uy~l tho rMII: or 3 1 v~luutIOI~, shull be ,atoJ by Ihl) AUlb\)(~
I. UII JlOprOVCUlcLlI satl>1lf ceut, <II the value thereof until su~b ~III
wwplcIc:d, l~ UClal)' to the Authority sball bnVo ~

0) '1be
tJld ony he t.U tcyeOUc~
ullli~d fur tbc &ae.;rullIl~ under this Artich: shull
eueru pu rpu~cs or Ill" Aulbority.
(0 cOII",/(ucnl
b(J d! e".-l ' he Authority h II
"'~' I of wotl!~ constituont body, ftuhJect lu Auah terms 'a ad
, 1"), to CliO v'/ of an cnhunced rate) nq mllY he 0
I .s~~rrIJ8 the. le and lhe constituent body, fiueh uuar ~grc(.d
1~;tl1l~~cll1oi",\\ltll~~'tb'/ the cOIl~tilliOllt
"04i~.~~'" tlldCtfl,l1dt.: I bodle8 together
body It the co'r~:;;n~J
lire more than the Autho 't
firiM~I-oC:~ I!C cOLl~lilllef~'lInlitY liS the Authorily mlly determine tlJY
~.A fl". hCl ch q.. n
("~~f of I hell aU eol body.
stjtu ur to Individual conJumer.r.-'J'be
~~I"I)" 'h",Il Authority may
" ,IIP"r c.e { 11'0
,~ ~0 tlPpl; 11coosUllIer- ,
~I' S to fln'/ Icen at a poln I outside the area subject to the
I, ",ater is t':nllon under the Munlclpe! Act, and
~)) iflb°(lh~ CorVO'lable after supplying water to rhe constituent
(~'Iio"0 ter is ava'o ots referred to in Article 113,
..ti~I. r \VD rcem
, (~)inliertbe as bodies 10 pay COSIO/ Jupply,-(I) Save as provided
~I'" ~ CO"Sfll llenl cODstituen t body, shall pay for the water supplied
115. 113 every cL of eaoh unu of a thousand gallons of water
• Afli~c ralO' i~reis:tbe manncr prescribed by regulations hereafter
1111111 calcalat
~Iied, be tWO rates, namely. the final issue rate and the
,161')fbCfC shB,ll accordance with which constituent bodies shall pay
{2 I rate, III
liillnJ lied 10 thelll.
,~ .,.Icrsupp reeover>, 0/ dues.-If any constituent body fails.
iii' 116, Stj/nm~r of the receipt of a demand for any sum claimed by
..I!hla one ,mon
lo pay such sum in full su~maty recovery of dues may
r~uI110f:~'tbe maDncr prescribed by regulations.
"1~CCied 0/ user in property.-(I) The Authority shall have the
ill, }I Igh Iand maintaio aqueducts, conduits and lines of mains or
.i)1 10 place alo D 8 or across any immovabJe property without
;.oe~.ovcr;u:b pr~pcrty, lind shall have the right at any time for tbe
~1Ii!IlI80f examining, repairing! altering, or removing nny aqueduct,
"'~ or Ilne of mains or pipes, enter ~n any, properly ~ver, under,
, or acros, which the aqueduct, conduit or line of maLO~ or pipes
beeD placed:
Provided Ihat except as. otherwise provided In this Order the Autho-
., Nllll oat acquire any right other than the rights as aforesald in
.peel or any property over, under, along or across wbich any aque-
titI,condu[l or line of mains or pipes is placed,
(2)The powers conferred by clause (J) shall not be exercisable in
iIIIpccl or ao), property vested ill or under the control or management
If lbt Central Government or a Provincial Government or any local
IIIborhy or railway administration, save with the previous
GoveromCDt concerned or the local autbority or railway adinlnis •
.. :tal'rlbecasc ,may be, aod 10 accordance wilLI any rules made in

I undo I Ib IS Order :
-!'~ded lbat tho Authority may, without such permission, repair,
181001 ~~:bd lOy existing works of which the character or posiuoc
'&qlly II~ Y b~ altered it sucb repair, renewal or amendmeut IS
IIICrnrptloo :I~ry In order to maintain tbe supply of water Without
l'oPtrtY.' r 18 ,ucb tbat delay would be dangerous to human life or
I~' 1\,,""'<'111 1)1' rt_orMI NT i\UTIIORI rv OItIJIIl, 195'
If! Il
II lor 4anf(1~•. -ln tho Clltrclle r 'L ~ 'I
t_l_!:, Compt"~: ~; Art'clo 117 the Authority ahall 0 the
ronrtn~ UP!'n I nlence.a may be possible, and ahall ClUte Ilo..._ J
dlml(lCdlnd Inoo:'~pen •• tlon (or any "lmBgo or Inconvc "',Ike -. I~J
IIble tin proper n tllto '...., D
hy It. I ~~ ~
119 . r~n .. ol,it, lor o!1strtlctfotf, etc., If r"ptcl 0/ , ~
b "01" ,
Sc#ttmn.-Any perlOn w 0--. '-.
(0) wilfully ob.truet. any person act rna under the authorlt '''1 ~
Authority In telling out tbe line or nny works, or pulls up 0'1 01 j
'Ua t or Illke fUed In the ground for the purJ>Ose r ttlllr..'
~~; ~e ~inr:f ,ucb work., or deface. or deslroys aoy "orka ot It'iS ~
tbl' purpoJe; or t.. •• ~ ~
(b) wilfully or negligently brei ... , Injures or o~ns aoy JOCk ~
valve pipe or other wlter work belonging to tbe Authority; or ' ~ I
(c) unlawfully obstruct. tbe flow of, or flushe., dr. .J
di\'ertl or lakes wlter from, any water work belonging ~' ~
AUlborlty or Iny water or ,tream by which aoy sucb water 0 ~
, ~ork
supplied; or ., ...
(d) unlawfully break. or damages any electrical traosQlissi r
mlintained by the Autbority; or on r~~
ee) obstructs any officer or servant or tbe ~uthority in the disc ~
or his duties under thi, order or refuses or wilfully neglects 10 fI ba~ r'
bim upon bis reques~ ~itb tbe. mc:ans necessary for maklog~
eo try, wpec:tion, ellamLDanon, or inquuy thereunder In relation to ~ ~ worD, or I} ;.l
(I) bltbes In, at or upon Bny water worle, or wa.hes, tbrows
ClUse, to enter therein any aoimals or throws aoy rubblsh, dirt, 61: ~
or other offeDsive mailer into lOY wlter wo~k, or wash.ea or cleq ..
therein aoy cloth, wool or leather or the skin of any animal, or ca_
the of Iny siok, sewer or drain or of any Iteam eogine or boiler ~
or any ot.bcr dirty water to return or be brought into lay waltr wo,~ ~
or does any olher act whcreby the water in any water work i. (oWed. ...
Iwl, to be fouled, ~
IhaJI be puojablble wilb imprisonment or either description for • ltrQ
wtUch mly oltend to ,ill months or with fine or wIth both. 'Orr
(2) No prosecution under clause (I) shaJJ be Instituted elcopt upoa III
I complaint "aned by tbe Chairman or by • person authorised by bimi ~I"I
thi. behalf.
120. RtptIJlol OrdlnflllCCXIII 01 /949.-(1) On the Central Govel1'
meot nOlifyiog in the official Gazette that tbe provisions of tbi. Chlplt!

hive been brought into force, the Karachi Joint Water Board Ordioi!D(t, •
1949 (XIH of 1949), shall Iland repealed. ~
(2) Notwilhataoding the aforesaid rcpeal,- ~
(I) all property beld by tbe Karochi Joint Water Board sball veslII ~
the Autbority ; ~
(/I) evtty appointment, order, rule and regulation made or ~
uoder Ibe Karacbi JOiDt Water Doard Ordlnancc 1949 (XIII of 1949~ ~ I
Ind In force jm~ledlately before tho coming jDt~ focco of tbi, Cb'P~ ~~
vball, so fllr as It It not inconsistent with tho provbions of lI?'s <?rd~ lid
deemed 10 have been '!lade or issued UDder tbis Order II If thIS 10It IIIe
were I':' force at the time lit which lucb appoiolmOnt, order, (U CI.:
regulation WI. made or h.ued ; I
l Crl'lT" Al S1'Annn

I hll~.tlon.
\' ....,. ''''',
lnenrred. Of ~trlet
lind thln .._ engaltd to ~ erlleret1 inlo or

~ ,p j!I<'~~ "I Joint Wlter flolrd heror!! th «0,.. try.

I~,i~ J(.r'~rl(f. ,1'1.11 he deemed to hllYO I) ~ eO,,",ln!! Inlo
f II!("If (,-A or en'A~1 10 be done hl. '1111"6fI Il!eurUfl.
[".I ' ,.col" IT" or rn,. 1"-
:;;r I"'" t ""e to the ".rllchl
J(lint IN
"f ",o~nforce of thl~
.n ~I'""",I'" ,n
~hllll be ~Il" ~"td Inft
lie lind P.Yl\hlf'
'1,,111"11' Iht'l Itlll prncel'dinp in~tit"Ied h
I.~ ,tll~~~tJ~"d ~I'.rd bt.fnre: the c()mI1l8 lnto rorce Y Q?'
h~lAln~t t~
I ", ~tlt",ft·,lr', or II."in-1 tht ""~hotlty; I 1 C'hlpt,.,
.....' r 11~llrd h'
the "'I",chi
l' ~ rI'~tffl('fi ~t~ the comins
JOint Waler OOArd I
into Ioree of thit ~h IIny In't" ...
" t'; ~'I,..i ttr "Intention IIppe.n,
be conlltrued as rerer"p~r 1,",11.
..n~ to lhe
",'('(mH. etc., dt'cmt'd 10 be pllbllc Strro"" .,
0 vcrning 8 0 d y.
III OJI'/I;('I'f.f. v
ry orne d .-t;;.very
or an servant of the A h
~ "I Ibe ! ~elJlber, officer. a~d servant o.f the Tribunal, .hal~1 ~
""",neI ~..,.., ublic serVllOt WltblO the meanmg or section 21of th
~~ '" t-t 1\~odC:(AcI XLV of 1860). e
P-. Pclll
fII"" D ItlD/ioll of powtr$,-Tbe Autborlty may wilh the previoQJ
Ijj. ofr tbe <Xntrll Government, delegate noy of Its powers under
~ 10 .ay other person or body of persons.

*' ~ Atdhorl/)' may /" certain circumstances exerels« powels oj Cor-

1111 IIIIrlU (ht Bombay-Toll''! Pla,nlling Act, 19/5.-ln Iny area tbe
~ Go\'Ctllll)C:Dt may, by notlficauon In the. official Gazette, declare
ltomSIIcb date 15 may be specified therelo, the Corporation sball
.. _~ or discbarge any powers or functlons under the Bombay
,...1'lI_1 Act, 1915 (Born. Act I or 1915). and that subject to such
..,:1- aod modifications, if any, as may b! specified in tbe notifica-
lit power. ltId functions of the Corporation under the said Act
ilDbe clCtOiied Ind discbarged by the Authority:
PIovidcd that if the Corporation deems it necessary that tbe Authe-
IIItllouldtake action under any of the provisions of the said Act. it
rcqlallht AuthorilY to take such action, and Ibe Authority sbal],
11«\11 u bertioafter provided. comply with such request, and if the
AlIlIIonly does Dot comply with such request it sball state the reasons
~~l'lodWiaJIsubmit the matter 10 the Central Government, whose
_0 aIIaU be final.

..I:.:Ipo/ AlIJhor/ly alld Chalrmall 10 exercise POWtrS olld f""cI/oIU ,mdtr

.4CI.-(I) In any area in respect of which an improve-
6ct.rc IlIC: it io force, the Central Government may by ootlficllioo
Iorot lD~hat r~r the period during which such scheme remains 10
~lICrlbed_ aub)cct to such restrictions and modificlltloos as may be
W~ .
.. '" Cot POWUI locludlng the powers to levy uxes, and tunctlcns
. .
~""laPlI~ratlon or the Standing Com mi lite thereof Ilnder. th~
... t ahau be exercised and dlschllr~ed by the ,\uthortlY.
, (II) lile
, ~. ~ll4t'':era. lind funcllonll of the Chief Onlccr or the ('I,)rpo~;
~~. lIIid Act .bull be exercised and dlachar,cJ by t
" "It A ('III O rvr I
~ .
Ihe Chalrmao may delegato
(2) Tbe "ulhorl~y or dor clouso (J) to 00'1 officer Or ,ao'1 r til
'cable b" it or him un ~r~'IlI~IIo.·
clltrcl.. J ~f'I'\
Authonly. IIccharp of ony power or rUnetl •
rn The t,crel" or ~ . I""jcel 10 such limltalions, n
Cono dt II,
unctrf clauc;c (2l ~~~II down hy tho Authority or Ihe Choir dh1o":,,,
('Onlr"lll~ rna,' be I. mall, " ~ I
('.~e mllY "e.
10C, f(l"'('fS (1/ ,ht
Authority for JodI/lOt/fiR
art and communications
1110 Hmtfl, (II
in and Iht~ I

11('11.- 0
i: fll.:ilil3lC trnnsp
'( moy-
"Oll '
Cily. Ib~ "ulholl Y dilions il may thiok fit to impose_ ,
(I) ,"uhjcC'110 Bny con rotnl or make advances, from Iu I

lo) $uarantee the p~ymay Ihink Ilt, by way of interesl"d, II

diqlOSl1 of such sums as :lfUCtioO maintenance, or working or 0, e....~
extended on Ibe con , 1ll~1I!~
tran~port : or ment as it may think fit from the stid r '
(M ma~'e such paYor to persons undertaking to provide UOd~ I
way of subsIdy 10 user! • ' IIQ'
and \...ork meRns of transport, or .
.. itself or in combination with any other person co :
(u~ by d w'rk any means of transport, under tbe prOvisions ~r
mllOwn a'l ., 0 II.
• npplicabk ihereto ; or
II~ (iii) construct or widen, strengthen or ot erwise mprove bridges: ..,,
h . i

Provided that no guarantee or subsidy shall be made Under _

clause (i), and no means of(.~)ranspothrt tshlahU be c.onsltucted, .QlaiDtai~
or worked under sub-clause II, WI ou e previous sanction of ~ .
Central Go\'crnmenl.
126. Saping of Telegrapll, RaUwQ)'s and Btectrtcity ACIS.-N0t§
in this Order sball alTect the operation of tbe Telegraph Act, lit
(XII of 1885) or the Railways Act, 1890 (IX of 1890), or the EltC~ I
Act, 1910 <'X of 1910).
127. Cogni=ana of offencts.-Notwithst8nding anything contaiJd
in tbe Code of Criminal Procedure. 1898. all offences undtr Ii I
Order or aoy rule nude thereunder shall, wherever committed, be tried ~
a M8gill13te of the first Class. I
128. Trial of offl!nct!s under flit Order.-(I) No person shall be ttiI
for an offence under tbis Order or a.ny rule made thereunder exetpl - I
the complaint of such offence made to a Magistrate of the Finl a.
wlthio ,II months of the commission thereof.
(2) When aoy person accused of an offence under this 0Ids I
or any rule made thereunder which is punishable with fine only (Ja
to appear before tbe Magistrate of the first Class the M.~
may, ootwithstanding anythiog in the Code of Criminal' Procedure, JI'J
(Act V of 1898), thereupon determine the case in his absence.
'1'1 Po.....
us of Chairman 01 10 tnstttutlan, composttto» etc., o!l~ I
~roCtt /"Is and obTaining '~ga' advic« -The Chairman may, subj(CI
JC cootrol of the Governing Dody:- .
( ). . ~
tbls Ordl~SIIlU~, de rend or wilhdraw from, any legal proceedio,s U I
e or e rules made thereunder . ~
Iberc~~d~~m:,::~?td un';Y offence against'tbi, Order or the rU~;da tI
sald rule. mlly la~1i IIerbuny law for tbe lime being in forco,
u y e compounded ;
·t ,/
Iq~81 ",I~ or withdraw any clal",
cO~"~nder i and
e Under thlt Ord

,,; ,~tI1ll;d"tbert' loga1 IIdvl~ lind aSAI.tance 118 er

vl.,ll'lfIl ~IIC~ I 'I} obtPlrl, or a, he m"y be be rna, think
I'I ,.Itl.i~t\~len (or IIny or the purpOse" rc~ deAlred by
'II' "r l''''l.i~. (lr for. l'tcuring tho IlIwful e~er:lred 10 i'l ::::
~f (I'llcI~'lS'1 "utrd,tn
..... or Imposed UIH," tho 1\-.e Or dI3Ch8'.
~";~p ~IIIlr d1111~ AuIIH,rlty.
~!.t'.<ft'f ",( I te
lIthOtity or lin'
If;, r cd''''P Allthority, I'tr.-(l) No Auit pr
~I'I "Jf/f1~/I" tl).insl the Authority or any f11'embe~Utlon. (If J11<>-
, ,141 '.11h ne "~ulhority or any person or per~o'n Or any oltlceT
~~r(If ,he I~ AuthOrity or of the Chairm'an " 0 ncU,,& u"<lllr
fjfr"~~/ln (If Authority, for nnythiug in good fai:h any Officer
IIdi~I of Ihe under this Order or a rule, regulation <k>ne or
, ...... " be doOe Or order made
f":.,rHJ· rit)' shall not be responsible for an '
f~~l nrc Aulhn~n.feasaocc of any officer or employee aYppoml,ls,fedasance,
l' .. Of
d~'· n e under
~~(: II t nothing In this Article sball protect tb A
, • prol'id~ ,I • respect of damage to property or injury to:Or utbority
• ~11 I~ cd by a person or persons. IOn or any
fill' sustalO • •
.on JD<S o(i('t of lUll a,aJlJSt AuthoTlty,' elc.-( I) No suit shall be
I 131, N inSt tho Autho~lty or aoy member or any person associated
wrll¢'f!lthon'lY or against any servant of the Autbority 0 '
..- ,.. AO 'd th di , r agallut
i/J .... D or persons acung uo er ae IcechOD, or ~uthority of tbe
.e,perso or of any officer or servan~ of the Authority, In respect of allY
()Il!lIl1D orting to be done llD~er ,thiS Order or the rules or regulation.
iii pU:reundorontil tbe eXpiration, of one month from the delivery
,,# written notice at the Authority office ?r the place of abode
i~ I!)ClIIber,officer, serva~t or ,person" st,atlDg tile cause of action,
~ ~ .nd place of the intending plaintiff', and the nature of the
(2) 10 every such suit, the complaint shall contaio a statement that
~notioe bas been so delivered.
(3) Notwitbs~t:dio~ anyth,ing i? the Limitation Act, 190~,(IX of
_>. 00 sucb SUIt as IS described ID clause (I) shall, unless II IS 3 suit
II tbe recovery of immovable property or for a declaration of a title
IJIrcto,;be commenced otherwise than within six months nelt after rbe
_aJ orthe cause of action.
III Pfoof of consent, etc" 0/ AUfhorlty or Chairman or officer or
IrliIIII of Alithorlfy,-(l) Whenever under tbis Order or the rules or
IIJillltions made thereunder, the doing of a thing or the omission t~ do
:.!~& or the validity of anything depends upon tbe approval, sancticn,
I,concurrence,declaration, opinion, or satisfaction of-
(a) the Authority or the Chairman or
(b) ,
• ~utd i~oyofficer or servant of the Authorhy, a written dooumel~l,
~r Or ClIe (a) by the Chairman, and In case (b) by the ~llId
-stol servant, conveying or selling forth such approval, sanc"o~,
citCt t~idconcurreoce,declaration opinion or satisfaction, shall be
IIlon,oPi:nceof such approval sanction consent, concurrence, dec ar-
lOb Or$8lisfaclion.' ,
KA'A(l1I 01 HLOP~II" ~
~l tJ"d proce,dlnR".-(J) N 'l
n\. I,,,""all/)/I u:~crA{~;s Order shnll be quell joned o~ t~ '~
or rrno«Jlnl! 11\\;4'0 e t,~
merely or- clloey In. or Dny defecr In the ~
nr_oy VII • r Co .
(n) tilt ('~Islt.,..e committee. 0 ~Itl'
Iht AUlhI1r!IY er ""Y cd to be • member i or ,
l' b.vll1~ etll' d'
(II) IflY perf 0" ootice un er A (tlcle 47 0
.. (",hll'" 10 ~rvle ~~I ((suited from such failufe . ofJ.~~ ""-
(r ) I"e I I Il\IlIsl ce , ffi' r ""'~
11here 0" ull-sllnl ~ defect or irregularity not a cctlng the '
(4) Iny oml• • lloO • IIleril,
,he calC. • of Ihe Authority, the mlnulc~ .of the II, I
(2) livery meel,"~ I si(!ocd by the person preSIding, sh'lll..~
r .. hlol! have bCCIIdu Yovcned and to be free frOm all
bCCtI duly 00
d.~ tiiteftct ~
tn I!.~ _

Grn'~' powt~SIY provided
01 Authority
10 pay comptn..rallo
for in this Order the "'-In ~
case nol otherWISe exp~ ns:ltion 10 any person who SUstains dAQ~
enay pa)' renson3ble ~o
re,aJOn or Iny c~cn:l~e Cbairman,
ibe powers vested by or under this '~I
or sny offioer or servantO,Ot,
tbc AUlhority or or ,
Authority. .#' ..
/lJatlon to' be paid by O.J/enlle~s lor damage ca
135. CofP' ceount of any act or omisston any penon
tMm.-(t) 1, on ff:OOC Bgainst this Order or any rule made the ~
d, b::
COD\1C1ed or any f ~be same act or omission of the said perSOn ~eUII4
Ind, by rca;:s~d to any property of. tbe Authority •. com~D~
hl$lI~ paid by the said person for the said damage notwJthstandin~
Ib_. h nl to whicb be O1l1y have been sentenced for tb- (al
pun'I me • iii
(2) AD)' dispute as to be o~ouot or such compensation shill I
dcttl'tnincd by a Magistrate of the First Class.
(3) If the amount of IIny compensation payable UDder this Articlt I
Dot paid, Ihe same shall be r~c~vercd under a .warrant issued by
M.aJstra~ or the First Class as if II were II fine Imposed by him 0110
oid person.
136. Public notlcu how to be made kno",n.-Bvcry public 00'i
pteD under Ihis Order or the rules or regulations made thereunder III
be iD writing and shall be made known to tbe locality to be aJf~
thereby iD Dot less tban two of the following tbree ways ;-
(0) by sffixiog copJcs thereof conspicuously in public places Wl~
the .. Id ICClII t)',
(b) by publishing the same by beet of drum, or
(c) by advcrlisemont in newspapers published in the FtdcII
IDd by any other means, if the Chuirmao thinks IiI.
Wb 137. .N~Hlspapt'J In which (uhertlsemenl or notice to be publis "1;
ootl:e;~~N~c p~ovided by this Order or uny rule made 'b~reuod~ II
Peder.1 Ca it I s,ven by advortisement In newspapers published be pII
lished in nt~~ or thaI a not!flcation or any information
Inserted If pr;gti:bj' iSU;h notice. notifictltiou or inform
, e n rour newspapers.
\ I ~ ,1.:nl1/"1"(' I "" I 11.. ,,('(' ,,, ,,'II t·_r ",\
• If! • ,,~
I \' " k.< l,,,le' 01 I '~ r:, r~ m'I,le I"crCUIl ler .tl'~ n"li~e
I , )\1 I" n" ••ll\t'l I'll( Ill"t"r or
IIny oln r. II., ~I," ,,, ""'I
\.,,~~ ,,,, "" llet"l\cJ Il' b. "rnr~rly 'I.rr~ eer nr ~tr.. ~ t.y,".
~, ,...r. ," II f I"~ Ch,," man, In \If 'urI! Ir II be"" "' It, ' '~
~1fI"" '~~,III!(
• lot ". \ ,nl•
~'Ih~ I:.'H' mn)' be, 81f1"'I'~d Ihe/'lher Illemhe,·
I)f Ilr """
• 1 ," «, "('~ III her 111fI1l 1\ puhlic nOli.... '
,..~ n,' .• thi IS U"rucr , 5h,," .... U lind
t 'I 1'"(") rtl)' unuer I every ...,11 •
I:, ,."hl' ~d ..If I'n::~enlcJ in Jllpllc8le' 8n1' chs, II it (lIh'~IJoeI1
d t .. I e two cr",~
(Ii .rtf'.1fIC' ra
,,.. .... cCl' ..'
re urn the c IUnl
~ ft'I." f' I\no SIllll nil ~r\()11 tOI\Cer
Cfpau Ihereor '0 ~!
~Iot'rll)' ollC( iS~lIcd hy the Authorily under
~ ,)1 ":~;on ,,01)' of l\ defect in form. Ihl. Order ~b"l1 he
,ttt'J III .(_, holl' 10 he effected,-When any .
SIf' .. I'd
I~~' . r<"1uired by I us Ur er Or any rules r nOllce ' b'll
I or other
6O(1III1rnl'\ I be ~('rved upon. issued, or pre~ Irc,ulallons made
~un~Cf ~ n '''00, shall '-
",,-u4.- "" Ing or tendering the document to him' or
\~lII) r heII is not fOUlld, b Y ICO\,lOg
. ,
the document at h' I
I~l.' bOde or by giving Of tendering the same to IS all known
pl..-r 01 , S(n'lInl of his family ; or come adult male
If be does not res ide
" (lll!all'<f Of
• ] h
I e In t e City
' and his addr
lil 10 tbe Chairmnn, by forwarding tbe docume:~' I el~Vthere
b tno"~ posl under cover beari ng the said address' or 0 bim by
~~urQY , .'
IllfDODe of l!lC methods mentioned In the preceding sub-clau
~ ustd, by causIng 8 ~oPy of the ~OCUmeQI to be alfu:ed on 10:
~ous part of tile bUilding or land (If any) to wbich it relales,
140, Forttr to make surveys or contribute (owards 'heir cOJI.-The
jIdIorily may :-
(G) collect all sucb Information and statistics a.! may be oeceuary
"",,tyiDg out tbe purposes of this Order:
(;) eauJC a survey of any land to be made, whenever il COD-
If. that a survey is necessary

(t) eeauibute
or expedient for carrying out IIny
purpoSt$ of this Order and keep such survey up to date; and
towards the cost of the collection of any such
__ !loo or nausucs, or any sucb survey made by aoy other
II1II a.uthorilY,
141. Pow" of elllry.-(l) The Chairman or any person eil~r
~Uy .or specially autborised by the Cbairmao in this bebalr 1U1'
:~~thOUt ... istams or workmen, enter into or upoo 80Y laod,lo

~,lO make any inspectlon, survey. measurement. valuation or

(6) to ttke levels,

11) to dig or bore into to sub-soil.
(f) : 5e1 and Intended lines ~rwork.
OUtboundaries . mark' and
1IIIIa. I mark such levels boundaries und hnes by placIDa '
renebes. Or
o I

(1) to do .' ry io do so ror

.., or the PU allY other thing. whenever It IS .~ecussnllhoroll sanotioned
'POSea of this order or Ole rules mayc or s

i .
1 nnt '" ur
,- 11-"ery III".
"'fI1"l'n~)Jltr 01 Ihe Itt rq 11l1ulo Ihorenn,ler In " .."'" Ice 10, h'lI
)(, \

t' ",hI' ~.,

I r -,
(r ,hrl Iflt'll1hH ,I' lilly om~,
_ 'I I'
'la"~11 .... ,"
I), 4-" "7 .,.
tf'1 I' I .n, dec'"'''' IV'. "r(lpla y ~'gl1cl1 If'l he 11111IIf 1!wI
~I"I1'_~' ':"11 IItr Ih~ Chlllllllnn, or (If ~uch IIlhol' 11" .. r'I;'IrIl'I~
..... ,r . *,. I' I be ·11101 .• 1 member ..
I" ,"" 111ft Ihe cMC m ly , 0 [leu IlereUfJon IIr I.r "I>'._
a ,I>t .(" \11 ". c olher Ihnn n pu hi'tc notice 1\0(\. 0
~lII>'1'l It >j>.v""u
e unJer Ihi~ Ur.ler, 8hllll unlcs~ ,ver~ 1-1,11''''Ie''
~ I') I \'Iill"r~' Of rrcqclltcd in .Iuplicole' IInrl the 'I It fllher .... e
I~~ t< err" lind ~i8n lind return lbe caunlerpa" ~rbson Wncerl)elj
~",~ (lOC pari I ereor 10 Ihe
lI-'~fll) • ,ssued by the AUlhorily under Ihi, 0 d
,.- ') !oI" IIollCC nly of 1\ defect in form, t er ~""11 be
l,d b) f"(
.,on" bow
•• 10 be eJJec/cd.-\Vben any no lice bill
--"q, ~rl'lf<uircd by this Urder. or ony rules or regula'llo~~ OtlleT
_ ",(pi " rcqbC served upon, .,sued, Or presentalion b 1Im!I~
""U ~er hI • S II ""

• ::'~:- jving or lendering rhe document to hirn ; or

~ IG)b) g IS 001 fouo.d! by leaving the documenl at bit Inlt know
, \M"~~c:. or by. glvtn~ o,r tendering the same to Some: adul, mal~
.:1IlI01 rvnnl of bls family , or
r_~l 0( se 'd . ih C'
~ ....... If be docs nO.1 rest e In e I~y and his addrcs, elsewbere
i,1 10 the Chalrmao, ~Y forw~rdlng the documenl 10 bim b
iI\1Iof'OpoSI undor cover bearlllg the ~a'd nd~ress ; or Y
~rnODe of the methods mentioned In the preceding sub-clause,
Ii) std by causing e. copy of the documem to be allixed 00 lOme
~ous' part of tbe building or land (if any) to wbich it relales,
)40. power 10 make surveys or contribute towordJ 'heir cosl.-Tbe
jjIIIJOrilY me Y :-
(6) collO()Iall such Information and statistics as may be necessary
CllTylD, out the purposes of this Order:
(6) caU!C a survey of any land LO be made, whenever it COD-
I IIlaI a survey is necessary or expedient for carryiog out any
4" purposes of Ihis Order and keep such survey up to date; aJld
It) COntribule towards the cost of tbe collection of any such
__ .matioo or staustics, or any such survey made by ooy otber
141. fowlr 0/ enlry,-(l) The Chairman or BOY person cilber

.. 110r specially authorised

.Ittai~;,to make
by the Chairman in this behalf may,
.00wilhoUI a .. lslants or workmen,
enter into or upon any land, In

any inspection, survey, measure mont, valuation or

(6) to lake levels

(e) to d' b' .
(dl to 1& or ole Into to SUb-soil,
(f) to let OUt boundaries and Intended lines or work,
2Ire Olbarltsucb levels boundaries and liney by plnoiaa mark~, and
nc t1, or '
-,0' the PUr
10 do
any o~bcr thing, whenever it is necessnry 0 .ooed
I do so (or
Posea of this order or the rules made or sobeme laoon
._.nn 'II "I
F.- ",.\011 1 ", f)~rn ()~or",
"hrcl\ lhe A ulborhy
,I..··""~~ ._
,. .-idNJ".v",II_I....•,,., ,,,.n1-< m .. lt MI ('1'n "I"tU ""d •
,11"" ...
III!" . hI1l~ lIr;dnn r,·.,II( hll'''"n~ ", h I
,'I "" II "'11.. t~,i,tot ,... r"lI'rtfl. 11"1.." 'III~I,~"h~~
... ",,.-1 ·.,t "'lor
, ..!'f't.
L _1 ,t!tIlI I "V,", ,,~ ~irl "'"
'" Clip
I"" I,
,,1 ,It, IV fir L f4' rn"OU' ",nlltn n()lIce or the I 'I'r
L ,_,1\..3,.." ,,("I "Ienllr, 11'11
", " ".1,. ,1(01 'h~n In In,llIn e he

.i, 1\ ',\

11"' 1"
(to. I"""'~
I I .1Imt+'':n.,~ O\h~11It ~
rn'eTcrl Vollhout nOIr~' ~~
arrrnprr Itil to "'ome' II)
0 ~ nIlrl (If the pffml\CJ where Ihelr PrtVII~ 10 ,~
Ilto'lftV' to 10 ~"'t ,- w,lt .....
d,l1u·t.rd. :-d ~.nIII_')' be had. '0 far a, may he ~
" clOt :crto'lC' (Iflilt purp<'\c (or whlcb the ent Cl)1lI~
"'I' 110' llll~ ftl'p~1I5 1I'IlIe' (If the occupame of thY I! ..
,. tnt .~ ,II an e PrtJtI
~ The A1111>,,"1\ ,hall N: responublc (or any damage thaI
caJ:C( I~enn
11('(1'"'' ~lIh .ork done under clau e (I).
1 ,: "1I!fIlJrtflrtJllrr arqlli' ;n~ shar« or interes! in Contract, ttc
4 • I -If 1lI\ mt"llbc'r or aoy officer or servant of the £ •
t•.. III"" I • 11· . di I b hi If n01lir.r.
~n"""'"t) " 111m., cuec y or 10 trCCI y, y rrnse or byar.y PI
~ 01 emrlo~'ce Olhe~lsc thon as such member, oi!ict,
11(.".. '-1. 1Il~ tl art 01 Interest In any contract or employmenl Wllh,
01 011 bdIatf of. tM '\ulbonly, be ,ball be deemed to have com
.. otlcocr pttl'ubablt WIder section 168 of rbe Pakislan Penal
(N!\ XL \ of n(0).
1«3. h1ttJJ) lor rtmoJlnr 100c~,etc .• in str~et.-lr any
OIItlawful 'lIlbonly-
., n:m< Ill) Ieece or sboring
¥Q timber, or
CltwaWibtl illY baht ~I up by the Authorily, or
tb tn1nolu' orckr liVCD. or removes any bar. chain Of
fi,. , WlIkt Anlck 61 of this Order, be shall be punishable wilb. II
WIudl 1liiy CXlC1l~ 1.0 6f1) rupees.
144. /'cMllj /01 bldlding wfthln street alignment or bll.ildu., r.·
till 1Ul)' pcn.oa. WIthout tbe permission of the AUlhorily. er
rL-cn;ICQ•• alb to or IJtcn lOY walls or building so as 10 mate the
ptVjcct IOto t.bc 111«1 alJJOl!I(OI or beyond the building line
by Ul,)' ddcrrtod .treet kbrrne. development scheme or 10WO u
.c!icmc be ih&IJ be p"·iWblt-
(., WILli • IDe .. hicb lIllIy eatend in the case or. wall,
nlUUI.II> bwldJO&' 1.0 five: bUDdled rupees,' and In the case of' bill.
WI,)' IUpc U • lIod .4
(Ii} IIo'lb. (urtbu fine ",hicb m.y e)'lelld in the of • gil
Of n ...'Ollr)' bulJdl(ll. 10 Vllt hundle:d rUj);es. and in the Cllle'r:fIJ
Lut Iv tCD '''JKta (or ckb day IIhU' Inc hhl durmg which Ibo pro~
WIIUDUe:.. •
l J ("J 1~, (or the: lime betDi or b~~of Ih.:
.~ Willi
e:,cuco, rc (.c: .. lell, IIddrd I() IJr IIhlled lII<ly he rt4.juirc:d by II b J
lJuLJc.c IUULJ 1.0; II" Cb.trnlllll II) ~hJj) j"ulter wurl.. 011 '; ,,(/.
(H b"lIdl"~ illid 1o wlLel o• .!elllulI.h Ihe: tllll\e: In such Illunner'
• uetI UJ1lL n Ilill> !Jc • pt~Iii".! iI.I Ihe: I1UI I:C.
,,_19581 CllNT1l.A1.. Sl'Al'U'rEs
Wbere the alleration or dernol" i05
(bl. oot carried out as directed the:~OQ direcled by
1I0tiilO :sor building or porllon tbereof to e~ tbe Chairman aoy such
be~.I be, and the Authority rna altered or d llIay callie
~ else ,11'I88~rorn the owner for the lime ~i~ Te~ver the el(pe~moU~hed, lIS
SOd011i g. In .uch ma Acs InCUrred
InrcPi()eCI, onCT al may be
p p~"IJ(t)!for [uilur« to comply With r
HS. rsOll fails LO comply ot once w!qUI,f/ilofl motil! b AWl
If IOYb ~hall be punisbable- Ith any requi.itron II ~orlJy._
Order e hl b n er lhb
(J )
",ilb a fine w tc may
. ,
extend 10 OOC hu d d
n TC ruPtet
(b) in case of a eonunumg failure, Wilh a fine " or
fiOy rupees for each day afler tbe Drst duri wh!cb may Utend
:!ollnues, log wbJcb lhe failure
146 p,flolIY for obstruct/ng Contractor re I
. I mov fIg marks -Wb
(oj obstructs
or mo eats Rny person with . oevet-
entered ioto ~ contract on behalf of tbe A Who~ th.e Chalrman
~a:ro8nceor execution by sucb person of his duty uthOr,.ty 10 the per-
o is empOwered or required to do by virtue or . or 0 anything whicb
~r~er or any rule or regulation made thereunder, or In consequence or this
(b) removes any mark set up for the purpose of indi ,
or direction necessary to the. execution of works aUlbC::il!~ ~y I~~~l
ottier or noy. rule or .reguLation mn~e or scheme sanctioned therlunde~
sball be punishable wllh a fine which may extend to two hundred
147. Penalty for ~~~ach of th.e provlslons of the order etc.-Whoever
contravenes any pro~lsloO of this order or of aoy rules or regulations
madeor scheme sancLlon~d thereunder shall, if no other penalty iJ pro-
videdfor such coauevenuon, be puoishable-
(0) with a, fine ~hicb ~y . extend to one thousand rupees or,
in default, With Simple lrnpnsooment whioh may extend to aU
moulbs j aod
(b) in case of continuing contravention, with a fine wbich may
eltend to one hundred rupees (or eacb day after tbe first during whicb
the contravention continues,
148, DlJsolutlon of aUlhorlty and transfer of ItJ asset» and Ilabllitiu
to the Centra! Government and oth~r agency determined by that GoYer,,-
""flt.-(I) Tbe Central Government may, by notification in the official
Gazeue, declare that the Authority sball be dis50lv~ on such date ~
may be specified in such notification, and the Autbonty sball .lInd d.lJ-
(2) On and from the said date-
(a) (I) aU properties, funds and dues placed at the disposal of the
Authority by tbe Central Government ; and
(Ii) n~1 properties, funds and dues. exchanged for, ~~vedref:~~d
or o~berwlse attributable to th~ pro~crlles, funds Dnd ~d date, were
to In paragrapb (I), which, lIlImedlately before th~ sa~d be rcaJjs-
beld by or were realisable by the Authority shall vest In, a
able by. the Central Government ; b referred to
lb) all properties, fuods and dues, other than t ose
11'1 ",,\T,nt 04'''' A' 'tin,'" ()Pf)' II, I?S1

,II: ,it'll ,r".~f..le'\' ~(lIr~ Ihe '~if'tI~I

'At tllnfity "ntl ,",- ('h~f' "th I

,I' fl'
~o(ol"'" {II' hI( 1'1
I~ .,. 411!'r' "...11'·
IItr -'tel In IInll be fflllr~~hI
~nll It~ d~' ~I,,:~
'If ,"
'''Irln ~
.' I (" 'f" ",,~ n, ...
• l ,.,.
,... '..,
,t 11II" fl""': ,irn~i'lrIY htftlrr Ih,. 4:11'1
... 111(4 .... ,(h. tf ,1),11 "" j"~"mr(f hy IInft tI,,_
II, "'" : ~.
0.. -

,11II.'" ~ t~ vIPl~~\tfnm,.n' nr ~lIdl I1l1eney


rll'l!' ....." If!,... c~rr.l ~rr cuh C'IAIIC('(II), .~ ,~ rll~f' II\. (:;:"
.w .,.,,,,,,«kttf,n,,.rd II ,Y h." '1
..._1""'" ".
",,~o.. Iht r'''~ ., I'r c" mnkllnjl , I
"IC ,.,ccut,on
1)1 b r fir "'lIy

"'hich ,., n een lilly e ..,

("o!~t ,,,/1"1 IlIlt~
_...,"f""IMfttv,I IT'll_A
1 'II" nrnrer1ie"
(rt" If! e 1
r Ih"

nnd d 1ee"'"4
."" I' nd (,,) Ih (unclIOn, 0 C "Ulh""I, ,~"'"
tlK ~ltl \Jullt' ,'I) • ' tier Ihl~ Order shall he 11" h "'II!!
II" III .,,~ r lilt Ilh"(I\V u~ the 9llenC'y determined by (,h1'1·tj
()Ialr~"lt:' Cf("t"fIll'f'(nl ~ ("~ -rd Cd, .~ the ca~e mny he .• '~ (~II
Ov "" dtf cvtK1IU~ . ,
\,MeTDmtrt 011 r(Hed to In sub-cl(lu~e~ (h". (r) and (dl
((ll~ IftIlC) re r II mone)' respecII'cly received and e ~
,,~C1I<'I1 ~Irn" " ~hc Cenlral Qovernmenl may pre~cnbe. lPt' ....~
dCf Ihl' Ordo, .,
", ,I U1' -(I) The Karachi Improvement Tru~t AM
1'- 1f~(I', Itt Id
(\:\ \111 at 10'(1). I' hereby repee e .
•., ".IIi.

•••• ndID' \he .foruaidrereal-«

(2) """allv_
.,a11 ",ora" held by tile Karachi Improvement Trust 5~1I vt'Il II
lbr "u\bont) ,
1111evc:f) IppoiolmcDt, order, rule nnd regulation. made or il!eeQ
Ik! Itt ~ndll Impro\'ement Trust ACI, 1950 and In force irnQlal.
1111, '....r-c \be commencx:ment of tbis Order shall, so far II ill
aIr, ~...
nnt tOCQOII)I.C"t Wltb Ihe provIsIons
. • f hi
0 t IS 0 r der, L_
deemcd iii•
baw bee. sa& or InlXld under thit Order as if ,hi. Order _
10 fofOt at tl.e lIIDC at ....btc:b sucb appolntrnent order, rule or RIlI_
wa't ma4c 0( .. oed :
(III) a11 ckbll aod obligltions iocurred or contracts entered iIto
01 rll\bh lICQulred and lIlI mailer anti things engaged to be dote
b). wllb 01 rOl, the Karucbi Improvement Trust before: Ibe COlt-
melMlClllltClI of lIlII Order, 'hili be deemed 10 huvc been incumd.
coloccI 1010, IGqlltred or engaged \0 be dODe by. with or Ik roc.
AIlUlorIl)' ,

(I.) LIJ tum. ur money due to Ihe Karachi fmproycment TrUSI _

ClUWIUCflC(UlCnt or thiS OHler. shall be due .nd plJI'*
111111 IWt. IUWI otb I I ' me
,1uu.. clu 'WI"c,I\rWOI <~ ea- procecdlnil' Inllituled by or •• illIS.!.......
DIM)br WUUlIlK'd b" Q . rlill befole tbe eommCDcemen t of Ibis VI-
I r apI,"1 Ih~ Auchorhy •
~")rl!lrl~IJOI.. 10 til K
( ' _
rawuu;d bd(lrc Il C <iraohi Improvement Tru~1 in I\ny iOJUU j
cllirclcot IIIt.rnuvo .~~ CO~JcnCcment 01 tbll Ord.:r .b~1I unld •
(3) ~ul(Jo~J~6 lu art, COlUlrucd liS rcfcrcnce5 10 tbe AUlborlty; ,
01 tbe MUD1Clpal ACI .,!9b2, Ib~810 201, 20) lind 204 to 211 10 Cblpld XII
ccc )' rc~.lod.
(S" Antcl« 9.5)
( ) of teCtioo 3 of the Land Aequlaltlo A
ftedlile referred 10 88 the aaid Ael)
r e1811~
I ,4(1~fI1111< to he inserted, namely :-
tt, t l• I~94
• e ollowlng
~" III.t"(lrr' dtc"'C 1 hi'
cion 'toCA aut or ty i I d
nc u (3 the Karlch' n
Ij#~' lit t~I'~\'~18hJi~hcd u~dc:r Article ) of the I Kvelot
I "I") 1,lI()rill', 'I" Order, 1957, 'rlCo,
ioU .. \Ill1on J
fltlll tn ro t publicAtion of • notice of an 1m
fV"'~) flit
" ~
' ttc;~
'5 of the Karachi Development Author~~OVo~t
lor I! litulcd (or and have the same erreet as pllbll ' •
~ II be sO Stle and io the locality of a notification CBtd,on
, ,b' • I ellzc
~IfL~. f h
f seclion ~ 0 I C sal
id A Ctuner
~xcept where a notification
... 11!(;o~(I). 0 (I) of section 4 or a. declaration under IeClion 6 of tb
~~bftClIon rcviolls1y mode and 15 III force. e
~lIIb'S ~n P under Article 45 and clause (I) of Article 49 of
cI (21 ~;;!:'Clopmcnl Authority Or~er, 1957, shall be substituted
~.rachl the same e(fecl 3S proceedings under section 5-A of the
(I 04 !J1\'e
fit •
plotl. . t to the provisions
of paragraphs 6 and 7 of tbis Schedule
(1ISot;;,c. notice under sub-claus~ (c) of clause 3 of Article 36
It JlSIJ' chi Development Authority Order, 1957, 111 the case of
"lilt f{t~ to be acquired in pursua.nce of that clause, and in
_ JfOpo case the publication of a notification under Article 50 of
~ o~~ sball be substituted f?r and bave the same effect as a
1'1 • BUDder seetio.'] 6 of tbe said Act except where a declaration
~u~ last mentioned section bas been previously made and
k ~ force.
3 10 section 11 of the said Act the word "and" shall be omitted in
_' (II) and added at t~e end of clause (iii) and, after clause (iIi)
In! roDom! clause sbal! be inserted :-
,,(I,) the costs which, in his opinion, should be allowed to any
fI'S!IJ IIho is found to be entitled to cpmpeosation and who is not
1I!itltd to receive the additional sum of fifteen per cent. mentioned
ill roblteUon (2) of section 23 as having been actually and reasonably
and by such person in preparing bis claim and putting his case
rfOlt the Collector:
P~ovided that the Collector may disallow wbolly or in part tbe
:: lDWrr~d by any person if be considers that the claim made by
1!te6( In section 15 of ibe said Act for tbe word and figures "and 2~".
1Iir~~"'Word and letter "24 and 24-A" sbull be deemed to be sub-

.O!ll~)JO .ubseClioo tS
(3) of section 17 of the said Act after the
IIttJoa 24.A.'.&U "section
24", the words, figures and letter "or
(2)Aj' ,'all be deemed to be inserted,
(4) of section 17 of the said ACI, the following
CI: "(~)Tht deemed to be inserted, namely :-
OI~r'DY .rerOh!sions of subsections (1) and (3) shnll apply in tho
fit" Clal$ ~ ~~hIs stated in a certihcate granted by a Magistrate
o "" unhealthy,
20R KAllA " 19~7
ntlng any such certificate, the ~
(6) Before g~~~rved os promptly as may be on th Mlal", 'It
cause notice ,to ~3) of section 9 and sholl, hear With C Ptrlo"~ ,
to In subsecllon I 8 which may be urged by him. OUt lilly" I~
de I BY :InY object on edlngs have been to k en under thi, '~/'~'~ ,
n) When pr~ nd and nny person sustains damn 1Cct10r) ,
acquidlio 0dfa~y di~posse5scd of such land, compen.a~~ 10 I:{)~~ ~
of bting slid en.. V such dispossession", n &hall i:'flltt\
h ....rAon lor" '" .~
to RUC '" t' on 17 of the snld Act, the fOllowing ... "'~
5 After sec I J ~"""()
'd to be Inserted. nAme y :- 0 'bib I
dec~ i/u of (o"d to AUfh"T/fy,-ln every ca \
"17·A, J~ra:: secllon 17, the collector shall, IJpon ~ reftt't4
In Itcllon uisition make over charge of tbe land to the A~~~ t1 ~
cost oflen~cq.b811 thereupon vest 10 the Authority .. subject to t~rI11, \
the th A IhorilY to pay any further costs which may be I h~",~
of 0 u "" ncurrt4..., I
accounl of its acquisition " "
7 (l) to subsection (1) of section 23 of tbe said Act ~
finl a~d si~thly. the following clauses sball respectively be Ze~~o.".
be substituted, namely :- II '
"firat, the market value of tb~ land at tbe date of tb~ first ab
tion of the notice under, A rtlcle 45 of t~e Karaohl Dcvefop~
Authority Order, 1957, Sixthly, the damage (If any) /)(JIIQ fide tt1U~
from diminution of the proflrs of th,e land between the date rcrer~
to 10 clause firsl aod the dale 00 which the Collector lakes poe~
of the laud".
(2) In the same section, to subsection (2), the followiog prlnit
shan be deemed to be added, namely ;-
"Provided that this subsection sball not apply to aoy land acqalnf
under lhe Karachi Development AUlhority Order, 1957".
(3) In tbe same section, after subsection (2), the following 1Il~
seeuon $ball be deemed to be added, namely :-
(3) For the pUI'\)OSO of clause first of subsection (1) of this scolioD-
(0) If the market value of the land has been increased or dCClrC8lOl ,
owing to the land failing with or near to the alignment of a projccitd ,
publlo street, so much of the increase or decrease as may be due 10
sueb cause shall be disregarded;
(b) If aoy person, otherwise than in accordance with the proviJlOII
of the Karacb! Development Order 1957 erects re-erects adds 10 oc
.Ilers a~y wall or building 10 as, t~ m~ke, lbO' same pr~jec' 1010 Ihl
street allgnmenl or beyond the bUilding 1I0e prescribed by aoy schCi!)!
made under that Order, then, lI~y inere~so in the market value resul,UD,
(rom such erecuon, re-erecllon, addition or alterauon sball be dlste'
garded ;
Cc) If the market value is exec I' 11 hi h ' enee 0(
the land being put 10 Il use which' p Ion a y Ig 10 consequ ublic
policy, thai usc shall be di~regurdelJ ~~~a.Wfhulor contrary to bafl bl
deemed to be the markel vUlue or lund if I e market value s
. I Pllt 10 an ordinary use
(d) If the market value or lin " ,.. 10
consequence of the bllildioQ beln Ya bUilding IS exceptionally blgb OUI
10 the bealth of the inUlates SU~h 0 overcrowded as to be dang~cd
and the morket value shull be deemO\ldcrcrOwding sball be disroSl ~
e 10 be the market valuo 0r
I, ~.....l jed by 8uch Dumber of 209
,'(I' 'f ~~f
without overcrowdiD, :
J) h
perlOna 0II1y
II could be

I _A I
,.JIdiolod.1CU clause (u • a all not apply In
~\1ded Ib:!u.1 occupallOn of Ihe OWntr or bl:~e ~ae or a bu'
rro i~ I~e' c I vaJue of the land .ha" be b aOllly. Ildln.
I iJIoIIlS ",.rk the lnnd was put at the dale I e vallJC aceo
'If) liIC .. hi~ be delermined ' with re(eren 'din, to
¢l 10 ,Iue IS to'
* r1tl'l .rkol value hM been increased
II'lI" If Ihe n~cr or his predecessor
ce to ~hlch
Within t by any Improve
11" Ibe (I:h increase shall be ~isregarded un;: ,yea'8 berOte~
~ id dl1e • 1 ,0 made was made 10 good failh S II i. prOved Ihal
If.,rt!' f!I\"\ltlllcn roceediogs for ihe acquiSition of Ih a~d nOt in eon-
* lIDdOn of, p e and beio, '-kea
%,lbiS ~cl 'tbe owner of land or building bu aft
(I) \Vbt" Karachi Develo~ment Authority Ord~r. ~~5~be comrne~
,,1 of Ibe rs nelt ptecedl~g the date with reference '10 and, wllhin
~ IWO yea is 10 be determined, made a return unde wbJCb lhe
_.:tet,"J~~~ipal Act. 1933, of the aforesaId land or rbu~~ Cily or
~~ ~ sblll not be deemed to be greater than tbe reOllJlglbe r~t
JaJl)Cb ~tor" so made and the market value shall be det~~°edwn 10
6t )l1~1 ..... return ' UI on
bISIS of I1M' •
lilt PIOvidedthat where addition to, or improvement or. loch land or
, hu been made after the date of such return but previoul to
~~~~ with reference to which the market value is to be deter"';ft."
lilt CourtIDlY eonsrider any increase
1IIt- 'th e Ielung
In ' vaJue due to.......
or improvement",
I. Forclause seventhJy of section 24 of the said Act, the (ollowing
_,ball be deemed to be substituted, namely;-
"SeveDthly,any outlay on additions or improvements to land
.. ira!. whicb was incurred after the date with reference to which
~ 1III["t valoc is to be determined. unless sucb additions or improve-
_IS I'CI'e lIeceasary for the maintenance of any buUding in a proper
.. 0( ICpair",
9, After section 24 of the said Aot, the foUowing seclion shall be
4IaDcd to be illMCrted,na.mely:
"UoA. FIlI/lrer provisions for tietermining compensa/ions.-ln de-
Qj~ tbe amount to be awarded for any land ~cquired for the
Aatborityunder the Karachi Development AuthOrity Order. 1957.
IIIlrd IbaU also be bad to tbe (ollowing provisions, namely ;-
.. (I) W~II Iny interest in any land acquired ~nder this Act has
• lCqutred after the date with reference to which the market vaJue
:.:n~dttermiDed, no separate estimate of the value of such interc~
f~IUChr:~e so as to increase the amount of compensallon to be pal

101 ~) If, in the opinion of tbe Court Iny building is insanitary or. is
I ~IJ ~ ~=ably good state of rep~ir. the I~douot tb
tiOttb if' . the sum wbich tho Court cons I ers
e 1 ood statC!
: rtpair, Is I~bwere made sanitary or put into a Jeas~tn~~;o 8maldo" il
PUllio&h' e caac may be, minus tbe estlmale co
Or (3) If,illlDIoIUCbcondilion. 'd or intooded
i1\ely 10 ~o opinion of the Court •• any ,bulldlllS u:nablY capablo
IIICd for human habitatton IS Dot rOi
lit) hahll.doD, Iho amounl or .l III
de III (or hll"'."(
Iho mllerlal. o( the bulldl eil",Pt I.
('If btln. "'. d he "" Illc 0.. oR ", ~""
,h.ll nol ucee I h"lIdln,. rI i~b.'1~~
()(Ifilof drmnh,hln, 11te.. ~ flf the Act, tho 0 lOwing .ecll \"
10 Al'1tl''-''1'(1,
!!tnt'"" n~mtly'- . ,(n I I" ,"akl"~ award _
n 1~ ,
dremtd 10 ~ ('"",,.,,,,,,,1/)" 1M
''IIt<'II~t I,,· nO
I made "n>,"
_.1 of IWI) ye".
undor section 1I ','1 (!) WIlt \
I~ from
Ihe elnlc or th e·Pfq
the i8\Ue of
t. I
e pU1l11(If ,
,', rt'IiJU 6 or et,
,."d ..1,lhl:,,(ln undr.1 ,c~t",}r)ovel()Jlment Authority
O"'er n7~lct If,:
'hI" df'C:~ of Ihe "'Hnc!fi lion ullder Artlclo .50 (I( thaI' C) S7, ~~
,.11k'It. lion of a noll CAe land ~hllll, unless he h83 bee 'dt, 'It~,
the ruh~~ Ihe owner of \h delay, be onlilled to receive ~ 'h~ *'.11,
r.-e ml) tel;.) Ulenl (or hl,Ie in con~equencc of the deluy. CQrnPt~~J,'
In • ml tfi red by ,m. '"
fo! the dlm'@t'u ~ Part II I of this Act shall apply,
(2) The provb,ona 1oftion or the compensation
.... lO tbe detem' n. ,
Pllyable 10 '.,
UIldt, ,
1IlI' ....
IIl'Ctlon", ioo (I) of section 49 of the .aid Act. tho
II. ,.oerd~b:linserled namely :- '0!1~
,h.n be detmt 0 ur oses of sub·section (I). land whi
"(loa) For t~ ro ~
house and is reasonably rClqulr~ i, ~
with and • "ach f tbe bOUle shall be deemed to be pan rOf,
eII~lIt aod ulC 0 0(
boote •


PA.... ACT. 1957
(Extl1CSiofI DIjurlsdlcliDn Dltlte ClLJlodian 01 Evacuee PrOperly, LohlJrlj
N F 298/2 (28) 57·AII. 21st December 19.57. (GaUlle
1)eceIB~~ ',9S1}.-Coosequcol upon the abolition ?f the ~
ltodjaD of Evacuee Property •. Peshawar ~n~ In. exercsse of the
Cudef aediOD 6 (I) of tbe Pakistan (Admlnistration of Evacuee Pro~
~~ 19S1, Act XU o( 1957, tho Ce~tral Government Is pleased
ulCDd tbe jurisdiction of the Custodian of Evacuee Property
co !be peshiW'.r and Dera Ismail Khan Divisions of West Pak~1&oIII
cft'cct from the forenoon of tbe 1st January 1958. I


No. 12 (9) IV, 16tb December 1957, (Gazelle, 271h Decembtr 19r
-In cllcrcisc of the powers conferred by section 43 of tbe Agnew
Development Finance Corpcration Act, 1952 (XVH of 1952), the .
of OlrocLOrs of tbe Agricultural Development Fioance Corpo!1
willi tbe previous sanction of the Ceo tral Governmeot, hereby
tbe (ollowioa amendments to the Agricultural Devclopmeot fi
Corporation GtlocraJ Regulations, namely:-
l. In reguhllion J S- :J
(a) in clau.e (I), after the worda "The Board sball" Iho •
··.utborht tho Mlnllglog Director to" shall be Inserted; and
(b) for clause (II). the following shall be substituted namely:- tjJ
"(It) The Manllging Director or. as the case nl~y be, Ihe 'filii""
the Draocb of the Corporation shall be the Chairmun of the
• ~::.: I', , .•~r. JI)" I' ~" 1!l7J (£'.\RT lV
NOTI r-I("J\', ION

'(:or,ldll, ":"cd I'W ~1I1h June, I!J7."1.
Am Nt I
P J\S L~'IlI~·It·717.1. rhe I{ ulO,d.1 1).:\ ':'tlfllllCII' AUlhority 'Sind
S. ~Il( mcnt) lilli, JlI7.1 11.,,,1"'1 II\.,jI I'll oct! I.y ,III; l'((will.:!:oJ A~loCmbly Cif
1~"'2~n the ('Ih JUIIC. I'); I a lit I 'I' .lIle,1 10 hy the vovcrnnr or Sind on
Sh~d :':h JUIIC. ,.'11 I, 1.11 10, I'ul>li,h,:", II. "" 1\." IIr Ihe I cai,lnturc ot


M I N'I, A(' ,', 1')',).

Ao:t No. V II or 197.1.

. IFirst puhll.h..:d Urll!r h,,\'illl,.! n:cd,'cIJ lile 1I,,<cni or Ihc Oovcrnor 0'
SHIll in the (ito • .:110: ur Sind II \IfJ O,dillJry) tI:tt.:u 1XI" Junc. (973).
(I) 111,:('/1" tilt .'\11/' .. I" /;,1"1 :"1'111(111 ,",lIltl)rl,y Order, 1957.

~ulc, \VHI!REAS it i) expcdlcm ;... ,1I1;~lIl1 Ih.: :<:aruchi D.:~clopntcnt Autho-

rity Order. 1957. In the ITIU'"I1:r ho:r.:in"f';r lIr'lpcnrins;

It iI. hereby CIH1CIed "" r,)l!ows: _.

~, "lIe I. (I) Tbls AO:I 111.11 b..: ~' iI..:J 1'1. '":alJdli Cc\'c1opmcnl Authority
Dnd com, (Sind Amcndrnenu I\CI, 1V'/).
(2) II ~ball 0:01111: ililn r."-:· al once,

2. III the l~:or:tt:~i 1) ",d"1" ncnt Authority Order. 1957, berclOa(tet

Ana no.l"'~n' referred 1
10 us Ih.: :.aid ()I.',·r. 0: .1:"''': Il) ('f AI rictc 5 sbull be omlued.
or Ar,!<,!u ~
orp 0 1-:0.5
of 1957.

"m~Jn' nt
) .111lit.; :.;d·J 0,,\1'. in cl: Il~C (I) "r Arlidc 6. between the words
of J\rlil I (. "The" nnd "Olr..-d,,··,;:,·.1 l". the I\pn:~ "Chainunn and thc" shOlIl bo
01 1'0 ::..,~ in:,crlcd
I: .", 'I lit J\'llii'dt) o r,1.: r, 1957 Amend·
-, ~\'. t' .I.

,- : "·,l!!r "f the Speaker.

I'r ;.•::al "~':1Il11')'or Sind.


I'rlwitI.:in\ J\ssernhly or Sind.

rl'I\IISIIEI)" ...., 11IORtl Y -

(.()\ I H' "

I \\, nrl'\lt'r\lI.'f

r-.O ru H \ liON

k.. f.,...h, Ihe" I J II • r. 1"'"

" ., , ,,'1 I' ~I "u fit: r"lln,' n' O·,lillll" • bv lit (,ll ernor of
J. ,'r h - r jhl!,!1, I 1 'f ... , I

11~r...'\R \(HI DE\ r : or"r ..., 'I 11·'lltl f'l "I'D

1\ "viI '1)"" II (II{ 1)1' \ (f I "'i'l

Cl .. 'I' ..., I

u» f" f".r ,f, F IIr". ; /), "I"lull. "' AII/llr ,il.\ O,d, r 11)'\7

'" Hl:K I i\~ II I' "'f'I': I",tll .. , ,'" ,I Ih " ••r .III
'\"t I n I d , ( n tl C I1MI I r I I ~'"rH'

"()~ 1111 IU II lRI:. in rill' I" • I' 1('1 .. hIli"" ,., 111(' I Ith
i I \ ,~- r.'. Ii I\IIh II,,, 1.1\ '\ , " I r,'rl.:,,' ,)rJ", 'ii
l.fO\ If II ....'IIl) I~ I"lc.I·,(,',1 I , 1)1 1. I r, l'ul" uc the !1·lt '.\I:'"

II, T"I~ Ordmance 11M> h.:: ..:.,Ik.l Ihe "".r.ldll 1~\..l\lrm~1I1 :-.h., 'II.
,\ulhofll>, (SIOJ Amcndrncut. Ordm.mce, 1'11" bnJ .'n
..:n !'.

L (iv) ~(.' (;,<1.-1- '" lPlke: 1.3t Paia

THE '\1N [) C;OVl ('A71 rri I" 1 J \!\,I',\RY I. I '"

.tt •• '1 .. -
..,~ In lh~'"':.11 ••1.111 p, \ d"(l'u 'nl
A II' It.., .1 'lttl I• 1'·~1.III rll ! IS_
I\JnI!I'(I .... o.
QI f' 0 , lh ..
II) 11\ , 1111-': I. Inl III\' C" l'" I.. IllI'l r" I I ~ , ••,
d ,h,1l 1 III , I\,,~\I
" .,1 .. I ,••
..., ..
"', 11011.11 ... \..t~
, ,·1
lit ,t.I".
I'. V. ;11
f" III
II .1.1 • f lit P
,II ' , In, t I
,. r It 1
" .1
f •
: J 1'.:
c ••
_lII' t,IIIlI 11.: .11
t l~
u I I1 '! 1 r. I I,.,
nul h.' .. , \II Iw hun:

(bl ., the ,.!"~1.1

h.,I,I", "I', I In ',...'1<."" III I" I,
'" ., I t 't· ~. t t.! I'", t n l,r.1
",1, r 1" 111'· .l •• t ,
t If I j II( " I .; I Ih •T
. IIlh"Ii/,11 I" him,
1('\ in the ~..e c I.r h"IJ .' .,r p ''''" ill ',lofl c; I" 1'1'1 I 7 • t IhA
'\l, Ii"", :-:-..It.- "r 1'. rhc '- II 11r1 n (r ...n' ther
.!lii"":1 lx 'I!,' ill ~'I••lI' 111)1 j..,\.[ tl" , oJ ,lUll 'n, d
to) him'
(dl in lhl; C;I~o; ~\( h"I,!,'r, ,"'1 pl' ts ill £1 d ':'< I 1I~t.::
.. 't't.Jr~
• -c ,II.'" \,'
T. I~, t'IC tIl"~ crnmg B ..I): .11J

.(11 in Ih~ ,';" '_I h."" r-. nr 1'"

t, .\':rflin~ lhKI' ,. ith th:

l' 'h' 1'.1:11

(J( ernmern."

tii) in C'I.IU'. ~'. \('11' the ':'I~li'~' ...Ih-cI,\lI~C~ th,· 11,,\\ ing ,h,·11
j ••
be sub ..tll UI z-J :
•• f it t to the Drrecior u.:n\'fI,1. if Ihe order -,;"a" pa:..5l!u b~ Ihe
Head of a Dcpartmern
(hI Lv Ihl! Govcrnine Body, ir Ih~ order W:lS passed by the
Di....cror Gencrul-
(c) to the Prov incial Government i[ Iho! order was passed by
Ihe Governlng Body or the Chairman ".


DOlled Ihe 181h January. 1919, Governor of Sind,
Secrelory to the Government of SiM.
Low Department.

(l9~) 21-\-79-111.
• ,
Ree' , I
eel l"j.. 8. 463

CI~f ~inb 00tJecnmrnt QkJdtr

the 6th A9ril. 1980.
No. S r.l(6)/80.-Thc CoUowiAa Ordl.oancc by the Goveruor 01..
SiDd .ia bcreby published for eeocral intormaCioD:-

10 amend the Karachi Developmetu 'Authorlly Order. 1957.

WH.E!.RE.AS it is expedient to amcnd the Kanchi DeveJOjii-=ot PrcaJllbk.
Au.lhority Order. 1957. in tho manner hcreina1lC1' appearin&:
NOW. TBEREr-ORE. in pursuance (\f the Proclamation of the fifth
day of July. 1977 and the Law. (CooljDuaoco in Force) Order, 19n. tho
Oovunor ot Sind is pleased to make aDd promuJptc the foUowiDa
0rdiDa0c0: -

1. (1) Thl, Ordinancemay be called tho Karachi Developmcot Sbort tJU.

AU1horiry (Sind Amendment) Ord ina nee, J980. aa4oo~_ ..
(2) It IhaU come into force at 0111». ~""t
[Prieef t.lI .....
262 nIB SlND OOVllI,(NMIIN'I' 0,,7\, HX1'" "II"IL (" It)ij(),

-- -- 2 In IhCl KlIlIlI'hl I>ClY II II 11'"

11111I A""wllly (lIdl'l. "'!!?, borahilifler

, ''''' !WI the ."kl Olllrl, III Alii h. 11'\, till Iha wlIIll. "111'1 14,,"'"'lll II \lUll
~Iwt'(ltl Ihe Allihuilly 111111Iho I!OIl"II IIIUIII hod y" , Iho word. "flfllwhh
Illllll.lh\tl I"\~' 1I1l1\'IIIIII'"1 ,IeIN 1111111'.\ frolll 111110 h' Ihll<l hy the Authorhy
unllar Arlkk- 11$" ,,\11111lin .lIhlllhiIlCl,I
~, In lhe! .. IIt\ HUJI'I, 11\ Alii 10 II... Iho WIPf'd. "lbo aarc:unenl
~ 10 I,," Ih.1I be ')IIIIIIl1{j,

4. In tho auld Orllur, tur Arll\lle II S. Lbo follow'''" lIban be .ubMl-

"11 S, The (,'(In.t!tllont bottlell lind oiber COllllUmcr. lhall Ply
O'II.Ii\u "' boIIl"" \ Cur the water IIUllplled 10 thein "I loob rate ...
to"" OOllIII'".'~In muy from 111110 to tlme be by llI.e
JIII1 raol O(,III''''Y. AUlhorlty.",
.... i1u1Ion S. In Ilao aIIld Order, (or Arlil>lu 116, the (ulluwlog ,dudl be IUbIttJ\.u.
of Ar1IcIe tcd:-
IT, of 1'.0.
"116. If nny consumer r,,1l1! within 000 month or UII) receip;
of dcmnnd nouee for uny sum claimed for the
a","O,,.,y 01 \ supply o( Wlltet by Ihe AUlhorily
10 pny such sum
d\1~., 10 full, the AuOllJrity the mlly roduco or disccnnect
water supply and proceed 10 recover Ihe Sllid Hum in ""OrdUIlCO with
the provaslolls <>( lbis Order,". •


Dated the 31st Governor of Sind.
March. 1980.

Secn:.l8ry to the Governmeot of SlOO.
Law Department.
XAUClU ~-ii\itiriDAT- TWlSINO (IOVWM"BNT - PitiSS.
tlhl) 6-4 eo m.

~ .

, t·
, I . . (l

PAl. T I
r.OVI"RNMl N I I )I~ ~INn

I A\\' n.a:;PAUTI\iF.N J

I ( 'T I I· I ( \ I I I) 'I

Kur ...:hi. 111\:::lltd J "HI.,,'~. JI'~;

No. S.Legt': "" 1<.'.- I he tolhl\"n:: ()nhll:\II,'c by the Goverllvr 01 hereby publl.,hccl ior 1O':'IL'fI" tllll'tllt.,lilll1·-


Mt:", fJ URIJINAN( E. 19!:\2 ,
::'INL) Or{I)II'IANCI'. N~'.1 01 191$.l


to amend the Kuraclii D('ve/I'I'III' IIf ,;Ill/hOI/f) Order, 1951

\VHEREAS it is expedient to amend til.: Knrachi Development l're .. -j-Ie,
AuLhority Order, 1957, In ihe manner .h.:reiI1:li'<'r appearing:
NOW, THERElORG. 111ptl(~~Htncc "f II" Prodama.tion of the tiIlh
day or July. 1977 "no the PH)\hl"Il:.t (\·".lllUlh,,, Order, 1981, the
Governor of Sind is ph:no;ccJ 1(' ,mike .111<1 promulgate the foJlowins
Ordinaaee ;-
I. (1) This Orclluuucc mil) lJ..: v , dled (Ill: Karachi Developme nt Shon Ihle
AUlhoriry (Sind Ame nctrncnu Ord inu ncc, I'Hq
(2) It shall come lruo r,lIo;,: ;11 .'ill·, mc:nt.

2. in the K&rtJ~'hl IJCVcl'IPlllC'" Alii hfln'~ Order, I !)S7. hcrelnafrer "m~ndment

referred lO us the ,,;lid 01'(""", (1'1' Arll"le 'I. Ih,. hlll~l',illg ~hull be substln» of Ankle ,
led: - ,.r
p O. No ,
or 19'7.
H"t,I) :olla II """"1M
(.' IV<:,'lh 11l:= ot COl1lmi:-:,k)n.:r ,la,·
.. ur:Jchi l),vi:,,,"1. the lJi,cclul Gcncrul Dud nOI
/l1"h: Ihan eleven other I\h'lIlh':l~.•- may be appoin-
red hy Government

L (iv) Ext_J-·521 (1209)

I Price: 1.30 Pa is"
II .,.- . -

I:! 10

",." ~ " .h 'II I \I' (,f ,. \1. ,n''t • 'I. t ." H' • II.. ( t 'flltn, "1I1Ilet
..",I ')h' Olh.' I r (, ' ..., 1 d, II I,. • h,,' "".. Ml'n,h '"
I II (,'\\("fnn1ntl ,11,111"1',,,,,,,, ", .... IIf Ilk: ""ell,I ...', ,.. (h.urrnan
1" .he' l.,,,nn,,,. n,,,h
tJ, " '-1rmN'r ,rl',""'nl f, 'Irll)(, o( hl~ « 11,(e ,It.tll ~t'a J! '0 ho!
Ih" nl.m~.·r I'" \,'~'IIH't:vuc h ,11Ic.<'·'
In the ",,<I C"'11.',. 'n \rI ..k '.,.A, h', d,I·I'\(. , II. the r.. lif)WIOIt \b:ll'
~~" ·",lrU""nl
p, It fl.
I 1''1
hi' 'uh"'llulnl
., .. If t~'~
III ',~r~ ~h mbcr. "."." Ih,," Ih.' (1I111111,,"IIocr .Jntl Ihe DuCt'·
"'f ,rn.:rnl. vh.rl]
I,ll hold "flln' It'r ,I r-:rll)\1 ,.1 I .,. \t'Ir.. 1111.:·. \O(','I(:r removed,
J.1lI 111.1)Ix rl.",lrrl'lnIcd Ilh'r~,III':1 ror -uvh perlud or pcriod-,
n"1 t',c('.:.rll'g I 'I.' ~(;"r" .11 ,I unc ." Government may In
each \,'" . .1<'11:1 III II 'It:,

Inl rC.'CI\C ,u~h remun..muon, tees I..If .Jllo"un(.'~:b may be

prcscnbed h) rule .. fir .,' Government may dcterrmne.

.... ~lrOl", ,u ..h tunvuon- .rnd JUlh':S .1' may be prescribed b)

.t e R\',!ul.III""' t'r ,I' Ih\ Au.lh'flly m '1' .j~ign 1<' him,"

"" ...~ndmt·rt .I In the ..:tId Order. In ArI,l' ....Ii, for clause I:!" rhe (ollo\\II'l? ~haJl be
.f An..,;" 9 ,ub,lllulCd'
"' P (I ,,", ~
01 'Y~I . I~I I hI! quur urn at .1 meeting :,hall be one-hall of \hc total number
\11 thc member .., (r;ll'tion hI count "" one '


Dall'd the 2Rlh DCl.:IIJ1)C( 19,,2 GOVeRNOR OF SIND

"" 1.0 1\ I t. Y M 4\DAO ~Hf\ II

~cu:ltll) IIJ th.: Govcmmem of Sind.
L<I" Depurtrnem

OlAOO: Pltf~nlO ....r I II I! SINO OOVllaNWaNT ......

(2.000) 2-1-1%3 II
.. ''':r.'lttrr.d No. M-3%A

·f. "

... ..." .
PA1<'J.' IV
NO r•. I...;. nON

: •. 4. ',lte" •.••hi Dcvetopmeut Au.hority t!)iodb

•• n ~ ••••• I: ". 1 • "1';1 '."'< by ,I I! r'rovlncinl A.£Sembl) 01

• • • J, • ,..I I' .I II>" (3ovcrllur of !)'1Ddh

._ 1:':.<.1,), "uhl •• 1.<1:>, "D A~'l o( we Lcgl~hlt"'c of
:'1 ... " ..j L'\. •
• • I
',(J ••'
~I ... :,. _ I 1.,;..,,\1 ...;t:~L·.r "I i.IO'U·lY
.J,'t \ ":":i.) • "" ,\(..T. 1994

oJ-lal publiaJl~ "ftcr bovins rCC'Civcu the 8S<I<,'1I'of the Oovcroor c:A
l>..aWh ,n the (.,ftlCl;.: u. !>iodh CEJllrll·On:linflryl D .. t.xl 4th Octob.:r. 1994).

t e z •... r t<) ,,,"< ." ,. e 1(," ""hi Dcycl"r>,"C'nl Authority
....., L:.t, 1,,-.;U A C12)'A'
12,:4-" TH(; SINn', .')\ t , • \ .. I I , t .. , 1,1 r:..1 Ina 'P R r IV

'VIIERF"" II ,... " .....,,,.,,' rll"I,,', ,., iI".:nd Hit' K .. •.•Chl 0" "e lop".. •
" •• I., ... ,.r~ ",..-,,-' ,..
,.t II"", 'f' "11111,\,,,, "I"',r 1I."""".l

:o."~,,,'II"" 111110,. "" mR)' ,'<" <"I",,, ."

,<:,.. dh '\."\:'1"1,,,10."'" ~I. ,.)(14
. ...,..~.
."" "t .."". W'" ..
I • I, .f I I "1 "," II, t' , I ... '1' 0111,1 1'1111 ,,' vt, to I "-,o,J

r, "t." ,.1 t~'.~"".

I I ••1 'LI,t ,., \.0,."0:,, s,' 'I. Orcl ..r f1'~7. '" .,,,ie!
j.J_ -, \.. "'r ,-':,lJ ... t I! , , II. I.. ' 'II" i I,.,r,,.,rl .1,,°"-"",1,,1 r .• IlL' { .lJowin r..
,11:,1' •• """1 4
",,. ,I

" ,:~,\,,\,I~.: r (.ot"".:,1 (r'I' .1,,",, f'1"r'.'.... "1(°,., ·nt.:rJ In

... , ..11,,10.' .ll I,t'o.11 1'-'. ," ~·I:C.I I. ,II ll"\.J U !'lfl> • Il,er rur-
fk.t& ......
Jl ~. • ne ~: I ,('I,. n\.·\ ...lf'pnl~j'~ \~llll(lri') ''';inttll ;\'¥h. ,I"'''',.,J Ordi,.
.. ~ or Donee. I !)?4 if h"l'\:ll) r"pCl,lud .

'IY (IRUEJ< UI 'lit:. ~"t::A""LR

f·r,., Itl"o,...I AI.!'I,,,tl,I,I) .")f 't,n.'I,

I'tc,\ ,"\ 1.1' .L\l\'" •• ,:'1 ..,t ').'Idh

t'i:i.J., I 1'1' AI'" .,,>1, (,'" I

(I 4 - 10~"-!IJ

~be ~i"bb ~obernme"t ~a?ette

PubJishc:d by AUlhorilY


T .... 11 Itt MAY, .t016 •

..O.ftU/L •• i.... ,o-OC/to' •• n. ("-IeN OIrvdPomt'ftC Auf"""""

,,, Vl)1 ItNi o\,"<,"cn"", "In, if' I A hnY~ "",,,",d '~f'C"1t
,.. ~ AtMt""*'y 01 ~ M ,,,... Mo.Ih". 101c. ,"1(1
by '1\00
HI !.Iv .u:~""."'
lhrIt ~ 01 SittcS" on'"
Hot., lult- .. hr, c..". """~ •• Aft 4cI
01 thO L09i.... "'. 01 SI"""
(UYIYA ...... 0 ....... DING) Aer. 111'11.

'""Of< ACT NO. ICV1 Of' :to la.

ID -. _ __ ,.... """ '-lnv 10 "'"
KlrM;N 011\111,,*''''''( AutfQ1t~.
WI ••• 6ft order to ~ ~u:. Itftd ....n. ..
- u,_ .... ~ ...,.,..ry Mod
......,... "'"
"'* PI'oYMce. "
NIeang tn

k ..'W.KN
Co'Il'Ytlll~ dnd
Otv.,;:.OOCi .......
to •


II II "C: _lid IS '-.'

1'(1' ThIs /04 may 1M! all«! _ ~;vacJIj OhcrO"",.", _ ..... _
Authority CR~I"'~'l:t~ "'ll1 "..,.... J) ""1. ~016 we.: 4 L
(2) n "'-It (.OmIt "'-to tOt't •• tt ""'('0,
J. T1\o ~riKhl Dev_'cgmQn, .l\u11"·...-I"'"'OnJCJf, 1957, .~ .... I of 0ftM,
.., ,.~fttJ r"e'~ on onJ tft'" l 'd4r 01 Jul,,'. 2002. 0.1 Vol .I_'-'.
It It hlJd /love t I'M'..-:n rl-.",Ulkld 31\41..... lhe .. ,Ad """'IVtl'.
ED.lV.J' (U7) Priet ........
On:k.,..,. ..if tall S".,nd to tho ."o-nl and
OI'l'M!t\de.d In the
mann... h_lnall'l' ""_,,,"9' tt

). In t1le ...,Id OnSer. In ArliCilC5 - Am ..... m_ of

(I) rOr 'cI"usu (II. U1~ 1(II1a"1"1I ,1>.,11

Artlel. , 0'
...., 'Ord..- V 01
subsfllulrd' t 1957. •
O( 11Con.tlt"tfon of tho GovernIng ~y.t The
Gowmlnllllody sh,," con51"1of·
(al Minlst",. lnGIl Gov,,",munl, Chairman
HOusing TCIW" "' ..nniny
Dc"", ,,,,cn,
(b) TWu
M",nbc'K ,II
t., ...'
rn>tnlnated iJy (~IY.'IItI"t '1,\
(c) ~n:tary. lOGll ' ...v,', nit', fin
.,00 HOUSing TlfYitn '''",,''h~1
(d) Comm,SSMlIh!r. 1l.Ili1du ...ember
(e) Oirc:d:Ot Ger..:r3l. K,lrad>l ....... ber/
Oev.lopmen! Aulhorlt y
(I) Member Tedlnbl.
Oevelo9ment ""Ihonty
I<.">nICh • ............

(g) Member'
oe ..
lop",ent Aoth,,,'lty •
kamchl "sm'.,
lO) Member ("dm,l). l(ar;,chl Member
Dev ~Ol)f", !lIt Authority

(II) ~uses (2) "lid (3) sttoflbe omitted.

4. All orders made. proceedings taken. ~rin,.

appOIntments. made. acts done by any authonty. or by
any person, which were matlc. taken or done. or
purported to have been made, taken or done between
the Rrst day 0'
July. two rnouscnd two, and the date on
which this Act comes 1"111rorce (both days mctustve),
shall, notwithstanding any judgment of any coort, be
deemed to be and always 10 have been validly made,
taken or done under the Karachi Development AuthoritY
Order. 1957 and Shall not be called in question In any
court or forum on any ground whatsoever.




Kanacbi: PM.ted at the SiDdh GoverDmeat Press

~l016 .

~bt j,inbb ~obtrnm~nt~a~tttt

PubllJhed by Authority

KARAcm llJESDAY MAY 22, 2018

KARACHI, THI! 22110 MAY, 2.018

NO."U/LKU-II-13/20U· The IC.aracN Development AuUloI1ly

(~AnMlIdIMnt) 8In. 2011 Mvtng bnn ~$MCI by 1M ',o,~odM
• 101li\0 '" SIndtI on 3d" AptU. 2011 ."., • F oted UI by 1M
eo... 1101' '" SIndh on lt1" Kay. 2011 Is omi published _ WI N% fII
!he ~ fII SIndh. ;




IQ .m~nd the Karachi Dtvelopm~nt Authority 0nMr.

WR!JllAS II II expedlenl IQ amend the

Denlop._", Aumority Order. 1957. In the manner b.~
KaradIl" to

It Is benby matted .. (ollows:.

1. (1) ThIs Act mJY be ailed the Kanc.hI ~V'elopmetlt !100ft tide aM
• Audlct1ty (Sindh Amendmenl) Act. 2018. ClIEE rt

(2) It I~II com. Into (IK« I' ene•.

Lf,,·111 E.t.IV·30 (3~3) Prlceaa.t ....

2. In the Kal'llChlo.v.loprollllt Authotfty Order. 1957, In A• .,d •• t~

Ankle 52-A. In clau .. (2). lIM fuU ItOP at IN and .h.u be
"'fIac:wd by a colon and the,... lter the followln. PnMIO~ .hall
M\cIdad:· 19.7,
• I,
• "Pr,o¥tded thIIl GoY'emllleal (Ca~) _yo I' It
, coutden
. t1aat dla coavaratoa or utIJl.. tI.. o(
Plotl 1) ST- n. Sector
4. $1U'jaa1 Towa aacI
1) ICCA Gl'OIIIId _ ".-bh, tCancIIl. .. of pUll,
~ .. padaIJ,y I. tamu o( .tlllaado. 01
.. ~ pIota for tIM purp_ 01 ~t
_dille tIM 0•• tII_,
Trault Protem to tile CJty: .. II
InwrtdJII. _y aDow
die ClDllVenioa Of' ut1lludo. oI",cta alHlllty plota
for Jadl spadlk purpo .... ,




lUracbl: Printed.t tbe 8iadb Government Presl



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