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Chapter 1 SAMBA Bid 1. 4E Birth 2. JUNIO) Infant 3. “F4RH Preschool 4. THEE Young adults 5.48 Midlife 6, ZAFINI] Old age 7. KEL: Death 8. 3A Family 9. 41k Relative 10. Rt Love 11. 5 Marriage 12. diff Movement 13. (JG Figure 14. YER Character 15. {iff Emotion 16. b$ Appearance 17. ivi Morality 18. SSSR External structure 19, SPB Rie Internal structure 20. [HIE Sleep 1. tHE Birth miscarriage wi [mrskeernd3] n. date of birth HE AKB childbirth 338% a“ birthday£8 2 ['Yarldbs:9] n. i [bsderjn birth th [bs:6] n. birthplace wacke ['bs:6plers] n. delivery room 7% a female xtt (firmer) n eee en newborn Sif Enjucbo:n) adj 2 life ea fetus BJL womb #3 flarn_[fetes) blessed #889 [blesrd) adj male tt [meni] n Where is your birthplace? ARASH EMAB? © Your diate of bith decides your star sign. Apa lice BRERA EAE fn BR _ _ es Kelly couldn't focus her eyes well enough to tell UAABBU TAR ERMBS if the figure was male or female. 08. Annewborn panda is much smaller than a DMEtReRLPe REEVES. Mouse, 22/89 much ‘SABre Fis. She is pregnant with her first child. SHAT BAS. Luckily, that baby’s life was saved by the doctor. 3#iaN, RSF TERME. ‘Smoking during pregnancy may cause miscarriage, ARBIEWRARTASIA TT. 010 2. BLASS] Infant crib SULA {krtb] n mammy #48 [maomi] 2. diaper BR [‘darepe(r)] n. store care FRE jas [kea(r)] baby Ee babysitter Imani rRas [berbisrta(r)] n pram 38/4 [preom n. cradle #225 (krexdl] caress BE [ke'res] v cul ee bie s15 suck eR [sak] breast milk @9 cc crawl Ret [ero] feed IRF description we {fi v {dr'skrtpfn} n innocent ARF [imesnt] adj lovely BTA9 Clavil] adi Experts claim that breast milk is the best food waiega mer merah ein, for babies. There is always a mark of graduation on the baby's feeding bottle, 2) LASHES RUEED. 4 graduation [,greedgu' enfin] m. 81 You need to frequently change your baby's (RBS NF BUR IRTBLRS diaper to keep it clean. FiR. Under the care of his mammy, the baby soon zeynigngemiyeeetF, RADE recovered from the cold : @ under the care of sb RAH MRAZ F URRY. Have you already prepared the pram, crib and (BSI RF NEGUFAEILZE, BIL cradle for your baby? RAERT 19? His fingers caressed the back of her neck. HOARE MHA. The baby's innocent smile melted my heart. wreesepeseneesuede Psbpb), > melt mele» #8 CET ATIOL SMT BADD. ott . “Abhi Preschool ca) doll [ool n, FREE a (puzzle 75348 ny Upnalln radio-controlled car FRESE education #8 _ sss [.edgu'kerfn] n toyttenln sma toddler 50% nursery school 41)UE enlighten BS nature At [an 'lartn] Cnento(e] preschool eee) acs) cory [xray] v S850, 304 prevention #85 squall [skwo:] n. SIGASE [prr'vengn] n vaccination #2 [veeksr'nerjen] 1. babble (bebl] . F715 protection sa Ipre'tekgn] n mischievous #829 (mustftves] ad), candy and Toy, which one do you prefer? : nN F petcin hol) BER, RB (BRIG, mt? Dolls are one of the favorite toys for YOUNG sapeyees erp _ Girls. * favorite[ fervortt] adj. Babak PER ERMA. Puzzles are of benefit to children’s wisdom. - @ be ofbeneft to 8} At SDHBART AREF. People with different ideas can sometimes KIS St y Shighten each other. PTAMAWASHAUSHRE. The children are being well taken care of in the os nursery school, @ take care of Mat, At BFAHEFE) UBL BSE » The baby's squall was heard all over the house. iMBF@BITHIT2)LWARE Go ahead and cry. Don’t hold it back. @ goahead fre, Are, thre RBA, WRB. 012 4. #FLAF Young adults teenageraoDe fF © ['tinerd3a(r)] n f intelligence #73 youth £882, {an telrdgens} n {ju:8} n creative Aglie789 [kr extry] ad adolescent 5 [zedo'lesnt] minor AREA [marna(r)] n. maturity Be bal COT) {mo'tjusrati] . puberty #8 anes [pjucbeti] n. rebel 3a buddy AB, RE [r'bel] : [’badi] n. character ts [kaerokto(?)] n diligent Shea (drirdgent] adj passion #8 itious [zm bifes) adj ambitious [¢ ifes) [pein] n. Bion acquire GESS), 37) ) aS [ep kwara(r)] v overcome [,euve'kam] »: $28 vigor {'vige) ». ¥87 This is the period at which the body attains —_ — maturity, + attainfo'tem] A, 88) SARA RAAAURTE ‘One may be poor but never ceases to be ambitious. © cease 10 HF Making money is not easy for a teenager. SEER, (ASESTISIS Making money is not EDR, SRETARN. (One's youth can never return. BH-ATEB, Hi, buddy. What's the matter? 08, BHIVL, MEAT? I have a passion for archaeology. en @ havea passion for Aho Af 2844 Eee Tom was expelled for rebelling against the yas yovee psi school regulations. PBADER MARA 013 5. 4 Midlife courteous [ksities) adj shrewd #49585 [rua] ad thoughtful \| sure Veomed | Tmetoetod Ie ERIS | sosaey, gpesgneey Unc Gad manhood [‘maenhud] ». BPO womanhood ['womanhud] RFR Jack made a very shrew decision, that is to choose this promising job. # make a decision Ait = Norman grew up in a wealthy family. ‘Sam's father was a very successful businessman & businessman [‘biznosman]n, BA, Sak Jimmy made his fortune in car sales. @ make a fortune LM, ARAB Thank you so much. That's very thoughtful of you. Mary and Ricky were a middle-aged couple who loved each other very WL) HLM, couple HH Parents have the responsibility to give their children a sense of belonging. 014 successful [sok’sesf] adj RIDES responsibility {rt sponse'let] n aE wealthy aa [weld] adi calm i389 [ka:m] aad. fortune MU [fo:turn) n middle-aged 4589 [idl ‘e1d36] a. % a aA obedient #85 [e bicdiont] adi filial F260) [filial] adh AMT — MER BED RE MET RBA LIE. HSE-TRANREBKA. BB PPRBRISC EE MRALTIASIBE A BRELERTY AESWOHR, (MEGHIEZ. DUNES -NORWPEAS TARE, BEERS HARB. 6. Z4FH YI] Old age lonely maa crutch St [leunii] adj tkratf] retire ix [r'taro(r)] pension #8& i wheelchair #e#4 peng) n [witfeo(e] rn fracture Bit 2 N, Gad [fraektjo(r)] dementia SR [ar'menf] n alone MB FEREY [e'leun] adj m& f , respect SH [n’spekt] x amiable #@ryan) [emmiobl) agi condition [ken dfn}. BOR. aging 8%, 8B Cerd3rn] n. elderly 209 [eldali] adj. knowledgeable [nolidgebl] adj. 09 bald Femmes [bata] aaj. forgetful apt aged #89 [fe'gett ad [erd3d] ad). © Shawn is lame in one leg, so he can only walk yaa sepuse yr, egeriabietey with the help of a crutch. Feit © with the help of fi 6 48.9 2F ° Clark had been confined to a wheelchair since childhood. The condition of my health prevents me from working. @ prevent...fom doing sh Ba FERLTENV SR RAELICH RMRRARTCTRSMLIE. EREORAERS—A, REE ene —_ FROAMAREBAGE. I feel lost and lonely in a strange town alone. The elders should be respected by the young people. * cler[‘eine)] n KA Richard is aged, but his memory is still good. BLT EB, (SHANIIZ Di 4 memory [‘memori] n. 321.7 She becomes worried because her mother's. Bb, Bs TE getting very forgetful 015 7. HEC: Death euthanasia RR [ju:88 ‘nerzie] n. 016 suicide BA ['su:tsard] n decease La [ar'si's] n murder tas [-ma:do(r) el) eis 51a a homicide [ homssard] n. A Killer [ krlo(r)] x. OE murderer ['ms:doro(r)] n FAIZ immortal mortal LA {r'mostl] adj ['meitl]n EH, ARASH The suspect tried to commit suicide but was stopped by the police. @ commit suicide 8 That solder got a fatal blow in the battle. © a fatal blow 4 — The fingerprints on the gun proved that he was the killer, % fingerprint ['fingoprint] n. 4848 After the crime, he threw the corpse into a deserted well. Upon my decease, my children will inherit all the properties according my wl We Chinese have a great cultural heritage, © cultural heritage (tif > William was once convicted of murder five years ago. * convict [kon'vikt} » 3 will 32208 {wal n goner eA, gona} n 5 @ heritage ig™ [herttrd3] n. ( fatal Stee [ert] adj lifeless 7+Ea5e9 [larfies} adj corpse Pt Ikoips]n departed atta [ar parted) aaj pass away at SRBLGRGR, (SESE. BOGE REA PSE MAAS HC EAESUELHMEWE. JRE, HEP AMOR. Cs, IANS, KAS SRAM. BUI PRAISEAN ET. REED RIE. 8. 3 Family adopt Wt at, [e'dopt] parenting wife 2> [pearantan] (wart n foster #B FB, RR husband st ['fosta(e] v [hazband] x spouse A(t [spaus] 2. PeTuliig acu family reunion age EON harmony #08, FORE [ha:meni] n. couple 388 [pH n kin RB blood bond fan} family tree MRR ie parent Staeaveaae ['pearent] n. parentage RFRR sibling seaRtE% ['peorentras} n ['stblin] ». Michael separated from his wife due to emotional disputes. # duc to oF BRRAABRASMR FART» My brother and his wife are a happy couple. RAMS SIRS. | am worried that my spouse may be unfaithful ORRAORE A ByaeeoR to me, + unfaithful fae} adh. 8 0 BIDRNEAATRSAETR Some people scorn me because |amasingle S“”ARAR—SASBRFRE parent. FiBB. We are siblings, and we are all part of the RIERA, bse hA family tree, @ be part of B=) —a6> -R. Abby fell out with her husband because of sy _, ' trivial things. trivial (‘trviol) adj. she SRECR A — RAAT. Parenting can be a really stressful business, -SALBLE—H NRA, especially when the baby gets sick. PHAGES ERROR 017 9. 321 Relative ancestor #855 [eensesto(r)] n Lr) evn ‘inship ['kanftp] ». FER visitation [viz terfa n ; RE, IRM relationship a [rr'lex{nfip] » greeting [rit] n 20 Caleb used to go to the temple to worship his ancestors. * worship ['ws:/ip] v. a4 Kevin has established a good working relationship with his boss. # establish good relationship with 5 BARRO RA | always quarreled with my cousin since childhood. © quae with Be I'l go and visit my nephew and niece next ‘Sunday. My friend has lost contact with one of hs relatives for many years, # lose contact with 5-H ee #, Auntie and uncle suggested that | serve in the supermarket. M2 suggest Ri VAIL G] FIED at, AG) PH should do, A.A Ai should, A48/ a RH do. — As to me, kinship and friendship are the most important things forever. 018 a) RNR nephew fF, 58 cousin [nefiu] m Ukaza] ». niece x, SMB [nis]. aan auntie lSRA0zaE RAE ) sae, mma Conte uncle RR, {ASS [anki] n, parents-in-law Q@see, GSta [pearents 1n fo] m maternal grandmother NE maternal grandfather gies SEAMS OAT. ARCANS REWER OLE PARR RERRE AY, FPS ARS LEEROETO (Ex. RARE MRE FRARAR. DUPRE NATE EDM. RE WER Bin. 10. Hii Love i mate B18 y honey 3, 3809 if {mert}n [hani] n. 2 4 address #05 nina (lover tea 0 TN ” : Inve(] darling sm. saaey \_lectes) {nt enn dump 8, Fa [damp] »: sweetheart ['swittha:t] », A, SEH beloved zis [br'lavdl aaj OT Thon ca | romantic #83 [rou'maentrk] adj date = [dert] n attached ease [o' text] adj single 28% ['smngl] adj. adore [e'doite unmarried ARt&89 Lan'meerid] adi rose Ba@ bachelor SSR [rewz] n. [beetfela(r) |r. Honey, | don’t really think that’s a good idea at all. FED, BEE NIE. Did you have a good time during your date? passer age ny (@ have a good time i fF FPS ROSALIE? Sara lied to her husband so she could meet her HHIRISLAUMT IA, BGI SHEA lover in secret. we. I'm not a bachelor anymore. | am already married. The rose is the most romantic of flowers, BURR RIRMANE, REGAL BR beloved of poets, singers, and artists. _—— FREARAB. RABSESR, RESSMT. Jacob finally found his ideal mate. REPRE TRO HE . Who is that girl you flirted with? FURR RAHSROEBR tz HEE? 019 11. 454] Marriage bridegroom groomsman [brardgru:m] ». —['grusmzman] n . wins 8 tolerate BB wedding [tolarent] v AWN {wed 1 bride [brard)". bridesmaid fi 318 [brardzmerd] n. dispassionate [drs pzefenat] ad) Saeed marriage tuessceiiy vow tf [vay] ». divorce fis distrust #4 [dr'vo:s] v [ars' trast] » honeymoon A betrayal #3 [hanimun] n [br'treral] n. felicity #248 [fe' rset faithful ines [feretl] adj conflict Fa [konfikt Jn anniversary BF288 [ent va:seri n @ Did he divorce his wife or did she divorce him? ee MERTEN © Today is my parents’ 30th wedding anniversary. SRERRGAMH 30 ESSA. The main reason of their divorce was that they ja pepe _ cisinisied each other. PUMA THLE RA terrific wedding, % tei otk} adi Hare BERT HOHE All of the guests gave a toast to the bride and bridegroom, @ givea toast ais RAK ABIL SALE BREE 5 These guests were all invited by the new couple, including the groomsman and =a ES bridesmaid, FSCO. ° © Ifwe can get married one day, we'll have a URBANO, ES e ° RABRMHGARRORA, @ Betrayal is the last thing | can tolerate. RANTES. 020 12. dif? Movement " ‘ scramble #3 loll AERA Skis ['skreombl [lol] v sit [sti] swim ik [swim] »: recline [rvklarn] v. #448 exercise [eksesarz] v bus squat [skwot] v. BA on (poem sprints [sprang] » DY Ta ncan E i) stride Aaa [straud] running sae . Cranay] n dash iz [af] patrol MGs « [pe trout»: jog 1258, {a309] » stand iis foro coe m wander PRE [wonde(*)] » Moderate exercise will definitely benefit you. PAO SAM BGR. Mack lolled back in his comfortable chair. Soh T hee eeeSnies Fb . Under the shade of a tree, Tad squatted down . msmstuste fon the ground. * shade {rd} m. Baka ZENE, SSCBRGWTEN LE . The teacher came striding into the classroom. SALTASH . Love is an endless path that one must stroll on RiWE—RARWIME, BEA through his life, SARE. The winner dashed across the finishing line lIK€ meses pep —eerrenrg a gust of wind. # 2 gust ofwind He, (eee He attends regular youa classes every week eacewa Keun ee alae [regula Att aes AOS ERM LIGNE. 021 13. (JG Figure robust 38657389 nt overweight itzay [reu'bast] adj. Levve' wert} ad stocky #489 Zz corpulent 2B ['stoki] adj ['ko:pjalant] adj well-built [wel'brt] adj SSSEHS, OMBHESENY plump #9869 [plamp] adj. strong sata) |p) \ [stron] adi OL fat Ba [feat] adj obese kent muscular BUASSA89 {ov bi's} ad) [maskjale()] adi chubby BSR, ISS thin s¢9 (abi ad z sturdy aétH9 thin [sta:di] aaj slender Baa89, 44889 ['slenda(n)] adi skeletal FR0209 (skeletl] adj slim GieA5 [sium] adj oe skinny S885, BeBRBSAY [skin adj The dress shows off Celia's figure to perfection. srean conser 7 aSpITAOERHY 4 perfection [po'fekjn} n. aaa ° Everybody of us admires her slender figure. BUDA ARBRE TE. That poor boy looked skinny because of BISMWNBRERAR, Gite malnutrition, * malnutition | melnju:'tfa}n. SAAR — YRBBELERSL. We need several sturdy men to push this PAIR MIMIELASS Mk carriage out of the mud. BIBER Angela is a slim girl, and her boyfriendis well SHRM, MAMHBAAH built, os ERNE. — Ramon has a chubby baby face, which makes HSU T—3kIPEAVSERERO, BLL him look younger than his age. HOB RRCSEIME HE. Being obese and lazy can be dangerous to SMS euS AIRE. one’s health. 022 14. YEKS Character A courageous lk cords ai. SS fearless | fisles] adj. HAY aS daring ['deer] ad). BEAK passive introverted (pa@sty] ad. [antrava:td] aj DY rae brave troverted [brery] adi init = oxtrovertes mami cowardly t38tt) pee et tad) a active [aektry] adj RD [haved] adj silent sake), [sattent] adi outspoken #8389 {aut spavken} ad animated iB [eenumestid] ad steady #20 (‘sted adi easy-going mines i2i‘gaum) ad) aloof S389 [e'lus] adj talkative Zitiass [to:kotry] adi used to be extremely shy and introverted, a > extremely [ik'strimli] adv. ALE, aE RESRASeAA. Lance's aloof manner made me feel annoyed FRSA FLL TX. In my daily life | am a rather cowardly man. AREER, REMAIDIMNA. My father, who is very animated, would try ae oe to satisfy my curiosity by telling me funny Se freed | anecdotes, * aneedote [enikdaot] . a ” oe He's a talkative guy, and | started up a {bE—MERDA, TERING conversation with him. ‘BEER. Jack is easy-going and everyone likes to get FORNARINA, ASABE REL along with him. # get long with 5 ~~ Anak {HABA Itwas a courageous decision, and one that everybody admired 023 15. t4i#% Emotion delighted [dr'tarts} aaj. tate em impatient elated [ext ad. FERRE eC tum pest a FRR iis anxious A689 [-eenkjes] adi comfort H& [kamfot] disgust {drs gast] » Be, RE emotion rane ae anger tk [aenge(r)] »- positive ni negative HiRes ['pozotiy] adi [negatry] adj. indignant happiness 7 sadness ait {an drgnont) ad [heepines] n ['seednes] » ‘sie frustration 1% [fer’streyjn] n gloomy ti#8e9 Colum adi exasperation {tg za:spo'reyf cr comfortable SFA [kamftabl] adj agony Sie [aeganil . dismay “it cozy IRE {dis' mer} n. [kev] ad frustrated #885. 3 [fra’strestua] ad Parents’ effects on children can be either REIT MITA RIRA, positive or negative {BATES ARON. It's not worthwhile getting impatient about trivial 7 ey aati 7 thing like that, # worthwhile { ws:0' wal] adj. 4143 ¢ FEES FTOTER Iwas more than indignant at their mean DacHRtN ANE S2 SSREAIY-SY behaviors. @ more than #82, 74242 MINES TEBE). Out of proud, he had to fight back tears of HATTA ALLO AMS AEE AY frustration, Bk. The soldiers were all clated to hear the news of UF EUAVE(@SRAERIGUIE., LAU) victory from the frontline. + frontline [‘frantlam]». 18% AB REURRARERSE. All | have ever wanted is a comfortable and » a UB —BMESEHIR. cozy home. RARE NamaPswRr paul was delighted to be able to eat his favorite PB RSG A EAR. 024 16. ¥b$i Appearance 73 freckle ext Sw elegan {rel n wrinkle 388% charming #8728 gorgeous 75@)A() ('rmyki] a (tama) aaj [go:d3es) adj s graceful sexe [aretsi ad Cettgant] adj mole # [mou] n beautiful S588 [bjuctrf} adj hideous [higies] adi rte. LRRD CTs) Tey Bey) g00d-looking {gud Wukrn] adi handsome S8t&f5 ugly #18889 ['heensam] ad Pagii| adj flaw Hae [fio] n florid £130) [fort] adi comely 183529 karl plain 2a Fao [plex] adj personable Psnasaa ['ps:senobi) ad Cady's appearance is perfect, except for one A7E—AMIVNATBRE, SLABADIE minor flaw. %* minor ['mama(r)] adj. ARH, Hav ROIWUGRTAART . From a rather plain girl Cari had grown into a KEM MAREE BRIEA beautiful woman. # grow into #4 RHA A hideous monster attacked the unarmed ATM MA AE TFA villagers ruthlessly. ruless('n0ls) ad. 1K SHERAORTER Lucy looked small, gentle and altogether ee charming. Ifonly a handsome boy invited me to be his. ee en partner at the ball, @ ifonly 23--~-itstas 7 mee SEE et % ball [bl] n. #2 SAEMOTT « Carl was a large and forthright man with a florid FARE TAGRSL, MERLE, BRE. complexion. x complexion [ko ple] m2, ADEHOBA. Itnever occurred to me that the mysterious eso essere ana aeHe TERY hero was actually a personable young man. = : @ It never occurs to sb that... LAA 2H) HA 025 17. imi Morality merit Gera - ['mertt] n. demerit i immoral 74645 {di:' ment] ». [moral adj ethic e220 [e@rk] n morality ees sete moral vile 28889 {'moral] aj [vant] adj value SHE [vaalju:] n brutal 5289 goodness mF [bru:tl] adj. [-gudnes} n dishonorable ®J#LAS [dts‘onarebl] adj virtue 548 ('vartfuy n upright 249 ['apraut} ad dishonest 7#istAy integrity EE, wise [drs'pnist] adj [in'tegreti] 7. If you have bad friends, your morals may be WARES, MORTAR corrupted. + corrupt [ko'rapt] vss 3 WOR. The teacher lectured Johnny for using vile PACE Yea language. * lecture ['lektjo(e)] v ail, FE SMREERAETOUIFAB. Every man has his merits and demerits. ABBR, HERR. As fire tries gold, so does adversity try viriuc. mweemre sum msear & adversity [od'v3:soti] n. i238. RAGHE, BTS. In spite of the bad things he’s done, | still ROT AR, BABE believe in his goodness. @ in spite of A, 445 fRERA. I have always regarded him as a man of ELAS En integriy, @eamd ss Bi | BES Hise TEETH. ‘Our value system does not match with theirs. ma wtoyny , ee ur value system doe SEAIAOHMESIERLMEATAS 7S. 026 18. Sp sbidskgiti External structure shoulder [Jeulda(r)] ». eyebrow BE [axbrav] » hand [heend) nF 7 ‘ arm #5 ' ! y [a:m] n. nail [ner!] ». #82 lip (xp) ». finger [fingo(r)] ». 48 forehead m& [forhed] n head 428 [hed] n CnC te) Co Es palm [pam] n. 3¢ nose [nevz] . BF neck [nek] ». BF mouth [mau] ». BE, foot (ft) a thigh fear] ». 8 eye [at] ». ERE toe [tou] m BIBLE leg a238 {leg} » hip thrp] n. #88 jaw [30] ». FB ankle Tonkin BIB shank oenk] n. NBR knee [ni] n. BRE into the wy can stop sweat from coming down FREESE OREO RASRERIA. Ahot cloth pressed against your jaw will usually 7 va soothe a toothache. * soothe [su:6] . shia 4 SOAETDHE FEL REE. The teacher raised her finger to her lips 2S syntn cpee Lyy aay sign of silence After the exercise, Carter's palms were sweaty JaaJZ, PAVEOIRIFT. $ and unable to open the bottle. RFE o Can you touch your toes with your fingers ROE RRRLOWR SIF without bending your knees? "BIESHORTRLIS? Mike sprained his ankle when playing football. ae 4 sprain [sprem] v 2845 (4) DRE EP TE. Carlin’s thigh was accidentally hurt ina car on erroce accident. ROMER PGE T ABE. 027 19. Sf Aiko Internal structure muscle BL [masf] lung Bb intestine Bia [lan] ». {an testrn] n liver BF jointxs ['hva(r)] ». [agornt] r. organ [2.gen] n ae nerve #4 {na:y] n tissue [tafe] » $B kidney atte cates cd ['ktdnj] x Ce a4 gland & {aleend} n stomach 8 ['stamak] 2. blood mn [biad] n. brain 26a spine [spain]. #8 fronts bone #3& [boun] ». skull [skal] ». SL rib [ab] n. AO Adrenal giand is an important endocrine organ. SHREK SENAD WEE. The diseased tissue can be easily invaded by raesm SERIES these microorganisms. + invale(n've]y Wiz, eA SASHES SANE. Lung eaneer deprived this heavy smoker of his we " life. @ deprive...of #4 ABSA T EMER People at the early stages of kidney disease IRRRUP NEN, AIT usually do not feel sick at all. RAR EITMPR. Breathing exercise is a good way to relax your Saree eee ‘HOPGERTATL AHIMA RR The doctor prescribed a new medicine for the RIE OAS, pain in my joint, prescribe fn ska] » #8 EEARXDNLBA TH. The serious disease had deformed his spine. ‘& deform [dr'fo:m] v. 4 KA PRENRRES SRbS EI. 028 20. [lI Sleep sleepwalk 237 [slip work] slumber FA ['slambe()] ». nightmare Ha [nartmes(r) dream # [drism] ». sleepy RFarAKeEt [slip ad daydream Aas [‘derdrism] n. oversleep BBM Oh Levve'sli:p] v eres EBIE asleep sit) . . Hp} ad insomnia RB (este e [in'somnia] ». drowsiness Hs [drauzmes] n hypnosis 4a {hrp'nousts} n. sound sleep BHiE awake #8) [e'werk] adj doze #7#/L deep sleep [dovz] 5 2 ELBE yawn sme, nap [neep mst Iwas in a daze as if| had woken froma nightmare. RSPR, SARI EP @ inadave ff. eR. Are you willing to work hard for success rather (RBIS HRaS98 LIEBE) than daydream about it? MASREBEMAASIG? Insomnia seriously influences people's daily SRARPE SIS ANTE LYS life. Si Some students dozed off during the lecture. sa a ater Secon itis ETT, Don't wake him from his siumber because he AEE AMEE PORE, AAAS needs the rest. EAS. Peter enjoys watching movies and staying up late, which usually causes him to oversleep. @ stay up HR REBMABMH ARM, EHS MTL. @ I would like to take a nap before going out. gp, wae hg youl tke te ABCELLITAVME— 029 ° BPE ° —. TERRE AMEE SCBA PIC. @ miscarriage A. Re B. if Cc. 3 D. a @womb A. FE B. htt C. ALF D. B88 © babysitter A. BRE. B. RF C. W383 D. Bee @ diaper A RB B. ERR C. #48 D. EE @ protection A. RP B. FH C. HL D. fae @ rebel A.FTR B. aan C. LBB Dz Rit @ responsibility A. #89 B. #250 C. BE D. BS @ dementia A. BR B. sic C. BR D. OH O suicide ASR B. BX C. BRE 0.88 @corpse A.B B. a C. REF D. Pee @ parenting A. QB B. CRA D. #88) @ divorce A. Wat B. S84L C. #8N6 D. ah @® greeting A. FBI B. BR C. 2UR D. aROFAY @®single A. Sia B. BBA9 C. BRK 0.22 @ obese A. BaBEaY B. betas C. S289 D. = iA689 © passive A. igist B. ape C, abe ZA @ frustration A. RR B. tit C. Siz © flaw A. HBile B. BER C. RF @ appearance ABS B. Shs C. Fi @wrinkle A. BX B. Rie C. BE @ goodness A. SE B. SR C. @ palm A. BREE B. BES C.## @nerve A. HE B. abBk Cc. @ nightmare A. RR B. es C. ABE @insomnia A. FTIR B. REAR C. BF OBVO S2-1z "VAVIE 02-9) WEVA GIL! ‘CAWO 01-9 WWE S-L “RES 030 =. HE PGETER SNES HTS. 41. Smoking during . PRAIA RAE IS RT 2. The baby’s smile melted my heart. NEERAA BORAT BAD. 3. are of benefit to children’s wisdom. SPHBRATARAFOSA. 4, Jimmy made his in car sales. SKERERTM. 5.lfeellostand____inastrangetown___. FBENRGERS—A, BERNA 6. William was once convicted of. RED SASHA 7. As tome, and friendship are most important things forever. NFR, RANKER B EH. may cause five years ago . 8. Sara lied to her so she could meet her in secret. PADIAT i, Ha SHAMS. 9. All of the guests gave a toast to the and___. KAKA ALF BE 10.___is the last thing | can - RBNTRRACER. 11. Moderate will definitely benefit you. TESA IHR SAT BFL, 12.Ramonhasa______ baby face, which makes him look younger than his age. BSU< 7 SBI AUEERS , DULLER ECSEIN EH 13. used to be extremely shy and . RESRRESNAA. 14. |have always regarded him as amanof__. R-BUAHE-TEBSMA. 15. Can you touch your___ with your___ without bending your knees? REET BF, BF SRE ARIAS? sio6uy '$90) "gL MUBOIUI "YL peyonos Aqqnya ‘ZL 98!010x9 "|, ‘OL WloosBepUq ‘epud "6 JA] !puegsny °g diysuDs*/ Japunu'g ‘uofe ‘Ajauo| °g SUNYIO "p SoiZg "E JUBOOULI "Z oBeUIOSIUI !KoURUBOId "| Ee 031 =, SB. <= AoupD|'g 19-2 YeBY"g UNeIG)"G eUNSAIUH "y UseIds “g YORUIOS“Z GunIL “HE 032

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