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LO1 - To gain a greater appreciation and understanding for Musical Theatre as a whole

LO2 - To apply learnt Musical Theatre Skills and Techniques by staging a modified version of
“The Time Machine” for film

The main objectives for each week can be seen in ​Bold.

MTS Teaching Schedule Objectives

Week 1 Progress Check (DONE) Introductions and Recaps

Spent the first week getting everyone

comfortable with one another. Play games so
that everyone can get to know each other as
this is the first time the cast meets each other
for the first time. Spend time diving into the
script and see where the kids are at

After a successful sharing last week, the work

continues. The kids will now go into learning
the first half of Act 5, which will be up to the
part wherein they say farewell to the Beast.
As always, discuss character motivations and
the setting of the scenes they’re playing.
Have them readthrough and perform the lines
until they are comfortably performing them.

Also, spend the second half of the class

learning the song Roar

Week 2 - Blocking Act 2 and Introducing Act 3 Block Act 2

With the kids having a rough idea of how Act

2 goes, spend this time to refine it with the
expectation that they studied the lyrics of the
song over the weekend. Talk with the cast on
how they can make the scene funnier, more
enjoyable for everyone. If this goes really
well, run Act 1 and the transition to Act 2

Introduce Act 3
Act 3 is something that the cast hasn’t tackled
yet in full. Discuss with them concepts of the
Wild West. Have them workshop how to play,
read their characters. Introduce Blocking if
possible. Assign the kids to learn the song
MTS Teaching Schedule Objectives

Week 3 - Act 3 Block and Refine ACT 3

As this is the part of the show where playing

characters and ensemble work are vital in
bringing the scene to life, workshop the scene
as it is being blocked. Teach the
choreography of the song number in this Act
as well. Spend as much time as you can here
and try transitioning from the end of Act 2 and
running the entire Act 3

Week 4 - Rehearsing Everything Rehearse the Entire Show

Time to put all the acts together! The kids

might be a little rusty in remembering Acts 1
to 2 so help them along in
performing/remembering it. Work on making
sure that their acting and performance levels
are consistent, while also smoothening out
scene transitions.

Also introduce the short Act 4 finale of the


Week 5 - Rehearsing Everything Rehearse the Entire Show

Continue on the work from the past week, but

make sure that transitions are cleaner
between each scene. Consider this an acting
intensive for all acts of the show. Everyone
has to show initiative and definitive acting
choices in playing their parts

Week 6- Song and Dance Review Work and Fine Tune all songs and dances

This week, acting through dialogue can take

a backseat. Sing each song at least twice and
check if they have their lyrics right. Make sure
everyone is in tune and in sync with one
another. Better yet, it’s also a good
opportunity to remind the kids that they can
act through their singing and dancing as well.

Also spend this time cleaning the

choreography and making sure everyone is
on the same page, dancing on the same
tempo and not missing cues
MTS Teaching Schedule Objectives

Week 7 - Show Run Rehearse the entire show without scripts

It is expected at this point that the kids can
perform the entire piece without the aid of a
script. Help feed them lines should they forget
them, but make sure that they start knowing
the show by heart.

Make sure the kids perform with one clean

run of the whole show

Week 8 - Show Run with Props Rehearse the Show With Props

Time to run the show and this time with

props! Have the cast get familiarised with
them and use them in the show. If they can
find a new way to use them in adding more
suspense, drama, and comedy into the show,
now’s the best time to add in those changes.
Make sure that their scene transitions are
clean and they remember where they can
stow/recover props

Run the show with the cast multiple times,

occasionally stopping to fine tune and give
notes. The objective today is to get at least
Two Clean Runs

Week 9 - Dress Run Run Full Dress Rehearsals

Treat practise today as if we’re doing the
show today. Do not stop the show during the
runs unless absolutely necessary. Give notes
at the end of each run and have them apply
those notes to the next run. The goal is to
have everyone be confident in running the
show and be ready to perform the show at
any given time.


Allow the students time for getting acquainted

with the set, makeup and costumes. Have
them run the full show with tech and dress in
the venue before the performance. Prepare a
welcome speech and messages for each
student when giving the certificates after the
show. Take photos with the students at the

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