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PART I PRONUNCIATION OF BRAZILIAN PORTUGUESE NGLISH, as you know, is the most illogical langzage in the *eystem” has more rules One complicating lacox in Prtoguese i rational speling reforms lft tinge more confused that tiny were IRREGULARITIES cron , anda. ia tls connection there's ene tog Jom 1s often prosounced as, Sur jut a often like +, and often ike sh. ‘As # of a: When weitten $5, when Initial, oF after w: disse Gasease, paseo, sabe, senhor, canna, caneado, In there Inst theo Watch your nasal a, ‘As = I's pronounced a8 7 when intervocaic: cas, coisa, Brasil caser, cased, Buss Alter all, Is pronounced as in thor: reo, foe, tc. [As ah: Very often in Rio, and inthe epeech of those strongly {allueaced by the Portuguese of Porugal, you'll notice « fendeney to pronounce finals a ah: Livros, voce, Nogales. ousands of English 3, There's diference inthe sound of an open ad closed {espectively and é und ofan open and closed 2, tively d and & Notice the dillerence ia the e-sounds td fet sod in the o-tounds of ball and Bow! Ifyou make Flstake Brasline con always tell. Naturally, if you could Slvaye see there vowels waiten with thei distinguishing ‘you cold avoid making mistakes. ‘Theve ae flee tht specily cares in which the eccent marks should te'ueed, but everyone is ao confused on them rgkt now that ‘any newspapers, for instance, neglect them completely, Iaving you high tnd dry. There's nothing that we ean do to Ielp you oa this poe. 4, The nasal diphthongs do, de, ood do oe no, a8 they would ‘ieen, nasalied forma of siaipht diphthongs 20,06, and fe, but au ai, and of However, this Is nothing fo worry Sibot and you potably never would have noticed Ie we fda’ mentioned it Lote of Brazilians haven" When the vowels ¢, a, and o ate final and unaccented, the pronunciation in the chart below dont Bold Final unacoented ois ponounced likey in fad. ‘Examples: bond, vale, Cte, etc. This iv also the w ‘ut fveplar,pronuntation of © in many short and frequent Words ike sie soe, do, sed the volatine pronoun a con Junction que Final unscoented is pronounced like the final a of sods ‘Examples: mea, fal, a, Nora, le Final unaccented o has short w sound like the oo of book. Examples vo, tio, alo segundo, 6, Final cm and amare ot pronounced a8 stright nisl or 2 respectively ae the rule would indicate, but the ass {aed diphthongs et snd wo respectively” For instance, bem |S pronounced ae Hf you pronounced buy though your ose, Likewise, fan and fmm would be gronvanced asi they ‘were written alo and Yomvo, meanthile keping the accent NASAL NOTES You's better not skip this port — it's important. Neve the ‘“shisky tenoe” comes into Six own. Natal ore thove vowels and iphones. that re pronounced through the nose. Theoretically, English an" supposed to have nasal vowels, although words lke ‘au, mon, stent round, te. ate clined lo be somewhat nasal 5 pronounced normally by many Americsns fom noth of th M Bison Line, and by Englishmen who hove eld Whether you like the Portuguese nasals orm, you'll hive to ze them, Otherwise you cut speak Portuguese So, You may on Well make them sound ax good as possible, Wen you get sed to them and leam to pronounce them, they won't sound lf bad. Here's fa lite practice exereie to begin with Below there ate two columns St words, one Enlish, the other Portuguese. By peooouneing a= Youve slays done through your noth you will pronounce one ofthe word i the lefthund column, By pronouncing the name word UWeough Your note, az if you hada cay you'll pronounce the or responding word, which happens tbe Potapuese = inthe sghtand Coltmn, For instance, by renouncing cow though Your nose, you'll fet the Portuguese word for dogo, Try i tne i on nies fos te ol Chymes with boy) Pe ow to wee (hypothetical) fu Now for look at the nasal one by one. Just to avoid ot of fh in the same word, In this conection, here's a word of warning Don't pronoace this postocaic'm with yor ipa, and dot pro mveration, pronouncing it to tyme withthe word 4 Progounce fee through your nose and you'll get fm, fBecaplos: ain py, nln, mi Vinh cristo a ‘amples! mente, ment, sempre, fon) tenha, vonke Besides being nasal in the thee cases mestioned above — Sone soy that thir gual of a is noe Poruguete teclised in Patopate tee claedoae, Qn 1s Progounce too though your nave and you get a, comet alain degree Se Pronounce my through your nose and you get mi Eeamples: ples, clve, coptdes, Nafahice, io Pronounce sow, the female poker, trough your nore and Examples: dap6o Sd you get mu: For mito you simply ad the exes syle PRACTICE ON DIPHTHONGS For this ransoa' we are lining the followieg exanplen to fhece coves the prvencioton mest be more clap iedilts tlomente ie acvented, Take, for instance, the two. words ‘rere rinks, Both begin with the sume letter and end withthe Ponderour tomes that sost Brarlians dot know them, ed we Telicve it preferable act to tring thom fo light hee of which ix then fllowed by ex he extreme loft below we present isolated diphthongs, exch we always indicate which element of the isclated diph thong is accested. This does aot mean tht youll find the accent Indicated like thet in actual words, Sometimes you wll, but an ‘aide, cal, cinda, rainha, pais, cain. ad saSde, ba, stadde,gaicho fe toaéoln,aurdols " Ge chapto, edu, mel, corcel, These final I's sound like ws Sabi ld, abeevie, dal, ado, pads, fo to, plo, navio, dio, desconio, adi, mops i mold, mola, poi, tsi Toor, soar, textual, tomaindus 18 luxuoso, lutuono, afetuors, da, lie, brasileiro, ‘THE ACCENT jazz: "He's got the tune, bet not the shyt" The same thing can bette of speaking «languoge. I's posible to toow the scunée of all the vores, dighthongt and consonais, and ill ispre ounce tough sot putting the cceats inthe righ places. sccente 10 indicate vowel gully, or lregular snd exceptional This means that the accent falls on the next to last syllable, For Portage thir tle urully works out that the accent nd ins, 0 08 in 2 dipithong, or in = am. ot om. Here ‘Sy ant eabelan cory conan cone corgi Sty apesking, paroytoawe” bo the seat telat-wwel The min exception to this mule is withthe words that end in the nasal vowel, In which caeer the final vowel & snd Words ending inj, 16, oF m except those in am and Howe ate some examples: filial, falar, fiz, tam, expadim, GENERAL SUGGESTIONS ‘The acquisition of # new vehicle of expresion would sot only [Eis particular field of activity. So, here i= chance to obtain You'll understand, appreciate, and like Brasil mech more if So far, we've limited ourselves to matters of pronunciation believing that this constitates' the Number One. jeblem, Give 2. To refer to at ofd moments at hone or ot your office, you proitably at odd five or ten minute intervals now and then. regular conjugetions, such as fale, aprender and partir. Also the Complete conjugation of the iregular verbs ser, eat, te, aver wer, i and dizor a the very least. Te relofively small emoant vocabulary and focility of expression and comprehension with mch Of time you sped ssw be empl opel ) ) PART 2 A SMATTERING OF BASIC GRAMMATICAL FORMS Sebject Prosonne FORMS 2 you wes (ra) 3 they 0D Mes you Cots, om sechores, as seahor, EXAMPLES, 1 Ea gosto muito de S¥o Paulo it Ext chovendo, mas & prcieo i Lowe Née moramos aqu. NEo moremos no Jain Bape 3 they a0 Ele oa wo ‘COMMENTS. ‘ot inthe use of you. When Brazilians addrens« person, they take to sua oxcolincie, and actce that each of these forms has « ‘conresponding pute! orm Woren, patcularly, need to be carefal about using these you foms, taking cae to reserve voce only for children thd or ie tenuine friends ofthe family, which presumably includes the nerd, In spite of the fact that the person to whom one apes a, by ramnatical definition, the second person, natice thet the you forms used in Bazil are not second person, but thied person There foms indicate second person right on, but they take the third person ver fom. In English, for Instance, you'd never say "Yoor Excellency area hunk of cheese’ You'd say "Your Excelleny's hank of cheese, wing is just ws you wuld fr he and shes Tia Is the same case as with Usted in Speniah and Let in Wallen. Toe tse of the thid person softens the expression and gives it en ied touch of politeness, ‘Subject pronouns ore used far less in Portuguese than in English aod French due to the fact the verb endings ae clealy pronounced leaving no doubt ax to who the subject ta, When ore ys "Gostel muito da festa” of “NAO gestamos do filme” the Subjects entirely clea in both cares, Portugsese doesn't often express it and never does, s0 ia \ppersonal expressions such ax Hoje faz sol, Efantesice,E pens E bobegen, ete POSSESSIVE ADJECTIVES FORMS ~ The dash alter each form tepeseats thing ot things possessed Lay omen, os meus-e, as nishas-s, 2 you Stuy’ Stanryei., (are tn Soo Paso) 38 ote, Soden, “Ode, ace atte her ocdela, | dela, once dela, cove ele te< ‘Things don't often possess things Lou nosso a norse, of nonsoe-s, a5 nossan-« Zyour- Gvonse-) avonsey Gs vonsenca, as venta” 3. thelr) — o-dties, thei) elas, EXAMPLES — With. sing. cat, F. sing. tle, Mp cats, and Fpl ables 2 my-_o1meu goto, @ misha mesa, ot meus gator, ox minhas 2. your 6 tu gato ote. (Ieoquent in Portugal and Rioware in SPauto) : 3. Me gato dle, a mesa dite, os gator dle, oo meses dele her 0 gato dela, a mens dels, om grou dele, an messs fel, things don’t have cats and tables $e Seon mee = ow ot nine a tales SS 4 mese delas, os gatos del COMMENTS. Every noun in Portuguese is either masculine ot feminine, but Uunfounstely ost of then ate ot 0 obviously meaculine or feminine othe cots stables ered in the exenpes above nthe forms 6 sev fat, « minke esto meus falas, eh as tminhas mesaa, you may lene of the articles of aaand say Snly mew gato minha mess, meus tos, minhes meses. The same Brplies to 0 teu foto etenu But you cant ont the aticles in fome lke 0 gato dees, o: gator dela a moun délon, on mesa defo, teu. The odvatage of practicing with the ancl is tht then you want fo avoid unnecensory repetition of the possessed Moun, speaking the equivalent of a possessive pronoun such 3 imine, yours, his, hes ors ot their, you can ve the above forms side Sle, rng fe rs : In thin way, in a conversation about ane cat, you'd refer to @1meu,o ace, 0 dl, o deta, 0 nossa 0 dle, oro dele. in «conversation about one table, you'd relr to ¢ minha meas 4.5, 2 dle, «del, a nossa, a den, dlas is corevnticn sout ve ton cos cor an ence aed on oe dbo, or os das. : conversation about more than one tae, you'd seer to fines, 00 suse, 20 dBi ar Sela; ao nossas, an dele, or os eles a ‘CURSO PARA PRINCIPIANTES. BEGINNER'S COURSE all of these pronouns indirect vob object, s fesese S8aeee i gad aeddas form for direct verb atthe Subject Pronouns, Each objec, and preposition abject, Bronce B8eees seg 8 8 Sig 3 wl sail] al ase LIGHO Ni 1. PRIMEIRA LIGA Tat Lesson PRASES USUAIS USUAL EXPRESSIONS 1 Bom dia Good moming 2. Baw ade Good aftemoos 3 Bow cite ood evening, good aight 2 At low So long: good ye . 6. Até amen See you tomo now ‘i ¥ 7-Mdsoe wee Seay americas fe ars Helle VERBOS DA PRIEIRA CONUGACAO [Bi 0 seahor(¥ou, nase) Ble (be) |_G)_X Seahors (you fom) Ela (ohe) Aa Bb Ce Dd eFf Falar(to speak) "~ falo Tals fale So = oe a Gg Hh liJj Kk LI Fumar (to smoke) —fumo fume fame Mm Nn Oo Pp on P Qa Rr CONVERSAGAO CONVERSATIONAL PRACTICE Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww X Eu falo portugués. | speak Portuguese. Yy Zz fects isi oe fetta teat ier Seeks bee goa Rage DF ML Roshi wx es Nei ee Rava Renee cncsinys estas? EXERC{CIO - Translate ito Portguese 1.1 don't speak Geman, but (mts) 3, Do you spesk Port guess? Yes, 2. Do you dance the sambe? Soo. 4 ‘5. You don't spesk English very 8. She dosent dance, but ‘wal he doer, 9.1 weak Geman, ad («) he Tenbranges Senore Mada,” Regrde Mim Mary poss French, 7. Dont speak English, speak 10, Seo Jou onan i ws ‘Pontes EXERC{CIO (Tinslat into Portege) 1. Do you (lem )ddsk whiskey? 6. Given a cup often ‘odo’ leere 2.civemes toile of br, 7: Please, give me ame Cm 7 _ oro te) esta Ligio wi 2. SEGUNDA LiCkO ‘nd Lenton .pieiespvemes cn of s.r (ane dat ain oy ee 4, Dont smoke please 9.1 aye Gane) ink = wero mreaarivo 2 Dott opee Healey peak avs of a ‘ ales 1p. Please, ve bet s0n8 te. Tener to take as Dart give be De Demtelore VOCABUL.SRI0 Ligho wea - TERCEIRA LIGko ded Lesson O café. the coflee oleite -themilk 0 ché- the O copo-- the glass & garafa-the bottle ceneja. the beer Un copo-a glass uma garrafa - « bottle xfcara- 8 cup Ean i CONVERSAGAO Ensne Senor ome cull no tomo sigue, Tlways dk cote, tet Trae int veney 0 senior toms ete? Dosee dank i? ‘rab ote sors one he Beye dank ta? VocanuL kro ae No, thanks, is (plaral) tee Someone aicara de Plea gene a cp of oa edy onder “tedays cate ‘ole ete Bengt Stacie eles Porfior, dbtkewn spo de Plann, ve hin (hed a glass ieee Temoniog Menus he mame wate i Ate ectemee Setwiee’ — eakemoees eee FRASESUSUNS So eting or ever sek) Obie obcigea(fen) —— Thak you sat De nada. ‘You are welcome. abe Beli: Pines = in he athe am) Cone vei? How are you? ry CONVERSAGAO, Bu estado italiano. 1 sty tl je eatuda uss, He sues Resin Eis esta thas os noites. She studies every evening (ghd, Ble trebthe todos ox das, He works everyday 1 don study much Onde o senbor tabetha? ‘Trabalho no Conaulado Brasilen. Onde Se tebe? Trabulha na Embainade O'sentorensina Unguss? No, eu essino metentica, ‘Ondo otenborensisa? EEnsino na Universidade de SSo Paulo. ‘Trabalho on S$ Paulo, Teabalhe no Ri. noth at the National School Were do you work? 1 wos at the Brazilian Conslate, here does be wos? ‘He works at the embassy Do you teach Langu No, don’ I teach mathenstics, Where do you teach? Teach atthe University of So Peale 1 wot in Paulo bathe works Ta Rio FFRASES USUAIS (Come vio a8 coises? “Tudo vai bom (val tudo be Como se diz em portupués? Sentese, por for Un momeeto, por favor. EXERCICIO (Tradezir as seguintes 1. Do you wok hard? 2. Do you study Portaguene herd? 3. Do you teach Portuguese ‘every evening? 4. Do you wos every day? 5 Me dances well bt she doesn 6 She smokes vey much 7 He doesa't speak Portuprese ‘very well outs em ~ How is everthing? Eventing Is fine How do you (how does one) say it in Portuguese? Sit (yousel dow, please! Justa sonent please! tenons) 8, She teaches every night. 9, Whete do you wos? 10, Where you sd)? AL Do you woit in Ri? 12 Does she wort in Sho Paulo? 1B study, please! 14 Dow’ wos hd 15 Do you teach mathematice ‘Mew You University? LIGKO NI 4 - QUARTA LIGKO am iweivrto Presets mwPenaTivo (ao Jomsr-to play Game) Jom Jome “Toca to play (an instrament) ‘Toco Toque Morar live Mow Mowe Goster (de) 0 like Coste oste Centar=t0 sing Canto ante CONVERSACAO ‘Jom tis. NBo jogo futbol. I play tennis I don't play Toothall (socee) ie jogs ben. Ela jogs mal ‘Toco piano, nas nie to vol, la toce violin (Gouto de misica: Nio gosto de coyotes. Ble poeta de daar Eis foste de tomar ufsque ( tethor gosta de linona ‘Gosto, sm ‘Nenbora gosta de canta? Gostoneie Gost do Sasi Moro ex Santos O seshor mora em Nova You? Wo nom, nie Onde oseabor mors? oreo Miami He plays wel. She plays bay pny the piano, batt doe’ play the gute. ‘She plays the violin. Tike musi. 1 don"t ike sport He likes to dance ‘She likes to dank whiskey. Do you like lemonade? Yeu te 1D you (fem) like to sig? Tike i very wach {ike Beas {ive in Santos, 1 you live in New You? No, T don't ‘Where do you tive? Tlive in Mian. ‘Surely’ all means) a (Qual £0 seu nome? Eo teu Qual € mos nacional dade? Sou baste (a, fom) Taal tne? me 1am Amedean, EXERCICIO (Trader os seguiniessentencas) ploy tenis don’t like lenonade 2.1 play the pita. 5. Docs he ike to nok? 3. La’ pay football 10. Does the lke to dance? 4 Do you play te vols? 11. Do youlike to wot? 5. Does he play it 0? (tama) 12. Do Jou live te Brae? § Do you (masclite Boni?” 13. Do yu het live here (iutaal? 14, Where you lve 15, Live a Ri. 1 don't live in Gustibe Ligio Ni 5 - QUINTA LiGho Sth Lesson (oxo, ane Be ta] Laver-wvash Lave Lave Love Pesew-toprems Bees Basen Pave foim Calocar-to pat Gslosr” loca Cotoge Preiees (ito Previn Preice Preabe teed VOCABULKRI0 ctemo the ait_—— sum eapegndo mn eaployee Scopes hechoe—weapregaia” estrone maid Sreopstos the chose noeeculédo atte clce reteset alana” cy eice Sgeve elle eeu your bok Mmédico tdoemr a pevas Youre ‘CONVERSAGAO Lingo mes quate todos o8 dis. Linpe o sparanento, yor favor Clean te sparnent, Gologeo ive ne mesa. Pet the book on the anaeo tem hoje Press the mut today. Passe 2 canise low ese the shi soe Ouethor precisa de sgims Do you need anything Peed a doctor {heed 9 servant eed money Preciso de uma enpregndo, recion falar ben 9 porugubs. PRASES USUAIS Veaha cf, por favor. Ete, pot favor Onde fica o tou hotel? Cone her, plese Cone in, please jem my room every dy. ‘able. Where is your hotel? Onde fica sun casa? Where i outhouse? Qual 6c seu enderdgo? What ie your addess? Porgue Because ‘Tem tari, You we sight Caro de visitas, Personal cand EXERCICIO (Complete. limpsr casa, mas ao todos os das. dinheit? Pein. fs médica? “Ta goatee mess 8 10 aeshor precise moa gavata? 8) Por favor Teas sopeton 5) A sentora dence 10) Onde seu hotel? 1» eh, por favor Bea fo seu endertgo? (0 ke) (a seed) (het is) oe) (oneed) (peo {heed to peak Poragiese well (to clew) (gr) (tlie) tt) ($e cone) (ore (10 play 0 game) |S Come back tomar: 6 Come beck eter. 7. Gallime inthe woming (de aah. 8, Shee atthe ofBce, 9, Call mein the aternoon (de ‘ands. 10, shes very bos 1, Are you tired? No, 1 an aot 12. Do you ike to live ia New Toa? 13 Pat the book onthe table, please. 16 meres ny seretan? ie, proseny oreo "roo oe os (play) foes tomo (09 pres) (rn) Ligio W' 6 - SExTA Ligho 6th be ssriNrTo Presenre mureRarivo (a0 st, Bie; Asm, Bia Estar be Estou Esté TTelefonas- to phone Telefno Telefona Voltar-(to come bec Volto Volta CONVERSAGAO Tam at home. She is dowatown, Where ae you? Tm wt the Sank eM John in? No, he isnot When will he come beck? ‘Tomorrow aocsing Calle today. Do not call me at night Exou cansado. Elaesté cones: Iam tired. She is ded to, Estou ocupado. 1am besy. Volte mais tarde ou fale com Come bath Iter or speak with ‘na secrete, iy secrete FRASES USUAIS etd cert, A sight std ban. ‘het eve Es ano, ‘That's all otf connate We a deal Talver, Pethaps, Maybe. ENERC{CIO (Traduzir par © Portugués) 1 Whereis Me Chales? 2 Hels at home, ™ 3 Ise at home? 4. No, he isnot Ligho wi7- sériMa Ligko 1 Lesson venwos wwawto __pmesevre wrenarvo [E7os, few Geepmi- toy Seape Coas a (Corie wiomnt cor Cann conte tis t ot Cates Geta? does i cont? (on) NOMEROS 1am, (mass) ana (fem) 2 daisy moc.) dues (om) Soe 2a vinte et 240 Mine e quate 25. site cinco a5 vine e seis Tr vintee ete 29 vite esove tanta Xi tints © eels 37 tanta rato 3 trinta oto 3 tate nove 40 quarts 5 eiegiente O- sessent 30. serena 2s 1s 22100 3. 125 8 33632 os 97 543.579 51896 10. Gsi.645,50 [EXERCICIOI (Traduce pare o porugné) 11, Howmuch does it cost? 17. Please, count fom (de) TZ econ Ci8843,00. weniy to) ty 18, How much do You ned? very expensive. I's cheap, 19. Teed two thousand X61 dont have money enovgh to 20. Buy this uit It is ot ‘ipentive os i es Ligho Nt 8 -OITAVA LIGKO cs cs eg re VERHO SER - T0 BE cs ‘ ca file (65 1000,00 mil emacine Oseator abe Wis not 6 Youare isi im, 6 yes, Hs 1D, bo €- 90, S18 not CCONVERSAGKO Quanto custar How much does it cost? Cesta dizentos crores costs two hundred enacins, Quanto custa Ste live? How mach does this book cout? Caste guishestos crueimos ‘Coats five hundred enti Sess ihe Iteorts five hundred cwscion Vina is he? (near the person whois speaking) What is thet (near the addressed peron) ‘ agulo? What i that (ar fom bth the spesking and the Enough, sulfcint, plenty. ‘dressed person) 2 sa lopis, tis epee Fas dois meses qu estudo ‘Ihave heen suing Portugese emete. His ape ponents ‘oro monte. Bomprddo.” Iie obuldng Tale Enns canes) Wea pushover (a cach (alan exenefe1o cael 1 1am stot 13, that eee seouian Puna 2. You ae shor 1 isa bling ase Fem Maes Fee 3. He isn Bra 15. very cold, Bonlio Bonin Bolton omias (ety 4. Sele wn Aesican 16. Ihave boon sudying teres) S Wee vou onugree fr Bive wee. Foie Fein, Fels Fels (egy plata) 6 They we stone 17. Thi bomewos le « pushover Sepfico Sinpétca Simpticon Smpitlcas_{iheatie, 2 Am you Brean? 16 Inthe prety? Sarming fee Tam 19, Noy she i ut, bt she ix Amipfco —Antpftica Antpfcos Amipticas (Gncongna 9 Are yor aa Anericas? ery theable chai smtpatbeic)) | 10, Yen, we oe 20, what that (vee here) ‘to Ate alton tas Galles)” Ts ean. eis sy pm Bao Bern ale atts low) TEI is sr ftneae Gore Gorda ot know anything. intend to speak Portuguese wel What do you want? What do ou wan to do? (Gao lr cocerer want to read and wit, No quero nada, Por que? 1 Son trast anything. Why? ‘Apeses Cuostinde Just cattosly ‘Olque vocd far todos os dias? What do you do everyday? EXERCICIO: Tadura para o poringaés ax seguiates sentengus Fao tne ieee tee | eee FS. fees bbe, esse, FS ES HSSe,. eitens ann BE ee” Gee, | ieee StS itakery Beiet ine SS teneee ieee ee peti. FE io Saar srs ener ee ech ten cu? Wie i our ext My sate na i She went 1 @ pry and tok. You kao tow she i What opty I ina wondestl day (eather) and we could go to the beach, Lot ae go tothe club, We will ‘tay toons le Teald like ein. Would you go tomorow? Yes, I would. TTRADUCOES NA CLASSE, 11 would lke to dance with 6, They wotld like t listen to oa area Tiere tel the tay f prefer 2 You would ike to gp to 7. Would you like t have dina sets oa ‘Europe (Eup, woulda with we? . No préximo fm de to swim in a sw 7 you (to 6) Polerenos ih pia Next week-end we cat go the Arpoador beach 3. He would ike to stay 4. She would ike to study 'S We would like go with thee, 10 Wat would you wate? CONVERSAGAO. agen Por favor, que horas io? Pease, wha tne init? Baton rerecido com o anima Sto dex horas, Iie ton o'clock Setépossivel? Minha nova ests Is it possible? My Slancde is ‘compre atueade slvays late, ‘Takei easy. You know very well ‘hat iC is © woman's plies tote late UgAO NE 21 -VIGESIMA PRIMEIRA LIGKO ——2turLesson | yon ewido Boiled Bes | al seetiel No RESTAURANTE AT THE RESTAURANT (Soriets, Oneee acti Peco ‘teas Bens ee | Estou com fome Tam hungry {2 Note = f Estou com séde am thirsty (@) Gorjets. = 3 ie Sem Grebe soras sours fees Sam ne ese wae 5 Toler cea ares Tete {0 Soe te Verne eee os ‘Ainogar ‘To have lunch cee, cone as ae {0 Spe ce evan | Jertar Dioner VERDURAS, LEGUMES VEGETABLES Cate Collen, ‘Salada Mista ‘Salad (mixed) Cul com tee fee with ik Ones Tomas ow fe ioacce Ponte | New Crean = Corot 8 deco See (ey enol. Oates | nc pemta sie oS ante e x Perino Coeur Oe cope Mat of Ven = adeei sien ier se Gtaiio Bens sen eie wis on {O eepiace Such keene Tonal xine ce (2 Saco de teraje oom jncn Gave Mashed (on Coals Cote ten maces acer om Breen toe (3 tie de wie Prlfed wheat (9 Borie mr wes bs bolas Soda crchr = chen Pantene iti ined Par a Pas pte Bee reat Pete Pardee Posing tole what bee Ponts Seo (reese = Po Teiey rents oes fitoe Ham ond ie ous Oven cme cones PINES E waruscos SEA FOOD - ‘Salmio defumado ‘Smoked salmon se Sardinhas com azsite Canaries Lagosta Osts MANES: Bem passado Presunto em, cozido ou defumado Raw, cooked ot ssoked hom CARNE Came, Costeletas de carneito Rins de vtele Figsdo de vtele Mioloe Preadinbo de come Salsiche Roaite Vitela nesada Enpade (©) Abscate () Mage ( Basan PRUTAS (Gs) Ceres @ Tamara Figo © Sardines in ot Stange Uebeter Fish smves wewr Sak with fied eggs on top Veet chops Veal liver Hash, minced mest Roast beef Roast lant Roast pork Fruits Avocado Cheries (49) Ueas wpe (Lino Conon (omclzo Yitow (o)Melancia Watermelon iermin Orange (Pessero Pench (@ Pew re (0) Abaca Pinespple (@) Aneixa Plum (@) Passa de wv aa (62) Morangos Stawbenies (a) Castanea do Pass Brasil aa (0) ico Cocomt {0} Amendoim Peanats (c9) Noses Walnuts {@) Tornja (Toran) Grapetrie SOBREMESAS DESSERTS Peden custard poating Putin de queto (Cheese pudding Torta de ocd fonie pie Sete Ive cream Sods de futas Fut sled BEBIDAS DRINKS, BEVERAGES Vlado tnto Red wine Vino bronco White wine Cervja Beer hope: Draft beer ExERcfc10 Escrver um dilog: “Temes Conve par um jntar. LIGAON: 22 —ViGESIMA SEGUNDA LIGKO 22nd Lesson No Hore AP-THE Ho" Chas See se twat S sehora ext horpedada? } Where are you staying? Estos no Hotel Bras Estos om cata de sais, Onde ew * Ee gee me? Na Averids Copacabana Lowes (se) Bert Qe tl hte? Se om Rega Qesi fs a? Gest 63 pee? Ten sno com bao? Qe em quae, Com bunt on chevsre. De frente pre a. t Pegcen, Gade, Ee. rahe t ReteleSer inclsdas, Cate da mash ince Onde €o telefon? ‘eletonsta. Linh, por far Geese eve Eton tro poe lava Ocipado. E engine (Ninero Leve fate vestdoe (Gees tate ene peseada SSpasen Levande Por favor, tage sbio. Toutes Chane e is rove hos ‘Tem algun recede? @ 1a atthe Brasil Hotel am at my fiend’ hour, Whereis it OnCopacabane Avene. Net. How do you like the hotel? Very god What isthe day rate? Too expensive Cheaper Have you otoom with bath? For one person For a couple, With bat By the week. Ocean fret, Seal Noisy. Meas included Breakfast ncladed here is the telephone? Operaer. Lise, please Call the “Take these suits to be dry- Busy. Wong umber, “abe these dense. 1 vant this aut to be pressed ‘Tobe preseed cay Lent Please, bring 20 Towse, Calle at sie otek Have you ey sensage? (ues detnatrecado? oltre: mais tarde. oltre ogo. Goveta includ. exencfao screver un diflogo na portasa reception desk) de un Hote Peal come bec Ite. 1 ll ome back soon ‘Tp 10% service chars. Seale 6 grnda? ns en mei. Mes mado chams-s Joo. Metso ¢ Pe. Binh aptcn Chane v Mra Pais Pa hie. Fino. Filho, Pinoe Fike, Fikes ie Te Primos. LIGAO N? 23 - VIGESIMA TERCEIRA LICKO. Bird Lesson Grisssetow ney thew youl? Bee cits ——Dewnowe Soci hogs Mave you a lage family? My hesbend's name is John My mite My wife's mame is Mary Daagher: Daughters Cousin (nate). ‘Cousie Comal), Grandiaher, Grandson e pets. Obeigado pela sua hoopitalidade NA FARIA, Onde hem farmécia? Love eata rece, Sees Sina. eis very nice. (Likesbi), ‘Thacks for your hoaptaliy AT THE DRUGSTORE Whee is the drugstore? Take this preserpice 1 want an aspiin Alesha Us anties pce I etepti Bicatonst de soda, Breebonate of soda. fei Soe Bove ad rene parse eto Faoe cen Pent Cont opto de a, Feed ttn, anativo. Porante Lana. Physic Beton pach Ped ae Powder aes, Teen minus de buteu. Racor Uades Change Shampoo. rene debates ‘Sving can Sabo Tater som Sig donee Seats de cates F estado denies Toop EXERCrC0s 1, Descreva » sua familia eos seus picentes. 2 Escreva um aidlogs ne femme, 6 vince fica »agéncia de treme? Ga passegen ate S30 i cio we 24 -vIGEsIMA QUARTA LiGko 2dth Lesson TRAVEL Were ts the travel agency? How mach ie. ticket 0 Sio Palo? One way Round ti, Have a sice tp. SAODE AL TH lindo? How are you getting along? bree, Fine, the ‘ito be, ‘ot very wel beste Tan sick Chane um médica, lear, calla doctr. fs dor de eaters Thave &heedache om dor de dentes, have 8 toothache, 'com dor de esmege. Ihave a stomach-oche. tesftodo C=). have 3 old (com dornse pemas. My logs at fom dor as cost, My back hare fom dor de ouvidon My eer burs. om fab have fever Head. Am Souler Leg Bam Dentist owte. Este dente dj, This tooth huts, Te betes, EXERCICIOS tm didiogs numa agncia © seu dia de tel 6s LIGKO N! 25 ~ VIGESIMA QUINTA LIGKO 25th Lesson ‘TRLEFONE Onde estbotelfone? per um mint, O orto Cats eats? Bie to eatd Onde ea ext? Nio oe. TaN cham ta Leverne ao Plo de Agéea Lower’ ipsa Coven DiNHEARO Onde posso trocar dares? (Quetemandar un telegrams. (Carts sotura. > esthdio do Marncand. ExERcfeI0 41. O senhor gosta de ssiatie 8 televisio? Porque? 2 Gosta de ouvir orlo? Quais slo os seus proianes prelcrdos? 3 Oss. (esta) 1 0 Jornal todow om di? Com quem oar (esta) ta onten? monde fl? ‘TELEPHONE Whereis the telephone? Over thee u 5.O a. (a sta) tom ineréere em outton iiomes além do pottguts? Dowastars, Qual? In the lobby. {5 Qual € 9 sua principal aificudade nalingua portuguésa? Operon 7. Qual €0 melo vendo para rested? Line, please BA gue dstincia fica o sue casa daqu? Como so val até 16? Ben. 8. Tem viajado muito? Quals ae viagens gue tom feito? ‘rong number, Eta contente com teu progesso ta lingua portuguesa? Por que? Set me the apo. Who Is speaking? ‘This fe Me Seth Wat aioe, ~vicés rt — Mateninde 2% -VIGESIMA SEXTA LiGho 2604 Ls He is aot here. Were i abe? ESPoRTES: 1a not know. What fe the rate today? ‘The rates 170 to the dolla. POST OFFICE, the post ofice? ‘he postage for the His cogedlens of gender ot ‘nbe) as Her eogerdlees of gender of airmail vnber) Reclatered. ‘our (nase. sg. Twat to send telegram (ur (fen. sine) Night teter (ur (fen. pra) (our (nase plural) o ‘Tit (nase. regardless of [etder or number) ‘Theie fom. regardless of goder "or oubes) LLOCUGOES PREPOSITIVAS before, i font of eh In fot of cing beside, at the side of because of on eccount of ‘oteithetanding Srespeto de ‘oncerning ath respect; showt EXERCfCIO Escrover 20 sentongas empregando as locus prepsitivas © os adjetisos poseessivon Lisi w:27 - viGésiMa sériMa LIGkO wate (0-CORPO HUMANO “THE HUMAN BODY 1. Cabepa len.) esd 2 Cabelas (maze) Hae 3 Oveihas (1) Eas 4 Olhos (.) Eyes Mouth Tongue Lips Lo cuperior Upper ip 9, Labo inferior Lower ip 10. Destes =.) Teeth 1, Rowton) Feee 12 Queixe (=) Chie « Neck Beck ie Eltow Hands Than Foretioger ial enger Ringfinger Heart Liver EXPRESSOES IDIOM(TICAS or falar niso — As a matter of fact peaking of tha) Enquano nso” — Inthe menstine es "TRADUZIR AS SEGUINTES FRASES: L-thave a toothache, 1 must go 7, Is Dr. Mattos i? tothe desist taht away” 8. Hee busy with» client 2 Do jou know a good one? (cliente, but be wal be (Ga tom) free thin 30 mites 3 linow several god dentists 9, Please have a seat, in town, bt Pwant to. 10, Le going down (desc) for cup of effee snd tml teach, UL You may come is now 12 You have two cavities. Lm "ping il then 12st ering? tm going to call 14 No, it fant, him up seht nom. 15. have to pl out (rane) ‘one tooth © wo come back tomorow? 17. What tine? 16. Can you come back 1h The same es toy. ucinem-wetmmoravuela an Cana nrrs Fi wee sieey a =a oa a eee =. oe — ee = Te tole onesel to bother, ma rie om oo ay _— mors pte me sues aoe — ae a PERFEITO, io me levante io ee levantou [Nu oe levantanos Nose levataran Cevaatoran se Foren ime levenar —Levanta-neel No me levantrs iets Levastaraes Nip elven és os levanterenos Levantar-norenos Nao nos levastarenos Elesse cventetfo. Levasiaree'to Nio se levantario 7 FUTURO CONDICIONAL, Eumeleventaia —Levantarmeis Nao! O sontor, de, la ze Levantarseia és os levantarianos Levantar-nos-ames Nio nos fevantariamos| Bles'eeleventriom Levantarseiam NiO ce leventatam Nose levastaia GRAU CoMPARATIVO. 1 Yenldnde: Tin. Quo (Com) Ble 6a te aio. io € to forte quanto te & mote forte (do) que 2 Superioidade: Mais..(De) Que 3. Infeionidade: Menox.(Do) Que Ble é menos forte () que PRASES USUAIS Comuniqueine. vise Let me know, Deinenne ver Deixeme fazer Let me sn, Let me doit. Etre em contato congo Get in ouch with we © mais cedo que poder [At your atest convenience Fags-nor companhia Joins ‘Nip posto wuporar Gate tempo, I'ea't stand this weather Ni no ipa {ean stand that elon, No posso me lira de, 0 que wood quer dizer [NBD gute dizer isso. Nao quis fazer inzo. Nao {1 por qeter. ato 6. Quer dizer ean get od of him ‘What do you mean? 3. gentoo (tasteful, delicious) 4 Sabido (cunang, shrewd) 5 aie 6 love (ght, sot heavy) n Ligo ns 29 - VIGESIMA NONA LIGKO 2H Lesson PRIMEIRA CONJUGACAO |MPERFEITO DO INDICATIVO taters on sta flats “ening, lee’ ‘inion ou ete fled Nor (eves etfamoe falda Sectors, es elas ‘satan ow extavan fn PRECISAR ~ PRECIS-AVA ecisava ou ertava pecisando Sector, de, ela reciaave ou estate pecisando Nee Drecisivanos ou eatdvanos precinsndo 0s semores, des, precisavan ou estevan prectaand SEGUNDA CONIUEAEKO IMPERFEITO Do INDICATIVE Excrever Oseahor, de, ela Nee Os serboee, ls, elas eseevan ou estan ‘terreno Reber Bed = B ebia ou estavabebendo ecto, te, la ‘bela entara bend Osi ‘bebiamos og estivamos bebendo Woblen ov stave bebendo aprender - sprendia CComprecader - conpreendie comer come Tee (ser fie “TERCEIRA CONIUGACKO Abi = bia Paste Prefere —~ prefeia Ouvir “ouvia n voste- vestia gat -poa ‘VERBOS IRREGLLARES sen er Bu eae tisha °. senhor, de, el sta O tenor, le, ela tinks Nee Os seatores, des, elas 09000 IMPERFEITO 1. Expressar un ato hebitual 0 passed Ex: Eu goatava de eater latin [Bx Bu compeva muito naquele amazés (ste, shop) 2 Descrever un ato ou estado que se relizou quando acontecey “alguns cote Es Qunds x era rans, gostnra de naar Tendo etava em casa, quando woos telefono, A ADOLESCENEIA DE CARLOS 130 pina quando take sate sos, Ere mito dade mit ort porn. Costa mats de eae ae tet, eno cr mio com wate ealdade,O cuts gnasal fot bon poe, pois pana on Joaando ther. Joga tGdas au ooo, Korat tetie mulo do precisa de dinheim, soup snp Ie Gave. Fos eate SE edlcecéein gus infacniou's min sal pereoalidad. ExERcfe10 Escreva un pequeno trecho descevendo «sa adblescéacie (sande o impeteito do indies) 2 Nescer ‘Tobe bore LIGAO Nt 30 - TRIGESIMA LIGKO 30th Lesson Morter To die ce ioe ‘ERGO DA i, cONIUGACKO i BS aaa puto — am venaos 4 3, consuengio Bee Bor: ot a vos Tones ———_ ‘To present; to introduce Tradasie To translate Touch told w emnter Sori Toenile co Bose ti = Bion Beceer = a Boe ened Conviae Ble Constr Totule i Pen {io eifetedes e cheiay do i= (e. Na Cinlandia fo amada tina esome frvore de Natl fe {ecida pelos comercintes do Rio 20 pove caoce. A Mess, 8 Sears; enfin ae prandes Iojae fstio tides enfetodas A cada instante agente v8 um Papa! Noel na sun Agu quem masse diver com o Natal slo as.ea anpas. Parece que a festa 6. depara clan HE bingredos por tide parte, A meienoite vor Aimissa do glo. cia - Fico contente de aber to: (lato. No ano oe vem, ow Deus quae, vemos parser © Nota ScJemy - Como vai a Viele, Lé- + Ela est domindo. Eaté "dade de dois Batter than never! Herein Le- Boe life iz wonderful! ‘Ae you celebrating Chistnas ‘here? Of course. Everything is beaut- fal here at home and we have real Chatmes toe almost five feet high that | bought fom Tereopolie tis ‘beauty! Even the neighbors helped to decorate the tee the catiocas: Mesa, Sears ‘ad all the large stores are All decorated. Every nine we ‘te a Sat Claus inthe ste, Here the ones ko have the most fan ave the children. Tt ‘Seems thatthe festivities are Sito them. There ae toye 1 a glad to know allthis. Next Yost, with God wélingwe will pend Christman there How is ViekiejLicia? rosent sent mother also Sent tle picture of her Enbraces and kisses, Dad. Gorge i going to talk now. 8 Jonge Mes sop, como vak esta ‘tree? SiJery - Leia acaba de me dat ‘Gna Gina novidade! Ent, vo- ‘fs penaar vir ao prune Nee ‘de fester! ViekieBé de ado Jorge E de gilte, como vai? SeJeny agora te- ‘tho 1d0 mals so Riebol. Os ‘seus amigos brasiltos acabor fn por me congaistarpere fs. ‘esporte. Jd ato conversanos ‘Bore outta colse voce va ver, to ano que ven. Bom, feliz No {al e muita alegia para octs none arto de Beis Notal pas a minha wee da sonra! Scary» Feliz Nata, Jorge! No Lebion DPaula- Ora. Jeny, qui tio ‘enocionade que quase nto fle My faheriataw, how are you ‘sine? Lécis has jest given me wonder. fal news! You oe thsking shout coming next Chistes, sre't you? 1 thin 2.1 all depends on the ‘business (Oh, te are going to have the ‘iggest party! Vieke is ping to ove t! [And how are you with your gl? Well, lately Ihave been going to football games more often Ny Brasilon fiends have just ed me with tla apo mot talk aboot ay" fing to nee It next year Wells Mery Caiotmas and fave lote of fan, Did you feoeive our Crates card? You, we did. The Chistnas ‘cards in Brazil are veally ety. We liked It very mach ery Chestmas! And Mery, CChaeenas to my dear mother inet Meny Christmas, George! In Lebtone Watt. Jew, got 20 emotions ‘hat Ted talked my ddghter. forgot all the ‘qretions I wanted to ask ‘That's the way i goes. In New York George! I wonder if other is oi to like the presen Jonge - Seu pl j8 vie beastie, You father has become & ‘ein? Sim senhor! FB de fale” Grasion. Hess football, wei fant exERefa0 TInventar uma hist de Natal, com um nino de dex seyuintesregiSes do globo CONTINENTE — ESTIMATIVA DA PO- PULAGAO BM 1962 Amésic do Sul (Gla, Dento © Dis) Gning Agnes oes Cabo Verse ‘Sto Tomé © Principe 0 portuguts est entre as tng dom soften algunas wodicasbes dete ificas, pelos elanentos indigena, acanos sinda pelo cosmopolta- Missones grandes cdades. aso idiona nto perdeus sus eatura sies. ‘A snidate Itngua, no Breil, vom se conservando a par do seu en- (Que outs idiomas sto conentes no Basi? Os baste tone conkecinentns de francis, tcteds deesan Hague [FRASES USUAIS E POPUL ARES Sefer modicapsen Underge sodfcatons Comprar no tacit Pedeque Sollee, solteions m Fantertc, unpredictable jbl Infomal i peguniass (Qoaie ae vegies do mundo om que & falda alngaa portugues? (Questoshetitantes, eprotimadanent,falam poraguls? Por qveo portugués do Brasil ao & exatamente igual wo de Portugal? (Quale sto as Inguesestrangelras ensinedes nas escoles brasileira? 0 QUE QUER DIZER BMLINGL ES Bil disse que nto baincatia no cameval, ‘ait a fara! (Grove Toesdss) Fago as compras de fin-deano pelo facilittio da “Exposigto”™ (Grande maparin do Rio de Jeneizo) 0 cobrador do bonde (streetcar) passou ume deacompostea no passe felt que nto aha diaheim para pager a pasaagen, E costume dizer no Brall que 08 minds (de Minas Gerais) sempre {aren 0 seu pé-demea. De fat, ox Banoos de Minas exo ete fortes do Brel = ne txgateiea gorda LIGHO NE 36 . TRIGESIMA SEXTA LIGKO 60h Lesson PARTICIPIO PASSDO - VerboxReguares ta conucagio — aa. consucacio aa. convene io ARADO) -ER DO IR IDO False fad aprender prendido partir parts Fechar fechaéo comer conido ouvieouvido Comprar comprado receber rocrbido air) sufdo Estar estado ter doped pedo eto eee dentin Vaal PARTIEfPIO PASSADO IRREGULAR pam encrever_ eredto abit shen fero fase fete oir indo Genher faaho dizer dito se contticngio Sie Se Meir pla PRETERITO PERFEITO COMPOSTO - Verto Ter Pertefplo Pas. Examploe: tenho falado muito 0 que tom feito? om estudado pouco Tem visited os anigns? tonot ented ocupados Teno VOL ATIVA E VOZ PASSVA Mex snigo escreves dete vm Este livo fl excite ormey ‘Apoliea o presen te fot pen pola polit Ble Bs fl isto por DIKLoGO ‘A.que horas ten acordado? ‘Tonto acordato 9 horas, ‘Tem alimog edo em case ov fos? Geralmente ta, mas tones jonte > em cans, ‘Tem stjado muito? io. Teabo trabulhado bartan FRASES USUAIS ‘Never mind Wa allover It gerves you night! Pay attention ExERC{CIO 7. Bate Sma constmiré um edt 2 Escrevere smanhiuma carta, flo de dove andaes 3. Bie vu meu into onten 18. O médico me etendeu 85 onze demaahs. 9. Mine mie plontou estas (IE Shh 2g BS \t + eels rea! a yf 8 BHSSRE Pay Up gee AER ile te yea! Ta ie 8 RHaSHkE eee PTTL 8 Hat Psp ETB gi” ig BGT [IPEEE ese tee i 8 seat ff aRacate ana appar ate jee ee r " 3 fi tee ey “Hed Sage HE ail HH e r ju! ee R2E2 ggagg S55 “ergeg Se SERagE es ee B35 g " S aa i 3 fe i aaa me os ce oe Be Ekeined? ee tae fase Sieyage ce) eae foeennees easenses : F ‘cosmamn™ ie RED Sanrenne munca Saren Bane nace fers nan” Sram on Senne menvwec: Ti wpercmecenes (cwenen) taee vanecase? i. fam Breescs- oeawanas fan : cas a Sees a a wal a muaer iar" oe ie faa a ey azonpen, Tinnie ele x-weEn aceveN REReSeRRURER =m anemones saazt foun cs) ams feave ware wae, conn Saties. Sarees. Sa RUMEN SONN ROR maim An ans keene aie cm) ese: eT een: eaarm Eanewete-cmn MERAE-AreER SAEs ACHIIELTN SEEN: SOMO am ane eur: Scunsoes cara CRN i ‘peenaie xenon ‘con Seen eee: onzasme xapee Eames mean. aac (ws) omen nam ens aworenne ramen rxoe amie nzaR—neeRceR ‘enna ‘eraaonmnermens exeumaman- oaemea an RERanoncio oueere: mane AR ne Tomas pity fs. nemee smampes- cus, mass oa eesaveors> Reese rasa. exngeentonereans sian ae : . Renn (2) aan is, Ey Be, ee Se-COmeDA-entaum: ane Eitene: | Seen: Pages egene—- . Suupaowesme, = a a fat aeEeA" op ore PS ct a a 3 Gawxcme: Rawesmee: erpexuama: nesms: 2 om mow = anses chaeweawe: i a Gs mokono ate Se oo mamoca—see rete gasses =" Fane! Bageateage 101 i ee pes ey ; I : cor mnane sanasen an: nem aan Sxconen Camnarane, Cemnrene toe TkoWRCERORAMONCRER. oxRENES- RRCRENORER:) = Bie eo 2 ze 2 a = : =o Be me, = oe, de, RT ea

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