Session Zero - Handout 3 - Class Backgrounds

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Barbarian, Acolyte - Proselytized Tribal: You are the former member of a secluded tribe
that was converted to organized religion by missionaries. While your faith remains strong,
your tribal origins occasionally show themselves, especially when you fight.

Barbarian, Charlatan - Fake Warrior: You've made a name for yourself as a great warrior.
But it's all fluff with no substance, you just strike recklessly and hope to hit it right. And
you've only had one or two battles in your life. /u/Quantext609

Barbarian, Criminal - Repo (Wo)Man: You worked for a crime family to ensure that all of
the family's client's debts were paid on time.

Barbarian, Entertainer - Wrestler: You used your brute strength to gain the upper hand in
wrestling tournaments and dazzle your adoring fans.

Barbarian, Folk Hero - Escaped Slave: Members of your isolated tribe were attacked and
enslaved by a group of Drow slavers. You escaped, and lead an armed insurrection which
freed a number of other slaves.

Barbarian, Guild Artisan - Stone Mason: You worked for a Stonemasonry guild, and used
your great strength to crush and sculpt heavy stones.

Barbarian, Hermit - Exiled: In a fit of anger, you killed someone you shouldn't have. You
were exiled, either by force or willingly, to atone for your crimes. After coming out of
isolation, you try to keep your anger down, but failed to extinguish it entirely.

Barbarian, Noble - Unwilling Heir: You are the member of a prominent royal family, and
are destined to inherit a title when your elder passes. Despite this, aristocratic living grates
you, and you spend your days hunting, wrestling, or fraternizing with the lower classes.

Barbarian, Outlander - Tribal: You came from an isolated tribe far away from civilization.
You served your tribe as a great warrior and hunter.

Barbarian, Sage - Jekyll and Hyde: You're an old soul who has studied several things over
your years. Although recently you've discovered the ability to infuse your body with inhuman
strength. Now you're seeing where this new power guides you. /u/Quantext609

Barbarian, Sailor - Deck Hand: You were the member of a ship crew, and worked as a deck
hand, carrying heavy goods and moving heavy cargo.

Barbarian, Soldier - Infantry: You served as an infantry member for an army, and fought in
numerous battles. Your reckless fighting earned you notoriety among your company.

Barbarian, Urchin - Asylum Patient: You were confined to a madhouse at a young age after
a violent outburst. After being confined for a number of years, you escaped.
Bard, Acolyte - Hymnist: You are the member of a church or other organized religion that
practices their worship through song or music. You may have traveled with a capella or choir
to spread the teachings of your deity.

Bard, Charlatan - Snake Oil Merchant: Your silver-tongued talents have given you a knack
for selling merchandise, especially if the customer believes the products in question are worth
more than they actually are. No refunds.

Bard, Criminal - Crime Lord: You maintain an influential position in the criminal
underworld, running a crime family from the shadows. Other families respect you, your
underlings obey you, and the common people either idolize or fear you.

Bard, Entertainer - Traveling Performer: You use your musical or performance talents to
excite and amaze the crowds, earning fame and coin for your impressive skills.

Bard, Folk Hero - Revolutionary: Your people live under the oppressive rule of a cruel
tyrant. Your speeches and teachings calling for an uprising of the peasantry have become
very popular, and caused a revolutionary fervor among the commoners. Declared an enemy
of the state, you were forced to flee.

Bard, Guild Artisan - Arcane Craftsman: Not every Bard uses music or poetry to cast their
spells. You are a member of an artisan's guild that uses the artistic power that vibrates
through all creation to perfect their particular craft, such as blacksmithing, calligraphy, or

Bard, Hermit - Apprentice: You studied the Bardic arts under the instruction of a powerful
teacher who lived far from civilization, such as a fey, genie, or polymorphed dragon. Your
teaching was very strict, but shaped you into a talented Bard.

Bard, Noble - Court Jester: You were hired, or raised, to become a royal jester and entertain
a monarch or wealthy noble. After a particularly ill-received joke, you were forced to go into
hiding and change your identity.

Bard, Outlander - Folklorist: Before organized schooling and the written word, societies
relied on talented storytellers for education and entertainment. In your isolated tribe, you
were one such storyteller, recounting folklore and stories of evil monsters and brave warriors
to teach and amuse the younglings.

Bard, Sage - Librarian: Your magical talents come from collecting and reciting books and
tomes of all types, both magical and non-magical.

Bard, Sailor - Sea Singer: Extended travel by ship can be monotonous, frightening, and
maddening; a positive attitude is valuable and hard to come by when out at sea. You helped
liven up your crewmate's moods by singing rude songs and recounting outlandish stories to
distract everyone from their misery, and were damned good at doing it too.

Bard, Soldier - Martial Musician: You were a member of a military band that would travel
along with an army to play their instruments. Your music could issue orders to soldiers,
encourage your allies, or intimidate the enemy.

Bard, Urchin - Busker: Born without a copper to your name, you took to the streets with
hopes to earn coin from passers-by by dazzling them with your street performance.
Cleric, Acolyte - Priest: You pursued the path of the faithful and completed your training to
become a priest in service of a deity. Whatever your position within the temple's hierarchy is,
the bond you have with your god remains strong.

Cleric, Charlatan - Deliverer: Using your connection to your faith, you have made a decent
amount of coin convincing those who live sinful lives to make a "donation" to you to ensure
their spot in the afterlife. Your god would understand, right?

Cleric, Criminal - Forbidden Faith: The deity you worship and channel your divine magic
through has been made illegal by the government in power. You practice your faith in secret,
communing with other faithful worshipers of your god in the shadows.

Cleric, Entertainer - Choir Singer: You are the member of your church's choir, and spread
your deity's gospel through song.

Cleric, Folk Hero - Miracle Worker: You come from a humble background of common folk,
but some miraculous event in your life showed that you were favored by the gods. You took
this as a sign to take up an active role in your favored deity's clergy.

Cleric, Guild Artisan - Holy Artisan: Your deity values a particular craft as a form of
worship, and your faith has caused you to become skilled in this craft, whither it be
blacksmithing, carpentry, or cooking.

Cleric, Hermit - Pagan: You were the caretaker of an ancient temple dedicated to a long
forgotten god. For your generous act, the god has awoken from its slumber and granted you
the power to channel its divine magic and become its champion.

Cleric, Noble - Bishop: You have a prominent position within your religion, either
overseeing a diocese or acting as a religious advisor to a noble of noteworthy significance.
Regardless of the nature of your position, the title grants significant wealth and privilege.

Cleric, Outlander - Medicine (Wo)Man: You come from a tribe far away from the civilized
world, that worships the gods through the ways of the ancients. Your talents as a healer aided
your tribe greatly in times of need.

Cleric, Sage - Scribe: You spread your faith by writing your deities teachings and sharing
them with any would-be converts. Your deity might place a special value to literacy and

Cleric, Sailor - Deck Healer: While out at sea when medicine is scarce, disease and injury
can threaten the stability and safety of any ship's crew. You were employed as a nautical
healer, to ensure that your shipmates would remain healthy and able-bodied for the duration
of their journey.

Cleric, Soldier - Battlefield Medic: Medical talents are in high demand on the battlefield,
where injury and death is an expected consequence. You served in an army as a healer,
tending to injured soldiers daily and providing prayers to the weary.

Cleric, Urchin - Orphan: Unable to care for you on their own, your parents left you on the
doorstep of a church when you were a baby. Growing up under the care of nuns and priests
has lead you down the path of the clergy.
Druid, Acolyte - Green Priest: You revere and worship a nature deity, and channel its divine
presence through prayer and sacrifice. You might have looked after an ancient nature temple
in the wilderness with other priests, or may have conducted your worship entirely on your

Druid, Charlatan - Undercover Anarchist: You are known to others as a respected merchant
with an unknown past who wouldn't be caught dead getting their hands dirty. Secretly,
however, you collaborate with an underground network of Druid rebels, hoping to bring
down society and return it to a natural hunter-gatherer state.

Druid, Criminal - Green Thief: You have used your Druidic powers to gain the upper hand
in the criminal underworld, communicating with rats, crows, and other vermin to assist your
pick-pocketing and burglary. You might be conspiring with the monstrous humanoids that
dwell in the sewers, such as wererats, mongrelfolk, or doppelgangers.

Druid, Entertainer - Menagerie Owner: Your connection to Druidic magic stems from your
fascination with the beauty and complexity of nature. You share this fascination with others
by collecting and caring for a menagerie of rare creatures and plants, which people who have
demonstrated sufficient respect for nature are invited to marvel at. /u/YorsWorld

Druid, Folk Hero - Humanitarian: After a famine, natural disaster, or plague ravaged a small
village, you harnessed the powers of the natural world to aid them, saving hundreds of lives.

Druid, Guild Artisan - Farmer: You are a member of a guild of magical farmers, who use
the powers of nature magic to boost their harvesting ability and make their crops large and

Druid, Hermit - Forest Guardian: You were the protector of a sacred grove in the wilderness
that was blessed by a divine nature deity. After an evil fiend came across it and defiled it
while you were away on a hunt, you vowed to find a way to restore it to its original condition,
and slay the outsider who destroyed it.

Druid, Noble - Fey-Blooded: One of your distant relatives is a member of the unearthly
Seelie Court of the Fey. While only pure fey creatures can reside on the court, your heritage
has granted you the gift of wealth and a strong bond with the natural world.

Druid, Outlander - Shaman: You come from a tribe far away from the civilized world, that
honors the natural world through sacrifices and rituals. Your understanding of the natural
balance of the world aided your tribe greatly.

Druid, Sage - Botanist: You studied the natural world in an academic manner, perhaps as an
alchemist or researcher. You turned to the Druidic arts to gain a better understanding of
nature, or after a life-altering encounter with it.

Druid, Sailor - Marooned: You found yourself abandoned on a small deserted island, either
after a shipwreck or as punishment for a crime. While near death, your pleas for help were
answered by the forces of the wild, who spoke to you and taught you how to harness Druidic
magic to save yourself.

Druid, Soldier - Forager: An army marches on its stomach, and a well-stocked food supply
can decide who wins or loses a battle. You served in your army as a forager, who could
control the magic of the wilds to create food and drinking water for the other soldiers.
Druid, Urchin - Gutter Mage: While most Druids look down on large cities as being
monuments of sin against nature, you have found a way to cultivate the seed of the nature in
the middle of the foulest, most disease-ridden parts of the urban sprawl. You watch over the
sewers of a city, protecting the mold and rats from the forces of Elemental Evil.
Fighter, Acolyte - Templar: You have taken up the sword and the shield for a religious
cause, fighting in service of a deity. You fight differently than a Cleric or Paladin; perhaps
you are still waiting to gain your gods favor, or have fallen from grace and hope to regain it,
or simply prefer to fight in your own unique way.

Fighter, Charlatan - Cheater: You were a duelist in a highly regarded fighting tournament,
and made a significant name for yourself with your streak of wins. However, you used
underhanded techniques to gain the advantage over your opponents before the matches even
began. After being discovered, you were forced to flee under a new identity.

Fighter, Criminal - Contract Killer: You made significant money in the criminal underworld
as a hired killer, getting paid to kill certain targets for a large fee. Your talent with weapons
ensured you would always get the job done well.

Fighter, Entertainer - Tournament Champion: You gained fame after showcasing your
skills in a competitive tournament, such as jousting, archery, or melee. You traveled to other
tournaments, showing off your amazing talents to your adoring fans.

Fighter, Folk Hero - Militia Leader: With very little prior training, you were able to turn
your small village into an organized militia, and commanded a successful defense against an
approaching horde, saving hundreds of lives.

Fighter, Guild Artisan - Blacksmith: Your knowledge of armor and weaponry extends
beyond the battlefield; you have a talent for crafting and smithing weapons and armor, and
know how to repair a broken sword or dented shield in a pinch.

Fighter, Hermit - Disciple: You trained in the art of combat under a wise and skilled master,
in a dojo far from the civilized world. Your sensei might have been a planer outsider, such as
a Gith, Rakshasa, or Angel.

Fighter, Noble - Knight: You are a Knight, among the lowest of the noble classes but still
well respected among feudal society. You served under command of a Lord or Lady and were
bestowed the title of Sir or Dame.

Fighter, Outlander - Spartan: You grew up in an isolated warrior society, where brutish
discipline and endurance were valued over things like arts and academics. The harsh
environment shaped you into an elite warrior.

Fighter, Sage - Dungeoneer: You are a scholar of lost civilizations, and study the remnants
of ancient tombs and catacombs. Your field of study calls for delving into dangerous
environments and fighting hostile enemies, which you have become quite skilled at. While
the work may be deadly, the reward of lost knowledge is sweet.

Fighter, Sailor - Sea Mercenary: While out at sea, merchant ships are the frequent targets of
pirates, who hope to steal the cargo for themselves. You offered your services as a
mercenary, paid to fight off pirates and sea monsters which might threaten any merchant

Fighter, Soldier - (Wo)Man-at-arms: You were the member of an elite cavalry unit of an
army, trained in heavy armor and a variety of weapons to charge the enemy and crush the

Fighter, Urchin - Vigilante: With no one to look up to when you were young, you learned
how to fend for yourself in the dangerous streets of the city. Now an adult, your harsh
upbringing shaped you into a skilled warrior. You've become a protector of the city you grew
up in, watching over the streets to ensure the poor families have someone to look after them.
Monk, Acolyte - Ascetic: You are the member of a religious sect that values a lifestyle
without sensual pleasures in favor of spiritual purity. You have learned to resist the
temptations of gluttony and lust and perfect the soul to achieve a greater bond with the

Monk, Charlatan - False Messiah: You have gained significant fame after claiming to be the
reincarnation of a long-dead warrior or wise man, and offer wisdom to any who are willing to
pay. This is a complete lie, however; you have no memory of your past lives, and made the
whole thing up to make money.

Monk, Criminal - Cat Burglar: Through self-discipline and practice, you have learned the art
of cat burglary, sneaking into a place under the cover of darkness to steal valuables, then
swiftly escaping into the night.

Monk, Entertainer - Boxer: You used your skill as a pugilist to enter fist-fighting
tournaments and win fame and fortune while entertaining the restless crowds that come to see
you fight.

Monk, Folk Hero - Reincarnated: A group of monks came to your village and claimed you
were the reincarnation of their dead leader and deemed you fit to rule them. You were
skeptical, but you are beginning to realize the power held within you.

Monk, Guild Artisan - Courier: You are a member of the courier's guild, and specialize in
delivering goods and letters from one person to another, usually by foot.

Monk, Hermit - Martial Artist: You attended a monastery to learn the martial arts under a
wise sensei, and achieve perfection of the body and mind through meditation, practice, and
spiritual cleanliness.

Monk, Noble - Silent Avenger: You come from a wealthy family of traders. One night, your
parents were killed before your very eyes by robbers. Since then, you harbor a deep hate
towards injustice and crime. You traveled far to a secret monastery, to learn not only how to
defend yourself - but also to bring justice to evildoers. By day, you are still a wealthy
merchant and are famous for your great parties - but at night, the shadow side of you strikes.

Monk, Outlander - Guide: You know the wilds like the back of your hand, and know how to
navigate others through the wilderness when they get lost or seek safe passage.

Monk, Sage - Philosopher: You studied philosophy under the instruction of a wise teacher,
seeking to understand the true nature of world. While you haven't yet achieved
enlightenment, your meditation and study has given you a better understanding of yourself.

Monk, Sailor - Boatswain: You were the boatswain of a ship's crew, a job that required you
to precariously suspend from a rope on the side of a ship to repair it. The work was
dangerous, but you were skilled at your job.

Monk, Soldier - Scout: You served under an army by acting as a scout, traveling ahead to
observe the nearby terrain and keep an eye out for any approaching threats. While you did not
fight the enemy directly, you still know how to handle yourself in combat.

Monk, Urchin - Bloodsport: With no money to your name, you entered an illegal fighting
tournament to win some extra coin. You fought well against other untrained combatants, and
learned how to survive a fight against a foe.
Paladin, Acolyte - Righteous Warrior: You were the member of a religious organization in
service of a deity or deities. You took up the sword and shield after taking a vow to serve
your god and carry out your deity's will.

Paladin, Charlatan - Double Agent: You introduce yourself to others as a faithful servant of
a specific church or deity; in actuality, this is a lie, and you really serve a different deity. You
infiltrated a rival church to gain intelligence on them, and to sabotage their mission whenever
you can.

Paladin, Criminal - Dark Knight: Not every faithful warrior of the church is a law-abiding
citizen. While your faith in your deity is unwavering, your allegiance to the government is
not. Lawless Paladins are usually Blackguards, but not always; if the crown is corrupt and
tyrannical, it might be the duty of a pious Paladin to break the law and fight against the

Paladin, Entertainer - Recovering Hedonist: You used to be a talented performer with a bad
vice, such as drugs, alcohol, or romance. After your addiction ruined your career and almost
ended your life, you went to the church for salvation. After vowing to swear off your bad
habit, you became a redeemed champion of your deity.

Paladin, Folk Hero - Chosen One: You were a commoner who regularly prayed to your
favored deity for guidance and protection, although you didn't work for the church in any
official capacity. One night, you received a vision from your god telling you to take up arms
and go on a quest for the greater good. You eagerly obliged, and bought what weapons you
could to fulfill your god's will.
Paladin, Guild Artisan - Purchased Salvation: After working as a traveling merchant for
many years, your family came into some shady dealings and selling of mysterious artifacts.
After purchasing a particularly nasty trinket you and your family have been cursed. The only
way to have the curse lifted was by selling all your possessions and devoting the rest of your
life to a just cause. Should you waiver, the curse on you and your family will return.
Paladin, Hermit - Born Again: After accidentally committing an evil act, you entered
seclusion to find atonement for your crime. After months of long prayer and meditation, the
gods spoke to you and offered forgiveness if you would become a champion of the faith. You
graciously accepted.
Paladin, Noble - Holy Knight: You are a Knight, among the lowest of the noble classes but
still well respected among feudal society. You served under command of a Lord or Lady and
were bestowed the title of Sir or Dame.
Paladin, Outlander - Green Knight: You were the protector of a sacred grove in the
wilderness that was blessed by a divine nature deity. After an evil fiend came across it and
defiled it while you were away on a hunt, you vowed to find a way to restore it to its original
condition, and slay the outsider who destroyed it.
Paladin, Sage - Library Guardian: Books and scrolls are valuable, and take a long time to
write. All that knowledge needs to be protected. You served as a watcher of a great library,
ensuring that the writings it contained were free from vandals and thieves.
Paladin, Sailor - Davy Jones' Judge: After bloodthirsty pirates attacked your ship, killed
your crew, and left you for dead, you vowed to have your revenge. You took up an oath with
a wrathful god, and swore to rid the sea of pirates and monsters.
Paladin, Soldier - Crusader: You were a fought in a great holy war, waged by order of your
god against a heretical foe. You may have crusaded into the Nine Hells, or into the lair of a
powerful Lich. Regardless of where you fought, the brutal fighting changed you as a person.
Paladin, Urchin - Orphan: Unable to care for you on their own, your parents left you on the
doorstep of a church when you were a baby. Growing up under the care of nuns and priests
has lead you down the path of paladinship.
Ranger, Acolyte - Inquisitor: You worked for an organized religion with the job of hunting
down people or creatures deemed heretical by the church. You may have experience with
hunting monsters such as Undead, Fiends, Fey, Elementals, or even people.
Ranger, Charlatan - Animal Merchant: You made a name for yourself as a trader of well-
trained rare animals, which you would sell to others for a high price. Unbeknownst to the
customers, your trusty animal companion was trained to sneak away from the buyer at night
and return to you, ready to complete the scam all over again.
Ranger, Criminal - Highwayman: You were a thief that stole from travelers on the road, far
from civilization and law enforcement. While you may have been a terror to those you faced,
some robbers may have gained a good reputation with common folk by only stealing from the
rich and giving their stolen wealth to the poor.
Ranger, Entertainer - Animal Tamer: You joined a traveling circus with your loyal animal
companion to make some money. You and your companion have become a popular attraction
with audience members, performing daring tricks and humorous comedic routines.
Ranger, Folk Hero - Messenger: After you spotted a monstrous horde approaching your
village while you were out hunting, you sneaked past them and ran back to your village to
alert them to ready the militia. Had it not been for your bravery and stealth, the village would
have been overwhelmed.
Ranger, Guild Artisan - Cartographer: You are the member of a respected Cartographer's
Guild, who's work in accurately mapping uncharted territory is paid for handsomely by any
who wish to travel into new lands.
Ranger, Hermit - Ruin Watcher: Your travels led you to a lost city or civilization, unseen by
human eyes for hundreds of years. You took refuge in it, studying its history, culture, and
religion. After an extended stay in the ruins, you began to embrace the society.
Ranger, Noble - Trophy Hunter: You are an aristocrat who has taken an interest in the hobby
of game hunting. You started out hunting rabbits, foxes, and deer, but moved up to wolves,
elk, and bear. Lately, however, you been seeking to catch some mystical game, such as
monstrosities, oozes, giants, or even dragons.
Ranger, Outlander - Hunter: You are a skilled explorer who has made a living hunting
animals and monsters. You may be hired by others to guide them through an area, explore
uncharted territory, or kill a particularly nasty monster that has been terrorizing locals.
Ranger, Sage - Monsterologist: You are a researcher of a specific type of creature, such as
Aberrations, Fey, Giants, Oozes, or Undead. Your study of the creature has frequently forced
you to fight off some of the more hostile members of its species.
Ranger, Sailor - Navigator: You were the member of the navigation crew on a ship, plotting
the destination and making sure the ship didn't fall off course. When the need arised, you also
served as an excellent swordsman.
Ranger, Soldier - Deserter: You were a soldier that feared an approaching threat and decided
to go AWOL. You fled in the dead of night, and had to take refuge in a hostile environment
to escape capture and certain execution. While the terrain was harsh, you managed to evade
capture and learned to survive in the wilderness for long periods of time.
Ranger, Urchin - Wild Child: After a childhood of neglect and poverty, you ran away from
home and took solace in the wilderness. While there, you met a family of animals who
nurtured you as one of their own. You hunted and ate with them, and used your human
intellect to steal from farmers and travelers. You love your animal friends dearly, although
the experience has left you somewhat feral.
Rogue, Acolyte - Pilgrim: You are a religious priest who has experience traveling to holy
sites. You may have helped others make similar journeys, or be saving up to travel to an
especially inhospitable holy site.
Rogue, Charlatan - Gambler: You have made a living as a professional gambler, betting on
gladiatorial matches, cockfights, horse racing, or games of chance to win big. When the odds
are not to your liking, you always make sure to have a trick up your sleeve, such as weighted
dice, blackmail, or—on especially important bets—poison. If people start getting suspicious,
you can set up a new identity in a new town at the drop of a hat, and start all over again.
Rogue, Criminal - Robber: You have become skilled in the art of robbery; you hold up
banks or people, shake them down for money, then flee before the militia arrives. While
dangerous, your talents have earn you money and respect in the criminal underworld.
Rogue, Entertainer - Dancer: Your nimbleness has given you a gift in the art of dancing.
You entertain crowds at concerts with a dancing routine, such as ballet, tap dance, or
freestyle. Your skills as a dancer translate well on the battlefield, allowing you to 'dance'
around your enemies to gain the upper hand.
Rogue, Folk Hero - Outlaw: The greedy noble of your town levies a high tax against the
poor commoners, who are constantly menaced by the corrupt town guard. You took matters
into your own hands, and stole a great deal of wealth from the noble to give to the poor
people. While the theft made you an enemy of the noble, you became adored by the people
for the act.
Rogue, Guild Artisan - Artist: You are a talented artist who sells their works for coin. Not
all artists use a canvas and brush; you might be a sculptor, potter, or calligrapher. Your
nimble hands and perfectionist attitude makes you deadly with a blade or bow.
Rogue, Hermit - Secret Society: You are the child of a member of a secret society of thieves
or assassins. You were raised from birth to continue the family legacy and carry out missions
for the society. Your motivations might be monetary, hereditary, or philosophical.
Rogue, Noble - Duelist: Fencing is a popular sport among aristocracy, seen as more refined
than wrestling or horse racing. You have made a name for yourself among your family as an
excellent fencer, and pay more focus towards your next duel than the goings-on of the
aristocratic world.
Rogue, Outlander - Longhunter: You are a skilled explorer who has made expeditions into a
frontier or other hospitable territory for months at a time. You may have been paid to explore
a territory by orders of a king, or simply done it to see whats out there and make a name for
Rogue, Sage - Dungeoneer: You are a scholar of lost civilizations, and study the remnants of
ancient tombs and catacombs. Your field of study calls for delving into dangerous
environments and fighting hostile enemies, which you have become quite skilled at. While
the work may be deadly, the reward of lost knowledge is sweet.
Rogue, Sailor - Pirate: You spent your youth under the sway of a dread pirate, a ruthless
cutthroat who taught you how to survive in a world of sharks and savages. You've indulged in
larceny on the high seas and sent more than one deserving soul to a briny grave. Fear and
bloodshed are no strangers to you, and you've garnered a somewhat unsavory reputation in
many a port town.
Rogue, Soldier - Skirmisher: You served in an army as a skirmisher, providing tactical
assistance through flanking, ambushes, and reconnaissance. Fighting the enemy directly is
unwise, and you would use every method available to you to gain the upper hand.
Rogue, Urchin - Hoodlum: With nobody to turn to in your youth, you joined a street gang
for protection and company. You learned how to survive on the streets, and were taught how
to pick locks, sneak in the shadows, and escape from the guards.
Sorcerer, Acolyte - Cultist: Your birth was prophesied by a secretive cult with sinister aims.
You were raised by the cult to become their leader, and were foretold to bring about the end
of days. Thankfully, the cult was destroyed by an order of paladins, who took you in after you
were orphaned.
Sorcerer, Charlatan - Snake Oil Merchant: Your silver-tongued talents have given you a
knack for selling merchandise, especially if the customer believes the products in question are
worth more than they actually are. No refunds.
Sorcerer, Criminal - Illicit Bloodline: Sorcerers—at least, of your bloodline—are declared
by law to be outlaws from birth by order of the crown, and meant to be smothered at birth.
Your birth was hidden by your parents, and you managed to evade discovery during
childhood. You have spent your entire life on the outskirts of society, hunted by the law
Sorcerer, Entertainer - Freakshow: Your sorcerous origin has left you with a prominent
supernatural mark or deformity that is difficult to hide. Unable to find employment due to
your appearance, you joined a traveling carnival, where your disfigurement was shown to
shocked and disgusted spectators. You made a decent amount of coin with the carnival, but
always resented the dehumanizing work.
Sorcerer, Folk Hero - Protector: When your small village was threatened by a much larger
foe, your sorcerous blood revealed itself. It may have revealed itself because of the stress, a
near-fatal wound, or you could have knowingly kept it hidden this whole time. Regardless of
its nature, you fought off the threat by yourself and became celebrated as a hero because of it.
Sorcerer, Guild Artisan - Purchased Power: You weren't born with your sorcerous ability,
you bought it. You were a wealthy merchant with an interest in purchasing magical artifacts.
Either intentionally or unintentionally, you purchased a magical relic that was salvaged from
a dungeon that granted you magical ability when you came in contact with it. Perhaps the
artifact belonged to a being of immense power, or simply needed to come in contact with
your bloodline to be activated. You keep the object securely in your possession
Sorcerer, Hermit - Enlightened: Your magical ability manifested itself after meditation and
long isolation. You entered seclusion or joined a monastery to gain a greater understanding of
your inner self. After a long period of self-contemplation, you discovered the spark of magic
that burned within your soul, and learned how to control it.
Sorcerer, Noble - Blue Blood: A sorcerous bloodline is quite a valuable thing to marry into
for those without magical ability; it is not unheard of for wealthy families to try and marry
into sorcerous bloodlines to strengthen the family name and produce powerful offspring. You
are the result of such a marriage, and are the youngest in a family of mage-aristocrats.
Sorcerer, Outlander - Feral Child: You were born under a bad omen, such as an eclipse, the
death of a king, or on a Friday the 13th. Your superstitious parents abandoned you in the
wilderness when you were an infant to escape misfortune, and left you to succumb to the
elements. You survived, however; you were found by a wild animal who could sense the
magic within you and sought to protect you as their own. You grew up knowing only your
basic instincts, until you were found by a hunter.
Sorcerer, Sage - School For Gifted Youngsters: When your sorcerous powers revealed
themselves to you when you were a child, you were sent to a school for the magically-
inclined. While there, you learned to control your magical powers
Sorcerer, Sailor - Monsoon-Born: You were born during a freak occurrence of weather, such
as a flood, lightning storm, or tsunami. This caused you to have a natural affinity for the
water, a talent that manifested as a skill for sailing and swimming. You were a member of a
ship's crew, and aided them with your power to control wind and weather.
Sorcerer, Soldier - Super Soldier: Officers and generals are always looking for ways to use
magic to make their armies the strongest in the land. The army you served in was subjected to
a dangerous alchemical substance with the hopes of turning them into powerful warriors.
Many of your comrades died or were disfigured as a result of the side-effects, but you were
lucky enough to survive and be given magical talents as a result.
Sorcerer, Urchin - Familicide: Magical talent is difficult to control when you are young,
especially if you live in a stressful or abusive environment. Your sorcerous powers
manifested explosively when you were a child, which resulted in the death of your parents or
caretakers. With no one left to look after you, you were reduced to living on the streets, using
your wits and magical ability to survive.
Warlock, Acolyte - The Chained God: Long ago, your church declared a crusade against an
otherworldly foe that terrorized the land. An army of crusaders left the Material Plane and
marched into another plane of existence, hoping to purge all that threatened the safety of the
world. The crusaders captured a powerful heretic god, and imprisoned it inside a holy site.
With time, the church learned how to siphon the deity's power, and taught their priests to use
its magic. You are one of such Ur-Warlocks. Although you are confident in your ability to
control your Pact Magic, many fear the Bound Beast will not remain shackled forever.
Warlock, Charlatan - Debtor: You gambled away every coin you had at the betting table,
and saw your life go up in flames. Your friends and family all deserted you, fed up with your
irresponsibility and your pleas for more money. Homeless, with no one to turn to for help,
you eagerly accepted help from a strange individual offering to set you up with a new life, far
away from this ruined one. While you have escaped financial ruin, your otherworldly debts
are now a much, much bigger problem.
Warlock, Criminal - Under-Underworld: You work for a ruthless crime family that casts a
frightening shadow over the criminal underworld. The godfather of the family is shrouded in
mystery, but it is known to a select few of the family's inner circle that the Don is actually a
powerful extraplaner entity hoping to expand their influence into the Material Plane.
Warlock, Entertainer - Hell Hound On My Trail: As an aspiring young Bard, you had
aspirations of becoming a world-famous musician. Unfortunately, you were born tone-deaf,
and couldn't play an instrument to save your life. Unable to accept this reality, you followed a
rumor leading you to meet with a hooded figure near a crossroads at midnight. The stranger
took your instrument, tuned it, and played the most beautiful song you have ever heard. After
it was returned, you obtained mastery over the instrument, and knew how to play it
flawlessly. Even though your dream of becoming a talented musician was achieved, when
you spot the cloaked stranger silently watching your concerts, you sometimes ask yourself if
you made the wrong decision.
Warlock, Folk Hero - Abducted: You were a commoner from an isolated village that rarely
came in contact with the rest of civilization, except to buy and sell goods. One evening, while
you were out on your porch, a bright light came from out of the sky and stole you away.
While the details of your trip remain fuzzy, when you returned to your village, you had
spontaneously learned how to channel arcane power you previously never had, among other
things. Your new powers earned you the adoration and fear of the other common folk. Where
your powers came from, or why you got them, remains a mystery to you.
Warlock, Guild Artisan - Mad Artist: You were a skilled artisan in a guild of those with a
similar craft. One night, you were approached by a powerful entity in your dreams who
showed you the blueprints to a magnum opus, and commissioned you to create it. Creating
such a piece would be extremely time-consuming and extraordinarily expensive, however the
entity has promised you great rewards in exchange for constructing it.
Warlock, Hermit - Witch: You held ambitions of becoming a talented practitioner of
forbidden magics. The practice of such witchcraft is taboo, and you would face certain
execution if you were discovered. Secretly, you met with a few other like-minded individuals
with similar dreams as you and formed a coven to summon a powerful outsider to make a
pact with. After a long period of isolation in the wilderness, the coven discovered a forgotten
ritual to conjure the name of an otherworldly being that would grant you all magical talents in
exchange for servitude. The coven gladly accepted.
Warlock, Noble - New World Order: You are a member of an influential noble family that
rose significantly in power almost overnight, upsetting the balance of powers in the political
world. Unbeknownst to the public, your family has made deals with an extraplaner benefactor
to mutually increase the influence of both parties involved. This is a very tightly held family
secret, and if the scandal were to get out it would ruin the family name and likely result in
open revolt.
Warlock, Outlander - Stranded: You were a hunter or traveler who, due to freak weather,
faulty mapping, or arcane interference, found themselves hopelessly lost and on the verge of
death. In your time of desperation, you called out to any divine being who might listen and
begged them to save you. Your patron saw this opportunity and answered, forcing you to
agree to every one of their terms in exchange for food and a way out. After surviving the
ordeal, you begin to wonder if it was your patron who caused you to be lost in the first
Warlock, Sage - Occultist: You are an academic of the magical arts, and have spent years
studying the history of spellcraft and the arcane. While researching planar magic, you
stumbled upon, or sought out, an ancient book to commune with a mighty being from another
plane of existence. After coming in contact with the book, the being was summoned and you
found yourself either forced to accept its offer or allured by the promise of forgotten
knowledge and arcana.
Warlock, Sailor - Cursed Treasure: There are rumors amongst sailors of cursed treasure
stored inside damned grottos, and that any sailor who takes the treasure for themselves is
doomed to serve a trickster god for the rest of their days. To you and your crewmembers,
folklore became reality when you were mislead into forming a pact with an extraplaner
patron after finding a mysterious stranded sailor who claimed to know the location of a lost
pirate treasure. The ship soon became marooned in search of the treasure, and the stranded
sailor revealed their true identity and forced the crew to make a pact with them in order to fix
their ship and return home.
Warlock, Soldier - Besieged: You were a soldier in an army that was in charge of defending
a castle or fortress that was surrounded by an enemy force. With supplies growing thin and
the only choices appearing to be surrender or starvation, you made a pact with a mysterious
stranger who offered to turn the tide of battle with arcane magic. You were granted the
magical talents necessary to break the siege and route the enemy force. You tried to keep the
pact secret from your comrades, but you were discovered and were forced to leave the army.
Warlock, Urchin - Orphic Orphanage: With no family to watch over you when you were
young, you were sent to an orphanage after being discovered living on the streets. The kindly
old woman who ran the orphanage was known to the children to be a different person behind
closed doors; she taught the children the importance of planar summoning and occult rituals.
You learned to invoke the name of a planar outsider, whom you made a magical pact with.
Your relationship with your patron is like that of a parent and their children. You always felt
comfort when you spoke with your patron, because you knew you were its child, and it would
always love and protect you.

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