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ELE 206 – Speech and Theater Arts

Jameson B. Deogracias BSED – ENGLISH 3A

Unit 2 – Building Confidence


Answer the following questions. (10 points each)

1. Share an event in your life that made you most confident, why?

Confidence is the result of experience. Most of us have had that one life experience or event
that has given us the most confidence. I, too, have one incident that made me most confident.

It was back when I was a Senior High School student of Tampalon National High School, I was
assigned then to compete in two contests, namely the Division Schools Press Conference
(DSPC) and the Pop Quiz. The irony is that those two competitions take place on consecutive
days, leaving little time to study or even prepare for the next one.

When the first contest day dawned, I was anxious since the DSPC had some formidable
competitors, particularly in my category of column writing. Despite my anxiety, I began to
concentrate on my own work. I was certain I wouldn't make it to the DSPC's presentation of
winners for each category, but something unexpected happened. In the column writing contest,
I was named the winner out of 13 competitors. I was relieved that my efforts had resulted in a
positive outcome. That instilled in me a greater sense of confidence and self-trust.

The following day, I entered a new contest, the Pop quiz. There are some tough competitors,
but I recalled what I did the day before. I simply concentrate on my own reaction and have
faith in myself. It was a real shock, especially for the teachers, because I was also declared the
winner of the Pop quiz, which had 13 competitors. Even I can't believe it because it's my
second win in a row. I was pleased that all of my efforts, despite the difficulties, had paid off.
That boosted my confidence even more.

These particular events in my life were truly unforgettable. It made me the most confident.
2. How does building one’s confidence help you in your profession?

Building one's confidence as an aspiring teacher is indeed helpful in this profession. As a

teacher, having confidence can help you be more effective. Unfortunately, students can detect
a lack of confidence quickly, which can lead to classroom management concerns.

This may appear odd, yet it makes perfect sense. When a teacher lacks confidence, he or she is
less inclined to push students, attempt new methods, or deal with problems.

Teacher efficacy contributes to teacher retention, keeping educators motivated and stay in

profession. It has the most significant impact on student achievement.

A confident teacher will have a positive impact on his or her students' academic achievement,
attitude, affective development, and even socio-emotional growth.

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