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The Cell & Molecules of Life (9744) Cell Membranes 2018

Cell Membranes
Explain the fluid mosaic model & the roles of constituent biomolecules (including phospholipids, cholesterol, glycolipids, proteins &
glycoproteins) in cell membranes
Plasma membrane or Cell surface membrane
 about 7.5nm thick
 said to have a fluid mosaic model structure
- ‘Fluid’ because the membrane is a dynamic structure where the phospholipids & proteins are able to move
(lipids can move both laterally & transversely (flip flop) while proteins move laterally due to weak interactions between the biomolecules)
- ‘Mosaic’ because of the random arrangement of proteins which are embedded in the phospholipid bilayer
extracellular matrix
glycoprotein carbohydrate

chain directly
attached to
unilateral hydrophobic tails
protein (intrinsic & not phosphate
/ integral protein head)

transmembrane channel protein

(intrinsic / integral protein) has a cytoplasm
hydrophilic pore for movement of peripheral protein
ions and polar molecules cholesterol
(extrinsic protein)
Components Characteristics of components Functions
Phospholipid - Each phospholipid molecule is amphipathic -As a major component of cell membranes it
bilayer i.e. has 1 hydrophilic, negatively charged 1) regulates movement of substances moving in and out of the cell by
phosphate head & 2 non-polar, acting as a barrier to and ions, polar and large molecules.
hydrophobic hydrocarbon tails all attached (i.e. contributes towards the selective permeability of the membrane)
to a glycerol backbone 2) acts as a boundary between the intracellular & extracellular aqueous
- In an aqueous environment, they arrange to environment and
form a phospholipid bilayer where the 3) allows compartmentalization within a cell
phosphate heads interact with the aqueous
medium and the hydrocarbon tails form a (Note: Phospholipids in a membrane are held together by weak hydrophobic
hydrophobic core in the interior of the bilayer interactions and van der Waals forces which contribute to the fluidity of the
membrane. The presence of unsaturated hydrocarbon tails with kinks will
increase the fluidity of the membrane.The charge, polarity and size of a
molecule will influence the ability to pass through the cell membrane.)

Cholesterol - Found in between phospholipid molecules in - Cholesterol regulates membrane fluidity i.e. it stabilises the membrane.
membranes of eukaryotes  The membrane is prevented from being overly fluid at warmer
- Has a characteristic 4 ring structure temperatures as cholesterol restricts phospholipid movement through
- Slightly amphipathic as it has a its interactions with the phospholpids.
hydrophilic, polar, hydroxyl group & a  The membrane is prevented from being overly firm at lower temperatures
hydrophobic 4 ring structure as cholesterol prevents the close packing of phospholipids and hence
- The hydroxyl group of cholesterol aligns with prevents solidification/crystallisation.
the charged phosphate heads of the - Cholesterol stabilizes the lipid bilayer due to van der Waals interactions
phospholipids while the rest of it is tucked into between the rigid fused ring structure and the lipid bilayer
the hydrophobic core of the membrane.
Proteins - 3 types : unilateral, transmembrane & - Function as channels/carriers for facilitated diffusion and active transport
peripheral 1) Channel Proteins
- Have domains that are hydrophobic(aas with  have a hydrophilic channel/pore for the direct diffusion of ions or
non-polar R gps) & hydrophilic (aas with polar molecules across the membrane from a high to a low solute
or charged R gps) concentration. e.g. aquaporins
Thus are said to be amphipathic. 2) Carrier Proteins (have 2 alternative conformations)
 bind the solute on one side of the membrane and as a result the protein
undergoes a conformational change that allows access of the solute to
[NB: the opposite side of the membrane. e.g. glucose transporter
Transport across membranes is vital to a cell,  some are pumps that usually use ATP to move solutes against a
concentration gradient (from a low solute concentration to a high solute
1) for the intake of nutrients such as glucose concentration). e.g. Na+ - K+ pump
which acts as a respiratory substrate to The above two types of proteins are necessary for the movement of charged
provide energy in the form of ATP for the particles (e.g. H+) and polar molecules (e.g. glucose, water). In contrast, non-
cellular activities; polar molecules can penetrate the hydrophobic core of the bilayer.
2) for the secretion of synthesised products
such as hormones like insulin to the - Function as enzymes (e.g. acetylcholinesterase which are found on post-
bloodstream to maintain blood glucose synaptic membrane to hydrolyse neurotransmitter acetylcholine)
levels. - Function as receptor proteins (e.g. insulin receptor) to which a specific ligand
will bind to. The formation of the ligand-receptor complex will initiate an
3) To generate ionic gradients essential for intracellular signaling cascade for signal transduction.)
ATP synthesis in the mitochondrion during - Function to stabilise membrane structure as they are non-covalently bound
oxidative phosphorylation] to cytoskeleton (on cytoplasmic side) & extracellular matrix (on extracellular
Glycoproteins Carbohydrate chains associated with As the sugar component can be very diverse the carbohydrate chains can
membrane proteins - Function as markers/recognition sites in cell-cell recognition and
Glycolipids Carbohydrate chains associated directly with adhesion
hydrophobic tails of membrane (& not the e.g. allows cells to be attached to one another to form tissues and organs;
phosphate head) - Function as receptors
e.g. for specific chemicals like hormones

Prepared by: Mrs Selvamani Nair Raffles Institution (Yr 5-6) 1

The Cell & Molecules of Life (9744) Cell Membranes 2018

Outline the functions of membranes at the surface of cells & membranes within the cell

1) Membranes are a selectively permeable barrier which act as a boundary a) between inside and outside of cell, (b) between organelle and
cytoplasm (e.g. Golgi apparatus & cytoplasm) & (c) between compartments within an organelle (e.g. mitochondrial matrix & intermembrane space).

2) Membranes allows for compartmentalisation which allow

(i) unique environments to be formed for highly specialised activities
(e.g acidic environment in lysosomes for hydrolytic enzymes to work)
(ii) spatial separation of biochemical processes & thus their sequential operation within a cell
(e.g. protein modification in RER and further protein modification, sorting and packaging in the GA)
(iii) accumulation of ions to high concentrations
(e.g.accumulation of a high concentration of H+ in the intermembrane space of the mitochondria enable a proton gradient to be established for

3) Membranes act as a surface for chemical reactions to occur in a sequential manner

 membranes may have functionally-related proteins grouped together so that sequential biochemical processes can occur
(e.g. the thylakoid membranes of the chloroplast have electron carriers & ATP synthetase for chemiosmosis to occur.)

4) Membranes increase surface area for chemical reactions

(e.g. inner mitochondrial membrane is highly folded to hold more electron transport chains and ATP synthetase)

5) Membranes surface topography enable communication of cell with surroundings

 the unique combination of proteins/glycoproteins/glycolipids on surface of different cells enable
(a) cell-cell recognition and adhesion so that tissue formation is possible,
(b) ligands to recognize specific receptors so that signal transduction can occur.

Explain how and why different substances move across membranes through simple diffusion, facilitated diffusion, osmosis, active
transport, endocytosis and exocytosis.

Type of ATP across
protein Something to note
transport reqmt conc.
Simple no no down Definition: Net movement of molecules/ions from a region of high concentration to a region of low
Diffusion concentration, down a concentration gradient.
e.g. O2 diffuses from the lungs to the blood

Facilitated no yes down Definition: Net movement of molecules/ions from a region of high concentration to a region of low
diffusion concentration, down a concentration gradient through a transport protein .
Transport proteins facilitate diffusion of substances that are insoluble in phospholipids bilayer
e.g. 1) transmembrane hydrophilic channel proteins (e.g. aquaporins)
2) carrier proteins (e.g. glucose transporters)

Active yes yes up Definition: Energy (ATP) consuming transport of molecules or ions across a membrane through
transport a transmembrane carrier proteins called pumps against a concentration gradient.
e.g. Na+-K+ pump (e.g. in maintenance of polarised state of nerve cells)
Movement of each molecule or ion is in one direction (unlike diffusion which is reversible)

Bulk yes no down/up Buld transport is an active process as it requires ATP. However it is not active transport as it
transport does not transport molecules across a membrane through a transmembrane carrier protein.
2 types:
1)Exocytosis: Secretion of macromolecules (e.g. waste materials) to the exterior of the cell by
fusion of vesicle membrane with the plasma membrane
2)Endocytosis: Infolding or extension of cell surface membrane to form a vesicle or vacuole,
thus allowing cell to aquire macromolecules and particulate matter respectively.
a) Phagocytosis: solids taken into cell via a vacuole (e.g. white blood cells engulf bacteria)
b) Pinocytosis: liquids taken into the cell via vesicles (e.g. human egg cell takes up nutrients
from surrounding follicles)
Note: Receptor mediated endocytosis is a special type of pinocytosis that enables a cell to
acquire large quantities of a specific substance/ligand even though the ligand may not be present
at a very high concentration in the extracellular fluid. The ligands will bind to specific cell surface
receptor on the membrane and the membrane will invaginate and form a vesicle.

Osmosis no no down Definition: Net movement of water from a region of high water potential to a region of low water
potential down a water potential gradient through a selectively permeable membrane.
Note: Water movement can be directly across the membrane via transient pores (simple
diffusion) or through aquaporin channels (facilitated diffusion)

Investigate the effects on plant cells of immersion in solutions of different water potentials. (FOR PRACTICALS)

- Water potential of a solution  tendency for water molecules to leave a solution.

Water potential of a plant cell = Solute potential of cell contents + pressure potential of cell wall
Ψw ψs ψp
The SI unit is Pascal (Pa).
- Water potential of pure water is zero. This is the maximum for water potential.
When we add solute, (1) Ψw becomes –ve (2) concentration of solute increases
When we add more solute, (1) Ψw becomes more –ve (2) concentration of solute increases more

- At incipient plasmolysis, ψ p = 0.  the plasma membrane is about to pull away from the cell wall. Thus, ψ w = ψ s
- Net water movement occurs from a region of high water potential to a region of low water potential down a water potential gradient.

Prepared by: Mrs Selvamani Nair Raffles Institution (Yr 5-6) 2

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