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My country is Colombia, it is located in South America, it is the country with the

greatest diversity of birds, apart from the fact that they transcend various cultures
as their starting point, and how they have evolved, and everyone has heard of the
Amazon rainforest in Brazil, but not many know that the Amazon also covers part
of Colombia. Personally I have never been but I like their way of life, and their way
of seeing it, hopefully on vacation then go and learn more about another culture

We can see the spaces dedicated to

nature, such as a tour of the center
of Cartagena or a trip to the "La
Ciudad Perdida" and also walk
through the dunes and deserts, its
population amounts to 49 million
inhabitants, it is the 28th country
most populous in the world, but it is
the 2nd country with the most
Spanish-speakers, after Mexico. It
also has locations such as the
"Museo Botero", "Museo de
Antioquia", "Museo del Oro" as well as many Natural Areas

We can do a bit of hiking between the paths, or also have fun in Medellín, in a club,
as well as explore within its gastronomy, trying "La bandeja Paisa", "El Ajiaco" or
the "Sancocho"

I think that the people in this place are very warm and friendly, apart from the fact
that there are thousands of things to do, it is a bit underrated but it also has super
nice places, and of course I would recommend this place to many more people,
who know what the closer it remains to us, and let us learn to love everything from
the different cultures

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