Aura Effect

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Copyright © 2015 Devin Knight Magic

The techniques taught in the PDF have been around since the turn
of the century. Both mediums and psychics have used these techniques
to allow people to feel the force of their aura or to allow people to see
their auras.
The magnetic force from the performer’s finger, apparently feeling
the aura, was a favorite of the late Al Mann. It is an effect I have used
most of my life.
The magnetic aura fingertips has not only been popular with
psychics so people can feel the psychic power, but lately many so-called
faith healers have been using the technique so people can feel the
healing power in their hands.
Much of this information has been lost in the annuals of magic and
the techniques forgotten by the modern day magicians. The techniques
are still as effective as they were back at the turn of the century.
This PDF also teaches a little-known way of feeling the aura force
from 30 feet away. Most mentalists and magicians will not be familiar
with this version.
Use the effects in this release and people will indeed think you
possess strange powers!

Devin Knight

How To Project Aura Forces From Your Fingertips
Magnetic manifestations that psychics refer to as “auras” from the
fingertips are the result of several different methods depending upon the
psychic and his ability at suggestion.
This effect is created by disturbing the air currents in the room.
One old method developed in the 20s used a novelty plate lifter. The
psychic or medium had the bulb under his armpit and the tube under his
coat at the wrist. A squeeze of the bulb with the arm would send a puff
of air on the subject’s arm. This can be effective, but here is a pure non-
apparatus method.
The psychic asks a spectator to hold her right hand on level with
her shoulder. The hand is held vertical with her fingers being upward.
See Photo 1.

Photo 1

The psychic raises his hand toward the ceiling, keeping his fingers
together and slowly lowers his hand. He points the fingers of his right
hand at the subject’s palm. A few moments later the subject feels a
distinct coldness, an icy breeze that seems to come from the psychic’s
This is because the slow downward motion of the psychic’s hand
causes the air to be disturbed and this causes the breeze. The subject’s
hand must be held rigid with the fingers together and the psychic’s hand
must be in the same position with the fingers together.
When the psychic lowers his hand, his fingers must stop within an
inch or two of the subject’s palm.
Remember, do NOT swing your hand down rapidly, but move
it quite slowly. Fast movement would give away the trick. Practice
several times by swinging your right hand towards your left hand until
you become familiar with the slowest possible movement you can use.
The disturbed air currents are felt by the subject AFTER the
movement of your right hand has stopped. Thus, the person can feel
your aura. When the test is repeated, it is just as startling as before!
The part that baffles and misleads the subject is that she feels the
“aura” after your hand has stopped its downward motion. This makes it
appear that the coldness really did come from your fingertips.
Showmanship makes this a remarkable effect when properly worked.

Doing This At A Distance

An Early Picture Of A Psychic Doing This Version

Allowing a spectator to feel your aura or magnetic waves at a

distance involves a different method. This method can be done 30 feet
away with a true believer. For best results, use a gullible subject. Most
people who believe in psychics are gullible.
Tell the person you are demonstrating this on to stand with his
right arm held downward from the shoulder at a 45 degree angle.
(Incidentally, this is the same position of the Boy Scout’s wig-way for
the letter A.)
While you are talking, have him hold his arm in that position for a
few moments, then he will raise his hand to his shirt collar and hold it

there lightly against his shirt collar for about 15 seconds. As he holds
this position, you raise your right hand toward the ceiling.
Now tell the subject to lower his arm to the first original position
(45 degree angle).
As he does, you drop your right arm and sit in your chair. Point
your right hand in a direct line with his palm. Move your fingers slowly
in small circles and with each circular movement he feels the “aura”
from your fingertips!
Amazing, but true, the subject does feel the ray from your
fingertips even if you are 30 feet away from him! The cause behind this
is that the lowering of his arm caused a change in the flow of blood in
that arm. It is the beating of the pulse that produces the warm and cold
All you have to do is to suggest that he feels it, and he will if you
tell him to keep watching your fingers.
Like many psychic effects, this takes GUTS and a convincing
presentation. This effect is being used today by some so-called faith
healers so the believers can feel the healing power of God. The process
is used in the act of apparently healing the person.


This is a clever lead in to a cold reading, be you a psychic or

medium. This technique allows you to let the sitters see different colors
that flow from their fingertips and hands. In other words, the sitters see
their auras.
According to the psychic or medium, certain colors mean so-and-
so in regard to the person’s character, past, present, and future.
This aura bit does not require any special trickery. It really does
work itself. The actual cold reading depends on the ability of the psychic
or reader. The aura bit is just window dressing to make the psychic
appear to be different from the run-of-the-mill cold reader.
I have used this ruse many times to stand out at psychic fairs as
almost everyone their wants to see their aura.
If you hold your hand up and look at it, lighted by a strong light,
(either the sunlight entering through a window or an electric light) there
does appear to be different colors or rays coming from the hand,
providing you have a black or dark background behind your hand.
(Some modern day practitioners claim they have good results with a

white background, experiment and see what works best for you.) It is an
optical illusion that is perfect.
The psychic or reader uses a large piece of black cardboard, close
to a light window and the sitters hold up their hands up so the cardboard
acts as the background. At night, the sunlight is replaced by a strong
electric light and the sitter’s eyes do the trick with no effort on the part
of the reader or psychic at all.
Simple as this may sound, it gives a different slant to cold readings
and the effect leaves nothing to be desired. A little imagination on the
part of the medium as to what the colors indicate is all that is needed.
The sitter will do plenty of talking explaining what he saw!
It is necessary to try to memorize all the meanings. Just print out a
list of what the various colors mean. This can act as a cheat sheet. The
sitter tells you her color and looks up the meaning. You see the meaning
too and continue to expand upon it with your cold reading.

If you do aura readings enough, then the meanings of the various

colors will become second nature to you. However, in the beginning,
when learning, I suggest printing out a cheat sheet and letting the subject
look up the meaning of her color or colors. Don’t try to fake it, as many
of your sitters will know what the basic colors mean.

To make it easy, just print out the next four pages in color and
have this at your booth or table. These are the basic meanings of the
colors of aura. Study them and tie them in with your cold reading.

It will make you appear professional and you will know what the
colors mean. You can then embellish upon the color’s traits with your
cold reading.

About Aura Colors and Their Meanings

Auras come in all colors. It's rare to have only one color in your
aura, although auras typically have one predominant color. Some can be
a composite of rainbow colors.

Rainbow Auras
These auras are found in healers, especially those trained to work
with the body's energy fields. These are typically seen as shards of
colorful light, like a sunburst.

Yellow has a specific physical correlation to the spleen and to the
person's energy source, aka "chi."
 Brilliant yellow - You're spiritually inspired or experiencing a spiritual
awakening. You have a playful spirit and will act on your thoughts.

 Dark yellow with tinges of brown - You're a student. You feel pressured to
achieve your goals and score high on tests. You've lost your love of learning,
and studying has become a tiresome chore.
 Lemon yellow - This represents a fear of loss. This may be the loss of a job,
divorce, a lifestyle change, loss of health, or fear of losing control over your
 Pale yellow - You've recently embarked on a spiritual journey, or you've
discovered latent psychic abilities. There's a renewed sense of excitement
and hope for the future.

Orange is associated with the reproductive organs and how a person's
emotions are bound to that region of the body.
 Bright orange - This shade indicates good health, vibrancy and living life to
its fullest. An overabundance of this hue could indicate you're trying to
overcome an addiction or a desire.
 Orange-red - You wield great personal power and give off an air of
 Orange-yellow - You have a scientific mind and tend to be a bit of a
perfectionist. You have a love for detailed work and mentally challenging

Red is one of the most powerful colors found in an aura. It can be a
positive or a negative element. Red represents the blood. It's a vibration
of action with the ability to either attract or repel.
 Dark red - You're centered and grounded to the earth, self-sufficient and able
to survive any circumstance.
 Brilliant red - You are very passionate, sexual, full of energy and
 Clouded red - This represents a negative energy with deep-seated anger.
 Pink - You're a loving person. Pink indicates an artist, a sensual person who
appreciates the finer things in life. If you've recently fallen in love, you'll
have a significant amount of pink in your aura. Psychically gifted people
also have pink auras.

 Dark pink - This color indicates deceit, dishonesty, and an immature person.

This color represents the throat, specifically the thyroid. If your aura
is blue, you're intuitive and you love helping people. You remain calm
during a crisis. Others lean on you for support.
 Royal blue - This means you are a highly-developed spiritual intuitive or
clairvoyant. You have a very generous and giving spirit, and you are always
open to new possibilities.
 Dark blue, even cloudy - You don't trust the future and can't face the truth
because of your desire to take control.
 Light blue - You're truthful and serene, and you excel in all fields of

Green is the color of the heart and of nature. This is usually found
within the aura of healers, teachers and people who work for the public
 Forest green - You're a natural healer.
 Yellow-green - You're a communicator. You may be an actor, writer,
musician, or salesperson.
 Dark or cloudy green - You are a very jealous person and full of resentment.
You refuse to accept responsibility for your actions.
 Turquoise - The ultra-aura color for a powerful healer. You help others
discover their inner truths. Usually found in doctors, healers and counselors.

Purple Hues
Purple is associated with the pituitary gland, pineal gland and the
nervous system.
 Violet - You are a visionary of the highest level. You're someone who can
daydream and change the world with spiritual love.
 Indigo - You get glimpses into other worlds and are a wise seeker.

Silver and Gold
Silver and gold auras are very positive and considered spiritual
 Silver - This is the color of abundance. If shiny and bright, it indicates you
have great physical and spiritual wealth.
 Gold - You have angels and other divine entities protecting you. You're
being mentored and guided to reach beyond yourself.

Black auras indicate you're holding on to negative feelings.
Typically, it indicates an unwilling and unforgiving spirit. This color can
also indicate that disease is being held in certain regions of the body.

Other Dark Colors

Other dark colors can be indicators of blocked energy centers within
the body.
 Gray - This color indicates blocked energy fields. You don't trust anyone or
 Dark or murky brown - You're afraid to let go, and you're trying to hold on
to your personal power, or you're afraid to share yourself with others.

White typically indicates a newness and purity. It can be found in
highly spiritual people who've transcended the physical and are
preparing to ascend. Religious history claims white auras were seen
surrounding angelic beings.


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