Construction of Highways

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The prediction of existing and potential traffic volumes on a road network is part of

highway planning.

Highway planning is also a fundamental requirement for highway construction.

Highway engineers work hard to anticipate and assess all potential civil
consequences of highway systems.

The negative effects on the environment, such as noise pollution, air pollution,
water pollution, and other ecological impacts, are among the factors to consider.

In highway engineering, Highway plans or Highway drawings are drawings created

from data obtained during various surveys conducted for the purpose of locating a

The main map, index map, preliminary survey plans, and other plans or sketches
prepared in connection with a road project are examples. On separate papers, the
specifics of additional works such as bridges, culverts, railway crossings, and so on
are planned.

1) To discover how the highway works.

2) To estimate the cost of the road project.

Its time to know about the construction.

Construction of highways
Newly constructed highways

In most cases, extensive surveys and subgrade planning precede highway

construction. There are many aspects of highway design that can be broken down
into technological and commercial components.

The following are some examples of each:

Elements of technology
 Material quality
 Installation techniques
 Traffic

Commercial elements 
 Environmental considerations in contracts
 Aspects of politics and law
 Concerns from the public

Regardless of the project type, highway construction usually starts at the lowest
elevation of the site and progresses upward. By looking over the project’s
geotechnical requirements, we get an idea about the following:

 Current ground condition.

 Specific equipment requirement for excavation, grading, and material
transportation to and from the site.
 Properties of material to be excavated.
 For below-grade work, dewatering requirement.
 Excavation safety criteria
 Quantities of water for dust control and compaction

How about the maintenance of highways? I will show you in the next section.

Maintenance of highways
The ultimate goal of highway maintenance is to correct flaws and maintain the
structure and usability of the pavement. In order to construct an adequate
maintenance plan, defects must be identified, recognised, and registered. Flexible
and rigid pavements have different defects.

The four primary goals of highway maintenance are as follows:

Technology is a corpus of knowledge concerned with creating tools, processing

operations, and material extraction. As a result, science and technology have made human life
easier and more comfortable for us, allowing us to live in a modern style of life that aids in our
development. In relation, the similarities between Heidegger's technology question and Hickel's
de-development framework are that both viewpoints help understand how the entire cosmos can
evolve from micro to macro scales. However, there are some parallels and contrasts in both
views. We can also see that both perspectives feel that technological advancements are harmful
to individuals and the environment. Moreover, both place a higher value on personal
development than on technology innovation, and they strive to keep the two distinct.
On the other hand, in terms of their differences, Heidegger highlights the need for
climate and the people who live in it to be sustainable, and that humanity must not be enslaved
by technology. On the other hand, Hickel cares about

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