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Here are a few questions from some of the chapters to serve as pointers for you for your end term exam
preparation. Prepare for application-based questions in each chapter using examples, which will also
help for MCQs preparation. (I gave a few application questions here)

Please keep in mind that while the entire syllabus is covered in the end term exam, there will be more
questions from the chapters covered after mid-term test}:

Chapter: Stress

What is stress? Explain the difference between eustress and distress (2+1.5+1.5 = 5 marks)

Discuss any five consequences of stress (5 marks)

What is General Adaptation Syndrome? Explain alarm, resistance and exhaustion stages with an

What are the problem-focused and emotion-focused coping strategies to deal with stress? Explain with

(Ans – problem focused – 2 marks; emotion focused – behavioral 1.5 marks; cognitive 1.5 marks )

Application question: As the exams approached, he started experiencing indigestion, frequent spells
of dizziness, headaches and extreme weakness. His body ached in different parts and he found himself
falling asleep frequently. Though he was not a habitual smoker, he found himself taking more and
more smoking breaks. Explain what is happening to Ravi. ( Answer - explain what is stress, and
describe how all the signs shown by Ravi are physiological and psychological reactions to stress.)

Chapter: Social cognition and Relationships

What are attitudes? Explain the components of attitudes

Explain the ABC components of attitudes using examples

What is the theory of cognitive dissonance? Explain the factors that the desire to reduce dissonance
would depend on.

Application question: It makes Stetson happy to see women excelling in what used to be seen as
male-dominated jobs. He believes that affirmative action gives women opportunity to prove their
worth in these jobs. He votes for laws and supports organizations that want to fight for women’s for
women’s rights. Discuss this in the light of various components of attitudes.

Chapter: Social Influence

Explain the following briefly: 1) Deindividuation 2) Bystander effect 3) Groupshift 4) Coaction 5) Social
facilitation 6) Social Inhibition 7) Groupthink 8) Conformity 9) Obedience to authority 10) Compliance

(Any of these can be asked for 1 mark or 2 marks as part of 5 marks or 10 marks questions)

Explain the concepts of social facilitation, coaction and social inhibition.

Discuss how authority leads to obedience in the light of Milgram’s experiments.

When Kitty Genovese was murdered in broad daylight, there were atleast 37 people who saw it but
not one person responded to the situation by calling the police. Explain how social influence led to
this situation (Answer: explain the concept of bystander effect)

Chapter: Self and social perception

Explain the following with examples – social perception, fundamental attribution error, self serving bias,
halo effect, stereotyping, selective perception

Chapter: Personality

Explain the Big five personality theory

How do the trait theories explain personality

Explain any 5 defense mechanisms with examples

Describe the cognitive approach to personality. Explain schemas and self-schemas.

Chapter: Motivation

Explain and discuss the differences between push and pull theories of motivation with examples

Explain and discuss the differences between biological theory and incentive theory of motivation with

Chapters: Emotions; Managing emotions

What is emotional intelligence? Explain using the concepts of self awareness, social awareness, self
management and relationship management.

What is the relationship between gender and emotions?

Explain the following with examples: James-Lange theory; Canon-Bard Theroy; Schacter-Singer theory

Chapter: Intelligence

Discuss Gardner’s multiple intelligences with examples

Is intelligence a single ability? Explain

Discuss the concept of IQ

Chapter: Memory

Explain Atkinson-Shiffrin model

Distinguish between primacy effect and recency effect

Explain how storage in short term memory can be increased by using chunking.

Explain types of long-term memory.

What are mnemonics? Explain with examples how the following can be used to improve memory: peg
word method; link method; method of loci

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