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Sheira I.

Let’s Check!
Instruction: Choose the letter of your choice corresponds to the correct answer.

1. Which of the following is not correct?

a. Voltmeter should have a very high resistance
b. Ammeter should have a very low resistance
c. A shunt should have a very low resistance
d. Voltmeter should have a very low resistance

2. D’Arsonval meter movement can be used in

a. Ammeter only c. Voltmeter only
b. Ohmmeter only d. Ammeter, Voltmeter, and Ohmmeter

3. It is an important parameter in resolving loading effect of an instrument.

a. Multiplier c. Shunt Resistor
b. Limiting Error d. Sensitivity

4. Which of the following voltmeters would you use for measuring voltage across
20kΩ resistance?
a. Voltmeter having a resistance of 5kΩ
b. Voltmeter having a sensitivity of 1kΩ/V
c. Voltmeter having a sensitivity of 10kΩ/V
d. Voltmeter having a sensitivity of 2kΩ/V

5. This effect happens when the measured voltage decreases due to additional load
current for the meter.
a. Deterioration effect c. Hall effect
b. Loading effect d. Degradation effect

6. D’Arsonval meter movement can be used in

a. Ammeter only c. Voltmeter only
b. Ohmmeter only d. All of the above

7. Which of the following describes a shunt type ohmmeter?

a. When A and B are shorted, the current through the meter movement is in full
b. When A and B are shorted, the current through the meter movement is zero,
since it is bypassed by the short circuit
c. When A and B are shorted, the current through the meter movement is in full
deflection, since it is bypassed by the short circuit.
d. When A and B are open, the current through the meter movement is zero,
since no current is flowing.
8. It is an important parameter in resolving loading effect of an instrument.
a. Multiplier c. Shunt Resistor
b. Limiting Error d. Sensitivity

9. A meter with a resistance of 100 Ω and a full-scale deflection of current of 1 mA is

to be converted into voltmeter of 0 - 5 V range. The multiplier resistance should be
a. 490 Ω c. 5000 Ω
b. 4900 Ω d. 5100 Ω

10.A 0-200V voltmeter has an accuracy of 0.75 of full-scale reading. If voltage

measured is 100V, the limiting error is:
a. 3% c. 2%
b. 1.5% d. 0.75%

Let us Analyze!
Solve the following problems
1. Given the circuit of a multirange voltmeter, calculate R1, R2, R3, and R4
In a Nutshell!
We already have discussed the principles and concepts of operations of a
voltmeter and an ohmmeter. For this activity, you are expected to express your
perspectives depending on how you understand the situation in the given question.

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