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 Chapter 1 – Good Morning

Good Morning Poem Summary:-

“Set a goal that makes you want to jump out of bed in the morning.” 
The above quote by Brian Tracy implies that you should set your objectives or goals in
such a manner which push you to jump out of bed every morning. This indicates that
you should always start your day with a grateful and generous heart in the morning. 

Morning is the best time of the day when the mind is fresh and more receptive to new
ideas. Likewise, the above Good Morning poem also indicates that it is during the early
morning when the sky is bright with sunshine, a light breeze is blowing where birds are
chirping, bees are buzzing and trees and grass are fresh and green. 

The Good Morning poem then goes on to say that every morning is the dawn of a new
day when a child wakes up with fresh hope of enjoying the day and ready to go out and
Although the above poem is for young learners, it was written with the intent that every
person should welcome the morning which is the advent of a fresh new beginning.

1)   Creeping: to move slowly and carefully

I was creeping  downstairs in sleep.

Question 1:Make sentences of these words:

The snail was creeping  under my bed.
2) Awake: not asleep
I was wide awake  early in the morning.
The noise outside my house made me awake .
3) Gone: no longer present
He had gone  before I reached the party.
You were gone  a long time.
4) Away: at a distance from a particular place
He put away  the gun looking at me.
I was away  when the doctor was here.
Reading is fun

1. Why is the child in the poem happy?

Ans. The child in the poem is happy because it is morning now and the night has been over.

2. To whom does the child say ‘Good Morning’?

Ans. The child says ‘Good Morning’ to the sky, the sun, the wind, birds, trees grass and bees.

3. What does the child want to do?

Talk time
1. In the morning I say, “Good Morning”
At night I say, “Good Night”

A dog says “Bow-wow”

Ans. The child wants to play with the birds and bees.

A cow says, “Moo-moo”

Say “Good Morning” in your own language to:

(i) Your friends.

Ans. I say, “Good Morning, Parul”. (My friend’s name is Parul)
(ii) Your teacher
Ans. I say, “Good Morning, ma’m.”
2. How would you wish them when you leave school in the evening?
Ans. When I leave school I say, “Good bye, friends” to all my friends.
I say, “Good bye, ma’m”, to my teacher.

Word building

1.  Let’s say aloud.

Find words in the poem which rhyme with.
Ans. Bee –Trees, day – Away, too – you

Write two words each from the two pictures you have drawn.
Day Night

1. Sunlight 1. Moonlight

2. Chirping birds 2. Birds sleep

9. From groups. Tell each other an interesting thing you have seen in the garden one day.
Ans. Last Sunday, I was playing with my brother in the garden. It had beautiful flowers of all
kinds. Colorful butterflies were wandering from one flower to another. My brother and I
wanted to touch the butterflies. As we went near the butterflies, they flew away. We tried
many times, but we could not.

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2. What do you see around you during the day and at night?
Draw in the two boxes given below and colour the
Day Night


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