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I think my greatest achievement in life is me, overcoming all the difficulties of being a
student-athlete. Living my life as a student-athlete is no easy feat by any definition of
the world. I am constantly trying to balance my social life, my trainings, and my
grades, all in one day and sometimes I need to practice with the band. But despite all
those difficulties, I always motivate myself that I can do it. Motivation is what pushes
me to aim for the glory, that drives me to train longer, and that gives me the will and
strength to move forward. For me, the level of motivation can determine our level of
greatness. How much we desire for success can determine the limit of our potential.

2. Hindu music is a music created for or influenced by Hinduism. It includes Indian

classical music, Kirtan, Bhajan and other musical genres. Raagas are a common
form of Hindu music in classical India.
The most common Hindu bhajan in North India is "Om Jai Jagdish Hare." The names
of Gods are religiously chanted, often including Vishnu and his incarnations, Shiva,
and the Goddesses (Parvati, Shakti, Vaishno Devi).

The most common Hindu bhajan in North India is "Om Jai Jagdish Hare." It is
dedicated to supreme lord Vishnu and is mostly sung in Vishnu temples. Although
the religious hymn is a Hindi-language composition, it is widely sung by Sanatanis.
The prayer is sung by the entire congregation at the time of Aarti, a form of Satya
sanatan worship.

The most common Hindu bhajan in North India is "Om Jai Jagdish Hare". This song
is a devotional song, sung by Hindus all over the world irrespective of the several
languages they speak. It is sung at congregations during aarti (prayer time) in the
glory of Lord Jagdish - the Lord of the universe.

A. For me, there are many things that limit the human ability to transcend, first is that
we often let our emotions cloud our judgment have the potential to solve our problem
in a compromising and logical way but we let emotion get the better of us, there is
nothing wrong with having emotion but let it took over your mind is what set you back
from transcendence. Second is that we refuse to learn and open to new ideas and
thought, sticking too much to traditional, conservative ideas and conformity prevent
you from seeing the whole reality. A person who read a book can only see a picture
of paradise, a person who read two books will see that something is not right and the
one who read more than that will see that it’s just a picture and not reality. Third and
final is that our limitation is a safety mechanism, meaning that our body will not allow
us to transcend unless we are prepared too. They say that ignorance is bliss,
knowing too much can drive you crazy but only if you are ignorant. Follow simple and
small steps, refrain yourself from excessive social life, read more and change your
way of thoughts. Only then will the body allow you to transcend safety…
One of the reasons so many people fail is that they’re not aware of their own
limitations, nor do they know how to exploit them to their own advantage. We all
have limitations, so there’s no use complaining about it. The best things are to be
cognizant of them, and use them to move forward in life. Otherwise, you risk being
disorganized, getting involved in too many things, and eventually being disappointed.
Of course, when I talk about limitations, I’m referring to both the physical and
psychological kinds.
No matter who you are, or what position you occupy in society, you’re still a human
being, and that means you have limits. You need to be aware of them to make
progress, and eventually lead the life you want. We all have to do it, and you’re no
exception to the rule.
(Nasa cp)

B. From a biological and physical standpoint, it can be recognized that the human body,
although it can perform many functions, also has limitations. But those limitations
can be tested by trying on new experiences and working on challenges with
increasing levels of difficulty. With a proper mindset, clearly defined goals, and
motivation to rise above challenges, one may successfully overcome his or her

We should also know that

C. One of the reasons so many people fail is that they’re not aware of their own
limitations, nor do they know how to exploit them to their own advantage. We all
have limitations, so there’s no use complaining about it. The best things are to be
cognizant of them, and use them to move forward in life. Otherwise, you risk being
disorganized, getting involved in too many things, and eventually being disappointed.
Of course, when I talk about limitations, I’m referring to both the physical and
psychological kinds.
No matter who you are, or what position you occupy in society, you’re still a human
being, and that means you have limits. You need to be aware of them to make
progress, and eventually lead the life you want. We all have to do it, and you’re no
exception to the rule.

Human beings, therefore, have a natural, transcended destiny. This means that
he/she can…
Nasa libro pg. 65
(Nasa cp)
D. Various types of evil and suffering are evident in the world. For example, the
existence of evil and suffering can cause problems for Christians’ belief in God
because Christians believe in a loving, powerful, and all-knowing God. In other
words, Christians believe in an omnipotent and omniscient God, so some find it
difficult to understand why evil exists in the world when God has the power and
knowledge to prevent it. Some religious people find that when they experience evil
and suffering, it can present a challenge to their faith. They may reject religion as a
result. The biblical response suggests that people cannot understand why God
allows evil and suffering to exist. Suffering is a part of human existence and enables
Christians to demonstrate their commitment to God.
E. T or F
1. False; Karma- Nirvana
2. True
3. True
4. True
5. True
6. True
7. True
8. True
9. False; Thomas- Augustine
10. True

1. Wealth and pleasure
2. The Aum (Om)
3. The spiritual value of duty, or righteousness
4. Moksha
5. Enlightenment
6. Transmigration or metempsychosis
7. Thomas Merton (1948)
8. Hinduism
9. True knowledge (vidya)
10. Siddhartha Gautama or the Buddha
11. Dharma or Law of Salvation
12. Prince Gautama
13. Hinduism
14. Forgiveness
15. The Jains
1. That means the most important for me to cultivate in my life, at this present time is
the right
2. The Scripture tells us that faith without works is dead. In other words, if the faith
inside of us doesn’t get an expression through our actions and words, it will no
longer be alive. Therefore, faith can be translated into action by praying everyday, by
attending the Holy Mass every Sunday, by obeying God's commands, and by
studying the Bible and seeking a deeper understanding of it.
3. Rightness definitely means pleasing God. We can please God by loving Him and
others, not committing to wrong doings, helping other people, and following Christ's
example. The relationship we have with God is already pleasing in God's sight. We
should focus on our beliefs and behaviors that strengthen the relationship we have
with Him if we want to deepen God's pleasure even more.

How did the song regard the environment Brainly?

In this song the writers, Bob Thiele and George Weissis are praising his surroundings and
how happy he is with the blessings of GOD. He says that we have everything to praise and
thank GOD. He is appreciating all the things present in the environment. He says that only
GOD is capable of creating these marvelous things and we should take care of it.
In this song the writer states that the wonders of nature and friendship are important. Even
when everything seems lost and despairing, there is always hope for the future. The song
was written during a time of a terrible turmoil, and the singer himself, being a black
American, had faced prejudice and bitterness.
Louis Armstrong’s song “What a Wonderful World” is unlike any other song. This song
states that the wonders of nature are important. It also creates a vivid image of happiness
and joy. The fact that even though there is much hatred and violence in this world, there is
always hope for the future. To sum it up, this song reminded us how wonderful life in this
world is, thereby putting nature and the environment in high regard.

How did the what a wonderful world see the human person in the environment?
This song talks about the aesthetic and the beautiful feeling that the nature provides to
humans. This song expresses wonder and joy at just being alive, at realizing that there is
beauty to be found in almost every aspect of existence.
The song states that despite everything going on, there is so much beauty in this world and
so much hope for the children and their future. The whole point of the song is that no matter
how bad things can be, just take a look around, admire the world for it's natural beauty and
never lose hope for a wonderful future.

B. During the ancient times, people rely on nature for everything, because nature
serves them as the main provider of anything they need. It provides food, shelter and
many more. And now in the modern era, the importance of nature today is to lessen
the effect of the calamities and to save mother earth. But due to the arrogance of
humans, forests are destroyed and Buildings were made. We need to conserve
nature while we can, so that we can prevent or decrease natural disasters from
happening and we can also benefit from the wonder’s nature gives us. Nature is a
very essential part of every living being. Nature provides us food, water, and oxygen
for living a healthy life.

C. Nasa libro page 87

Environment philosophy is the discipline that studies the moral relationship of human
beings with the environment and it's non-human contents. Philosophers believe that
the human person has the ability to change the environment to suit this purposes.

D. The environmental challenges may present themselves as temporary or permanent

changes to the atmosphere, water, and land due to human activities, which can
result in impacts that may be either reversible or irreversible. Social challenges may
emerge in the workplace of a client’s/investee’s operations and may also impact
surrounding communities. A client’s/investee’s performance in the areas can
represent environmental and social risks to the operation
E. Air emissions and air quality
F. Energy use and conservation
G. Wastewater and water quality
H. Water use and conservation
I. Hazardous materials use
J. Wastes
K. Land contamination
L. Biodiversity and natural resources
M. Labor and working conditions
N. Occupational health and safety

Environmental issues are a matter of concern these days. With the rise of pollution
levels and depletion of the ozone layer, all the countries in the world are concerned
about the environment. This is mainly because environmental degradation threatens
the existence of humankind. Previously, no one even bothered to care about the
environment. People were careless about their surroundings. But now, with rising
awareness, some of them have become more cautious.

O. It is important to be prudent and frugal while using natural resources at home as well
as in the community and in the surroundings. We should begin with small steps like
not wasting food, water, and other consumables. We should always turn off
everything we have turned on. To conclude, being frugal and prudent is to act with
carefulness and caution like saving energy and saving water resources.

1. Anthropocentrism and ecocentrism are contrasting opinions on how the natural world
should be viewed in relation to human beings. Anthropocentrism is a belief that the
needs and desires of humans should be at the center of how society is constructed
and how the world is organized and used, implying that human beings are superior
to other aspects of the world. Ecocentrism, on the other hand, is supported by deep
ecologists who believe that nature should be protected and respected because of the
intrinsic value it possesses and not simply so that it may continue to serve the needs
of human beings.

Anthropocentrism and ecocentrism are contrasting opinions on how the natural world
should be viewed in relation to human beings. The Ecocentric model believes that
nature should be protected and respected because of the intrinsic value it possesses
and not simply so that it may continue to serve the needs of human beings.. The
anthropocentric model, on the other hand, is a belief that the needs and desires of
humans should be at the center of how society is constructed, implying that human
beings are superior to other aspects of the world.

Nasa libro page 71 sa taas…

2. Humanity is linked with the well-being of the natural world in which human life
depends. But destroying nature is a matter of upsetting the natural balance, to the
point where all living beings suffer. We are destroying nature at an unprecedented
rate, threatening the survival of a million species and our own future, too.

Human arrogance toward nature is justifiable in order to satisfy human interests.

Sometimes, humans adopt an exploitative attitude whenever nature is merely
considered as an instrument for one’s profit or gain. For example, quarrying or
cutting down age-old trees could justify our exploitative attitude toward nature. To
conclude, humanity had dominated nature. There can only be change if we will
change our attitude towards our perception of the environment.

3. To protect the environment and preserve the planet for the future generations, we all
need to take proactive steps toward cleaner living habits. One by one, we take the
responsibility upon ourselves. We should become conservative in our use of natural
resources, such as water, energy, food. Limit ourselves to our needs instead of our
wants. Restore nature like planting and nurturing a tree. Share our bounty with
others. Bend to nature instead of suppressing it.

4. One simple way we can observe the environment is to take learning outside and
have ourselves interact with the environment. Nature walks are a fun and easy way
to bring ourselves outdoors, whether it’s on the school grounds, in our backyard, or
at a park or another local place of interest. We can also get involved in gardening
activities by creating our own small pot garden or an even larger vegetable garden.

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