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1. How did the travelers end up in the hotel?

-according to the movie that travelers are Seven British retirees and end up in the hotel to decided
their retirement to exotic marigold hotel and less expensive. Also, then the time they arrive in the
hotel their newly home was not quite they imagine but day by day they are adopting to
environment that’s why the retirees discover that life and love can start anew when they let go of
their past.

2. How was the hotel’s business standing?

-the hotel facing improper serving in the guest because of lack of proper establishment especially
their bed, doors, telephone and more. They provide food for the guest but some of the guests do
not suit to their taste but one character start by requesting dish for everybody that time they are
start enjoying the grilled chicken and plane rice

3. How did the travelers help?

-the travelers help hotel by seeking the account of the hotel secretly telling to the owner how
should the owner need to improve the hotel and preventing to close it. One guest said that the
hotel needs to have guest and money but the hotel already having a guest because of that day
after day the hotel start improving help by the guest especially the old women in the wheelchair
she gives some advice to open the eyes of the owner the things he should do that why in the final
part of the movie we seen that some customers are checking in and the guest are starting to adopt
the environment

In that way the travelers help hotel and also the hotel owner by opening the eyes of his mother
gaining the trust her mother especially the one who love the most

4. If you were the owner of the hotel, what will you do?
- If I were the hotel manager or owner I will start to focus to the hotel and learn different
practice and different techniques to save the hotel especially adopting the knowledge I am
gaining, also provide facts information to make sure guest will not shock when they seen the
hotel just like in the movie one person reacted to the hotel because of improper advertisement
and last, I will need to learn and study how should hotel operate.
- but Base on the movie that the owner is doing the right thing because of advertising his hotel
in different person and gain partner ship it is one of the best ways to improve.

5. We are currently facing a pandemic right now, how can you relate the book to our
current situation and give some solutions and cite related literatures.

-In now a days the book was been publishing by the old lady helps us to identify the problem and
giving us a motivational quotes to improve our self also it improve our focus, memory and
communication because knowledge is important

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