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An Evolutionary Life History Framework for

Marco Del Giudice
Department of Psychology, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico
Published online: 19 Aug 2014.

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Psychological Inquiry: An International Journal for the Advancement of Psychological Theory, 25:3-4, 261-300, DOI:

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Psychological Inquiry, 25: 261–300, 2014
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DOI: 10.1080/1047840X.2014.884918


An Evolutionary Life History Framework for Psychopathology

Marco Del Giudice
Department of Psychology, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico

In this article, I outline a general framework for the evolutionary analysis of mental
disorders based on the concepts of life history theory. I synthesize and extend a
large body of work showing that individual differences in life history strategy set
the stage for the development of psychopathology. My analysis centers on the novel
Downloaded by [University of Georgia] at 11:35 22 February 2015

distinction between fast spectrum and slow spectrum disorders. I describe four
main causal pathways from life history strategies to psychopathology, argue that
psychopathology can arise at both ends of the fast–slow continuum of life history
variation, and provide heuristic criteria for classifying disorders as fast or slow
spectrum pathologies. I then apply the fast–slow distinction to a diverse sample of
common mental disorders: externalizing disorders, schizophrenia and autism
spectrum disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorders, eating disorders, and
depression. The framework integrates previously disconnected models of
psychopathology within a common frame of reference and has far-reaching
implications for the classification of mental disorders.
Key words: evolutionary psychopathology, fast–slow continuum, individual differences,
life history strategies, life history theory, mental disorders

Introduction fragmented (Kennair, 2003, 2011) and lacks organiz-

ing principles capable of explaining how disorders
Evolutionary psychopathology is the application relate to one another and to the nonclinical range of
of evolutionary theory to the study of mental disor- individual differences in personality and behavior.
ders, including their etiology, development, and clas- In this article, I outline a framework for the evolu-
sification. Evolutionary approaches are gaining tionary analysis of mental disorders based on the con-
momentum in both psychology and medicine (Buss, cepts of life history theory (Charnov, 1993; Kaplan &
2005, 2011; Dunbar & Barrett, 2007; Gluckman, Gangestad, 2005; Stearns, 1992). For more than two
Beedle, & Hanson, 2009; Stearns & Koella, 2008; decades, life history concepts have been applied to
Stearns, Nesse, Govindaraju, & Ellison, 2010), mak- psychopathology, yielding insight into a broad range
ing psychopathology a natural candidate for theoreti- of conditions including psychopathy (Barr & Quinsey,
cal integration. Evolutionary-minded researchers call 2004; Figueredo & Jacobs, 2010; G. T. Harris, Rice,
for a revision of psychopathological theory and Hilton, Lalumiere, & Quinsey, 2007; Jonason, Li,
research, informed by a renewed understanding of the Webster, & Schmitt, 2009; D. N. Jones & Paulhus,
evolved functions of mental processes and their neu- 2011; Lalumiere, Mishra, & Harris, 2008; Mealey,
robiological substrates (Abed, 2000; Br€une et al., 1995; Mishra & Lalumiere, 2008), autism and schizo-
2012; Cosmides & Tooby, 1999; Kennair, 2003; phrenia (Del Giudice, Angeleri, Brizio, & Elena,
Nesse, 2001a, 2004b; Nesse & Jackson, 2006, 2011; 2010), borderline personality disorder (Br€ une,
Nesse & Stein, 2012; Troisi & McGuire, 2002). Ghiassi, & Ribbert, 2010), attention deficit hyperactiv-
Many competing evolutionary hypotheses on the ity symptoms (Frederick, 2012), internalizing and
origins and etiology of individual disorders have externalizing symptoms (Belsky, Steinberg, & Draper,
been advanced, and their predictions are being tested 1991; Del Giudice, Ellis, & Shirtcliff, 2011), and eat-
in an expanding empirical literature (see Adriaens & ing disorders (EDs; Salmon, Figueredo, & Woodburn,
De Block, 2011; Br€ une, 2008; McGuire & Troisi, 2009). The framework I present synthesizes and
1998). However, the field as a whole is still highly extends this body of work, based on the idea that

individual differences in life history strategy—and on fitness—the differential replication of genes in

specifically along the fast–slow continuum of life his- subsequent generations. From the standpoint of an
tory variation—set the stage for the development of individual organism, adaptive traits enhance inclusive
psychological symptoms and mental disorders. fitness, a function of the individual’s contributions to
Central to my analysis is the novel distinction its own reproductive success and that of related indi-
between fast spectrum and slow spectrum psychopa- viduals (see Grafen, 1985; West, Griffin, & Gardner,
thology. As I show, this distinction is a powerful tool 2007). The biological notions of adaptation and mal-
for analyzing and classifying disorders based on deep adaptation contrast sharply with how the same terms
functional principles rather than symptom similarity. are usually employed in psychology and psychiatry.
The goal of the framework is not to explain mental In these disciplines, the term “adaptive” refers to
disorders exclusively in relation to life history strate- traits and behaviors that promote health, subjective
gies, nor to replace other functional explanations of well-being, and mutually rewarding social relations;
mental disorders. Although the fast–slow continuum socially undesirable, distressing, or health-damaging
represents a fundamental dimension of individual dif- traits are viewed as maladaptive. Because natural
ferences, any satisfactory explanation of a mental dis- selection promotes reproductive success rather than
order must involve multiple levels of explanation, happiness or health (Cosmides & Tooby, 1999;
from general functional principles to specific neurobi- Gluckman, Low, Buklijas, Hanson, & Beedle, 2011;
Downloaded by [University of Georgia] at 11:35 22 February 2015

ological mechanisms. The present framework aims to Nesse, 2001a, 2004b), biologically adaptive traits
capture the broadest and most general level of this may or may not be socially desirable or conducive to
explanatory hierarchy. Accordingly, its goal is not to health and well-being. In this article, I always employ
replace existing explanations but rather to refine the terms “adaptation” and “adaptive” in their biolog-
them, connect them to one another, and ultimately ical sense.
integrate them within a common frame of reference. Mental disorders are the main topic of this article,
yet the concept of disorder has no straightforward
biological definition (Nesse, 2001a). In an influential
Overview of the Article
article, Wakefield (1992) advanced a biological anal-
I begin by introducing the basic concepts of life ysis of disorders as harmful dysfunctions. A condition
history theory in nonmathematical terms and present- is a harmful dysfunction if (a) it is caused by the fail-
ing an overview of the fast–slow continuum of life ure of a biological mechanism to perform its evolved
history variation as an organizing principle of indi- function, and (b) it inflicts some harm or damage on
vidual differences. I then review the growing empiri- the affected person, as judged by sociocultural stand-
cal literature on life history strategies and individual ards (see also Wakefield, 1999, 2011). Current diag-
differences in motivation, self-regulation, and person- nostic systems in psychopathology emphasize harm
ality in humans. In the next section, I build on these over biological dysfunction; as a result, diagnosable
ideas and findings to outline a general life history mental “disorders” are likely to include harmful dys-
framework for psychopathology. I begin by describ- functions but also various other types of undesirable
ing four main causal pathways from life history strat- conditions. Although many of those conditions may
egies to mental disorders. I then argue that be clearly maladaptive, others may represent the out-
psychopathology can arise at both ends of the fast– comes of adaptive biological processes even if they
slow continuum and provide heuristic criteria for have undesirable consequences (see Cosmides &
classifying disorders as fast or slow spectrum pathol- Tooby, 1999; Gluckman et al., 2011; Nesse & Jack-
ogies. Next, I apply the framework to a diverse set of son, 2006). For the sake of simplicity as well as con-
mental disorders: externalizing disorders, schizophre- sistency with current diagnostic systems, in this
nia spectrum disorders (SSDs), autism spectrum dis- article I employ the term “disorder” in its conven-
orders (ASDs), obsessive-compulsive (OC) spectrum tional sense. Thus, for the present purposes, a condi-
disorders, EDs, and depression. I conclude by explor- tion may be labeled as a disorder regardless of
ing some implications of the framework for the clas- whether or not it reflects a harmful dysfunction,
sification of psychopathological conditions. In and—more generally—whether it reflects biologi-
particular, I argue that the fast–slow distinction is cally adaptive or maladaptive processes.
both more inclusive and more accurate than the stan-
dard distinction between internalizing and externaliz-
ing disorders. Life History Theory and the Fast-Slow Continuum

Life history theory is a branch of evolutionary

Terminological Notes
biology dealing with the way organisms allocate time
In evolutionary biology, the terms adaptive and and energy to the various activities that comprise
maladaptive denote the effects of traits and behaviors their life cycle (see Charnov, 1993; Ellis, Figueredo,

Brumbach, & Schlomer, 2009; K. Hill, 1993; K. Hill (see Ellis et al., 2009; K. Hill, 1993; Kaplan & Gang-
& Kaplan, 1999; Kaplan & Gangestad, 2005; McNa- estad, 2005). By delaying reproduction, an organism
mara & Houston, 1996; Stearns, 1992). All organisms can accumulate resources and/or embodied capital,
live in a world of limited resources; for example, the thus increasing the quality and fitness of future off-
energy that can be extracted from the environment in spring; however, the risk of dying before reproducing
a given amount of time is intrinsically limited. Time increases concomitantly. When reproduction occurs,
itself is a limited good; the time spent by an organism the choice is between many offspring of lower quality
looking for mates cannot be used to search for food and fewer offspring of higher quality. Although inten-
or care for extant offspring. Because all these activi- sive parental investment is a powerful way to increase
ties contribute to an organism’s evolutionary fitness, the embodied capital (and long-term prospects) of
devoting time and energy to one will typically one’s descendants, the fitness gains accrued through
involve both benefits and costs, engendering trade- parenting must be weighed against the corresponding
offs between different fitness components (Gadgil & reduction in mating opportunities. Different life his-
Bossert, 1970; Williams, 1966). For example, there is tory strategies solve these problems in different ways
a trade-off between bodily growth and reproduction by determining how organisms allocate effort among
because both require substantial energetic invest- fitness-relevant traits. The same basic framework can
ment, and thus producing offspring reduces somatic be used to describe differences between species and
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growth. Natural selection favors organisms that between individuals of the same species (Reale et al.,
schedule developmental tasks and activities so as to 2010; Sæther, 1987, 1988).
optimize resource allocation. Different allocation
decision result in different life history strategies. Life history strategies as organizers of
physiology and behavior. The traits modeled in
classical life history theory include growth rates, age
Life History Strategies and size at maturity, number and size of offspring,
Life history strategies1 are adaptive solutions to age-specific mortality rates, length of lifespan, and so
fitness trade-offs within the constraints imposed by forth (Stearns, 1992). However, life history strategies
physical laws, phylogenetic history, and developmen- have a much broader range of correlates in an organ-
tal mechanisms (B). At the most basic level, the ism’s physiology and behavior. Indeed, life history
resources of an organism must be distributed between strategies are best thought of as functionally complex
somatic effort and reproductive effort. Somatic effort phenotypes, resulting from the integration of a suite
can be further subdivided into growth, survival and of morphological, physiological, and behavioral traits
body maintenance, and developmental activity (e.g., Braendle et al., 2011).
(Geary, 2002). Developmental activity includes play, To be adaptive, life history strategies must be
learning, exercise, and other activities that contribute functionally self-consistent. Imagine, for example, an
to building and accumulating embodied capital— animal whose life history strategy entails early repro-
strength, coordination, skills, knowledge, and so forth duction and high mating effort in an ecological con-
(K. Hill & Kaplan, 1999; Kaplan & Gangestad, 2005; text of elevated mortality. To succeed in finding
Kaplan, Hill, Lancaster, & Hurtado, 2000). Repro- mates and reproducing, it needs to develop the
ductive effort can be subdivided into mating effort morphological (e.g., size, muscle mass, fighting
(finding and attracting mates, conceiving offspring), weapons) and behavioral traits (e.g., aggression,
parenting effort (investing resources in already con- risk taking) required to successfully challenge and
ceived offspring), and nepotistic effort (investing in outcompete its same-sex conspecifics. In the con-
other relatives). text of this strategy, investing in body maintenance
The critical decisions involved in a life history at the expense of mating-related traits would be a
strategy can be summarized by the fundamental waste of resources, given the low probability of
trade-offs between current and future reproduction, long-term survival.
between quality and quantity of offspring, and—in Life history strategies organize individual differ-
sexual species—between mating and parenting effort ences across domains, from physical growth and sex-
ual maturation to social, sexual, and parental
The term “strategy” denotes an organism’s realized phenotype behavior. This requires physiological mechanisms
among a set of possible phenotypes. Following what has become capable of coordinating the development of life-his-
standard usage, I make no further distinctions between “strategies” tory-related traits in an integrated, adaptive fashion—
and “tactics.” Adoption of a given strategy can depend on both often through endocrine signaling pathways (Braen-
environmental and genetic factors. It is important to stress that the
dle et al., 2011; Finch & Rose, 1995; Ricklefs &
term does not imply conscious planning, deliberation, or even
awareness; an organism’s “choice” between alternative strategies
Wikelski, 2002). Sex hormones are crucially involved
can be implemented by low-level physiological means, such as a in the management of life history trade-offs, both in
hormonal switch or a change in genetic expression. humans and in nonhuman animals (e.g., Bribescas,

Ellison, & Gray, 2012; Gettler, McDade, & Kuzawa, with menopause. In contrast, men can potentially sire
2011; Hau, Ricklefs, Wikelski, Lee, & Brawn, 2010; many offspring in a very short time, as well as for a
Worthman & Brown, 2005). Another vital role is more extensive period of their lives. Men’s crucial
played by the stress response system (SRS), which trade-off is the one between mating and parenting:
participates in the regulation of most life-history- The payoffs of high mating effort are potentially
related traits, including growth and maturation, fertil- much larger for males, who can benefit directly from
ity, immune function, risk taking, pair-bonding, and having access to a large number of partners; women
so forth (reviewed in Del Giudice et al., 2011; Worth- can usually have only one child at a time, and thus
man, 2009; Worthman & Kuzara, 2005). There is benefit comparatively less from mating with multiple
extensive cross-talk between the SRS and the hypo- partners (see Bribescas et al., 2012).
thalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis, and both interact
bidirectionally with the major neuromodulator sys-
tems—including dopaminergic, serotonergic, and The Fast-Slow Continuum
oxytocinergic pathways (see Alexander et al., 2011; Because life history trade-offs are not functionally
Beauchaine, Neuhaus, Zalewski, Crowell, & Pota- independent of one another, differences in life history
pova, 2011; Ellis, 2004; Flinn, Nepomnaschy, Mueh- strategies between and within species show a general
lenbein, & Ponzi, 2011; Korte, Koolhaas, Wingfield, pattern of trait covariation. Slow growth and late
Downloaded by [University of Georgia] at 11:35 22 February 2015

& McEwen, 2005; Porter, Gallagher, Watson, & reproduction correlate with long lifespan, high paren-
Young, 2004; van Goozen, Fairchild, Snoek, & tal investment, fewer offspring of higher quality, and
Harold, 2007). low juvenile mortality. Conversely, fast growth and
early reproduction correlate with high juvenile mor-
Sex differences in life history trade-offs. The tality, short lifespan, larger numbers of offspring and
asymmetries introduced by sexual reproduction have reduced parental investment in each. This is com-
important implications for the life histories of males monly referred to as the fast–slow continuum of life
and females. For example, in most species the males history variation (Sæther 1987, 1988; see Ellis et al.,
tend to engage in higher mating effort and lower 2009; Jeschke & Kokko, 2009). Despite some excep-
parental effort than females (Geary, 2002; Kokko & tions and caveats (see Jeschke & Kokko, 2009; Reale
Jennions, 2008; Trivers, 1972). In addition, males et al., 2010), the same general pattern holds both
usually undergo stronger sexual selection, that is, across and within species.
their reproductive success is more variable than that The fast–slow continuum has profound implica-
of females; they also tend to mature more slowly in tions for the organization of behavior. A short life-
order to gain the competitive abilities and qualities span, higher mortality, and early reproduction make
needed for successful competition for mates. Sexual it optimal to discount future rewards and favor short-
asymmetries in life history strategies can be attenu- term gains over long-term benefits; future-oriented
ated in species with monogamous mating systems behavior is beneficial only in the context of slow
and when both parents contribute to offspring care. strategies. Furthermore, organisms betting on future
Compared with other mammals, humans show an reproduction must maximize their chances of surviv-
unusually high degree of paternal investment; we are ing and remaining healthy. This is best obtained
clearly adapted for the possibility of monogamous, through risk aversion—that is, avoidance of variable
long-term relationships. However, human paternal rewards in favor of surer outcomes, even at the price
care is also highly variable and facultative (e.g., of a lower average payoff. Wolf and colleagues
Geary, 2005; Quinlan, 2008), and strict monogamy is (Wolf, van Doorn, Leimar, & Weissing, 2007) for-
rarely, if ever, found (Marlowe, 2000, 2003). The mally showed that individual differences in present-
reproductive success of men is more variable than versus future-oriented strategies should result in con-
that of women, especially in societies characterized sistent individual differences in risk-related traits,
by polygyny or serial monogamy (Brown, Laland, & such as boldness, exploration, and aggression (see
Borgerhoff Mulder, 2009). Overall, human mating is also E. M. Hill, Ross, & Low, 1997; K. Hill, 1993;
best characterized as strategically flexible (Gangestad Stamps, 2007). More generally, the fast–slow contin-
& Simpson, 2000), with a widely documented ten- uum is emerging as an integrative concept for under-
dency for men to engage in higher mating effort than standing coordinated bundles of metabolic,
women (e.g., Schmitt, 2005). hormonal, immunity, and behavioral/personality
As a result, the trade-off between current and traits in nonhuman animals (Reale et al., 2010; see
future reproduction is more pressing for women than also Wolf & McNamara, 2012).
for men: Women’s reproductive rate is limited by the In species with complex social lives, the implica-
long duration of gestation and the considerable ener- tions of the fast–slow continuum extend beyond
getic investment of pregnancy and lactation, and their risk-related traits to include cooperation, reciprocity,
window for successful reproduction necessarily ends and pair-bonding. The benefits of cooperation and

reciprocity are usually reaped in the long term and Accordingly, exposure to environmental cues indicat-
may require forgoing immediate gains, whereas antag- ing extrinsic morbidity-mortality (i.e., observable
onistic and exploitative behaviors have short-term cues that reliably covaried with morbidity-mortality
benefits but carry the possibility of long-term damage. risks during our evolutionary history, such as expo-
In species with biparental care, stable pair-bonding sures to violence, dangerous ecological conditions, or
promotes intensive investment by both parents and harsh childrearing practices) can be expected to shift
often involves trading present reproductive opportuni- life history strategies toward current reproduction by
ties for enhanced reproductive success in the future. anticipating maturation and onset of sexual activity
Slow strategies should then be associated with (Belsky et al., 1991). Moreover, high extrinsic mor-
increased cooperation, the disposition to enter recipro- bidity-mortality means that investing in parental care
cal relationships, and the formation of stable mating has quickly diminishing returns, which favors
pairs. reduced parental investment and offspring quantity
over quality. Although adult and juvenile mortality
Determinants of individual life history rates have somewhat different implications for life
variation. Life history traits and strategies tend not history development, they tend to be highly corre-
to be genetically fixed but rather show adaptive devel- lated in humans, making the distinction less relevant
opmental plasticity (see Belsky et al., 1991; DeWitt for our species (Ellis et al., 2009; J. H. Jones, 2011).
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& Scheiner, 2004; Kuzawa & Bragg, 2012; Pigliucci, In addition to average levels of extrinsic morbid-
2001; West-Eberhard, 2003). Adaptive plasticity in ity-mortality, unpredictable variation in extrinsic
life history strategies means that developing organ- morbidity-mortality over time and space—environ-
isms assess their local environment (based on contex- mental unpredictability—also regulates life history
tual cues) and adjust their allocation decisions development. The effects of unpredictability are
accordingly, following evolved rules that maximize more complex and nuanced than those of morbidity-
expected fitness in different ecological conditions mortality per se (Ellis et al., 2009). Unpredictable
(McNamara & Houston, 1996). environments can lead organisms to invest in behav-
The key dimensions of the environment that affect ioral flexibility and adaptability; this has probably
the development of life history strategies are resource been a factor in the evolution of human traits such as
availability, extrinsic morbidity-mortality, and unpre- a large brain, protracted development, and an
dictability, as signaled by observable cues (see Ellis extended learning period (see Chiappe & MacDonald,
et al., 2009; Kuzawa & Bragg, 2012). Energetic con- 2005; J. H. Jones, 2011; Potts, 1998). On the time-
ditions—caloric intake, energy expenditures, and scale of human development, however, variable and
related health conditions—set a baseline for many unpredictable contexts tend to entrain faster life
developmental processes, including development of history strategies, thus acting in the same direction
life history strategies. Evolutionary biologists and of environmental harshness (Belsky, Schlomer, &
psychologists (e.g., Ellison, 2001; MacDonald, 1997, Ellis, 2012; Brumbach, Figueredo, & Ellis, 2009;
1999; Surbey, 1998) have argued that energetic stress Ellis et al., 2009; L. T. Ross & Hill, 2012; Simp-
causes the developing person to shift toward a slower son, Griskevicius, Kuo, Sung, & Collins, 2012).
life history strategy. This translates into development Conversely, safe and predictable environments
of a more energy-sparing phenotype, including promote the development of slow life history
slower growth, delayed sexual maturation, and low strategies.
fecundity. Environmental and genetic factors jointly contrib-
Development of fast strategies depends on ade- ute to determine an organism’s life history strategy.
quate bioenergetic resources to support growth and Theoretical models suggest that environmental and
development. Once this energetic threshold is genetic effects on life history strategies should often
crossed, other environmental conditions become coexist (e.g., Leimar, Hammerstein, & Van Dooren,
salient determinants of life history strategy (Ellis 2006). Although there is no room here for even a
et al., 2009). Extrinsic morbidity-mortality consti- cursory treatment of this topic (see DeWitt &
tutes external sources of disability and death that are Scheiner, 2004; Ellis et al., 2009; Roff, 2002), it
relatively insensitive to the adaptive decisions of the is important to note that all the life history traits
organism. Environmental cues indicating high levels studied in humans so far show at least moderate her-
of extrinsic morbidity-mortality cause individuals itability (e.g., Figueredo, Vasquez, Brumbach, &
to develop faster life history strategies (Belsky Schneider, 2004; Kirk et al., 2001; MacDonald,
et al., 1991; Chisholm, 1993, 1999b; Pennington & 1997; Pettay, Kruuk, Jokela, & Lummaa, 2005).
Harpending, 1988; Placek & Quinlan, 2012; Quinlan, Furthermore, mechanisms of epigenetic inheritance
2007). Faster strategies in this context—a context may transmit environmental effects on life history
that devalues future reproduction—function to reduce strategies across multiple generations (Bateson et al.,
the risk of disability or death prior to reproduction. 2004; Champagne, 2010).

Life History Strategies and Individual Differences Following a psychometric approach, Figueredo
in Humans and colleagues (Figueredo, Cabeza de Baca, &
The idea that life history theory may serve as an Woodley, 2012; Figueredo, Vasquez, Brumbach, &
organizing framework for human individual differen- Schneider, 2004, 2007; Figueredo et al., 2005) identi-
ces was first advanced by Rushton (1985, 1987; fied a heritable general factor accounting for a large
Bogaert & Rushton, 1989), and subsequently framed proportion of variance in psychological traits reflect-
in a developmental perspective by Belsky and col- ing a slow life history strategy. These traits include
leagues (1991) and Chisholm (1993, 1999b). Belsky reciprocal, secure relationships with parents, partners,
and colleagues hypothesized that harsh parenting, and friends; restricted sociosexuality (reduced desire
conflictual family relations, and insecure attachment for short-term, promiscuous sexual relationships);
would predict early sexual maturation, impulsivity, long-term planning, foresight, and persistence;
reduced cooperation, and exploitative interpersonal responsibility and altruism; and religiosity and/or
styles—the expected correlates of a fast life history communitarian beliefs. Life history theory provides a
strategy. Empirical studies have confirmed these functional explanation of why these traits covary with
associations and detailed how harsh parenting and one another along a fast–slow dimension. Slower
insecure attachment predict early puberty (in girls), strategies predicts high investment and satisfaction in
precocious sexuality, unstable couple relationships, long-term romantic relationships, loyalty to the in-
Downloaded by [University of Georgia] at 11:35 22 February 2015

and promiscuous mating styles (reviewed in Belsky, group, and low levels of interpersonal aggression and
2012; Del Giudice, 2009b; Gillath & Schachner, social deviance (Figueredo, Andrzejczak, Jones,
2006; James, Ellis, Schlomer, & Garber, 2012). Chis- Smith-Castro, & Monetro-Rojas, 2011; Figueredo,
holm (1999a; Chisholm, Quinlivan, Petersen, & Gladden, & Beck, 2012; Figueredo & Jacobs, 2010;
Coall, 2005) found correlations between insecure D. N. Jones, Figueredo, Dickey, & Jacobs, 2007; Old-
attachment, present orientation (the inability to delay erbak & Figueredo, 2010).
gratification and/or wait for larger rewards in the
future), and shorter subjective life expectancy in adult Life history strategies and self-regulation. Self-
women. In turn, present orientation and a shorter regulation occupies a central place in the network of
expected lifespan predicted earlier onset of sexual life-history-related traits. Deliberate control of behav-
activity, a larger number of sexual partners, and ear- ior is required in order to engage in long-term rela-
lier age at first birth, consistent with a strategy of tionships and cooperative enterprises, refrain from
early reproduction and high mating effort (see also short-term sexual opportunities, avoid immediate
Laghi, D’Alessio, Pallini, & Baiocco, 2009). risks, and so on. Low levels of self-control are pri-
The association between shorter life expectancy marily reflected in the construct of impulsivity and its
and early childbearing has been confirmed by epide- two main facets, present orientation and lack of
miological studies (Copping, Campbell, & Muncer, behavioral inhibition (Avila, Cuenca, Felix, Parcet, &
2013; Nettle, 2011). At the individual level, present Miranda, 2004; Reynolds, Ortengren, Richards, & de
orientation, impulsivity, and a short subjective life Wit, 2006). Behavioral inhibition is one of the main
expectancy are all robustly associated with executive functions, a set of cognitive processes
increased risk taking, reduced cooperation, devi- that underlie goal-directed behavior and depend
ance, antisocial behavior, earlier intercourse, and strongly—though not exclusively—on prefrontal
larger numbers of sexual partners (e.g., Borowsky, activity (Diamond, 2013; Miyake et al., 2000). The
Ireland, & Resnick, 2009; Brezina, Tekin, & standard taxonomy of executive functions distin-
Topalli, 2009; P. Chen & Vazsonyi, 2011; Curry, guishes between inhibition (deliberate overriding of
Price, & Price, 2008; Dunkel & Decker, 2010; A. C. dominant or prepotent responses), updating (con-
Harris & Madden, 2002; E. M. Hill et al., 1997; stant monitoring and rapid addition/deletion of
Kahn, Kaplowitz, Goodman, & Emans, 2002; Kruger, working memory contents), and shifting (switching
Reischl, & Zimmerman, 2008; Lejuez et al., 2002; X. flexibly between tasks or mental sets). Inhibition
T. Wang, Kruger, & Wilke, 2009; White et al., seems to work as a common factor in regulatory
1994). These results strongly support the existence of abilities and accounts for most of the covariation
a fast–slow dimension underlying a broad spectrum between different executive functions (Miyake &
of individual differences. As predicted, the develop- Friedman, 2012).
ment of fast strategies is favored by the experience of Generally speaking, antisocial behavior is robustly
harsh and unpredictable contexts (Belsky et al., 2012; associated with reduced executive performance
Copping, Campbell, & Muncer, 2013; James et al., (Morgan & Lilienfeld, 2000). In a number of studies,
2012; Nettle, Coall, & Dickins, 2011; Simpson et al., self-reported executive functions correlated strongly
2012); in addition, attachment insecurity seems to be with measures of life history strategy and appeared to
an important psychological mediator of these effects mediate the impact of life history strategy on behav-
(see earlier). ioral outcomes, including antisocial behavior and

disordered eating (see Figueredo & Jacobs, 2010; history perspective, extraversion and openness are
Salmon et al., 2009; Wenner, Bianchi, Figueredo, “hybrid” traits that include both fast-type and slow-
Rushton, & Jacobs, 2013). However it must be noted type components. Some facets of extraversion tap
that, although measures of behavioral inhibition and warmth and affiliation, whereas others tap dominance
(to a lesser degree) memory updating show robust and sensation seeking (Lucas, Deiner, Grob, Suh, &
associations with impulsivity and self-control, meas- Shao, 2000; MacDonald, 1995); only the latter are
ures of task shifting show no consistent relation with functionally related to fast life history strategies.
either (Hoffmann, Schmeichel, & Baddeley, 2012). Consistent with this view, extraversion has been
Indeed, the ability to delay gratification—a key found to correlate with both short- and long-term
behavioral facet of slow strategies—has been associ- mating orientation (Holtzman & Strube, 2013).
ated with higher inhibition but lower shifting ability Similarly, openness has two main facets—intellect
(see Miyake & Friedman, 2012). In all likelihood, and imagination (see Nettle, 2011). Imagination
behavioral inhibition is the key mediator of the asso- correlates with positive schizotypy (see next),
ciation between executive functions and other life- which in turn predicts unrestricted sociosexuality,
history-related traits. Supporting evidence comes reduced commitment in long-term relationships,
from studies showing that inhibitory control predicts and larger numbers of sexual partners (Del Giudice
cooperativeness, empathy, and the ability to remain et al., 2010; Nettle & Clegg, 2006). Extraversion
Downloaded by [University of Georgia] at 11:35 22 February 2015

faithful to a romantic partner (Hansen, 2011; Pronk, and openness load on metatrait beta or plasticity,
Karremans, & Wigboldus, 2011). Moreover, motor which is a positive predictor of sensation seeking
inhibition tasks are especially strong predictors of and a negative predictor of self-control (DeYoung,
antisocial behavior (Morgan & Lilienfeld, 2000), 2011; DeYoung et al., 2002). Because of the
and the tendency to act without thinking is an espe- hybrid content of extraversion and openness,
cially strong predictor of risk taking (Romer et al., however, metatrait beta cannot be univocally linked
2011). to the fast spectrum of life history strategies
(Del Giudice, 2012).
Life history strategies and personality traits. At an even higher level of abstraction, it is possi-
Personality traits reflect stable individual differences ble to identify a general factor of personality (GFP;
in motivation, behavioral dispositions, and self- Musek, 2007), which has been proposed as a correlate
regulation. As such, they show robust and predictable of slow life history and high parenting effort (Figuer-
associations with the fast–slow continuum. In the edo et al., 2007; Rushton, Bons, & Hur, 2008). The
framework of the Five Factor Model of personality GFP is positively correlated with both alpha and beta;
(Costa & McCrae, 1995), the strongest associations are however, there is still no consensus as to whether the
found between the personality factors of conscientious- GFP represents a methodological artifact or a real
ness and agreeableness and slow strategy indicators feature of human personality (e.g., Ashton, Lee,
such as restricted sociosexuality, relationship stability, Goldberg, & de Vries, 2009; Just, 2011; Loehlin &
risk aversion, and prosocial behavior (reviewed in Del Martin, 2011). It is hoped that future research will
Giudice, 2012; see also Holtzman & Strube, 2013). In clarify the ontological status of the GFP and deter-
addition, conscientiousness is a reliable predictor of mine its relevance to life history models of individual
longevity, in part because of its effects on health- differences.
related behavior (e.g., Bogg & Roberts, 2004; Chap-
man & Goldberg, 2011; Friedman, 1995; Martin, An illustrative example. The functional coher-
Friedman, & Schwartz, 2007; Weiss & Costa, 2005). ence of individual differences across domains is
Conscientiousness, agreeableness, and emotional sta- nicely illustrated by the longitudinal study of boys’
bility (the reverse of neuroticism) load on a single development by Moffitt and colleagues (Moffitt,
higher-order factor (“metatrait”) called alpha or stabil- Caspi, Dickson, Silva, & Stanton, 1996). These
ity (DeYoung, 2006; Digman, 1997). As expected of a authors identified a group of male participants
marker of slow life history strategy, alpha is a strong (labeled “abstainers”) characterized by the virtual
negative predictor of impulsivity (DeYoung, 2011; absence of antisocial behavior in childhood and ado-
DeYoung, Peterson, & Higgins, 2002). lescence. At 18 years of age abstainers were good
In contrast with agreeableness and conscientious- students but also overcontrolled, fearful, timid,
ness, the personality factors of extraversion, openness socially awkward, and likely to be virgins. At the age
to experience, and neuroticism (i.e., low emotional of 26, however, they had become successful adults in
stability) correlate to various degrees with unre- terms of education, occupational status, and eco-
stricted sociosexuality, short-term mating, relation- nomic security—in stark contrast with their highly
ship instability, and risk taking, as well as aggressive, antisocial peers (Moffitt & Caspi, 2005).
disruptive, and antisocial behavior (Del Giudice, Abstainers were more likely to be married than
2012). However it should be noted that, in a life any other group and enjoyed happy couple

relationships; at the same time, they tended to delay the psychopathological landscape organized along
having children, and—if fathers—had fewer children the fast–slow axis of life history variation. Such a
than their more antisocial counterparts. Their person- map is an invaluable guide in understanding comor-
ality profiles showed high scores on all the facets of bidity patterns, as functionally related disorders—for
alpha (Agreeableness, Emotional Stability, and Con- example different disorders in the slow spectrum—
scientiousness). Abstainers also displayed low rates can be expected to co-occur more frequently within
of psychopathology and problem behaviors, espe- the same individual. At the same time, the fast–slow
cially in comparison with highly antisocial males distinction can be used to tease apart functionally dis-
(Moffitt & Caspi, 2005). In short, abstainers bear the tinct conditions that coexist within the same descrip-
hallmarks of an extreme slow strategy and exemplify tive category. For example, later on I argue that the
the coordinated interplay of personality, self-regula- diagnostic label of OC disorder (OCD) comprises at
tion, sexuality, and attachment in the pursuit of long- least two functionally distinct clusters of condi-
term biological goals. tions—a fast spectrum cluster characterized by
endogenous obsessions and a slow spectrum cluster
characterized by reactive obsessions (see Lee &
A Life History Framework for Psychopathology Kwon, 2003). In total, a life history analysis helps
“carving nature at its joints” by revealing commonali-
Downloaded by [University of Georgia] at 11:35 22 February 2015

In the previous section I discussed how life history ties between separate categories and suggesting
strategies play a central role in the organization of important distinctions between phenotypically similar
physiology and behavior. They define the organism’s disorders (Keller & Nesse, 2006).
priorities and determine the allocation of effort and Mental disorders are complex biosocial phenom-
resources toward competing biological goals. Differ- ena, and as such they can be analyzed at many differ-
ences in life history strategy are the joint product of ent levels. Needless to say, the broad perspective
genetic and environmental influences on development afforded by life history theory should be comple-
and are reflected in organized patterns of individual mented by narrower functional accounts focusing on
differences in motivation, affect, self-regulation, and specific motivational/behavioral systems, cognitive
personality. By organizing individual differences on mechanisms, genetic pathways, and so forth. With
such a broad scale, life history strategies set the stage each narrower level of analysis, enhanced resolution
for the development of psychopathology. More pre- may be gained at the cost of reduced generality. My
cisely, individual differences in life history strategy present goal is to outline a framework as general and
can be expected to determine individual differences abstract as possible while keeping in mind that a com-
in risk profiles for a broad range of mental disorders. prehensive evolutionary account of psychopathology
As one moves along the fast–slow continuum of life will have to include a detailed model of human moti-
history variation, some disorders and symptoms vational and affective systems, specialized cognitive
should become more frequent, whereas others should processes, and their neurobiological and molecular
become less likely to occur. This is the functional underpinnings.
basis for the distinction between fast spectrum and
slow spectrum disorders—that is, disorders that clus-
Psychopathology and the Fast–Slow Continuum
ter at the fast or slow end of the life history
continuum. So far, life history approaches to psychopathology
It is crucial to stress at the outset that, in this have focused almost exclusively on the fast end of
framework, the functional connection between life the fast–slow continuum. It is increasingly recognized
history strategy and psychopathology is an indirect that fast life history strategies can predispose individ-
one. As I discuss in detail next, causal pathways to uals to a variety of disorders, as either maladaptive
psychopathology involve a multiplicity of traits and outcomes of life-history-related traits or potentially
mechanisms—including temperament and personal- adaptive but undesirable behavioral strategies (e.g.,
ity, self-regulatory processes, and so forth. The gen- Barr & Quinsey, 2004; Belsky et al., 1991; Br€ une
eral idea is that an individual’s configuration of life- et al., 2010; Figueredo & Jacobs, 2010; Frederick,
history-related traits may increases the likelihood of 2012; Jonason et al., 2009; Mealey, 1995; Salmon
developing a certain disorder or cluster of disor- et al., 2009). As I discuss next, there are indeed rea-
ders—often in interaction with other causal factors sons to expect a disproportionate amount of pathol-
including developmental insults, deleterious genetic ogy in association with fast life history strategies.
and/or epigenetic mutations, infections, nutritional However, most current models fail to address the
deficits, and psychosocial stressors. The power of potential role of slow strategies in setting the stage
life history theory lies in the ability to integrate for the development of mental disorders (for an
these diverse etiological processes within a common exception, see Del Giudice et al., 2010). By their
frame of reference. The result is a large-scale map of very nature, life history trade-offs involve costs in

both directions. Although the costs associated with slow end of the fast–slow continuum. However, there
fast strategies may appear more dramatic, those asso- is converging evidence that overcontrol is associated
ciated with slow strategies are neither less real nor with higher risk for pathological conditions such as
less consequential for evolutionary dynamics. In anxiety disorders and depression (e.g., Eisenberg
applying life history theory to psychopathology, it is et al., 2001; Huey & Weisz, 1997). Similarly, the
a mistake to idealize slow strategies by underplaying highly self-controlled “abstainers” studied by Moffitt
their potential costs in terms of both biological fitness and colleagues (see earlier) grew up to become
and psychological well-being. remarkably successful in many domains of life; how-
Consider, for example, inhibitory control and ever, they were not immune from depression and anx-
future orientation, two core psychological correlates iety disorders, even if they experienced them at low
of slow strategies. Individuals high on these dimen- rates relative to other groups (Moffitt & Caspi,
sions are inevitably less able to take advantage of 2005). A recent study by Sherman and colleagues
unexpected opportunities in the present and may find (Sherman, Figueredo, & Funder, 2013) showed that,
it more difficult to adapt to changing or novel circum- when the confounding effects of behavioral norma-
stances (Block & Block, 1980; Dickman, 1990). In tiveness are controlled for, slow life history traits
other words, there are opportunity costs associated tend to be associated with higher levels of social
with high levels of self-regulation. If immediate awkwardness, insecurity, and overcontrolling per-
Downloaded by [University of Georgia] at 11:35 22 February 2015

impulses are suppressed in view of future rewards, sonality traits.

there is an unavoidable risk that future rewards may
never materialize. Also, self-control can lead to rigid-
From Life History Strategies to Psychopathology:
ity and conformity—the so-called “neuroses of
Four Causal Pathways
health” (DeYoung et al., 2002). Thus, although it can
be highly adaptive, self-regulation is clearly not an The general statement that life history strategies
unmixed blessing (see also Block & Block, 1980; set the stage for the development of psychopathology
Eisenberg et al., 2001; Huey & Weisz, 1997; Robins, can be supplemented by a finer-grained analysis of
John, Caspi, Moffitt, & Stouthamer-Loeber, 1996). the causal pathways that lead to the onset of mental
Prosocial attitudes such as cooperativeness present disorders. Here I consider four such pathways: (a)
a similar mixture of benefits and costs. Although pro- adaptive life-history-related traits may be regarded as
sociality can be hugely rewarding, it also makes peo- symptoms, (b) life-history-related traits may be
ple vulnerable to cheating and exploitation, with expressed at maladaptive levels, (c) adaptive strate-
potentially devastating consequences. Prosociality gies may yield individually maladaptive outcomes,
also has opportunity costs: Although highly prosocial and (d) adaptive life-history-related traits may
individuals are well liked, they seldom reach the top increase vulnerability to dysfunction. These path-
of social hierarchies—unless they supplement proso- ways are logically distinct but not mutually exclu-
ciality with coercive and manipulative tactics sive and may coexist in the etiology of any given
(Hawley, 1999, 2011; Hawley, Little, & Card, 2008; disorder.
Lease, Musgrove, & Axelrod, 2002). The moral emo-
tions that motivate and regulate prosocial behavior Adaptive life-history-related traits may be
include guilt, shame, and anger (Haidt, 2003; Rozin, regarded as symptoms. Sometimes, a phenotypic
Lowery, Imada, & Haidt, 1999; Tangney, Stuewig, & strategy may involve the expression of biologically
Mashek, 2007). These emotions are far from innocu- adaptive traits that are nevertheless regarded as path-
ous—in fact, they can become painful, consuming, ological (Nesse, 2004b; Nesse & Jackson, 2006;
and even disabling. Recent work on “pathological Troisi, 2005). This is most likely to happen with fast
altruism” (see Oakley, Knafo, Madhavan, & Wilson, life history strategies characterized by impulsive,
2012) provides many vivid examples of the dark side exploitative, or aggressive tendencies. The resulting
of prosociality. phenotype may be classified as a disorder, even if it
The cost–benefit balance of slow life history strat- does not reflect maladaptive or dysfunctional pro-
egies is well illustrated by research on overcontrolled cesses. Even if they are biologically adaptive, or used
personality types (Block & Block, 1980). As the label to be adaptive in ancestral environments, such strate-
suggests, overcontrolled individuals are characterized gies may often involve substantial costs in terms of
by low impulsivity and low behavioral flexibility. health and emotional well-being. For example, it has
They are low in extraversion and openness and high been hypothesized that some forms of psychopathy
in agreeableness and conscientiousness; they are pro- should be regarded as adaptive strategies that allow
social, well liked, and sensitive to criticism, and they psychopaths to increase their own reproductive suc-
display very low levels of aggression (Asendorpf & cess by exploiting others (e.g., Mealey, 1995). Even
van Aken, 1999; Chapman & Goldberg, 2011; Robins if “successful” psychopaths may enjoy high biologi-
et al., 1996). In other words, they fall squarely at the cal fitness, psychopathy is a source of trouble for

society at large and is legitimately regarded as a mean that such conditions do not exist or cannot be
condition in need of treatment. In a life history harmful to individuals, as well as their relatives and
framework, many apparent dysfunctions associated social partners. Down-regulation of defenses is most
with psychopathy (e.g., reduced empathy, lack of likely in the context of fast life history strategies,
guilt, impulsivity) may be better understood as especially those involving a high degree of risk-tak-
design features of an extreme fast-spectrum ing. The underlying logic is that, to fulfill their pur-
strategy. pose, such strategies require outright insensitivity to
Another important category of adaptive traits that threats, dangers, social feedback, and so forth. For an
may be diagnosed as symptoms of a disorder is that extreme risk-taker, informational insulation from sig-
of aversive defenses. Broadly speaking, defenses can nals of threat can be an asset, not a weakness (see Del
be defined as mechanisms designed to protect indi- Giudice et al., 2011; Korte et al., 2005). The same
viduals from physical and/or social harm. Most nega- logic can be applied to multiple domains. For exam-
tive emotions—including fear, anxiety, disgust, and ple, the emotion of disgust is a behavioral defense
shame—can be conceptualized as defensive mecha- against contamination and infection and has been co-
nisms, as they play crucial protective roles against opted in the regulation of sexual behavior by increas-
physical danger, contamination by pathogens, social ing selectivity of mate choice (Rozin, Haidt, &
exclusion, and so forth (see Nesse, 2004b; Nesse & McCauley, 2000; Schaller, 2011; Tybur, Lieberman,
Downloaded by [University of Georgia] at 11:35 22 February 2015

Jackson, 2006). When defenses activate inappropri- & Griskevicius, 2009). High sensitivity to disgust
ately and/or respond with excessive intensity, the out- (especially sexual disgust) would interfere with a
come may be correctly recognized as maladaptive strategy of promiscuous, indiscriminate mating strate-
(see next). However, many protective mechanisms gies; but although insensitivity to disgust may be
have strongly aversive effects (e.g., fever, vomiting, adaptive in this context, it also increases the risk of
panic) and can be occasionally harmful to the individ- contracting sexually transmitted diseases, with poten-
ual. For this reason, they may give rise to undesirable tially severe fitness costs for the individual (Schaller,
conditions not only when they misfire but also when 2011).
they respond appropriately in presence of actual
threats. Sometimes, defensive processes can be alto- Life-history-related traits may be expressed at
gether mistaken for disorders, especially if their logic maladaptive levels. Even phenotypic traits that are
is incompletely understood. Indeed, the “fallacy of biologically adaptive within a certain range may
mistaking defenses for diseases” is a pervasive become maladaptive if they exceed the limits of that
feature of current diagnostic approaches (Nesse & range. Sometimes, the expected fitness associated
Jackson, 2006). with a trait may slowly increase up to an optimal
The correlates of life history strategies often level, then decrease abruptly following a “cliff-
include up- or down-regulation of psychological and edged” function. In such cases, selection for optimal
physiological defensive mechanisms. Up-regulated trait levels may result in a high frequency of maladap-
defenses have a lower threshold for activation and/or tive phenotypes that overshoot the fitness optimum
respond with higher intensity when they activate. (Nesse, 2004b).
Defense up-regulation can be associated with both A trait can reach maladaptive expression levels
fast and slow strategies, although the specific type of owing to a combination of genetic, epigenetic, and
mechanism involved is likely to differ between the environmental factors that contribute to push the phe-
two. In the context of fast life histories, sensitive notype in the same direction. In the simplest case,
defenses help protect the individual from immediate extreme levels of a trait may appear in the offspring
danger in risky, unpredictable environments. In the of two individuals who are both high on that trait yet
context of slow strategies, up-regulated defenses still within the adaptive range. Thus, assortative mat-
may help the individual prevent dangerous events ing—the tendency for mates to be more similar than
and avoid potentially risky situations, even if the average on a certain trait—can increase the risk for
current environment is reasonably safe. Moreover, psychopathology due to extreme trait values. In gen-
protecting oneself from even minor damages and eral, when a disorder is caused by maladaptive
losses contributes to the long-term maintenance of expression of traits with substantial additive genetic
somatic investment—a key priority for slow life and/or shared environmental variance, the relatives of
history individuals. the affected individual can be expected to show the
Whereas up-regulated defenses are an obvious same traits in a milder and probably adaptive form.
source of pathological conditions, the effects of Parent–offspring conflict and intragenomic conflict
down-regulated defenses can be just as problematic. (see Schlomer, Del Giudice, & Ellis, 2011) are other
As pointed out by Nesse (1990; Nesse & Jackson, likely causes of maladaptive trait expression. When
2006), the fact that people rarely complain about “too evolutionary conflict is present, phenotypic develop-
little anxiety” or the “inability to feel fear” does not ment can be pictured as the result of opposing forces,

much like a game of tug-of-war. If for any reason this both in prison populations and among successful sci-
dynamic equilibrium is broken (e.g., because a muta- entists, artists, and political leaders, suggesting that
tion in the offspring makes it is unable to counteract sensation seeking may instantiate a high-risk behav-
parental manipulation), the resulting unbalance may ioral strategy (MacDonald, 1995). More generally,
easily determine dysregulated or pathological life-history-related traits can steer individuals on
outcomes. high-risk pathways, thus increasing the likelihood of
In principle, the pathway leading from maladap- maladaptive and/or undesirable outcomes in case of
tive trait expression levels to psychopathology may strategy failure—even when the strategy is adaptive
involve traits associated with both fast and slow life on average. This is more likely to happen in the con-
histories. However, there is some evidence that assor- text of fast life history strategies, which tend to pro-
tative mating on life-history-related traits in humans mote risk taking and favor the pursuit of large,
tends to become stronger toward the slow end of the immediate returns regardless of the potential costs.
continuum (Figueredo & Wolf, 2009). If so, disorders Although some individuals engaging in high-risk
that involve maladaptive expression levels of adap- strategies may end up developing mental disorders,
tive traits should occur more frequently in association other individuals expressing the same traits may
with slow strategies, as similarity between parents enjoy desirable and/or biologically adaptive out-
increases the likelihood that offspring will inherit comes, depending on chance and unpredictable
Downloaded by [University of Georgia] at 11:35 22 February 2015

extreme genotypic combinations. contextual factors.

Another important category of adaptive traits that
Adaptive strategies may yield individually systematically produce maladaptive outcomes is that
maladaptive outcomes. In general terms, whether a of defensive mechanisms. By necessity, the calibra-
trait is biologically adaptive or maladaptive depends tion of defenses involves a trade-off between the rate
on its overall contribution to an organism’s reproduc- of false negatives (failing to activate a defense mech-
tive success. However, it is important to distinguish anism when a threat is present) and that of false posi-
between the fitness contribution of a trait or strat- tives (mistakenly activating the mechanism when no
egy—averaged across all the individuals who express threat is present). Defensive mechanisms are usually
it—and the fitness of a particular individual. This dis- designed by natural selection to accept a high rate of
tinction is crucial because a behavioral or develop- false positives in order to avoid catastrophic false
mental strategy may be fitness-enhancing on average negatives; this is known as the smoke detector princi-
while imposing large fitness costs on some individu- ple (Nesse, 2001b, 2005). The smoke detector princi-
als (e.g., Cosmides & Tooby, 1999; Frankenhuis & ple suggests that defensive mechanisms will often
Del Giudice, 2012). In some cases, a strategy can be “misfire” or activate with excessive intensity, even
selected for even if most individuals who adopt it end when no actual threat is present. Occasionally, inap-
up suffering severe damage—provided that potential propriate activation of a defensive mechanism may
losses are balanced by outstanding rewards for the cause serious harm to the individual. The logic of the
lucky few. For instance, male elephant seals engage smoke detector principle can be employed to shed
in ferocious fights that often cause harm and some- light on the etiology of emotional symptoms such as
times result in death. For most individuals who fight, panic attacks, anxiety, and phobic symptoms (Nesse,
the outcome in a net fitness loss. Still, fighting is an 2005; Nesse & Jackson, 2006). Individual differences
adaptive strategy: On average, males benefit from in life history strategy are reflected in the calibration
participating in fights, because not participating of behavioral and/or physiological defenses (see
implies being shut out from reproduction and earlier), and indirectly affect the risk of inappropriate
because top-ranking individuals enjoy extraordinary defense activation.
reproductive success.
Risky strategies are a prime candidate as a system- Life-history-related traits may increase
atic source of individually maladaptive outcomes. vulnerability to dysfunction. All biological and
Risk can be defined in a technical sense as unpredict- artificial mechanisms—no matter how well
able variation in outcomes (see Frankenhuis & Del designed—are vulnerable to malfunctions, failures,
Giudice, 2012; Smallwood, 1996). Whereas some and breakdowns. A psychological mechanism can
behavioral decisions offer a narrow range of possible malfunction because of accidents or environmental
outcomes (low risk), others entail widely variable insults beyond its regulatory capacity (e.g., brain
outcomes (high risk), with the potential for large injury, exposure to toxins), deleterious genetic/epige-
gains as well as large losses. By definition, risky strat- netic mutations, and attacks or manipulations by
egies—such as aggressive competition for domi- pathogens (see Cosmides & Tooby, 1999; Crespi,
nance—yield large gains in case of success but also 2000, 2010). The continuous process of emergence
impose heavy costs in case of failure. For example, and elimination of deleterious mutations is called
people high in sensation seeking are overrepresented mutation-selection balance; its dynamics determine

the frequency and persistence of harmful variants in a 2009; Wilson, Daly, & Pound, 2002). In total, higher
population. Sometimes, a single mutation in a critical mating effort in males should predispose them to fast
pathway is sufficient to cause a disorder; more often, spectrum disorders characterized by high levels of
disorders may result from the cumulative effect of risk taking, such as those in the externalizing spec-
many slightly deleterious mutations (mutation load), trum (see Martel, 2013). In contrast, females have
each with a small impact on phenotypic function. generally less to gain and more to lose from high-risk
Because a large proportion of human genes are strategies than males and can be expected to invest
expressed in brain development, the likelihood that more effort in somatic maintenance and protection.
mutation load will have negative consequences on As a consequence, they should be more prone to
mental functioning is especially high. Mutation- develop disorders that involve the up-regulation of
selection balance has been proposed as a likely expla- protective defenses and/or to exhibit more psycholog-
nation for the persistence of common, heritable, and ical and physiological symptoms reflecting defense
harmful mental disorders (Keller & Miller, 2006). up-regulation (see also McGuire & Troisi, 1998).
Exposure to pathogens (harmful viruses, bacteria, This prediction applies to disorders across the fast–
and other parasites) is another common cause of bio- slow continuum, as up-regulated defenses can be
logical dysfunction. Infectious diseases—especially functionally associated with both fast and slow life
when they occur in early development—have been history strategies. The higher incidence of anxiety
Downloaded by [University of Georgia] at 11:35 22 February 2015

associated with increased risk for a broad range of disorders in females (see Martel, 2013) is consistent
mental disorders (see Benros, Mortensen, & Eaton, with this prediction.
2012; Patterson, 2011). The role of pathogens in the Another important asymmetry in life history strat-
etiology of mental disorders does not contradict that egy concerns the trade-off between current and future
of genetic mutations. Infections, like mutations, can reproduction. As already discussed in the section on
perturb developmental processes at critical stages; life history theory, this trade-off plays a more critical
accordingly, mutation load and pathogen load may role in the organization of female life history strate-
ultimately converge on the same neurobiological gies, because decisions concerning reproductive tim-
pathways and exert a cumulative effect on the risk for ing are more critical for females than for males. As a
psychopathology. consequence, the timing of sexual maturation in
Although life history traits are designed to pro- females should be more sensitive to cues of danger
mote adaptation, they can nevertheless increase vul- and unpredictability. Indeed, the available data sug-
nerability to some types of dysfunction as a side gest that ecological stress in the 1st years of life
effect. For example, some configurations of personal- anticipates gonadal puberty in girls but not in boys
ity traits within the adaptive range (e.g., schizotypy (see Belsky, 2012; James et al., 2012). In addition,
or autistic-like personality) may become especially indices of sexual maturation in females can be
conducive to psychopathology when they are coupled expected to form a tighter cluster with other life-his-
with high mutation load or brain-damaging infections tory-related traits including motivation, personality,
(see Del Giudice, 2010). Also, fast life-history-related self-regulation, and so forth. It follows that matura-
traits such as risk proneness and future discounting tion timing and rate should be stronger predictors of
may indirectly increase an individual’s exposure to psychopathology in females than in males. This pre-
environmental factors such as pathogens. Finally, up- diction is well supported by empirical research; the
regulated defensive systems are not only more prone bulk of evidence indicates that individual differences
to misfiring, they also become more vulnerable to in sexual maturation are more robustly associated
genuine instances of malfunction and dysregulation with psychopathology in girls than in boys (Ge &
(Nesse, 2001a). Natsuaki, 2010; Graber, Seeley, Brooks-Gunn, &
Lewinsohn, 2004; Mendle, Turkheimer, & Emery,
Sex Differences
If life history strategies set the stage for psychopa-
thology, sexual asymmetries in life history trade-offs Correlates of Fast and Slow Spectrum
should produce consistent patterns of sex differences Psychopathology
in the epidemiology of mental disorders. The first key The conceptual distinction between fast and slow
asymmetry concerns the mating versus parenting spectrum pathology provides a powerful heuristic cri-
trade-off. On average, human males invest more in terion for the functional classification of mental disor-
mating effort and less in parenting effort than ders. Whatever the specific causal pathway (or
females. The intensity of mating effort increases sex- combination of pathways) that determines the onset
ual selection for competitive traits such as risk taking, of a given disorder, fast spectrum conditions will be
dominance seeking, and physical aggression (Archer, associated with traits such as low agreeableness and
2009; Kruger & Nesse, 2006; X. T. Wang et al., conscientiousness, impulsivity, disinhibition, and

early sexual maturation (especially in females). Con- motivational goals (Nesse, 2004b; see also Keltner,
versely, slow spectrum conditions will exhibit a Haidt, & Shiota, 2006), and the association between
“signature” of slow life-history-related traits in the emotions and the underlying motivational processes
areas of motivation, self-regulation, personality, and is often remarkably nonspecific, limiting the useful-
sexual maturation. ness of emotions as markers of life history pheno-
It is important to stress that correlations between types. For example, anger can be triggered by
life-history-related traits and specific disorders may aggressive competition, by threats to one’s domi-
or may not imply a causal role of those traits in the nance or status, by suffering or witnessing acts of
etiology of the disorders. For example impulsivity, injustice, by separation from an attachment figure,
risk taking, and social antagonism are likely to play a and so forth (Bowlby, 1973; Haidt, 2003). Anxiety,
direct causal role in the etiology of externalizing shame, and sadness are prominently associated with
symptoms (e.g., Lahey & Waldman, 2003). On the psychopathology, but their motivational specificity is
other hand, the robust correlation between externaliz- also extremely low. In contrast, guilt is likely to be a
ing symptoms and early sexual maturation (see next) reliable correlate of slow spectrum psychopathology
does not necessarily mean that sexual maturation is because of its strong functional connection with
directly involved in the onset of externalizing behav- cooperation, reciprocity, and caregiving (Haidt,
ior. However, if the goal is to map disorders on the 2003; Keltner et al., 2006). Even if careful analysis
Downloaded by [University of Georgia] at 11:35 22 February 2015

fast–slow continuum, this distinction is immaterial: of emotional correlates may provide useful informa-
Regardless of their role in the etiology of a given dis- tion about a given disorder, motivation is—all else
order, life history correlates can be employed as con- being equal—a much better guide than emotion if the
vergent markers of the underlying life history goal is to draw functional distinctions between disor-
strategy. In principle, this approach can be extended ders. An important implication is that diagnostic cate-
to include genetic, epigenetic, and neurobiological gories based on emotions and affect (e.g., anxiety
markers (e.g., Del Giudice et al., 2011; Figueredo disorders, depressive disorders) are especially likely
et al., 2004; Figueredo et al., 2006; Worthman, 2009; to contain functionally heterogeneous conditions.
Worthman & Brown, 2005). In this article I mainly Finally, a life history perspective yields novel pre-
focus on the psychological level of analysis as a use- dictions about the environmental correlates of mental
ful first approximation. A nonexhaustive list of the disorders (see Table 1). Ecological harshness and
correlates of fast and slow spectrum psychopathology unpredictability tend to entrain development of fast
is presented in Table 1. life history strategies, whereas slow strategies are
As can be seen in Table 1, the distinction between favored in safe and predictable contexts. As a result,
fast and slow spectrum disorders overlaps to some many classic risk factors for psychopathology—such
degree with the theory of undercontrolled and over- as stressful life events, low socioeconomic status,
controlled personality types and their role in psycho- negative family relationships, trauma, and abuse—
pathology (Block, 2002; Block & Block, 1980; for a are predicted to increase the occurrence of fast spec-
similar distinction, see Tops & Boksem, 2010). This trum disorders but not that of slow spectrum disor-
is hardly surprising, given the centrality of self-regu- ders. On the contrary, slow spectrum disorders should
lation in the organization of life-history-related phe- be associated—at least on average—with safe, pre-
notypes. However, the present perspective has a dictable environments, higher socioeconomic status,
much wider scope, as it integrates self-regulation in a and reduced exposure to ecological and family
broad conceptual network that includes mating, stressors.
attachment, cooperation, and even physical and sex-
ual maturation. Furthermore, in a life history frame-
Applying the Framework
work the association between self-regulation and
psychopathology need not be causal. Although self- I now proceed to apply the framework developed
regulation profiles may directly contribute to the eti- in the previous section to a diverse set of common
ology of some mental disorders, in other cases the psychopathological conditions: externalizing disor-
association may be largely or entirely spurious—that ders, SSDs, ASDs, OC spectrum disorders, EDs, and
is, it may be due to covariation between self-regula- depression. The goal is not to perform an exhaustive
tion and other life-history-related traits when only the evolutionary analysis of these disorders (nor to sys-
latter are implicated in the genesis of a disorder. tematically review the relevant empirical literature)
A notable feature of Table 1 is the deliberate but rather to demonstrate the heuristic and integrative
omission of emotions from the list of life history cor- potential of a life history approach to psychopathol-
relates of psychopathology. Of course, emotions are ogy and highlight the most promising directions for
crucially involved in the etiology of many, perhaps future research.
most, mental disorders (Keltner & Kring, 1998; For each category, I examine the available empiri-
Nesse, 1990). However, emotions can serve multiple cal evidence to determine whether the relevant

Table 1. Correlates of Fast and Slow Spectrum Psychopathology.

Fast Spectrum Psychopathology Slow Spectrum Psychopathology

Motivation Social antagonism Social compliance, conformity

Unstable attachments Stable attachments
Precocious sexuality Delayed sexuality
Sexual promiscuity, high sex drive Sexual restraint, low sex drive
Sensation/novelty seeking Preference for routines
Risk taking Risk aversion, harm prevention
Self-regulation Disinhibition, impulsivity Inhibition, restraint
Discounting of future rewards Discounting of immediate rewards
Personality traits Low conscientiousness High conscientiousness
Low agreeableness High agreeableness
Sexual maturation Early, fast maturation Late, slow maturation
Environment Harsh, unpredictable Safe, predictable
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High exposure to stressors Low exposure to stressors

disorders can be provisionally characterized as fast or fast–slow distinction (see next). I conclude this sec-
slow spectrum conditions (Table 2). I also discuss tion with an integrative summary in which I bring
how current hypotheses in evolutionary psychopa- together individual disorders and outline a provi-
thology relate to the four causal pathways discussed sional life history taxonomy of common psychopath-
in the preceding section. Whereas some psychopatho- ological conditions.
logical categories (e.g., externalizing disorders) show
strong internal consistency in life history terms, other
categories (e.g., OC spectrum disorders) turn out to The Externalizing Spectrum
comprise an uneven mixture of fast and slow spec- The externalizing spectrum comprises various dis-
trum conditions. Moreover, a life history analysis orders marked by aggressive, antisocial, and/or dis-
indicates that standard diagnostic labels often fail to ruptive behavior (see Krueger et al., 2011; Krueger
differentiate between functionally distinct conditions. et al., 2002). Externalizing disorders are also associ-
For example, the classic distinction between anorexia ated with high risk for substance abuse (Kendler, Pre-
nervosa (AN) and bulimia nervosa (BN) is empiri- scott, Myers, & Neale, 2003; McAdams, Rowe,
cally unreliable and only weakly related to individual Rijsdijk, Maughan, & Eley, 2011; Slade, 2007;
differences in life history strategy; in contrast, ED Verona, Javdani, & Sprague, 2011). Disorders in the
profiles based on personality (Westen & Harnden- externalizing spectrum show high phenotypic and
Fischer, 2001) show a remarkably good fit with the genetic correlations with one another, indicating the

Table 2. Life History Analysis of Common Mental Disorders.

Disorder Category Life History Classification

Externalizing spectrum Fast spectrum

Schizophrenia spectrum Fast spectrum
[possibly heterogeneous; age of onset]
Autism spectrum Slow spectrum
[possibly heterogeneous]
Obsessive-compulsive spectrum Fast spectrum: endogenous obsessions
Slow spectrum: reactive obsessions, obsessive-compulsive personality disorder
Eating disorders Fast spectrum: dysregulated profile
Slow spectrum: perfectionistic and overcontrolled profiles
Depression Heterogeneous
[fast spectrum: depressed mood C somatic symptoms]


existence of a coherent, heritable dimension of exter- with measures of fast life history strategy, risk-taking,
nalizing behavior (Kendler, Prescott, et al., 2003; and present orientation (Figueredo & Jacobs, 2010;
Krueger et al., 2002; Lahey & Waldman, 2012). In Jonason, Koenig, & Tost, 2010; but see Gladden, Fig-
the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Dis- ueredo, & Jacobs, 2009). Finally, externalizing symp-
orders (5th ed. [DSM-5]; American Psychiatric Asso- toms and psychopathic traits are negatively
ciation, 2013), externalizing disorders—including associated with the alpha personality metatrait and its
oppositional defiant disorder, conduct disorder, and components, agreeableness and conscientiousness
antisocial personality disorder—are grouped in the (Decuyper, De Pauw, De Fruyt, De Bolle, & De
category of “disruptive, impulse-control, and conduct Clerq, 2009; DeYoung, 2011; DeYoung, Peterson,
disorders.” Seguin, & Temblay, 2008; Essau, Sasagawa, & Frick,
In a life history perspective, externalizing spec- 2006; S. Jones, Miller, & Lynam, 2011; Krueger
trum disorders are prototypical instances of fast spec- et al., 2011; Lynam & Derefinko, 2006).
trum psychopathology. Externalizing symptoms are Evolutionary models of externalizing spectrum
associated with impulsivity and undercontrol (e.g., disorders tend to stress the potential biological adap-
Clark, 2005; DeYoung, 2011; Eisenberg et al., 2001; tiveness of aggressive, exploitative, and risky behav-
Huey & Weisz, 1997; Lynam, Leukefeld, & Clayton, ior—especially when coupled with promiscuous
2003; Muris & Ollendick, 2005), early puberty timing short-term sexuality (e.g., Barr & Quinsey, 2004;
Downloaded by [University of Georgia] at 11:35 22 February 2015

and fast sexual maturation in both sexes (Mendle & Belsky et al., 1991; Del Giudice et al., 2011; Ellis
Ferrero, 2012; Mendle et al., 2007), earlier onset of et al., 2012; Martel, 2013; Mealey, 1995; see Glenn,
sexual activity (e.g., Armour & Haynie, 2007; Kurzban, & Raine, 2011, for a review of alternative
Levesque, Bigras, & Pauze, 2010; van Goozen, explanations). Accordingly, many evolutionary
Cohen-Kettenis, Matthys, & Van Engeland, 2002), scholars see externalizing disorders as adaptive but
and larger numbers of partners in adolescence and undesirable constellations of traits. In some instances,
young adulthood (e.g., Cui, Ueno, Fincham, Donnel- externalizing disorders may represent maladaptive
lan, & Wickrama, 2012). Low socioeconomic status, extremes of potentially adaptive traits (see MacDon-
harsh or unpredictable parental discipline, parental ald, 2012). It should be stressed that externalizing dis-
conflict, family disruption, and child abuse—all cues orders can be adaptive even if their social outcomes
of danger and unpredictability—are consistent pre- are negative on average. This can happen if success-
dictors of externalizing behavior (Burt, Krueger, ful outcomes yield disproportionate fitness returns,
McGue, & Iacono, 2003; Farrington, 2005; Simpson even in a minority of cases (discussed in Frankenhuis
et al., 2012). This further supports the notion that & Del Giudice, 2012). For example, a study by Ull-
externalizing disorders are prototypical fast spectrum rich and colleagues (Ullrich, Farrington, & Coid,
conditions. 2008) found negative correlations between psycho-
An important component of the externalizing pathic traits and biologically valuable outcomes such
spectrum is the personality dimension of psychopathy as status and wealth. However, overall trait-outcome
(S. Jones & Miller, 2012). The psychopathic person- correlations are not very informative unless patterns
ality is characterized by shallow affect, callousness of outcome variability are also taken into account.
and lack of empathy, insincerity and manipulative- As already noted, high-risk behavioral strategies
ness, grandiosity, irresponsibility, and sensation seek- are likely to involve down-regulation of defensive
ing (Hare & Neumann, 2006). The distribution of mechanisms; indeed, externalizing disorders in ado-
externalizing behaviors and psychopathic traits is lescents and adults are often associated with reduced
strongly male biased, in both clinical and nonclinical anxiety, fearlessness, and dampened responsivity
populations (Cale & Lilienfeld, 2002; Crijnen, of the SRS (Alink et al., 2008; Fowles & Dindo,
Achenbach, & Verhulst, 1997; Kessler et al., 2005; 2006; Lorber, 2004). However, defense down-regula-
Leadbeater, Kuperminc, Blatt, & Hertzog, 1999; tion has only a marginal role in the DSM, and the def-
Martel, 2013; Slade, 2007). inition of externalizing disorders revolves around
As widely recognized in the evolutionary litera- antisocial behavior and its undesirable consequences.
ture, psychopathic traits show all the markers of a
fast life history strategy (e.g., Barr & Quinsey, 2004;
G. T. Harris et al., 2007; Mealey, 1995). Psycho- The Schizophrenia Spectrum
pathic individuals are impulsive and exploitative; Schizophrenia is a family of mental disorders char-
they tend to be sexually precocious, have many short- acterized by delusions, hallucinations, and cognitive
term partners, and frequently engage in sexual coer- disorganization. Given the severe reduction in repro-
cion (G. T. Harris et al., 2007; Jonason et al., 2009; ductive success associated with a schizophrenia diag-
Kastner & Sellbom, 2012; Lalumiere et al., 2008; nosis (e.g., Bassett, Bury, Hodgkinson, & Honer,
Lalumiere & Quinsey, 1996; Mishra & Lalumiere, 1996; Haukka, Suvisaari, & Lonnqvist, 2003; Mac-
2008). Unsurprisingly, psychopathic traits correlate Cabe, Koupil, & Leon, 2009; Nanko & Moridaira,

1993), most evolutionary scholars regard this disorder (Beaussart, Kaufman, & Kaufman, 2012; Del Giudice
as a maladaptive outcome of dysregulated sociocog- et al., 2010; Haselton & Miller, 2006; Kinney et al.,
nitive processes (e.g., Burns, 2004; Crow, 1995, 2001; G. F. Miller & Tal, 2007; Nettle, 2006b; Nettle
1997; Keller & Miller, 2006; McGuire & Troisi, & Clegg, 2006; Rawlings & Locarnini, 2008). More-
1998; see Stevens & Price, 1999, for an exception). over, large-scale studies of patients and their relatives
SSDs are highly heritable (Tandon, Keshavan, & show a robust familial association between schizo-
Nasrallah, 2008); at the same time, schizophrenia risk phrenia and creativity (Kyaga et al., 2011). Schizoty-
is increased by adverse environmental factors such as pal traits peak in adolescence/young adulthood and
nutritional deficiencies, infections, and birth compli- show a marked decline with age, mirroring typical
cations (e.g., Benros et al., 2012; Burns, 2004; changes in mating effort (Claridge et al., 1996;
McGrath & Murray, 2011). This suggests that accu- Fossati, Raine, Carretta, Leonardi, & Maffei, 2003;
mulated deleterious mutations and environmental Venables & Bailes, 1994). In addition, positive schiz-
insults may converge on common neurobiological otypy predicts higher levels of aggression in the non-
pathways, increasing the risk of cognitive breakdown. clinical population (Fanning, Berman, & Guillot,
Even if SSDs are biologically maladaptive condi- 2012; Nederlof, Muris, & Hovens, 2012), and a hos-
tions, there may be evolutionary advantages associ- tile-dominant interpersonal style seems to be an
ated with schizotypal traits—a constellation of enduring aspect of the personality of patients who
Downloaded by [University of Georgia] at 11:35 22 February 2015

personality traits associated with increased risk of manifest paranoid symptoms (Podubinsky, Daffern,
psychosis (Claridge, 1997; van Os, Linscott, Myin- & Lee, 2012). This suggests a degree of overlap
Germeys, Delespaul, & Krabbendam, 2009). between the schizophrenia spectrum and the external-
Although some taxometric studies suggest that schiz- izing spectrum. Finally, schizotypal traits are associ-
otypal traits may define a categorically distinct sub- ated with low levels of agreeableness (Asai,
group of individuals rather than a continuum with Sugimori, Bando, & Tanno, 2011; S. R. Ross, Lutz,
normal personality, there is still no consensus on this & Bailey, 2002; but see Avia et al., 1995).
point and the evidence remains mixed (see Ahmed, In light of these convergent findings, SSDs can
Buckley, & Mabe, 2012; Coghill & Sonuga-Barke, be classified as belonging to the fast spectrum of
2012; Nelson, Seal, Pantelis, & Phillips, 2013). Vari- psychopathology. According to sexual selection
ous authors have proposed that schizotypal traits may models, schizotypy can be understood as a high-
be maintained by sexual selection processes based on risk strategy oriented toward short-term mating,
mate choice. According to the sexual selection model whose negative outcomes become manifest as
of schizotypy (Nettle, 2001, 2006a; Shaner, Miller, & schizophrenia and other SSDs. Alternatively, the
Mintz, 2004), schizotypy-increasing alleles affect milder disorders of the schizophrenia spectrum
brain processes so as to increase traits such as verbal (e.g., schizotypal personality disorder, brief psy-
and artistic creativity, thus conferring mating advan- chotic disorder) may result from maladaptive levels
tages on those individuals who do not develop a psy- of expression of potentially adaptive traits associ-
chiatric condition. However, the outcomes of ated with fast life history strategies. This view is
schizotypy may be either beneficial (mating success) consistent with the hypothesis that schizotypal
or harmful (schizophrenia), depending in part on the traits follow a cliff-edged fitness function, with an
individual’s genetic quality (i.e., lack of deleterious abrupt transition between optimal and maladaptive
mutations) and developmental condition (e.g., good levels of expression (Nesse, 2004a). It should also
nutrition and low exposure to pathogens). In other be noted that most individuals who have psychotic
words, according to this hypothesis verbal/artistic experiences at some point in their life recover
creativity functions as a fitness indicator (see Shaner completely, and never transition to a diagnosable
et al., 2004), and schizotypy acts as an “amplifier” of SSD (van Os et al., 2009).
individual differences in genetic quality and condi- So far, there is only limited evidence concerning
tion. The sexual selection model is thus consistent the relation between schizotypy and the timing of
with a central role of mutation load in the etiology of sexual maturation. The available data indicate that
SSDs and is compatible with reduced fertility in positive schizotypal traits tend to be higher in both
schizophrenic patients and their close relatives (Del early and late maturers, though the effect may be
Giudice, 2010). especially pronounced in early maturers (Gruzelier &
Consistent with the sexual selection model, posi- Kaiser, 1996; Kaiser & Gruzelier, 1999). These find-
tive schizotypal traits—unusual cognitive and percep- ings are partially consistent with the idea of schizo-
tual experiences, tendency to magical ideation, typy as a fast life history-related trait; however,
reference and paranoid thoughts—are associated with further research informed by a life history approach
verbal and artistic creativity, larger numbers of sexual might reveal the existence of functionally distinct
partners, unrestricted sociosexuality, and reduced clusters within the schizophrenia spectrum. This
investment in long-term couple relationships would be consistent with data showing differences in

genotype and symptom profiles between early- and development of outstanding talents in children
late-onset schizophrenia (Lien et al., 2011). (Happe & Vital, 2009; Ruthsatz & Urbach, 2012;
Vital, Ronald, Wallace, & Happe, 2009). More gener-
ally, autistic-like traits are higher in people with tech-
The Autism Spectrum nical-scientific interests and careers (Austin, 2005;
The autism spectrum comprises disorders of vari- Baron-Cohen, Wheelwright, Skinner, Martin, &
able severity characterized by impairments in social Clubley, 2001; Ridley, Homewood, & Walters, 2011;
interaction, communication problems, and restricted Wheelwright et al., 2006). Accordingly, several theo-
and repetitive behaviors/interests. Although ASDs rists have argued that ASDs can be seen as extreme
are substantially heritable, they are also highly het- and usually maladaptive manifestations of otherwise
erogeneous in their genetic substrate (Betancur, adaptive traits (e.g., Baron-Cohen, 2003; Crespi &
2011; Sanders et al., 2012). Furthermore, the three Badcock, 2008; Del Giudice et al., 2010).
facets of the “autism triad” (social interaction, com- In this perspective, Del Giudice and colleagues
munication, and restricted/repetitive behavior) are (2010) hypothesized that sexual selection may con-
largely dissociable, both phenotypically and geneti- tribute to maintain autistic-like traits in the popula-
cally (Happe & Ronald, 2008; Happe, Ronald, & Plo- tion despite the fitness costs of severe ASDs.
min, 2006; Ronald, Larsson, Anckars€ater, & Specifically, they argued that autistic-like traits in
Downloaded by [University of Georgia] at 11:35 22 February 2015

Lichtenstein, 2011). This heterogeneity must be kept their nonpathological form contribute to a male-typi-
in mind while discussing ASDs from a functional cal strategy geared toward high parental investment,
perspective. low mating effort, and long-term allocation of resour-
Severe autism is almost certainly maladaptive, and ces—in other words, a male-typical manifestation of
some theorists have focused specifically on the nega- slow life history strategy. This hypothesis provides a
tive aspects of ASDs. In particular, Shaner and col- parsimonious explanation of the male-biased distribu-
leagues (Shaner, Miller, & Mintz, 2008) tion of both autistic-like traits and ASDs (Baron-
hypothesized that autism—like schizophrenia—may Cohen et al., 2011; Baron-Cohen et al.,2001). Sev-
represent the negative extreme of a fitness indicator. eral lines of evidence corroborate this hypothesis.
Unlike in the case of schizophrenia, however, the fit- Autistic-like traits predict reduced interest in short-
ness indicator would be not sexually but parentally term mating, increased investment of time and
selected: Under this hypothesis, children display their resources in one’s partner, and stronger commitment
genetic quality to parents in order to effectively to long-term romantic relations—the opposite of pos-
solicit their investment, and complex behaviors like itive schizotypy (Del Giudice et al., 2010). People
social responsiveness and social engagement function high in autistic-like traits report shorter duration of
as costly and sensitive fitness indicators. Autism friendships but longer duration of romantic relation-
would represent a catastrophic failure of these mecha- ships (Jobe & White, 2007); moreover, their partners
nisms, due to high mutation load and/or poor devel- are on average just as satisfied as those of people low
opmental conditions. The fitness indicator theory of in autistic-like traits (Pollmann, Finkenauer, & Beg-
autism is consistent with the large number of deleteri- eer, 2009). It is intriguing that interest in sexual and
ous de novo mutations found in ASD patients (Awa- romantic relationships is usually conserved in high-
dalla et al., 2010; Sanders et al., 2012). functioning ASDs, even if the development of court-
Shaner and coworkers’ (2008) emphasis on malad- ship and sexual abilities follows a delayed trajectory
aptation should be balanced by accumulating evi- (Hellemans, Colson, Verbraeken, Vermeiren, &
dence that autistic-like traits in the normative Deboutte, 2007; Stokes & Kaur, 2005; Stokes, New-
range—also known as the “broader autistic ton, & Kaur, 2007). Indeed, people with ASD can be
phenotype” (Wheelwright, Auyeung, Allison, & highly persistent in pursuing romantic interests, and
Baron-Cohen, 2010)—have a number of desirable often display obsessive preoccupation with their part-
and potentially adaptive correlates. Specifically, autis- ner (Stokes et al., 2007).
tic-like traits predict higher systemizing abilities and In a life history perspective, ASDs are thus likely
attention to detail, better visuospatial skills and candidates for inclusion in the slow spectrum of psy-
abstract spatial reasoning, and enhanced low-level chopathology. Further evidence comes from the find-
sensory processing in the visual and auditory ing that sexual maturation is delayed in women high
domains (Baron-Cohen, Ashwin, Ashwin, Tavassoli, in autistic-like traits (Whitehouse, Maybery, Hickey,
& Chakrabarti, 2009; Grinter, van Beek, Maybery, & & Sloboda, 2011) as well as in women with ASD
Badcock, 2009; Stevenson & Gernsbacher, 2013; see (Ingudomnukul, Baron-Cohen, Wheelwright, &
also Falter, Elliott, & Bailey, 2012; Mottron, Dawson, Knickmeyer, 2007; Knickmeyer, Wheelwright,
Soulieres, Hubert, & Burack, 2006). The autistic fac- Hoekstra, & Baron-Cohen, 2006). Autistic-like traits
ets of repetitive behaviors, restricted interests, and may function adaptively as part of a slow life history
detail-oriented cognitive style are associated with the strategy—especially in men—and only become

maladaptive when they cross a certain threshold. The associated with autism and autistic-like traits is con-
idea that ASDs are part of the slow spectrum of psy- sistent with the hypothesis that ASDs are slow spec-
chopathology is also consistent with the recent pro- trum disorders.
posal that the main cognitive and behavioral Even if autistic-like traits show many signatures of
correlates of the autistic spectrum (both adaptive and a slow life history phenotype, they should be consid-
maladaptive) can be framed in a heterochronic per- ered as part of an alternative behavioral strategy that
spective as delays or noncompletions of typical deviates to some extent from the typical structure of
developmental trajectories (Crespi, 2013). Of course, life history correlates (Del Giudice et al., 2010). For
given the remarkable heterogeneity of ASDs, this example, there is accumulating evidence that people
functional explanation is likely to apply only to a sub- with mild forms of ASDs are not susceptible to audi-
set of people diagnosed with autistic disorders. Dif- ence effects on altruistic behavior, do not engage in
ferent ASD subtypes may well require different distorted self-presentation to enhance their own repu-
explanations, potentially including the fitness indica- tation, and are less susceptible to the emotional
tor hypothesis by Shaner and colleagues (2008). effects of social ostracism (Chevallier, Molesworth,
The existence of functionally distinct subtypes of & Happe, 2012; Izuma, Matsumoto, Camerer, &
ASDs may explain the inconsistent correlation of Adolphs, 2011; Sebastian, Blakemore, & Charman,
autism risk with socioeconomic status, which has 2009). This combination of characteristics makes
Downloaded by [University of Georgia] at 11:35 22 February 2015

been found to be positive in some studies and nega- people high in autistic-like traits uncommonly trans-
tive in others (e.g., Bhasin & Schendel, 2007; Leo- parent and trustworthy (Frith & Frith, 2011), which
nard et al., 2011; Rai et al., 2012). A life history can be an asset in the context of cooperative relation-
perspective may also contribute to explain the robust ships (including long-term romantic relationships).
finding that autism risk increases in the children of However, although agreeableness is usually associ-
older parents, and especially mothers (Bhasin & ated with trustworthiness and honesty, autistic-like
Schendel, 2007; Gardener, Spiegelman, & Buka, traits as a whole correlate negatively with agreeable-
2009); if people high in autistic-like traits tend to ness (Austin, 2005; Wakabayashi, Baron-Cohen, &
delay reproduction, they will end up being overrepre- Wheelwright, 2006). This suggests that individuals
sented among older parents in epidemiological stud- high in autistic traits may reach cooperative goals in
ies. The increasing number of mutations in the sperm ways that are atypical compared with the rest of the
of older fathers is another plausible etiological factor population.
in both ASDs and SSDs (Kong et al., 2012). How- Finally, the life history analysis presented in this
ever, if the present analysis is correct, deleterious section is consistent with Crespi and Badcock’s
mutations are involved only in a subset of ASDs, pos- (2008) hypothesis that autism and psychosis are dia-
sibly limited to the more severe cases of autism. metrical disorders of the social brain, involving oppo-
The idea that ASDs can be characterized as slow site unbalanced patterns of “mechanistic” versus
spectrum disorders might seem inconsistent with the “mentalistic” abilities (see also Dinsdale, Hurd,
widely reported association between autistic symp- Wakabayashi, Elliot, & Crespi, 2013). Besides show-
toms and impaired executive functions (Russo et al., ing different sociocognitive profiles, ASDs and SSDs
2007). However, the contradiction is only apparent, are characterized by opposite patterns of brain and
as the executive deficits associated with ASDs and body growth (Crespi & Badcock, 2008) and by dia-
autistic-like traits in the normal range are limited to metrical patterns of genetic effects—for example up-
flexibility/shifting and—to a much smaller extent— versus down-regulation of molecular pathways and
memory updating (Ridley et al., 2011; Russo et al., larger versus smaller numbers of gene copies (Crespi,
2007; Van Eylen et al., 2011). Reduced flexibility/ Stead, & Elliot, 2010; Gilman et al., 2012; see also
shifting is the other side of the coin of restricted/ Kalkman, 2012). A life history framework provides a
repetitive behavior and can be seen as a facet of broader context for the diametrical hypothesis by
behavioral persistence—a key feature of slow spec- placing ASDs and SSDs at opposite ends of the fast–
trum phenotypes (Table 1). Consistent with this slow continuum while acknowledging the possible
view, reduced shifting abilities are associated with existence of functionally distinct subtypes within
higher levels of self-restraint and increased delay of both diagnostic categories.
gratification (see Miyake & Friedman, 2012). As dis-
cussed in the section on life history strategies and
individual differences, behavioral disinhibition is the The Obsessive-Compulsive Spectrum
only robust executive correlate of fast life history Disorders in the OC spectrum are primarily char-
strategies and is not observed in autism, with the only acterized by patterns of compulsive, repetitive
exception of tasks involving saccade control (see thoughts and/or behaviors, usually associated with
O’Hearn, Asato, Ordaz, & Luna, 2008; Russo et al., worry and anxiety. In addition to OCD, the OC spec-
2007). In other words, the profile of self-regulation trum includes body dysmorphic disorder, hoarding

disorder, and grooming disorders (skin picking and protective responses. Indeed, hypersensitive precau-
hair pulling). These disorders tend to co-occur, both tionary defenses aimed at preventing future and/or
within families and in the same individual (Phillips potential threats can be highly adaptive in the context
et al., 2010). There is considerable evidence that OC of slow life history strategies. This hypothesis is con-
personality disorder (OCPD)—a pervasive profile of sistent with the high levels of harm avoidance and
orderliness, rigid perfectionism, and need to control guilt sensitivity observed in OCD patients (Pinto &
one’s self and environment—is also part of the OC Eisen, 2012; Shafran, Watkins, & Charman, 1996;
spectrum (Calvo et al., 2009; Phillips et al., 2010), see also O’Connor, Berry, & Weiss, 1999). OCPD
even if the DSM-5 category of “obsessive-compulsive also fits this scheme, given its many overcontrol fea-
and related disorders” does not include OCPD. The tures and strong association with conscientiousness
phenomenology of OCD is highly heterogeneous; the (Samuel & Gore, 2012).
content of OC symptoms may relate to a number of This, however, is only part of the story, as a host of
common themes including contamination/cleaning, other findings indicate robust correlations between
obsessions/checking, symmetry/ordering, and hoard- OC spectrum disorders—particularly OCD—and key
ing (Mataix-Cols, Rosario-Campos, & Leckman, markers of fast spectrum psychopathology. OC symp-
2005; McKay et al., 2004). toms show moderate correlations with impulsivity
A rich evolutionary literature on OCD has devel- (Ettelt et al., 2007; Smari, Bouranel, & Ei+sd ottir,
Downloaded by [University of Georgia] at 11:35 22 February 2015

oped over the years (e.g., Abed & de Pauw, 1998; 2008; Sulkowski et al., 2009), and reduced motor
Boyer & Lienard, 2006; Br€ une, 2006; Fiske & Has- inhibition is often observed in OCD (e.g., Bannon,
lam, 1997; Rapoport & Fiske, 1998; Szechtman & Gonsalvez, Croft, & Boyce, 2002; Cavedini, Zorzi,
Woody, 2004; Woody & Szechtman, 2011). OCDs Piccinni, Cavallini, & Bellodi, 2010; Chamberlain,
are moderately heritable (Grisham, Anderson, & Fineberg, Blackwell, Robbins, & Sahakian, 2006;
Sachdev, 2008) and can be severely impairing. Most Chamberlain et al., 2007; Moritz et al., 2002;
theorists assume that OCD is either the maladaptive Penades et al., 2007). Surprisingly, self-reported con-
exaggeration of an adaptive trait or the result of a scientiousness tends to be low in OCD patients,
dysfunction in precautionary cognitive systems. although this might depend on unrealistically high
However, the relation between OCD and mating/ self-imposed standards (Kotov, Gamez, Schmidt, &
reproductive success has received very little attention Watson, 2010; Pinto & Eisen, 2012). Preliminary
(Fontenelle & Hasler, 2008), and the milder forms of empirical data indicate that measures of life history
the disorder are not necessarily maladaptive in the strategy are uncorrelated with OC symptoms in non-
biological sense. Current models converge on the clinical samples (Glass, 2012; Glass, personal com-
idea that the main functional substrate of OCD is an munication, August 13, 2012). Even more important,
adaptive mechanism—the hazard-precaution system OC spectrum disorders show high comorbidity with
or security motivation system—specialized for deal- both autism spectrum (Anholt et al., 2010; Bejerot,
ing with potential low frequency threats such as food 2007; Hollander, King, Delaney, Smith, & Silverman,
poisoning (Boyer & Lienard, 2006; Woody & Szecht- 2003) and schizophrenia spectrum disorders (Lee &
man, 2011). Compared with manifest threats, poten- Telch, 2005; Poyurovsky et al., 2008; Poyurovsky &
tial threats pose a number of unique strategic Koran, 2005; Sobin et al., 2000; Suhr, Spitznagel, &
problems. For example, they must be detected based Gunstad, 2006). In a life history framework these
on subtle, indirect cues, and there is no external feed- findings are paradoxical and suggest that the OC
back to determine when precautionary behaviors spectrum may be functionally heterogeneous at a fun-
should be terminated. The logic of potential threats damental level.
explains many features of compulsions (Woody & The apparent paradox can be solved by turning to
Szechtman, 2011); obsessions can be explained as the the crucial distinction between autogenous and reac-
involuntary generation of potential risk scenarios, a tive obsessions (Lee & Kwon, 2003). Autogenous
mechanism designed to increase future harm avoid- obsessions have sexual, aggressive, and/or blasphe-
ance (Abed & de Pauw, 1998; Br€ une, 2006). Consis- mous content; they tend to be bizarre, ego-dystonic,
tent with a threat prevention account and with the and threatening in their own right. They often have
prediction that female individuals should be more no apparent trigger, or are triggered by remote/bizarre
likely to develop symptoms reflecting up-regulated thought associations. In contrast, reactive obsessions
defenses, adult OCD patients are overwhelmingly concern realistic fears of contamination, mistakes,
women (Fontenelle & Hasler, 2008). accidents, and/or disarray. They are triggered by cues
From the perspective of standard evolutionary of potential threats and are typically followed by pre-
models, OC disorders would seem to fit straightfor- ventive behaviors such as ordering or cleaning; anxi-
wardly in the slow spectrum of psychopathology, as a ety is directed at the possible consequences of one’s
combination of exaggerated trait expression, up-regu- actions rather than at the obsession itself. Patterns of
lation of adaptive defenses, and dysfunctional autogenous versus reactive obsessions in OCD are

statistically robust and longitudinally stable and are & Cramer, 2001; Walsh et al., 2012). This is further
associated with distinct patterns of brain activity evidence that OCPD can be categorized as a slow
(Besiroglu et al., 2011; Besiroglu et al., 2007; spectrum disorder.
Moulding, Kyrios, Doron, & Nedeljkovic, 2007).
Although evolutionary models of OCD based on
threat prevention do a good job of explaining reactive Eating Disorders
obsessions, they have virtually nothing to say about EDs are defined by heightened concern with body
autogenous obsessions. As it turns out, the autoge- shape/weight and associated behaviors such as diet-
nous-reactive distinction maps neatly on that between ing, binge eating, purging, and exercising. EDs occur
fast and slow spectrum disorders. Autogenous obses- almost exclusively in females, and their age of onset
sions—but not reactive obsessions—are associated peaks in adolescence (Hoek, 2006). The DSM-5 dis-
with positive schizotypy, indices of psychotic thought tinguishes AN from BN based on body weight, and
disorganization, reduced inhibitory control, higher two subtypes of AN—restricting AN and binge
levels of hostility, and substance abuse (Brakoulias eating/purging AN—based on the occurrence of
et al., 2013; Lee, Kim, & Kwon, 2005; Lee & Telch, bingeing episodes. However, empirical data over-
2005, 2010; Lee, Yost, & Telch, 2009; see also Ettelt whelmingly indicate that these diagnostic categories
et al., 2007). On the contrary, reactive obsessions are are largely artificial: ED symptoms co-occur at high
Downloaded by [University of Georgia] at 11:35 22 February 2015

associated with perfectionism, heightened responsi- rates, and diagnostic crossover—that is, change in
bility and personal standards, and normal levels of diagnosis at different times—is extremely high,
motor and cognitive inhibition (Belloch, Cadebo, both between AN and BN and between AN sub-
Carrio, & Larsson, 2010; Lee et al., 2005; Lee & types (Eddy et al., 2008; Peat, Mitchell, Hoek, &
Telch, 2010; Lee et al., 2009; Moulding et al., 2007). Wonderlich, 2009; Westen & Harnden-Fischer,
Latent class analyses identify a fast-spectrum OCD 2001).
subgroup showing autogenous (“taboo”) obsessions, Evolutionary models of EDs tend to focus specifi-
low conscientiousness, and high comorbidity with cally on dieting behavior. Two main alternative
anxiety and depression, and a slow-spectrum sub- hypotheses have been proposed so far. First, dieting
group showing high conscientiousness, contamina- may work as a means to suppress fertility and delay
tion/cleaning symptoms, and comorbidity with or forego reproduction when the social environment
grooming disorders, panic disorder, and tics (Nestadt is not optimal—for example, when social support by
et al., 2009). Of interest, tics are strong predictors of relatives and partners is low, or when social competi-
comorbid autistic traits in OCD (Ivarsson & Melin, tion is too harsh (Mealey, 2000; Surbey, 1987;; Vol-
2008), supporting the existence of a cluster of slow and & Voland, 1989; Wasser & Barash, 1983). This
spectrum disorders that includes ASDs. hypothesis has received preliminary support in a
In summary, the totality of evidence indicates that study by Juda and colleagues (Juda, Campbell, &
the OC spectrum comprises at least two functionally Crawford, 2004). Second, dieting may work primarily
distinct clusters of disorders: (a) a slow spectrum as a female strategy in mating and status competition
cluster characterized by high conscientiousness, (Abed, 1998; Ferguson, Winegard, & Winegard,
reactive obsessions, OCPD features (Coles, Pinto, 2011). Thinness is a reliable signal of youth, and diet-
Mancebo, Rasmussen, & Eisen, 2008), overlap with ing can increase one’s attractiveness because of
autistic traits (especially repetitive/restricted behav- men’s strong preference for younger partners (Buss,
iors and interests; Hollander et al., 2003), and comor- 1989; Dunn, Brinton, & Clark, 2010; Kenrick &
bidity with ASDs; and (b) a fast spectrum cluster Keefe, 1992; Kenrick, Keefe, Gabrielidis, & Corne-
characterized by low conscientiousness, impulsivity, lius, 1996; Vaillancourt, 2013). In addition, dieting
autogenous obsessions, overlap with schizotypal fea- can enhance status in female groups (thus indirectly
tures, and comorbidity with SSDs. The two clusters influencing mating success), especially when cultural
can be expected to show markedly different epidemi- emphasis on thinness is strong (Abed, 1998). This
ological profiles; for example, traumatic events and hypothesis is supported by the robust pattern of asso-
low socioeconomic status (SES) should be more ciations among perceived sexual competition, dieting
strongly associated with fast spectrum OCD, whereas behavior, and eating symptoms found in nonclinical
slow spectrum OCD should often arise in safe and samples (Faer, Hendriks, Abed, & Figueredo, 2005;
predictable environments. This would explain why N. P. Li, Smith, Griskevicius, Cason, & Bryan, 2010;
research on the socioeconomic correlates of OCD has Salmon, Crawford, Dane, & Zuberbier, 2008, Salmon
generated a multitude of contradictory findings (Fon- et al., 2009); moreover, it is consistent with the find-
tenelle & Hasler, 2008). In contrast, OCPD is uni- ing that relational aggression in girls is preferentially
formly associated with high education levels, and directed against underweight peers (J. Wang, Iannotti,
OCDP patients have the highest SES of all personal- & Luk, 2010), and with the remarkable emotional
ity disorders (Grant et al., 2004; Torgersen, Kringlen, salience of pride and shame in ED patients (Allan &

Goss, 2012). Under both evolutionary hypotheses, the tend to mature earlier and to have sex at a younger
psychological processes that underlie dieting behav- age (Mendle et al., 2007; Wiederman, Pryor, & Mor-
ior are fundamentally adaptive and lead to maladap- gan, 1996). Furthermore, AN shows considerably
tive outcomes (such as severe EDs) only when they more overlap than BN with OCD, OCPD, and ASDs
become dysregulated or get trapped in vicious cycles (Altman & Shankman, 2009; Godart et al., 2006;
(e.g., Abed, 1998; Faer et al., 2005; McGuire & Halmi et al., 2003; Pooni, Ninteman, Bryant-Waugh,
Troisi, 1998; see Dwyer, Horton, & Aamodt, 2011, Nicholls, & Mandy, 2012). Compared with binging/
for an alternative view). purging anorexics, restricting anorexics are more
The mating competition hypothesis of EDs can be agreeable and conscientious, less impulsive, lower in
refined and extended by framing it in a life history sensation seeking, and higher in motor inhibition
perspective. Whereas high levels of mating effort are (Bollen & Wojciechowski, 2004; Claes, Mitchell, &
associated with fast life history strategies, both fast Vendereycken, 2012; DaCosta & Halmi, 1992; Keel
and slow strategists can face intense competition for et al., 2004; Rosval et al., 2006; Tasca et al., 2009;
mates. The main difference is that fast strategists Waxman, 2009).
compete primarily to become desirable sexual part- Even if standard diagnostic labels seem to reflect
ners, whereas slow strategists compete primarily to differences in motivation and self-regulation consistent
be chosen as long-term partners in committed rela- with a fast–slow gradient, they are too volatile and
Downloaded by [University of Georgia] at 11:35 22 February 2015

tionships (thus shifting investment toward parenting unreliable to represent true alternative life history phe-
effort); indeed, competition for desirable long-term notypes (Eddy et al., 2008; Peat et al., 2009; Westen &
partners can sometimes be fiercer than that for short- Harnden-Fischer, 2001). In a functional perspective,
term mates. In female competition, bodily attractive- personality profiles and comorbidity patterns are much
ness plays a different role in short- versus long-term better pointers to life history strategy than body weight
contexts. Men assign much more importance to and the presence/absence of bingeing behavior. Fortu-
bodily attractiveness when they are looking for short- nately, empirical studies reveal a consistent structure of
term sexual partners, because a feminine body shape ED personality profiles that maps remarkably well on
(including, e.g., a low waist-hip ratio or large breasts) the fast–slow distinction. At the broadest level of analy-
is a reliable signal of current fertility. When men sis, it is possible to identify three personality subtypes
judge a potential long-term partner, however, the rel- in women with EDs: a high functioning/perfectionist
ative importance of traits indicating overall reproduc- subtype, an overcontrolled subtype, and a dysregulated
tive value rather than current fertility (e.g., facial subtype (Hopwood, Ansell, Fehon, & Grilo, 2010;
attractiveness cues such as symmetry) increases Thompson-Brenner & Westen, 2005; Thompson-
accordingly (Confer, Perilloux, & Buss, 2010; Currie Brenner, Eddy, Franko, et al., 2008; Thompson-
& Little, 2009; Lu & Chang, 2012; Zelazniewicz & Brenner, Eddy, Satir, Boiseeau, & Westen, 2008;
Pawlowski, 2011). Westen & Harnden-Fischer, 2001).
Because youth is a better index of reproductive The high-functioning/perfectionist subtype shows
value than of current fertility, women pursuing a slow low comorbidity rates (mostly with OCD and OCPD)
life history strategy should be more willing to and the most favorable clinical outcomes. Despite
increase apparent youth—and, hence, thinness—at suffering from potentially severe eating symptoms,
the cost of diminished body attractiveness. The pre- individuals in this group tend to have high self-
diction follows that, on average, slow life history esteem and relatively intact family and couple rela-
women who face intense mating competition should tionships. Moreover, having experienced fewer than
desire (a) a thinner body than fast life history women average stressful life events increases the likelihood
and (b) a thinner body than what men consider most of belonging to this subtype. In total, this profile is
sexually attractive. Furthermore, they should usually fully consistent with inclusion in the slow spectrum.
be more successful at achieving and maintaining their On the contrary, dysregulated patients show high lev-
desired weight because of their higher conscientious- els of impulsivity and antisocial/externalizing behav-
ness and self-control. As a result, slow life history ior, high comorbidity (especially with borderline
women should be statistically overrepresented in AN personality disorder), and more stressful life events
compared with BN, and in the AN-restricting subtype including high rates of sexual abuse—a pattern indic-
compared with the AN–binge eating/purging sub- ative of fast spectrum psychopathology. The overcon-
type—even if single individuals are likely to move trolled subtype is characterized by high rates of
back and forth between diagnostic categories over depression, low self-esteem and passivity, restricted
time (Peat et al., 2009). emotionality, and comorbidity with OCPD and avoi-
This prediction is fully supported by the available dant personality disorder. Whereas patients in the
evidence. Patients with BN are higher in impulsivity, high-functioning/perfectionist and overcontrolled
sensation seeking, and novelty seeking than AN groups can be diagnosed with either AN and BN, the
patients (Cassin & von Ranson, 2005). They also dysregulated subtype is strongly associated with BN

(Thompson-Brenner, Eddy, Franko, et al., 2008; McCann, 2009; L. S. Chen, Eaton, Gallo, & Nestadt,
Thompson-Brenner, Eddy, Satir, et al., 2008; Westen 2000; Sullivan, Prescott, & Kendler, 2002).
& Harnden-Fischer, 2001). Somatic symptoms of depression include sleep
To sum up, EDs are associated with female com- disturbances (insomnia or hypersomnia), appetite dis-
petition at both ends of the fast–slow continuum and turbances (increased or decreased appetite), psycho-
range from potentially adaptive strategies to frankly motor disturbances (agitation or retardation), fatigue,
maladaptive dysfunctions. Whereas AN is especially and pain. All these symptoms are functionally related
prevalent at the slow end of the spectrum, BN can to the SRS, and in particular the hypothalamic-pitui-
occur in association with both fast and slow strate- tary-adrenal axis (HPA). “Typical” symptoms—
gies; this probably explains why previous research insomnia, decreased appetite, psychomotor disturban-
has failed to detect specific associations between life ces—are associated with a hyperactivated HPA;
history strategy and AN versus BN symptoms “atypical” symptoms—hypersomnia, increased appe-
(Salmon et al., 2009). In contrast with standard tite, fatigue, and pain—have been linked to HPA
labels, the personality profiles of ED patients show a hypoactivation, which often occurs as an exhaustion
close fit with the fast–slow distinction. The high- phase following prolonged periods of hyperactivation
functioning/perfectionist profile—comprising both (Baumeister & Parker, 2011; G. E. Miller, Chen, &
AN and BN—falls in the slow spectrum of psychopa- Zhou, 2007; Taylor & Fink, 2008; Tops, Riese, Olde-
Downloaded by [University of Georgia] at 11:35 22 February 2015

thology and is likely to reflect heightened competition hinkel, Rijsdijk, & Ormel, 2008; but see O’Keane,
for status and/or long-term mating. The dysregulated Frodl, & Dinan, 2012). Although the incidence of
profile—typically associated with BN—shows “pure” mood depression (i.e., depression without
remarkable overlap with the externalizing spectrum somatic symptoms) is similar in male and female
and is likely to reflect competition in the short-term individuals, that of somatic depression is strongly
mating arena. The poor clinical outcomes associated female biased, resulting in higher overall rates of
with dysregulated EDs suggest that they may some- depression in females (Angst, Gamma, Benazzi,
times be understood as maladaptive outcomes of Ajdacic, & R€ossler, 2007; Carragher et al., 2009; L.
high-risk behavioral strategies. Although it displays S. Chen et al., 2000; Halbreich & Kahn, 2007; Bau-
some markers of slow spectrum psychopathology, meister & Parker, 2011, Silverstein, 2002; Sullivan
the overcontrolled profile is somewhat more difficult et al., 2002). Women are especially likely to experi-
to classify. An intriguing speculation is that overcon- ence somatic depression in which typical and atypical
trolled ED patients might be engaging in reproduc- symptoms alternate over time, suggesting cycles of
tive suppression following loss of status and/or HPA hyperactivation followed by exhaustion (Angst
social support (Mealey, 2000; Surbey, 1897), as sug- et al., 2007; Baumeister & Parker, 2011). Depression
gested by their depressed mood, low self-esteem, is only moderately heritable; the genetic factors pre-
and acute sense of social exclusion (Westen & disposing to depression are virtually the same that
Harnden-Fischer, 2001). Although reproductive sup- predispose to generalized anxiety disorder (GAD),
pression is intrinsically future oriented and thus con- underscoring the strong overlap between stress, anxi-
sistent with a slow strategy (Del Giudice, 2009a, ety, and depression (Hettema, 2008; Lahey et al.
2009b; Salmon et al., 2009), more research on this 2008; Lahey, Van Hulle, Singh, Waldman, &
profile is needed before any firm conclusion can be Rathouz, 2011; see also X. Li, McGue, & Gottesman,
drawn. 2012).
Most evolutionary theories of depression focus on
low mood and its motivational and behavioral corre-
Depression lates (for exceptions, see Korte et al., 2005; Raison &
Depression is characterized by protracted episodes Miller, 2013). In the prevailing view, depressed
of distress and low, dejected mood. Although the mood is an adaptive defensive mechanism, whereas
DSM-5 supports a unitary view of depression—epito- clinical depression is usually maladaptive and reflects
mized by the inclusive diagnosis of “major depressive a dysfunction of the same mechanism (e.g., Allen &
disorder”—the clinical presentation of depression is Badcock, 2003; Gilbert & Allan, 1998; Nesse, 2006;
quite heterogeneous (Baumeister & Parker, 2011). Nettle, 2004, 2009). A number of theorists have
Attempts to subtype depressive disorders based on argued that depression may be an adaptation itself
empirical patterns of symptom co-occurrence consis- (e.g., Hagen, 1999; Price, Sloman, Gardner, Gilbert,
tently identify (a) a subtype characterized exclusively & Rohde, 1994; Sloman & Price, 1987; P. J. Watson
by depressed mood and feelings of worthlessness, (b) & Andrews, 2002); whereas this hypothesis appears
one or more subtypes characterized by somatic symp- reasonable in the specific case of postpartum depres-
toms in absence of depressed mood, and (c) one or sion (Hagen, 1999), there are reasons to doubt its
more subtypes in which depressed mood and somatic applicability to depressive disorders as a whole (see
symptoms coexist (Carragher, Adamson, Bunting, & Nesse, 2006; Nettle, 2004; Nettle & Bateson, 2012).

The function of low mood as a protective mecha- Taken together, evolutionary models of depressed
nism is twofold. First, low mood helps people disen- mood and stress responsivity predict a complex rela-
gage from the pursuit of central life goals that have tion between depression and life history strategy.
become unproductive (Nesse, 2000). Second and Both fast and slow strategists can fail to obtain or
more specifically, it promotes a risk-averse approach maintain crucial social resources—status, dominance,
in unfavorable social circumstances—especially fol- and support—resulting in episodes of depressed
lowing losses in social support, close relationships, mood and risk for clinical depression. Several pieces
and social status or dominance (Allen & Badcock, of evidence support the idea that depression can occur
2003; G. W. Brown, Harris, & Hepworth, 1995; in association with slow life history strategies. For
Gilbert, 1992; Kendler, Hettema, Butera, Gardner, & example, depression is the diagnostic category that
Prescott, 2003; Nettle, 2009; Nettle & Bateson, 2012; contains the highest proportion of individuals with
Price et al., 1994). Such events tend to arouse shame secure attachment representations (Bakermans-Kra-
and guilt, two emotions that are strongly associated nenburg & van IJzendoorn, 2009), and occurs even in
with depression (Kim, Thibodeau, & Jorgensen, individuals—such as the “abstainers” described by
2011; O’Connor, Berry, Weiss, & Gilbert, 2002). Moffitt and Caspi (2005)—that display negligible
Predictably, men are more susceptible to status loss, levels of externalizing behaviors. Furthermore, some
whereas the depressogenic effects of reduced social subtypes of depression—in particular those character-
Downloaded by [University of Georgia] at 11:35 22 February 2015

support and social rejection are much stronger in ized by pure depressed mood or pure somatic symp-
women (Kendler, Myers, & Prescott, 2005; La Greca, toms—are associated with very low rates of trauma,
Davila, & Siegel, 2009; McGuire & Troisi, 1998; neglect, and abuse, comparable to those reported by
Thompson, McKowen, & Asarnow, 2009). Low non-depressed individuals (Sullivan et al., 2002). At
mood may also be useful in soliciting help from the slow end of the continuum, men and women are
friends and relatives (P. J. Watson & Andrews, both expected to develop relatively high levels of
2002), at least when it occurs with moderate stress responsivity (Del Giudice et al., 2011), even if
intensity. the actual intensity of stress responses is buffered by
The main limitation of these models is that they the availability of social support and lack of chronic
concentrate on low mood but tend to ignore the stressors. As a result, symptom profiles at the slow
stress-related components of depression. However, end of the spectrum should not differ greatly between
most subtypes of depression involve SRS-mediated the sexes.
somatic symptoms in addition to—or even in place Moving toward the fast end of the continuum, both
of—depressed mood. To capture the full spectrum of sexes face increasing threats to their ability to gain
depressive disorders, one has to consider two partly and maintain social resources. The availability of
independent dimensions of individual differences, social support and stable, intimate relationships
affective reactivity and stress reactivity. Although declines rapidly as environments become dangerous
affective reactivity determines one’s susceptibility to and unpredictable, exposing females to increased risk
episodes of low mood (Nettle, 2004), stress reactivity for depresses mood. At the same time, sex differences
is the crucial factor in the development of somatic in stress responsivity can be expected to become pro-
symptoms. Thus, a complete evolutionary account of portionally larger, as more male individuals develop
depression cannot be separated from evolutionary unemotional patterns marked by a hyporesponsive
models of SRS functioning (e.g., Boyce & Ellis, SRS (Del Giudice et al., 2011). Hyperactive SRS pro-
2005; Del Giudice et al., 2011; Korte et al., 2005). files can be adaptive in dangerous and unpredictable
Most relevant to the present discussion, the adap- contexts, especially in female individuals (Del Giu-
tive calibration model (Del Giudice et al., 2011) dice et al., 2011); however, they also increase the
explicitly employs life history theory to explain indi- risk of SRS dysregulation and dysfunction. In total,
vidual differences in SRS responsivity. In the adap- fast life history strategies should lead to increased
tive calibration model, high stress responsivity is risk for depression in both sexes, with female individ-
associated with fast strategies in dangerous and uals showing the highest rates of depressed mood and
unpredictable contexts, where it increases vigilance somatic symptoms. Consistent with these predictions,
to danger, but also with slow strategies in safe and early and/or fast sexual maturation is a risk factor for
highly predictable environments, where it increases depression in both sexes, with stronger effects in
openness to opportunities and sensitivity to social female individuals (Graber, 2009; Mendle & Ferrero,
feedback (Boyce & Ellis, 2005; Ellis, Jackson, & 2012; Mendle et al., 2007). In addition, depression
Boyce, 2006). Furthermore, male individuals exposed subtypes involving a combination of low mood and
to severely stressful contexts are expected to develop somatic symptoms are overwhelmingly more com-
“unemotional” patterns of muted SRS responsivity mon in female individuals, and are associated with
more often than female individuals (see Del Giudice the highest rates of early trauma, neglect, and abuse
et al., 2011, for details). (Sullivan et al., 2002). Further support for the

association between depression and fast spectrum with autogenous obsessions, the dysregulated subtype
pathology comes from studies showing that, in both of EDs (typically expressed as BN), and depressive
adolescents and adults, depression often co-occurs disorders characterized by a combination of mood
with externalizing disorders (Herman, Ostrander, and somatic symptoms. These disorders tend to co-
Walkup, Silva, & March, 2007; Vaidyanathan, Pat- occur, both within families and within individuals;
rick, & Iacono, 2011). Aggressive, impulsive, and many of them share elements of impulsivity, disinhi-
self-aggrandizing behaviors in childhood predict later bition, and/or bizarre ideation.
onset of depression, especially in male individuals Slow spectrum psychopathology includes OCPD,
(Block, Gjerde, & Block, 1991; Dussault, Brendgen, OCD with reactive obsessions, ASDs, the perfection-
Vitaro, Wanner, & Tremblay, 2011; Gjerde, 1995; ist and overcontrolled subtypes of EDs, and a cluster
Lahey & Waldman, 2012). This is reflected in the of depressive disorders of lesser severity. These
overall association of depression with lower agree- comorbid disorders tend to share elements of inhibi-
ableness, lower conscientiousness, and disinhibition tion, overcontrol, and cognitive rigidity. They are
(Kotov et al., 2010). also characterized by lack of association with stan-
In conclusion, depressive disorders comprise a het- dard risk factors for psychopathology such as stress-
erogeneous cluster of conditions, most of which are ful life events, low SES, and early abuse; in some
likely maladaptive. The many clinical subtypes of cases, they are actually associated with more favor-
Downloaded by [University of Georgia] at 11:35 22 February 2015

depression reflect different combinations of able ecological and socioeconomic conditions.

depressed mood symptoms and SRS-mediated Among the disorders reviewed here, externalizing
somatic symptoms. From a life history perspective, conditions and OCPD are the best candidates as adap-
the evidence indicates that depression may occur at tive or potentially adaptive phenotypes that are never-
both ends of the fast–slow continuum; this suggests theless labeled as disorders because of their socially
the existence of functionally distinct clusters of and/or personally undesirable aspects. The same
depressive disorders, similar to those identified in the might apply to the milder conditions in the autistic
OC spectrum or in the spectrum of EDs. Unfortu- and schizophrenic spectrum, although schizophrenia
nately, the current literature defines depression sub- and severe autism are almost certainly maladaptive.
types exclusively in terms of symptom co- Between adaptive phenotypic variants and destructive
occurrence; whereas they may show some overlap dysfunctions lies a gray zone of conditions that may
with life history strategy, those subtypes are unlikely be caused by maladaptive expression levels of poten-
to accurately reflect the functional distinction tially adaptive personality traits. Extreme, maladap-
between fast and slow spectrum psychopathology. tive variants of trait expression may be maintained in
The only plausible generalization from the available a population by natural and sexual selection for the
evidence is that combinations of depressed mood and adaptive version of the traits in question, including
high levels of somatic symptoms may be specifically selection through assortative mating.
associated with fast life history strategies, particularly Other disorders in the fast and slow spectrum may
in female individuals. Further research in a life his- be best understood as dysfunctions and/or individu-
tory framework should attempt to identify functional ally maladaptive outcomes of up-regulated defensive
subtypes of depression based on motivation, person- mechanisms. Both reactive OCD and depression fit
ality, self-regulation, and comorbidity with other fast this profile. Obsessive symptoms depend on the activ-
and slow spectrum disorders. For example, a promis- ity of the hazard-precaution system, a defensive
ing criterion for slow spectrum depression is the pres- mechanism specialized for dealing with low-fre-
ence of chronic guilt feelings and hyperactive quency potential threats. Depressive symptoms
altruistic concerns (see Kim et al., 2011; O’Connor depend on the stress response system (including the
et al., 2002; Quiles & Bybee, 1997). An in-depth life HPA axis) and on the affective mechanisms that
history analysis of depressive disorders may contrib- mediate low mood responses to social loss, failure,
ute to clarify the complex epidemiology of this group and defeat. Finally, EDs show strong functional con-
of disorders. nections with female competition for mating and sta-
tus. Although some milder or short-lived instances of
disordered eating may represent adaptive or poten-
Summary and Integration tially adaptive strategies, severe EDs are more consis-
In this section I carried out an initial life history tent with dysfunctional or maladaptive outcomes of
analysis of six categories of common mental disor- sexual competition. Reproductive suppression is
ders. Taken together, the results paint a coherent pic- another defensive process that may trigger EDs,
ture of how individual differences in life history although this hypothesis remains much more specula-
strategy translate into specific patterns of risk for psy- tive at this time.
chopathology. The constellation of fast spectrum con- This classification is of course still provisional,
ditions includes externalizing disorders, SSDs, OCD and many gaps and questions remain—for example,

about the possible functional heterogeneity of autism Kendler, Prescott, et al., 2003; Krueger, 1999;
and schizophrenia, the role of reproductive suppres- Krueger et al., 2011; Krueger et al., 2002, Lahey
sion in disordered eating, or the identification of fast et al., 2008; Lahey et al., 2011; Verona et al., 2011;
and slow spectrum subtypes of depression. However, D. Watson, 2005; D. Watson, O’Hara, & Stuart, 2008).
even these initial results illustrate how a life history Empirical taxonomic studies suggest the existence
framework can bring an integrative perspective to of broad, hierarchically organized clusters of disor-
evolutionary psychopathology, highlight connections ders that overlap only in part with DSM categories.
between previously separate models, and suggest a The fundamental distinction in empirical taxonomies
host of novel empirical questions. The same approach is that between internalizing and externalizing disor-
can be easily extended to other disorders I have not ders. In turn, internalizing disorders comprise a
reviewed in detail. As noted by Br€ une and colleagues cluster of distress disorders (depression, GAD, post-
(2010), borderline personality disorder bears all the traumatic stress disorder) and a cluster of fear disor-
hallmarks of fast life history strategies—impulsivity, ders (panic disorder, agoraphobia, social phobia, and
unstable attachments, risk taking, promiscuous specific phobias; Clark & Watson, 2006). Bipolar and
sexuality, antisocial and paranoid personality fea- OC spectrum disorders are usually regarded as addi-
tures, and high comorbidity with externalizing disor- tional clusters within the internalizing spectrum,
ders (see Br€ une et al., 2010; Crowell, Kaufman, & although their exact placement is more problematic
Downloaded by [University of Georgia] at 11:35 22 February 2015

Lenzenweger, 2013). Indeed, borderline personality (Lahey et al., 2008; Slade, 2007; D. Watson, 2005).
disorder may be best understood as a female-typical In a recent study, EDs were also included in the inter-
manifestation of the externalizing spectrum. Other nalizing spectrum based on phenotypic correlation
likely examples of fast spectrum pathology are disor- patterns (Forbush et al., 2010). A new factor-analytic
ders in the bipolar spectrum; these conditions show study by Caspi and colleagues (2013) supplemented
substantial genotypic and phenotypic overlap with the internalizing and externalizing categories with a
schizotypy and schizophrenia, including a familial thought disorder factor comprising schizophrenia,
association with enhanced creativity (see Crespi mania (bipolar spectrum), and OCD. Moreover, the
et al., 2010; International Schizophrenia Consortium, authors identified a general, higher order factor of
2009; Kyaga et al., 2011; Nettle, 2001; Yu, Cheung, psychopathological risk they labeled the p factor (see
Leung, Chua, & McAlonan, 2010). A provisional Caspi et al., 2013). In the present perspective, the p
classification of slow and fast spectrum disorders is factor might capture the nonspecific role played by
shown in Figure 1. It is reasonable to expect that, in harmful mutations and developmental insults, which
the coming years, the life history taxonomy outlined increase the risk for a broad range of disorders across
here will be extended to cover a large fraction of the the life history spectrum (see earlier; see also Keller
most common psychopathological conditions. & Miller, 2006). To the extent that the p factor also
reflects a general dimension of environmental stress,
it may also show a degree of correlation with the
Implications for Taxonomy
fast–slow continuum.
The life history framework advanced in this article Although empirical taxonomies are valuable and
has far-reaching implications for the classification of informative, they are also limited by their lack of
mental disorders. Current taxonomic approaches organizing theoretical principles. A life history
include the DSM system of diagnostic categories— framework can overcome those limitations and offer
mostly based on symptom similarity—and a family of a more solid foundation for the taxonomy of mental
empirical approaches based on patterns of genetic and disorders. In particular, I surmise that the fast–slow
phenotypic correlations between disorders (e.g., distinction (Figure 1) is both more inclusive and

Figure 1. Provisional life history taxonomy of common mental disorders. BPD D borderline personality disorder; OCD D obsessive-compul-
sive disorder; OCPD D obsessive-compulsive personality disorder.


more accurate than the internalizing–externalizing out to be functionally and phenotypically closer to
distinction. It is more inclusive because it effortlessly the externalizing spectrum than to other internalizing
integrates mood and anxiety disorders with personal- disorders. Moreover, affective and emotional dimen-
ity disorders, SSDs, and ASDs—all within the same sions—such as negative affectivity, fear, and dis-
conceptual framework. In contrast, standard empiri- tress—are unreliable indicators of the underlying
cal taxonomies exclude SSDs, ASDs, and most per- motivational traits, and are thus unlikely to capture
sonality disorders because those conditions are not functional differences between related clusters of
primarily characterized by mood/emotional altera- disorders. In total, I wish to suggest that the internal-
tions and do not fit the conceptual distinction between izing–externalizing distinction may be problematic
“internalization” and “externalization” (the recent because it is in large part illusory. The obvious geno-
analysis by Caspi and colleagues, 2013, is a partial typic and phenotypic coherence of the externalizing
exception). It is more accurate because it resolves spectrum may have led researchers to assume that
many inconsistencies inherent in the basic internaliz- internalizing disorders must form a symmetrical
ing–externalizing distinction and its further elabora- category with similar properties of coherence. If my
tions (see D. Watson et al., 2008). analysis is correct, however, this assumption is mis-
taken, and the “internalizing spectrum” is a largely
artificial collection of disorders with divergent func-
Downloaded by [University of Georgia] at 11:35 22 February 2015

Limitations of the Internalizing–Externalizing tional properties. Of course, testing this hypothesis

Distinction requires the ability to split DSM diagnostic categories
A life history analysis shows that although exter- into functionally meaningful subtypes, something
nalizing disorders form a functionally homogeneous that is not yet possible with current DSM-based
category, the internalizing spectrum consists of het- data sets.
erogeneous and functionally divergent conditions. To
begin with, depression and GAD—often regarded as
prototypical internalizing disorders—are in fact
“bridge” diagnoses that overlap with both internaliz- Researchers in evolutionary psychopathology face
ing and externalizing disorders at the phenotypic, a pressing need to overcome the present state of theo-
genetic, and developmental level (Block et al., 1991; retical fragmentation and move the field toward a
Gjerde, 1995; Lahey et al., 2008; Lahey et al., 2011; truly integrative understanding of mental disorders.
Vaidyanathan et al., 2011). Similar problems arise In this article I outlined a general conceptual frame-
with OCD and EDs. Although OCD is usually placed work for the analysis of mental disorders based on
in the internalizing category, it shows atypically large the principles of life history theory. As I have shown,
correlations with externalizing disorders (Lahey the framework can be fruitfully applied to a broad
et al., 2008) and a close relation with the schizophre- range of conditions, offering an integrative perspec-
nia/bipolar spectrum (Caspi et al., 2013). In a life his- tive on evolutionary psychopathology and suggesting
tory perspective, this occurs because OCD is a a host of novel empirical questions. The life history
heterogeneous diagnosis with both fast and slow taxonomy outlined in this article is based on the novel
spectrum subtypes. The assignment of EDs to the distinction between fast spectrum and slow spectrum
internalizing spectrum on purely correlational psychopathology and offers a promising alternative
grounds (Forbush et al., 2010) is also unsatisfactory. to both the atheoretical classification system of the
Here, the main problem is that standard diagnostic DSM and the internalizing–externalizing distinction
labels (AN and BN) do not reflect distinct functional at the heart of current empirical taxonomies. Of
types. Only the dysregulated subtype of BN shows course, such a broad-band approach is only the first
substantial overlap with externalizing disorders; step toward a comprehensive functional taxonomy of
treating BN as a unitary construct can only yield mis- mental disorders; future models will have to progres-
leading results. The low stability of internalizing symp- sively include specific motivational domains (e.g.,
toms across development (Haberstick, Schmitz, Young, mating, affiliation, harm prevention), specific behav-
& Hewitt, 2005; Krueger, Caspi, Moffitt, & Silva, 1998; ioral and motivational mechanisms, and so forth. Cru-
Vollebergh et al., 2001) may be another cue to the func- cially, a functional approach to taxonomy should not
tional inconsistency of this category. be expected to yield strictly hierarchical classifica-
The idea of a broad spectrum of internalizing dis- tions; for example, a category of mating-related dis-
orders, with subcategories characterized by similar orders would cut across the fast–slow distinction, and
affective profiles—fear disorders, distress disorders, may well overlap with a category of disorders related
and so forth—is both elegant and parsimonious. to affiliation processes.
However, this hypothetical hierarchical structure In future elaborations of the framework, its scope
breaks down if supposedly internalizing disorders— should be extended beyond motivation and behavior
for example, the dysregulated subtype of EDs—turn to include the cognitive, neurobiological, and

genetic/epigenetic correlates of life history variation. Acknowledgments

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tive, the neurobiological theory of behavioral pro- I am grateful to Mattie Tops, Jay Belsky, Bruce
grams (Tops & Boksem, 2010; Tops, Boksem, Luu, Ellis, Amanda Klimczuk, Willem Frankenhuis, and
& Tucker, 2010; Tucker & Luu, 2007; Tucker, Luu, Romina Angeleri for the inspiration, feedback, and
& Pribram, 1995) is potentially consistent with a life encouragement they provided throughout the writing
history approach. Other promising models of individ- of this article.
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