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Jessa Mae J.

Margallo Ma’am Sarah Zaragoza

GEC17 MTh 9:00-10:30

 The Pathos in Pathogen (Bones Season 8 Episode 23)

From 2005 through 2017, the procedural crime drama Bones aired for 12
season. The show is centered on forensic anthropology and forensic
archaeology, with each episode concentrating on an FBI case file with the
mystery surrounding human remains delivered to forensic anthropologist Dr.
Temperance "Bones" Brennan by FBI Special Agent Seeley Booth. The body of
a dead journalist is the subject of Season 8 Episode 23, "The Pathos in
Pathogen." While investigating her murder, the Jeffersonian team discovers her
decaying remains inside a biohazard facility and seeks to avoid a viral spread.
The only way to save Jeffersonian intern Arastoo Vaziri when the victim's
mutated virus infects him is to solve the crime. Tension and passion escalate as
the group rushes against the clock to find the killer and the cure.

We observe a poorly decayed body in the episode that demands extra

security due to the presence of a highly contagious, lethal, manufactured virus
mutation. Dr. Ivan Jacobs, a supervising CDC specialist, appeared. They were
able to identify the body as Mia Garrett, a blogger, with the help of Dr. Bones.
They contacted her boyfriend, Ben, to inform him of the awful news when they
confirmed the identity. The investigation was then launched through him. The
victim was investigating pandemic hazards. Dr. Tessa Burke, a genetic
researcher, was her last contact, thus she was also interviewed. Back at the lab,
Arastoo, an intern, is pricked while attempting to move the victim’s body. He was
put on lockdown right away, and Arastoo told everyone that he might be the key
to figuring out what kind of virus was injected into the victim. Dr. Bones, on the
other hand, located a micro needle on the body and said it was used to inject the
victim. With this, they were able to track on who could possibly inject the needle.

Dr. Burke was summoned back in for interrogation when her previous
boss, Mr. Thorn, informed Agent Booth that several cultures were missing while
she was in charge. The virus that killed Mia is identical to the lost cultures. Dr.
Burke is currently the center of attention. Dr. Burke, on the other hand, refused to
admit that she had anything to do with Mia's death, claiming that they were on
the same side. She claimed that Mr. Thorn would go to any length to preserve his
grants, and that if Mia had information on him, he would go out of his way to
silence her. Agent Booth was then abruptly contacted by Dr. Jacobs, who
informed him that the virus had been recognized as coming from Mr. Thorn's lab
in the previous year, one year after Dr. Burke had been fired. As a result, Dr.
Burke has been released, and Mr. Thorn is now the main suspect. Mr. Thorn is
apprehended by Agent Booth, who demands the antidote. He was adamant that
he was innocent and that he needed a lawyer. But with the help of Dr. Bones,
they were able to get the antidote serum from him and save their intern.
The show was particularly educational because it discussed probable
viral mutations. They mentioned a microorganism that produces botulinum toxin.
Clostridium botulinum causes a rare but dangerous bacterial infection. It can be
spread by blood contact and, if left untreated, can be serious or fatal. But,
because Mr. Thorn tampered with the bacterium, I assume he or someone from
his laboratory tampered with the bacteria's mutation, which is why Mia's body
was gravely harmed in the episode. It had completely rotted away. Thankfully,
because Dr. Bones' team was quick to respond, they were able to determine the
cause and perpetrator of the murder, as well as save Mr. Arastoo Vaziri's life.

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