Pioneer Beginners Final Test

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PIONEER beginners – Final Test

Final Test

A. Put the words under the correct heading.

airport mountain daughter ocean sofa beef firefighter shirt

dentist yoghurt foot husband ear jumper hotel bookcase




score 16

B. Complete with the words in the box.

bar keyboard washing formal delete together graduate coffee

1. My PC is working fine, but I think I need a new .

2. Hey, let’s go running in the park.
3. There’s a magazine on the table.
4. When does Karen usually do the ?
5. Do you want a chocolate from the shop?
6. Don’t that document! I need it.
7. When did your son from university?
8. You don’t need to wear clothes tonight. Wear something casual.

score 8

Copyright © MM Publications
PIONEER beginners – Final Test

C. Circle the correct words.

1. We went sightseeing / hiking yesterday. We visited three museums.

2. Evelyn watches a game / soap show every day at 6 o’clock.
3. Leave the chicken to cook in the fridge / oven for about an hour. Then it should be ready.
4. Go straight / down ahead, then turn left. That’s Dean Street.
5. Where’s my phone? I need to make a phone call / message.
6. These animals are endangered because people destroy their habitat / equipment.
7. I crashed / broke my leg and now I can’t walk. score 7


1. When did you travel to Canada? a. I’m a waiter.

2. Where’s he from? b. I really like it.
3. What’s on? c. Sorry, I can’t.
4. Why did you leave early yesterday? d. Because I was very tired.
5. How do you get to work? e. I take the bus.
6. What do you do? f. Last year.
7. What’s new? g. Nothing much.
8. What do you think of my new car? h. A sitcom.
9. How about going for a coffee later? i. Italy.
10. How much cake do you want? j. A small slice. score 10

Copyright © MM Publications
PIONEER beginners – Final Test

A. Circle the correct words.

1. A: Hey, let’s go to 1 a / the new Italian restaurant in Gill Street tonight. We can have 2 any /
some pasta, or even pizza!
B: No, thanks. I 3 go usually / usually go there 4 at / on Saturdays with Gareth and I’m sick of
it. Anyway, I want to have something 5 more / most exciting than pasta for dinner.
A: OK. There 6 is / are a Peruvian restaurant on Nova Avenue.
B: That sounds good. Alex and Wendy really like Peruvian food. Do you want to invite 7 those /
A: Umm... I think they’re 8 going / going to the theatre tonight, so they can’t come.
B: Maybe next time.
2. A: Look at those shoes over there.
B: 9 Whose / Which shoes?
A: The black shoes next to the red boots.
B: Oh, they’re awful. They’re the 10 ugliest / uglier shoes in the shop. Are you 11 buy / going to
buy them?
A: Of course not. Do they have 12 some / any brown boots?
B: 13 There are / They’re some nice brown boots over here.
A: 14 How much / How many are they?
B: They’re not very expensive, only £70. We 15 should / shouldn’t go inside the shop.
A: You’re right. Maybe they have more boots.
score 15

B. Choose a, b or c.

1. Ray and Fiona have dinner seven o’clock on Sundays.

a. at b. on c. in
2. mobile phone is this? Is it Charlie’s?
a. Who’s b. Who c. Whose
3. There aren’t eggs in the fridge.
a. some b. the c. any
4. There a great film on TV last night.
a. are b. is c. was
5. does Ethan do on Sunday mornings?
a. Who b. When c. What
6. I know John’s phone number, but what’s address?
a. her b. him c. his
7. My sister speak English, but she wants to learn.
a. can’t b. don’t c. not

score 7

Copyright © MM Publications
PIONEER beginners – Final Test

C. Complete with the Present Simple, the Present Progressive or the Past Simple of the verbs
in brackets.

1. Tony and Greg (play) tennis right now.

2. I (go) to the cinema with my sister two days ago.
3. We (not do) housework during the week.
4. you (find) any useful information at the library yesterday?
5. you (watch) TV now, or can I turn it off?
6. My wife (take) the underground to work every day.
7. Jonathan (not like) the film last night.
8. Susan (not study). She’s on the phone.
9. My friends sometimes (go) running in the evenings. score 9

Listen to four short dialogues and answer the questions. Choose a, b or c.

1. What does Jenny do on Thursday evenings?

a. She plays tennis.
b. She hangs out with friends.
c. She watches a soap opera.
2. Which floor does Paul live on?
a. 4th
b. 5th
c. 6th
3. What is John doing now?
a. He’s having lunch.
b. He’s installing some software.
c. He’s buying a video game.
4. When did the man have breakfast?
a. at 6:00 a.m.
b. at 8:00 a.m.
c. at 9:00 a.m. score 8

Read the text and write T for True or F for False.

NEW MOUNT BRADBURY CLIMB FOR BRIDGES 1. Mount Bradbury is the highest
mountain in the country.
Copyright © MM Publications
PIONEER beginners – Final Test

2. Gary Bridges is the second person to

Mount Bradbury is 8,349 ft high. It isn’t the highest
climb to the top of Mount Bridges.
mountain in the area, but it is one of the most
3. Bridges hurt his arm on the way down
difficult mountains to climb in the country. Last July,
the mountain.
local rock climber Gary Bridges tried to become the
4. Bridges needed help to get down the
second person to climb to the top of Mount
Bradbury. But Bridges wasn’t lucky. He didn’t reach
5. Bridges wants to try and climb
the top because it was cloudy and very windy. It was
Mount Bradbury next month.
very dangerous and on the way down the mountain,
Bridges fell and broke his arm. Luckily, he had his
mobile phone with him and he called for help. It took
seven hours to find Bridges and he almost died. But
that isn’t going to stop him. Next month, Bridges is
going to try to climb the mountain again. He just
needs to find the perfect weather!

score 10

Write an email to a friend giving him/her your news. Write about one of the following ideas.

• your new house: Where is it? What’s it like? Do you like it?
• your new neighbourhood: What’s it like? What kind of buildings/places does it have? Do you like it?

Where do you usually go?

• a new friend: What does he/she look like? Where did you meet him/her? What do you do together
in your spare time?
• an event / a holiday: When did you go? Who did you go with? Were there lots of people there?
What did you do? Did you have fun?
• an accident: When did it happen? What happened? Did you hurt/break anything?
• your holiday/weekend plans: Where are you going? Who are you going with? What
are you going to do there?

Copyright © MM Publications

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