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Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt

Faculty: Computer Science

Master’s course: Computer Science

Master’s Thesis

Comparison of the Deviations

between MiL, SiL and HiL Testing

Name and Surname Christian Wittmann

Issued on 16.06.2020
Submitted on 05.11.2020

First examiner Prof. Dr. Robert Gold

Second examiner Prof. Dr.-Ing. Lorenz Gaul

I hereby declare that this thesis is my own work, that I have not presented it elsewhere
for examination purposes and that I have not used any sources or aids other than those
stated. I have marked verbatim and indirect quotations as such.

Place, Date Signature


In-the-loop tests can save time, money and effort by helping to identify errors before
they occur in the target environment or at the customer. These tests can be designed in
various forms, depending on the current state of development. From an organizational
point of view, it is desirable to formulate tests only once and to use them in different
environments without further adjustments. This thesis focuses on deviations between
in-the-loop test levels and the possible reuse of tests. In addition to the explanation
and classification in the field of software testing, previous work in this area is also
considered. Computers with x86-64 processors are typically used for the development
of embedded system software, which do not correspond to the processors of the target
platform. Furthermore, the exchange of data does not necessarily take the form as
intended for the target applications, but possibly only in a modelling environment or
through simplified channels. With regard to the desired tests to be carried out, this
can lead to a number of problems, which are identified in the context of this work. In
addition to accuracy and performance aspects, requirements and designs for reusability
are presented.

1 Introduction 1
1.1 Motivation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.2 Objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.3 Structure of the Thesis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

2 Software Testing Theory 3

2.1 Aims of Testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
2.2 General Concepts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2.2.1 Dynamic Testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2.2.2 Static Testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2.3 Levels of Testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
2.4 Testing Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
2.4.1 Black Box and White Box Testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
2.4.2 Model-Based Testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
2.4.3 In-the-Loop Testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
2.5 Test Automation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
2.6 Test Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

3 Existing Solutions and Research Results 21

3.1 Maximizing Test Asset Re-Use across MiL, SiL, and HiL Development
Platforms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
3.2 Systematic Test and Validation of Complex Embedded Systems . . . . 23
3.3 Flexible Avionics Testing - From Virtual ECU Testing to HIL Testing . 24
3.4 Efficient Testing of Simulation V&V for Closed-Loop Operations . . . . 26
3.5 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

4 Project Context 30
4.1 Hardware Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
4.1.1 Desktop Computers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
4.1.2 Microcontroller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
4.1.3 Evaluation Board . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
4.2 Software Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
4.2.1 COTS Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
4.2.2 In-House Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
4.3 Test Level Assignment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

5 Methodology 37
5.1 Accuracy Evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
5.1.1 Floating-Point Numbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Contents IV

5.1.2 IEEE 754 Floating-Point Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

5.1.3 Rounding Modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
5.1.4 Errors caused by Correct Rounding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
5.1.5 Errors caused by Extended Precision . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
5.1.6 Transcendental Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
5.1.7 Floating-Point Accuracy Deviations in Different Test Levels . . 51
5.2 Performance Evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
5.2.1 System Response Time Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
5.2.2 Throughput Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
5.2.3 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
5.3 Reuse of Tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
5.3.1 Viewpoints of Test Reuse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
5.3.2 Principles for Reusable Test Assets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
5.3.3 Limitations of Test Reuse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66

6 Conclusion 68

List of Abbreviations 70

List of Figures 72

List of Tables 73

List of Listings 74

Bibliography 75

Appendix 82
A.1 Ninth Grade Taylor Approximation of sin x . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
A.1.1 MATLAB Sources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
A.1.2 C Sources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
A.2 Entity B Implementation including MiL/SiL/HiL Adapters of System
Response Time Measurement and Reusable Test Asset Example . . . . 85
A.2.1 MiL Sources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
A.2.2 SiL Sources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
A.2.3 HiL Sources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89

1 Introduction

1.1 Motivation
The development and in particular the verification and validation of avionics systems is
very time-consuming and costly. The increasing number of software-based functions as
well as the growing number of interfaces and dependencies pose additional challenges
to software development. To meet these challenges, attempts are made by testing the
development results as early as possible. The use of in-the-loop test methods is a proven
means for this in the practice of controller development and for embedded systems
software development in general. In addition to Hardware-in-the-Loop (HiL), Software-
in-the-Loop (SiL) and Model-in-the-Loop (MiL) methods are increasingly being used
with the aim of making systems more testable in the early phases of development, to
reduce costs and to shorten development times.
Like all companies, Airbus Defence and Space is interested in further improving the
development quality of the systems at manageable costs. The approach to execute
in-the-loop tests early in the process, for example in a simulation environment, should
open up the possibility of achieving a high degree of maturity of the system functionality
before the production of the first prototypes. An unchanged reuse of these tests for
hardware-specific in-the-loop tests is highly desirable from a project management
perspective. The motivation of this work is therefore to answer the question in which
scope test results from MiL, SiL and HiL environments can differ, in which way reuse
can take place and where their limits are.

1.2 Objectives
The following aspects will be dealt with in the context of this work. Development tools,
simulation and test environments from Airbus Defence and Space are used as required
for this purpose:

• Categorization of in-the-loop testing in the field of software test theory

• Study of existing solutions and research results on MiL, SiL, HiL approaches
• Classification of in-house solutions and tools
• Identification of causes, types and scope of possible deviations in test results
• Consideration of the reusability of in-the-loop tests
1 Introduction 2

1.3 Structure of the Thesis

The present work is structured as follows:
After the introduction, chapter 2 provides an outline of software test theory, including
testing methods like black and white box testing, model-based testing, as well as in-
the-loop testing. This categorization is followed by chapter 3, which will present some
current research results on the topic of integrated MiL, SiL, HiL testing approaches.
Chapter 4 shows the conditions under which the results of chapter 5 were created
and evaluates the framework and tools provided for this work. The main chapter 5
demonstrates the causes of the deviations in the test levels. On the one hand, the
accuracy of the results is evaluated especially with regard to floating point numbers and
on the other hand, performance aspects are examined. Furthermore, the reusability
of in-the-loop tests is considered. Finally, chapter 6 provides the conclusion of this

2 Software Testing Theory

One of the first monographs about software testing with the title "The Art of Software
Testing" was published more than 40 years ago [Mye79]. Most of the software systems
are by far more complex today. The structure is often heterogeneous and changes,
for example, during runtime. Components whose quality assurance is difficult, such
as artificial intelligence, may also increase complexity in the future. The progressive
digitalisation influences methods and tools, but the basic concepts are still valid today.
This chapter is intended to give an overview of the theoretical background. It starts
with the aims of testing in section 2.1 and continues with general concepts (2.2) and
levels of testing (2.3) in the two subsequent paragraphs. After the basic principles
have been discussed, more specific techniques of testing will be presented in section 2.4
Testing Methods. Particular attention, because of its relevance for this thesis, is paid
to section 2.4.3, which describes the goals and correlations of different in-the-loop test
levels. Considerations of test automation (2.5) and management (2.6) conclude the

2.1 Aims of Testing

The subject of software quality is as topical as ever. It pervades all areas of life and
software errors are able to cause substantial risks. The Consortium for IT Software
Quality presents in its report from 2018, the annual cost for poor software quality to
approximately $2.84 trillion in the USA alone. The same report also describes on the
basis of a Standish Group research, that 19% of all IT projects will be cancelled before
they get completed and a number of 52% will cost 189% of their original estimates.
Interestingly, the percentage of challenged projects (behind schedule and over budget)
has barely changed over the last 25 years, despite of increasingly more powerful methods
and tools [Kra18].
One reason for the constantly high rate of failed or troubled projects might be the
increasing amount of source code in newly developed systems and therefore a rising
complexity. Figure 2.1 shows the number of thousands of source lines of code (KSLOC)
used in specific aircraft over time. It can be seen, that the growth is exponential,
independent of the aircraft type, at least until the beginning of the millennium. This
tendency is also likely to lead to an increasing number of software errors [SAV].
Besides high software complexity, the following causes of software errors are stated by
Galin [Gal04] and Grünfelder [Grü17], among others: Faulty or changing requirements,
communication failures, logical design errors, pressure of time, poor documentation
2 Software Testing Theory 4

1980 1990 2000






F16A B757 B767 F16D B747 A310 B737 A320 A330 B777 F22 F35

Figure 2.1: Growth of source lines of code in aerospace systems [SAV]

and coding errors. Not all of the mentioned factors can be handled via software testing,
but testing can help to reveal the weak spots of a system and focus resources on critical
According to ISO 29119-1:2013 testing is defined as "set of activities conducted to
facilitate discovery and/or evaluation of properties of one or more test items" [ISO13,
p. 12]. So the purpose of test cases is to check, whether the requirements of an object
have been met. Ensuring the functional correctness and fulfilment of requirements are
the main goals of software testing, but there are other advantages as well [WHM18]:

Improved software design

If a module has been continuously tested by for example unit and component
tests, then the module got very likely a well-defined public interface. This is also
very helpful in productive operation, because unambiguous interfaces are easier
to use. To put it in another way – a design for testability is also a design for
usability. This effect is even used in a development approach, the test-driven
Enhanced documentation
Especially during the development phase, software often has difficulties in keeping
the documentation correct and up to date. Test cases can be seen as clear
examples of use for the individual modules. Thus, the status of documentation
can be improved and extended by tests.
Smoother refactoring
Refactoring describes the structural modification of source code without an ob-
servable change in the program behaviour. It is used to increase the understanding
and readability of the code. There is a great risk to introduce errors during the
refactoring. With the help of an accurate test suite, evidence can be given, that
the software works as properly as before.
Less development costs
This point seems contradictory at the first glance, because many organizations
spend a lot of effort and money in testing. Especially in the long term, software
2 Software Testing Theory 5

tests show their benefits, because of their positive effects to a project regarding
maintainability and adaptability. Software which can be adjusted quick and easy
to new conditions can save a lot of time and consequently money.

2.2 General Concepts

Software testing can be seen as a nested section of software quality management as
shown in figure 2.2. This is because high software quality results mainly from the
use of a systematic development approach, based on proven techniques of software
construction (constructive measures). Organisational measures ensure the boundary
conditions. Software testing, as part of analytical measures, enables deviations from the
principles to be recognized. Comparison and evaluation options are given by software
metrics [FLS07].

Software Quality Management

Organisational Measures
Constructive Measures
Analytical Measures
Software Testing
Software Metrics
Figure 2.2: Encapsulation of software testing [FLS07]

Figure 2.3 depicts the contents of software testing in a tree-like structure. The
subdivision is primarily based on static and dynamic testing, which will be discussed
further in the following sections. The contents are built upon the explanations of
Frühauf; Ludewig; Sandmayr [FLS07].

2.2.1 Dynamic Testing

The idea of trying something and evaluating the result corresponds to the understanding
of testing for most of the people. This type of testing is often misinterpreted as testing
as a whole, but should be specified as dynamic testing. As illustrated in figure 2.3
dynamic testing is further divided into two subcomponents. Regarding the test, there
exist in general two types, which are black box testing and white box testing.
The prerequisites of black box testing are specifications. These are intended to describe
the inputs and expected outputs of the system under test (SUT). The internal states
of the SUT are not of relevance, the focus is on the comparison of the specified to
the actual results. For the selection of test cases, there are criteria such as input or
output coverage. This means, for example, that each input or output datum should
be covered by a test case. Even with simple systems, meeting these kinds of criteria
can be impossible due to the combinatorial possibilities. Methods like equivalence
2 Software Testing Theory 6

partitioning or boundary analysis are used, which, with the greatest possible benefit,
keep the mass of test cases to a reasonable level.

Software Testing

Dynamic Testing Static Testing

Test Computer-Aided
Black Box Test Test against Rules
White Box Test Consistency Check
Performance Measurement Quantitative Analysis

Figure 2.3: Structure of software testing [FLS07]

In white box testing (also referred to as glass box testing), the inner structure, essentially
the source code, is available. The selection of test cases depends on traversal options,
where sequence graphs of the program serve as aids. Loops lead particularly quickly
to a high number of test cases, which is why one tries to find compromises with this
method as well. For example, the goal is to traverse each statement, branch, or path
at least once to find errors in this way.
Performance measurement examines the timing behaviour of the software. Response
time analysis and throughput measurements have proven to be efficient instruments
therefore, however these require careful and comprehensive preparation.
Dynamic testing has the advantage to be reproducible and therefore objective. The
invested effort can be used several times and the target environment is also checked
during execution. The system behaviour is made visible and thus provides impressions,
which can be important for the succeeding development. On the other hand, it is hardly
possible to examine important quality properties by testing, such as reusability or
maintainability. Tests can only detect that the behaviour differs from the specification,
but locating the defect often causes more effort than the eventual elimination. It is also
not possible to replicate all real-life situations in a test case, such as the emergency
treatment in a nuclear power plant. Moreover, even tiny programs with a single real
type parameter have at least 231 ≈ 2,000,000,000 execution options with no continuous
transition guaranteed. A correctness assertion by testing alone cannot be achieved in
any way.
2 Software Testing Theory 7

2.2.2 Static Testing

Static testing is the second major pillar of software testing with a distinction between
computer and non-computer support. The first category, tests against rules, is intended
to provide information about whether certain norms and standards have been met.
Compiler checks can be considered as one of the first tests of this kind. Today, there is
a wide range of integrated development environments (IDE), which offer tests of this
type. Furthermore, it is also possible to check if, for example, goto statements have
been used, or the rules of the Unified Modeling Language (UML) specification have
been observed in an object-oriented environment.
Similarly, the computer-aided approach allows for consistency checks. Modern tools
are able to unveil errors related to the program flow, such as unreachable code or the
use of variables that were not previously initialized. In addition, warnings can be
issued that do not affect functionality, but are important for maintainability, such as
unused constants or variables. In literature, these tools are often referred to as static
or misleadingly logic analysers. The mentioned tooling does not check the logic of the
program, but the compliance with rules.
Quantitative inspections contain aspects like: how many modules are fully implemented,
which dependencies exist between the components or what is the rate of test coverage.
These offer interesting insights in the state and quality of a product and will be covered
usually by the use of metrics. The resulting figures can be used, for example, to control
further test activities.
Another big part of static testing is the review. This method takes one of the greatest
efforts, because it is non-computer-aided. Like the previously mentioned techniques, the
software is not executed, but visually inspected. In the most common form, the code is
analysed by a group of people, whose goal is to find defects and potential risks, but not
to fix them. Reviews have the advantage, that they can be done early in the development
stage, even before executable programs are available. The latency of a defect can be
reduced, which results in less costs for the development. Not only programs but every
readable document can be checked via review, these include, for example, requirements,
design drafts, user manuals, regulations, test data and so on. The discussion during a
review leads to an alignment of standards between the contributors, knowledge is shared
and a common understanding is supported. Conversely, there are also disadvantages
which should be mentioned. Reviews cannot run alongside a project but take time
for preparation and execution. Another point is, that it can be difficult to maintain
an overall view. Especially the interlinkage of object-oriented programs is stronger
compared to imperative programs and polymorphism complicates the recognition of the
used classes and methods, too. Third party software is rarely available at coding level.
Due to this circumstance, reviews are often executed for specific parts of a project only.
For an individual, a review can also be a threat, namely when the tone does not remain
constructive, but accusing.
To sum up, static testing requires effort for example to setup the tooling or preparing
reviews, but on the other hand, it can save a lot of time and money, because defects
can be found very early in the development process and the fix can follow often very
2 Software Testing Theory 8

quickly. For many projects, the signed outcomes of static testing are also necessary to
fulfil standards and legal regulations. As a result, it is advised to include static testing
in every test plan and test level.

2.3 Levels of Testing

Software is usually divided into modules. It is therefore obvious to test the modules
individually, before testing them together and finally the overall system. During a
development life cycle, testing takes place at different times, in different environments
and is performed by different teams. Regarding these circumstances, it makes sense to
introduce different test levels, which organize and summarize the respective activities
as a unit. Ideally, the tests are carried out from the modular to the overall system. In
each level it is checked, that the parts comply with their specification. This procedure
is also called incremental testing [BN08].

Project Accepted
Request Software
Architectural Integration
Design Tests

Detailed Unit
Design Tests



Figure 2.4: Software development model [ESA94]

The process and relationships between testing and specifications can be explained with
a traditional software development model, also known as V-model. Figure 2.4 shows
such a model as used by the European Space Agency [ESA94]. In an exemplary project,
the time course begins from the top left. On the way to the code, the requirements
are specified more and more precisely and end up in the detailed design description
before they are finally converted into code. The arrows in the upward direction of the
left branch represent small iterations, which can be triggered as a result of reviews.
The dashed arrows from right to left represent verification activities which will be
2 Software Testing Theory 9

discussed below. The model defines specific artefacts for each transition that has been
omitted for reasons of clarity. The test levels of the right branch are further discussed
in ascending order [Grü17]:

Unit testing
Unit Testing is the test of a software component against its (detailed) design. A
component is defined as a meaningfully testable unit in isolation, for which a
separate specification exists. The term module is often used in object-oriented
environments or if a complete file is used as a test item. In principle, both terms,
component and module, describe functions that operate with a specific set of data
and high internal cohesion, which is why this thesis does not explicitly distinguish
between the two expressions. Beside black box testing, also the practical use of
white box testing can be found on this test level. Unit Tests are usually performed
after a code review. This is more efficient, because if design improvements are
proposed in the review, previously written unit tests may have been in vain.
Integration testing
Once there are individual tested modules, integration testing can be used to check
whether the interfaces to other modules work as intended in the architectural
design. There are different types of integration tests, which have the task of
checking dependencies between software modules, among hardware parts and
between software and hardware. Typical errors found at this level are different
interpretations of interface specifications. Environment simulation, devices for
generating stress at communication interfaces, protocol analysis tools and data
loggers are examples of useful tools for integration testing.
System testing
The system test is carried out after the integration test. This test is based on
the tested and integrated subsystems and has the purpose of ensuring that the
specified requirements have been met. Errors are also found at this stage, because
this is the first time the tests are formed against requirements, and not the
design as in the two previous stages. So, if the design itself is faulty, it often only
becomes apparent in the system test. As far as possible, testing is done in the
target environment and since the overall system only provides limited insight
into internal states, usually only black box techniques are used.
Acceptance testing
The tested system is the subject of acceptance, all lower hierarchy levels are
available and tested. The acceptance test is carried out by the customer or in the
presence of the customer. The aim is to demonstrate the fulfilment of the original
user requirements. Acceptance is of particular importance for contract projects,
as payments are made after acceptance has been passed and the guarantee period

Vigenschow also uses the V-model to explain the terms verification and validation,
whose interpretation is largely based on Barry Boehm. Verification is described as
testing the conformity between a software product and its specification (doing things
right). This nomenclature can be assigned to unit, integration and system testing. The
2 Software Testing Theory 10

validation is stated as testing the suitability of a product in relation to its intended use
(doing the right things), which can be related to acceptance testing [Vig10].
In addition to the V-model, there are a variety of further approaches and process
models. Prototyping, for example, develops separate sections of the target system in a
very short time, with a reduced set of specification, in order to clarify requirements.
In the meantime, agile methods like Scrum or extreme programming (XP) have also
become popular. These completely dispense with comprehensive specifications in the
traditional sense [FLS07].
With many embedded or safety-relevant systems, partial software deliveries are only
limited possible or make little sense. Current variants of the V-model also take iterative
approaches into account [Wei06]. Either way, checking the quality at every development
stage by testing has proven successful in practice for many years and will probably
continue to do so in the future.

2.4 Testing Methods

To test software for 100% is rarely applicable in practice. Hayhurst et al. explain this
by an expression of 36 boolean inputs. Testing all combinations would take more than
21 years, even if 100 test cases per second could be run. The authors further show from
a study that this number of input variables is not unusual for today’s airborne systems
and sometimes more than 70 input variables are processed per device [HVC01].
In the following, some test techniques and principles are presented, that are used in
practice. Among them are some representatives of black and white box testing, the
basis of which was already discussed in paragraph 2.2.1. After that, the increasingly
popular model-based testing is outlined. Features of in-the-loop testing conclude this

2.4.1 Black Box and White Box Testing

In black box testing the modules are tested solely based on their specification. This
test method can be applied to virtually all levels of software testing: unit, integration,
system and acceptance tests. The combinatorial variety of possible test cases is too high
in almost all practical applications. The following options are used to systematically
reduce them [FLS07; Grü17; MBT04]:

Equivalence Partitioning
The essence of equivalence partitioning is to subdivide the input data area so
that the same errors are found with any value in a area, as with any other value
of this area. Only one test case from each partition is required, which reduces
the number of test cases to a reasonable level.
2 Software Testing Theory 11

Boundary Value Analysis

It has been found that errors are made particularly often at boundaries rather
than in the middle of the input value range. In this method, test data is therefore
chosen in such a way that one value is just inside and another one just outside
the permitted limit.
Decision Tables
Decision tables are particularly suitable for specifying test cases in which logical
combinations determine the result. In a first step, all possible combinations are
written down. Then test cases are deleted which are not possible, not useful or
whose outcomes are covered multiple times.
State Transition Testing
If the dynamic behaviour of a SUT is specified by state transition diagrams or
tables, criteria such as state coverage, transition coverage and event coverage can
be chosen for the selection of test cases. State transition testing is used when, in
addition to the input values, the previous execution sequence affects the result.
Cause-Effect Graphing
Equivalence partitioning and boundary value analysis deal with individual input
values. The history of the input parameters is taken into account by state
transition testing. However, any of these methods consider possible interactions
of the input data. This is the domain of cause-effect graphing. It provides a
formal, graphical notation as an aid in which interdependencies are visualized and
test cases can be derived. As a result, reduced decision tables can be obtained.

Of course, there are a lot of other methods. For example, the area of robustness testing,
whereby it is examined whether a system works properly with invalid inputs or stressful
environmental conditions, can also be regarded as a black box technique. Depending
on the form of the specification, use case testing can also be a valid option. In error
guessing, the tester considers which area of the SUT could be particularly error-prone
and develops his test cases accordingly. In safety critical areas, however, this approach
should be rejected because it is not based on the specification and false assumptions
can cause great damage [Grü17; KS11].
In contrast to black box testing, the source code of the SUT is available for white
box testing. Central element for the selection of test cases in white box testing is the
sequence graph, which is created from the source code. Since white box tests are based
on the implementation level, they are mainly applied to unit and integration tests.
Measuring the test coverage is of particular importance for this type of testing. It
shows the tester which parts of the program are still untouched or which conditions
have never been run through. The tester then creates test cases to achieve the desired
test coverage. White box test design techniques include the following code coverage
criteria [Grü17; MBT04]:

Statement Coverage
Each node of the graph and thus each statement/instruction of the program is
traversed in at least one test.
2 Software Testing Theory 12

Branch Coverage
Each branch and thus every edge of the sequence graph, is traversed in at least
one test. Examples of branch statements are switch, do-while or if-else statements.
Branch coverage implies statement coverage and is synonymous with the term
decision coverage for most of the authors.
Path Coverage
Path coverage testing is attempted to traverse all possible program paths from
the start node to the end node. Loops can be problematic here, which is why
full path coverage is rarely sought. Path Coverage guarantees complete branch
Decision/Condition Coverage
If, in addition to branch coverage, a change of each sub-condition of a boolean
expression is required, it is called decision/condition coverage.
Modified Condition/Decision Coverage (MC/DC)
Every sub-condition that can influence the program branching must show, that
it can determine the program flow independently of the others. This is done
by varying just a single sub-condition while holding fixed all other possible

There are a lot more kinds of test coverage criteria than the few presented here. For
software with high safety requirements, however, the deployment of 100% MC/DC is
common today. It is highly recommended for example in ISO 26262, a standard for
safety-relevant automotive systems, as well as in the avionics software development
guidance DO-178C to ensure appropriate testing of the most critical (Level A) soft-
ware, whose errors would cause or contribute failures of system functions resulting in
catastrophic failure conditions of the aircraft [Grü17; DO-11].

2.4.2 Model-Based Testing

The terminology of model-based testing (MBT) is understood as two different things

in literature and practical use. Firstly, the modelling of test cases where the tests
themselves are presented as, for example, graphical models. Secondly, as the usage
of models for the purpose of (automatic) generation of test data or test cases. The
latter one with the basic idea of deriving test cases from a model is more common and
therefore discussed hereafter [WRB16].
In order to break down the details of MBT, figure 2.5 shows a comprehensive overview
whose origin and explanation below is based on Zander et al. (2011) [ZSM12]. The basic
features of this illustration was initiated by Utting et al. (2006) [UPL06], extended by
Zander-Nowicka (2009) [Zan09] and supplemented in its current form by Zander et al.
(2011) [ZSM12]. The taxonomy consists of four main classes. These are divided into
categories with associated options. The "A/B" notation at the leaves declare mutually
exclusive options.
2 Software Testing Theory 13

The basis for a model, and MBT as a whole, are system models that describe the
specified behaviour of the SUT, abstract test models which are derived from the
requirements, or a combination of these. When the model exists, test generation can
be carried out, which presupposes the choice of a test selection criteria. In addition to
the test case specification and certain coverage goals a variety of other criteria can be
used for this, such as random and stochastic methods, fault-based methods or mutation
analysis. The technological possibilities to generate tests are also extensive. The tests
can be generated before they run (offline) or be adapted during runtime based on
the outputs of the SUT (online). They can be produced by hand or, more common,
be generated fully automatically. Theorem prover and model checker are used for
verifying the properties of a system. Their mathematical procedures can help to find
counterexamples. Symbolic execution is based on constraints, whose instantiation of
resulting traces leads to test cases. Graph search algorithms aim to traverse nodes
and arcs and offer thereby a good possibility to reach a certain coverage criteria. In
contrast, this takes an undefined period of time with random generation. In the end,
the test case generation leads to executable tests in the form of models, scripts or
Test execution is accomplished by test platforms. The main purpose of these is to
provide the SUT with inputs and to collect the outputs. Possible execution options also
include MiL, SiL and HiL Testing, which is prevalent in the development of embedded
controllers. The following chapter covers these types of tests in detail. The execution
of reactive tests implies an evaluation of the output signals of the SUT, on the basis of
which the subsequent input signals are set. The test execution thus varies with the
behaviour of the SUT. This is not the case with nonreactive tests. Configurable test
log generation, which provides detailed information about test steps, executed methods
and test coverage, is standard for most test platforms today.
In the test evaluation phase, the SUT results are compared with the expected ones
and a verdict is assigned. The evaluation criteria can be based on a specially tailored
test evaluation specification, for example. Requirements coverage aims to cover the
specified SUT requirements. This presumes, however, that the requirements have a high
degree of testability. The reference signal based approach is also known as back-to-back
testing. Here, an ideal set of signals and data sets is generated and the obtained test
results are compared against these. The signals to be compared can either be pure or
differentiated into so-called signal-features, based on their properties such as minimum,
maximum, reaction time, increase rate and so on. Similar to the test creation, the
evaluation can take place automatically or manually and online or offline.
MBT models represent the functional behaviour of the application to be tested (or
parts thereof) and do not reflect the internal SUT design. Therefore, the tests are
usually seen as black box tests [ZSM12]. Grünfelder explicitly mentions that it is
important not to generate code and tests from the same model. Otherwise, an error
in the (SUT) model would affect both, the code and the test cases and would not be
visible. The only thing that would be tested against each other would be the respective
code and test generators. It is therefore better to have system models for the tests that
are independent of the implementation [Grü17].
2 Software Testing Theory 14

Classes: Categories: Options:

Model MBT basis System model

Test model
Coupled system model and test model

Mutation-analysis based
Structural model coverage
Data coverage
Test selection
Requirements coverage
Test case specification
Random and stochastic

Random generation
Graph search algorithm
Technology Model checking
Symbolic execution
Theorem proving

Executable test models

Result of the
Executable test scripts
Executable code

MiL/SiL/HiL (simulation)
Test Execution
execution options
Generating test logs

Reference signal-feature based

Reference signal based
Requirements coverage

Test Test evaluation specification


Figure 2.5: Taxonomy of model-based testing [ZSM12]

2 Software Testing Theory 15

Graphical modelling languages have proven helpful for the purpose of MBT, especially
when it comes to deriving information and data for dynamic tests. The models used
therefore typically describe the behaviour, but architectural models can also support
test data generation. There is a wide range of language standards and notations with
relevance to MBT, some representatives are listed below [ZSM12; Grü17]:

• Finite State Machines (FSM)

• Unified Modelling Language (UML)
• Unified Testing Profile (UTP)
• Systems Modelling Language (SysML)
• Testing and Test Control Notation version 3 (TTCN-3)
• Specification and Description Language (SDL)
• Message Sequence Charts (MSC)
• MATLAB/Simulink from Mathworks
• LUSTRE/SCADE from Esterel Technologies

The idea of extracting test cases and other test data from a model is not new. Cor-
responding work on this was published as early as the 1970s, confer [Cho78]. MBT
test cases tend to result in many tests. Hence, MBT is particularly effective when the
tests are not performed manually, but fully automatically [Grü17]. The number of
MBT tools available on the industrial market is growing steadily, a recent overview of
available tools can be found, for example, in “A Survey on Model-Based Testing Tools
for Test Case Generation” [LLS18].
The practical use of MBT offers several benefits. Besides tests and test data, artefacts for
traceability, i.e. the association of each requirement to the related verification activities,
can be generated automatically. Usually the tooling is also able to locate implicitly
covered tests. Quick execution of regression tests is one of the main advantages. If the
specification changes, for example, the entire test suite can be regenerated, executed and
evaluated with little effort. Since the test models operate on an interface abstraction
level, MBT is also very well suited for in-the-loop test approaches as they are presented
in the next section [Pel18].

2.4.3 In-the-Loop Testing

In-the-loop testing is mainly used in the development of controller software for embedded
systems. The terminology of embedded systems includes a variety of elements. In
general, it is a processor that is involved in a technical context. Its wide range of
applications covers all areas of daily life, such as washing machines, hearing aids,
smartphones, control systems and many more. There is a common characteristic to
be recognized, the interaction with the physical world. Besides the processor, further
2 Software Testing Theory 16

components are appropriate memory units (RAM and ROM) as well as analogue
digital converters (two way). Power can be supplied via the mains as well as batteries.
Embedded systems receive signals via sensors and influence the outside world by
actuators. An electronic control unit (ECU) is an embedded system that controls one
or more electrical systems. The physical environment, including sensors and actuators,
is hereinafter referred to as plant and is connected to the embedded system, respectively
ECU, through interfaces [BN08].
For the test of an embedded system, in the simplest case, appropriate stimuli are placed
on the inputs of the isolated system and the processed outputs are monitored in order
to evaluate them. There is no interlinkage with the environment, which causes a similar
configuration to conventional unit tests. This procedure is also described as one-way
simulation [BN08].

Input SUT Plant Output

Figure 2.6: Closed-loop simulation setup

In a feedback simulation, also known as closed-loop simulation, the SUT is coupled to

the plant which provides feedback throughout the test execution. A closed-loop setup
is depicted in figure 2.6. After the initial development of the embedded system and the
plant model, this procedure can be the next step to verify the current design. That
approach is feasible, if the complexity of the SUT and its environment can be limited
without compromising their required accuracy. Moreover, this procedure can be used
at different stages, as the following paragraphs show [BN08; KDM18].

Model-in-the-Loop (MiL)
Early phases of the development process are characterized by the presence of
mathematical models such as physical models of the engine or chassis components
as well as the external environment, respectively the plant. The advances in
computing power of today’s desktop PCs allow the models to run together on
the same machine, without any other physical or hardware components. The
prerequisites for this level are therefore models of the ECU’s software, the plant
and additionally a simulation environment in which they can be executed. The ob-
jectives of MiL simulation are to test the model architecture and functions against
requirements, obtain reference signals and to verify the developed algorithms in
a hardware independent approach [Jai09; SPK12].
Software-in-the-Loop (SiL)
In the SiL context, the actual ECU code is used in order to investigate the
properties of the ECU (or part of it) to be developed. The code is derived from
the model and can either be handwritten or generated automatically. As with
the MiL simulation, there is a virtual plant model that can run on the same
2 Software Testing Theory 17

machine as the ECU software. SiL simulations allow the analysis of effects due
to restrictions of the target software. If, for example, the software is built for
a fixed-point architecture, the necessary scaling is already part of the software.
Arithmetic problems can be identified by comparing the results of the ECU code
with the functional model [SPK12].
Hardware-in-the-Loop (HiL)
HiL tests are executed with the final ECU software and the designated target
hardware. The environment of the ECU can still be simulated. However, the data
is transformed using appropriate converters to interact with the control unit via
the electrical interface. The environment models must have a so-called real-time
behaviour, which means the response of the models must be guaranteed within
specified time constraints. This is to ensure realistic tests so that communication
with the ECU is the same as in a real environment. The main goal of HiL-testing
is to verify the correct operation of the embedded software in the target processor
and its surrounding components and environment [BN08; SPK12].

Another intermediate step between SiL and HiL - processor-in-the-loop (PiL) - is often
described in the literature, confer [KDM18; Vig10; ZSM12]. PiL means, that the
software runs in the target processor or an emulation of it, also with a surrounding
virtual environment. The aim is to verify the system behaviour on the target processor
and reveal faults which are caused by, for example, the target compiler or the processor
architecture. Since these kinds of errors would also occur in HiL-testing, this level is
not discussed further.
MiL and SiL are commonly used in the early stages of development, primarily to
find functional errors, optimize the design and create a proof of concept. In order
to find problems regarding the real hardware used later, HiL tests must be executed.
Issues with low-level services can be identified here, such as problems with interfaces to
external hardware and issues with sensors and actuators. These would be very difficult
to assess with MiL- and SiL-testing alone [BN08].
It is desirable to design tests only once and to reuse as many of them as possible for all
levels of testing. This approach allows to use the same input test signals (patterns) for
all stages. In addition, the results of the individual test levels can be compared with
each other and thus deviations can be determined, and possible errors eliminated. Such
an integrated approach is presented in figure 2.7. It should be noted, that although
the logical description of inputs and outputs can be reused, the physical representation
of the signals regarding the separate stages is different [BN08].
How the representation can differ, which problems can arise and what to look out for
in the case of reuse, is dealt with in the main part of this work.
2 Software Testing Theory 18



Plant simulation


Test result
Test pattern Software

Plant simulation


Plant simulation

Figure 2.7: Integrated MiL-, SiL-, HiL-testing approach

2.5 Test Automation

As a project grows, so does the number of tests to be performed. The increasing amount
of test cases and the rising complexity make it difficult to cope, even with additional
manpower. In this case, test automation can be a helpful approach. In contrast to
manual testing, test activities are automated, both in software and hardware testing,
whereby this work is mainly limited to software related aspects.
In the automated test procedure, a software product is tested using test automation
tools. The SUT is addressed and controlled by these tools. After each action, verification
points are usually evaluated to check, whether the result of the automated test step is
as planned. If the result is not as planned, an anomaly should be logged and reported
[Grü17]. The motivation for using test automation is the possible profit in terms
of time, money and quality. The time required, especially for regression tests, can
be reduced considerably. This results in greater effectiveness because there is more
time left to focus on developing new functionality for example, instead of repeatedly
testing features that have already been implemented. There are further advantages
in tests that have a large number of input variants, which have to be repeated very
often and in tests that are very complicated or prone to errors. In many projects,
another justification for using test automation is the exact repeatability and the good
transparency of the test cases [BN08; Grü17].
Despite the many advantages, there are also several drawbacks to be mentioned. First
of all, the possible initial costs for the purchase of the tools. Even if no additional
2 Software Testing Theory 19

costs arise through the use of in-house or open-source solutions, it still requires effort
to automate the required tests. However, the costs are amortized depending on the
number of repetitions. There are different opinions about the necessary recurrences, for
example Broekman; Notenboom report three to six times, while Grünfelder assumes
a factor of ten. Beside of that, any changes to the SUT are problematic, as they
mean expensive rework for the tests. Another point is that automated testing only
reveals errors on values that have been programmed to be checked. In contrast, further
errors might also be noticeable during manual testing. Basically, existing problems in
processes remain sat. Poor documentation, incomplete tests or poorly trained staff do
not improve because of test automation [BN08; Grü17].
To sum up, test automation does not work equally well for all types of projects. The
additional development effort as well as the possible costs for software licencing and
infrastructure can be problematic especially for small projects with limited budget and
constantly changing codebases. Automated testing requires a greater investment of time
upfront, but it saves time and therefore money on regression testing. This means that
test automation is particularly helpful for projects with successive releases of the same
software. By using appropriate abstraction layers for test data and communication,
the once written tests can be reused in different stages of development, as can be seen
later in this work. The minimization of human errors and the good transparency make
test automation an important means for the verification and validation of software.

2.6 Test Management

The topic of test management is of particular importance within the software test
discipline. Test management encompasses classic methods of project management
and risk management as well as knowledge of the appropriate use of well-defined test
methods. The activities essentially comprise the following four main components: test
planning, control, evaluation, and adaptation. This chapter provides only a small
insight into the broad field of test management, for comprehensive investigations
reference should be made to relevant literature such as Praxiswissen Softwaretest -
Testmanagement [SRW08].
An important result of test planning is a resource plan, i.e. a plan for the provision
of personnel and test environments and a schedule, that requires a prior estimate of
effort. In addition, the following questions should be answered during the planning
phase [Grü17]:

• Which development-related analysis have to be carried out (e.g. RAM/ROM

consumption, worst case execution time analysis, schedulability analysis)?
• When do which reviews take place (design, code, documents)?
• How and to what extent are unit tests, integration tests and system tests carried
out, which test coverages are required and which tools and test environments are
used in each test level?
2 Software Testing Theory 20

• Which tests will be automated and which not?

• What regression test strategy will be implemented, that is, if an error is found,
which tests will be repeated?
• How to get realistic/meaningful test data?
• How and where are tests archived?
• Which documents are delivered by whom, when, for which tests and reviews, how
are they communicated and in what form they have to be?

In projects with liability risk and maximum safety standards, documentation of the
answers to the questions outlined above is essential. The planning stage of DO-178C,
for example, requires the development of a so-called Software Verification Plan to
accomplish this task [DO-11].
The next steps comprise the determination and implementation of measures that are
necessary, so that test work can proceed and the goals specified in the plan can be
achieved. It should therefore be monitored that guidelines are met, weaknesses in the
process are identified and solved, changed framework conditions are taken into account
and, ultimately, the timetable is adhered to. As mentioned in section 2.2, software
metrics can be used to express the testing progress in numbers and finally make it
measurable. These metrics are reflected, for example, in the number of successful test
cases per test run [Grü17].
Each project should specify how to deal with found errors. Bug tracking tools are
an important tool to support test management. Before using these tools, however,
it should be determined which fields of the input masks are to be filled and when a
bug should be entered. For example during unit and system tests, during field usage,
or whether the bug tracking only starts after a certain milestone. It should also be
determined when and who is investigating, which software versions are affected by an
identified bug and how authorities are informed [Grü17].
Similar to the maturity models for evaluating development processes (SPICE, CMM,
CMMi), there are also maturity models for software testing processes. For example,
the Testing Maturity Model (TMM), the Test Process Improvement (TPI) evaluation
model, or TestSPICE. The aim of these models is to evaluate test processes and to make
target shortfalls recognizable as early as possible. The level of maturity determined in
an audit allows purchasers of software to get an idea of the supplier’s processes and
thus to evaluate the own project and liability risk [Grü17].

3 Existing Solutions and Research

Development approaches with MiL, SiL and HiL testing have been around for some time.
A selection of current studies and their results will be discussed below. The selected
articles are derived from scientific publications and deal with the topic of in-the-loop
testing with regard to embedded software development. Most of the publications first
discuss the individual test phases, then show problems and finally present possible
solutions. Since the test phases have already been discussed in chapter 2.4.3, this will
be omitted below. The automotive sector is strongly represented in the tool landscape
and publications, but the aerospace industry as well plays an important role, which is
also reflected in the selection of the following articles.

3.1 Maximizing Test Asset Re-Use across MiL, SiL,

and HiL Development Platforms
The first article was written by Vuli, Badalament and Jaikamal in 2010 [VBJ10]. It
starts with explanations of the different in-the-loop testing stages. Afterwards, the
problem of low test reusability is addressed. For example, it is noted that the majority
of today’s companies do not have a common test strategy for different ECU platforms,
which leads to incompatibilities between methods and tools and ultimately to reuse
barriers of existing approaches. As a consequence, early developed test assets can not
or only very limited be reused in later development phases and vice versa. Test scripts
have to be adapted or rewritten for each phase, which leads to long development times
and high costs. The authors set the following requirements in order to enable test asset
re-use across MiL, SiL and HiL platforms:

1. Consistent organizational testing approach

2. Avoidance of ECU variant dependencies from test assets
3. Test tools shall support languages that can execute across all test platforms
4. Test scripts shall abstract from test platform hardware and software dependencies
5. Support for in-house developed solutions
3 Existing Solutions and Research Results 22

As a basic approach, the framework in figure 3.1 is discussed in the publication. The
central element is the Integrated Test Management Tool, which consists of the four
components: Test Script Developer, Test Manager, Test Handler and a Test Report
Viewer. To meet the above mentioned re-use requirements, the test management tool
uses special configuration files which shall enable independence of test benches, test
platforms, test languages and ECU variants. The abstraction is achieved through
generic ports, which enable access to model ports, ECU signals, data logging and fault
simulation. On top of that, so called signatures, which are functions calls or a range of
operations for every port, can be called from scripts for every port.

Microsoft .NET ECU data

Visual C# Vehicle data
Visual Basic Bench configuration data
Python Test condition data
… …

Test Case

Integrated Test Management Tool

Test Script Test Report
Test Manager Test Handler
Developer Viewer

MiL/SiL HiL Meas. and Calib.

Tool Adapter Tool Adapter Tool Adapter

MiL and SiL HiL In-Vehicle

Figure 3.1: Integrated Test Management Tool approach [VBJ10]

Finally, the paper reports on an user study in which tests for fuel cell controls could
be successfully reused for various in-the-loop tests without any adaptions. Products
from the commercially available ETAS tool chain were used for this purpose. This tool
set (INTECRIO, INCA and LABCAR) was also used in the paper “Model-based ECU
development – An Integrated MiL-SiL-HiL Approach” [Jai09]. In these approaches,
INTECRIO is used as a central integration platform for a variety of model standards.
LABCAR is utilized to create, perform, and automate ECU tests and INCA supports
the measurement, display, calibration and evaluating of physical ECU data.
3 Existing Solutions and Research Results 23

3.2 Systematic Test and Validation of Complex

Embedded Systems
Tatar and Mauss primarily deal with issues related to the test and validation of complex
embedded systems in their article published in 2014 [TM14]. They state that the
validation of such systems is not well supported by most test and validation methods
today. A number of approaches are listed as justification, including tests using physical
prototypes, human specified tests in conjunction with test automation, as well as formal
and semi-formal methods. The insufficient scaling of these methods is given as a reason,
which makes it difficult to test comprehensive systems in practice.
The key ideas of the presented approach also focus on a central integration platform,
which provides the ability for closed-loop testing with MiL, SiL or HiL configurations.
Figure 3.2 depicts Silver as the main integration element. It was developed by the
QTronic GmbH and is used successfully by car manufacturers and their suppliers.
The platform is characterized by a large number of different interfaces, including
the Functional Mock-up Interface (FMI) for model exchange and co-simulation. The
authors favour testing in the SiL context, more specifically by virtual ECU testing,
arguing that PCs, unlike complete HiL systems, are highly available and provide
astonishing computational power at low costs.

MATLAB / Virtual ECU

Control software tasks,
fixed-point C code,
Embedded Coder
one function per task
TargetLink Flash Sched- IO
hand coded C scale uler driver
range to run to
check tasks HW Configurable GUI

Attach to Reader Silver module
XCP Python CAN
process Writer S-function of FMU
Debug TCP/IP
MS Visual CANape Modelica
Studio INCA scripts
CSV Measurement Test and Simulink
and calibration adapt
Vehicle model

Figure 3.2: Virtual ECU integration with Silver [TM14]

The test automation tool TestWeaver, also developed by QTronic, complements the
current approach. As can be seen in figure 3.3, TestWeaver connects to a SiL, MiL
or HiL simulation. It controls the inputs and observes the outputs. The connection
to the system simulation is done via libraries. For example, a connection block-set
is provided for Simulink. Dymola and SimulationX can be connected via a Modelica
library. Python and C libraries are supplied for Silver or other environments.
3 Existing Solutions and Research Results 24


Component Plant SW
model controller Alarm
Quality observers
MiL/SiL/HiL simulation


State space
State report

Figure 3.3: Generation and evaluation of test scenarios with TestWeaver [TM14]

A great strength of TestWeaver is its automatic test scenario generation. Human

defined tests can be integrated but are optional. Self-learning algorithms are used to
maximize the coverage. The search-based method of TestWeaver is explicitly not a
formal method, but it can be classified as semi-formal. The possibility of automated
test generation and repetition is one of the greatest advantages of the methodology
presented here.

3.3 Flexible Avionics Testing - From Virtual ECU

Testing to HIL Testing
HiL testing has been an integral part of the software development process for ECUs in
the automotive and aerospace industry for many years. The objective of this paper
published by Himmler, Allen and Moudgal in 2013 is to meet the changing needs
of today’s HiL systems by performing virtual controller testing [HAM13]. The use
of virtual control units is aimed at improved parallel development, increased speed
of deployment and an overall greater flexibility. The authors suggest a common
toolset, which allows for reuse of models, tests and data artefacts across the multiple
development stages.
Figure 3.4 shows an approach with VEOS for PC-based simulation and SCALEXIO
for HiL simulation. Both platforms were developed by dSpace GmbH. The purpose of
VEOS and its MiL/SiL testing ability is to test ECU software in the form of virtual
ECUs without any additional hardware. Test and validation of software components
shall be enabled as well as the interactions between them. The real-time simulator
of SCALEXIO provides high fidelity model execution. More than 100 I/O nodes,
each with considerably more than 100 I/O channels can be connected to a real-time
3 Existing Solutions and Research Results 25

processor. The serial I/O network for these boards is based on Gigabit Ethernet and is
integrated via PCIe cards. The article reports, that there are I/O libraries available for
widespread aerospace and automotive bus systems such as ARINC 429, MIL-STD-1553,
CAN, LIN, FlexRay and UART. Because the I/O boards are programmable, more I/O
functions can be added at any time.

Instruments and Test automation Flight maneuver Visualization and

simulation control and evaluation defintion animation


testing HiL testing

Offline Real-time
simulator simulator

Virtual Real

Figure 3.4: Virtual ECU integration with VEOS

and HiL testing with SCALEXIO [HAM13]

Himmler mentions in his further publication “From Virtual Testing to HIL Testing -
Towards Seamless Testing” [Him14], a number of (dSpace) tools, which can be used for
simulation control, test automation and so on. The use of standards such as ASAM
(Association for Standardization of Automation and Measuring Systems) XIL API
and FMI are intended to ensure, that overlying applications can exchange tests and
configurations without further modifications.
Similar to the previous publications, this article also presents a test management tool,
the approach of which is shown in figure 3.5. dSPACE has introduced SYNECT to
ease the test management, taking into account the large amount of common data,
models and test configurations, given the context of many types of variant platforms.
Furthermore, traceability shall be granted by dedicated interaction between the test
tools and requirements management tools such as IBM Rational Doors and MKS
3 Existing Solutions and Research Results 26

Requirements SYNECT test management

management tools

Require- Test Test

Test Results
ments implemen- planning and
specification evaluation
specification tation execution

Virtual ECU,
MiL and SiL Third-party test
testing HiL testing tools

Figure 3.5: Test management with SYNECT [HAM13]

3.4 Efficient Testing of Simulation V&V for

Closed-Loop Operations
In 2014, Campbell and Velez presented their work done in the Charles Stark Draper
Laboratory [CV14]. They were tasked to test a simulation for a manned space vehicle,
which should be used for verification and validation (V&V) purposes. The simulation
to be tested contained various software and hardware interfaces. It also had the ability
to operate in different testing modes (SiL, PiL and HiL). The approach presented was
able to generate test files, test data, reports etc. in an automated manner by extracting
information directly from system design tools. Figure 3.6 provides an overview of the
components used and facilitates understanding in the following explanations.
The common basis, which was used for all operation modes, was an interface control
document (ICD) database hosted via MySQL. Both, the project team of the target
platform as well as the testing process used this base to derive signal and message
structure definitions from it. MATLAB could be seen as the backbone of the test
activities. It was utilized for test configuration, control and evaluation. An interface
through MySQL Connector/J to MATLAB allowed queries to the database.
The interface to the system under test varied with the operation mode. In SiL mode,
UDP data packets were sent, whose content were formatted according to MIL-STD-1553.
PiL was intended to test processor intercommunication, which required a physical
MIL-STD-1553 bus. Ge Intelligent Platform’s BusTools-1553 software was used for this
purpose, which was automatically configured with the help of MATLAB and AutoIt.
A bus analyzer card eventually enabled message exchange.
Multiple interfaces characterized the HiL configuration. National Instruments (NI)
cards allowed the operation of these. Together with NI LabVIEW, the ability was given
to handle various interconnections and to provide easily customizable GUI controls to
3 Existing Solutions and Research Results 27

Standard PC
UDP packets

SiL setup
MySQL UDP packets

SiL request SiL response

System/Signal ICD database

Standard PC
MATLAB Bus Tools- BusTools- 1533 data
Import.txt Schedule.btd
1553 1553

PiL setup
Extra.txt QPCX- MIL-STD-
Connector/J AutoIt
1553 1533 data

PiL request PiL response

System/Signal ICD database

NI PXIe-1075 Simulation

NI PXIe-6555 RS-422 data

NI PXI-6528 Discrete data

LabVIEW NI PXI-6508 Discrete data

NI PXI-6508 RS-485 data HiL setup

NI 8433/4 RS-485 data


Master software Info.mat

Slave software
Master hardware Connector/J

NI PXI-8108
Slave hardware

HiL request HiL response

Test output

Database data System/Signal ICD database

Figure 3.6: SiL, PiL and HiL example of the Charles Stark Draper Laboratory [CV14]
3 Existing Solutions and Research Results 28

adjust and monitor them. A resulting list of the software and hardware used in this
project can be found in table 3.1 and 3.2.
In the presented work, special emphasis was placed on the accommodation of signal
ICD changes through automation. This was enabled by a centrally held signal database,
which allowed interface changes to be carried out with as little effort as necessary. The
subsequent testing stages and configurations provided various test possibilities and
V&V evidence automatically. The modular setup and especially the exclusive use of
commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) software and hardware in the different stages allowed
easy replacement and extension of existing components. Unfortunately, there was no
further information about the elements to be tested, but the approach is nevertheless
very remarkable and the design well-conceived and structured.

SW Product Vendor Use

MATLAB Mathworks Test control, data analysis
MySQL Connector/J Oracle MySQL database queries through MATLAB
BusTools-1553 GE Intelligent Platforms Bus control and data logging
AutoItScript AutoIt Automation of manual inputs
LabVIEW National Instruments HW interface control, data logging

Table 3.1: Software summary

HW Product Vendor Use

QPCX-1553 GE Intelligent Platforms GE 1553 Bus Analyzer Card
PXIe-1075 National Instruments NI PXI Chassis
NI PXIe-6555 National Instruments PXI Synchronous Serial (RS-422)
NI PXI-6528 National Instruments PXI Discrete I/O control
NI PXI-6508 National Instruments PXI Discrete I/O control
NI 8234 National Instruments PXI Gigabit Ethernet Interface
NI PXI-8433/4 National Instruments PXI Serial (RS-422/485)
NI PXI-8108 National Instruments PXI Embedded Controller

Table 3.2: Hardware summary

3 Existing Solutions and Research Results 29

3.5 Conclusion
The articles shown represent only a small selection of the available publications and
solutions. The sheer number of tools and standards, as well as their rapid development,
allow more and more solutions and variations. Unfortunately, many of the published
articles often give the impression, that manufacturers use the publications as a pre-
sentation platform for their purchasable tools. In addition, except for the last article
presented, the approaches are often kept very abstract. What a concrete use of the
tools in the MiL, SiL and HiL context can look like and by what means the abstraction
is designed, can usually only be guessed at. What kind of tests and in which areas
problems arise in reuse between MiL, SiL and HiL testing is hardly mentioned, which
is therefore a motivation for this thesis.

4 Project Context
At the beginning of this thesis, it was planned to accomplish the investigations on the
basis of an already developed flight control system. Corresponding models, software, as
well as the (test) target hardware in conjunction with existing environmental models
should underpin the present study. However, several reasons stood against this approach,

• High complexity of the overall system

• Limited access to hardware and software (test facilities partly in construction or
conversion, software gateways still under development)
• Legal uncertainties (copyright and classification)

Because of these circumstances, it was decided to examine deviations between the

different testing stages on the basis of simple, specially tailored models and generally
applicable considerations.

4.1 Hardware Setup

The hardware available for this thesis will be outlined below. All tests were carried out
and evaluated on these. Standard desktop PCs were used for tests and examinations
regarding MiL and SiL testing. An evaluation board with an integrated microcontroller
was available for HiL tests.

4.1.1 Desktop Computers

Two computers with Windows and Linux operating systems (Host 1 and Host 2) were
on hand. Their characteristics are listed in table 4.1.
4 Project Context 31

Attribute Host 1 Host 2

Processor name Intel Core i5-2450M Intel Core i7-6700
Processor base frequency 2.50 GHz 3.40 GHz
Number of cores 2 4
Main memory (RAM) 8 GB 16 GB
Instruction set architecture x86-64 x86-64
Operating system Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS Windows 10 Pro Version 2004

Table 4.1: Desktop computers characteristics

4.1.2 Microcontroller

A Texas Instruments microcontroller unit (MCU) with the product name TMS570LC4357
was used for hardware-related consideration in the context of embedded systems. The
derivative encloses an ARM Cortex R5F processor. This 32-bit reduced instruction
set computer (RISC) CPU offers several error detecting capabilities, which is why it is
mainly used in safety-critical applications. Some features of the MCU are listed below,
for a more in-depth description, reference is made to the corresponding datasheet and
technical reference manual [Tex16; Tex18]:

• Dual-core CPU in lockstep configuration. The two cores always receive the
same inputs and perform the same calculations. The generated outputs are
then compared with each other. An error signal is generated in the event of a
• Up to 300 MHz CPU clock
• 8-stage pipeline and dynamic branch prediction for operation execution
• Floating-Point coprocessor with single and double precision
• 32 KB of instruction and 32 KB of data caches
• 4 MB of program flash
• 512 KB of RAM
• 128 KB of EEPROM, emulated from flash
• Error-correcting code (ECC) for flash, RAM, EEPROM and caches
• Multiple communication interface modules like Ethernet, UART (SCI), I2 C, CAN
• Two 12-bit analog-to-digital converter
• Up to 145 pins available for general purpose input/output (GPIO)
• Big-endian (BE32) format supported
4 Project Context 32

4.1.3 Evaluation Board

During the work, two Texas Instruments evaluation boards with the part number
LAUNCHXL2-570LC43 were available. As figure 4.1 and table 4.2 show, the board
includes the MCU presented in the former paragraph, as well as some user- and
connection-interfaces such as switches, LEDs, potentiometer, GPIO pins and Ethernet
connector. Particularly noteworthy is the USB connector with coupled JTAG interface.
This enables programming, debugging and UART communication. Further information
can be found in the manufacturer’s documentation [Tex15].



Figure 4.1: LAUNCHXL2-570L43 evaluation board

Position Component
P1 TMS570LC4357 Microcontroller in 337 pin package
P2 Potentiometer
P3 Power-on and warm reset switches
P4 Ethernet connector
P5 User switches
P6 User LEDs
P7 I/O Pin connections for prototyping (exemplarily marked)
P8 USB connector

Table 4.2: LAUNCHXL2-570L43 evaluation board components

4 Project Context 33

4.2 Software Setup

The software used can be divided into two parts. The first part (section 4.2.1) corre-
sponds to the tools that are commercially available. The second part (section 4.2.2)
describes tools that were developed or co-developed by the company itself. The latter
are hereinafter referred to as in-house tools.

4.2.1 COTS Tools

The following tools are mentioned in the upcoming chapters. They were used, unless
otherwise stated, with their basic settings and their supplied libraries. Compiler
optimization switches have been disabled unless otherwise noted.

MATLAB is a commercial software from the US company The MathWorks for
solving mathematical problems. The environment allows the development of
complex algorithms and the displaying of results by plotting functions and data.
MATLAB is primarily designed for numerical calculations using matrices, from
which the name is derived: MATrix LABoratory [The20b].
Simulink is also a software from The MathWorks and is mainly used to model
technical or physical systems. Simulink is an additional product to MATLAB and
requires it to run. Further add-ons such as Simulink Coder (formerly Real-Time
Workshop) enable automatic code generation from the models. Embedded Coder
and Polyspace Code Prover, for example, are able to proof the absence of dynamic
runtime errors using formal methods, but these were not available for this work
[The20d; The20a; The20c].
SCADE Suite is a commercial product of Esterel Technologies (a subsidiary of
Ansys) and is based on the formal, synchronous and data flow-oriented language
Lustre. With its included code generator called KCG, correctness can be ensured
on a certified basis and the integration into a production system can be accelerated
and simplified. KCG is certified according to several safety-critical standards like
DO-178C, ISO 26262:2011, IEC 61508:2010 and EN50128:2011, which is why it
is used in the aerospace industry, for example [Est20].
Code Composer Studio
An IDE offered by Texas Instruments is called Code Composer Studio and
supports their portfolio of microcontrollers and processors. The tool is based
on the open source development environment Eclipse and provides various tools
for developing, compiling, debugging and analysing of embedded applications
4 Project Context 34

HALCoGen is another tool from Texas Instruments. Its name is an abbreviation
for Hardware Abstraction Layer Code Generator. It allows the user to set
peripherals, interrupts, clocks, memory areas and other parameters for Texas
Instruments MCU derivates. After that, initialization and driver code can be
generated and imported directly into IDEs like Code Composer Studio [Tex20b].

The version numbers of the COTS tools quoted above are listed in the following table.
Windows and Linux refer to Host 1, respectively Host 2, as named in 4.1.1. In addition,
the versions of the compilers are also specified, to which reference will be made in the
succeeding chapter.

Platform Tool Version

Windows MATLAB R2019b Update 4 (
Windows Simulink R2019b 10.0
Windows SCADE Suite 2019 R1 (build 20191023)
Windows Code Composer Studio
Windows HALCoGen 04.07.01
Windows Microsoft C/C++ Compiler 19.24.28316
Windows, MCU Target TI ARM C/C++ Compiler v18.12.4.LTS
Windows GCC 10.1.0 (Rev3, Built by MSYS2 project)
Linux GCC 7.5.0 (Ubuntu 7.5.0-3ubuntu1 18.04)

Table 4.3: COTS tools versions

4.2.2 In-House Tools

The following tools were mainly developed or co-developed in-house. For reasons of
classification, some of these are anonymised. A more in-depth description of the range
of functions is provided in the upcoming chapters, if necessary.

Simulation Framework
The company’s internal Simulation Framework (SF), enables multiple simulation
models to execute and to interact using a variety of services. Simulation models
are usually executed as independent subtasks inside the framework process. They
are loaded using model driver plugins for specific model standards. The models
are connected to the internal simulation framework network, which allows them
to communicate with other models. In addition, the framework provides model
developers with a toolchain to generate adapter code and to build and link model
The Eurocae ED-247 specification and its title "Technical Standard for Virtual
Interoperable Simulation for Tests of Aircraft Systems in Virtual or Hybrid
4 Project Context 35

Bench" is commonly abbreviated to VISTAS. The standard, which was initiated

by Airbus, is open and was developed to enable and harmonize the data exchange
across simulated/virtual devices. Technically, the main idea is to encapsulate
I/O data in UDP multicast datagrams within an Ethernet network [EUR20]. A
reference implementation called LIBIMS is used in this thesis. The open source
project is released under the Eclipse Distribution Licence and is hosted on GitHub
Test Support System
The in-house developed Test Support System (TSS) is used for development
and execution of real-time models, re-hosted (airborne) software and testing this
software together with real equipment across different facilities. The main task is
to verify the system’s functional behaviour. For this objective, the TSS provides
a range of functions like data visualization, stimulation, recording, as well as
control and automation capabilities.

4.3 Test Level Assignment

MiL context SiL context HiL context

SCADE VISTAS Evaluation Board /

Suite Microcontroller
Simulation Framework Code Composer Studio
Simulink Test Support System

Figure 4.2: Hard- and software test level assignment

This subchapter is intended to show an assignment of the previously described hardware

and software to the test levels to be compared. Figure 4.2 serves as a basis for this.
Starting from the left, the corresponding tools: SCADE Suite, MATLAB and Simulink
are listed for the MiL context. The Simulation Framework operates between the
MiL and SiL context. This is due to the fact that SF offers some options for model
development (e.g. interface specification and visualizations of calculation outputs),
but there are no typical (graphical) modelling possibilities, as well as mathematical
libraries or concepts for cyclic logical time handling, such as integrated in SCADE or
MATLAB. The main purpose of the SF in this work is to execute the binaries of one or
more models in a simulation environment. By encapsulating bus frames or I/O data in
Ethernet packets, VISTAS offers a way to test the correct handling of the interfaces on
a standard desktop PC and is therefore predestined for SiL testing. For the HiL level,
the described evaluation board with its target processor is available. The additional
tools used (Code Composer Studio and HALCoGen) are manufacturer-specific and do
not play a major role in the comparison of the test levels, which is why they have been
greyed out. The Test Support System is able to access and evaluate the in and outputs
4 Project Context 36

of all listed tools, either directly or indirectly, through appropriate interfaces, which is
why it has been drawn across all contexts.
For the sake of completeness, it should be mentioned that the modelling tools listed
are able to generate binaries from the models with a selectable programming language,
which can be used for (tool internal) simulations and tests. MATLAB/Simulink can
even run full HiL tests using the appropriate add-ons. The in-house TSS can also
execute models, including Simulink models. However, to fully exploit all possibilities
would go beyond the scope of this work, which is why they should mainly be used and
examined in the extend described above.

5 Methodology
The deviations between the test levels are considered on the basis of accuracy, per-
formance and reusability, which also aligns the subdivision of this chapter. In the
following, the programming language C is mainly used for examples and explanations.
There are few guarantees regarding accuracy in the C standard for decimal printed
results. With C99, the hexadecimal floating-point literal was introduced, which allows
an accurate interpretation of the results [ISO99, Sec.]. All presented results
were checked accordingly. Numbers without a suffix are to be interpreted as decimal

5.1 Accuracy Evaluation

The finite number of bits in processing units, require to represent the set of infinite
real numbers by a finite approximation. As a consequence, numerical calculations on
digital platforms inevitable lead to errors. In reference to Higham, there exist three
main causes for these errors [Hig02]:

Data uncertainty
Errors, which may arise from data acquisition, such as measurement errors by
virtue of biased instruments. Additional disruptions may occur, due to conversion
and storing this data.
Truncation errors
Errors caused by discretization. These are originated by numerical methods. The
Taylor theorem for example states, that any smooth function can be approximated
as a polynomial. The number of terms determines the accuracy and therefore
the error.
Rounding errors
Unavoidable errors because of the limited size and precision of computers. Not
all quantities can be represented exactly, therefore it must be rounded.

The following sections focus substantially on the latter point, rounding errors. For this
reason, some basics of floating-point numbers are explained first. Afterwards, rounding
modes are introduced and eventually errors are discussed using suitable examples. In
chapter 5.1.7 accuracy deviations of different test levels are examined.
5 Methodology 38

5.1.1 Floating-Point Numbers

The set of floating-point numbers is a subset of the rational numbers. Together with
the operations defined on them, they form the finite floating-point arithmetic. Since
the early beginnings of the electronic computing, many ways have been initiated
to approximate a continuous set (the real numbers) to a finite set (the machine
numbers) like fixed-point arithmetic, logarithmic and semi-logarithmic number systems,
continued fractions and more recently unums and posits, to name just a few examples.
Nevertheless, floating-point arithmetic is by far the most used way of representing real
numbers in modern computers today [MBD18].
Between the 1960s and the 1980s, diverse floating-point arithmetics were designed and
implemented for a variety of computing platforms. All dealt with issues such as binary
formats, overflow, underflow and rounding, but are often different and incompatible
with each other. Porting numerical code from one platform to another was very complex,
error-prone, and time consuming. This led to the publication of the IEEE 754 standard
in 1985 [Hüs18].
IEEE 754-1985 was under revision at the turn of the millennium and has been adopted
in June 2008. IEEE 754-2008 is also known as ISO/IEC/IEEE 60559:2011 and has
been superseded by IEEE 754-2019 in July 2019. Besides the definition of arithmetic
formats, interchange formats, rounding rules, operations and exception handling, also
recommendatory parts for better numerical results and portability are described in
the standard. In the following, floating-point numbers and their features are only
introduced as far as they are needed in this thesis. For more detailed treatise, reference
is made to the official standard [IEE19] and pertinent literature such as Handbook of
floating-point arithmetic [MBD18].

5.1.2 IEEE 754 Floating-Point Format

A floating-point number x consists of a sign s, a base b raised to the power of its

exponent e and a significand m, such that

x = s · be · m. (5.1)

According to the standard [IEE19] the components have to be in the following form:

• s is 0 or 1, positive numbers are marked by 0, negative numbers by 1

• b is 2 or 10, in this thesis only binary floating-point numbers (base 2) are
• e is an integer between emin and emax
emin is the minimum exponent of e
emax is the maximum exponent of e
• m is in the range of 0 ≤ m < b
5 Methodology 39

The binary representation requires the arrangement and bit width to be defined.
Therefore the following parameters are introduced:

• p precision of a floating-point number

• t number of bits in the significand field, equals to (p − 1)
• w number of bits in the exponent
• bias constant value that is equal to emax in binary formats
• E biased exponent that is equal to (e + bias)

The standard defines three binary floating-point basic formats, which are listed in table
5.1 together with some of their corresponding parameters. In addition, interchange
formats are specified, which generalize and supplement the basic formats, so that also
16 bit and any multiple of 32 bits are defined.

Size Exponent Significand

Name emin emax bias
(1+w +t) bits (w) bits (t)
binary32 32 8 23 -126 +127 127
binary64 64 11 52 -1022 +1023 1023
binary128 128 15 112 -16382 +16383 16383

Table 5.1: Parameters of basic format binary floating-point numbers

Note, that the numbers listed for emin conform to normal numbers. A normal number is
a floating-point number, that can be represented without leading zeros in its significand.
Because of the binary format, the leading bit of the significand has to be one and
can therefore be implied in the memory encoding. A simple example shall clarify the
previous statements.
The number 4.5 shall be saved in a binary floating-point format. As can be seen in
the following two equations, the sign bit s has to be 0 to represent a positive number.
With a base of 2, the exponent e has to be 2 and the significand results in a decimal
number of 1.125.

4.5 = (−1)s · be · m (5.2)

4.5 = (−1)0 · 22 · 1.125 (5.3)

The significand field string (also called fraction) has to be in the form of d0 .d1 d2 ..dt ,
where di ∈ {0, 1} and i = 0, 1, ..., t, so that the significand fits in as
4.5 = (−1)0 · 22 · di 2−i
4.5 = (−1)0 · 22 · 1.001b . (5.5)
5 Methodology 40

Assumed the number shall be saved in a 32-bit format, the binary value for the biased
exponent field is calculated by E = 2 + 127 = 129. The leading digit of the significand,
respectively d0 , can be omitted for normal numbers as mentioned before. The resulting
memory encoding is depicted in figure 5.1.

31 30 23 22 0

0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

sign biased exponent significand field

1 bit w = 8 bits t = 23 bits

Figure 5.1: Example of a 32-bit floating-point number

According to IEEE 754-2019 a valid format comprises also two infinities +∞ and −∞,
as well as two kinds of NaN (not a number), a quiet NaN (qNaN) and a signalling
NaN (sNaN). Furthermore +0 and −0 are part of the specification, as well as so called
denormalized or subnormal numbers, whose magnitude is greater 0, but less than the
smallest normal number, respectively bemin .
To extend the precision in comparison to the basic formats, the standard specifies
optional extended precision formats. For this purpose, the parameters p and emax are
defined for a number of formats. A 64-bits extended binary number must have at least
a precision p of 64 bit and an emax of 16383, which applies for the x87 80-bit extended
format for example [Kus14].

5.1.3 Rounding Modes

The choice of how to round a floating-point number is determined by rounding modes.

IEEE 754 in the version of 2019 [IEE19] specifies three directed rounding modes: round
toward zero, round toward positive (+∞), and round toward negative (−∞). Two
further rounding directions are stated as; round to nearest, ties away from zero and
round to nearest, ties to even. The first one (ties away from zero) rounds to the larger
magnitude, if the number falls exactly halfway between two numbers. The second one
(ties to even) returns the number with an even least significand bit, if the precise result
lies in the middle of two representable floating-point numbers. Since this mode is also
set by default, it shall be demonstrated by table 5.2.

The given values round to the nearest 0.25, that corresponds to two bits right of the
binary point. Nr. 1 and 2 round to the obviously closer number. In 3 and 4 the
given values lie exactly between the next representable numbers. It can be seen, that
the resulting value is chosen so that the least significand bit is 0, which is marked in
5 Methodology 41

Nr. Value Valueb Action Roundedb Rounded

1 2.59375 10.10 011 round off 10.10 2.50
2 2.6875 10.10 110 round up 10.11 2.75
3 2.625 10.10 100 round off 10.10 2.50
4 2.875 10.11 100 round up 11.00 3.00

Table 5.2: IEEE 754 round to nearest, tie to even examples

5.1.4 Errors caused by Correct Rounding

In the base-10 system, numbers and fractions can be represented accurately if they
are a multiple of 2 or 5. Likewise in the base-2 system, only numbers built from the
powers of 2 can be written precisely in a storable form. A very simple and illustrative
example to show the impacts of rounding is the binary form of 0.1, which results in a
periodic significand as

0.1 = s · be · 1.1001100b . (5.6)

In the following two steps, the number is first converted into a binary32 format with a
boundless fraction, whereafter it is rounded according to round to nearest, tie to even
as described before.

0.1 ≈ 0 01111011 100110011001100110011001100...b (5.7)

0.1 ≈ 0 01111011 10011001100110011001101b (5.8)

Let x ∈ R and RN (x) be the function, that returns the round to nearest, ties to even
value of x, then the introduced absolute error is given by

abs (x) = |x − RN (x)| (5.9)

abs (0.1) ≈ 1.49 · 10−9 (5.10)

and the relative error by

x − RN (x)
rel (x) = (5.11)


rel (0.1) ≈ 1.49 · 10−8 (5.12)

According to Higham [Hig02] the machine precision mach (also called machine epsilon
or unit roundoff) is defined as

 1 β 1-p

in round to nearest mode,
mach = (5.13)
β 1-p in other rounding modes
5 Methodology 42

with the precision of a binary32 format it also applies that

abs (x) ≤ mach (5.14)

1.49 · 10−8 ≤ 5.96 · 10−8 . (5.15)

In algorithms, rounding errors can accumulate over several iterations. The following
lines of C code are sufficient to show such an effect. Note, that the calculation in line 7
is done in a higher internal precision, before it is assigned to the variable.

1 float sum = 0.0;

2 float absError = 0.0;
4 for (int i = 1; i <= k; i++)
5 sum += 0.1;
7 absError = fabs(k / 10.0 - sum);

Listing 5.1: Summation rounding error accumulation.

Without rounding, 5.16 would apply and result 0 for any value of k.


k X
abs (k) = − 0.1 (5.16)


The resulting deviations for different k can be seen in figure 5.2, where the scaling of
both axis is logarithmic. The same principle can also be applied to larger data types
with the outcome of smaller rounding errors.

Calculations with Floating-Point Operators with large Differences in Magnitude

The multiplication of floating-point numbers is simple from a high point of view. First,
the exponents are added and the significands are multiplied. After that, the result will
be rounded and normalized. Division is done similarly, whereas the divisor’s exponents
is subtracted from the dividend’s exponents and the dividend’s significand is divided
by the divisor’s significand. In addition to the previous described rounding errors,
overflow and underflow conditions may appear if range boundaries are exceeded. These
are signalled by the special numbers +∞ or −∞ respectively, but should not play a
major role in carefully evaluated algorithms.
When adding or subtracting two floating-point numbers, the smaller exponent has to
be adapted to the bigger one. This is done by shifting the significand of the smaller
one, before the rest is added or subtracted. Finally, rounding and normalization is
applied if necessary. The following example illustrates this procedure. The addition
5 Methodology 43


Accumulated Rounding Error






1 10 100 1000 10000 105 106

Figure 5.2: Accumulated rounding error example of a 32-bit data type

1.0 + 2−23 (5.17)

shall be executed in a single precision format (binary32). 5.18 and 5.19 show the
corresponding summands in its binary layouts.

1.0 ≡ 0 |01111111
{z } 00000000000000000000000b (5.18)
2−23 ≡ 0 |01101000
{z } 00000000000000000000000b (5.19)
e = −23

So the addition results in e = 0 and the shifting of 23 bits.

1.0 + 2−23 ≡ 0 |01111111

{z } 00000000000000000000001b (5.20)

Any number less than 2−23 in this example, would have the effect, as if the addition had
not been performed at all. This error can occur in the computation of infinite series.
Often the initial terms are relatively large compared to the later terms. After a few
iterations, the situation may arise, that small quantities are added to large quantities.
Calculating such series in reverse order can be a solution for this type of error.
5 Methodology 44

Calculations with Floating-Point Operators with small Differences in Magnitude

The following example, based on the explanations of Higham [Hig02], is intended to

show possible consequences when almost equal floating-point numbers are subtracted
from each other. Consider the function

1 − cos(x)
f (x) = (5.21)

With x = 2.6 · 10-4 The value of cos(x) rounded to a binary32 magnitude is

cos(x) ≈ 0.99999994. (5.22)

This value subtracted from 1 yields to a value of

1 − cos(x) ≈ 5.96 · 10-8 (5.23)

and subsequently to
1 − cos(x)
f (x) = ≈ 0.88 (5.24)
which is evidently wrong, because the range is 0 ≤ f (x) < 0.5 for all x =
6 0. In the
given subtraction of 1 − cos(x) the binary numbers are in the form of

1.0 ≡ 0 01111111 00000000000000000000000b (5.25)

0.99999994 ≡ 0 01111110 11111111111111111111111b (5.26)

After the exponents have been adjusted and the subtraction has been performed, it is
necessary to normalize the remaining bits in the form of 1.d1 ...dt , which in this case
means, that no bits remain in the fraction.

1.0 − cos(x) ≡ 0 01100111 00000000000000000000000b (5.27)

The underlying problem here is the mentioned normalization after subtraction, which
causes a padding with 0 instead of further significand digits. This problem is also
known as cancellation error. The reorganization of calculations in terms that are
mathematically equivalent can be a way to avoid such errors. Since cos(x) = 1−2 sin2 ( x2 )
the given example can be rewritten as

2 sin2 ( x2 )
f (x) = . (5.28)

Figure 5.3 exhibits the values of 5.21 and 5.28 in the range of x = [−1 · 10−3 , +1 · 10−3 ]
calculated with floating-point binary32 precision. It can be seen, that 5.28 (blue) is
stable in the given area in comparison to the subtracting formula 5.21 (red).
5 Methodology 45

0.8 2 sin2 ( x2 )




−1 −0.8 −0.6 −0.4 −0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1

Figure 5.3: Cancellation error example of a 32-bit data type

Effects on algebraic properties

Rounding also affects fundamental rules of algebra. The C code fragments in the follow-
ing listing result in 5.29 and 5.30, which proves that associativity does not necessarily
apply to floating-point calculations.

1 double a = 1.0;
2 double b = 1.0 / (long double)(1ull << 53); // 2^(-53)
3 double c = 1.0 / (long double)(1ull << 53); // 2^(-53)
5 printf("a + (b + c) = %.17g\n", a + (b + c));
6 printf("b + (a + c) = %.17g\n", b + (a + c));

Listing 5.2: Example of broken associativity

a + (b + c) = 1.0000000000000002 (5.29)
b + (a + c) = 1 (5.30)

A violation of the distributive law can also be created, as can be seen in listing 5.3
with the results 5.31 and 5.32.
5 Methodology 46

1 double x = 1.234567;
2 double y = 1234.567;
3 double z = 1.1;
5 printf("x * (y - z) = %.17g\n", x * (y - z));
6 printf("x * y - x * z = %.17g\n", x * y - x * z);

Listing 5.3: Example of broken distributivity

x ∗ (y − z) = 1522.7976537890002 (5.31)
x ∗ y − x ∗ z = 1522.7976537889999 (5.32)

Due to the fact that floating-point numbers are not able to represent all real numbers
and floating-point operations can not exactly represent true arithmetic operations,
unstable algorithms and unintuitive outcomes can be the results. At the end of this
subchapter it should also be emphasized, that the presented errors or inaccuracies so
far, are independent of the used rounding mode, programming language, operating
system and test level. The following paragraph, on the other hand, also deals with the
influence of architecture-depended issues.

5.1.5 Errors caused by Extended Precision

The IEEE 754 standard may be implemented in hardware or software. One of the
first hardware implementations with remarkable success was released in 1980, the Intel
8087 floating-point coprocessor, whose instruction set is commonly abbreviated to x87.
This floating-point unit (FPU) made it possible to take over floating-point operations
for the 8086 processor from Intel. The 16-bit architecture and instruction sets of the
8086 laid the foundation for the well-known and widespread x86 family. In 1985, Intel
introduced a 32-bit extension to that instruction set, which from then on was also
referred to as IA-32, short for Intel Architecture 32-bit. In 2003, AMD developed a
64-bit extension to the IA-32 instruction set called x86-64. Intel followed with a 64-bit
extension in 2005, designated as x64 [Mon08; Int19].
Over the years, there has been a progressive expansion of the x86 instruction sets for
various areas. From a point of view of the floating-point arithmetic, the SIMD (Single
Instruction, Multiple Data) supplementary instruction sets SSE (Streaming SIMD
Extensions) and AVX (Advanced Vector Extensions) should be mentioned in particular.
These extensions are especially applicable to digital signal processing and graphics
processing, because SIMD instructions can significantly increase the performance in
this fields. Furthermore, the portability of the code is promoted by full support of
the IEEE 754 standard, including rounding precision which is closely aligned to the
floating-point basic formats (see 5.1.2) [MBD18].
In contrast, a crucial point in the design of the x87 coprocessor was the decision for a
double-extended design, with all registers being 80 bits wide [Int89]. The reason for this
5 Methodology 47

decision was to provide additional bits for the exponent and significand to minimize
unavoidable rounding errors and therefore improve numerical accuracy. Intermediate
results are rounded to double-extended precision and just rounded to the target format,
when the results are written back to memory. This approach is also in line with the
standard which states [IEE19, p. 29]:
"Unless otherwise specified, each of the computational operations specified by this
standard that returns a numeric result shall be performed as if it first produced an
intermediate result correct to infinite precision and with unbounded range, and then
rounded that intermediate result, if necessary, to fit in the destination’s format."
Although this approach provides better numerical accuracy, it may affect portability,
since results might not be the same as those calculated on a binary32 or binary64 based
architecture. The use of the x87 registers is mainly deprecated today. Nevertheless,
for reasons of backward compatibility, the x87 related 80-bit extended FPU registers
are still present in most of today’s desktop PCs. As shown later, compiler switches
allow dedicated use of these registers. It can be precarious if the compiler and hence
the resulting program build upon them by default, maybe without the user knowing.
This is the case with the popular GNU C compiler (GCC), if it is configured for i386
targets (32-bit), for example [Gcc20]. Some possible problems arising from using the
x87 80-bit extended format are illustrated below by suitable examples.

Undetected Overflows

Consider the following two listings derived from Monniaux [Mon08].

1 double x = 1E+308;
2 double y = (x * x) / x;
4 printf("%g\n", y);

Listing 5.4: First example of an undetected overflow

GCC prints +∞ by default if compiled for 64-bit, regardless of the platform and version
used (see 4.2.1). However, if one compiles with the flag -mfpmath=387 or for a 32-bit
target (-m32), the value 10308 (1E+308) will be the result. The reason for this is the
use of 80-bit registers, which provide 64 bits of significand and 15 bits of exponent.
Regarding the used double type in C, which is compliant with the IEEE 754 defined
binary64 in the x86-64 platforms, the intermediate result of 10616 generated in line 2
by (x * x) is too large and consequently +∞ would be the result. Due to the enlarged
exponent size of an extended precision format register, the calculation can continue
and deliver 10308 in the end.
If the example is compiled with the ffloat-store option in GCC, again the expected
+∞ is the result, since this option causes the results of intermediate computations to
be saved in the CPU’s general-purpose registers which are 64 bits in total and actually
round to double precision.
5 Methodology 48

Impacts on Intermediate Calculations

A similar case to the last one can be seen in listing 5.5. Here, a possibly activated
optimization may affect the outcome. Even when using the x87 registers +∞ is printed
in the default case, but with enabled optimization (-O), line 2 and 3 are combined and
10308 is the output.

1 double x = 1E+308;
2 double y = x * x;
3 double z = (y / x);
5 printf("%g\n", z);

Listing 5.5: Second example of an undetected overflow

Another issue is observable, once a printout for y is set between line 2 and 3. In that
case, the result would be +∞ again, because the intermediate result would then be
converted to the smaller target format, which is not able to hold this value.

The following example has already been discussed in the context of associativity. If
the 80-bit extended precision registers are used here, the results are the same for both
expressions (compare 5.29, 5.30 and 5.33, 5.34).

1 double a = 1.0;
2 double b = 1.0 / (long double)(1ull << 53); // 2^(-53)
3 double c = 1.0 / (long double)(1ull << 53); // 2^(-53)
5 printf("a + (b + c) = %.17g\n", a + (b + c));
6 printf("b + (a + c) = %.17g\n", b + (a + c));

Listing 5.6: Example of impacts on intermediate calculations with x87 registers

a + (b + c) = 1.0000000000000002 (5.33)
b + (a + c) = 1.0000000000000002 (5.34)

The more interesting case is the second expression (b + (a + c)). Here, the calculation
in the parenthesis leads to a value, which should not be possible to be held by a double
precision number. So, the higher intermediate precision leads to a more correct, but
different result compared to strict 64-bit double-precision calculation.
5 Methodology 49

Double Rounding

In certain circumstances, a result may be rounded twice, as shown in the following

example based on Muller et al. [MBD18].

1 double a = 1848874847.0;
2 double b = 19954562207.0;
3 double c = a * b;
5 printf("c = %.17g\n", c);

Listing 5.7: Example of double rounding

The multiplication of the two given numbers leads to a floating-point fraction with a
binary representation of

z }| {
| {z 10000000000} 01

In the case of a machine that uses x87 registers and the default round to nearest, tie to
even mode, the first rounding step to fit the 64-bit wide signficand gives
z }| {
| {z 10000000000}

A second step is necessary to fit in the target format, which finally results in
z }| {
,→ c = 3.6893488147419103e+19

in contrast to a single rounding step, as it is done via SSE without extended precision
z }| {
,→ c = 3.6893488147419111e+19

The observable effect here is called double rounding. It occurs not only during multi-
plication, but can also turn up during any other operation. In addition, the results
remain the same, even if the -ffloat-store flag is set and optimization is switched off.
Interestingly, double rounding is not an issue for directed rounding modes, because
these do not necessarily have to round to the next nearest number. The two results of
c in the example only differ from the 14th decimal place, but a similar scenario can
also be created with a binary32 target format.
5 Methodology 50

The former section showed, that the final result depends on how the compiler allocates
registers, because the process of rounding may depend on them. Compiler switches also
play a major role, especially optimizer switches, as they may affect the combination or
the order of calculations. Even printing or logging statements can alter the results, as
they change the handling of temporaries. In the C programming language, one may
also have direct access to extended data formats by the long double type. However,
this is implementation-depended and may reduce to the standard binary64 double or
enlarge to binary128 quadruple precision. The also tested Microsoft C/C++ Compiler,
for example, does not support extended precision floating-point numbers, neither by
offering compiler switches nor by data types like long double. The introduction of SSE
extensions in modern x86 derivates has deprecated the usage of the x87 FPU with
its internal 80-bit wide registers. Nevertheless, GCC is still able to use them and a
possibly unwitting use, due to platform and configuration settings, can lead to errors
which are difficult to find.

5.1.6 Transcendental Functions

The IEEE 754 floating-point standard specifies correct rounding of the arithmetic
operations add, subtract, multiply, divide, fused multiply-add and square root. For more
complex functions like logarithm or the exponential function there are recommendations
located in the version of 2019, however, such implementations are optional [IEE19].
Trigonometric functions for example are basically supplied by system libraries, with
implementation decisions, which may be historically justified. Embedded system
suppliers sometimes offer special libraries for transcendental functions such as Texas
Instruments and the CMSIS DSP Library [Tex20c].
The following example, based on the explanations of Monniaux [Mon08], demonstrates
very impressively, how different the results of transcendental functions can be. Table
5.3 shows the results of sin(x) with x = 14885392687, by using several compilers and
simulation environments. Note, that the used GCC and Microsoft C/C++ compilers
have linked against the standard system libraries. MATLAB has been configured to show
the long fixed-decimal format by the command: format long. The SCADE Simulation
used the tool provided function SinR64_mathext and also an 16-digit decimal output
format to examine the result. The computing was all done on the same machine (Intel
i7-6700 CPU and Windows 10 Pro). WolframAlpha, which is based on Mathematica,
was used by the online service. The specific version numbering of the tools can be seen
in 4.2.1.
The difference between the Microsoft C/C++ compiler or the SCADE environment
to the other values is not just one or two digits in the last place, but approx. 11.5%
in total. The value for the sine function was chosen to be a multiple of 2π. So what
comes up here is the lack of precision in the algorithm for reduction of modulo 2π in
the used libraries.
Software or hardware manufacturers frequently use formal proofs to verify their arith-
metic implementations. A less complex procedure is to use certain test programs, which
check whether a system conforms to IEEE 754. This can be helpful if, for example, one
5 Methodology 51

Setup Result
WolframAlpha 1.4798091093322176 · 10−10
MATLAB 1.4798091093322176 · 10−10
GCC 10.1.0 1.4798091093322177 · 10−10
TI ARM C/C++ 1.4798091093322177 · 10−10
Microsoft C/C++ 1.6714458398077447 · 10−10
SCADE 1.6714458398077447 · 10−10

Table 5.3: Results of sin(14885392687)

wants to check whether a compiler optimization option violates the standard. Examples,
that have also been used during this thesis are

• Paranoia, originally written by William Kahan can be obtained at It is a program which finds the main properties
of a floating-point system like for instance its precision and exponent range. Also
possible flaws of arithmetic operations can be revealed by this program.
• MPCHECK, written by Revol, Pélissier and Zimmermann is available at It checks correct rounding,
monotonicity and symmetry also for a variety of transcendental functions.
• A collection of test programs mainly written by Nelson Beebe can be obtain at beebe/software/ieee/. The individual programs
have been developed, among others, for teaching floating-point arithmetic, testing
compilers and evaluate programming languages.

Some programming packages offer correct rounding for transcendental functions with
arbitrary precision. The GNU MPFR library for example is a freely available and
portable C library. It supports a variety of mathematical functions with regard to the
same rounding modes as specified by IEEE 754. It is based on the GNU Multi-Precision
(GMP) library, which is also the basis for computer algebra systems like Maple or the
Multiprecision Computing Toolbox for MATLAB [MPF20].
To sum up, consistent behaviour of transcendental functions across varying configura-
tions cannot be guaranteed easily. Discrepancies in successive generations of processors,
FPUs and libraries may not be ruled out. The detection of possible standard violations
can be done by specific test programs. Eventually, deviations can be avoided more
reliable, by pure software implementations using GMP or MPFR for example.

5.1.7 Floating-Point Accuracy Deviations in Different Test Levels

In the following, a practical example is presented to demonstrate the level of accuracy

match across different testing stages. In order to keep the influence of possible
dependencies on library functions as low as feasible, it was decided to use the calculation
of a Taylor series. In particular, sin(x) shall be approximated for which the substituted
series is
5 Methodology 52

X (−1)n 2n+1
sin(x) = x (5.35)
n=0 (2n + 1)

where n defines the grade or degree of the polynomial such that

x3 x5 x7 x9
sin(x) = x − + − + ... (5.36)
3! 5! 7! 9!

The higher the grade of the polynomial, the better the precision of the convergence.
For the present evaluation, the exact approximation of sin(x) is of no significance,
but rather the comparison of the results between different test levels. Therefore, a
polynomial of grade nine is used to calculate 50 values in the interval from [0, 5].
The first stage comprises the computing with an accuracy of 32 decimal places by
use of the variable-precision floating-point arithmetic (VPA) functionality, provided
by MATLAB. This calculation serves as a reference to determine deviations in the
following stages. The next step constitutes the calculation of the values in a common
x86-64 environment. The implemented C routine includes a loop, which leads to
intermediate results being converted to the target format regularly. This leads to rather
slight differences between the use of SSE and x87 FPU instruction sets, as can be seen
later. Since also the implementation of the exponential function depends on the used
math library, it was coded by hand as well. The same code basis is compiled and
loaded to the microcontroller in the final stage. For comparison, all results were saved
in csv files. The corresponding sources are available in appendix A.1.
The following graph shows the deviations between the MATLAB reference and the
algorithm implemented in C and executed on the different platforms. In the present
example, 38 out of 50 values differed, which are illustrated with a factor of 1014 . It can
be seen, that the execution on an x86 machine and the microcontroller unit (MCU)
diverged in exactly the same positions and by exactly the same magnitude. The values
were also calculated using the x87 instruction set, but the deviations were so small
that they have not been included in 5.4 for the sake of clarity.
An overview of the numerical deviations can be found in table 5.4. The minimum
deviations refer to values not equal to zero. The maximum and mean results suggest,
that the use of extended precision (x87) lead to marginally better accuracy. In general,
the implemented algorithm provides an accuracy around 15 decimal digits in comparison
to the reference.
5 Methodology 53

x86 SSE difference from MATLAB ·1014
MCU difference from MATLAB ·1014




y 0






0 1 2 3 4 5
x [rad]

Figure 5.4: Accuracy deviations of the ninth grade Taylor approximation of sin x

Platform / Deviations
Instruction Set Min Max Mean
x86-64 / x87 1.39 · 10−17 2.89 · 10−15 7.79 · 10−16
x86-64 / SSE 1.39 · 10−17 4.23 · 10−15 9.86 · 10−16
MCU 1.39 · 10−17 4.23 · 10−15 9.86 · 10−16

Table 5.4: Accuracy deviations across different platforms and FPU

instruction sets for a Taylor approximation of sin(x)
5 Methodology 54

5.2 Performance Evaluation

In addition to the accuracy of the test results, the performance aspect of the systems in
each test stage can also be critical, especially for in-the-loop testing. For this purpose,
measurements and tests on response time behaviour as well as on system throughput
are discussed in the following subchapters.

5.2.1 System Response Time Analysis

The components presented in chapter 4 are used to analyse the system response time.
A first general configuration is divided into three setups, as shown in the next figure.
Each setup contains two different and process-independent entities, the structure of
which shall remain the same from setup to setup. Each entity provides executable
software. Entity A sends a signal (trigger) to Entity B, which sends a feedback to A
after the signal has been recognized. The runtime measurement takes place within
Entity A. A more detailed explanation of the implementation follows later in the text.
Simple digital I/O signals are used for data exchange.
In Setup 1, the two entities operate in a simulation environment (SF runtime) within a
desktop PC (Host 1). Setup 2 operates the entities as standalone applications with
VISTAS interface, which packs the digital signals in UDP packets and exchanges them
via internal Ethernet loopback. The hardware-related implementation finally follows in
Setup 3, where the digital signals are processed via the GPIO ports of the two available
MCUs. The MCUs are operated without an additional operating system.

Setup 1 Setup 2 Setup 3

Host 1 Host 1 MCU 1

Entity A Entity A Entity A
Adapter Adapter Adapter

Internal Direct
SF-Runtime Ethernet wiring
VISTAS-I/O Adapter
Adapter Adapter Entity B
Entity B Entity B

Figure 5.5: System response time measurement configuration 1

5 Methodology 55

The three setups are related to MiL, SiL and HiL implementations. In practice, mixed
configurations of, for example, virtual ECUs connected with VISTAS, similar to setup 2,
together with real hardware as in setup 3, would also be conceivable. With regard to the
response time analysis, however, the configurations should be considered separately.
An extension of the configuration described above can be seen in figure 5.6. Instead of
a single host, the entities in Setup 1.1 and 2.1 run on distributed machines. In both
setups, the signals are transferred via UDP packets.

Setup 1.1 Setup 2.1

Host 1 Host 1
Entity A Entity A
Adapter Adapter

Direct Direct
Ethernet Ethernet

Adapter Adapter
Entity B Entity B
Host 2 Host 2

Figure 5.6: System response time measurement configuration 2

The following sequence diagram shows that both entities read the inputs in a main loop,
process them in the central part and write the outputs in the final step. A completed
initialization marks the starting point, which is either controlled centrally by the SF
environment, by exchanging additional messages provided by the LIBIMS-VISTAS
library or visually via evaluation board LEDs.
Only two asynchronous signals (trigger and feedback) are exchanged between Entity
A and B for the time measurement. This means that no busy polling or additional
concurrencies are necessary for transmitting or receiving the signals. The simulation
framework offers to operate the cycle in an "as-fast-as-possible" mode. The standalone
applications can use infinite loops without interrupts for this purpose. At the beginning,
the trigger and feedback signals are initialized with false. Entity A start the time
measurement (start_clock) and sets the trigger signal (set_trigger). Entity B returns
the feedback of the trigger signal (set_feedback). Entity A stops the clock after
receiving the callback (stop_clock) and finally saves the result (plot_results). To
restart, the entities must be reinitialized. In each test level, the adapters have to be
adapted just slightly.
5 Methodology 56

The function clock_gettime, which is a POSIX interface to high-resolution timers, was

used to get an accurate time value for the presented host setups. The function is not a
standard C function, so there is no guarantee that it is available on non-POSIX systems,
which is why Host 1 was used for Entity A and therefore the time measurement. The
precision of the used clock (CLOCK_MONOTONIC) has been checked by the uarch-bench,
a benchmark which is intended to reveal micro-architectural details of target CPUs
[Tra20]. This showed a maximum resolution of 31.0 ns and an invocation overhead of
34.6 ns. Both values are in a negligible small range, as the subsequent results show.
The integrated Performance Monitoring Unit (PMU) of the ARM Cortex R5 CPU was
used for the time measurement within the MCU. This allows the reading of cycle count
registers, which are incremented with the processor clock frequency.

Entity A Entity B

initialized initialized

loop loop
get_input get_input

[trigger ==



[feedback ==




Figure 5.7: System response time measurement sequence diagram

The results of the first configuration are shown in figure 5.8 using box plots. 50 samples
each were recorded for Setup 1 and 2. Due to the high reproducibility, only 20 values
were measured for Setup 3. The first setup shows a median value of 7 µs and minimum
5 Methodology 57

and maximum values of 3 µs and 16 µs. The variation of the values is quite small, but
there are isolated outliers, which are marked by x. Setup 2 has a median of 73 µs. The
minimum and maximum values are 30 µs and 129 µs. Setup 1 and Setup 2 therefore
differ by a factor of approximately 10. The system response time results with the
MCUs or Setup 3 is significantly faster, with a median of 1.17 µs. From this it can
be concluded that the access to GPIO registers can take place much faster than the
packing and unpacking of the Ethernet stack, as well as the data exchange within the
SF runtime.

Setup 1
Setup 2
Setup 3
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140

Figure 5.8: System response time measurement results configuration 1

The following figure shows the results with distributed SF runtime and VISTAS interface.
The division of the X-axis is no longer in µs but in ms. It is particularly striking that
the SF runtime connection is no longer faster, but somewhat slower and with greater
dispersion. The longer time measurements for Setup 1.1 and 2.1 can be explained
by the fact that the data now meets a physical network and is not only written back
by a loop back adapter within the kernel. The entire processing chain is no longer
CPU-bound for these two setups, but rather very dependent on resources that are
provided by the operating system.

Setup 1.1

Setup 2.1

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20

Figure 5.9: System response time measurement results configuration 2

The presented results are not necessarily intended to evaluate the frameworks and
interfaces used. These can differ by a variety of preferences or by type and number
of signals or bus system. Rather, it should be emphasized that there are individual
differences in response times for each test level. It is very difficult to conclude from a
successful execution of tests in the simulation context to an equally successful execution
in a HiL environment. The specific setup must be taken into account by, for example,
worst-case execution time (WCET) analyses and representative measurements.
5 Methodology 58

5.2.2 Throughput Analysis

In general terms, throughput is the rate of data that a system or subsystem can process
per time. When used in the context of communication networks it indicates, how
much data can be transmitted in a period of time. Aside from intercommunication,
the calculation capacity of a processing unit, especially in embedded systems, can also
have an impact on throughput. Both factors will be considered below.

Calculation Capacity

Instead of developing algorithms and metrics specifically for assessing the computation
capacity of the individual platforms, the decision was made to use a freely available
tool for this purpose. CoreMark is a benchmark of the Embedded Microprocessor
Benchmark Consortium (EEMBC), which is also suitable for embedded systems. It is
written in C and uses data structures and algorithms that are common in a variety
of practical applications such as list processing, state machine operations and matrix
multiplications. Furthermore, CoreMark is implemented in such a way, that every
operation in the benchmark is driven by runtime provided values. This prevents code
elimination and pre-computation during compile time. To finally validate the results,
CoreMark performs cyclic redundancy checks (CRCs) [EEM20].
The benchmark should be applied to the platforms described in the project context. For
better comparability, the compilation is done for single-core 32-bit targets and disabled
optimizations. The application could be applied out-of-the-box for the Linux system
(Host 1). For MinGW on Windows (Host 2) and the ARM CPU of the microcontroller,
the provided porting files had to be adapted. The performance of the executed runs is ex-
pressed in iterations per second. Table 5.5 shows the results of the processing units used.

Platform Processing unit Iterations per second

Host 1 (Intel Core i5-2450M) 4519
Host 2 (Intel Core i7-6700) 6792
MCU (ARM Cortex R5F) 208

Table 5.5: CoreMark results

Possible reasons for the deviations between the platforms can be explained for the
predominant part with the different processor frequencies. Between Host 1 and Host 2
is a factor of 1.36 (2.50 GHz to 3.40 GHz). This roughly corresponds to the difference
in iterations per second which is 1.50. The remaining portion can be explained by
the improved memory connection and memory generation of Host 2. For example,
the cache memories are larger and DDR4 RAM is installed instead of DDR3 RAM,
which allows for higher clock frequencies and transfer rates. The deviation between
MCU and the desktop host platforms is significantly greater. The CPU clock with a
frequency of 300 MHz is roughly ten times smaller, but even after this deduction, the
5 Methodology 59

number of iterations is at least twice too small. Less cache sizes and a smaller pipeline
(8-stage instead of 14-stage) partially provide an explanation. However, the fact that
the object code is read and executed directly from flash memory, as is not uncommon
with embedded systems, probably has a much greater impact on performance. This
requires so-called additional wait states, which are cycles the CPU must wait in order
to access the memory again.


The performance of the intercommunication between subsystems or the connection to

the environmental simulation to close a possible control loop, is generally dependent
on the bus systems and protocols to be used, as well as the target hardware to be used.
The quality of the implementation of a simulation or its approximation (MiL, SiL) is
decisive for the level of throughput. For example, a perfect simulation of a bus system
should have the same maximum payload transfer rate as the real system.
For the measurement of throughput, transfer rate and payload size should be as
adaptable as possible. In the given context, especially the hardware to be used is
the limiting factor. For example, the number of GPIO pins and the available analog-
to-digital converters limit the number of possible directly connectable sensors and
actuators or their simulation. The available communication modules of the controller
such as UART, LIN, and CAN have fixed and very low bandwidths in relation to
Ethernet. The connection and throughput of an Ethernet network is limited by the
10/100 Mbps Ethernet module of the controller.
For the above reasons mentioned, the communication throughput was not measured
separately. In practical applications, globally available memory areas would probably
be accessible within a computer for MiL environments. For an emulation of real bus
systems one would use Gigabit-Ethernet, which even after deduction of the additional
overhead should correspond to the bandwidth of the real bus system.

5.2.3 Conclusion

This subchapter has shown that it is not an easy task to determine and evaluate
the system performance. It can vary from setup to setup and depends on individual
factors. Each additional level of abstraction to the real system also introduces a further
dimension of complexity and additional unknowns.
Technical advances in computer architectures such as caches, deep pipelines, out-of-
order executions, and branch prediction mean that execution times are no longer
constant, but depend on the execution history. The execution time of a memory access
depends crucially on whether the content of the required memory cell is currently in
the cache or not. In most cases, executions will be faster than, for example, with
the cache turned off, but stochastic arguments for critical real-time systems is not
enough. A guarantee of execution times is required. Since measuring does not allow
for a guaranteed execution time in the worst case, static methods are used in the
5 Methodology 60

development of safety-relevant systems. This means that these methods are not based
on measuring execution times, but on the analysis of the program text.
As already mentioned, a common methodology for this is the WCET analysis. A
guarantee can be obtained when the longest assumed execution time for all operations
is included for the longest possible path. However, the actual execution time is greatly
overestimated. Tools like aiT from AbsInt specialize in WCET analysis taking into
account the hardware architecture. An abstract model of the target platform is
required for each analysis, the description of which must be provided by the processor
manufacturer. With this prerequisite, the tool can also include caches and pipelines
in the analysis and determine execution times more precisely [Abs20]. aiT is already
integrated in the SCADE Suite, which has the advantage that the response time
behaviour can be determined at a very early stage of development. Tests using the
target hardware, i.e. in the HiL context, can then serve as confirmation of compliance
with the previously determined limits.

5.3 Reuse of Tests

The reuse of software is an important and detailed part of today’s training, research,
and industrial use. The reuse of tests, on the other hand, usually gets less attention,
although there is enormous potential here as well. The benefits of reusing tests are
essentially the same as those for test automation, as discussed in chapter 2.5. A
reduction in workload, avoidance of errors and a possible higher test coverage in less
time, to name just a few. Regression tests and test reuse have some similarities. Both
work on the principle of creating tests only once and reusing them multiple times. A
careful analysis of the reuse potential is a prerequisite for both approaches. It can be
distinguished that regression tests typically keep the operating environment the same,
while this changes in the context of test reuse.

5.3.1 Viewpoints of Test Reuse

As stated by Großmann et al. and Mäki-Asiala, the reuse of tests can be seen from
three different views [GMW12; Mäk05]:

During the development process of a (single) software product, vertical reuse can
be obtained by using similarities between different test levels or test types. This
is the case if, for example, integration tests are also used as part of system tests
or serve as a basis for performance tests.
Specifications can be similar between different products in a product family or
application domain and thus form a solid basis for the development of reusable
tests. Standardized test suites or tests for entire product families are the outcome
of horizontal reuse.
5 Methodology 61

Historical reuse is probably the most common one. It is the reuse of tests between
product generations or versions. A typical use case is that a new version of
a product should meet the same basic requirements that were also met by its
predecessor. Most of the tests created for the former product version are likely to
be reusable. Only new features or components require the creation of additional
new tests.

Looking at these viewpoints with regard to MiL, SiL and HiL testing, vertical reuse
concurs the most, but historical reuse also plays a role, since MiL tests are usually
done in earlier versions than, for example, HiL tests. The horizontal aspect can be
seen as an additional goal, as tests should ideally not only be reused for the currently
developed product, but for an entire product family or domain.

5.3.2 Principles for Reusable Test Assets

In order to achieve a high level of reuse, the following general points are recommended.
Ideally, these should be supported by the test management process as well as uniform
tool support [GMW12]:
• Definition of and adherence to standards, norms and conventions
• Definition of the granularity of reuse (e.g. component level or system level)
• Creation of modular and abstract test assets
• Collection and classification of tests for easy locating and retrieval
• Detailed documentation (to make the reusable tests usable)

Creating modular and abstract tests is critical for reuse. How this can be achieved
is demonstrated by Mäki-Asiala using guidelines and the testing language TTCN-3.
Exemplary items are listed below [Mäk05]:
• Modularize tests according to components
• Modularize tests according to features
• Implement test cases using high level functions
• Use preambles, bodies and postambles
• Use conditional branching to alternate test behaviour and execution
• Use parametrization
• Use common types, templates and wildcards
5 Methodology 62

With the exception of some language-specific features such as templates and wildcards,
the listed guidelines can also be applied with the in-house Test Support System (TSS).
The degree of reuse is therefore more a question of test design and organisation than
the language to be used.
Figure 5.10 shows a high-level design for using in-the-loop tests. This essentially
corresponds to figure 2.7 in chapter 2.4.3, but three points should be particularly
highlighted here. Firstly, the SUT basically provides the same logical functionality
in all levels, but different technologies and refinements of the interfaces are deployed
in each stage. For this reason, appropriate adapters must be applied to the inputs
and outputs of the SUT. Secondly, the plant model, which includes the modelling of
the environment as well as actuators and sensors, should be decoupled from the SUT
implementation in order to achieve reuse capabilities in the various test levels. Finally,
it should be noted that the tests and their handling are located in the same layer as
the plant model and that these should also be designed as abstractly as possible in
order to achieve a high degree of reuse with the help of the adaption layer.

Enclosing computation layer

Plant Test execution

model and evaluation


MiL adapter Code MiL adapter



SiL adapter SiL adapter

HiL adapter HiL adapter


Figure 5.10: Integrated in-the-loop testing approach

To get a more concrete idea of how the adapters can look like, the previous test for
measuring response times should serve as a basis. In chapter 5.2.1, Entity A sends
a signal, which Entity B sends back. Entity A then measures the elapsed time. For
the sake of simplicity, only the functionality of Entity B’s response should be tested
in conjunction with the TSS. After the trigger signal is stimulated by the TSS, the
feedback signal should be set within a specified time by Entity B. The behaviour of
the SUT essentially corresponds to line 5 in listing 5.8, which remains identical in all
test levels.
5 Methodology 63

1 while (true)
2 {
3 // <get_input>
5 = input.trigger;
7 // <set_output>
8 }

Listing 5.8: Reusable test design – SUT behaviour

Comprehensive source code of Entity B in the upcoming examples can be found in

appendix A.2.
The implementation of the adaptation layer can be realized with two parameterized
functions: get_input and set_output. Depending on the test level, these must be
implemented in different forms and linked from the SUT side as well as from the test
side, respectively the enclosing computation layer.
In the project context used, the generated code of the SUT model is first executed
in a simulation framework. The MiL adapter is limited to the lines shown in listing
5.9. The signals trigger and feedback are defined within the SF and updated at the
beginning of each simulation cycle. The TSS can also read and stimulate these signals
through an appropriate gateway, which then enables testing.

1 void get_input(input_t* input)

2 {
3 input->trigger = trigger;
4 }
6 void set_output(output_t* output)
7 {
8 feedback = output->feedback;
9 }

Listing 5.9: Reusable test design – MiL adapter

Implementing the adapters with VISTAS on the SiL stage is somewhat more complex,
as can be seen in listing 5.10. During the reading process, the relevant context is
first loaded in line 9, then the corresponding message is fetched and finally the signal
is assigned. To send the message, the write function of the library must be called,
followed by the context on which it is to be sent. In this phase, the SUT code no longer
runs in the SF environment, but as a standalone application. The adapter on the TSS
side is analogous to this.
5 Methodology 64

1 void get_input(ims_node_t* context,

2 ims_message_t* trigger_message,
3 input_t* input)
4 {
5 char trigger[4] = {};
6 uint32_t received_size = 0;
7 ims_validity_t validity = ims_invalid;
9 ims_import(*context, C_TIMEOUT);
10 ims_read_sampling_message(*trigger_message,
11 trigger,
12 &received_size,
13 &validity);
14 input->trigger = trigger[0];
15 }
17 void set_output(ims_node_t* context,
18 ims_message_t* feedback_message,
19 output_t* output)
20 {
21 char feedback[4] = {};
23 feedback[0] = output->feedback;
24 ims_write_sampling_message(*feedback_message, feedback, 1);
25 ims_send_all(*context);
26 }

Listing 5.10: Reusable test design – SiL adapter

1 void get_input(input_t* input)

2 {
3 input->trigger = gioGetBit(gioPORTB, TRIGGER_BIT);
4 }
6 void set_output(output_t* output)
7 {
8 gioSetBit(gioPORTB, FEEDBACK_BIT, output->feedback);
9 }

Listing 5.11: Reusable test design – HiL adapter

For the HiL phase, the binary object of the SUT code is loaded onto the ECU. In
the present example, a connection to the GPIO ports of the controller is necessary,
which results in an adapter as shown in listing 5.11. The test system must also serve
digital inputs and outputs within the adapter functions. The wiring of the GPIO pins
5 Methodology 65

establishes a physical connection to the ECU.

In order to achieve good reusability of the adapters, they should be nested deeper and
parameterized in such a way that they could be configured on the basis of data types
and the desired test level. However, this has been omitted for reasons of clarity.
Due to classification, the following test example is outlined in C instead of the TSS
scripting language. In this example, the initialisation, the call to the adapter functions
as well as the updating of the time variable are handled by the calling instance. After
the trigger has been set, the return signal (feedback) is checked after a specified period
of time and the result is logged accordingly. The illustrated and actual test core,
together with the adapters presented, is sufficiently abstract and can be reused for all

1 // Step 1 - set the trigger signal

2 trigger = true;
4 // Step 2 - wait the specified time
5 if (time < TIME_LIMIT)
6 {
7 // still wait
8 }
9 else
10 {
11 // Step 3 - check and plot the result
12 if (feedback)
13 {
14 plot("Entity B Response Test succeeded");
15 }
16 else
17 {
18 plot("Entity B Response Test failed");
19 }
20 }

Listing 5.12: Reusable test design – Test example

In more complex test scenarios, which, for example, also require plant models, the
timing behaviour is particularly important. The execution of the plant model as well
as the test execution must be done within time limits. In control system development,
the SUT typically operates in fixed-length cycles. SUT, plant model and test execution
must take this into account and provide appropriate time synchronization mechanisms
and the possibility of configuration.
Considering the given toolchain, it would also be possible to create test scripts within
MATLAB on the model side, or even to create entire test models within Simulink and
SCADE by function blocks. The existing simulation framework, which can be used to
5 Methodology 66

execute the generated code for MiL/SiL operations, is able to run tests with the help
of a Python scripting interface, too. The TSS in turn contains a powerful proprietary
scripting test language. While functional tests once created in MATLAB or SCADE,
can be reused for successive versions of a controller model, this is a disadvantage from
the vertical reuse point of view. Focusing test execution with the TSS would offer
the greatest opportunities for reuse in the given context, since interfaces to different
development environments are available.

5.3.3 Limitations of Test Reuse

As described, the functional properties of the SUT can be tested in the early stages
of development by replacing the physical environment with simulation models and
gradually concretizing the interfaces. However, this type of black box testing only
covers some of the tests, which are necessary for the development of embedded systems.
This includes, for example, the compatibility of all electronic or mechanical compo-
nents. The proper functionality of a bus interface, for example, can only be verified
by using the real bus system and only partly by its simulation. The following tests
and characteristics to be obtained, which are described by Grünfelder are also of great
importance, but can only be transferred to a limited extend or with great effort in a
MiL or SiL environment [Grü17]:

Volume testing
In this type of test, the test object is supplied with vast amounts of test data and
it is checked whether program errors occur or when data response times become
Stress testing
This test is a kind of performance test in which the system is executed beyond
its specified workload. Low memory resources or the waiting for lock releases can
reveal problems that do not occur under normal conditions.
Failover and recovery testing
These tests ensure that the test object can recover from a number of hardware,
software, or network malfunctions without losing data or data integrity.
Security testing
Tests to protect against misuse and unauthorized access. Typical security re-
quirements comprise aspects like authentication, authorization, availability and

In general, resource-related tests such as volume testing and stress testing only really
make sense when executed on the target platform, because the systems used for
simulation may be more powerful and the results therefore would be less meaningful.
Static analyses, on the other hand, are very accurate and can already be carried out at
the model level. Also safety and security properties are often very hardware-dependent.
5 Methodology 67

Watchdog timers, interrupt handlers and the access to memory or memory protection
units are hardware-specific and an emulation of these with regard to MiL and SiL tests
is associated with great effort and probably unprofitable.
Finally, it should be mentioned that test management also contributes to reusability.
It happens that the progress of a project is measured in new lines of code with the idea
that the more new lines are written, the more new features and significant the project.
This can have a counterproductive effect on reuse, as it rewards quantity instead of
quality here. Another aspect is that the development for reuse generally takes longer.
This effort pays off in the long run, but has to be raised and financed in advance.

6 Conclusion
The results of this work cover various aspects of software testing. First of all, test types,
methods and principles that are common today were classified, which also include
in-the-loop testing. With regard to the question of how multi-level tests can differ,
an examination of present studies and research results was carried out. It has been
established that these do not, or only to a very limited extent, address possible problems
and inconsistencies, which can arise from the reuse of tests within different test levels.
After evaluating the tools and aids provided by Airbus, the actual analysis could begin.
The methodology spanned three main parts for the investigations, which are briefly
taken up again below:

• Calculations on digital platforms lead to errors caused by data uncertainty,
truncation or rounding.
• Rounding errors are independent of the platform and test level used. They
can occur, for example, by calculating numbers with very big or small
• The IEEE 754 standard allows extended precision formats which can cause
problems for portability between different test levels like undetected overflows
and double rounding.
• Transcendental functions are system and implementation dependent. Differ-
ences are avoidable when the same libraries are used on all testing platforms.
• Results can depend on compiler switches and logging statements, as these
can change register allocation and finally affect the computation.

• A practical system response time measurement has shown that, depending
on the configuration, different results can occur, which are not necessarily
related to the test level.
• The achievable throughput depends on the system configuration and is
usually considerably lower on the target platform than on a development
platform, as benchmark tests have shown.
6 Conclusion 69

• Distinctions can be made between different types of reusability (vertical,
horizontal, historical), in-the-loop testing aims for vertical reuse.
• Basic principles and an example of an in-the-loop testing approach have
been presented.
• There is a number of test types that are poorly suited for reuse, such as
stress testing or failover and recovery testing.

Among the points listed, the performance evaluation was of particular interest to
Airbus. The results show that the response times especially in distributed systems and
in the context of an integrated MiL-, SiL-, HiL-testing approach can be critical. For
the MIL-STD-1553 standard, for example, devices have to respond within a period of 4
to 12 µs, which cannot be achieved with the setups shown and the given MiL and SiL
environment [MIL18].
The question of the test language is also subject of discussions within the company
and in research, confer [GMW12; Mäk05]. For the reuse and exchange of development
models and data, standards such as the Functional Mock-up Interface (FMI) or the
XML Metadata Interchange (XMI) have already been established. From the testing
side, this is less the case. However, using an abstract test specification language such
as TTCN-3 or UTP would offer the advantage that tests would be implementation-
independent and could therefore be used in different test levels. In addition, these
would not depend on a specific tool or framework and could also be supplied by the
original equipment manufacturer (OEM). Only the respective adapters would have to
be adapted accordingly.
In summary, errors can be found and eliminated earlier and with less effort in the model
phase than in the real system, which is why the possibilities of MiL/SiL testing should
be used more intensively. It should be noted, however, that there may be deviations
in the accuracy of the results. Performance aspects of the respective systems and the
desired type of tests is decisive for the reuse of tests. From an economic point of view,
it is essential that the implementation of the test adapters takes less effort than the
creation of new test cases. This requires a consistent workflow between MiL, SiL, and
HiL tests as well as appropriate tool support to ensure the consistency of requirements,
models and code.

List of Abbreviations
AVX Advanced Vector Extensions

COTS Commercial Off The Shelf

ECU Electronic Control Unit

FMI Functional Mock-up Interface

FPU Floating-Point Unit

GPIO General Purpose Input/Output

HiL Hardware-in-the-Loop

IDE Integrated Development Environment

KSLOC Thousand(K) Source Lines of Code

MBT Model-Based Testing

MC/DC Modified Condition/Decision Coverage

MCU Microcontroller Unit

MiL Model-in-the-Loop

NaN Not a Number

PiL Processor-in-the-Loop

SF Simulation Framework

SiL Software-in-the-Loop

SIMD Single Instruction, Multiple Data

SSE Streaming SIMD Extensions

SUT System Under Test

TSS Test Support System

List of Abbreviations 71

TTCN-3 Testing and Test Control Notation Version 3

UML Unified Modeling Language

UTP Unified Testing Profile

VISTAS Virtual Interoperable Simulation for Tests of Aircraft Systems

WCET Worst-Case Execution Time


List of Figures
2.1 Growth of source lines of code in aerospace systems [SAV] . . . . . . . 4
2.2 Encapsulation of software testing [FLS07] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2.3 Structure of software testing [FLS07] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
2.4 Software development model [ESA94] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
2.5 Taxonomy of model-based testing [ZSM12] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
2.6 Closed-loop simulation setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
2.7 Integrated MiL-, SiL-, HiL-testing approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

3.1 Integrated Test Management Tool approach [VBJ10] . . . . . . . . . . 22

3.2 Virtual ECU integration with Silver [TM14] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
3.3 Generation and evaluation of test scenarios with TestWeaver [TM14] . 24
3.5 Test management with SYNECT [HAM13] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
3.6 SiL, PiL and HiL example of the Charles Stark Draper Laboratory [CV14] 27

4.1 LAUNCHXL2-570L43 evaluation board . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

4.2 Hard- and software test level assignment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

5.1 Example of a 32-bit floating-point number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40

5.2 Accumulated rounding error example of a 32-bit data type . . . . . . . 43
5.3 Cancellation error example of a 32-bit data type . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
5.4 Accuracy deviations of the ninth grade Taylor approximation of sin x . 53
5.5 System response time measurement configuration 1 . . . . . . . . . . . 54
5.6 System response time measurement configuration 2 . . . . . . . . . . . 55
5.7 System response time measurement sequence diagram . . . . . . . . . . 56
5.8 System response time measurement results configuration 1 . . . . . . . 57
5.9 System response time measurement results configuration 2 . . . . . . . 57
5.10 Integrated in-the-loop testing approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62

List of Tables
3.1 Software summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
3.2 Hardware summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

4.1 Desktop computers characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

4.2 LAUNCHXL2-570L43 evaluation board components . . . . . . . . . . . 32
4.3 COTS tools versions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

5.1 Parameters of basic format binary floating-point numbers . . . . . . . . 39

5.2 IEEE 754 round to nearest, tie to even examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
5.3 Results of sin(14885392687) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
5.4 Accuracy deviations across different platforms and FPU instruction sets
for a Taylor approximation of sin(x) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
5.5 CoreMark results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58

List of Listings
5.1 Summation rounding error accumulation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
5.2 Example of broken associativity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
5.3 Example of broken distributivity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
5.4 First example of an undetected overflow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
5.5 Second example of an undetected overflow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
5.6 Example of impacts on intermediate calculations with x87 registers . . 48
5.7 Example of double rounding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
5.8 Reusable test design – SUT behaviour . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
5.9 Reusable test design – MiL adapter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
5.10 Reusable test design – SiL adapter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
5.11 Reusable test design – HiL adapter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
5.12 Reusable test design – Test example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65

A.1 MATLAB sources of the Taylor approximation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82

A.2 C sources of the Taylor approximation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
A.3 Entity B implementation for the MiL context . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
A.4 Entity B implementation for the SiL context . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
A.5 Entity B implementation for the HiL context . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89

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A.1 Ninth Grade Taylor Approximation of sin x

A.1.1 MATLAB Sources

1 % Define ninth grade Taylor approximation function f
2 f = @(x) (vpa(x^9/362880) - vpa(x^7/5040) + vpa(x^5/120) -
3 vpa(x^3/6) + vpa(x));
5 x = 0.0;
6 range = 5.0;
7 steps = 50;
8 refValues = zeros(51, 2);
10 % Calculate 51 values
11 for i = 1:51
12 refValues(i, 1) = x;
13 refValues(i, 2) = f(sym(x));
14 x = x + range/steps;
15 end
17 dlmwrite(’sineByTaylor.csv’, refValues,
18 ’delimiter’, ’;’, ’precision’, 20);

Listing A.1: MATLAB sources of the Taylor approximation

A.1.2 C Sources
1 #include <stdio.h>
2 #include <stdlib.h>
3 #include <stdint.h>
5 #define RESULT_FILE "sineByTaylor.csv"
8 static FILE *fp;
9 int32_t factorials[10];
Appendix 83

12 double dpow(double base, uint32_t exp)
13 {
14 double result = 1.0;
15 double pow = base;
17 while (exp > 0)
18 {
19 if (exp & 1)
20 {
21 result *= pow;
22 }
24 pow *= pow;
25 exp >>= 1;
26 }
28 return result;
29 }
31 void calcSineByTaylor(double x)
32 {
33 int32_t currentGrade;
34 int32_t multiplier = -1.0;
35 double sine = x;
37 for (currentGrade = 3; currentGrade <= 9; currentGrade += 2)
38 {
39 sine += (dpow(x, currentGrade) / factorials[currentGrade]) *
,→ multiplier;
40 multiplier *= -1;
41 }
43 fprintf(fp, "%.13a;%.13a\n", x, sine);
44 }
47 int main()
48 {
49 // Initialize
50 // ------------------------------------------------
51 int32_t i = 0;
52 int32_t steps = 50;
53 int32_t preFactorial = 1;
54 double x = 0.0;
Appendix 84

55 double range = 5.0;

56 factorials[0] = 1;
58 fp = fopen(RESULT_FILE, "w");
60 if (fp == NULL)
61 {
62 printf("File could not be opened.\n");
63 return -1;
64 }
66 // Precalculate factorials
67 // ------------------------------------------------
68 for (i = 1; i <= 9; i++)
69 {
70 factorials[i] = i * preFactorial;
71 preFactorial = factorials[i];
72 }
74 // Calculate sine values
75 // ------------------------------------------------
76 for (i = 0; i <= steps; i++)
77 {
78 calcSineByTaylor(x);
79 x += range/steps;
80 }
82 fclose(fp);
84 return 0;
85 }

Listing A.2: C sources of the Taylor approximation

Appendix 85

A.2 Entity B Implementation including MiL/SiL/HiL

Adapters of System Response Time Measurement
and Reusable Test Asset Example

A.2.1 MiL Sources

1 #include <...>
4 typedef struct
5 {
6 bool trigger;
7 } input_t;
9 typedef struct
10 {
11 bool feedback;
12 } output_t;
15 void get_input(input_t* input)
16 {
17 input->trigger = trigger;
18 }
20 void set_output(output_t* output)
21 {
22 feedback = output->feedback;
23 }
26 void main()
27 {
28 // initialize model step mode result variables
31 static input_t input = {};
32 static output_t output = {};
34 // execute model step mode function
35 // NOTE: environment is responsible for setting exactly one
,→ function at a time
36 if (F_LOAD)
37 {
38 R_LOAD = 1;
Appendix 86

39 }
41 if (F_INIT)
42 {
43 input.trigger = false;
44 = false;
46 R_INIT = 1;
47 }
49 if (F_REINIT)
50 {
51 R_REINIT = 1;
52 }
54 if (F_RUN)
55 {
56 get_input(&input);
58 = input.trigger;
60 set_output(&output);
62 R_RUN = 1;
63 }
65 if (F_HOLD)
66 {
67 R_HOLD = 1;
68 }
70 if (F_UNLOAD)
71 {
72 R_UNLOAD = 1;
73 }
74 }

Listing A.3: Entity B implementation for the MiL context

A.2.2 SiL Sources

1 #include <stdio.h>
2 #include "ims_test.h"
4 #define ACTOR_ID 2
Appendix 87

5 #define C_TIMEOUT 1000

6 #define INVALID_POINTER ((void*)42)
8 #define IMS_CONFIG_FILE "..."
9 #define VISTAS_CONFIG_FILE "..."
10 #define IMS_INIT_FILE "..."
13 typedef struct
14 {
15 bool trigger;
16 } input_t;
18 typedef struct
19 {
20 bool feedback;
21 } output_t;
24 void get_input(ims_node_t *context, ims_message_t* trigger_message,
,→ input_t* input)
25 {
26 char trigger[4] = {};
27 uint32_t received_size = 0;
28 ims_validity_t validity = ims_invalid;
30 ims_import(*context, C_TIMEOUT);
31 ims_read_sampling_message(*trigger_message, trigger, &received_size
,→ , &validity);
32 input->trigger = trigger[0];
33 }
35 void set_output(ims_node_t* context, ims_message_t* feedback_message,
,→ output_t* output)
36 {
37 char feedback[4] = {};
39 feedback[0] = output->feedback;
40 ims_write_sampling_message(*feedback_message, feedback, 1);
41 ims_send_all(*context);
42 }
44 void init(ims_node_t* context,
45 ims_node_t* equipment,
46 ims_node_t* application,
47 ims_message_t* trigger_message,
Appendix 88

48 ims_message_t* feedback_message)
49 {
50 ims_test_actor_t actor = ims_test_init(ACTOR_ID);
52 ims_create_context_parameter_t create_parameter =
53 create_parameter.init_file_path = IMS_INIT_FILE;
55 ims_create_context(IMS_CONFIG_FILE, VISTAS_CONFIG_FILE, &
,→ create_parameter, context);
56 ims_get_equipment(*context, "myEquipment", equipment);
57 ims_get_application(*equipment, "myApplication", application);
58 ims_get_message(*application, ims_discrete, "trigger_signal", 1, 1,
,→ ims_input, trigger_message);
59 ims_get_message(*application, ims_discrete, "feedback_signal", 1,
,→ 1, ims_output, feedback_message);
61 // Signalling model A to be ready
62 TEST_SIGNAL(actor, 1);
63 }
66 int main()
67 {
68 input_t input = {};
69 output_t output = {};
71 ims_node_t context;
72 ims_node_t equipment;
73 ims_node_t application;
74 ims_message_t trigger_message;
75 ims_message_t feedback_message;
77 init(&context,
78 &equipment,
79 &application,
80 &trigger_message,
81 &feedback_message );
83 while (true)
84 {
85 get_input(&context, &trigger_message, &input);
87 = input.trigger;
89 set_output(&context, &feedback_message, &output);
Appendix 89

90 }
92 ims_free_context(context);
94 return ims_test_end(actor);
95 }

Listing A.4: Entity B implementation for the SiL context

A.2.3 HiL Sources

1 #include "..."
4 #define TRIGGER_BIT 2
5 _
#define FEEDBACK BIT 3
8 typedef struct
9 {
10 bool trigger;
11 } input_t;
13 typedef struct
14 {
15 bool feedback;
16 } output_t;
19 void get_input(input_t* input)
20 {
21 input->trigger = gioGetBit(gioPORTB, TRIGGER_BIT);
22 }
24 void set_output(output_t* output)
25 {
26 gioSetBit(gioPORTB, FEEDBACK_BIT, output->feedback);
27 }
29 void init()
30 {
31 // initialize driver
32 gioInit();
34 // start when button pressed
Appendix 90

35 while (gioGetBit(gioPORTB, STARTBUTTON_BIT) != 0) {}

36 }
39 int main()
40 {
41 input_t input = {};
42 output_t output = {};
44 init();
46 while (true)
47 {
48 get_input(&input);
50 = input.trigger;
52 set_output(&output);
53 }
55 return 0;
56 }

Listing A.5: Entity B implementation for the HiL context

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