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1. Over 75% of manufacturing companies 3. We are in negotiations to open a new

will be _______ their online marketing branch office in Hong Kong, but our plans
budgets in 2007, according to the results are currently in the early _______ of
of an annual survey conducted by SVM E- development.
Business Solutions. (A) stages
(A) increase (B) factors
(B) increasing (C) moments
(C) increased (D) divisions
(D) increases negotiation (n) sự đàm phán/ branch
manufacturing company (n) công ty sản office (n) văn phòng chi nhánh/ plan (n)
xuất/ marketing budget (n) ngân sách kế hoạch/ development (n) sự phát triển/
tiếp thị/ according to (prep) theo/ result (n) stage = phase (n) giai đoạn/ factor (n)
kết quả/ survey (n) cuộc khảo sát/ conduct moment (n) khoảnh khắc, chốc lát/
(v) tiến hành/ increase (n/v) (sự) tăng division (n) sự phân chia; bộ phận

2. Two hundred thousand dollars’ _______ 4. The University of New Mexico ranks
of freight was damaged by fire during the _______ the best in the nation when it
transit. comes to graduate programs in law, fine
(A) cost arts and medicine.
(B) price (A) at
(C) value (B) among
(D) worth (C) from
freight (n) hàng hóa/ damaged (v) thiệt (D) in
hại, hư hại, làm hỏng/ fire (n) hỏa hoạn/ rank (vt/vi) (được) xếp vào loại/ nation (n)
during (prep) khi đang; trong suốt/ transit nước, quốc gia/ when it comes to + N/
(n) sự chuyên chở/ cost (n) giá, chi phí V_ing ~ khi nói đến/ at (prep) ở, vào lúc/
(chi phí để làm ra sản phẩm, dịch vụ hoặc among (prep) giữa, trong số/ from
giá phải trả cho sản phẩm dịch vụ)/ price (prep) từ, khỏi/ in (prep) ở, tại, vào lúc
(n) giá (giá bán của sản phẩm, dịch vụ
mà người mua phải trả để sở hữu nó)/ 5. The teleconference calls will be held
value (n) giá trị (giá trị sử dụng, tầm _______ other month on the 4th Thursday
quan trọng, tiện ích mà người sở hữu, of the month at 1:00 p.m. according to the
người thụ hưởng, người dùng đánh giá)/ schedule.
worth (n) giá trị (định giá của sản phẩm, (A) almost
dịch vụ. Nó phản ánh giá trị mà người bán (B) every
hoặc thị trường kỳ vọng) (C) little
(D) few
teleconference call (n) hội nghị điện thoại/
hold (n) tổ chức/ schedule (n) lịch trình/
almost (n) hầu như, gần như/ every (a)
mỗi/ little (a) một ít/ few (a) một vài

On the way to success, there is no trace of lazy men.

Trên bước đường thành công không có dấu chân của kẻ lười biếng.
6. Those who watched the program on TV có/ to (prep) tới, đến/ in spite of (prep)
are demanding _______ from its mặc dù/ as (prep) như
producers for one of the most violent
scenes that should not have been aired. 9. We hope a number of highly _______
(A) appreciation candidates will decide to run for city
(B) apologies council president in the upcoming
(C) description elections.
(D) extension (A) restrictive
demand (v) yêu cầu, đòi hỏi/ producer (n) (B) qualified
nhà sản xuất/ one of the + Nsn – một (C) designed
trong những/ violent scene (n) cảnh bạo (D) intricate
lực/ air = broadcast (v) phát sóng/ a number of + Nsn – nhiều/ candidate (n)
appreceiation (n) sự đánh giá cao; cảm ứng cử viên/ decide to V1 (v) quyết định/
kích/ apology (n) lời xin lỗi/ description run (v) ứng cử; quản lý/ city council
(n) sự miêu tả/ extension (n) sự mở president (n) chủ tịch hội đồng thành phố/
rộng; gia hạn upcoming (a) sắp tới/ election (n) cuộc
bầu cử/ restrictive (a) hạn chế, giới hạn/
7. Because you failed to obey the traffic qualified (a) có trình độ chuyên môn,
signal at the time of the accident, the đủ điều kiện/ designed (a) được thiết
damages to your vehicle will not be kế/ intricate (a) phức tạp (= complex =
covered _______ the insurance policy. complicated = sophisticated)
(A) in
(B) through 10. According to the latest _______, all
(C) throughout personnel are required to wear protective
(D) under helmets at all times when on the factory
fail to V1 (v) không/ obey = comply with floor.
= adhere to = observe = abide by = (A) directive
follow (v) tuân theo/ traffic signal (n) tín (B) control
hiệu giao thông/ damage (n) thiệt hại, hư (C) conversation
hại/ vehicle (n) xe, xe cộ/ insurance policy (D) installation
(n) chính sách bảo hiểm/ in (prep) ở, tại, latest (a) mới nhất/ personnel (n) nhân
trong/ through (prep) qua, suốt/ viên/ require to V1 (v) yêu cầu/ wear (v)
throughout (prep) khắp nơi; suốt/ đội, đeo, mặc/ protective helmet (n) nón
under (prep) theo; dưới; đang bảo hộ/ at all times – luôn luôn/ factory
floor (n) công trường; khu vực sản xuất/
8. Increasing market share is regarded directive = instruction (n/a) chỉ thị, lời
_______ an important business objective hướng dẫn/ chỉ huy, hướng dẫn, chỉ
at McGahern Industries. dẫn/ control (n) sự kiểm soát/
(A) with conversation (n) cuộc trò chuyện/
(B) to installation (n) sự lắp đặt
(C) in spite of
(D) as
increase (v) tăng/ market share (n) thị
phần/ regard (v) coi, xem, đánh giá/
objective (n) mục tiêu/ with (prep) với,

On the way to success, there is no trace of lazy men.

Trên bước đường thành công không có dấu chân của kẻ lười biếng.
11. If you would like to confirm your _______ 14. Finding convenient, quality health care
in the course, please call us at the number may soon be a frequent problem for
listed on the front page. American citizens, as a serious _______
(A) replacement of qualified physicians in the United
(B) appointment States has been predicted.
(C) enrollment (A) level
(D) recruitment (B) shortage
would like to V1 (v) muốn/ confirm (v) (C) training
xác nhận/ course (n) khóa học/ list (v) liệt (D) accident
kê/ replacement (n) sự thay thế, người find (v) tìm thấy/ convenient (a) thuận tiện/
thay thế/ appointment (n) cuộc hẹn/ health care (n) sự chăm sóc y tế/ citizen
enrollment (n) sự đăng ký/ recruitment (n) người dân thành thị/ serious (a)
(n) sự tuyển dụng nghiêm trọng/ qualified (a) có trình độ
chuyên môn/ physician (n) bác sĩ/ predict
12. If there is a mistake on your pay stub, (v) dự đoán/ level (n) mức; trình độ/
please speak with the accounts manager shortage (n) sự thiếu/ training (n) sự
and she will fix the mistake in the _______ đào tạo/ accident (n) rủi ro, tai nạn
pay period.
(A) following 15. It has become increasingly evident that
(B) advanced the role of universities is changing, so
(C) outdated they should be more _______ to the
(D) constant needs and desires of students with
mistake (n) lỗi/ pay stub (n) phiếu lương/ disabilities.
pay period (n) kỳ trả lương/ following (a) (A) attentively
sau, tiếp theo/ advanced (a) tiên tiến, (B) attentive
tiến bộ/ outdated = obsolete (a) lỗi thời/ (C) attention
constant (a) kiên trì; không thay đổi (D) attend
It has become increasingly evident that:
13. As a self-evaluation of the past 13 Ngày càng trở nên rõ ràng là/ role (n) vai
months, I feel I have proved _______ trò/ need (n) nhu cầu/ desire (n) mong
capable of meeting demands of a fast muốn/ disability (n) sự tàn tật/ attentively
paced, pressured environment. (ad) chăm chú/ attentive (a) chú ý; ân
(A) our cần, chu đáo/ attention to (n) sự chú ý/
(B) it attend (v) tham gia, tham dự
(C) myself
(D) theirs 16. Dave is a highly _______ member of the
self-evaluation (n) sự tự đánh giá/ prove team who is always willing to help
oneself (to be) (v) chứng minh/ capable customers with queries or problems
of + V_ing – có khả năng/ meet (v) đáp concerning our products.
ứng/ demand (n) sự yêu cầu, đòi hỏi/ fast (A) first
paced (a) tốc độ nhanh/ pressured (a) bị (B) old
áp lực (C) valued
(D) good
highly (ad) rất, lắm, hết sức / member (n)
thành viên/ willing to V1 (a) sẵn sàng/
customer (n) khách hàng/ query (n) thắc

On the way to success, there is no trace of lazy men.

Trên bước đường thành công không có dấu chân của kẻ lười biếng.
mắc/ concerning (prep) liên quan đến, về/ 20. I met with Elain Hopkins and Gene Avery
product (n) sản phẩm/ first (a) thứ nhất, to discuss the _______ of tasks and our
đầu tiên/ old (ad) cũ, già/ valued (a) joint vision for the implementation of the
quý, được quý trọng/ good (a) giỏi, tốt project plan.
(A) allocate
17. Although she usually reads the (B) allocated
newspaper in the morning, Ms. Phaedra (C) allocates
Lipton _______ for work this morning (D) allocation
before it arrived. discuss (v) thảo luận/ task (n) nhiêm vụ,
(A) leaves công việc/ joint (a) chung/ vision (n) tầm
(B) has left nhìn/ implementation (n) sự thực hiện/
(C) had left project plan (n) kế hoạch dự án/ allocate
(D) was left (v) sắp xếp, phân bổ/ allocation (n) sự
although (conj) mặc dù/ leave (v) rời khỏi chỉ định, sự phân phát

18. The construction project managers must 21. We respectfully request that you give
present their _______ monthly reports to prompt _______ to this matter and
the board by the end of the month. thereby avoid the penalty for non-
(A) revision compliance with waste disposal
(B) revise regulations.
(C) revising (A) effect
(D) revised (B) reference
construction project manager (n) người (C) attention
quản lý dự án xây dựng/ present to (v) (D) future
nộp, xuất trình/ monthly (a) hàng tháng/ respectfully (ad) trân trọng/ request (v)
report (n) bản báo cáo/ board (n) ban yêu cầu/ prompt (a) ngay, nhanh chóng/
giám đốc/ revision (n) sự sửa lại/ revise thereby (ad) do đó/ avoid (v) tránh/ hình
(v) sửa lại, sửa đổi/ duyệt lại phạt, tiền phạt/ none-compliance with
(n) sự không tuân theo/ waste disposal
19. _______ when you place your order, we regulation (n) quy định xử lý chất thải/
will do our best to get it filled by the time effect on (n) ảnh hưởng/ reference to
you request. (n) sự tham khảo/ attention to (n) sự
(A) As if chú ý/ future (n) tương lai
(B) As though
(C) No matter 22. The Royal Bank of Montreal is open for
(D) Even so business between the hours of 9 a.m.
place an order – đặt hàng/ do one’s best and 3 p.m. _______ , except Saturday
– làm tất cả những gì có thể/ fill (v) thực and Sunday.
hiện/ request (v) yêu cầu/ as if = as (A) quarterly
though (conj) như thể/ no matter (conj) (B) yearly
bất kể, bất luận/ even so (conj) tuy (C) monthly
nhiên (D) daily
business (n) sự kinh doanh/ except (+for)
(prep) ngoại trừ/ quarterly (a/ad) hàng
quý/ yearly (a/ad) hàng năm/ monthly
(a/ad) hàng quý/ daily (a/ad) hàng ngày

On the way to success, there is no trace of lazy men.

Trên bước đường thành công không có dấu chân của kẻ lười biếng.
23. If a hotel offers reduced room rates to làm/ development in (n) sự phát triển/
a stranded guest, the government treatment (n) sự cư xử, điều trị
should _______ the tax for that room
as well. 26. In most cases, the doctor will recommend
(A) delete first-aid treatment and give _______
(B) obtain advice to make patients more comfortable.
(C) waive (A) the other
(D) increase (B) others
offer to (v) cung cấp/ reduced rate (n) (C) other
mức giá được giảm/ stranded (a) bị lâm (D) each other
vào hoàn cảnh khó khăn/ guest (n) khách, case (n) trường hợp/ recommend (v)
khách trọ/ government (n) chính phủ/ as khuyên, đề nghị/ first-aid (n) sơ cấp cứu/
well (ad) cũng/ delete (v) xóa đi, bỏ đi/ treatment (n) sự điều trị/ advice (n) lời
obtain from (v) có được, lấy/ waive = khuyên/ patient (n) bệnh nhân/
exempt from (v) miễn, từ bỏ/ increase comfortable (a) yên tâm; thoải mái, dễ
(v) tăng chịu/ the other (a) còn lại/ others (pro)
những cái khác/ other + Nsn/kđđ (a)
24. We have discovered that older managers khác/ each other (ad) nhau
_______ customer satisfaction as a major
business objective twice as often as 27. Ms. Ndukuda was _______ of purchasing
younger managers do. before the company reorganization, but
(A) refer Ms. Pritchard will take over the position
(B) cite starting next week.
(C) agree (A) position
(D) say (B) head
discover (v) phát hiện/ customer (C) subordinate
satisfaction (n) sự hài lòng của khách (D) job
hàng/ najor (a) chủ yếu, lớn/ objective (n) purchasing (department) (n) phòng cung
mục tiêu/ as often as: nhiều lần/ refer to ứng/ reorganization (n) sự cải tổ, sự tổ
(v) xem, tham khảo; nói đến/ cite (v) chức lại / take over (v) tiếp quản/
viện dẫn/ agree with/ on = upon (v) position (n) chức vụ/ / head (n) trưởng
đồng ý/ say that/ sth to sb/ to V1 (v) phòng, người đứng đầu/ subordinate
nói, bảo (n) người cấp dưới/ job (n) công việc

25. Applicants for all positions with Acme Inc. 28. Although she has twelve years _______
must undergo verification of previous experience in the advertising industry, I do
_______ before any offer is made. not feel she is the right person to lead this
(A) employment team.
(B) development (A) to
(C) treatment (B) on
(D) investment (C) at
applicant for (n) người nộp đơn/ position (D) of
(n) chức vụ/ undergo (v) trải qua/ experience (n) kinh nghiệm/ advertising
verification (n) sự xác minh/ previous (a) (n) sự quảng cáo/ industry (n) ngành công
trước/ offer (n) lời đề nghị/ make (v) thực nghiệp/ right (a) thích hợp/ lead (v) lãnh
hiện/ employment (n) công việc, việc đạo, dẫn dắt

On the way to success, there is no trace of lazy men.

Trên bước đường thành công không có dấu chân của kẻ lười biếng.
29. Customer service specialists are available operations department (n) ban nghiệp
Monday _______ Friday to answer any vụ/ effective (a) có hiệu quả/ way to V1
questions you may have about your new (n) cách/ measure (v) đo, đo lường/
purchase. overall (a) toàn bộ, toàn thể/ output of (n)
(A) through sản lượng/ tension in/with/ between/
(B) in over (n) căng thẳng/ insight about = as
(C) on to/ into (n) sự hiểu biết sâu sắc/ lack of
(D) at = shortage of (n) thiếu
specialist = expert (n) chuyên gia/ any +
Nsn (a) bất cứ/ purchase (n) sự mua/ 33. The CEO’s secretary made a ______ for
through (prep) qua; đến cùng, hết/ in six people at the most famous seafood
(prep) ở, tại, trong/ on (prep) trên, vào, restaurant in the city.
dựa vào/ at (prep) ở tại, vào lúc (A) preservation
(B) seating
30. _______ near both the company’s new (C) case
plant and headquarters, the company’s (D) reservation
guesthouses are very convenient. secretary (n) thư ký/ famous (a) nổi tiếng/
(A) Location seafood restaurant (n) nhà hàng hải sản/
(B) Locating preservation (n) sự bảo quản, bảo tồn/
(C) Located seating (n) chỗ ngồi/ case (n) trường
(D) Locate hợp/ reservation (n) đặt chỗ trước
plant (n) nhà máy/ headquarter (n) trụ sở
chính/ guesthouse (n) nhà khách/ 34. Critics regard Bergstein as one of the most
convenient (n) thuận tiện/ location (n) địa ______ film directors of his generation.
điểm, vị trí/ locate = situate (v) nằm ở (A) imagine
(B) imaginary
31. A ______ technician was brought in to fix (C) imagination
the problem with the air conditioning unit. (D) imaginative
(A) maintenance critic (n) nhà phê bình/ regard as (v) coi,
(B) maintain xem/ one of the + Nsn – một trong
(C) maintained những/ film director (n) đạo diễn phim/
(D) maintaining generation (n) thế hệ/ imagine (v) tưởng
technician (n) kỹ thuật viên/ bring in (v) tượng/ imaginary (a) tưởng tượng/
đưa đến/ fix the problem – khắc phục sự imagination (n) sự tưởng tượng/
cố/ air conditioning unit (n) máy điều hòa imaginative (a) giàu trí tưởng tượng
không khí/ maintenance (n) sự bảo trì,
bảo dưỡng/ maintain (v) duy trì 35. Ms. Farriano recommended that we
______ Mr. Sidney as a representative of
32. The operations department has been the company for the sales conference.
working on a more effective way to (A) were selecting
measure our overall ______. (B) select
(A) output (C) were selected
(B) tension (D) would select
(C) insight recommend (v) đề nghị/ representative (n)
(D) lack người đại điện/ sales conference (n) hội
nghị kinh doanh/ select (v) chọn

On the way to success, there is no trace of lazy men.

Trên bước đường thành công không có dấu chân của kẻ lười biếng.
36. All of the nation’s most important historical draft (v) phác thảo, dự thảo/ object (v)
documents are ______ in the public phản đối, chống lại/ reject (v) từ chối,
library and museum in Wellington. bác bỏ/ subject (v) phải chịu, đưa ra/
(A) displayed eject from (v) đuổi ra (khỏi một nơi, vị
(B) solicited trí)
(C) varied
(D) predicted 40. Ms. Luxton and her team of specialists
historical document (n) tài liệu lịch sử/ ______ a new marketing strategy since
public (a) công cộng/ display (v) trưng the beginning of the year.
bày/ solicit sth from sb (v) thu hút/ (A) are developing
vary (v) khác với; thay đổi/ predict (v) (B) were being developed
dự đoán (C) have been developing
(D) would develop
37. Some tourists were ______ photos of the specialist = expert (n) chuyên gia/
artwork on show in spite of the guide’s marketing strategy (n) chiến lược tiếp
request that they not do so. thị/ beginning (n) phần đầu, lúc bắt đầu/
(A) take develop (v) phát triển
(B) taking
(C) taken 41. All employees are expected to make the
(D) took effort ______ the company’s new
some + Nsn/ kđđ- một vài; một ít/ / tourist protocols.
(n) khách du lịch/ artwork (n) tác phẩm (A) learn
nghệ thuật/ in spite of (prep) mặc dù/ (B) learning
guide (n) người hướng dẫn/ request (v) (C) learned
sự yêu cầu (D) to learn
employee (n) nhân viên/ be expected to
38. Kirsten Gerhart, who ______ the V1 (v) được mong đợi/ make the effort –
company’s branch office in Washington, nỗ lực/ protocol (n) nghi thức ngoại giao/
had a lunch meeting with the CEO learn (v) học, nghiên cứu
(A) run 42. The authorities ______ motorists to avoid
(B) runs taking the western highway because of
(C) running the heavy traffic there.
(D) were running (A) fastened
branch office (n) văn phòng chi nhánh/ (B) signed
run (v) điều hành, quản lý (C) revised
(D) advised
39. Several members of the opposition party authority (n) nhà chức trách/ avoid ~ ing
______ to the way in which the legislation (v) tránh/ because of (prep) bởi vì/ heavy
was drafted. traffic (n) giao thông mật độ cao/ fasten
(A) object (v) cột, buộc, buộc chặt/ sign (v) ký tên/
(B) reject revise (v) sửa lại/ advise sb to V1 (v)
(C) subject khuyên
(D) eject
several + Nsn (a) một vài/ opposition
party (n) đảng đối lập/ legislation (n) luật/

On the way to success, there is no trace of lazy men.

Trên bước đường thành công không có dấu chân của kẻ lười biếng.
43. ______ to the amusement park has more the other + Nsn – những… còn lại/
than doubled in price over the past couple consider (v) cho rằng/ employee (n) nhân
of years. viên/ conceivable (a) có thể hiểu được/
(A) Admit various (a) đa dạng, khác nhau/ reliable
(B) Admitted = dependable (a) đáng tin cậy/
(C) Admissible simultaneous with sth (a) xảy ra cùng
(D) Admission lúc, đồng thời
amusement park (n) công viên giải trí/
double (v) tang gấp đôi/ admit (v) nhận 47. You need to pay the parking ticket in full
vào, cho vào/ admissible (a) có thể ______ the next 20 days, or you will face
nhận; có thể chấp nhận/ admission to further penalties.
(n) tiền vào cửa, sự vào cổng (A) within
(B) on
44. keeps you updated on (C) through
all the ______ sports news from around (D) for
the world. parking ticket (n) vé đậu xe/ in full – đầy
(A) affordable đủ, toàn bộ/ face (v) đối mặt/ further =
(B) latest additional (a) thêm/ penalty (n) tiền phạt/
(C) consecutive within (prep) trong, trong vòng/ on
(D) slight (prep) về/ through (prep) qua, suốt/ for
keep sb updated/informed – thông báo (prep) cho, vì, để
kịp thời cho ai/ affordable (a) phải
chăng/ latest (a) mới nhất/ consecutive 48. According to the staff rule, the cooking
(a) liên tiếp/ slight (a) nhẹ, không đáng area needs to be cleaned ______ every
kể night before the restaurant closes.
(A) recently
45. Customers who join the Tracey (B) lucidly
Department Store Membership Club can (C) thoroughly
get as much ______ 20 percent off on (D) fairly
all items in stock. according to (prep) theo/ rule (n) quy tắc,
(A) than luật lệ/ recently (ad) gần đây/ lucidly
(B) as (ad) rõ rang, minh bạch/ thoroughly
(C) for (ad) kỹ lưỡng/ fairly (ad) công bằng
(D) with
customer (n) khách hàng/ join (v) tham 49. The advertising task force would never
gia/ off (ad) giảm giá/ item (n) món hàng/ have finished making the promotional
in stock – tồn kho materials if Ms. Jefferson ______ to help
46. Ms. Carson and the other managers do (A) has not volunteered
not consider Michael Poulter to be a (B) was not volunteering
______ employee. (C) would not volunteer
(A) conceivable (D) had not volunteered
(B) various task force (n) đội công tác/ finish ~ ing
(C) reliable (v) hoàn thành, làm xong/ promotional
(D) simultaneous material (n) tài liệu quảng cáo/ volunteer
to V1 (v) tình nguyện, tự nguyện

On the way to success, there is no trace of lazy men.

Trên bước đường thành công không có dấu chân của kẻ lười biếng.
50. Following the introduction of an enhanced review (v) xem lại/ budget proposal (n) đề
benefits package, employee morale was xuất ngân sách/ forward sth to sb (v)
raised ______. gửi/ approval (n) phê duyệt, đồng ý
(A) gratefully
(B) dramatically 53. At Tenk Industries, we encourage our
(C) closely employees to ______ in regular training
(D) lastly activities and seminars.
following (prep) sau khi/ introduction (n) (A) attend
sự giới thiệu/ enhanced (a) tăng cường/ (B) present
benefit package (n) gói phúc lợi/ morale (C) participate
(n) tinh thần/ raise (v) tăng/ gratefully (D) receive
(ad) bằng thái độ biết ơn/ dramatically encourage sb to V1 = foster (v) khuyến
(ad) đáng kể/ closely (ad) than mật, kỹ khích/ regular (a) đều đặn, thường lệ/
lưỡng/ lastly (ad) cuối cùng seminar (n) hội nghị/ attend (v) tham dự/
raise  considerably, dramatically, present (v) trình, trình bày, trao tặng/
enormously, greatly, significantly, participate in (v) tham gia/ receive (n)
substantially | slightly | gradually | nhận
rapidly, sharply, steeply | steadily |
twofold, threefold, etc 54. One of the new recruits started last
Monday, while ______ is scheduled to
51. Most forecasters are predicting that the begin working in the office next week.
stormy weather around San Bernadino will (A) any
not clear up ______ Tuesday at the (B) either
earliest. (C) another
(A) between (D) other
(B) by recruit (n) thành viên mới/ be scheduled
(C) within to V1 (v) được lên kế hoạch/ any +
(D) until Nsn/kđđ (a) bất cứ/ either (a/pro) cả
most + Nsn – hầu hết/ forecaster (n) hai/ another (a/pro) một… khác/ other +
người dự báo thời tiết/ predict (v) dự báo, Nsn/kđđ (a) khác
dự đoán/ stormy weather (n) thời tiết
giông bão/ lear up (v) tan đi/ between 55. Located near the east coast, Mobeki is
(prep) giữa/ by + time (prep) trước/ the small rural village in ______ President
within (prep) trong, trong vòng/ until Kiwato was brought up.
(prep) cho đến khi (A) that
(B) where
52. Mr. Grant also reviewed the budget (C) what
proposal ______ before forwarding it to (D) which
the finance director for final approval. locate = situate (v) nằm ở/ coast (n) bờ
(A) he biển/ bring up (v) nuôi dưỡng, giáo dục
(B) his
(C) him
(D) himself

On the way to success, there is no trace of lazy men.

Trên bước đường thành công không có dấu chân của kẻ lười biếng.
56. The entrance ______ to get into the San governor (n) thống đốc/ unemployment (n)
Francisco Zoo is three times more tình trạng thất nghiệp/ direct (a) trực tiếp/
expensive than it was a decade ago. economic reform (n) cải cách kinh tế/
(A) fee consequence (n) kết quả, hậu quả/
(B) duty concentration on sth (n) tập trung/
(C) tax conciliation (n) hòa giải/ condemnation
(D) toll (n) kết án, kết tội
entrance (n) cổng vào, lối vào/ get into (v)
vào, đi vào/ decade (n) thập kỷ/ fee (n) 60. Jack & Rose Home Appliances is the
phí/ duty (n) nhiệm vụ/ tax (n) thuế/ toll ______ largest electronics manufacturer
(n) lệ phí cầu đường in the entire country.
(A) two
57. The supervisor in charge of the production (B) second
team ______ for next weekend’s (C) twice
management workshop. (D) double
(A) registered electronics manufacturer (n) nhà sản xuất
(B) registration thiết bị điện tử/ entire country (n) cả nước
(C) registering
(D) registry 61. The Impact Outdoor store in Hermania
supervisor (n) người giám sát/ in charge Mall sells ______ hiking gear and modern
of – phụ trách/ production team (n) đội camping equipment at affordable prices.
sản xuất/ workshop (n) hội thảo/ register (A) fragile
for (v) đăng ký/ registration (n) sự đăng (B) likable
ký/ registry (n) nơi/ cơ quan đăng ký (C) durable
(D) reasonable
58. After hours of deliberation, the interview hiking gear (n) thiết bị leo núi/ camping
committee finally ______ the marketing equipment (n) thiết bị cắm trại/ at
executive vacancy to Tim Lyons. affordable/ reasonable prices - với mức
(A) offered giá phải chăng/hợp lý/ fragile = delicate
(B) proposed (a) dễ vỡ/ likable (a) dễ thương, đáng
(C) bid yêu/ durable (a) bền, ổn định/
(D) tendered reasonable (a) hợp lý
deliberation (n) thảo luận/ interview
committee (n) ủy ban phỏng vấn/ vacancy 62. Tom Higgins will provide a detailed
(n) vị trí trống/ offer (v) đề nghị, cung ______ of the new parking permit system
cấp/ propose (v) đề xuất, kiến nghị/ bid at the staff meeting.
(v) đấu thầu (A) explain
(B) explicable
59. The governor says the drop in (C) explanation
unemployment is a direct ______ of his (D) explanatory
recent economic reforms. provide (v) cung cấp/ detailed (a) chi tiết/
(A) consequence parking permit system (n) hệ thống giấy
(B) concentration phép đỗ xe/ explain (v) giải thích/
(C) conciliation explicable (a) có thể giải thích được/
(D) condemnation explanation (n) giải thích/ explanatory
(a) để giải thích/ để giảng giải

On the way to success, there is no trace of lazy men.

Trên bước đường thành công không có dấu chân của kẻ lười biếng.
63. ______ several warnings about his 66. Trans Atlantic Inc. tour guides are ______
performance, the employee continued to to be the most knowledgeable and friendly
neglect his core duties at work. in the tourist industry.
(A) Despite (A) consider
(B) Although (B) considered
(C) Beyond (C) considering
(D) Unless (D) considerable
serveral + Nsn – một vài/ warning (n) lời tour guide (n) hướng dẫn viên du lịch/
cảnh báo/ performance (n) thành tích/ knowledgeable (a) am hiểu, thành thạo/
continue to V1/ ~ ing (v) tiếp tục/ friendly (a) thân thiện/ consider (v) cho
neglect = ignore (v) sao lãng, phớt lờ/ là/ considerable (a) đáng kể
core duty (n) nhiệm vụ cốt lõi/ despite
(prep) mặc dù/ although (conj) mặc dù/ 67. Visitors are not allowed to park in the
beyond (prep) vượt quá/ unless (conj) apartment parking lot unless they have
trừ khi obtained a parking ______ from the
security office.
64. The supervisor halted work on the ______ (A) division
line yesterday afternoon so that the (B) permit
maintenance crew could inspect the (C) space
malfunctioning. (D) permission
(A) assemble be allowed to V1 (v) được cho phép/
(B) assembling parking lot (n) bãi đậu xe/ obtain from (v)
(C) assembled lấy, có được/ security office (n) phòng bảo
(D) assembly vệ/ division = department (n) bộ phận/
halt (v) dừng lại/ so that (conj) để/ permit (n) giấy phép/ space (n) khoảng
mainternance crew (n) đội bảo trì/ trống/ permission (n) sự cho phép
inspect (v) kiểm tra/ malfunctioning (n) sự
cố, trục trặc/ assemble (v) lắp ráp; tập 68. Having discussed the benefits package
hợp/ assembly (n) sự lắp ráp with the company’s top executives for
several hours, the union negotiators finally
65. Mr. Astle, who runs groceries in several made a ______.
years, ______ a member of the London (A) facility
Society Club for over 30 years. (B) breakthrough
(A) is (C) operation
(B) was being (D) edition
(C) has been discuss with (v) thảo luận/ benefit
(D) is being package (n) gói phúc lợi/ executive (n)
run (v) quản lý, điều hành/ grocery (n) cửa giám đốc điều hành/ negotiator (n) người
hàng tạp hóa đàm phán/ facility (n) tiện nghi/
breakthrough (n) bước đột phá/
operation (n) sự hoạt động/ edition (n)
ấn bản

On the way to success, there is no trace of lazy men.

Trên bước đường thành công không có dấu chân của kẻ lười biếng.
69. Unfortunately, we will have to change all 72. The state government today ______ a
the dates and times ______ on the study showing that the standard of living
itinerary I sent you for Mr. Fourie’s visit. across society has improved markedly
(A) list over the last 2 years.
(B) listing (A) released
(C) lists (B) enticed
(D) listed (C) avoided
change = modify = alter (v) thay đổi/ (D) grasped
itinerary = schedule (n) lịch trình/ visit (n) state government (n) chính quyền tiểu
chuyến thăm viếng/ list (n/v) danh sách; bang/ study (n) nghiên cứu/ show (v) cho
liệt kê thấy/ across (prep) trong; suốt/ society (n)
xã hội, tầng lớp/ improve (v) cải thiện/
70. The plan to utilize direct marketing markedly (ad) rõ rệt/ release (v) phát
techniques ______ from the hành/ entice (v) dụ dỗ, lôi kéo/ avoid (v)
recommendations made in Ms. Matai’s tránh/ grasp (v) nắm lấy
research report.
(A) involved 73. Although he is very experienced, Gavin
(B) revolved Hastings won’t be promoted because he
(C) devolved is not ______ appropriate for the
(D) evolved executive position.
plan to V1 (n) kế hoạch/ utilize = use (v) (A) advised
sử dụng/ direct (a) trực tiếp/ technique (n) (B) forced
kỹ thuật/ recommendation = suggestion (C) given
(n) sự đề nghị/ research report (n) báo (D) deemed
cáo nghiên cứu/ involve in (v) gồm, liên although (conj) mặc dù/ experienced (a)
quan đến/ revolve (v) suy đi xét lại/ có kinh nghiệm/ promote (v) thăng chức/
devolve (v) chuyển giao, bàn giao/ appropriate for/ to (a) thích hợp/
evolve from/ into (v) suy ra, rút ra executive position (n) vị trí điều hành/
advise sb to V1 (v) khuyên/ force sb to
71. VH Telecom spokesman, Greg Hollis, V1 (v) bắt buộc/ give sb sth/ sth to sb/
predicted that the company’s performance (v) cho/ deem = consider = think (v)
would be even ______ next quarter. cho là
(A) strong
(B) strongly 74. The Federal Reserve Bank managed to
(C) strength keep inflation low ______ the period that
(D) stronger the economy was in recession.
spokesman (n) người phát ngôn/ predict (A) throughout
(v) dự đoán/ performance (n) hoạt động, (B) among
hiệu suất/ strong (a) mạnh, tốt/ strength (C) without
(n) thế mạnh/ strongly (ad) mạnh (D) beside
manage to V1 (v) quản lý, xoay xở/
inflation (n) lạm phát/ period (n) giai đoạn,
thời gian/ economy (n) nền kinh tế/
recession (n) tình trạng suy thoái/
throughout (prep) suốt, khắp/ among

On the way to success, there is no trace of lazy men.

Trên bước đường thành công không có dấu chân của kẻ lười biếng.
(prep) giữa/ without (prep) không có/ 78. Provided that Ms. Cunningham is
beside (prep) bên cạnh willing to work cooperatively on the
project, Mr. Phillips will be assigned to
75. ______ his public speech on the new help ______ collate the research
taxation plan, the governor answered results.
many questions from concerned citizens. (A) she
(A) During (B) her
(B) For (C) hers
(C) Without (D) herself
(D) By provided that (conj) miễn là/ willing to
speech (n) bài phát biểu/ taxation plan (n) V1 (a) sẵn sàng/ cooperatively (ad) hợp
kế hoạch thuế/ governor (n) thống đốc/ tác/ assign to (v) phân công/ collate =
concerned (a) quan tâm/ băn khoăn, lo arrange (v) sắp xếp/ research result (n)
lắng/ citizen (n) người dân thành thị/ kết quả nghiên cứu
during (prep) trong suốt/ for (prep) cho, work (v)  efficiently closely, collaboratively,
vì, để/ without (prep) không có/ by together alone, independently, hard,diligently
(prep) bằng, bởi, trước
79. International analysts doubt that the
76. ______ you require any assistance Vietnamese economy will be able to
during your trip, please don’t hesitate to ______ an annual growth rate of 9% for
contact Maison Travel. very long.
(A) Unless (A) sustain
(B) May (B) reveal
(C) Whatever (C) contend
(D) Should (D) polarize
require (v) yêu cầu/ assistance (n) sự giúp analyst (n) nhà phân tích/ doubt (v) ngờ
đỡ/ trip (n) chuyến đi/ hesitate to V1 (v) vực, không tin/ be able to V1- có thể/
do dự/ contact (v) liên lạc annual (a) hàng năm/ growth rate (n) tốc
độ tăng trưởng/ sustain = maintain (v)
77. Before ______ the following program on duy trì/ reveal (v) tiết lộ/ contend with
your computer, please make sure you (v) đấu tranh/ polarize (v) phân cực
have read all of the relevant terms and (nam châm)
(A) install 80. Even though the finance executive
(B) installed didn’t personally authorize the illegal
(C) installing purchase, he is ______ responsible for
(D) to install the actions of everyone on his team.
following (a) sau đây/ relevant (a) có liên (A) ambiguously
quan/ terms (n) điều khoản/ condition (n) (B) temporarily
điều kiện/ install (v) lắp đặt (C) indirectly
(D) thickly
even though (conj) mặc dù/ finance
executive (n) giám đốc tài chính/
personally (ad) đích thân/ authorize (v)
cho phép, ủy quyền/ illegal purchase (n)
việc mua bất hợp pháp/ responsible =

On the way to success, there is no trace of lazy men.

Trên bước đường thành công không có dấu chân của kẻ lười biếng.
accountable for (a) chịu trách nhiệm/ 84. The CEO still hasn’t explained the reason
ambitiously (ad) khát khao/ temporarily ______ he rejected the proposal to
(ad) tạm thời/ indirectly (ad) gián tiếp/ purchase additional production facilities.
thickly (ad) dày, dày đặc (A) when
(B) for
81. An extra customer service training (C) why
session will be held before work (D) throughout
tomorrow morning for ______ who were explain (v) giải thích/ reason (n) lý do/
absent from Friday’s seminar. reject (v) bác bỏ/ proposal (n) đề xuất/
(A) them purchase (v) mua/ production facilities (n)
(B) those thiết bị sản xuất/ when (conj) khi/ for
(C) these (prep/ conj) cho, vì, để; vì/ why (ad) tại
(D) which sao/ throughout (prep) suốt, khắp
extra = additional (a) thêm, bổ sung/
training session (n) buổi huấn luyện/ 85. In accordance with Fedline Bus Co.’s
hold (v) tổ chức/ absent from (a) vắng safety policy, please ______ that your
mặt/ seminar (n) hội nghị seatbelt is fastened at all times while on
82. The freelance journalist will email a (A) ensure
______ draft of the article to The (B) prove
International Roundup’s editor, Lesley (C) immunize
Haggis. (D) endorse
(A) fundamental in accordance with (prep) theo/ safety
(B) traditional policy (n) chính sách an toàn/ seatbelt (n)
(C) chief dây an toàn/ fasten (v) cột, buộc/ at all
(D) preliminary times – luôn / on board – trên tàu, xe
freelance journalist (n) nhà báo tự do/ lửa, máy bay…/ ensure (v) đảm bảo/
email to (v) gửi/ draft (n) bản phác thảo/ prove to V1 (v) chứng minh/ immunize
article (n) bài báo/ editor (n) biên tập viên/ (v) chủng ngừa/ endorse (v) xác nhận
fundamental (a) cơ bản, cơ sở/
traditional (a) truyền thống/ chief (a) 86. The paper factory in Slough, which
chính, chủ yếu/ preliminary (a) sơ bộ employs over 3,000 ______, has been in
operation for more than 50 years.
83. The company directors decided not to (A) locations
follow ______ advice that the financial (B) locals
consultant gave them. (C) local
(A) an (D) localize
(B) those employ (v) thuê/ operation (n) hoạt động/
(C) the location (n) địa điểm, vị trí/ local (a/n) địa
(D) every phương/ người dân địa phương/
director (n) giám đốc/ decide to V1 (v) localize (v) định vị, khoanh vùng
quyết định/ follow (v) làm theo, tuân theo/
advice (n) lời khuyên/ financial consultant
(n) người tư vấn tài chính

On the way to success, there is no trace of lazy men.

Trên bước đường thành công không có dấu chân của kẻ lười biếng.
87. A specialist mediator was brought in to 90. ______ the fundraising auction has
help the two parties solve their dispute already been sold out, anyone who wants
over the real estate contract ______. to donate money to the charity can do so
(A) quickly by contacting the donations manager.
(B) quicken (A) Despite
(C) quicker (B) Although
(D) quickest (C) Rather
specialist mediator (n) chuyên gia hòa (D) During
giải/ bring in (v) đưa đến/ party (n) bên/ fundraising auction (n) buổi bán đấu giá
solve = resolve = work out (v) giải quyết/ gây quỹ/ sold out (a) bán hết/ donate sth
dispute (n) tranh chấp/ real estate contract to sb (v) quyên góp/ charity (n) hội từ
(n) hợp đồng bất động sản/ quickly (ad) thiện/ contact (v) liên lạc/ donations
nhanh, nhanh chóng/ quicken (v) đẩy manager (n) quản lý tài trợ/ despite (v)
mạnh/ quick (a) nhanh, nhanh chóng mặc dù/ although (conj) mặc dù/ rather
(ad) hơn là/ during (prep) trong suốt
88. The airline will ______ all passengers on
flight PA08 to Amsterdam of the delay in 91. Ms. Bendali is excited at the prospect of
the departure time. leading the company’s main product
(A) report ______ in New York.
(B) explain (A) opportunity
(C) notify (B) advancement
(D) convey (C) promotion
airline (n) hang hàng không/ passenger (D) benefit
(n) hành khách/ delay (n) trì hoãn, chậm excited at/ by/ about (v) hào hứng, phấn
trễ/ departure time (n) thời gian khởi khởi/ prospect (n) triển vọng/ lead (v) lãnh
hành/ report to/ on (v) báo cáo, tường đạo, hướng dẫn, dẫn dắt/ opportunity to
thuật/ explain to sb/ about sth (v) giải V1 (n) cơ hội/ advancement in (n) tiến
thích/ notify sb of sth(v) thông báo/ bộ/ thăng chức/ promotion (n) quảng
convey sth to sb (v) chuyển, vận cáo/ benefit for/ from/ of/ to (n) lợi ích,
chuyển phúc lợi

89. The hospital has a backup ______ just in 92. Keith Branson, the secretary of the
case there is a power failure or a civil company’s social committee, will book
emergency. the ______ for the annual company
(A) generate banquet.
(B) generating (A) place
(C) generator (B) venue
(D) generation (C) scene
backup (a) dự phòng, sao lưu/ in case (D) position
(conj) phòng khi/ power failure/ outage (n) committee (n) ủy ban/ book = reserve (v)
mất điện/ civil emergency (n) dân sự khẩn đặt chỗ trước/ banquet (n) bữa tiệc/ place
cấp/ generate (v) tạo ra, phát ra/ (n) nơi, nhà/ venue (n) nơi họp mặt/
generator (n) máy phát điện/ scene (n) cảnh/ position (n) chức vụ, vị
generation (n) thế hệ trí

On the way to success, there is no trace of lazy men.

Trên bước đường thành công không có dấu chân của kẻ lười biếng.
93. Members of the Kentucky Library are only 96. Foreigners who visit the United States on
allowed to ______ up to 10 books, video a tourist visa must leave the country within
tapes or CDs at any one time. three months, ______ they will face
(A) lend deportation.
(B) exploit (A) and
(C) loan (B) or
(D) borrow (C) so
be allowed to V1 – được cho phép/ video (D) but
tape (n) băng video/ lend (v) cho mượn/ foreigner (n) người nước ngoài/ visit (n) đến/
exploit (v) khai thác; bóc lột/ loan (v) tourist vise (n) thị thực tái nhập cảnh/ face (v)
cho vay/ borrow (v) mượn đối mặt/ deportation (n) trục xuất/ and (conj)
và/ or (conj) hoặc, nếu không thì/ so (conj)
94. The senator was grateful for the vì vậy/ but (conj) nhưng, mà lại không
opportunity to confront his detractors and
______ some important questions. 97. ______, the IT technicians should be able
(A) answer to recover most of the data that was lost
(B) answered when the server malfunctioned.
(C) answering (A) Fortune
(D) answers (B) Fortunate
senator (n) thượng nghị sĩ/ grateful to sb (C) Fortuitous
for sth (a) biết ơn/ opportunity to V1 (n) (D) Fortunately
cơ hội/ confront (v) đối chất; đương đầu/ technician (n) kỹ thuật viên/ be able to V1
detractor (n) người nói xấu/ answer (n/v) – có thể/ recover (v) khôi phục/ data (n)
(câu) trả lời dữ liệu/ lose (v) mất/ server (n) máy chủ/
malfunction (v) trục trặc/ fortune (n) vận
95. The warranty for the Campus Stock fax may/ fortunate (a) may mắn/ fortunately
and copier will be considered invalid if the (ad) may mắn thay
machine is ______ handled by a
customer. 98. The human resources division is currently
(A) improperly ______ the possibilities of employing
(B) insufficiently more college interns next summer.
(C) dishonestly (A) glancing
(D) unfittingly (B) exploring
warranty (n) phiếu bảo hành/ consider (v) (C) viewing
cho là/ invalid (a) không có hiệu lực/ (D) watching
handle (v) sử dụng/ improperly (ad) human resources division (n) phòng nhân
không đúng cách/ insufficiently (ad) sự/ possibility of/ for (n) khả năng/
không đủ, thiếu/ dishonestly (ad) employ (v) thuê/ intern (n) thực tập sinh/
không trung thực/ unfittingly (ad) glance (v) liếc nhìn/ explore (v) nghiên
không vừa (quần áo) cứu; thăm dò, thám hiểm/ view (v)
nhìn, xem/ watch (v) xem

On the way to success, there is no trace of lazy men.

Trên bước đường thành công không có dấu chân của kẻ lười biếng.
99. Mr. Kearns was made a very attractive
______ to come and work at Pilsner Beer,
Scotland’s largest brewery.
(A) offer
(B) offers
(C) offered
(D) offering
attractive (a) hấp dẫn, thu hút/ brewery (n)
nhà máy bia/ offer (n/v) lời đề nghị/
cung cấp; đề nghị

100. If China’s economy continues to

grow at the current rate, the country
______ an ever greater influence over
world affairs in the future.
(A) would have had
(B) had
(C) will have
(D) would have
continue to V1 (v) tiếp tục/ at ~ rate – tốc
độ/ great (a) lớn, to lớn/ influence (n) sự
ảnh hưởng/ affair = matter (n) vấn đề

On the way to success, there is no trace of lazy men.

Trên bước đường thành công không có dấu chân của kẻ lười biếng.
Directions; In this part, you will be asked to read four English texts. Each text is missing a word,
phrase, or sentence. Select the answer choice that correctly completes the text and mark the
corresponding letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on the answer sheet.

Questions 131-134 refer to the following notice.


Wimberley Group will its rent collection system to electronic one. This change will apply
131 • uu
to all apartments effective February 1. ---™- Cash and personal checks will no longer be

Every tenant needs to create a user profile at After logging in,
tenants will be able to a payment. You can do this by selecting the unpaid bill and then
clicking on the button at the bottom of the screen. you h't "pay", the amount you

designate will be deducted from your registered credit card or bank account. If you wish to CO

arrange automatic payments, please click the button labeled "Pay this amount every month." LD

Thank you for your cooperation. If you have any questions, e-mail us at help@wimberlygroup. O

com. st

131. (A) induce 133. (A) postpone
(B) fluctuate (B) cancel
(C) convert (C) oppose
(D) recover (D) make

132. (A) Tenants had found the new system 134. (A) Even though
easy to use. (B) During
(B) From that day on, tenants must pay (C) Since
their rental fees online. (D) As soon as
(C) The new system allowed for a greater
variety of payment options.
(D) Only certain Wimberley Group
occupants will be affected.


TEST 1 PART 6 27
Questions 135-138 refer to the following e-mail.

To: Angela Thornberry <>

From: Vincent Nakamura <>
Subject: Your laptop
Date: June 18

Dear Ms. Thornberry,

I am writing about the Trax 2700 laptop you dropped off at our store on June 15 because of

problems with its screen. After sending it to our for examination, we discovered that it
contained a faulty component. At present, your laptop is being As requested, we are
also thoroughly testing the device to see if there are any other issues.

As this problem appears to have been entirely our fault, we will provide you with a $50

voucher to use at our retail store. e-coupons for our Web site are also available. Just

let us know which you'd prefer.

If you have not received it by then, please call customer service.


Best wishes,

Vincent Nakamura
Customer Satisfaction Department

(A) technicality 138. (A) The model you inquired about is no

(B) technical ||||| longer available at this location.
(C) technicians (B) We will send the computer back to you
(D) technology within three days.
(C) You are not covered under the
(A) replaced warranty as it has expired.
(B) repaired (D) We have been receiving a number of
(C) shipped complaints about our service.
(D) recalled

(A) Regrettably
(B) Subsequently
(C) Approximately
(D) Alternatively

28 ?et!£5|Safe!e2pAt £10,97193! EK>®7|MP3

Questions 139-142 refer to the following announcement.

Notice for All Staff

The shopping mall our store is located in will be closed from December 24 to 26. , some
of you will be coming in on December 24 to set up for our post-holiday sale. The guard who

usually opens the mall doors in the morning is off duty during this time. Daniel
Monahan is the most senior staff member, so I will give it to him, and he will let everyone


It is vital that you ------ Daniel at the entrance at exactly 10 a.m. We don't want to waste time UJ
making him go back and forth to open the doors, so please be considerate and arrive as
as you
142. Ln

Thank you for your understanding.


Alison Culpepper -4
Store manager

139. (A) Besides 141. (A) are meeting
(B) Otherwise (B) meet
(C) Accordingly (C) had met o
(D) However (D) met
140. (A) Making sure we answer customer Hn
142. (A) punctually JO
inquiries in a timely manner is our (B) regularly ra
priority. (C) politely
(B) You should be able to use your (D) impressively
employee pass to access the mall.
(C) A security code will therefore be
required to enter the building.
(D) You will need to handle backorders
caused by his absence.


TEST 1 PART 6 29
Questions 143-146 refer to the following e-mail.

To: Rajesh Singh <>

From: Faria Deveraj <>
Subject: Scheduled Inspection
Date: October 12

Dear Mr. Singh,

On October 17, your clothing factory will face its yearly government inspection. This annual

will verify that all labor laws are being followed. Your factory passed the
143. 144.
evaluation with no major problems, so our inspectors hope to see a similar level of

compliance this time around.

You are obliged to provide access to any part of the factory that the inspectors may
wish to see. Failure to comply in this regard may result in fines and further investigation. Also,

the inspectors need to confirm that workers are being properly compensated.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Faria Deveraj
Inspection Team Leader
City Government of Mumbai

(A) meeting 146. (A) A copy of the receipt for your recent
(B) investment payment has been sent to you in the
(C) commemoration mail.
(D) assessment (B) The human resources department will
need to prepare the relevant
(A) decided documents.
(B) forthcoming (C) Consequently, the company wishes to
(C) previous avoid paying any such penalties.
(D) ultimate (D) We are interested in hearing about
certain products that were recalled.
(A) legally
(B) legality
(C) legal
(D) legitimate

30 ?e£ejx(g.?|ojS!2J1lg
Directions: In this part, you will be asked to read four English texts. Each text is missing a word,
phrase, or sentence. Select the answer choice that correctly completes the text and mark the
corresponding letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on the answer sheet.

Questions 131-134 refer to the following advertisement.

The next time you're in downtown Houston and would like a taste of Asia, visit Sensasia on
the second floor of Cheviston Center. Sensasia offers authentic from China, Japan,
India, Thailand, Korea, and Vietnam. uu

From Monday to Friday, enjoy handmade sushi prepared with fresh seafood, delicious
Korean bibimbap, and tasty Vietnamese pho. On weekends, Hong Kong style dim sum,

consisting of various bite-size portions of food, along with our regular menu items. And CD
once a month, our chefs introduce something new for diners to try. only Sensasia can

give you such a wide variety of meals in one location.


For group reservations, please call 555-4272. To view our menu, please visit our Web site at LD
131. (A) dishes 133. (A) prepares Kn

(B) materials (B) prepared fij>;
(C) components (C) is prepared o
(D) directions (D) preparing
132. (A) Our chefs use exotic seasonings in all 134. (A) Conversely CL
of our grilled food. (B) In short
(B) Some parts of our restaurant are now (C) To that end
being refurbished. (D) Not to mention
(C) We serve a wide range of popular
Asian cuisine every day.
(D) Our food is delicious but limited to
seafood selections.


TEST 2 PART 6 57
To: Scott Douglas <>
From: Edward Kovac <edward.k@collinsconsulting,com>
Subject: Brochure alterations
Date: 8 May

Dear Mr. Douglas,

Please find attached a copy of the brochure you designed with our comments. Our team has

reviewed the draft, and we are with the quality of the pamphlet thus far. Despite this, we
do require a few changes.

In particular, there were minor layout and color errors and some important information was

as well. We left notes in the brochure regarding where the omitted details should go.
Please send us a revised draft when it is ready. We will, of course, be happy to
137. 138.
the extra cost.

Best wishes,

135. (A) concerned 137. (A) We are not sure why these details
(B) satisfied ||m were included.
(C) credited (B) We need each correction to be
(D) troubled reflected precisely.
(C) We would like you to change the entire
136. (A) allowed layout.
(B) asserted (D) We ask that you send the invoice for
(C) moving the design we chose.
(D) missing
138. (A) cover
(C) covering
(D) covers

58 !?ss2«s-¥IBSa*B
Directions: In this part, you will be asked to read several texts, such as advertisements, articles, instant
messages, or examples of business correspondence. Each text is followed by several questions. Select
the best answer and mark the corresponding letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet.

Questions 147-148 refer to the following memo. h

MEMO r\j

To: All staff
From: Amanda Robinson 4>
Subject: New assignment
Date: May 20

Please be informed that effective June 1,

Mr. Matthew Webb will be replacing Mr. Daniel
Rodgers as purchasing manager for Longview CD

Holdings. Please address all purchase requests for

office supplies and equipment to Mr. Webb from
that date. As before, all request forms must be o
approved and signed by a departmental
supervisor before submission. Those with questions i>
may reach Mr. Webb at extension number 82. nit
147. Why did Ms. Robinson write the memo? 148. How should employees at Longview 5'
(A) To provide instructions about a new Holdings request new office supplies?
office policy (A) By filling out an online form
(B) To collect orders for office supplies (B) By calling an office extension
(C) To inform staff about a manager's (C) By submitting a signed document
resignation (D) By going to a supplier's Web site
(D) To notify employees about a change in



Questions 149-150 refer to the following announcement.

registered students assistance with editing their writing

assignments for classes. Assignment proofreading services
are available Mondays through Saturdays from 8:30 a.m. to
8:00 P.m.

As an additional offering for those of you looking to

better develop your writing skills, we arrange tutoring
sessions via appointment at our main desk. Writing tutors
are current graduate students in the colleges of education
and liberal arts and are dedicated to guiding you through
the writing process for any class assignment.

So, don't waste another minute worrying about that term

paper! Stop by the West University Writing Center at 450
Ernestine Hall for more information.

149. What is the purpose of the 150. What is NOT mentioned about the writing
announcement? center?
(A) To invite professional writers to a (A) It employs graduate students as tutors.
workshop (B) It is open seven days a week.
(B) To publicize the opening of an (C) It is available for anyone enrolled at
educational center the school.
(C) To explain the importance of written (D) It can arrange private instructional
assignments sessions.
(D) To promote various services offered at
a facility

Questions 151-152 refer to the following information.

Lafayette County Park

We wish everyone a safe and pleasant visit to Lafayette County Park. To

ensure that the park is kept fun and inviting for all, please observe the
following rules:

® The park gates close at 10 p.m. every night and reopen at 6 a.m. Please
respect these hours and do not enter the park when it is closed.
o Children should be supervised at all times. We accept no responsibility
for any accidents occurring in the play area or elsewhere in the park. uu
• Dogs must be kept on a leash, except in the designated off-leash area
in the north end of the park. -l>
e A basketball court and a soccer field are located on the west side of the
park. Please limit any ball games to these areas in order to avoid
damaging the rose garden located on the park's east side.
The speed limit is 20 miles per hour for all vehicles. On multiuse paths,
cyclists are asked to avoid riding at high speeds for the safety of
pedestrians. CO
• All visitors are advised to cross only at designated points and be aware
of cars. UD

Should a problem arise, contact the park administration at 555-6103, which o

is located in the park's northeast corner, off Greenwood Drive.

151. What is NOT mentioned as a facility in the 152. According to the information, what are
park? visitors urged to do?
(A) A rose garden (A) Clean up after their pets
(B) An off-leash area (B) Return rented equipment
(C) A bike rental stand (C) Dispose of trash properly
(D) A section for ball games (D) Take care when crossing a road


TEST 6 PART 7 183

Questions 153-156 refer to the following text-message chain.

Hilda Jacobsen [9:37 a.m.]

Larry, how's your schedule looking for the week? Anything major going on?
Larry Boyd [9:39 a.m.]
Not really. I was planning to spend most of my time working on the Hanifan
project, but there's no rush. They don't need my designs for their office
interior for another two weeks.
Larry Boyd [9:40 a.m.]
Something I can help you with?
Hilda Jacobsen [9:42 a.m.]
I was wondering if you would be free to join me in the city on Wednesday to
meet some representatives from Digitek. I'll be pitching a lobby renovation
idea to them. I really want their company as a client, so I think it would be
great if you were there for support. You could help direct the conversation
to my proposal's selling points just in case I forget something.
Larry Boyd [9:42 a.m.]
I hear you. What time on Wednesday is this meeting?
Hilda Jacobsen [9:43 a.m.]
It's at 10:30 a.m. We can take my car from here. I'll buy you lunch when
we're done.
Larry Boyd [9:44 a.m.]
It's a deal. I'll see you on Wednesday. We'll be coming back to the office,
Hilda Jacobsen [9:45 a.m.]
Yes. I will e-mail you more details about the project in a moment. Thanks!

( )

153. What is suggested about Mr. Boyd? 155. At 9:44 a.m., what does Mr. Boyd mean
(A) He needs to reschedule a client when he writes, "It's a deal"?
meeting. (A) He is satisfied with the outcome of a
(B) He asked for an extension on a business negotiation.
deadline. (B) He knows a restaurant that serves food
(C) He is working on plans for an interior. at low prices.
(D) He will be reassigned to a new project. (C) He consents to accompanying his
colleague to a meeting.
154. What is true about Ms. Jacobsen? (D) He thinks that a client will benefit from
(A) She has finalized details on an office a project's low cost.
interior design.
(B) She plans to meet with a Hanifan 156. What will Mr, Boyd do after lunch on
representative. Wednesday?
(C) Her schedule was changed at the last (A) Go home to research a project
minute. (B) Send an e-mail with project details
(D) She hopes to acquire Digitek as a new (C) Return to his workplace
client. (D) Suggest changes to a lobby

184 *S4lm9IS2}S!S2j3At'8o07|SS!0o®7|MP3

Questions 157-159 refer to the following Web page.

ID! mt

Home I Business I Products and Services | About us | Help | Register | Log in

You are here: MyPost > Help

What is MyPost and how does it work?

MyPost provides a US-based delivery address for customers living overseas. Since not all
online retailers in the US will ship internationally, MyPost allows you to use its physical address
located in the US as a shipment transfer point to temporarily store ordered items. So, the
next time you shop with an online US retailer, simply enter your MyPost address on the no
shipping form, and we will take care of the rest. MyPost uses an advanced tracking system
and can also provide additional services, such as temporary storage and item repacking. UJ
Currently, we ship to over 64 countries around the world.
How do I register with MyPost? 4>
To use MyPost, register for an online account by clicking here. There are no registration or
subscription fees. Pay only for the services you need. lh

How much does it cost to ship an item?

Postage is based both on the weight and dimensions of your parcel.
Are there weight and size restrictions for items sent through MyPost? -d
The minimum chargeable weight is 500 grams. The maximum parcel weight is 30 kilograms.
Maximum parcel dimensions are 3 meters(length x width). 00
How long will it take to receive my shipment?
Once your parcel has been shipped from our overseas warehouse, we estimate it should ID
take approximately 7-10 working days for delivery to the address you specify.

157. Who would most likely be interested in 159. What is stated about the services?
MyPost's services? (A) They are discounted for repeat
(A) Companies relocating abroad customers.
(B) Business owners needing domestic (B) They are priced according to weight
delivery and size.
(C) Customers ordering items from US (C) They include sales of packing supplies.
Web sites (D) They cost less than other companies.
(D) Clients wishing to cut their shipping

158. What is indicated about MyPost?

(A) It has storage facilities in the US.
(B) It has special arrangements with
trucking companies.
(C) It does not insure items under 500
(D) It charges extra for parcels over three
meters in length.


Questions 160-161 refer to the following online chat discussion,


Jessica Jang 9:27

I just got a message from a staff member in sales saying that salaries for her department have not been
deposited yet. They should have come in yesterday afternoon.
Jessica Jang 9:28
Has anyone else gotten similar complaints from other departments?
William Stuttgart 9:34
I just checked with production and they got theirs, but those in purchasing did not. Neither did the
employees in finance. Oh, and my salary hasn't come in either.
Jessica Jang 9:35
Nor mine. This is quite strange. I checked with research and development and they got theirs. I wonder
if Erin's heard anything.
Erin Hinkle 9:37
Sorry, I was on the phone just now. None of us in human resources has gotten paid, apparently. I
discovered this issue earlier this morning, and I just contacted Beacon Bank to find out the cause of the
problem. They promised a response in the next 10 minutes.
Erin Hinkle 9:44
So, the bank says they had some technical issues with a new payment software system that they recently
started using. They've resolved the problem now and those who haven't been paid yet should have their
funds within the next hour. Let me know what happens.
William Stuttgart 10:34
I just received notification from the bank that the funds have been sent.
Jessica Jang 10:35
Same here. Erin, could you contact the other departments to confirm that the problem's been solved?
Erin Hinkle 10:36
OK. I can do that.

160. What is suggested about Mr. Stuttgart? 161. At 10:36, what does Ms. Hinkle mean
(A) He received his salary before others in when she writes, "I can do that"?
the company. (A) She will check whether a new software
(B) He was unsuccessful in his attempts to system was installed.
contact a bank. (B) She will find out whether all the
(C) He is employed in the human employees have been paid.
resources department. (C) She will call a bank to confirm that a
(D) He has encountered the problem of deposit has been made.
late payment before. (D) She will make an announcement
regarding monthly salaries.

186 sews-flags Jig

Questions 162=164 refer to the following report.

Report for City Council Executive SVIeeting, March 18

Options from the Planning Department

The Truman Expressway is now 50 years old and is no longer fit for use. The surface is
becoming less even, and the underside of the elevated road is crumbling, posing a potential
hazard to the pedestrian areas and smaller roads that run beneath it. There are three main —I
options for how to handle these issues with the expressway.

The first is to invest money in the repair of damaged sections. This is the cheapest possible
option, as well as the quickest. However, some community activists have noted that people do pj
not like having to walk along the dark streets underneath the expressway to reach the
waterfront on the other side. The city has been trying to increase low visitation rates to the LU
waterfront area, and making road repairs only would not address this problem.
The second option is to rebuild the roadway underground. This would allow us to maintain the
same traffic capacity and provide more space aboveground for other structures or buildings. un
However, it would be extremely expensive and possibly disruptive.
The final option is to tear the expressway down and widen Elmview Road, which currently runs
beneath it. This could help to expand local retail, as shops at ground level would be able to tap
into a large customer base. However, Elmview Road would not be able to take all of the traffic
that currently runs on the expressway. Much of this traffic would try to bypass the city by taking CD
smaller roads to the north, probably through the community of Greenville. At the same time, the
residents of this community would most likely be against using their city as an alternative route OD
due to an increase in through traffic and noise on their roads.

162. What is NOT an option suggested in the 164. What is mentioned about Greenville
report? citizens?

(A) Rebuilding the road underground (A) They want more shops in the area.
(B) Moving the expressway farther north (B) They mostly drive to their workplaces.
(C) Repairing the damaged portions (C) They are unhappy with public
(D) Pulling down the elevated roadway transportation.
(D) They may oppose a detour plan.
163. What is suggested about the city's
(A) It has a highway running through the
middle of it.
(B) It experiences severe road congestion,
(C) It has a low number of visitors.
(D) It is being redeveloped by the city.


TEST 6 PART? 187

Questions 165-167 refer to the following e-mail.

To: Marcie Camden <>

From: Christina Garcia <>
Date: November 10
Subject: Your order

Ms. Camden,

This is about the two Lucia Simonetti designer handbags you ordered from our Web site on
November 8. Unfortunately, one of the handbags, Model #452, is currently unavailable. It
has been a popular item, and I'm sorry to say that we've just run out of stock. — [1] —. We
placed an order with our supplier in Italy around a week and a half ago. — [2] —. The
earliest we can expect the new items to arrive would be two weeks from today.

We would like to know if you still wish to proceed with your order. — [3] —. If so, we will
send the available item, Model #450, by overnight shipping at no extra cost. Or you can
wait for Model #452 to arrive, and we will ship everything together. — [4] —. Kindly send us
a reply e-mail to inform us of your decision. I will be sure to keep you posted on any new
developments as they occur. We apologize once more for the inconvenience.

Christina Garcia
Sales representative

165. Why did Ms. Garcia send the e-mail? 167. In which of the positions marked [1], [2],
(A) To apologize for a billing error [3], and [4] does the following sentence
(B) To ask for a preference for an order best belong?
(C) To propose a new project "However, they informed us there could be
(D) To schedule a business trip a delay on account of a transport strike in
166. What is mentioned about Ms. Camden?
(A) [1]
(A) She ordered the wrong product from a
(B) [2]
(C) [3]
(B) She purchased items on the Internet.
(D) [4]
(C) She asked for a refund two days ago.
(D) She made a reservation by e-mail.

188 ?St!So!S2KlH°|Jurtlo|of7|saieot°0|MP3

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