RC Test 2 M I

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1. While some aspects still confuse me, I 4. Body protection may be required for
found the movie _______ and I would employees _______ work exposes parts of
recommend that anyone watch it. their bodies to hazardous substances or
(A) fascinate objects.
(B) fascination (A) who
(C) fascinating (B) whom
(D) fascinated (C) whose
while (conj) trong khi/ aspect (n) khía cạnh, (D) which
mặt/ confuse (v) làm bối rối, mơ hồ/ protection (n) đồ bảo hộ, sự bảo vệ/ require
recommend (v) giới thiệu; đề nghị/ (v) yêu cầu/ employee (n) nhân viên/
fascinate (v) thích thú/ fascination (n) sự expose to (v) tiếp xúc/ để lộ ra/ part (n)
mê hoặc, sự quyến rũ / fascinating (a) phần, bộ phận/ hazardous (a) nguy hiểm/
hấp dẫn, lôi cuốn/ fascinated (a) thích substance (n) chất

2. After the recent financial crisis, a number of 5. This computer is _______ as fast as the
countries have experienced a _______ of one that was replaced due to the larger
bankruptcies. amount of random-access memory.
(A) wave (A) just
(B) way (B) as well
(C) wealth (C) very
(D) wall (D) such
recent (a) gần đây/ financial crisis (n) fast (a) nhanh/ replace (v) thay thế/ large
cuộc khủng hoảng tài chính/ experience (v) (a) lớn/ amount (n) số lượng/ random-
trải qua/ bankruptcy (n) sự phá sản/ wave access (a) truy cập trực tiếp/ memory (n) bộ
(n) sóng, làn sóng/ way (n) cách/ wealth nhớ
(n) sự giàu có, thịnh vượng/ wall (n)
tường 6. In support of the changes _______ were
discussed in the referendum, government
3. It is important to respond to customer officials will begin making records of all their
requests quickly, so be sure to check your business expenses.
e-mail at regular _______ throughout the (A) whether
day. (B) that
(A) moments (C) what
(B) levels (D) who
(C) intervals support (n) ủng hộ/ change (n) sự thay đổi/
(D) spaces referendum (n) cuộc trung cầu dân ý/
respond to (v) trả lời/ request (n/v) yêu government official (n) quan chức chính
cầu/ be sure to V1 – chắc chắn/ regular (a) phủ/ record (n) hồ sơ/ expense (n) chi phí/
thường xuyên/ throughout (ad) suốt, khắp/ whether (conj) liệu có…hay không/ that
moment (n) khoảnh khắc, chốc lát/ level (pro) người ấy, vật ấy, cái ấy, điều ấy;
(n) mức độ/ interval (n) khoảng thời người đó, vật đó, cái đó, điều đó/ what
gian; lúc giải lao/ space (n) khoảng (pro) cái mà, điều mà, người mà, cái gì/
trống, không gian who (pro) người mà

If you fall asleep now, you will dream. If you study now, you will live your dream.
Nếu bạn chợp mắt vào lúc này, bạn sẽ mơ. Nếu bạn bắt đầu việc học ngay bây giờ, bạn sẽ biến giấc mơ
ấy thành sự thật.
7. Harry Fisher left the company last year and 10. Our Internet service is provided with
is now operating _______ own business. complete home installation for a(n)
(A) him _______ monthly charge of thirty dollars
(B) his per month.
(C) himself (A) fixed
(D) he (B) anchored
leave (v) rời khỏi/ operate (v) quản lý, điều (C) constant
hành/ own (a) của riêng mình/ business (n) (D) ongoing
công ty, sự kinh doanh service (n) dịch vụ/ provide with sth (v)
cung cấp/ home installation (n) sự lắp đặt
8. Premium members are entitled to an tận nhà/ charge (n) phí, chi phí/ per + N số
additional 10 percent _______ off all ít- mỗi/ fixed (a) cố định/ anchored (a)
merchandise purchased at our Greenbriar hình mỏ neo/ constant (a) kiên trì, không
location. thay đổi/ ongoing (a) đang diễn ra
(A) discounted
(B) discounting 11. Because of such a large and _______ set
(C) discount of tax laws, we need to consult with the tax
(D) discounts department before proceeding with these
premium member (n) thành viên cao cấp/ plans.
be intitled to (v) được quyền/ off (ad) giảm (A) complication
giá/ merchandise (n) hàng hóa/ purchase (B) complicated
(v) mua/ discounted (a) được giảm giá/ (C) complicating
discount (v/n) giảm giá (D) complicate
because of (prep) bởi vì/ set (n) bộ/ tax law
9. BioTech will change its end user licensing (n) luật thuế/ consult with (v) bàn bạc, hỏi ý
agreement policy _______ the complaints kiến/ tax department (n) chi cục thuế/ plan
that we have received regarding its (n) kế hoạch/ complication (n) sự phức
practicality. tạp, rắc rối/ complicated = complex =
(A) despite intricate (a) phức tạp, rắc rối/ complicate
(B) although (v) làm phức tạp, rắc rối
(C) because
(D) in light of 12. There has been an increase in the number
user licensing agreement policy (n) chính of websites and anonymous letters on the
sách thỏa thuận cấp phép cho người sử Internet which have been _______ of the
dụng/ complaint (n) lời phàn nàn/ receive government’s policies.
(n) nhận/ regarding (prep) liên quan đến/ (A) criticized
practicality (n) tính thực tế/ despite (prep) (B) critic
mặc dù/ although (conj) mặc dù/ (C) critically
because (conj) bởi vì/ in light of (prep) vì (D) critical
increase in (n) sự tăng/ anonymous (a) nặc
danh/ government (n) chính phủ/ policy (n)
chính sách/ criticize for (v) phê bình, chỉ
trích/ critic (n) nhà phê bình/ critically (a)
chỉ trích/ critical (a) phê bình, chỉ trích

If you fall asleep now, you will dream. If you study now, you will live your dream.
Nếu bạn chợp mắt vào lúc này, bạn sẽ mơ. Nếu bạn bắt đầu việc học ngay bây giờ, bạn sẽ biến giấc mơ
ấy thành sự thật.
13. The document you asked for about the 16. Several employees were speaking loudly
project _______ to the Human Resources _______ the presentations yesterday
department. morning, and this behavior will not be
(A) forwarded tolerated at future presentations.
(B) is forwarding (A) while
(C) has forwarded (B) during
(D) has been forwarded (C) for
ask for (v) yêu cầu/ Human Resources (D) within
department (n) phòng nhân sự/ forward to several + Nsn (a) một vài/ loudly (ad) ầm ĩ,
(v) gửi inh ỏi/ presentation (n) bài thuyết trình/
behavior (n) hành vi/ tolerate = forgive (v)
14. According to your credit card agreement tha thứ/ while (conj) trong khi/ during
with our company, your account may be (prep) trong suốt/ for (prep) cho, vì, để/
terminated _______ further notice if you fail within (prep) trong, trong vòng
to make timely payments.
(A) before 17. _______ deleted files is not a very difficult
(B) after task, as many powerful tools can be
(C) from downloaded from the Internet.
(D) without (A) Recover
according to (prep) theo/ agreement (n) sự (B) Recovered
thỏa thuận/ terminate (v) chấm dứt, kết (C) Recovery
thúc/ notice (n) sự thông báo/ fail to V1 (v) (D) Recovering
không/ timely (a) đúng lúc, kịp thời/ file (n) ổ đựng tài liệu/ task (n) nhiệm vụ,
payment (n) sự trả tiền/ before (prep/ conj) công việc/ powerful tool (n) công cụ mạnh
trước khi/ after (prep/ conj) sau khi/ from mẽ/ download (v) tải xuống/ recover (v)
(prep) từ/ without (prep) không có khôi phục

15. Reservations must be made at least three 18. The entire sales department staff threw a
months in advance during the ski season, surprise party to congratulate the two
_______ one month is recommended for managers on their _______ promotion.
stays during the summer. (A) new
(A) when (B) recent
(B) how (C) modern
(C) whereas (D) short
(D) since entire (a) toàn thể, toàn bộ/ sales
reservation (n) đặt chỗ trước/ in advance – department (n) phòng kinh doanh/ throw =
trước/ during (prep) trong suốt/ ski season hold (v) tổ chức/ party (n) bữa tiệc/
(n) mùa trượt tuyết/ stay (n) sự ở lại, lưu congratulate on (v) chúc mừng về/
lại/ when (conj) khi/ how (ad) như thế promotion (n) sự thăng chức/ new (a) mới/
nào/ whereas (conj) trong khi/ since recent (a) gần đây/ modern (a) hiện đại/
(prep/ conj) từ khi, vì short (a) ngắn

If you fall asleep now, you will dream. If you study now, you will live your dream.
Nếu bạn chợp mắt vào lúc này, bạn sẽ mơ. Nếu bạn bắt đầu việc học ngay bây giờ, bạn sẽ biến giấc mơ
ấy thành sự thật.
19. During the summer season, all employees 22. The creative marketing _______ laid out by
must _______ their department head of the junior team will be implemented
their vacation schedules at least two weeks immediately.
in advance. (A) strategic
(A) notify (B) strategy
(B) announce (C) strategize
(C) forward (D) strategical
(D) arrange creative (a) sáng tạo/ lay out (v) trình bày,
department head (n) trưởng phòng/ đưa ra/ implement (v) thực hiện/ strategic
vacation schedule (n) lịch trình nghỉ phép/ = strategical (a) chiến lược/ strategy (n)
notify sb of sth (v) thông báo/ announce chiến lược/ strategize (v) vạch kế hoạch
sth to sb (v) thông báo/ forward sth to sb
(v) gửi/ arrange (v) sắp xếp 23. Stephan Roach projected that the global
economy, which _______ in the first quarter
20. We wish to apologize for the error in of this year at a 5 percent growth, will slow
_______ your request, and we would like to down over the course of the year.
offer you free delivery service next time you (A) reached
do business with Free Ride. (B) enlarged
(A) process (C) maximized
(A) procession (D) peaked
(B) processed project (v) dự đoán/ global economy (n) nền
(C) processing kinh tế toàn cầu/ quarter (n) quý/ growth (n)
apologize for (v) xin lỗi/ error (n) lỗi/ offer sự gia tăng, tăng trưởng/ slow down (v)
(v)cung cấp, tặng/ business (n) sự kinh chậm lại/ reach (v) đạt tới; đạt được/
doanh/ process (n/v) quy trình, quá trình/ enlarge (v) mở rộng, tăng lên/ maximize
xử lý/ procession (n) cuộc diễu hành (v) làm tăng lên đến tột độ/ peak (v) đạt
mức cao nhất
21. Pay Attention is a company newsletter
_______ throughout the world which 24. An extensive survey of baby foods has
provides information regarding the use of found that they have _______ levels of
our products. disease-causing microbes.
(A) distributing (A) worried
(B) distributed (B) worrying
(C) distribution (C) worry
(D) distributes (D) worries
newsletter (n) bản tin/ throughout (prep) extensive (a) có phạm vi rộng, bao quát/
khắp, suốt/ information  about/ survey (n) cuộc khảo sát/ level (n) mức/
concerning/ on/ regarding/ distribute (v) microbe (v) vi khuẩn/ worried (a) lo lắng/
phân phối, phân phát/ distribution (n) sự worrying (a) gây lo lắng/ worry (v) lo
phân phối, phân phát lắng

If you fall asleep now, you will dream. If you study now, you will live your dream.
Nếu bạn chợp mắt vào lúc này, bạn sẽ mơ. Nếu bạn bắt đầu việc học ngay bây giờ, bạn sẽ biến giấc mơ
ấy thành sự thật.
25. We are in the process of _______ our 28. There were some technical problems with
international market share by establishing the equipment that she rented for the
branch offices in 12 different countries. presentation, so Susan Kimberly would like
(A) including to have her money _______.
(B) inclining (A) refunds
(C) exhibiting (B) refunding
(D) expanding (C) refunded
in the process of doing sth – đang làm (D) refund
cái gì đó/ market share (v) thị phần/ technical problem (n) sự cố kỹ thuật/
establish = set up (v) thành lập/ branch equipment (n) thiết bị/ rent (v) thuê/
office (n) văn phòng chi nhánh/ include (v) presentation (n) bài thuyết trình/ would like
bao gồm/ incline (v) khiến cho; có to V1 (v) muốn/ refund (n/v) trả lại, hoàn
khuynh hướng/ exhibit (v) trưng bày, lại
triển lãm/ expand (v) mở rộng
29. The speech will end at 6 p.m. and a
26. A large _______ of voters supporting the cocktail hour will follow shortly _______.
governing party during the 2004 general (A) lately
elections turned their back on it in the local (B) already
elections Wednesday. (C) thereafter
(A) size (D) suddenly
(B) proportion speech (n) bài phát biểu, bài diễn văn/
(C) percent follow (v) tiếp theo, theo sau/ shortly (ad)
(D) combination ngay/ lately (ad) gần đây/ already (ad) đã/
voter (n) người bỏ phiếu/ support (v) ủng thereafter (ad) sau đó/ suddenly (ad)
hộ/ governing party (n) đảng cầm quyền/ thình lình, đột ngột
general election (n) cuộc tổng tuyển cử/
size (n) kích thước, quy mô/ proportion 30. The emergency drill ended quite quickly
(n) tỷ lệ/ percent (n) phần tram/ because all occupants of the building were
combination (n) sự phối hợp very _______.
(A) cooperative
27. The board warned us that they were (B) cooperating
planning to close our division, _______ we (C) cooperation
figured out a way to convince them that we (D) cooperate
were vital to the organization. emergency drill (n) buổi luyện tập cấp
(A) which cứu/ occupant = lessee (n) người thuê
(B) lastly nhà/ cooperative (a) hợp tác/ cooperate
(C) yet (v) hợp tác/ cooperation (n) sự hợp tác
(D) finally
plan to V1 (v) dự định/ division = 31. Even today, people _______ the hospital in
department (n) phòng ban/ figure out (v) Las Vegas believe that there are not enough
nghĩ ra/ way to V1 (n) cách/ convince = beds available.
persuade (v) thuyết phục/ vital = important (A) use
(a) quan trọng/ organization (n) tổ chức/ (B) using
which (pro) nào, cái nào/ lastly =finally (C) used
(ad) cuối cùng/ yet (conj) tuy nhiên (D) will use

If you fall asleep now, you will dream. If you study now, you will live your dream.
Nếu bạn chợp mắt vào lúc này, bạn sẽ mơ. Nếu bạn bắt đầu việc học ngay bây giờ, bạn sẽ biến giấc mơ
ấy thành sự thật.
hospital (n) bệnh viện/ / enough (a) đủ/ 35. Please be advised that the New Year’s
available (a) có sẵn/ use (v/n) sử dụng party will commence _______ at 8:00P.M.
on Saturday.
32. In order to _______ a seat for the ballet, we (A) precise
need to call the theater by four o’clock (B) preciseness
today. (C) precisely
(A) respond (D) precision
(B) appoint Please be advised that - vui lòng biết rằng/
(C) reserve party (n) bữa tiệc/ commence = begin =
(D) connect initiate = start (v) bắt đầu/ precise (a)
in order to V1 – để/ seat (n) cỗ ngồi/ need đúng, chính xác/ preciseness (n) tính
to V1 – cần/ respond to (v) trả lời/ chính xác/ precisely (ad) đúng, chính
appoint (v) định, hẹn; bổ nhiệm/ reserve xác precision (n) tính chính xác
for (v) đặt trước/ connect to (v) kết nối
36. Before leaving the factory, all our products
33. The junior secretaries look up to Mrs. Shaw are put through a _______ quality control
due to _______ vast experience in working check.
with the President. (A) dependent
(A) she (B) withheld
(B) her (C) stringent
(C) hers (D) founded
(D) herself before/ when/ after + V_ing + O/ leave (v)
junior secretary (n) thư ký cấp dưới/ look rời khỏi/ put through (v) trải qua/ quality (n)
up to (v) kính trọng/ due to (prep) do/ vast chất lượng/ dependent (a) phụ thuộc/
(a) nhiều/ experience (n) kinh nghiệm withheld (a) ngăn cản/ stringent = strict/
rigorous (a) nghiêm ngặt/ founded (a)
34. _______ you would like to receive the được thành lập
latest information on our product range,
please visit our website. 37. Based on performances to date, we will
(A) Whether determine _______ delegates will appear
(B) Despite before the final selection panel.
(C) If (A) about
(D) For (B) whom
would like to V1 - muốn/ receive (v) nhận/ (C) on
lastest (a) mới nhất/ information, (D) which
question, issue  on/ about/ based on (a) dựa trên/ performance (n)
concerning/ regarding/ related to – thông hiệu suất (làm việc)/ determine (v) quyết
tin về/ product range (n) dòng sản phẩm/ định, xác định/ delegate (n) người đại biểu,
whether (conj) liệu có… hay không/ đại diện/ selection panel (n) hội đồng tuyển
despite (prep) mặc dù/ if (conj) nếu/ for chọn/ about (prep) về/ whom (pro) người
(prep) vì, cho mà/ on (prep) trên, về/ which (pro/ a) cái
nào, cái mà/ nào, bất cứ…nào

If you fall asleep now, you will dream. If you study now, you will live your dream.
Nếu bạn chợp mắt vào lúc này, bạn sẽ mơ. Nếu bạn bắt đầu việc học ngay bây giờ, bạn sẽ biến giấc mơ
ấy thành sự thật.
38. Utopia Construction wants to build a self- 41. In more _______ economic conditions, the
contained apartment complex that will directors might not have decided to cut the
include a communal kitchen and many workforce, but this year there was no other
other _______. option.
(A) facilities (A) favor
(B) opinions (B) favorably
(C) conventions (C) favorite
(D) categories (D) favorable
self-contained (a) độc lập/ apartment condition (n) điều kiện/ director (n) giám
complex (n) khu chung cư/ include (v) bao đốc/ decide to V1 (v) quyết định/ workforce
gồm commual (a) chung, công cộng/ (n) lực lượng lao động/ option = choice (n)
facilities (n) tiện nghi/ opinion (n) ý kiến/ sự lựa chọn/ favor (n) thiện ý/ favarite (a)
convention (n) hội nghị, sự triệu tập/ ưa thích, ưa chuộng/ favarable (a) thuận
category (n) loại, hạng lợi

39. Please take the time to _______ review the 42. All junior managers are to examine their
final proposal before handing it in to Mr. annual figures _______ possible errors
Davidson. before sending them to the higher
(A) thorough managers.
(B) thoroughly (A) in
(C) thoroughness (B) for
(D) most thorough (C) over
take the time to V1 dành thời gian/ review (D) from
(v) xem lại/ proposal (n) bản đề xuất/ hand examine (v) kiểm tra/ annual (a) hàng năm/
in = submit to (v) nộp/ thorough (a) kỹ figure (n) số liệu/ possible (a) có thể xảy ra/
lưỡng/ thoroughly (ad) kỹ lưỡng/ error (n) lỗi/ send to (v) gửi
thoroughness (n) tính kỹ lưỡng
43. Mr. Grey, the accountant, had to solve the
40. Despite the explosive growth of the internet, problem by _______ as the entire financial
how teenagers are exposed to new department was on vacation.
products is still _______ through television (A) itself
advertising. (B) herself
(A) predominant (C) themselves
(B) predominantly (D) himself
(C) predominate accountant (n) nhân viên kế toán/ solve =
(D) predominated resolve (v) giải quyết/ entire (a) toàn bộ/
despite (prep) mặc dù/ explosive growth financial department (n) phòng tài chính/ on
(n) sự phát triển bùng nổ/ teenager (n) vacation (n) trong kỳ nghỉ
thanh thiếu niên/ be exposed to (phr.) tiếp
xúc/ through (prep) qua/ advertising (n) sự 44. As of May 1, Dwayne Myers will _______
quảng cáo/ predominant (a) chiếm ưu the firm’s interests at the national
thế/ predominantly (ad) phần lớn, chủ conference in Washington.
yếu/ predominate (v) chiếm ưu thế, trội (A) attend
hơn hẳn (B) perform
(C) reassure
(D) represent
If you fall asleep now, you will dream. If you study now, you will live your dream.
Nếu bạn chợp mắt vào lúc này, bạn sẽ mơ. Nếu bạn bắt đầu việc học ngay bây giờ, bạn sẽ biến giấc mơ
ấy thành sự thật.
as of (prep) kể từ/ interest (n) quyền lợi/ 48. Aplix Energy expresses our _______
conference = symposium (n) hội nghị/ gratitude to the citizens of Roschester for
attend (v) tham dự/ perform (v) thực their massive response to our survey.
hiện, trình diễn/ reassure (v) cam đoan/ (A) original
represent (v) đại diện (B) estimated
(C) sincere
45. Mr. Taylor was extremely _______ to (D) completed
accept the board’s offer to become the new express sth to sb (v) bày tỏ/ gratitude (n)
CEO. lòng biết ơn/ citizen (n) cư dân thành phố/
(A) happier response to (n) sự hưởng úng; trả lời/
(B) happily survey (n) cuộc khảo sát/ original (a) đầu
(C) happiest tiên/ estimated (a) được ước tính/
(D) happy sincere (a) chân thành/ completed (a)
extremely (ad) cực kỳ/ accept (v) chấp được hoàn thành
nhận/ offer (n) lời đề nghị/ CEO (n) giám
đốc điều hành/ happy to V1 (a) sung 49. Any errors in the attached personnel form
sướng, hạnh phúc/ happily (ad) thật là should be _______ reported to your
may mắn; sẵng lòng supervisor so that she can modify them.
(A) prompt
46. _______ sales start to improve soon, the (B) promptly
number of employees will have to be cut by (C) prompted
50 percent. (D) prompting
(A) Unless any + Nsn/ kđđ (a) bất cứ/ attached (a)
(B) Also đính kèm/ form (n) mẫu đơn/ report to (v)
(C) Except báo cáo/ supervisor (n) người giám sát/
(D) Therefore modify = change = revise (v) sửa đổi, thay
sales (n) doanh số/ start to V1/ V_ing (v) đổi/ prompt (a/v) nhanh chóng, ngay lập
bắt đầu/ improve (v) cải thiện/ employee (n) tức/ thúc giục, thúc đẩy/ promptly (ad)
nhân viên/ unless (conj) trừ khi/ also (ad) nhanh chóng, ngay lập tức
cũng/ except for (prep) ngoại trừ/
therefore (ad) vì vậy 50. Please _______ the appropriate personnel
of your arrival when you get to the
47. This online travel information board will conference.
delete any posts that are improper or (A) speak
misleading _______ its readers. (B) notify
(A) with (C) report
(B) to (D) tell
(C) by Please + V1 – vui lòng/ appropriate (a)
(D) upon thích hợp/ personnel (n) nhân viên/ arrival
delete (v) xóa/ post (n) bài viết/ improper (a) (n) đến/ speak with/ to sb (v) nói chuyện/
không thích hợp/ misleading (a) sai lệch/ notify sb of sth (v) thông báo/ report sth
reader (n) người đọc, đọc giả/ with (prep) to sb (v) báo cáo/ tell sb (that)/ sb about
với, có, bằng/ to (prep) đến, với, đối với/ sth/ sb to V1 (v) nói, bảo
by (prep) bằng, bởi, trước/ upon (prep) ở
trên, lúc, theo

If you fall asleep now, you will dream. If you study now, you will live your dream.
Nếu bạn chợp mắt vào lúc này, bạn sẽ mơ. Nếu bạn bắt đầu việc học ngay bây giờ, bạn sẽ biến giấc mơ
ấy thành sự thật.
51. The students have been studying all night 54. _______ Thursday, all employees will be
long for their final exams, which leaves entitled to a free lunch in the cafeteria
them too _______ to follow the daily located on the second floor.
lessons. (A) Outside
(A) tire (B) Starting on
(B) tires (C) Afterward
(C) tiring (D) Instead of
(D) tired be entitled to (phr.) được quyền/ cafeteria
study (v) học/ final exam (n) kỳ thi cuối kì/ (n) quán ăn tự phục vụ/ locate (v) nằm ở/
follow (v) theo dõi/ lesson (n) bài học/ tire outside (prep) ở phía ngoài/ afterward
(n/v) lốp, vỏ (xe)/ làm mệt mỏi/ tiring (a) (ad) sau đó/ instead of (prep) thay vì
gây mệt mỏi/ tired (a) mệt mỏi
55. The CFO from head office is coming here
52. _______ taking over leadership of Pantec next week and wants all the department
Inc. eight years ago, Mr. Kim has built heads _______ him for lunch on
relationships with major film and Wednesday.
broadcasting companies, including a (A) to meet
recent collaboration with Dream Filmworks. (B) met
(A) Since (C) have met
(B) While (D) will meet
(C) When CFO (n) kế toán trưởng/ head office (n) trụ
(D) Because sở chính/ department head (n) trưởng
take over (v) tiếp quản/ leadership (n) phòng
cương vị lãnh đạo/ relationship with (n)
mối quan hệ/ major (a) lớn/ recent (a) gần 56. Ajax Incorporated is offering a discount to
đây/ collaboration with (n) sự cộng tác/ employees _______ recognition of their
since (conj) kể từ khi/ while (conj) trong outstanding contribution to its success.
khi/ when (conj) khi/ because (conj) bởi (A) of
vì (B) under
(C) at
53. Of the various options for document (D) in
delivery, the fax machine is still the offer to (v) cung cấp/ discount (n) sự giảm
_______ to access within building. giá/ recognition (n) sự công nhận/
(A) more easily outstanding (a) nổi bật/ contribution to (n)
(B) easiest sự đóng góp/ success (n) sự thành công
(C) most easily
(D) easy 57. Jako Corporation has 25 job _______ for
various (a) nhiều; đa dạng/ option = choice secretarial positions in the new office at
(n) sự lựa chọn/ delivery (n) sự phân phát/ Hanwood.
access (v) truy cập/ within (prep) trong, (A) opens
trong vòng (B) openings
(C) openness
(D) opener
corporation = company (n) công ty/
secretarial position (n) vị trí thư ký/ oepn
(v) mở, bắt đầu, khai mạc/ opening (n)
If you fall asleep now, you will dream. If you study now, you will live your dream.
Nếu bạn chợp mắt vào lúc này, bạn sẽ mơ. Nếu bạn bắt đầu việc học ngay bây giờ, bạn sẽ biến giấc mơ
ấy thành sự thật.
cơ hội/ openness (n) (sự) mở/ opener (n) encourage (v) khuyến khích/ circulation (n)
cái mở nút chai lưu hành/ economy (n) nền kinh tế/ retail
(n) sự bán lẻ/ market (n) thị trường/
58. Due to _______ advances in discount (n) sự giảm giá
communication technology, heavy
investment in research and development is 61. Due to a much higher demand than
vital to remain competitive. expected, staff in the production
(A) continuous department have been working quite
(B) prosperous _______ these days.
(C) mature (A) lately
(D) straight (B) late
advance in (n) sự tiến bộ/ communication (C) later
(n) viễn thông/ technology (n) công nghệ/ (D) lateness
investment (n) sự đầu tư/ research (n) demand (n) nhu cầu/ expect (v) mong đợi/
nghiên cứu/ vital = important to V1 (a) staff (n) nhân viên/ quite (ad) khá/ late
quan trọng/ remain (v) duy trì/ competitive (a/ad) trễ, muộn/ lately = recently (ad)
(a) cạnh tranh/ continuous (a) liên tục/ gần đây/ lateness (n) chậm trễ, muộn
prosperous (a) thịnh vượng, phát đạt/
mature (a) kỹ càng/ straight (a) thẳng, 62. Earle Jones suggested those amendments
thẳng thắn in the contract _______ his manager five
years ago, yet they are being included only
59. Developed nation’s investing in agriculture now.
in third-world countries is quite a _______ (A) to
sound decision. (B) by
(A) finance (C) along
(B) finances (D) on
(C) financial suggest (that)/ sth to sb (v) đề nghị/
(D) financially amendment (n) sự sửa đổi, bổ sung/
invest in (v) đầu tư/ agriculture (n) nông contract = agreement (n) hợp đồng/
nghiệp/ quite (ad) khá/ sound (a) đúng đắn/ include (v) bao gồm/ along (prep) dọc
decision (n) sự quyết định/ finance (n/v) tài theo
chính/ tài trợ/ financial (a) tài chính/
financially (ad) về mặt tài chính 63. Even though his performance in sales has
been poor, Mr. Brave is tolerated, and is
60. A yearly subscription to Market Bizarre, a getting promoted on _______ because his
new gourmet food magazine, is being father is the CEO.
offered at a thirty percent _______ in order (A) schedule
to encourage circulation (B) appointment
(A) economy (C) authority
(B) retail (D) condition
(C) market even though (conj) mặc dù/ performance
(D) discount (n) hiệu suất (làm việc)/ sales (n) doanh số/
yearly = annual (a) hàng năm/ poor (a) kém/ tolerate = forgive (v) tha thứ,
subscription to (n) sự đặt báo dài hạn/ khoan dung/ promote (v) thăng chức/
gourmet (a) người sành ăn/ offer (v) cung schedule (n) lịch trình/ appointment (n)
cấp/ in order to V1= so as to V1 – để/ cuộc hẹn; sự bổ nhiệm/ authority (n) sự
If you fall asleep now, you will dream. If you study now, you will live your dream.
Nếu bạn chợp mắt vào lúc này, bạn sẽ mơ. Nếu bạn bắt đầu việc học ngay bây giờ, bạn sẽ biến giấc mơ
ấy thành sự thật.
cho phép; thẩm quyền/ condition (n) 67. Comments made by Mike Turner are
điều kiện entirely personal and are not _______
indicative of the views help by this
64. _______ by his secretary, the president of company.
the company will visit every branch in every (A) barely
country as preparation for his retirement. (B) highly
(A) Accompany (C) gradually
(B) Accompanying (D) necessarily
(C) To accompany comment (n) nhận xét/ entirely (ad) hoàn
(D) Accompanied toàn/ personal (a) cá nhân/ indicative (a)
president (n) chủ tịch/ visit (v) đến/ every + thể hiện, biểu thị/ view (n) quan điểm/
N đđ số ít – mỗi/ branch (n) chi nhánh/ as barely (ad) rỗng không/ highly (ad) cao,
(prep) như/ preparation (n) sự chuẩn bị/ rất, lắm/ gradually (ad) dần dần/
retirement (n) sự nghỉ hưu/ accompany (v) necessarily (ad) nhất thiết/ necessarily
đi cùng; kèm theo/ accompanied (a) đi  indicate/ indicative
68. The new fully-electronic data retrieval
65. His secretary had to wait all day for system at work is a far more efficient
_______ that the documents had departed means of keeping business _______ than
on time and were on the correct flight. the old paper-based system.
(A) confirm (A) states
(B) confirms (B) marks
(C) confirmation (C) points
(D) confirmed (D) records
wait for (v) đợi, chờ/ depart (v) rời khỏi; fully-electronic data retrieval system (n) hệ
khởi hành/ on time (phr.) đúng giờ/ correct thống phục hồi dữ liệu điện tử/ efficient (a)
(a) đúng, chính xác/ flight (n) chuyến bay/ hiệu quả/ means (n) biện pháp, cách thức/
confirm (n) xác nhận/ confirmation (n) keep (v) quản lý/ business (n) sự kinh
xác nhận doanh/ paper-based system (n) hệ thống
lưu trên giấy/ state (n) trạng thái, bang/
66. Following _______ complaints to head mark (n) nhãn hiệu, dấu/ point (n) điểm/
office, the accountant was finally replaced. record (n) hồ sơ, sổ sách
(A) repeated
(B) repeating 69. When placing an order with Kalko
(C) repetition Electronics, be advised that the product is
(D) repeatedly free of charge if it is not delivered _______
following (prep) sau/ complaint (n) phàn three working days.
nàn/ finally (ad) cuối cùng/ replace (v) thay (A) under
thế/ repeated (v) liên tiếp, lặp đi lặp lại/ (B) until
repeat (v) lặp lại/ repretition (n) sự lặp lại (C) before
(D) within
place an order (phr.) đặt hàng/ free of
charge – miễn phí/ deliver (v) giao, phân
phối/ working day (n) ngày làm việc/
under (prep) dưới; đang/ until (prep)

If you fall asleep now, you will dream. If you study now, you will live your dream.
Nếu bạn chợp mắt vào lúc này, bạn sẽ mơ. Nếu bạn bắt đầu việc học ngay bây giờ, bạn sẽ biến giấc mơ
ấy thành sự thật.
cho đến khi/ within (prep) trong, trong enjoy (v) thưởng thức/ refreshment (n) thức
vòng ăn nhẹ/ locate (v) nằm ở/ location (n) địa
điểm, vị trí
70. The offer of a new appliance in exchange
for your old one is available for a _______ 74. Mr. Lee began to collect antiques from
time. around the world as a hobby, but eventually
(A) minor opened a museum on his _______ to share
(B) lower his unique findings with others.
(C) sufficient (A) own
(D) limited (B) self
appliance (n) thiết bị/ in exchange for (C) alone
(prep) đổi, trao đổi/ minor (a) nhỏ/ lower (D) one
(a) thấp hơn/ sufficient (a) đủ/ limited (a) collect (v) sưu tầm/ antique (n) đồ cổ/
hạn chế, có giới hạn hobby (n) sở thích/ eventually (ad) cuối
cùng/ share (v) chia sẻ/ unique =
71. Be very _______ not to overlook any of exceptional (a) đặc biệt/ finding (n) vật tìm
your old documents that have been saved thấy; khám phá, phát hiện
to various folders on your computers.
(A) care 75. The health club does not assume
(B) careful responsibility for personal items left
(C) carefully _______ in the locker room.
(D) cared (A) unattended
overlook (v) bỏ sót/ save (v) lưu/ various (a) (B) exceeded
nhiều/ folder (n) thư mục/ care (n/v) chăm (C) defended
sóc/ careful (a) cẩn thận, thận trọng (D) remained
health club (n) câu lạc bộ sức khỏe/
72. Astonsoft Ltd. is more committed than ever assume = accept (v) nhận, chấp nhận/
_______ providing the services that best responsibility for/ to (n) trách nhiệm/
serve the needs of our loyal customers. personal items/belongings (n) vật dụng
(A) in cá nhận/ locker room (n) phòng thay quần
(B) with áo có tủ khóa/ unattended (a) vô chủ,
(C) for không có người trông coi/ exceed (v)
(D) to vượt quá/ defend (v) bảo vệ/ remain (v)
committed (a) cam kết; tận tụy, tận tâm/ duy trì
provide (v) cung cấp/ service (n) dịch vụ/
serve (v) phục vụ/ need (n) nhu cầu/ loyal 76. Sometimes physical therapy may be helpful
customer (n) khách hàng trung thành for those who have problems _______ their
73. While waiting for the movie to start, one can (A) to
enjoy a light refreshment at the outdoor (B) for
_______ right next to an ice cream vendor’s (C) with
booth. (D) at
(A) locate physical therapy (n) phương pháp vật lý trị
(B) locating liệu/ helpful for/ to (a) hữu ích/ those who
(C) located – những người/ back (n) cột sống
(D) location
If you fall asleep now, you will dream. If you study now, you will live your dream.
Nếu bạn chợp mắt vào lúc này, bạn sẽ mơ. Nếu bạn bắt đầu việc học ngay bây giờ, bạn sẽ biến giấc mơ
ấy thành sự thật.
77. People with cardiovascular disease should 80. The law enables officials to screen all
be in a steady exercise program, _______ transactions _______ industry standards.
under the guidance of a physician or (A) with
certified physical trainer. (B) of
(A) enormously (C) between
(B) indefinitely (D) against
(C) remarkably enable sb to V1 (v) cho phép/ screen (v)
(D) preferably kiểm tra/ transaction (n) giao dịch/ standard
cardiovascular disease (n) bệnh tim mạch/ (n) tiêu chuẩn/ with (prep) với, có/ of
steady (a) đều đặn/ under the guidance of (prep) của, về, trong/ between (prep)
– theo sự hướng dẫn/ physician (n) bác giữa/ against (prep) dựa vào, chống lại
sỹ/ physical (a) thể chất/ trainer (n) huấn
luyện viên/ enomously (ad) to lớn/ 81. Next door is the ranch house which has
indefinitely (ad) không rõ ràng/ been _______ since 1978, even though Mr.
remarkably (ad) đáng chú ý/ preferably Brandon hasn’t lived there.
(ad) tốt nhất là (A) him
(B) his
78. All the information we send and receive on (C) he
the Internet _______ into envelopes that (D) himself
contain the address of the sender and the ranch house (n) nông trại/ even though
recipient. (conj) mặc dù/ live (v) sống/ there (ad) ở đó
(A) is put
(B) have put 82. Ms. Kelleher is _______ that she will be
(C) have been put considered a qualified candidate to
(D) has been putting represent her department at the annual
envelope (n) phong bì/ contain (v) chứa, convention.
bao gồm/ address (n) địa chỉ/ sender (n) (A) optimistic
người gửi/ recipient (n) người nhận/ put (v) (B) optimistically
đặt, để, bỏ… (C) optimism
(D) optimized
79. Please return the completed survey form consider (v) cho là/ qualified cadidate (n)
as soon as possible to _______ that your ứng cử viên đủ điều kiện/ represent (v) đại
responses are included in the survey diện/ optimistic (a) lạc quan/
results. optimistically (ad) lạc quan, yêu đời/
(A) ensured optimism (n) sự lạc quan/ optimize (v) lạc
(B) ensure quan
(C) ensuring
(D) ensures 83. Retzna Investment Company _______
return (v) trả lại/ survey form (n) phiếu khảo offers more generous benefits than any
sát/ response (n) câu trả lời/ include (v) bao other company in the community.
gồm/ survey result (n) kết quả khảo sát/ (A) densely
ensure (v) đảm bảo (B) concisely
(C) supposedly
(D) closely
offer (v) cung cấp/ generous (a) hào phóng/
benefit (n) phúc lợi, lợi ích/ community (n)
If you fall asleep now, you will dream. If you study now, you will live your dream.
Nếu bạn chợp mắt vào lúc này, bạn sẽ mơ. Nếu bạn bắt đầu việc học ngay bây giờ, bạn sẽ biến giấc mơ
ấy thành sự thật.
cộng đồng/ densely (ad) đông đúc/ 87. To _______ as full-time workers in the
concisely (ad) súc tích/ supposedly (ad) future, Exon Company’s interns must work
cho là, nói là / closely (ad) kỹ lưỡng at least forty hours per week.
(A) classify
84. By the end of this summer, Mirae (B) classified
Technology _______ a quality professional (C) classifying
development plan to enhance the skills of (D) be classified
all staff. full-time worker (n) nhân viên chính thức/
(A) to be implemented intern (n) thực tập sinh/per + Nđđ số ít –
(B) had been implementing mỗi / classify (v) phân loại, sắp xếp
(C) have been implemented
(D) will have implemented 88. One _______ for this position is that a
quality (n) chất lượng/ professional (n) nghề successful candidate must be physically fit.
nghiệp/ enhance (v) nâng cao/ skill (n) kỹ (A) controversy
năng/ staff (n) nhân viên/ implement (v) (B) instruction
thực hiện (C) potential
(D) requirement
85. Beauty Queen has obtained _______ position (n) vị trí, chức vụ/ successful
licensing contracts for clothing, perfume potential/ prospective/ likely/ possible/
and cosmetics from manufacturers ideal/ suitable  candidate - ứng cử
worldwide. viên thành công/ tiềm năng/có khả năng/
(A) conservative lý tưởng/ thích hợp/ fit (a) khỏe mạnh/
(B) considerable physically (ad) về thể chất/ controversy (n)
(C) respective sự tranh luận/ instruction (n) sự hướng
(D) lucrative dẫn/ potential (n) tiềm năng/ requirement
obtain (v) có được/ licensing contract (n) (n) yêu cầu
hợp đồng bản quyền/ cosmetic (n) mỹ
phẩm/ manufacturer (n) nhà sản xuất/ 89. _______ not marketed as health food, two-
worldwide (ad) trên khắp thế giới/ thirds of Lipson’s menu items meet the
conservative (a) bảo thủ/ considerable National Heart Association’s standards for
(a) đáng kể/ respective (a) tương ứng/ fat and cholesterol.
lucrative (a) có lợi (A) Despite
(B) Nevertheless
86. Providing _______ treatment for all (C) Although
employees is essential for their further (D) However
development and progression. market = advertise (v) quảng cáo/ health
(A) fair food (n) thực phẩm bổ dưỡng/ meet 
(B) fairly standard/ need/ demand/ requirement /
(C) fairness fat (n) hàm lượng chất béo/ despite (prep)
(D) fairest mặc dù/ nevertheless (ad) tuy nhiên/
treatment (n) sự đối xử/ essential (a) cần although (conj) mặc dù/ however (ad)
thiết/ further (a) thêm nữa, hơn nữa/ tuy nhiên
development (n) sự phát triển/ progression
(n) sự tiến bộ/ fair (a) công bằng/ fairness
(n) sự công bằng

If you fall asleep now, you will dream. If you study now, you will live your dream.
Nếu bạn chợp mắt vào lúc này, bạn sẽ mơ. Nếu bạn bắt đầu việc học ngay bây giờ, bạn sẽ biến giấc mơ
ấy thành sự thật.
90. _______ the three employees eligible for tariff (n) thuế quan/ fee (n) phí, lệ phí/
the promotion, Roan was considered the fare (n) tiền xe/ expense (n) chi phí
most promising.
(A) With 94. With the _______ changing weather
(B) For conditions, it is difficult to know if winter is
(C) Of on the way out and spring on the way in.
(D) In (A) habitually
employee (n) nhân viên/ eligible for (a) đủ (B) formally
điều kiện/ promotion (n) thăng chức/ (C) collectively
consider (v) coi là/ promising (a) đầy hứa (D) constantly
hẹn condition (n) điều kiện/ habitually (ad)
thường xuyên/ formally (ad) chính thức/
91. _______ accounting measures have helped collectively (ad) chung, tập thể/
increase profit margins by 20%. constantly (ad) liên tục
(A) Improved
(B) Improving 95. Dolliver spent several days during the past
(C) Improvement week visiting _______ in this city.
(D) Improve (A) relative
accounting (n) kế toán/ measure (n) biện (B) relatives
pháp/ help (+O) + V1/ to V1- giúp/ (C) relating
increase (v) tăng/ profit margin (n) lợi (D) relation
nhuận ròng/ improve (v) cải thiện/ spend/waste + time/ money + V_ing –
improvement (n) sự cải thiện dành/ tiêu/ several +Nsn (a) một vài/
during (prep) trong suốt/ visit (v) thăm/
92. Some of the budget will be used to promote relative (n) bà con, họ hàng/ relate (v) có
quality beef through consumer advertising liên quan/ relation (n) mối quan hệ
and public _______ overseas.
(A) relates 96. House purchasers were very _______ when
(B) related interest rates began to climb.
(C) relations (A) concern
(D) relating (B) concerns
budget (n) ngân sách/ promote (v) quảng (C) concerning
cáo/ quality (n) chất lượng/ through (prep) (D) concerned
asvertising (n) sự quảng cáo/ overseas (ad) purchaser (n) người mua/ interest rate (n)
ở nước ngoài/ relate (v) có liên quan/ lãi suất/ climb = increase = rise (v) tăng/
relations (n) quan hệ, sự giao thiệp concern (n) sự lo lắng/ concerning
(prep) về/ concerned (a) lo lắng
93. The research team did spend more than the
recommended budget, but the result was 97. Mr. Young has assured us that sufficient
well worth the _______. measures have been put _______ place to
(A) tariff deliver merchandise as quickly as possible.
(B) fee (A) at
(C) fare (B) in
(D) expense (C) to
research team (n) đội nghiên cứu/ spend (D) for
(v) tiêu/ result (n) kết quả/ worth (a) đáng/
If you fall asleep now, you will dream. If you study now, you will live your dream.
Nếu bạn chợp mắt vào lúc này, bạn sẽ mơ. Nếu bạn bắt đầu việc học ngay bây giờ, bạn sẽ biến giấc mơ
ấy thành sự thật.
assure (v) đảm bảo/ sufficient (a) đủ/
measure (n) biện pháp/ deliver (v) giao,
phân phát/ merchandise (n) hàng hóa

98. The entire company offered congratulations

_______ Ms. Xiao’s award.
(A) to
(B) of
(C) on
(D) from
entire (a) toàn thể, toàn bộ/ award (n) giải
thưởng, phần thưởng/ congratulation on/
upon sth; to sb (n) lời chúc mừng

99. To protect against the heat, carry a water

bottle and drink water _______ the day even
when you are not thirsty.
(A) across
(B) along
(C) throughout
(D) toward
protect against/ from (v) chống lại/ heat
(n) sức nóng/ carry (v) mang theo/ thirsty
(a) khát/ across (prep) ở bên kia/ along
(prep) dọc theo/ throughout (prep) suốt,
khắp nơi/ toward (prep) về phía

100. When shopping at a grocery store,

_______ sure to observe the expiration date
on food items.
(A) be
(B) need
(C) must
(D) should
shop (v) mua sắm/ grocery store (n) cửa
hàng tạp hóa/ sure to V1 (a) chắc chắn/
observe (v) quan sát/ expiration date (n)
ngày hết hạn/ item (n) món hàng

If you fall asleep now, you will dream. If you study now, you will live your dream.
Nếu bạn chợp mắt vào lúc này, bạn sẽ mơ. Nếu bạn bắt đầu việc học ngay bây giờ, bạn sẽ biến giấc mơ
ấy thành sự thật.
Questions 139-142 refer to the following letter.

June 21

Magnum Insurance
337 Deerborne Avenue
Banff, Alberta, T2N 4S5

Dear Mr. Clayburn,

This letter is to inform you that we have received your insurance claim for hail damage to

your home, and we are processing it. As you know, the powerful storm last week
affected the entire city. As a result, an overwhelming number of homeowners
assistance. Nevertheless, we are working as speedily as we can to handle these applications.

An adjuster can inspect your property in a few days. You can speed up the process by

presenting documentary evidence ahead of time. Still, it may take some weeks to complete all

the necessary forms and prepare a compensation ——We hope you understand. The funds

you'll need to carry out the necessary repairs will be transmitted to you as quickly as possible.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Judith Underwood
Claims coordinator

(A) previously 141. (A)

(B) currently |||| claim as soon as possible.
(C) surprisingly (B) He has provided you with the
(D) typically assistance you require.
(C) Making this investment will rai:
(A) requests home's market value.
(B) were requested (D) If possible, start photographinc
(C) have requested damaged areas of your home.
(D) had requested
142. (A) score
(B) estimate
(C) history
(D) receipt

TEST 2 PART 6 59
Questions 143-146 refer to the following memo.

■^To: All staff

From: Susan Ward
Subject: Employee handbook
Date: April 15

Thank you to everyone who participated in the discussions with company management. Your

comments about some employees being unaware of the procedures for day-to-day

operations have been heard. We are now working to the situation.


For starters, we will be publishing the company's standard operating procedures as soon as

possible. A printed guide will give management and staff an official reference on the

performance of daily tasks. ---—. Flopefully, it will help move us closer to our goal of having

firmly policies.

If any revisions are required, these will be incorporated into a later version of the manual. The

final version will also be through the company's internal network. If you have any

questions, please direct them to your departmental supervisors.

143. (A) maintain 145. (A) establish

(B) inspect (B) established
(C) address (C) establishing
(D) ignore (D) establishment

144. (A) A provisional copy of this handbook 146. (A) access

v.r»y.- IT will be distributed at the next meeting. (B) accessible
(B) Your comments on the revised manual (C) accesses
were very much appreciated. (D) accessing
(C) A copy of the article may be found in
last month's company newsletter.
(D) We are glad that everyone is now
up-to-date on our meeting schedule.

60 ?S^S^H^mh90B7|S^90t?p|MP3 Hackerslngang.com
Directions: In this part, you will be asked to read four English texts. Each text is missing a word,
phrase, or sentence. Select the answer choice that correctly completes the text and mark the
corresponding letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on the answer sheet.

Questions 131-134 refer to the following notice.

NOTE: All Eddington's Membership Card Holders

We will be adjusting the frequency that point accumulation statements are sent to our
members. From January 1, statements will be mailed every six months instead of quarterly.
------ this change, members may continue to log in at www.eddingtons.com/members to find
current details. You can —your accumulated points and see what rewards are available in
exchange for them through your online account. Or you can call us during business hours at cn

555-4955, and we will give you a total. you can drop by a service counter at any -4

Eddington's Department Store, and one of our staff will inform you of your current total. 00

131. (A) We no longer accept membership 133. (A) submit
applications. (B) monitor O
(B) Eddington's is set to introduce a (C) mediate
change to its membership program. (D) convey
(C) We apologize for the recent difficulties
with our card payment system. 134. (A) Consequently
(D) Eddington's Department Store has a (B) Nevertheless
special promotion for point cards. (C) Moreover
(D) Occasionally
132. (A) Apart from
(B) In case of
(C) Regardless of
(D) On behalf of


TEST 3 PART 6 87
Questions 135-138 refer to the following letter.

Claire Staley
874 Country Lane
Stillwater, OK 74074

Dear Ms. Staley,

Best Link Telecom recently upgraded its network and is offering high-speed Internet in your

area. We began delivering service - July 17.


Best Link fast and reliable service for the lowest cost. We promise to match the price of
any competitor charging less than us.

As our customer, you may use our online storage services for free. Whether you're

downloading videos and photos or sharing your work, you'll be able to get it done in less time

than ever.

And those already using our telephone service can get a discount of 20 percent by upgrading

to a high-speed Internet package. The reduced rates will be reflected in your for the
following month.

Please call 555-1573 during regular business hours to arrange an installation appointment.

Yours truly,

George Hyde
Best Link Telecom Sales

135. (A) to 137. (A) This service is no longer available in

(B) within |p| your area.
(C) on (B) Your bill will vary based on how many
(D) off files you store.
(C) This will cause the cost of computers
136. (A) improves to be cut.
(B) guarantees ■ (D) Our high-speed Internet service can
(C) demands handle it all.
(D) receives
138. (A) password
(B) statement
(C) demonstration
(D) repair
88 9St!£s|Si!ras9l^haoiop|S5!eoffip|MP3 Hackerslngang.com
Questions 139-142 refer to the following article.

City Officials Close to Selecting Developers for Downtown Building

Marinville officials have shortlisted developers they are considering to redo the Halpern

building. There are now only three ——- remaining from an initial 25.

As stipulated when the project first started, the firms left in the running must now add more

detail to the plans they submitted at the beginning of the year. In their ----- presentations,

they should demonstrate that they can meet all of the board's remodeling requirements. no

"If all goes well," says Brian Schmidt, director of the Marinville Downtown Authority,

"We'll select the most candidate, draw up an agreement, and get started before the
142. 4>
year is out."

139. (A) obstacles 141. (A) The candidates all came up with
(B) agencies compelling final proposals.
(C) locations (B) They hoped to develop a construction
(D) questionnaires plan at that time. 00
(C) The deadline was extended to allow
140. (A) preceding for additional projects. UD
(B) general (D) A complete budget and detailed
(C) forthcoming blueprints must also be included in the
(D) incomplete proposal.

142. (A) impression

(B) impressionable
(C) impressed
(D) impressive


TEST 3 PART 6 89
Questions 143-146 refer to the following e-mail

To: Anthony Lilly <AnthonyLilly@ hotline.com>

From: Customer Service <CS@ComprehensiveAutolns.com>
Date: November 14
Subject: Name Change

Our records show that you ----- an automobile policy with us. We pride ourselves on keeping

customers up-to-date on company business, so we are writing to you that we are

changing the name of our company from Comprehensive Auto Insurance to Complete Auto

and Life Insurance.

All of our communications will be labeled with the new name beginning next month. You'll find

our new name on bills, e-mails, letters, claim forms, and on our Web site.

At this time, you may also want to take the opportunity to renew your life insurance. an
appointment, please reply to this e-mail, and you will be contacted by a representative.

Best Regards,

Customer Service
Comprehensive Auto Insurance

143. (A) had held 145. (A) They have been sent to the name
(B) will hold provided on the form.
(C) hold (B) We will mail them to your residence on
(D) were holding a monthly basis.
(C) They must be submitted in person to
144. (A) invite one of our staff.
(B) extend (D) We will modify our name on our policy
(C) offer documents as well.
(D) inform
146. (A) Makes
(B) Making
(C) To make
(D) Having made

90 VSSswe-flgSHJIIg Hackers.co.kr
Questions 168-171 refer to the following article.

The Armitage Comes to Fullerton

The BlackweU Maritime Museum in Fullerton will be holding an exhibition called

The Ocean King, which features the history of The Armitage, the first American
luxury passenger ship to travel across the Pacific Ocean from the United States to
Japan. The exhibition will run from July 1 to October 30 and includes a 5-meter
replica of The Armitage, reconstructions of the ship's interior, along with over 500
artifacts that were recovered during private expeditions. There will also be a short
film presentation which attempts to shed more light on the mystery behind the
ship's unexplained sinking in 1898.
"This will give an opportunity for everyone to see what the ship really looked like
inside," says museum curator Jonathan Wiley. "People can walk through the
exhibits as if they were passengers on the ship and see the places where some of
the richest and most influential people stayed during their trip." LTl

The Ocean King exhibit aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of The

Armitage's history, importance, and impact on the shipping industry. It will be open
Tuesday to Sunday from 9 A.M. to 7 p.m. General admission is $20, while students
get a 50 percent discount. Children six years old and under are admitted for free.
For ticket reservations, visit www.blackwell.org/armitage or call the museum's
ticketing office at 555-0391. LD

168. Why was the article written? 170. The word "comprehensive" in paragraph 3,
line 1, is closest in meaning to
(A) To offer information on an upcoming
museum event (A) logical
(B) To provide details about a history (B) interpreted
lecture (C) legible
(C) To invite people to the opening of a (D) thorough
(D) To publicize a documentary film 171. What is mentioned about The Ocean King
169. What is true about The Armitage? (A) It will allow visitors to meet the crew of
(A) It was a cargo vessel that sailed in the the ship.
Pacific region. (B) It will include a video presentation on
(B) It was a cruise ship built in Japan. the ship's construction.
(C) It sank for reasons that are unknown. (C) It will admit students at a reduced
(D) It underwent renovations to its price.
facilities. (D) It will be accessible to the public seven
days a week.



Questions 172-175 refer to the following memo.

I Davenport Accounting


TO: All Staff

FROM: Phillip Christensen

As most of you are already aware, we will soon be undergoing a

complete update of our office hardware. Much of our equipment is
quite old and due for replacement this year. — [1] —. We will be
upgrading our server as well as providing new PCs to everyone who has
not received one in the past five years. In addition, new printer
terminals will be stationed throughout the office. Many of you have also
asked for new monitors. — [2] —. We regret that we were unable to
authorize all requests as funding is limited.

If you are receiving a new computer, please make sure to download all
the files you will need onto an external hard drive by Friday. This is
important as the old equipment will be replaced over the weekend and
will be inaccessible to staff from Monday.

— [3] —. The technicians hope to complete all the work on Saturday

and Sunday. Should there be a delay, you will be notified. If you have
any questions, call me at extension 115 or send me an e-mail at

— [4] —. Thank you for your cooperation.

190 Hackers.co.kr
172. What is the purpose of the memo? 174. According to Mr. Christensen, what are
employees responsible for?
(A) To update workers on security
procedures (A) Installing programs
(B) To explain reasons for staff (B) Scanning documents
replacement (C) Saving needed files
(C) To communicate a change in work (D) Scheduling work appointments
(D) To remind employees about a planned 175. In which of the positions marked [1], [2],
activity [3], and [4] does the following sentence
best belong?
173. What is NOT indicated in the memo?
"You should already have received an PJ
(A) Some computers are less than five e-mail concerning your request if it was
years old. approved." uu
(B) The equipment will be removed after
(A) [1]
Friday. 4>
(B) [2]
(C) The office will receive some new
(C) [3]
printers. Ln
(D) [4]
(D) Some staff will have to do overtime
next week.




TEST 6 PART 7 191

Questions 176-180 refer to the following article and e-mail.

Generix Motors Announces Recall of Sports Vehicle

Detroit-based Generix Motors announced last writes that Generix takes every precaution for the
Friday the recall of its GX-490 Sports Coupe for safety of those that drive our vehicles, and even the
replacement of a defective safety system. All smallest problem should be rectified.
owners of the vehicle have been requested to bring
The recall is expected to cost the manufacturer close
them to the nearest Generix dealership for an
to $70 million, but most agree that such a
upgrade. Generix said the company has already sent
responsible corporate reaction can only be
out official notification letters to those in possession
beneficial for the public perception of Generix
of the vehicles.
Due to faulty programming in the car's computer
Those in possession of the recalled model may visit
system, front-seat passenger airbags have been
www.generixmotors.com/outlets to find the nearest
found to malfunction on occasion, and Generix will
location that can do the necessary work. Or the
be installing an update and replacing two small
manufacturer can be contacted directly with regard
vehicle components. In a press statement written by
to the recall by e-mailing recall@generixmotors.
Davis Martino, public relations director for Generix,
the problem is described as minor. Martino also

TO Customer assistance <recall@generixmotors.com>

FROM Graham Worthington <gworth@funmail.com>
DATE April 22

Dear Madam or Sir,

I purchased a GX-490 Sports Coupe six months ago. I recently read in an article from my local
newspaper that your company has recalled the vehicle. I have not received a notification letter yet,
so the news was surprising to me.

I would like to bring in my car for the necessary work but am unsure of where to take it. Unfortunately,
I could not find any dealerships listed for my region on your Web site. The nearest Generix outlet
seems to be in Madison, and that is quite a long distance for me to drive.

Could you please let me know where I should take my vehicle? I live in a small town in Wisconsin
called Monroe, with a zip code of 53556. Naturally, the closer to my town the dealership is, the
better it will be for me. I hope you will notify me as soon as possible either by e-mail or by contacting
me at (608) 555-3456. This is a serious issue for me, as I have two young children that ride in the
vehicle, so I would like to take care of the problem quickly.


Graham Worthington

192 ^my zzftl *! yoiopi MP3 Hackerslngang.com

176. What is the article mainly about? 179. Why did Mr. Worthington contact Generix
(A) The launch of a vehicle line
(B) Technical problems with a product (A) To look into family-suitable
(C) The acquisition of an automotive automobiles
factory (B) To inquire about a dealership
(D) Additional security features on cars (C) To verify some contact details
(D) To point out a device error
177. Who would most likely visit the Generix
Web site? 180. What is suggested about Mr. Worthington?

(A) Customers wanting to schedule test (A) His vehicle requires a computer
drives system update. no
(B) Drivers requesting further advice on (B) He has a warranty that covers repair
model selection costs. uu
(C) Clients wishing to extend warranties (C) His car was purchased at an outlet in
(D) Owners of vehicles with possible the region. -O
safety issues (D) He works for a local newspaper
publication. en
178. According to the article, what did Davis
Martino do?
(A) Conducted an inspection
(B) Gave a public speech
(C) Worked on a vehicle design
(D) Wrote a press release





TEST 6 PART 7 193

Questions 181=185 refer to the following advertisement and letter.

Donnelly & Chung PublidtyDB.Your Branding Experts!

Are you a new company having trouble increasing public awareness of your
brand? Do you have a line of terrific products but don't know how to promote
them? Or does your business need to change its image? Whatever your
marketing problem might be, Donnelly & Chung Publicity can help! Our clients
vary from local businesses, including Shasta-Clear Beverages and Deerborne
Stationery, to large, international corporate customers, such as Compton
Clothiers and Just-Ate Dietary Supplements.
Our experts at Donnelly & Chung can help you come up with a specific plan to
promote your products or services. We offer development of advertising
campaigns, corporate branding services, consumer targeting consultations,
market research, and much more!
Your first consultation is completely free! One of our associates will discuss your
needs and provide you with a fee estimate. Simply call 555-4951 to arrange your
complimentary appointment.

July 2
Patricia Draper
Donnelly & Chung Publicity
Unit 405 C, Acres Center, 312 East. 21 st Avenue.
Denver, CO 89110
Dear Ms. Draper,
I enjoyed meeting with you recently and appreciate being able to consult with someone about my
branding needs. I've only just opened my business in Denver and could really use some help
promoting it.
I have discussed our consultation with my business partner Walter Preston, and he remembers a
promotional campaign you did for Shasta-Clear that was very successful. So, we have agreed to
hire your firm to help us come up with a branding plan for our bakery. We would like to get things
underway as soon as possible, so please let me know when you are free to meet with Walter and
me in person. Walter and I are generally free after 11 a.m. on weekdays.
You mentioned during our meeting that your firm would require complete descriptions of all
products that we sell if we decide to proceed with the branding work. I have enclosed a list of all our
goods, including the ingredients they are made of. Should you require any additional information
before we meet, I would be happy to supply it for you.
We look forward to working together with you and hope to hear from you soon.
Kevin Swords
Co-proprietor, PS Baked Goods

194 Hackers.co.kr
181. What can Donnelly & Chung offer 184. What does Mr. Swords want Ms. Draper to
assistance with? do?

(A) Setting up a new business (A) Print out a list of produce

(B) Designing entertaining Web sites (B) Schedule a complimentary consultation
(C) Promoting a corporate brand (C) Write a promotional proposal
(D) Supplying event-related services (D) Confirm her availability for a meeting
182. What is suggested about Kevin Swords? What is enclosed with the letter?

(A) He has worked with Ms. Draper on (A) Descriptions of items for sale
previous projects. (B) An order form for supplies
(B) He was not charged a fee for his (C) Signed business contracts
session with Ms. Draper. (D) A completed questionnaire
(C) He plans to open additional bakery UJ
(D) He has a supply partnership with
183. Who is Walter Preston?
(A) An advertising consultant
(B) A co-owner of PS Baked Goods
(C) An ingredients supplier
(D) A Shasta-Clear executive





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