RC Test 4 M I

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1. Besides ______ our local committee, Ms. 4. If you need further help ______ the HP
Augustin has been active in other charitable 8000N printer onto your computer, please
organizations. contact Scott Converse, and your inquiry or
(A) presuming problem will be dealt with quickly and
(B) referring efficiently.
(C) accepting (A) install
(D) chairing (B) installs
besides (ad/prep) ngoài/ committee (n) ủy (C) installed
ban/ active (a) chủ động/ charitable (a ) từ (D) to install
thiện/ organization (n) tổ chức/ other + Ns = further = extra = additional (a) thêm/ help
others – những cái khác/ presume (v) cho (n) sự giúp đỡ/ contact (v) liên hệ/ inquiry
là/ refer (v) xem, tham khảo/ accept (v) (n) câu hỏi/ deal with (v) giải quyết/
chấp nhận/ chair = preside (v) chủ trì efficiently (ad) hiệu quả/ install (v) lắp đặt

2. The number of innovative cars that are 5. Sign up for next week’s tour by Friday at
aimed ______ improving energy efficiency the ______ to be sure that you will have a
is growing rapidly. seat on the bus.
(A) with (A) lately
(B) to (B) later
(C) on (C) latest
(D) at (D) late
the number of + Nsn + V số ít- số lượng sign up (v) đăng ký/ sure (a) chắc chắn/
innovative (a) sáng tạo, cách tân/ aim (v) seat (n) chỗ ngồi, ghế ngồi/ lately =
nhằm/ improve (v) cải thiện/ envergy (n) recently (ad) gần đây/ late (a/ad) trễ,
năng lượng/ efficiency (n) hiệu quả/ grow muộn
(v) phát triển/ rapidly (ad) nhanh chóng
6. The organic food market is growing at an
3. The small, extremely flexible robots extremely fast pace and we can ______
______ customers improved quality, worker keep up with the demand.
safety, and reduced labor costs. (A) quite
(A) develop (B) nearly
(B) lend (C) hardly
(C) hinder (D) justly
(D) offer organic food (n) thực phẩm hữu cơ/ grow
extremely (ad) cực kỳ/ flexible (a) linh hoạt/ (v) phát triển/ at …pace - tốc độ phát triển/
improved quality (n) chất lượng được cải keep up with (v) theo kịp/ demand (n) nhu
thiện/ reduce (v) giảm/ labor cost (n) chi phí cầu/ quite (ad) khá/ nearly (ad) gần, gần
nhân công/ develop (v) phát triển/ lend (v) như/ hardly (ad) hầu như không/ justly
cho mượn/ hinder (v) cản trở/ offer (v) (ad) một cách công bằng
cung cấp

Studying is not about time. It’s about effort.

Vấn đề của việc học không phải là thời gian mà là sự nỗ lực
7. Your application must be submitted to the 10. As of next month, the bank has decided
administration department ______ the last to offer ______ on matters such as stock
of the month. trading and investment at an affordable
(A) since cost.
(B) by (A) advice
(C) behind (B) advisable
(D) until (C) advisor
application (n) đơn xin/ submit to (v) nộp/ (D) advised
administration department (n) phòng hành as of + thời gian ~ kể từ/ decide to V1 (v)
chính/ since (prep/conj) kể từ khi/ by + quyết định/ offer (v) đưa ra/ on matter – về
time ~ trước/ behind (prep) ở đằng sau/ vấn đề/ such as – như/ stock trading (n)
until (prep/ conj) cho đến khi kinh doanh chứng khoán/ investment (n)
đầu tư/ at an affordable/ reasonable/
8. The committee members argued with one competitive  cost/ price/ rate – phí, giá
another over who should take ______ for cả phải chăng/ hợp lý/ advice (n) lời
the fire that completely destroyed the office khuyên/ advisable (a) nên, thích hợp/
building. advisor (n) cố vấn/ advise sb to V1 (v)
(A) response khuyên
(B) responsibly
(C) responsible 11. The mayor looks forward to the meeting,
(D) responsibility and to ______ how the two cities can build
member (n) thành viên/ argue with (v) tranh a strong, positive relationship.
cãi/ fire (n) vụ hỏa hoạn/ completely (ad) (A) discuss
hoàn toàn/ destroy (v) phá hủy/ office (B) discussion
building (n) tòa nhà văn phòng/ response (C) discussed
to (n) sự trả lời/ responsibly (ad) một (D) discussing
cách có trách nhiệm/ responsible for (a) look forward to ~ N/ing – mong đợi/
chịu trách nhiệm/ responsibility for (n) positive (a) tích cực/ relationship (n) mối
trách nhiệm quan hệ/ discuss (v) thảo luận/
discussion (n) cuộc thảo luận
9. Although we had requested that new
engine parts be sent promptly, we ______ 12. ______ vehicle licensed in New York
that they would not arrive before the end of State must carry an insurance policy
the month. information card.
(A) notified (A) All
(B) had notified (B) Every
(C) were notified (C) Several
(D) have notified (D) Most
although (conj) mặc dù/ request (v) yêu cầu/ vehicle (n) xe cộ/ license (v) cấp giấy phép/
engine part (n) đồ phụ tùng của động cơ/ insurance policy (n) hợp đồng bảo hiểm/ all
promptly (ad) ngay lập tức, nhanh chóng/ + Nsn/ kđđ – tất cả/ every + N số ít - mỗi/
notify (v) thông báo/ before/ at/ by/ until  several + Nsn – một vài/ most + Nsn –
the end of hầu hết

Studying is not about time. It’s about effort.

Vấn đề của việc học không phải là thời gian mà là sự nỗ lực
13. ______ the time the application is 16. If you are less than satisfied with
submitted to the training and education anything, please be as ______ as possible
department, all fees for an examination when you explain why.
must be paid. (A) full
(A) Of (B) specific
(B) Up (C) fixed
(C) At (D) distinctive
(D) On satisfied with (a) hài lòng/ explain (v) giải
application (n) đơn xin/ training and thích/ full (a) đầy/ specific (a) cụ thể/ fixed
education department (n) phòng giáo dục và (a) cố định/ distinctive (a) đặc biệt, phân
đào tạo/ examination (n) sự kiểm tra/ fee (n) biệt
lệ phí/ pay (v) thanh toán/ of (prep) của, về,
vì…/ up (prep) ở trên/ at (prep) vào lúc/ 17. Even if items are out of stock, we will
on (prep) trên, về… make every effort to ______ your order
within ten days.
14. Since the results of the market survey (A) respond
were difficult to interpret, it was hard ______ (B) apply
the marketing team to make a promotion (C) sign
budget. (D) fill
(A) of even if (conj) dù/ out of stock ~ hết hàng/
(B) if effort to V1 (n) sự nỗ lực/ order (a) đơn đặt
(C) from hàng/ within (prep) trong, torng vòng/
(D) for respond to (v) trả lời/ apply for/ to (v)
since (conj) vì/ result (n) kết quả/ market nộp; áp dụng/ sign (v) ký/ fill (v) thực
survey (n) khảo sát thị trường/ interpret (v) hiện
giải thích/ hard (a) khó/ promotion budget
(n) ngân sách quảng cáo/ it + be + adj + for 18. Qualified candidates should mail their
sb + to V1 résumés and can either complete the
application by hand ______ use a
15. If you are in the hallways or parking typewriter.
garage during an emergency, please calmly (A) and
evacuate to a safe place and remain there (B) so
until notified to do ______. (C) but
(A) otherwise (D) or
(B) therefore qualified (a) đủ điều kiện, đủ trình độ
(C) moreover chuyên môn/ candidate (n) ứng cử viên/
(D) additionally mail (v) gửi/ résumé (n) lý lịch trích ngang/
hallway (n) tiền sảnh/ during (prep) trong complete (v) điền vào/ by hand – bằng tay/
suốt/ emergency (n) tình trạng khẩn cấp/ typewriter (n) máy đánh chữ
calmly (ad) bình tĩnh/ evacuate (v) di tản/
remain (v) vẫn/ notify (v) thông báo/
otherwiase (ad) khác ; mặt khác/
therefore (ad) vì vậy/ moreover (ad) hơn
nữa/ additionally (ad) thêm nữa

Studying is not about time. It’s about effort.

Vấn đề của việc học không phải là thời gian mà là sự nỗ lực
19. Every manager should be informed that 22. The prize goes to ______ comes up
equipment they have ordered should with the most inexpensive way to reduce
comply with safety ______. overhead costs.
(A) regulation (A) people
(B) regulatory (B) who
(C) regulate (C) those
(D) regulations (D) whoever
inform (v) thông báo/ euipment (n) thiết bị/ prize (n) giải thưởng/ come up with (v) đưa
order (v) đặt (hàng)/ comply with = abide ra/ inexpensive (a) rẻ/ way to V1 (n) cách/
by = obey = observe (v) tuân theo/ safety reduce (v) giảm/ overhead cost (n) chi phí
(n) an toàn/ regulation (n) quy định/ hoạt động
regulatory (a) lập quy/ regulate (v) điều
chỉnh 23. Since the remaining issues were not a
______, the board decided to move them to
20. Any changes in payroll must be the next week’s agenda.
promptly submitted ______ writing to the (A) clarity
accounting manager. (B) charity
(A) with (C) priority
(B) in (D) majority
(C) for remaining (a) còn lại/ issue (n) vấn đề/
(D) at agenda (n) chương trình nghị sự/ move to
change (n) thay đổi/ payroll (n) bảng lương/ (v) chuyển/ clarity (n) rõ ràng/ charity (n)
promptly (ad) ngay lập tức, nhanh chóng/ hội từ thiện/ priority (n) sự ưu tiên/
submit to (v) nộp/ accounting manager (n) majority (n) đa số, phần lớn
trưởng phòng kế toán
24. We will focus on the marketing ______
21. ______ Carol been selected for the the product, as well as make a contribution
marketing position, the advertising towards its development.
campaign would probably have been (A) with
successful. (B) at
(A) Only (C) into
(B) If (D) of
(C) With focus on (n) tập trung/ marketing (n) sự
(D) Had tiếp thị/ as well as ~ cũng như/ contribution
select (v) chọn/ postion (n) vị trí, chức vụ/ to/ toward (n) sự đóng góp/ development
advertising campaign (n) chiến dịch quảng (n) sự phát triển
cáo/ probably (ad) có thể/ successful (a)
thành công 25. A new government study shows that
agricultural exports have been going up for
twelve ______ years.
(A) consistent
(B) alternating
(C) consecutive
(D) consequent

Studying is not about time. It’s about effort.

Vấn đề của việc học không phải là thời gian mà là sự nỗ lực
study (n) nghiên cứu/ show (v) cho thấy/ aim (n) mục đích/ expand into (v) mở rộng/
agricultural (a) nông nghiệp/ export (n) sự market (n) thị trường/ invest in (Vi) đầu từ/
xuất khẩu/ go up (v) tăng/ consistent (a) heavily (ad) nhiều/ research (n) nghiên cứu/
phù hợp/ alternating (a) qua lại/ analysis (n) phân tích
consecutive (a) liên tiếp/ consequent (a)
do, bởi 29. Due to a sharp decline in demand for
our products, production will have to be
26. Engineers who have a problem with reduced ______ up to fifty percent over the
their machine should ______ their next two months.
supervisor immediately. (A) in
(A) offer (B) by
(B) speak (C) for
(C) give (D) with
(D) tell due to (prep) do/ sharp decline (n) sự giảm
engineer (n) kỹ sư/ machine (n) máy móc/ mạnh/ demand for (n) nhu cầu/ product (n)
supervisor (n) người giám sát/ offer sb sth/ sản phẩm/ production (n) sự sản xuất/
sth to sb (v) cung cấp; đề nghị/ speak reduce (v) giảm
with/ to (v) nói/ give sb sth/ sth to sb (v)
cho, biếu, tặng/ tell sb (that)/ sb about 30. According to company security policy,
sth/ sb to V1 (v) nói, nói với all confidential paperwork for departments
must be delivered ______ hand.
27. The doctors were very concerned about (A) in
Mrs. Brown when they found that her body (B) with
temperature was almost two degrees (C) by
______ normal. (D) to
(A) within ccording to (prep) do/ security policy (n)
(B) against chính sách an ninh/ confidential = secret (a)
(C) below bí mật/ paperwork (n) công việc giấy tờ/
(D) underneath deliver (v) phân phát
concerned about (a) lo lắng về/ body
temperature (n) thân nhiệt/ almost (ad) gần 31. Samples of any of the fabric products
như/ degree (n) độ/ normal (n) mức bình we stock are available ______ request.
thường/ within (prep) trong, trong vòng/ (A) in
against (prep) chống lại, dựa vào/ below (B) under
(prep) dưới/ underneath (prep) dưới (vị (C) upon
trí) (D) for
sample (n) hàng mẫu/ fabric product (n) sản
28. ______ the aim of expanding into phẩm vải/ stock (v) cất vào kho/ available
foreign markets, the marketing team (a) có sẵn/ request (n) yêu cầu/ in (prep) ở,
invested heavily in research and analysis. trong/ under (prep) dưới, đang/ upon
(A) Onto (prep) lúc; trên/ for (prep) cho, vì, để
(B) With
(C) From
(D) At

Studying is not about time. It’s about effort.

Vấn đề của việc học không phải là thời gian mà là sự nỗ lực
32. Due to the fact that the contract was 35. While the professor has difficulty at
signed with a foreign investor, the company times ______ his lessons, he is especially
required an ______ to help. eager to help his students.
(A) interpreter (A) present
(B) interpret (B) presents
(C) interpretation (C) presenting
(D) interpreting (D) presented
due to the fact that ~ vì sự thật là/ contract professor (n) giảng viên/ at time – đôi khi/
(n) hợp đồng/ sign (v) ký/ foreign (a) nước lesson (n) bài học/ esprecially (ad) đặc biệt/
ngoài/ investor (n) nhà đầu tư/ require sb eager to V1 (a) háo hức, nhiệt tình/
to V1 (v) yêu cầu/ interpreter = translator present (v) trình bày
(n) thông dịch viên/ interpret = translate
(v) dịch/ interpretation (n) sự phiên dịch 36. Philmore Software ranks ______ the
most successful companies in the field of
33. When Ms. Sullivan ______ with the interface design.
problem, she always tries to address it (A) among
herself before asking for managerial (B) from
assistance. (C) into
(A) faces (D) at
(B) meets rank (v) xếp loại/ successful (a) thành công/
(C) experiences field (n) lĩnh vực/ interface design (n) thiết
(D) encounters kế giao diện/ among (prep) giữa, nằm
try to V1 (v) cố gắng/ address (v) giải trong số/ from (prep) từ/ into (prep) vào
quyết/ ask for (v) yêu cầu/ assistance (n) trong, thành/ at (prep) ở tại, vào lúc
sự giúp đỡ/ managerial (a) (thuộc) người
quản lý/ face (v) đối mặt/ meet (v) gặp, 37. Mr. Agrawala, the representative who
gặp gỡ/ experience (v) trải qua/ went to the conference, was ______ to
encounter (v) gặp phải report all new orders directly to
34. The prime ______ of this notification is (A) distributed
to encourage all staff members to find ways (B) instructed
to lower our production costs. (C) annotated
(A) incentive (D) dilapidated
(B) motivation representative (n) người đại diện/ report to
(C) reason (v) báo cáo/ order (n) đơn đặt hàng/ directly
(D) objective (ad) trực tiếp/ headquarters (n) trụ sở chính/
prime (a) chủ yếu/ notification (n) thông báo/ distribute (v) phân phối, phân phát/
encourage sb to V1 (v) khuyến khích/ staff instruct (v) hướng dẫn/ annotate (n) giải
member (n) nhân viên/ way to V1 (n) cách/ thích/ dilapidate (v) lãng phí
lower * (v) giảm/ production cost (n) chi
phí sản xuất/ incentive (n) khuyến khích/
motivation (n) động cơ thức đẩy/ reason
(n) lý do/ objective (n) mục tiêu

Studying is not about time. It’s about effort.

Vấn đề của việc học không phải là thời gian mà là sự nỗ lực
38. _____ Wilma Rogers has been shipping department (n) phòng vận chuyển/
promoted, Jason Alexander will take over notify sb of sth (v) thông báo/ change (n)
her old position in the accounts department. thay đổi/ update (v) cập nhật/ account (n)
(A) Still bản kê khai/ whoever (pro) bất cứ ai/
(B) During sometimes (ad) thỉnh thoảng/ once (conj)
(C) Despite một khi/ often (ad) thường
(D) Since
promote (v) thăng chức/ take over (v) tiếp 42. It will be ______ to try to fill the needs of
quản/ position (n) vị trí, chức vụ/ still (ad) our customers on such a limited budget.
vẫn/ during (prep) trong suốt/ despite (A) frustrated
(prep) mặc dù/ since (prep/conj) kể từ khi (B) frustrating
(C) frustration
39. The fifth annual Wallace Town Beauty (D) frustrate
Pageant will be held in the exhibition hall at need (n) nhu cầu/ limited (a) hạn chế/
the fair grounds ______ September 10. budget (n) ngân sách/ frustrated (a) nản
(A) in chí, nản lòng/ frustrating (a) nản lòng;
(B) on bực bội/ frustration (n) làm thất vọng/
(C) of frustrate (v) làm hỏng, thất bại
(D) at
annual (a) hàng năm/ pageant (n) hoạt cảnh 43. ______ in the marketing skills seminar
lịch sử/ hold (v) tổ chức/ exhibition hall (n) was less than originally expected by
phòng triển lãm/ fair ground (n) bãi họp chợ organizers.
phiên (A) Enroll
(B) Enrolls
40. Mr. Jaken is very _____ when it comes (C) Enrolling
to the needs of female employees who have (D) Enrollment
recently given birth. skill (n) kỹ năng/ seminar (n) hội nghị
(A) considered chuyên đề/ originally (ad) ban đầu/ expect
(B) consider (v) dự kiến/ organizer (n) nhà tổ chức/
(C) considerable enroll in (v) ghi danh/ enrollment in (n)
(D) considerate số người đăng ký, sự đăng ký
when it comes to + N/~ ing - khi nói về/
need (n) nhu cầu/ female employee (n) lao 44. If an employee quits or gets fired, the
động nữ/ birth (n) sinh nở/ consider (v) employee should be paid for any ______
xem xét, cân nhắc/ considerable (a) đáng vacation time.
kể/ considerate (a) chu đáo (A) unacceptable
(B) uncommon
41. _____ our shipping department is (C) unused
notified of the change in the order, we will (D) unclaimed
immediately update your account. quit (v) bỏ, thôi (việc)/ fire = dismiss (v) sa
(A) Whoever thải/ pay for (v) trả, thanh toán/
(B) Sometimes unacceptable (a) không thể chấp nhận/
(C) Once uncommon (a) bất thường/ unused (a)
(D) Often không dùng đến/ unclaimed (a) không
đòi hỏi
Studying is not about time. It’s about effort.
Vấn đề của việc học không phải là thời gian mà là sự nỗ lực
45. Ms. Hatherway has proved _____ embassy (n) đại sứ quán/ several + Nsn –
capable of handling large accounts and một vài/ inquiry (n) câu hỏi/ receive (v)
complex networking assignments. nhận/ respond to (v) trả lời/ response to
(A) our (n) câu trả lời; hưởng ứng
(B) herself
(C) itself 49. The most recent training program was
(D) himself more interesting than______ given last
prove oneself (to be) (v) chứng minh/ summer by Mr. Ford.
capable of ~ ing – khả năng/ (a) có khả (A) one
năng/ handle (v) giải quyết/ account (n) sổ (B) it
sách kế toán/ complex (a) phức tạp/ (C) that
assignment (n) nhiệm vụ (D) those
recent (a) gần đây/ training program (n)
46. One company’ products can be chương trình đào tạo/ interesting (a) thú vị
distinguished from those of another
company ______ the use of trademarks. 50. The final product in Abson’ new line of
(A) for cell phones ______ due to be unveiled
(B) through today by company but unexpected
(C) from malfunction have delayed the launch.
(D) in (A) is
product (n) sản phẩm/ distinguish from (v) (B) are
phân biệt/ trademark (n) tên thương mại/ (C) was
through (prep) qua (D) were
cell phone (n) điện thoại di động/ due (a)
47. The edited volume was revised ______, đến hạn/ unveil = launch (v) ra mắt, tiết lộ/
but critics still felt that several chapters did unexpected (a) đột ngột, bất ngờ, không
not fit the book’ general theme. mong đợi/ malfunction (n) sự cố, trục trặc/
(A) significant delay (v) hoãn/ launch (n) sự ra mắt
(B) significance
(C) significantly 51. The meeting with the technicians from
(D) significancy Dasin Media will be followed _____ a
volume (n) cuốn sách/ revise (v) sửa lại/ discussion of the various factors involved in
critic (n) nhà phê bình/ chapter (n) chương/ completely replacing the sound system.
fit (v) phù hợp/ theme (n) chủ đề/ (A) to
significant (a) đáng kể/ significance = (B) with
significancy (n) sự đáng kể/ significantly (C) by
(ad) đáng kể (D) for
technician (n) kỹ thuật viên/ follow (v) tiếp
48. Due to the fact that the embassy is theo/ discussion (n) cuộc thảo luận/ various
closed on Monday, it may take several days + Nsn (a) nhiều/ factor (n) nhân tố/ be
for inquiries to receive a ______. involved in (a) liên quan đến/ replace (v)
(A) respond thay thế
(B) responding
(C) responded
(D) response
Studying is not about time. It’s about effort.
Vấn đề của việc học không phải là thời gian mà là sự nỗ lực
52. The weather _____ calls for heavy hail 56. _____ in medical technology have
tonight, so you’d better stay inside to be increased the chances of complete recovery
careful. from serious diseases such as cancer.
(A) forecast (A) Advance
(B) forecasts (B) Advancing
(C) to forecast (C) Advances
(D) will forecast (D) Advanced
call for (v) dự báo/ hail (n) mưa đá/ forecast medical technology (n) kỹ thuật y khoa/
(n/v) (sự) dự báo increase (v) tăng/ chance = opportunity (n)
cơ hội/ complete (a) hoàn toàn/ recovery (n)
53. The director of publication asked _____ sự bình phục, hồi phục/ disease (n) căn
someone would help her finish the project. bệnh/ cancer (n) ung thư/ advance in (n/v)
(A) after (sự) tiến bộ
(B) while
(C) what 57. Mr. Kim will make a stop in Denmark
(D) whether _____ his way to London
director (n) giám đốc/ ask (v) hỏi/ project (n) (A) of
dự án/ help (+ O) + V1/ toV1 – giúp/ after (B) to
(prep/ conj) sau khi/ while (conj) trong (C) from
khi/ whether (conj) liệu có… hay không (D) on
stop (n) sự dừng lại/ way (n) đường, đường
54. Director David has requested that any đi
reports on recent changes in profit
projections _____ by the 30th of the month. 58. Due to rising interest _____, please
(A) returns check with Mrs. Sturd in accounting before
(B) returning making any purchase with the company
(C) be returned credit card.
(D) to return (A) rating
request (v) yêu cầu/ report (n) bản báo cáo/ (B) rate
change (n) thay đổi/ profit (n) lợi nhuận/ (C) rates
projection (n) sự dự đoán/ return (v) trả lại (D) rated
due to (prep) do/ rising (a) tăng/ check with
55. The total number of automobiles sold = consult with (v) hỏi ý kiến/ accounting (n)
has _____ approximately the same for the kế toán/ purchase (n) mua/ rate (n/v) mức,
past two years. tỷ lệ, tốc độ/ đánh giá
(A) resulted
(B) revealed 59. _____ computer equipment removed
(C) retained from the office must bear a property
(D) remained removal slip issued by the purchasing
total (a) toàn bộ/ automobile (n) xe ô tô/ department.
approximately (ad) khoảng, xấp xỉ/ result (A) A
(+in/ from) (v) dẫn đến/do/ reveal (v) tiết (B) Any
lộ/ retain (v) giữ lại/ remain (v) vẫn (C) In that
(D) There is

Studying is not about time. It’s about effort.

Vấn đề của việc học không phải là thời gian mà là sự nỗ lực
equipment (n) thiết bị/ remove from (v) loại 63. Although he has failed to reach a
bỏ khỏi/ slip (n) miếng giấy nhỏ/ issue (v) conclusion, we have full confidence _____
được phát hành/ purchasing department (n) Mr. Osward’s ability to deal with the
phòng mua sắm vật tư/ any + Nsn/kđđ (a) problems.
bất cứ/ in that (conj) bởi vì (A) with
(B) in
60. The first product seems to be the _____ (C) on
of the two that we tested for safety. (D) by
(A) well fail to V1(v) không/ reach conclusion ~ đi
(B) better đến một kết luận/ confidence (n) sự tự tin/
(C) most ability to V1 (n) khả năng/ deal with (v) giải
(D) greatest quyết
product (n) sản phẩm/ seem to V1 =
appear to V1 (v) dường như/ test (v) kiểm 64. Every Christmas, Mr. Cassidy _____ his
tra/ safety (n) sự an toàn time to help organizations gift to local
61. Employees ____ reimbursement for (A) is donating
conference travel expenses should consult (B) donating
the company website for application (C) donates
information. (D) for donating
(A) seek organization (n) tổ chức/ gift (v) tặng quà/
(B) seeks local (a) địa phương/ orphanage (n) trại mồ
(C) will seek côi/ time to V1 (n) thời gian/ donate ~ time
(D) seeking - dành thời gian
reimbursement (n) hoàn trả/ travel expense
(n) công tác phí/ consult (v) tham khảo/ 65. All staff in the accounting department
seek (v) yêu cầu who have not handed in their ______
monthly reports should complete them as
62. _____ construction of the villa is soon possible.
completed, the resort will still need to (A) revise
expand further. (B) revising
(A) Therefore (C) revised
(B) So that (D) revision
(C) Whether staff (n) nhân viên/ hand in = submit = turn
(D) Although in (v) nộp/ monthly (a) hàng tháng/ revise
construction (n) sự xây dựng/ villa (n) biệt (v) sửa lại (bản in, đạo luật…)/ revision
thự, nhà nghỉ/ complete (v) hoàn thành/ (n) sự sửa lại, duyệt lại
expand (v) mở rộng/ further (a/ad) thêm
nữa/ therefore (ad) vì vậy/ so that (conj) 66. Iona sportswear reported third quarter
để mà/ whether (conj) liệu có… hay profits of 70 million dollars, ____ its status
không/ although (conj) mặc dù as the world’s premier clothing brand.
(A) reconfirm
(B) reconfirming
(C) reconfirmed
(D) is reconfirming
Studying is not about time. It’s about effort.
Vấn đề của việc học không phải là thời gian mà là sự nỗ lực
sportswear (n) quần áo thể thao/ quarter (n) 70. Because of the ______ nature of the
quý/ profit (n) lợi nhuận/ status = position (n) information contained in the documents,
vị trí/ premier = leading (a) hàng đầu/ only upper-level staff will be allowed access.
brand (n) thương hiệu/ reconfirm (v) (A) sensitive
khẳng định lại (B) affordable
(C) competitive
67. Quality assurance problems can arise (D) courteous
quickly in any production line if _____ is nature (n) tính chất/ contain (v) chứa/
inadequate. document (n) tài liệu/ allow (v) cho phép/
(A) sight sensitive (a) nhạy cảm/ affordable (a)
(B) attendance phải chăng/ competitive (a) cạnh tranh/
(C) supervision courteous (a) lịch sự
(D) provision
assurance (n) sự đảm bảo/ arise (v) nảy 71. The interviewer told the applicant
sinh/ production line (n) dây chuyền sản that he would be hired initially for six
xuất/ inadequate (a) không đủ, thiếu/ sight months, after which a decision about
(n) tầm nhìn/ attendance (n) dự, có mặt/ long-term ______ would be made.
supervision (n) sự giám sát/ provision (A) employ
(n) sự cung cấp; điều khoản (B) employee
(C) employer
68. When you wish to gain access to your (D) employment
account details, you need to ______ your interviewer (n) người phỏng vấn/ applicant
customer number and password. (n) người nộp đơn/ hire (v) thuê/ initially (ad)
(A) place ban đầu/ long-term (a) dài hạn/ employ (v)
(B) create thuê/ employee (n) nhân viên/ employer
(C) offer (n) người chủ/ employment (n) công
(D) enter việc, việc làm
wish to V1 (v) muốn/ access (n) sự truy
cập/ password (n) mật khẩu/ place (v) đặt/ 72. Expansion of job opportunities is usually
create (v) tạo ra/ enter (v) nhập/ offer (v) ______ with a booming economy.
cung cấp, đề nghị (A) blended
(B) embarrassed
69. Office workers as ______ as local (C) united
residents were forced to evacuate the area (D) associated
because of the gas leak. expansion (n) sự mở rộng/ job opportunity
(A) far (n) cơ hội việc làm/ booming economy (n)
(B) well nền kinh tế bùng nổ/ blended (a) được
(C) good trộn lẫn, pha trộn/ embarrassed (a) lúng
(D) near túng, bối rối, ngượng/ united (a) liên
office worker (n) nhân viên văn phòng/ minh, liên hiệp; đoàn kết/ associated (a)
resident (n) cư dân/ force sb to V1 (v) bắt liên quan đến
buộc/ evacuate (v) di tản/ because of (prep)
bởi vì/ leak (n) sự rò rỉ

Studying is not about time. It’s about effort.

Vấn đề của việc học không phải là thời gian mà là sự nỗ lực
73. Despite the adverse weather ______ of 75. All vacationers are invited to take part in
the last days, the operation of the new water sports _______ available at the
airport was absolutely smooth. resort.
(A) condition (A) active
(B) conditions (B) activities
(C) conditional (C) activity
(D) conditioning (D) activeness
despite (prep) mặc dù/ adverse (a) bất lợi/ vacationer (n) người đi nghỉ mát/ invite to
operation (n) sự hoạt động/ absolutely (ad) V1 (v) mời/ take part in (v) tham gia/ water
hoàn toàn/ smooth (a) suôn sẻ/ condition sports (n) thể thao dưới nước/ resort (n) khu
(n) tình trạng/ conditions (n) điều kiện/ nghỉ dưỡng/ active (a) tích cực, chủ động/
conditional (a) có điều kiện/ condition (v) activity (n) hoạt động/ activeness (n) sự
quy định tích cực

73. The instructor’s explanations were so 76. The cable TV company assured me that
______ that students had no problems in every effort ______ to solve the problem
doing their assignments. with bad reception.
(A) intelligent (A) has made
(B) intelligible (B) is being made
(C) intellectual (C) has been making
(D) intelligence (D) is making
instructor (n) người trợ giáo/ explanation (n) assure (v) đảm bảo/ effort (n) nỗ lực/ solve
lời giải thích/ assignment (n) bài tập/ (v) giải quyết/ bad reception (n) sự tiếp thu
intelligent (a) thông minh/ intelligible (a) kém/ make (v) thực hiện
dễ hiểu/ intellectual (a) trí thức, trí tuệ/
intelligence (n) trí thông minh 77. Lost and found items which are ______
after a week will be disposed of due to
74. Foreign corporations that have invested sanitary reasons.
in the country have increased significantly (A) deleted
in recent years, largely ______ the (B) rejected
government’s tax regulations. (C) unclaimed
(A) thereby (D) neglected
(B) insofar as Lost and found items (n) những món đồ để
(C) because of quên và được tìm thấy/ dispose of (v) vứt
(D) in spite of bỏ/ sanitary (a) vệ sinh/ reason (n) lý do/
foreign corporation (n) công ty nước ngoài/ delete (v) xóa đi, bỏ đi/ reject (v) từ chối,
invest in (v) đầu tư/ significantly (ad) đáng bác bỏ/ unclaimed (a) không người nhận/
kể/ largely (ad) phần lớn/ government (n) neglect (v) sao lãng, cẩu thả
chính phủ/ regulation (n) quy định/ thereby
(ad) do đó/ insofar as (conj) đến nỗi mà/
because of (prep) bởi vì/ in spite of
(prep) mặc dù

Studying is not about time. It’s about effort.

Vấn đề của việc học không phải là thời gian mà là sự nỗ lực
78. It is strongly recommended that the 81. All the employees are encouraged to
government streamline banks and dispose ______ a percentage of their income to the
______ uncompetitive businesses. company’s pension fund.
(A) by (A) comment
(B) at (B) commit
(C) of (C) commence
(D) on (D) communicate
recommend (v) đề nghị/ government (n) encourage sb to V1 (v) khuyến khích/
chính phủ/streamline (v) tổ chức hợp lý hóa/ percentage (n) phần, phần trăm/ income (n)
dispose of (v) giải quyết, vứt bỏ/ thu nhập/ pension plan (n) quỹ hưu trí/
uncompetitive (a) không có tính cạnh tranh/ comment (v) bình luận, phê bình/ commit
business (n) công ty (v) chuyển, trao/ commence (v) bắt đầu/
communicate (v) truyền đạt, chia sẻ, liên
79. Despite weak forecasts, the Bradford lạc
Group reported an ______ profit growth of
2.3 billion dollars this year. 82. We can suggest several different
(A) impression options that will reduce the ______ of water
(B) impressed infiltration in your basement.
(C) impressively (A) likeable
(D) impressive (B) liken
weak (a) rớt giá, sụt giá; yếu/ forecast (n) (C) likeness
sự dự báo trước/ report (v) báo cáo/ profit (D) likelihood
growth (n) sự tăng lợi nhuận/ impression suggest (v) đề nghị, gợi ý/ option (n) sự lựa
(n) ấn tượng/ impressed (a) ấn tượng/ chọn/ reduce (v) giảm/ water infiltration (n)
impressively (ad) hùng vĩ, nguy nga/ sự thấm nước/ basement (n) tầng hầm/
impressive (a) gây ấn tượng likable (a) dễ thương, đáng yêu/ liken (v)
so sánh, ví/ likeness (n) sự giống nhau/
80. Employees ______ in the time likelihood (n) có thể, có khả năng
management seminar are learning how to
utilize their time more efficiently at work. 83. The merchandise that you purchased
(A) participate from us is still returnable ______ you have
(B) participation your receipt.
(C) participating (A) whereas
(D) participated (B) in case of
time management seminar (n) hội nghị quản (C) as long as
lý thời gian/ learn (v) học, học tập/ utilize (v) (D) together with
sử dụng/ efficiently (ad) hiệu quả/ merchandise (n) hàng hóa/ purchase (v)
participate in (v) tham gia/ participation mua/ returnable (a) có thể trả lại/ receipt (n)
in (n) sự tham gia biên lai/ whereas (conj) trong khi/ in case
of (prep) trong trường hợp/ as long as
(conj) miễn là/ together with (prep) cùng

Studying is not about time. It’s about effort.

Vấn đề của việc học không phải là thời gian mà là sự nỗ lực
84. The executives of Giant Electronics did 87. This report includes a spreadsheet
not let the recall of their new desk-top ______ the net revenue for all of our
computer ______ the company’s stock divisions for the first quarter of the year.
prices. (A) signifying
(A) to affect (B) checking
(B) have affected (C) delivering
(C) affect (D) summarizing
(D) affecting report (n) bản báo cáo/ include (v) bao gồm,
executives (n) giám đốc điều hành/ let (v) gồm có/ spreadsheet (n) bảng tính/ net
để, cho phép/ stock (n) cổ phiếu/ affect (v) revenue (n) doanh thu thuần/ division =
ảnh hưởng department (n) phòng ban/ signify (v) biểu
thị, tuyên bố/ check (v) kiểm tra/ deliver
85. Some of the traditional customs still (v) giao, phân phát, phân phối/ summary
______ among members of the older (v) tóm tắt
(A) prevent 88. Mega Light’s kitchen appliance designs
(B) prevail are remarkably different from ______ of
(C) preserve other competing companies.
(D) prefer (A) those
traditional (a) truyền thống/ custom (n) (B) that
phong tục/ among + Nsn (prep) giữa, trong (C) them
số/ older generation (n) thế hệ đi trước/ (D) this
prevent sb from V- ing (v) ngăn chặn/ kitchen appliance designs (n) loại thiết bị
prevail (v) thịnh hành/ preserve (v) giữ nhà bếp/ remarkably (ad) đáng chú ý, rõ rệt/
gìn, bảo tồn, duy trì/ prefer to (v) thích different from/ to/ than (a) khác nhau,
hơn khác biệt/ competing company (n) công ty
cạnh tranh
86. Samantha Burns was interested in
surrealism and psycho-analysis, both of 89. Hydrotech is looking for a partner to
______ strongly influenced her novels and ______ business with in the competitive
short stories. market of telecommunications.
(A) they (A) be
(B) whom (B) do
(C) which (C) give
(D) them (D) make
interested in (a) thích, quan tâm/ Lưu ý: do/ make/ take + N?/ look for (v)
surrealism (n) chủ nghĩa siêu hiện thực/ tìm kiếm/ partner (n) đối tác/ competitive (a)
psycho-analysis (n) phân tích tâm lý/ cạnh tranh/ market (n) thị trường/
influence (v) ảnh hưởng, chi phối, tác động/ telecommunication (n) cạnh tranh
novel (n) tiểu thuyết/ story (n) câu chuyện,

Studying is not about time. It’s about effort.

Vấn đề của việc học không phải là thời gian mà là sự nỗ lực
90. When giving a presentation, you can 93. Shipping charges for return products are
increase your effectiveness by using the customers’ _____ unless there was a
______ aids. mistake in shipment made by Farberware.
(A) visual (A) commitment
(B) legal (B) necessity
(C) financial (C) responsibility
(D) substantial (D) requirement
give/ make  presentation – thực hiện bài shipping charges/ costs (n) chi phí vận
thuyết trình, trình bày/ increase (v) tăng/ chuyển/ return (v) trả lại; trở về/ product (n)
effectiveness (n) tính hiệu quả/ by + V_ing sản phẩm/ unless (conj) trừ khi/ mistake (n)
– bằng cách/ aid (n) sự giúp đỡ, viện trợ/ lỗi/ shipment (n) sự giao hàng/
visual (a) nhìn, thị giác/ legal (a) hợp commitment to (n) lời cam kết; tận tụy/
pháp, pháp lý/ financial (a) tài chính/ necessity (n) sự cần thiết/ responsibility
substantial (a) đáng kể (n) trách nhiệm/ requirement (n) sự yêu
91. The most frequent ______ our members
make is that our registration process is too 94. When asked ______ she has
complicated. interviewed with other companies, she
(A) thought denied having done so.
(B) opinion (A) when
(C) complaint (B) whenever
(D) trouble (C) while
frequent (a) thường xuyên/ member (n) (D) whether
thành viên/ registration process (n) quá interview (v) phỏng vấn/ other + Nsn/ kđđ
trình đăng ký/ complicated = complex = (a) khác/ deny V- ing (v) chối, phủ nhận/
intricate (a) phức tạp, rắc rối/ thought (n) when (conj) khi, whenever (conj) bất cứ
sự suy nghĩ, nghĩ ngợi/ opinion (n) ý khi nào/ while (conj) trong khi/ whether
kiến, quan điểm/ complaint (n) lời phàn (conj) không biết có…không
nàn/ trouble (n) điều lo lắng, phiền muộn
95. The first electric cars were ______
92. The decision to promote Maria Walters impractical in that they could not be used to
was made ______ evaluation of work travel long distances.
performances of all the eligible team (A) considerate
members. (B) considering
(A) through (C) considered
(B) while (D) considerable
(C) when electric car (n) xe hơi điện/ impractical (a)
(D) how không thực tế/ in that (conj) bởi vì/ travel (v)
decision to V1 (n) sự quyết định/ promote đi lại/ long distance (n) quãng đường dài/
(v) thăng chức/ evaluation (n) sự dnah91 considerate toward/ to sb (a) ân cần, chu
giá/ performance (n) thành thích/ eligible (a) đáo/ consider (v) cho là; xem xét/
đủ điều kiện/ through (prep) qua/ while considerable (a) đáng kể
(conj) trong khi/ when (conj) khi/ how
(conj) như thế nào

Studying is not about time. It’s about effort.

Vấn đề của việc học không phải là thời gian mà là sự nỗ lực
96. If we are to meet the current deadline, 99. Most small companies prefer to use an
it is essential that the entire team outsourcer ______ their payroll records.
collaborate ______ drafting the proposal. (A) maintain
(A) with (B) maintains
(B) on (C) to maintain
(C) in (D) maintained
(D) at most + Nsn (a) hầu hết/ prefer to (V) thích
meet the deadline (v) kịp hạn/ entire (a) hơn/ outsourcer (n) công ty gia công/ payroll
toàn bộ, toàn thể/ collaborate (v) hợp tác/ record (n) hồ sơ biên chế/ maintain (v) duy
draft (v) phác thảo/ proposal (n) bản đề trì
xuất/ with (prep) có, với/ on (prep) trên,
về/ in (prep) trong, trong khi/ at (prep) ở 100. Whenever a staff member leaves the
tại, vào lúc company, for voluntary or involuntary
reasons, a supervisor must address the
97. We need a detailed ______ of your needs, questions, and concerns of the
previous job so that we can place you in an ______staff.
appropriate position. (A) remains
(A) comment (B) remaining
(B) information (C) remain
(C) interpretation (D) remained
(D) description whenever (conj) bất cứ khi nào/ staff
detailed (a) chi tiết/ previous (a) trước/ job = member (n) nhân viên/ voluntary (a) tự
employment (n) công việc/ place (v) cử làm/ nguyện/ involuntary (a) không cố ý/ reason
appropriate (a) thích hợp/ position (n) chức (n) lý do/ supervisor (n) người giám sát/
vụ/ comment (n) lời bình luận, phê bình/ address (v) xử lý, giải quyết/ concern (n) sự
information (n) thông tin/ interpretation lo lắng/ staff (n) nhân viên/ remain (v) vẫn,
(n) sự giải thích, phiên dịch/ description còn lại/ remaining (a) còn
(n) sự mô tả

98. In the manufacturing sector there is a

growing concern ______ the rising cost of
raw materials.
(A) over
(B) around
(C) along
(D) into
manufacturing sector (n) lĩnh vực sản xuất/
growing = increasing = mounting = rising
(a) ngày càng tăng/ cost (n) chi phí/ raw
material (n) nguyên liệu thô/ over = on
(prep) về/ around (prep) xung quanh/
along (prep) dọc theo/ into (prep) vào
trong; thành

Studying is not about time. It’s about effort.

Vấn đề của việc học không phải là thời gian mà là sự nỗ lực
Questions 139-142 refer to the following letter.

Charles Nave
3739 Dale Avenue
Seattle, WA 98161

Dear Mr. Nave,

This is in reply to your inquiry about discounts for regular clients. Our company offers
them, but they are not applicable in all cases. Only headquarters has the authority to

further reduce the price of your order. Therefore, we ----- - your request to our staff there and
we are waiting to hear back from them. If they provide an estimate, we will send it to you and

wait for your approval. It should take just three business days to complete the order after -O

obtaining your - to proceed. The invoice will be mailed to you separately. We appreciate

your understanding. cn

Sincerely, -u
Edie Harris

139. (A) usually 141. (A) forward
(B) safely (B) forwarding
(C) deliberately (C) have forwarded
(D) accurately (D) will be forwarded

140. (A) You should consider placing a bulk 142. (A) advantage
order to get a free gift. (B) confirmation
(B) Due to an error, the discount wasn't (C) reimbursement
applied to the quote we sent you. (D) recommendation
(C) We are only permitted to offer refunds
to our regular customers.
(D) The items you ordered have already
been heavily marked down.


TEST 5 PART 6 149

Questions 143=146 refer to the following information.

The Robinson Library offers complimentary alerts to members who have registered an e-mail

address or mobile phone number. These alerts remind them when materials, including books,

audiovisual selections, and periodicals, are their due date. However, failing to receive a
reminder does not excuse borrowers from their responsibility to return materials on time.

144 ' 'S essent a that borrowers

' ' always take note of the due date. This is stamped on the
return card attached to the book or other Should anything borrowed from the library be
returned late, a notice will be sent after the due date. Please follow our regulations so
that other users may have access to these materials within an appropriate period of time.

143. (A) across 146. (A)

(B) near periodical and tapes.
(C) inside (B) The library will add up the cost of the
(D) above books that are purchased.
(C) Upon return of the material, the
144. (A) Nevertheless borrower will have to pay a late fee.
(B) Instead (D) As per the decision of the library
(C) Otherwise management, alerts will be canceled,
(D) Therefore

145. (A) envelope

(B) item
(C) term
(D) check

ISO Hackers.co.kr
Directions: In this part, you will be asked to read four English texts. Each text is missing a word,
phrase, or sentence. Select the answer choice that correctly completes the text and mark the
corresponding letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on the answer sheet.

Questions 131-134 refer to the following invitation.

You are Cordially Invited

Dogorail would like to invite its business associates to the 25th Dogorail Transport and
Logistics Exhibition scheduled for November 9 to 11 in Prague. Dogorail will be displaying its
products and services on the main floor of the Zidenic Convention Center the three-day
event. And there will be a special presentation by Dogorail CEO Miroslav Sergeyev on the on

final night. . Representatives from Dogorail will be in attendance to assist visitors with
their queries. Private on any of our offerings are welcome if you wish to obtain advice -u
about your particular requirements.

To confirm your attendance to this event, please return the enclosed form, filled out and LO
with your signature appended, on or before April 30.

131. (A) onto 133. (A) occupations

(B) upon (B) consultations
(C) throughout (C) dominions
(D) outside (D) possessions

132. (A) Dogorail products will be unveiled to 134. (A) primarily

event invitees once he has finished. (B) fluently
(B) He will be discussing the recent rail (C) fully
projects in Moldova, Bulgaria, and (D) temporarily
(C) Requests to use a meeting room at the
event must be submitted in advance.
(D) His special address has been arranged
to begin at 9:00 a.m.


TEST 6 PART 6 177

Questions 135-138 refer to the following letter.

April 28

The Missourian
438 East St. Louis Street
Springfield, MO 65806

To the Editor:

I wish to point out an error in a recent article in your newspaper. Last week, it that over
a thousand workers could lose their jobs if Liberty Medical Group merges with Midland Health

Services. This is untrue.

I would like to emphasize that have not been completed. I can say this because I am
involved in the talks on behalf of Liberty Medical Group. In addition, if these two organizations

merge, they would be in a better position to create new employment opportunities. This is

because a consolidated firm can ----y- jobs that each of the companies would have been

unable to offer on their own.

It is our expectation that you will print a retraction. I am hoping for your immediate

Andrew Sweet
Company spokesperson

(A) was reported 138. (A) We will be holding a press conference

(B) is reported llll regarding the recent merger.
(C) will report (B) Midland Health Services will be closing
(D) will be reported its doors this month.
(C) This will correct any misunderstanding
(A) evaluations caused by your earlier article.
(B) acquisitions (D) This will reduce the number of
(C) assignments employees in our establishment.
(D) negotiations

(A) review
(B) generate
(C) perfect
(D) monitor

178 Hackers.co.kr
Questions 139-142 refer to the following e-mail.

To: Margo Sloane <msloane@bowenassociates.com>

From: Jan Fitch <jfitch@bowenassociates.com>
Subject: Equipment delivery
Date: October 11

Mr. Jurgens at the new branch called to say that the office equipment we ordered from

Filepros arrived on October 9. He and the technicians are now busy installing the machinery.

Unfortunately, I learned that the shipment of other items from Draper longer. The r\j
earliest they can guarantee delivery is after October 16, which could force us to delay our UJ
opening to October 25. If management prefers, we can ----- the order. I have asked

Mr. Sampson, one of our suppliers, ~ if he can get the needed items at short notice. He
141. ui
understands the situation and has confirmed that he can obtain the materials immediately.

Wi Wait f0r WOrd fr0m y0U regarding the Dra er order and
142 " ' " P w'11 kee
P sending you


(A) took 142. (A) Meanwhile, we will order the LD

(B)takes equipment from another supplier.
(C) had taken (B) As a result, we had no choice but to
(D) will take announce a new opening date.
(C) Unfortunately, the items from
(A) dispatch Mr. Sampson will be delayed again.
(B) refund (D) In other words, we will be able to get
(C) process what we need on time.
(D) cancel

(A) to check
(B) checking
(C) checks
(D) checked


TEST 6 PART 6 179

Questions 143-146 refer to the following information.

Goldline Staffing is seeking payroll clerks for its rapidly expanding head office in Minneapolis.

Candidates will be responsible for maintaining payroll data for up to 2,000 employees. As a

result, they must be highly organized and able to perform - tasks at a proficient level. In

addition, they must have working knowledge of word processing and accounting software


Newly hired employees will be placed in positions best suited to their educational background

and experience. We have noted that most applicants ask if there are opportunities to gain

new skills. In fact, employee development is one of our key programs. ,

145. 146.
appropriate training will be provided to all successful applicants.

To apply, send your resume and other required documents to jobs@goldline.com.

143. (A) delegated 145. (A)

(B) devoted provide the needed support.
w (B)
(0) outdated Pleasing our customers is just <
(D) confused the company's many goals.
(C) The number of employees on c
144. (A) just payroll is likely to decrease.
(B) complete (D) There is an increasing need for
(C) equal who have already had training.
(D) alike
146. (A)
(D) On the other hand

180 sapy sojjuh oj yojopj MP3 Hackerslngang.com

Questions 154=155 refer to the following text message chain,

Dorothy Lee [4:15]

You're the intern in charge of booking Mr. Parker's flight to Las Vegas,
right? He asked me to tell you there's been a change, and he needs to
leave on June 9 and return on the 14th.
James Harter [4:18]
I haven't done it yet because I need his frequent flier number to check
his points balance. I was going to ask for it earlier, but he and the other
supervisors are still in a meeting.
Dorothy Lee [4:20]
I've got that information somewhere. I'm his personal assistant, so you
can contact me anytime you need details like that. Let me find it.
Dorothy Lee [4:24]
It's KLJ0294SB1
James Harter [4:25]
Got it. I'm checking now. •

James Harter [4:28]

He hasn't got enough points to cover a round-trip. Should we still use
Dorothy Lee [4:29]
Don't bother. We can save them for a future flight.
James Harter [4:30]
OK. I'll go ahead and make the booking now.
Dorothy Lee [4:30]
Send me the confirmation by e-mail. Thanks, James.

( )

154. Why was Mr. Harter unable to complete a 155. At 4:29, what does Ms. Lee mean when
task? she writes, "Don't bother"?
(A) He lacked some necessary (A) She wants Mr. Harter to cancel a
information. reservation.
(B) He received two different sets of (B) She does not want to disturb
instructions. Mr. Parker while he is busy.
(C) He was busy with another assignment. (C) She prefers that Mr. Parker's flight be
(D) He misunderstood what he was paid for without points.
supposed to do. (D) She does not think Mr. Parker will
require a round-trip flight.

214 sews.flSSMJilg Hackers.co.kr

Questions 156-157 refer to the following article.

The Hyperbar is a Futuristic Solution to a Present-day Problem

By Gregory Diehl

KHARTOUM, Sudan—The Chinese technology firm Chaoji International has just unveiled a
powerful new machine that could transform the lives of millions of people around the world.
Dubbed the Hyperbar, this solar-powered computer aims to provide rural communities with access
to clean water, electricity, and an Internet connection.

It works by capturing solar energy through panels on its surface and converting this into electricity
using a built-in battery. The electricity is then used to power a water treatment system that can
yield up to 3,000 liters of clean drinking water a day. Excess electricity can also be used to charge
mobile devices. Moreover, the system provides wireless Internet access to anyone within a
750-kilometer radius.

"The Hyperbar will fulfill a few of the basic needs that many of us today take for granted," says
Chaoji spokesperson Damien Lin. "Additionally, it will provide employment through jobs
associated with construction and maintenance of the machines." Chaoji further envisions that
business-minded individuals will be able to use the Hyperbar's Internet connection to develop new
services and enhance economic activity.

The Hyperbar is currently being tested in a handful of villages in Sudan, but Chaoji plans to
expand into Ethiopia and Chad before the year is out. If the trials are successful, the company can
produce thousands more machines over the coming decade. Several Western firms have already
expressed an interest in investing.

156. What is NOT true about the Hyperbar? 157. What does Chaoji International plan to do
within the year?
(A) It uses the sun as its main source of
energy. (A) Establish partnerships with various
(B) It may produce more electricity than is governments
needed for water purification. (B) Start construction of over a thousand
(C) It can charge up to 750 mobile devices more machines
at a time. (C) Continue testing of the Hyperbar
(D) It has the potential to benefit outside of Sudan
entrepreneurs. (D) Persuade several Western firms to


TEST 7 PART? 215

Questions 158-160 refer to the following e-mail.

To: All Staff

From: Brendan Rogerson <b.rogerson@ellisellis.com>
Subject: Training Courses
Date: April 12

Hello all Ellis and Ellis Consulting staff,

As you know, I've been trying to find a way to improve efficiency here in the office and asked you
to complete a survey providing your suggestions. — [1] —. For instance, a number of employees
have expressed the desire to take more professional development classes so they can add to
their skills. And at the same time, I have noticed that we have had to hire graphic designers on a
very regular basis. — [2] —. When it comes to very big projects, like Web site design or creating
our annual report, this seems appropriate, but in many cases, we are hiring them to do an hour
of work that one of our own employees could probably do with a little training. — [3] —.

Consequently, I am considering organizing a short course on basic graphic design skills for any
employees who are interested. — [4] —. This would allow us to use in-house skills for smaller
design projects in the future. If this sounds like something you would like to participate in, please
respond to this e-mail and let me know before April 20.

Best wishes,
Brendon Rogerson
Human Resources Director, Ellis and Ellis Consulting

158. What is indicated about Ellis and Ellis 160. In which of the positions marked [1], [2],
Consulting? [3], and [4] does the following sentence
(A) It provides training courses to other best belong?
companies. "Going through them, a couple of trends
(B) It specializes in designing Web sites.
(C) It recently released an annual report.
(D) It has unnecessary expenditures on (A) [1]
graphic design. (B) [2]
(C) [3]
159. What does Mr. Rogerson want to do? (D) [4]

(A) Hire graphic designers as permanent

(B) Get ideas from staff about some
survey questions
(C) Reduce the company's reliance on
outside help
(D) Boost employees' interest in a
skill-building class

216 MP3 Hackerslngang.com

Questions 161-163 refer to the following announcement.

Hadenfield Elementary School

Weekly Announcements for Parents

This is a reminder that through this Friday, the school will be operating under an early release
schedule as the holiday season is fast approaching. Please be aware that the final class of the
day will end three hours early at 12:30 p.m. All school buses will follow their normal routes with
the exception of bus numbers 4 and 7. These two buses will be unable to pick up students living
on or beyond Renniford Drive. In addition, please remember that all after-school programs will be
out of session for the remainder of the week.
In other news, a book fair will be taking place this upcoming Wednesday and Thursday between
10 a.m. and 12 p.m. Students will bring home order forms on Tuesday that must be filled out prior UJ
to submission if a student wishes to make a purchase, as well as a booklet containing
information regarding all products to be sold at the fair. For any questions regarding the book
fair, please contact Ms. Debbie Dreyfus, our teacher in charge, at d.dreyfus@hadenfieldelem.org.
Students are encouraged to purchase books that are on the winter reading list, which are Ln
specifically set for the year of school they are in. Keep in mind that they are required to read at
least two during winter vacation. For questions regarding mandatory reading and other news, CD
check our Web site at www.hadenfieldelem.org.

161. What is NOT stated about the early 163. What is indicated about books on the
release schedule? winter reading lists? UD

(A) Two school buses will not be running (A) Students will be tested on them.
their typical routes. (B) They vary according to grade level,
(B) School for the day will be over before (C) All of them will be sold at the fair.
1 P.M. (D) They may be downloaded online.
(C) Classes are finishing early because of
the holidays.
(D) Students may stay for after-school
programs all week.

162. How can students buy books at the fair?

(A) By completing a document beforehand
(B) By contacting the teacher in charge
(C) By checking off items in a booklet
(D) By sending a list to an e-mail address


TEST 7 PART 7 217

Questions 164-167 refer to the following online chat.

(Q) Greg Fournier 9:11 a.m. Welcome to RMP Financial Trust's live chat service. How can I help you?
Vivianne Gonyer 9:12 a.m. I was wondering whether an account I have with your bank still works. I stopped
using it when I moved overseas, but I was hoping to revive it when I return home
permanently in a few weeks.
(Q) Greg Fournier 9:12 a.m. May I have the number on your ATM card?
Vivianne Gonyer 9:13 a.m. That's the problem. I didn't keep my ATM card because I didn't think I'd need it.
Greg Fournier 9:14 a.m. I see. For security reasons, I need to match your name with an ATM card number.
Vivianne Gonyer 9:14 a.m. I thought that might be the case. Could you tell me what your policy is regarding
inactive accounts?
0 Greg Fournier 9:15 a.m. What kind of account did you have?
Vivianne Gonyer 9:16 a.m. It was a checking account, and the last time I used it must have been over two years
Greg Fournier 9:17 a.m. Oh, in that case, it's probably expired. Checking accounts are closed if they have not
been used for more than two years.
Vivianne Gonyer 9:17 a.m. OK. Can you tell me what my options are at this point?
Greg Fournier 9:18 a.m. Well, you could open a new account, one that doesn't expire for five years. Or you
could open another checking account. Whichever you prefer.
Vivianne Gonyer 9:20 a.m. I would prefer the latter. Can I do that online? Or should I call someone from my
branch and have them open one for me over the phone?

© Greg Fournier 9:20 a.m. I'm sorry, but they will need to verify your identity, and you have to be there for that.
Vivianne Gonyer 9:20 a.m. OK, then. Thanks for your help.


164. At 9:13 a.m., what does Ms. Gonyer mean 166. What does Ms. Gonyer want to do?
ijl when she writes, "That's the problem"? (A) Create an account to use overseas
(A) She is unable to use an online (B) Apply for a five-year credit card
payment system. (C) Open a checking account
(B) She cannot remember her account (D) Withdraw funds from abroad
(C) She does not have access to some 167. According to Mr. Fournier, what must
information. Ms. Gonyer do to open a new account?
(D) She discovered an issue with one of (A) Speak to a teller over the phone
her transactions. (B) Go to a financial institution personally
(C) Supply two pieces of identification
165. What is suggested about Ms. Gonyer? (D) Provide an ATM card number
(A) She held two accounts with RMP
Financial Trust.
(B) She has been abroad for at least two
(C) She returned an ATM card to her bank
at home.
(D) She would like to set up online

218 Hackers.co.kr

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