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FOURTH GRADE 2022-2023
STUDENT’S EDITION 4th Grade - English

Indicators: 4.LS.1.1, 4.LS.1.1f

Instructions: Listen to the teacher read the passage, the questions and the
answer choices carefully. Choose the correct choice for each question and
mark the letter on your answer sheet.

1. How does the boy hope to make money?

A. by making cupcakes
B. by selling boxes
C. by selling cupcakes
D. by making boxes

2. Who makes the cupcakes?

A. The boy
B. His mom
C. The bakery
D. The school

3. The second step to make cupcakes is .

A. To mix all the ingredients

B. To put the cupcakes in the oven
C. To pour the mix into the cupcake pan
D. To sell them at school

4. What happens at the end of the story?

A. A boy has a box full of cupcakes.

B. A boy sells a box of cupcakes.
C. The boy dropped all the cupcakes.
D. The boy ate the cupcakes.

STUDENT’S EDITION 4th Grade - English

5. Which word best describes the boy in the story?

A. wealthy
B. motivated
C. careful
D. greedy

Indicators: 4.LS.1.1a, 4.LS.3.1

Instruction: Meet with your teacher and answer the following question orally.

1. What do you like most about your English class?

STUDENT’S EDITION 4th Grade - English


Students will demonstrate application of sets of foundational skills

Indicators: 4.FS.2.1b, 4.FS.2.1f, 4.FS.3.1b

Instructions: Read each word and divide it by syllables selecting the correct answer.

1. defrost

a. de fro st (3)
b. de-fro –s- t (4)
c. d-efro-st (3)
d. de-frost (2)

2. traveling

a. tra-ve-ling (3)
b. trav-e-ling (3)
c. trave-ling (2)
d. tra-veling (2)

3. rectangle

a. rectan-gle (2)
b. re-c-tangle (3)
c. rect-angle (2)
d. rec-tan-gle (3)

4. butterfly

a. but-terfly (2)
b. but-ter-fly (3)
c. butter-fly (3)

STUDENT’S EDITION 4th Grade - English

Instruction: Read the word and select the letters that complete each word.

5. too____

a. ou
b. ph
c. ck
d. th

6. _______air

a. ch
b. ng
c. ph
d. th

7. fea __ er

a. th
b. ng
c. ou
d. sh

8. ____ ar

a. sh
b. fh
c. ng
d. st

STUDENT’S EDITION 4th Grade - English

Indicators: 4.R.1.1d, 4.R.2.1L, 4.R.3.1L, 4.R.6.1L

Instructions: Read selections 1 and 2. Answer the questions below. Mark

youranswer choice on the answer sheet.

Selection 1

Ever since Pablo was a little boy, his grandfather has taken him to the
pond. Pablo and his grandfather enjoy fishing. They go fishing every weekend.
Before going fishing, they stop at Maria’s Bait Shop. Then they go by the local
bakery for sandwiches. As the day goes on, they sit and talk. Pablo loves
listening to his grandfather’s stories.

1. Circle the best title for this story:

E. Maria’s Bait Shop
F. Pablo’s grandfather’s stories
G. Pablo and his Grandfather’s fishing trips
H. The Local Bakery

2. Who is the main character?

A. Maria
B. Pablo
C. Grandfather
D. The fish

3. In this story, the word pond means:

A. a small body of water

B. a large body of water
C. a small Bait Shop
D. a local bakery

STUDENT’S EDITION 4th Grade - English

4. What happens after Pablo and his grandfather stop at Maria’s Bait Shop?

A. They go fishing.
B. They tell stories.
C. They go to the bakery.
D. They eat sandwiches.

5. How does Pablo feel about his grandfather? Explain why.

STUDENT’S EDITION 4th Grade - English

Indicators: 4.R.4.1Ia, 4.R.5.1I, 4.R.7.1I

Selection 2

STUDENT’S EDITION 4th Grade - English

6. Where does the event take place?

A. It takes place at El Yunque Rain Forest.

B. It takes place at the Mayagüez Zoo.
C. It takes place at the Rattle Snake Man’s house.
D. It takes place at El Morro.

7. What time will the presentation be over?

A. 6 PM
B. 7 PM
C. 8 PM
D. 9 PM

8. Which of the following sentences is a fact?

A. Bob is the Rattle Snake Man.

B. The rattle snake show is fantastic.
C. Rattle snakes are awesome pets.
D. The event will be awesome.

9. The event gives the audience the opportunity to .

A. pet rattle snakes

B. hunt rattle snakes
C. feed rattle snakes
D. meet new friends

10. According to the flyer, rattle snakes are .

A. venomous
B. amazing
C. wonderful
D. mysterious

STUDENT’S EDITION 4th Grade - English

Indicators: 4.W.3.1, 4.W.4.1

Instructions: Observe the picture and write a descriptive paragraph of five o r

m o r e sentences on their answer sheet.

Look at the picture and write a paragraph of five or more sentences

describing the picture.
Use this checklist to help you think about and organize your response.
• Remember to write about what you see in the picture.
• Use details and complete sentences in your writing.
• Use appropriate capitalization, punctuation, and spelling.

STUDENT’S EDITION 4th Grade - English

Indicators: 4.LA.1.1, 4.LA.1.1f, 4.LA1.1i, 4.LA.1.1j, 4.LA.2.1, 4.LA.4.1, 4.LA.4.1a

Instructions: Read the passage carefully to answer questions #1 and #2.

Mark youranswer on the answer sheet.

Carly's Family

(1) Carly has a large family. (2) She lives with four people. (3) Carly also has
two pets. (4) Carly’s mom is a doctor. (5) Her mom works at the hospital helping
people who are sick. (6) Carly’s dad works at home. (7) He cooks for the family.
(8) Carly’s dad drives the kids to soccer practice. (9) Carly has two brothers. (10)
James is ten years old. (11) Scott is fourteen years old. (12) Carly has two pets.
(13) Jinx is a small, black cat. (14) Diego is a large, brown dog. (15) Carly loves her

1. What part of speech is the underlined word in sentence 4?

B. a verb
C. a noun
D. a preposition
E. an adjective

2. What is the verb tense of lives in sentence 2?

A. Present tense
B. Past tense
C. Future tense
D. Past Perfect

STUDENT’S EDITION 4th Grade - English

3. The girl has dolls.

A. to
B. too
C. two
D. this

4. The old dog walked .

A. slowly
B. extremely
C. very
D. highly

5. Which sentence is written correctly?

A. How are we getting to the beach.
B. How are we getting to the beach?
C. How are we getting to the beach!
D. How are we getting to the beach,

6. is my favorite season of the year.

A. Summers
B. Sumer
C. Sommer
D. Summer

7. Don’t go there _________________ you are called.

A. since
B. unless
C. therefore
D. because


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