Future Perfect Continuous

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Future Perfect Continuous

podmiot i will have + been + czasownik z końcówką -ing:

Charakterystyczne przysłówki częstotliwości:

 since - since Monday

 for - for two weeks
 by - by next Monday

Ten czas określa czynność, która najczęściej już trwa, a która zakończy się w określonym
momencie w przyszłości.

 W przyszłym roku minie 15 lat, odkąd uczę angielskiego.

 W przyszłym tygodniu minie 5 lat, odkąd pracuje dla tej organizacji.
 Pod koniec maja minie dwa lata, odkąd mieszkają w Australii.
 Niedługo miną dwie godziny, jak on rozmawia przez telefon
 Pojadę do domu 20 czerwca. Do tego czasu będę mieszkać w tym hotelu już czternaście
 Kiedy będę mieć 60 lat , będę spłacać kredyt mieszkaniowy od 25 lat.
 Przed piątą będę myć to auto już półtorej godziny.
 Do tej pory upłyną dwie godziny, odkąd Tomek pisze wypracowanie.
 Do czasu, kiedy wrócisz do domu, będę pisał wypracowanie od dwóch godzin.

 They (talk) ______________for over an hour by the time Thomas (arrive)___________________.

 James (teach) ______________at the university for more than a year by the time he (leave)
_______________ for Asia.
 Jason will be tired when he (get) ________________ home because he (jog) ______________for
over an hour.
 By 2015, you (live)___________ in Mexico longer than you (live) _______________anywhere else.
 __________________ (your sister/date) my friend for a year by May?

Wybierz poprawną opcję.

1. By next Tuesday the Browns will have stayed / will have been staying in London for two
2. By next week I will have read / will have been reading the book.
3. Will Amanda have got married / have been getting married before she graduates from
4. Will the people have stood / have been standing in a queue for an hour soon?
5. Tom won’t have driven / won’t have been driving for more than five hours by ten o’clock.
6. By December we will have had / will have been having our car for ten years.
7. Before the conference finishes, the journalists will have asked / will have been asking over
one hundred questions.
8. The boy will have played / will have been playing the computer game for three hours soon.
9. By Christmas I will have bought / will have been buying all the presents for my family.
10. We won’t have talked / won’t have been talking for two hours by lunch break. 

Uzupełnij luki czasownikami w nawiasach w poprawnej formie (Future Perfect or Future

Perfect Continuious).

1. The baby ____________________(not sleep) for three hours soon.

2. By next month I ____________________ (study) English for two years.
3. By April we ____________________ (sell) our house and by May we
____________________ (buy) a flat in the city centre.
4. ____________________ (snow) for five days by tomorrow?
5. My aunt ____________________ (have) her cat for six months by Friday.
6. We ____________________ (not finish) the project by the end of the week. The boss will
be furious.
7. How long ____________________ (the lady/wait) for the shop assistant to help her by
8. Soon I ____________________ (be) married for twenty years.
9. How long ____________________ (you and Tim/know) each other by March?
10. Mark ____________________ (not live) with his parents for a year soon.

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