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Health is The Responsibility of Individuals and Their Families

Not the Government

Health could be a condition for the well-being of the body, soul, and society as an entire,
not just the absence of disease or weakness. Many factors can affect human health. One
amongst them is social factors, like personal behavior, social conditions, genetics, biology,
and medical aid. Health is a few things we actually need in our daily activities. Health condition
is a personal responsibility. Because the govt only represents a health facilitator. However, to
confirm that avoid preventable diseases remain obsessed with the individual's lifestyle. Personal
health is influenced by many factors, including genetic status and also the existence of a
private lifestyle. For instance, folks that smoke and poor diet are more likely to urge sick
than people that make healthy lifestyle choices (Schroeder, 2020). It is even said that health is a
choice investment for yourself in life.
The health condition of each individual is different. However, sometimes someone gets
sick easily so that they often interfere with their activities. If not realized, there are certain
factors that may make the body's system, decrease, which causes susceptible diseases to occur,
which is caused by a weakened system or frequent exposure to viruses, bacteria, or
parasites. This could be caused by an unhealthy lifestyle, an unhygienic environment, and certain
health problems. It is reviewed from the daily nutritional intake consumed by the individual.
Because it is said that individuals who have a nutrient fulfilled body are willing to own a
stronger body within the fight against diseases that will attack the body. Not only that, but anti-
body also have a vital role in health. Anybody could be a system that is closely associated
with human immunity. Antibody is additionally commonly noted as immunoglobulins, which
are a sort of protein produced by the body which will be wanting to help fight foreign objects
that enter the body. These foreign bodies are called antigens. When the antigen enters the organic
structure, the system is stimulated to create an anti-body (Sugianto, 2017). The anti-body that
is owned will become a serious think about determining the health condition in preventing the
disease from attacking the body. Thus, I believe, if people have the proper of receiving health
education, then they are going to certainly understand self-responsibility to the health of
themselves, and also utilize health facilities following the regulations on health which applied
by the government.
Second, maintaining health is very important for everyone. The way to prevent our
bodies from being prone to disease is to eat healthy foods like rice, vegetables, fruits, and milk.
Rice could be a staple food as a source of carbohydrates, mineral sources of vegetables, and
fruits as a source of vitamins. Milk may be a supplement to replenish energy and meet bone
needs. But food, we even have to balance the body through regular exercise. Exercise can refresh
the body, make it healthy and energized, and avoid disease. The advantages of exercise for
health are not only obtained by modern tools and methods that are burdensome for our bodies.
Doing exercise that is comfortable and safe in step with the strength of the body, it is important
for exercising the body to avoid feeling stiff and prone to disease. additionally, we have got to
urge enough rest, our bodies have to rest after on a daily basis of the activities. Get adequate and
quality rest. Get adequate rest, namely 7 to eight hours on a daily basis. An honest rest will
not burden us with a decent night's sleep. attempt to sleep during a relaxed manner without
burden, so you get up within the morning are going to be refreshed (David Nazarian, 2021).
Third, the real action is undertaken by the Government by making “Program Indonesia
Sehat”. Countries around the world believe to create an improvement within the health aspects of
their countries. The improvement is allotted continuously aimed toward avoiding mortality
rates because of preventable diseases. As done by the govt. Of Indonesia in 2015, which was
created by the Ministry of Health a program called "Program Indonesia Sehat" included a healthy
paradigm, strengthening health services, and national insurance. However, it still makes people
lazy to try routine health screening and it still makes them not care about their health until they
are in severe condition of the disease. It is still an idea of puzzling over health that's still wrong
circulating within the community. Therefore, the facilities that are provided by the govt are
not used effectively and efficiently. For instance, the facilities of the program provided in
“Program Indonesia Sehat" for pregnant mothers which are still not feasible utilized leading
to maternal or child are increasing in 2020. This could ensue the shortage of nutritional intake
given by mothers while they are pregnant. Or in other words, they are adhering to a way of
life that is less unhealthy, so that, the disease affects the occurrence. Whereas the govt. Has
provided continuously upgraded facilities to combat the condition of mortality.
In conclusion, Lifestyle becomes a vital consider avoiding preventable diseases, in other
words, health condition is self-responsibility. Because the govt. only takes the role of the
facilitator in providing physiological condition services for the people, further because
the government cannot manage and control the lifestyles of each individual.
Health is The Responsibility of Individuals and Their Families
Not the Government.
(The Outline)

1. Introduction
a. Background
- Topic: Health is the responsibility of individuals and their families not the
2. Body Paragraph
a. Supporting Point 1 – Every Individual has Different Health Condition

- Conditions of nutrient intake consumed by individuals

- Antibody belongs to the individual
- Lack of awareness about the importance of regulating healthy lifestyles
b. Supporting Point 2 – Maintain Good Health
- Consume healthy foods
- Exercise can refresh the body, make it healthy and energized, and avoid disease
c. Supporting Point 3 – Government Action “Program Indonesia Sehat”
- Health facilities provided by the Government have not been utilized effectively
and efficiently
- Ministry of Health stated that maternal mortality and infant mortality rate are
still increasing
3. Conclusion
a. Summary

In conclusion, Lifestyle becomes a vital consider avoiding preventable diseases,

in other words, health condition is self-responsibility. Because the govt. only takes the
role of the facilitator in providing physiological condition services for the
people, further because the government cannot manage and control the lifestyles of
each individual.

David Nazarian, M. (2021). 4 Ways to Develop a Strong Immune System - wikiHow. WikiHow.
Schroeder, M. O. (2020). What Weakens the Immune System? U.SNews.
Sugianto, M. (2017). dr. Monita Sugianto: FUNGSI DAN STRUKTUR ANTIBODI. -.

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